#zoroko was here
haileyroseart · 2 years
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Amara for vimeri; Aconite for yreva; Levgrea for @zoroko
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satourni · 3 years
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Had the privilege of taking part in a mermay-themed art telephone game hosted by Zoroko over on twitter! I don't think I've ever been the person that REMOVES an invertebrate from the equation, but here we are vov
Artists involved, as seen in the second image, are credited with their twitter handles.
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salavante · 6 years
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My second half of the “Draw Your Friends’ OCs” prompt! First half is HERE. I mostly took requests from people on twitter, but I got a few folks from here, though I never officially posted it. Everyone here is great and has beautiful characters, check em out. L to R starting at the top: @solrika’s Margot (I’m pretty sure that’s her name), @zoroko ‘s Diri, @bowelfly ‘s Trungo, @beaky-beast ‘s Primus, @occultdigest ‘s Sliabh and @naiku-haru ‘s Ajaram. 
commissions / artblog
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Supporting him
(I’m not shure if it fits the FF)
WARNING! Mentioned rape, not the best kind of fanfic for a birthday… 😅 and for my first Dialovers Fanfic
My best friend finally remembered me. I was so happy about that. The only brother I was a bit able to connect to was weird the last few months. It all started with the point where I began to hang out more with Yuuma. He did still called me Neet, but I got used to it. He was still Edgar for me, the name Yuuma took a bit of time to get used to it.
We where on the way to school with our Limo, my younger brother was lecturing some of the others about manners. I was listening to Bach. Strangely I was able to talk with Ruki, the oldest Mukami, about Music which I never expected from him.
The white haired brother who I was talking about was Subaru. He was growling to the others as usual. Finally Ayato got the girl and was protecting her from his triplet brothers. Even if I was sleeping I wasn’t used to this.
We arrived at the school I entered the school and went directly to my music room. But the weird behaviour of my youngest brother worried me. After Bach there was a long session of Mozart on my Player. I was drifting off hoping that Subaru was okay. A loud sound woke me up. Lazyly I opened one seablue eye of mine and saw a panicked Subaru. He smelled after the blond Idol of the Mukamis. “Shit why” he smelled not like the blond Idol only drank his blood. There was a penetrant other smell, I don’t think I have to explain which kind of. “Subaru…” I said yawning.
He winched as he heard the sound of my voice. “What…” I was shocked, after knowing him for so long, this was the first time I smelled his tears. “Shuu… Sorry.” he was trembling, I stood up and walked to him. Worried as I was I hugged him. “Shh, tell me what happened.” his uniform was destroyed. Anger was starting to boil in me. “Kou… Rap…” “Shhh… I did smelled it… So here.” I shared one of my earphones with him. Luckily there where one of Rachmaninovs soothing operas in play. He hugged me shyly back and began to cry really badly. So we where standing there for a long time.
Finally Subaru stopped crying and started to talk. He told me a the relationship he had with Kou. Which wasn’t a good one. All of it started after he refused to have sex with Kou, until at that day, raped him. “All of that because I didn’t want the relationship from the start.” he said with also shivering. I tried to suppress my anger which where boiling. “Oi, Neet wh… Oh holy shit.” I was surprised that Yuuma where there. I was not blind I could see those feelings my best friend had for my youngest brother.
But both of them were dense to their own feelings. “Please Yuuma he finally calmed down.” I said pointing to a sleeping Subaru in my arms. He looked like he didn’t slept the last few days, and all that was explaining why he was so weird in the last few months. “Damn, I should have stopped Kou.” Yuuma was able to show a anger similar to the one I felt. “Yuuma, being angry, like we both are, isn’t doing any good.” I told him calmly. “Yeah, you’re right Neet. But I don’t know… I want to protect him.” he told me.
/Man, you both are stupid and dense for your own feelings./ I thought to myself. “And even if we have different mothers, he is my little brother and means the world to me.” I caressed his white hair lovingly. I heard Yuuma grumble in the background. Yuuma would be so many times better for Subaru as Kou it was. “Yuuma please talk with Kou.” Subaru shifted in his sleep, and called out sleeply one name >>Yuu… Yuuma<<this was so cute. “You see… I will take care of him…” the stench of Kou where penetrant.
“I will do what I could Neet, he is important to me too.” I saw a little blush on the cheeks of him as he left the room. /How long will it take until you both realise your feelings… If you both aren’t able Zoroko and I will help you both/ I thought sleeply to myself.
A/N *points to aoo side* is there to read.
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ask-sanji · 7 years
oh my, that's very nice from you! i'm only trying to come up with a decent name for her, that's all for now. thank you very muuuch!
//you can do it! Feel free to interact with us when you are here! ^^
cus i am uncreative and only can think for zoroko atm *shot*
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💤❄False Glasses Part 2❄💤
You where doing some chores around your house. Your twins Satoshi and Takeshi where in the kindergarten at the moment. You became good friends with Zoroko who was also married but it would be to complex to explain it whom she had married. She was  also a good friend of Wakamatsu which constantly caused her trouble. Your boys where totally different from each other. Satoshi wasn’t as addicted as Takeshi with horoscopes and Asa Oha. Takeshi was the complete copy of his father, but both boys looked exactly like their father. Satoshi where one of the children which as you and your husband took your twins the first time to the kindergarten he told you “Daddy… there is a guy which isn’t seen from the others… Am I seeing a ghost…” he was really shocked that the older one of your twins directly saw the nursery teacher named Kuroko. Yeah your are reading right Kuroko was the nursery teacher of your both boys and Satoshi kind of develop a liking for Kuroko. But how would you resent it from him, he was a child. Satoshi at this age was devloping a love for books which could be as deep as Kurokos Love to read. But he wasnt the stronger one, because of his love for books and comics he was a victim for constantly be mobbed and bathmounded. For that there was Takeshi, he was a real rebel and if somebody wants to belittle his older brother or else he would fight for him. So they both where a good pair, and Takeshi was getting always in trouble. At this point of time you where in your 6th month of pregnancy. You both where shocked as you got the information from the gynaecologist that it would be a girl. After the 3th month of your pregnancy, there where two heartbeats to begin with, the other girl showed herself, she hid behind her sister in your stomach. You where meeting Zoroko in your favourite Cafe. “How are you?” you hugged each other. “Im fine, they are starting to kick again.” you told her. And than you spend the rest of the day with her.
At the evening, you where preparing dinner, your boys came up to you and hugged you. “Hey Take, Sato whats the matter?” you asked worried. “Nothing Mom… But… I… we… dont want to loose you…” after that they told you what happened. “Sorry, what????? she didn’t told me anything.” your best friend, whom you had met in the afternoon, has nearly lost one of her husbands because he was reckless again. “Oh that… Fucking Idiot… he knows she was worried because of that mission that fucking Policeman…” yeah, one of her husbands got in a big bullet rain in the lain of work, he barley made it out of it alive. “Come on boys.. lets go to the hospital.” you took your boys and went to the hospital where your husband worked. “Hey… what are you three doing here…” he asked a little bit surprised. “Is Aomine admitted to this hospital.” he only nodded. “Everything is allright, he is alive. He did worn a bulletproof vest beneath his clothes. He didn’t want to make his Bosses mad. But besides that he really did got hurt. “ he told you, he did that because he knows how much you meant to those family. Shintarou and you where the godfather and godmother of the children of this family. So it was your right to know what has happened. “Than we could breath a sigh of relieve.” you mentioned to him. “But if he ever do something like that again, you can tell him that I will personally set him right again.” your husband chuckled and nods a yes. “We will go home again, we will wait with the dinner until you arrive okay?” the greenhaired blushed and stammeld a little yes. “So come on boys… Daddy has to work… What the hell where the heck is Satoshi?” he disapeard
“Oh no…” after a few moments he came back. “Where the heck where you.” you scolded him. “S…Sorry Ma… I… I got lost…” he was half crying. “Oi, you BAKA, this is the last time I tell you you should stay close to me!!!” Shintarou and you where looking a little bit shocked, the younger one did raised his voice against him. “Take… Sorry…” he mumbeld. “Boys calm down… Take did you pay attention to him always?” the younger one only nods a yes and blushes. “Two Tsunderes… how should I copy with that…” you shook your head, softly you kissed Shintarou a good bye and left the hospital. You didn’t see it but after the little kiss you gave him he was a blushing mess. After that you did returned home and finished preparing dinner. And than you thought about the friends of your husband named Takao and Himuro, which became a pair. They are both the best babysitters which somebody can wish for, and you thought about many more things. How you and your husband ended up together and many many more.
A/N: A big thank you to @akawaiishi for the names of the boys. I hope you like how they are ;D
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