darabeatha · 1 year
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@bianhuas​​ said ; 💗   //    i wanna see ,,  the result of the ones we talked about for blade fkdhdfjgdfhkjd for science.... /  from : 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧   💗 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬.
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❝ Haha! Well, just you look at that ! quite the high number don’t you think, Ren? Stay away from candles huh... Interesting... well, you know what they say, if you fear to approach fire too much, you’ll never get to understand its warmth. Surely you must understand this in a way; if anything, in your craftmanship at least. Something beautiful and solid like the blades you craft could never be forged if you were not willing to face the fear of getting burnt. I assume that something like that must be similar for human connections as well. ❞  
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wait what- !?! that low ?!
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❝ no way- it’s not broken, right...!? It’s ... Well, it’s not that bad, it’s more than 50% you know ! Ah ! i mean, in the sense of; the more the merrier you know- Oi, don’t give me that stare, I can’t change results alright? ❞
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❝ ‘In spite of the fact they are not’, how poetic.. It sounds just like the begining of a fairy tail, doesn’t it? What is reality without a little bit of fantasy and poetry in it? I would enjoy hearing a story like that. ❞
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silverhallow · 2 months
Strangers All At Once: Strangers
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Strangers All At Once Masterpost
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Pairing: Sophie Beckett x Benedict Bridgerton
I can't even lie, I'm not doin' well Wakin' up without you, sleepin' by myself Alone in our room, all your stuff is gone Yeah, I'm standin' still here while you're movin' on When my world would tear in two You were who I ran to Now I can't even call, or call you my friend Oh, darlin', it's strange 'cause you and I are strangers all over again
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Violet had put her plan into motion straight away. She decided not to tell Benedict about her plan but she’d called Francesca and Eloise to get them to help with her plan.
Eloise was to come and stop with Benedict and try and find the music he’d written to go with the song she’d heard Benedict singing to himself when he thought no one was around and she was to give it to Francesca.
She knew how much Sophie had loved Benedict’s singing voice, she’d told her as much when they first met, how they’d sung karaoke together before the end of the night. Violet had often seen them together in the kitchen singing and dancing and she knew that it was a good place to start.
If Sophie wouldn’t listen to Benedict talking, she knew she’d be unable to resist listening to him singing.
All she had to do was then get Sophie to Aubrey Hall before the wedding and she recruited Mike for that.
Violet had called him and asked him to break or at least pretend to break the oven at The Cottage where she knew Sophie was planning to make the Wedding Cake but only when she was there at the Cafe so she could invite Sophie to use their kitchen as it had a massive oven that Benedict’s grandmother used to love baking in, and she knew how much Sophie loved it as well…
She knew Sophie had a couple of ovens but her main cake making one was bigger and with the size of the cake, she knew she needed the larger oven.
Michael had laughed down the phone “you’re going to give the poor girl a heart attack… I love it. It’s evil.”
“You don’t have to actually break it! But it’s just to get her here”
“I know that but what if she declines, if she thinks Benedict is there…” Michael asked
“Oh i’ve got a plan for that… but it should get her here for a few days and hopefully postpone her being able to actually leave…” Violet explained.
Michael agreed and it was the following morning Violet had come into the cafe, Sophie was serving a customer and Michael was out back sorting out a batch of bread for an order so she sent him a message to say the plan was a go.
Violet waited patiently with the intention of getting some Scones and some of Anthony’s favourite lemon drizzle loaf as she watched Sophie clearly a little uncomfortable but Violet just gave her a warm motherly smile.
She felt horrible about how she’d acted the first time she saw her again and since that day she’d vowed she was going to make things right and this was the first step.
“Soph!! Sophieeeeee!” came a tell from the back “YO BOSS!!!”
“Michael, will you keep your pants on! We’ve got customers” Sophie hissed at him as he came flying out of the back, flour on his face, he’d even managed to splatter some bread dough all over him “what the bloody heck happened…?”
“The big oven… Shannon went to put the bread in, something exploded and the bread just… did this!” he said, gesturing to himself and giving Violet a wink, and the older woman had to suppress a laugh as she wondered what the hell Michael had done.
“Please tell me… please tell me it wasn’t… the cake oven” she said looking at him
“Michael! You know you’re not supposed to put bread in that! Why did you let her?? I told you to keep an eye on her!!! That oven…It’s too hot! You’re meant to use the convection one!” Sophie panicked “I'm supposed to start the wedding cake tonight!”
“I’ll ring the bloke to come fix it?” Michael offered
“He’s on holiday this week!” Sophie said her heart racing as she panicked “I… god Kate is going to kill me!”
“You could come use our Oven Sophie…” Violet offered sweetly “I know it’s not the same as your big one but it should be big enough”
“I… i don’t know” Sophie said, worried, her terror evident in her eyes and she absolutely didn’t want to be around Benedict anymore than she needed to be and she still needed to pack…
“Benedict won’t be there til the night before, he said something about an exhibition if that’s what you’re worried about…” Violet replied, moving forward and speaking quietly.
“I… I… i don’t know” Sophie said
“Look if Mr Ashworth is away and can’t get here to fix it… how else are you going to make a cake… for your best friend for her wedding…” Michael said a little too cheerfully and Sophie narrowed her eyes at him, something was up.
“I… let me just go have a look at the oven” Sophie said and disappeared to the back.
“What did you do to the oven?” Violet asked “because if she sees it’s fine…”
“Oh it’s not… i’ve took the conductor out, dropped it on the floor and cracked it and put it back in. it’s an easy fix and i’ve called a pal to come sort it tomorrow” he grinned
“What did you do to the bread to cause it to explode?”
“Oh this isn’t actually bread dough, it’s something I found online, and paid Shannon £50 and two bottles of Kilmartin whiskey to play along and just blame me anyway” he grinned
“So what happens when she turns the oven on?”
“It’ll spark and cut out the rest of the ovens” he grinned
“She is going to kill you if she finds out it was planned”
“Well considering Shannon won’t say out, and I don’t think you will… I think i’m fine. Besides, i’m hoping if she does find out, the news i’m dating Fran will be enough of a shock for her to forget out about it” Michael grinned wickedly at Violet who just shook her head
“You really are going to be the death of her aren’t you”
“It’s what siblings do” he grinned “even if we aren’t true siblings” yet he thought to himself. He loved the idea that one day they could be in laws and he knew how he felt about Francesca was how Sophie felt about Benedict so as long as this plan worked, he knew it would be a matter of when not if.
It was just then the light flicked off and they heard the panicked screech from Sophie and then a few moments later the rest of the lights came back on “Mike… I can’t… I can’t believe you let Shannon do that! She said you just told her to use it and you do it all the time!”
“It’s never happened before!”
“Mike, that oven’s like several thousand pounds!” Sophie said, flailing her arms around “and i’ve got a bloody wedding cake to make! For a wedding In two days time!”
“Look i know someone who can come look at it tomorrow but it won't be fixed in time, if you wanna make the cake, you’ll have to go to Aubrey Hall, I am sure it will be okay” Michael said softly, he did feel at least a little bad about the fact Sophie was panicking.
“Sophie, I promise the only people that will be at Aubrey tonight and tomorrow are myself, Francesca, Kate and her family.” Violet said “and I promise to ensure that everyone is out of your way so that you can bake in peace”
Sophie bit her lip, she knew it was probably the next best location for baking, it would mean delaying her leaving for France a day or two as she’d have to stop at Aubrey to make the cakes and then for the rehearsal and then the actual wedding so really, she had to admit to herself, it was probably sensible. 
It also saved having to transport the cake…
She sighed and nodded “thank you Violet, that would be… that would be helpful. I’ll pack up everything I need and travel over later this afternoon, Michael, you better make sure someone fixes this because Alice will kill you, oh and tidy up the bloody mess back there” she said before turning on her heels and disappearing into the office to make a call to her friend in France to say she was going to be a few days late in arriving.
Violet grinned at Michael “thank you for your help”
“It’s not a problem, what’s the plan now?” he asked with a cheeky smirk
“It’s better you do not know” she replied coyly as she departed The Cottage, a smile on her face. She just had to hope that Francesca was going to hold up her end of the plan.
Benedict hated that his mother wasn’t going to tell him what her plan was and that all of this had happened because he had listened to his bloody brothers telling him it was too soon to tell Sophie that he loved her.
He had known from that very first night when they’d discussed how much they hated Wonderwall, how it was so overreacted and how Champagne Supernova and Supersonic were the better Oasis tracks but in truth they both just preferred Blur.
He’d known from that very next morning that she was someone he could not live without and he’d wanted to tell her but Anthony and Colin, both at the time still perpetually single, had told him it was too soon. Even when he’d been looking at the engagement rings, Anthony had still told him it was too soon. 
He’d been told to make himself scarce at Aubrey Hall, to get a lift and not leave a car. His mother had called him and told him that she’d managed to convince Sophie to come and make the wedding cake in their kitchen but she’d been promised that he wasn’t going to be there…
Even though he already was “just lay low… you’ll know when the moment is right” his mother had said to him and he had no idea what that meant but he trusted his mother.
He’d spent the last two days in the art room his mother set up for him as a child, drawing and sketching and creating things that he hoped to show Sophie. Pictures of the cottage that they’d talked about, pictures that he’d drawn from memory of their time together. 
He knew to most people it would seem quite stalkerish but he hoped, prayed, that when he’d had a chance to talk to Sophie… that she would understand.
That she would believe him that he loved her, that he’d always loved her and that he wanted her future, her everything.
He was climbing the walls, itching to speak to her, to barge into the kitchen to tell her everything but after 24 hours, when he was about to cave and just do what he wanted, Francesca had appeared “Come sing with me, i want to practise and you’re the only one around who can sing…” she grinned.
Benedict groaned but he knew Francesca had her audition for the Royal Academy of Music soon, so he decided to humour her and went with her into the music room, and as he led Francesca out, she deliberately left the door open to his art.
Sophie felt sick as she worked in the kitchens, when she’d pulled into the garage she’d seen no trace of Benedict’s car and his motorbikes were both still there and she knew he’d left in the car so she assumed that he wasn’t there.
She’d spent the first day preparing the cakes, they were cooked and today she had planned to make the fondant and decorations for the cake and to start assembling it ready for tomorrow and the wedding.
She knew tomorrow she’d have to face Benedict and she felt sick at the thought but she knew that after tomorrow she’d never have to see him again, it would be over, her heart couldn’t break anymore.
The morning before the wedding she’d gone to make her way back down to the kitchen only to find the normal route blocked off. She frowned, it hadn’t been blocked not even 20 minutes ago, when she put the cakes in the oven, she’d ran upstairs to change her top having gotten some raspberries on it as she prepared the fruit for the jam.
But now there were three cleaning trolleys and a trolley with speakers on it were blocking the way through and Sophie sighed she was going to have to take the long way around and past the music room and the sitting room, the place she’d been avoiding since it was the place where she’d heard everything that made her heart break.
As she made her way down the hallway she tried to move as quickly as she could but as she got halfway down she heard a light tinkling of music which caused her to pause, she figured Francesca must be here practising and as she stopped to listen, something in her peripheral vision caught her attention.
She turned her head and saw… herself… staring back at her.
She tilted her head, her mouth falling open as she stared at the picture and she found herself walking through the open door and couldn’t believe what she was looking at.
Pictures of her, sketches of her and Benedict, a stunning portrait design of the home they’d talked about and Sophie felt her heart squeeze painfully, it was memories, all their memories sketched in front of her, presented to her in vivid detail and it made her want to cry.
How had it meant nothing to him when it had been everything to her… how could it have been nothing to him when he’d drawn all this…
As she glanced at the easel she saw the piece he’d been working on, it was her… that night in the bar when they’d met and it was just as she was remembering, the music that filled her ears changed and she heard a voice…
A voice she knew all too well, a voice that soothed her soul and made her heart beat faster… singing words of that night…
Of how they met… and she knew…
He was here…
Benedict watched as Francesca warmed her fingers up on the piano, letting her fingers dance across the piano in the way he’d shown her when she was younger. They were the musical ones in the family, yes Colin and Anthony could both sing a bit but he was a piano player, he’d taught Francesca and she’d quickly surpassed him and it was always down to them at family gatherings to entertain.
He didn’t sing as often now, it hurt too much and the last song he’d written, had been about Sophie, he’d written it in the last few weeks just the lyrics but he knew he’d get around to writing the music eventually but as he found himself drifting to that piece, those lyrics…
He heard the music coming to life and he blinked at Francesca, his mouth falling open in surprise “how… where” he stammered
“Me and Eloise found it last week, it had beautiful lyrics so i thought… maybe i’d try writing music to it… I hope you don’t mind…” Francesca asked coyly.
Benedict swallowed, he thought he’d done a better job of hiding it, but he knew out of all his siblings, Francesca was least likely to tease him about it, so he just nodded
“Will you sing it with me?” she asked “to make sure it works?” 
Benedict didn’t want to but he could never say no to his sister and if it meant reliving that night, his feelings now… he would… what could it hurt…
So he took a deep breath, nodded his head and closed his eyes as he listened to his sister starting the music as he began to sing…
We were strangers at the bar
They were playin' Wonderwall
I overheard you say you hate this song
Next thing I knew, I'm walkin' over
Came and tapped you on your shoulder
Said, "My dear, you're not the only one"
Spent the night there at my place
That night became a hundred days
And I shared all my deepest secrets with you
Soon enough, well, I found out
You're somethin' I can't live without
And, every time I close my eyes, I miss you
His eyes closed as he sung the words he’d written, remembering that night, it playing out beautifully in his mind as he remember everything, every last detail.
How he’d shared how he felt about his family, about how he wished people would see him for who he was personally rather than for who is family was. How he’d felt when his father had died, how he shared all his wishes for the future and how, she really was something he couldn’t live without.
And I know
I waited all my life just to fall for someone like you
In the blink of an eye, yeah, it all fell through
I can't even lie, I'm not doin' well
Wakin' up without you, sleepin' by myself
Alone in our room, all your stuff is gone
Yeah, I'm standin' still here while you're movin' on
When my world would tear in two
You were who I ran to
Now I can't even call, or call you my friend
Oh, darlin', it's strange 'cause you and I are strangers all over again
He sighed as Francesca played on a little, with no idea that he had just gained an audience… his mind on Sophie, wishing she could hear his words.
Sophie couldn’t believe what she was hearing. The words… it was their story.
She remembered how he’d walked over to her as she complained about how much she’d hated the song to Posy and how he’d actually walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder and said “my dear, you’re not the only one”
And for the first time in a few weeks, she felt… hope.
She had no idea what caused her to move but she made her way to the door and to the music room and just leaned against the open door, staring at Benedict as he seemingly poured his heart out through his words.
Heart's a mess and head's ablaze
The nights become the starts of days
And I've been drinkin' just to get me through 'em
It's funny how you love someone
And when it's over, said and done
It's almost like you never even knew 'em
And I know
I waited all my life just to fall for someone like you
In the blink of an eye, yeah, it all fell through
I can't even lie, I'm not doin' well
Wakin' up without you, sleepin' by myself
Alone in our room, all your stuff is gone
Yeah, I'm standin' still here while you're movin' on
When my world would tear in two
You were who I ran to
Now I can't even call, or call you my friend
Oh, darlin', it's strange 'cause you and I are strangers all over again
All over again
Now I know
I'll be waitin' all my life for someone like you
I can't even lie, I'm not doin' well
Wakin' up without you, sleepin' by myself
Alone in our room, all your stuff is gone
Yeah, I'm standin' still here while you're movin' on
When my world would tear in two
You were who I ran to
Now I can't even call, or call you my friend
Oh, darlin', it's strange 'cause you and I are strangers all over again
She was transfixed, the music was beautiful and so perfectly played but she saw pain on Benedict’s face that she’d never seen before and she had to wonder how much of what he was saying was true.
Did he miss her? Had he loved her?
But everything he’d said… what she’d heard…
Her heart was screaming, her head was throbbing in confusion and as the song finished, Sophie just stared at Benedict, her eyes not even on Francesca as she smirked to herself, seeing Sophie standing there and slinking out of the room without either of them seeing her go.
Benedict’s eyes opened as he finished and he saw Sophie as she opened her mouth “Benedict…” she said softly. “Did… what…?”
“I love you Sophie. Always have… always will” 
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baeshijima · 2 years
SOPHIEEEEEE I just wanna drop in to say hi ily okay i hope u have a good day wojdksnskwjd (im so sorry fo everything, mostly for disappearing, but im glad that ure still here, i rlly do, ty for being so sweet to me 2 years ago when im still active here i rlly appreciate u <333 i will make my comeback next year but i just wanna say hi to u first in advance <333)
- Hikari aka Riri 💖💖💖
RIRI OMGDHKJASA HELLO HI MWAH ILYT I HOPE UR DOING OKAY AS WELL????!?!?!?!? and pls dw about disappearing i totally understand 😭 we all have our own lives to deal with and thats the top priority !!! i hope everything goes well for u next year and ill be here waiting for ur grand comeback <3333
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larsgoingtomars · 2 years
Good morning
SECOND (sorry I’m really excited)
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moontours · 3 years
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
for me, your most memorable scene is in but when he loves me when reader realized who the ring was for like… im still broken up over it hdkcndkhdn
omg pls thank u thank u !! i got goosebumps writing that, im so sorry for the pain i caused pls accept my kith ? 🥺💞
what’s the most memorable scene from a fic of mine?
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iron7king · 5 years
pretty sure i've said this before but
the only valid straight ship is Sky and Sophie from Mamma Mia
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musette22 · 2 years
Looking through the Lily tag as I casually do when I need a smile and realized that 14 of the posts are you replying to me 💀 if that doesn’t prove that I need to get a dog of my own bc I’m too obsessed with yours I don’t know what does.
Sophieeeeee <333 Hahaha I love your love for my Lily, she absolutely deserves it and it proves you've got great taste 😉 Aahhh if you can you should absolutely get a dog of your own, they bring SO much joy 💛💛💛 Lily and I spent some time with a beautiful münsterländer over the weekend and he was an absolute DARLING, even if he was a bit of a dumbass and Lily completely overpowered him despite being half his size 💖
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bridgertonian · 4 years
😭 such a foreshadowing to Benedict’s book with him falling in love with someone beneath his social class. Ahhhhhh I want them to cast Sophie already!. I also want Henry to stay I adored him.
ohhh yesss!!! that must be the easter egg they were hinting, right? i’m still nervous i might have missed it 😅
but yes the foreshadowing!! and it actually happens in the book when benedict and sophie share the same room when they are having tea with his mom and sisters, right? though i think everyone knew they liked each other back then 😂
and this dialogue with henry was equal parts beautiful and sad... it left me really heartbroken, because henry and wetherby will never be able to be together the way they wanted...  💔
i also hope henry stays and the series develop more his friendship with benedict and benedict being our artist boi 🥺 (also henry painting the couples being couples in the series 😂)
ahhhhhh can’t even begin to think about the casting of sophieeeeee 🤩
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keiyoomi · 4 years
Hi ellie! Here's my daily reminder that you don't have to be someone you're not. Whether that's for people to like you or to be happy with yourself! If it's the first one, then they don't deserve you. If people don't like or accept you for who you are, then screw them!! You're perfect the way you are and that's what made me become friends with you! If it's the second, then I'll give you plenty of reasons to love yourself! I love you and remember to eat, sleep and drink plenty 🥺🥰
sophieeeeee!!! sorry for not responding last night (╥﹏╥) thank you for thissssss!!!! ily!!! please take care of yourself too!!!
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punk-corvids · 5 years
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buscemifan · 7 years
Graces and Love Live?
I’m gonna skip love live for now, just because I’m not too familiar with the anime and I don’t think these questions really apply!
the character i least understand: Aston. I don’t even know how the writers wanted us to feel about him. Good intentions or bad? Good dad or bad? We just don’t knowinteractions i enjoyed the most: Few and far between, but Richard and Pascal getting up to antics will always be my favorite.the character who scares me the most: uh what was up with Bryce? weird man. weird !!!the character who is mostly like me: hubert!hottest looks character: malik is a foxy grandpa, but cheria is my number one beautyone thing i dislike about my fave character: Hubert doesn’t smile enough and his tsundere moments can be annoying and frustrating (CAN be)one thing i like about my hated character: I don’t really hate anyone in graces!a quote or scene that haunts me: “I can’t even cry like you.” SOPHIEEEEEEa death that left me indifferent: Kurt like bye i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it was kind of handled poorly a character i wish died but didn’t: i’m gonna change the prompt a little bc i don’t want any of them to die but i wanted emeraude to live !!!!! give her a redemption arc you cowardsmy ship that never sailed: ooh boy here we go
- asbel/raymond
- cheria/pascal
- cheria/fourier
- hubert/richard
- asbel/richard/cheria
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Keek net op Mn instagram kan het niet geloven Wat doe je nou wat doe je nou Kan je dit nooit meer doen wil je dat beloven Is niet normaal tis niet normaal Jeroeoeoeoeoen 
Hoezo eet je Bossche bol met mes en vork Dat is niet hoe het hoort Van mijn steeeeem word ook helemaal niemand blij, ik haal simon er even bij Hoi ik ben simon 
 1  gooi je mes en vork weg Een bossche bol eet je niet met bestek 
2 douw hem in je mik duw hem erin net zoals ik
 3 slik hem in 1 keer door Want dat is zoals het hoort hoop dat je het nu weet dit is hoe je een bossche bol eet 
 Oh sophie het spijt me echt kan ik het goed maken?  Hoe maak ik je weer blij je weer blij Het was gewoon mn eerste keer wist niet dat het je zouu raken.. ik haal simon erbij 
Hier ben ik weer Sophieeeeee waarom luister je nou niet naar mij, misschien word je dan weer blij
1  gooi je mes en vork weg Een bossche bol eet je niet met bestek
2 douw hem in je mik duw hem erin net zoals ik
3 slik hem in 1 keer door Want dat is zoals het hoort hoop dat je het nu weet dit is hoe je een bossche bol eet
Talkin' in my sleep at night Makin' myself crazy (Out of my mind, out of my mind) Wrote it down and read it out Hopin' it would save me (Too many times, too many times) Oh, he makes me feel like nobody else Nobody else But my love, he doesn't love me
So I tell myself, I tell myselfOne, don't pick up the phonE                                    You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone                                      Two, don't let him in                                                                                               You have to kick him out again                                                                           Three, don't be his friend                                                                                   You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morE                                         And if you're under him
You ain't getting over himI've got new rules, I count 'em
I've got new rules, I count 'em I've gotta tell them to myself I've got new rules, I count 'em I've gotta tell them to myselfI keep pushin' forwards But he keeps pullin' me backwards (Nowhere to turn, no way) (Nowhere to turn, no) Now I'm standing back from it I finally see the pattern (I never learn, I never learn) But my love, he doesn't loves me
So I tell myself, I tell myself I do, I do, I doOne, don't pick up the phone You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone Two, don't let him in You have to kick him out again Three, don't be his friend You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning And if you're under him You ain't getting over him
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keiyoomi · 4 years
Hi ellie!! Hdhshsjs I haven't done this in a while but I'm back now!! Here's my daily reminder that no matter how hard it may seem, things will always get better! There are so many people who love you including me and you're not alone! If you ever need something then please do not hesitate to talk to me!! I love you and remember to eat your meals, drink plenty of water and get enough rest 🥰💖
Sophieeeeee!!! THANK YOU FOR THIS REMINDER!!! Please, take care of yourself too! I wuv u! Keep safe at all times! 🥰😘🤗 
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