#/I wrote three (3) but u know i would lit give u all my muses okok✊✊✊
darabeatha · 1 year
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@bianhuas​​ said ; 💗   //    i wanna see ,,  the result of the ones we talked about for blade fkdhdfjgdfhkjd for science.... /  from : 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧   💗 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬.
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❝ Haha! Well, just you look at that ! quite the high number don’t you think, Ren? Stay away from candles huh... Interesting... well, you know what they say, if you fear to approach fire too much, you’ll never get to understand its warmth. Surely you must understand this in a way; if anything, in your craftmanship at least. Something beautiful and solid like the blades you craft could never be forged if you were not willing to face the fear of getting burnt. I assume that something like that must be similar for human connections as well. ❞  
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wait what- !?! that low ?!
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❝ no way- it’s not broken, right...!? It’s ... Well, it’s not that bad, it’s more than 50% you know ! Ah ! i mean, in the sense of; the more the merrier you know- Oi, don’t give me that stare, I can’t change results alright? ❞
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❝ ‘In spite of the fact they are not’, how poetic.. It sounds just like the begining of a fairy tail, doesn’t it? What is reality without a little bit of fantasy and poetry in it? I would enjoy hearing a story like that. ❞
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anyoneseenadam · 3 years
That fenrys fic was divine 😭🔥 can I request something for him having a nightmare for the first time since he found his mate and she comforts him and reassure him ?a tiny bit of angst maybe 💔🤧
pairing: Fenrys x reader (throne of glass)
warnings: blood, violence, nightmares, character death (kinda), mainly fluff with a lil bit of angst
a/n: I completely stole the first half of this from a short story I wrote about Achilles lmao, also THANK YOU FENRYS IS AN ICON AND DESERVES ALL THE LOVE WHICH I AM HAPPY TO GIVE, hope u enjoy <3
(I did not proof read this because I am tired :))
Fenrys hands shook as they refrained from touching her, from pulling her in and wrapping himself around her, drowning in her hair, her skin, her clothes, her laugh, eyes, smile. She turned with a smirk and a cheeky eyebrow raise, beckoning him in. He lunged, grabbing her, ready to make true on his wish, staring in wonder as her solid form turned to mist in his hands as she moved further away. Her laugh drawing him in. And of course, he followed like the lost puppy he was, begging, and whining to return to comfort, home, safety. She was his home, and he would follow her to the ends of the world if it meant she stayed that way.
 She had moved again, this time into a series of winding corridors, the maze he called his heart, a maze she owned. He chased after her, but she was quick, twisting and turning through corridors and secret doors, the map laid bare for her to see as he stumbled blinding, led only be the light she left in her path and her infectious laughter. Finally, she reached a dead end, casually bracing herself against the cold walls, releasing an exhale of laughter through her nose. He slowed his pace to a walk as she smiled up at him through curling lashes, nothing but the faint smudge of rouge high on her cheeks concealing her natural face to him, which he proceeded to wipe with his thumb when he reached her, his build towering over hers.
 “Finished running, are you?” he mused quietly,
 “I knew you wouldn’t let me get too far,” she whispered back, lips tracing his jaw.
 “That’s because you hold my leash,” he allowed himself to concede, “always have, always will my darling.”
 She let out a sigh of agreement, before leaning to his ear, their bodies pressed so tightly together he could feel her heart beating in his own chest, as if they had swapped hearts giving the other all they were, all they could be.
 “There is no me without you.” She uttered the vows they had made that beautiful day, where she dressed as the angel he was sure she was. He leaned down to express his love, but she did not allow him to rest in her arms for long, pulling away with a giggle.
 “What?” he asked with a smirk, but she was already gone giggling behind him, the chase beginning again.
 But as he turned, blessed by the smile she gave him, all pearly white teeth and rosy cheeks, the warning shout he cried was not quick enough as a wash of deep red replaced the once pure and untainted white of her smile. Her mouth filling with blood, the sword protruding from her stomach like a handle. She stared at him questions not asked soon enough as she splutters up blood onto her previously fresh clothes, eyes full of fear, splitting his heart in half, the ground crumbling beneath his feet.
 He tried to run to her, hands grasping at air as he fell through the cracks in his own heart, a scream tearing from his throat as she was pulled from him, skin draining of colour and eyes turning black, full of hatred and contempt as she stared him down.
 His own scream woke him up, sweat and tears blending on his face like paint on a pallet, as he gripped her pillow and sobbed on their bed. He herded himself into the far corner of the bed, afraid when he realised she was not lying next to him, comforting words, and gentle hands ready to lull him back to sleep. Fear and sadness battled in his heart, the heart he had given her during the war, the heart she had held safely as she cut her way through armies to reach him again. The heart she had put back together with soft kisses and words of undying love. The heart she had tied to her own the day they wed and had kept pressed safely in her chest since.
 He looked now, tears blurring the image he was presented with, bookshelves filled with stories you promised you would read eventually, tubes of lipstick on the floor next to the frame of their mirror, tea left to go cold in mugs dotted around the room, sketches left to be forgotten on desks and ribbons tied haphazardly around bed posts.
 He saw all these signs of you, the clues you left him as he navigated your shared life. His eyes darted around the room, breath picking up when he couldn’t see you, pressing a hand to your side of the bed and finding it warm, his breathing only slowing a little.
 He stood, pulling on a pair of boxers, and grabbing two daggers he kept next to the bed as his mind filled with the worst possible scenarios. He slowly padded out the room, moving silently through the house and thinking of a million different ways to torture whoever had dared to touch you. The tears on his face had dried uncomfortably but it was the least of his worries as he stalked through his own home, fear clouding his judgement that argued you were probably safe.
 He heard movement in the kitchen and walked that way, footsteps light as he rounded to corner to a beautiful sight. His arms dropped as he took in the sight of you in nothing but his shirt, sipping from a glass of water, illuminated by the moons glow. You turned when he walked in, smiling at his but furrowing your eyebrows when you saw his facial expression and the knives in his hands.
 “Fenrys, what happened?” you asked, moving over to him as he threw his daggers down, arms encircling your waist as he breathed in your scent. “Fenrys please, you’re scaring me.”
 He pulled away from you and you reached up, stroking a hand down his face and looking up at him with nothing but concern in your eyes, eyes that were searching his for any clues of why he was acting this way.
“I though you were- I thought someone had,” he struggled to get the words out, pulling you even closer, one hand tangling itself in your hair as you furrowed your eyebrows at him, kissing his sharp jaw.
 “Slow down love, tell me what happened,” your soothing voice calmed him, his breath coming easier as you moved a hand to his shoulder, your loving grip grounding him.
 “I had a dream, then I woke up and you weren’t hear and I- I thought someone had taken you,” he whispered, eyes filling with tears as he pictured your lifeless eyes and limp body.
 “Oh my love, I’m sorry,” you pulled away from him, clasping his large hand in your smaller one and pulling him to your shared bedroom, “But you know I’m not easy to kidnap, I make too much noise.”  You joked, holding his hand to your mouth, and kissing it lightly as you walked over to your bed.
 He sat down first, and you stood between his legs, his arms wrapping tightly around you again. “Don’t joke about that,” he muttered into your stomach, but he couldn’t resist the smile forming.
 You pushed his head back and climbed into his lap, arms resting on his shoulders. “I mean honestly, if I ever got taken hostage I’m pretty sure I’d annoy them into letting me go, I’d just start explaining my top three reasons why every Jane Austen novel contains gay subtext.”
 “Or you could explain to them the tier list you and Aelin made of all the men you know.” Fenrys laughed as your eyes lit up.
 “I forgot about that!” you exclaimed and Fenrys laughed, lying down, and pulling you with him as he tickled your sides, revelling in your squeals as you batted your hands at him.
 When you calmed down, breathing quickly you rolled off Fenrys as he nestled himself between your breasts, holding you close.
 “Please never leave me,” he whispered into your chest as he listened to the steady beat of your heart as it created a song just for him. The vulnerability in his voice broke you and you moved a hand to his head, stroking lightly.
“Never.” You spoke with such surety that Fenrys let out the exhale he had been holding in. “I am never going to leave you, I’m always going to be by your side.”
“I love you so much, so much when I thought you were gone, I felt sick. I can’t do this without you.” He whispered into your skin. “Sometimes I’m scared that one day I’ll wake up and all this will have been a dream. And I’ll have to lie with Maeve again and kill for her and watch her hurt Conall and it will be so much worse, because I’ll remember this softness, I’ll remember you and maybe one day I’d find you and you wouldn’t recognise me, and for the rest of my life I’d think of you, of the woman I never got to love.”
“This is real.” You whispered, kissing his head, and ignoring the tears welling in your eyes, “I’m real, you’re real. We’re real Fenrys.”
He didn’t reply, just buried his face deeper into your chest, addicted to the feel of your heartbeat. The constant reminder that you were here, you were alive. After he lost his brother you noticed Fenrys had become clingier, you initially presumed it was just because he was in mourning and needed comfort but one night he had drunkenly confessed his biggest fear to you. The nightmares he would have where you left him, told him you hated him, and the worst of all, the nightmares in which he watched your life be cruelly ripped from you. He could live with you hating him and leaving him, knowing that somewhere in the world you were safe and breathing, but everyday he feared your death.
The mornings he would wake up and find you wincing, a hot water bottle pressed into your lower stomach, the thought of you in any form of pain ripping into him, making his heartbeat faster and his palms sweat. The powerful warrior brought to his knees for you, but you were always quick to reassure him with kisses and promises of staying in bed all day.
As he breathed in your scent now and listened to your heartbeat, happily surrounded by you and only you, he allowed himself to relax under you soft touch, his own heart slowing to beat with yours as the fear slowly melted from him.
He needn’t fear your death, as he knew that he would never let you die. No, instead he would always fall before you, sacrifice his own life, any life if it meant you survived. You were a Goddess sent to bless him and he would fall to worship before you, always.
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txtdiaries · 4 years
extra elongated tag game O.o
tagged by the main bitch @gohyuck​ thanku ray ily
tagging: @hi-mishamigos​ @sweetsoobinie​ and @bffsoobin​
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
ummm I’ll go with three groups: txt, nct, and ateez. for txt the song was crown I think! nct (dream) was boom (even tho I stanned long before it was released, boom locked me in) and for ateez it was HALA HALA.
rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
to be a millionaire by like,,, 30.
if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
My heart says miss more days of school but my brain says hang out with friends more.
what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
I always carry headphones around even if I never use them when I go out, just incase.
favourite type of plushies and why?
the long, super plush kind that mold to your touch.
favourite song right now?
selfish by madison beer (not my FAV but I’ve been listening to it a lot lately).
something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
how to not be so irritated at everyone all the time lmao.
tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
IM A CLOWN idk if I have any funny stories per say??? my whole life is just kinda tragic. the first story that popped into my head: once in high school my best friend and I snuck out of an assembly and hid in the bathrooms because we hated our school and everyone else in it (+ couldn't leave campus cause we couldn’t drive yet), so we stayed there for the rest of the hour just playing music and hanging out in the handicap stall. not funny but shows the kinda person I was in hs lol.
headphones or speakers? why?
headphones most of the time but speakers when I’m in my room writing at like 2 a.m.
craving any food right now? what are you craving?
at all times I am craving chicken alfredo
which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
I use Spotify!
ten questions (by raya, answered)
1. favorite item of clothing?
I really like a lot of my long trench coat jackets I have! I think they’re rly classy and pull an outfit together.
2. if you had to smell like one scent for the rest of your life what would it be?
Lavender OR the oatmeal and shea butter body wash I use bc it smells lovely.
3. favorite painter? why?
I don’t really have one.
4. what’s your favorite horror movie (and if you don’t like horror, why not?)?
Silent Hill just bc it was the first ever like, FUCKED horror movie I ever watched without my parents.
5. iphone or android?
6. favorite tiktok trend (and if you don’t like tiktok, you can talk about how much influencers suck)?
I don’t have tik tok nor do I like it but I REALLY like the one trend where people play i’m just a kid by simple plan in the background and recreate their kid pictures (only bc I’m a nostalgia enthusiast lmao).
7. if you could wake up with any new ability what would it be?
I’d want the ability to time travel / teleport.
8. favorite superhero/supervillain/antihero?
Peter Parker / Spiderman has been my favorite since I was a kid (Tom Holland is v cute and amazing, but my personal fav is Andrew Garfield just bc his Peter was so SOFT and patient and dorky).
9. if you could only dress in one color for the rest of your life which color would it be?
10. who’s your ult and give me five reasons why.
my ult is na jaemin (he’s the literal sun, his smile is beautiful, he’s fkn weird, he’s patient, and he’s kind).
ten questions of my own:
what is your favorite movie of all time?
describe your childhood in three words?
favorite holiday?
favorite vacation spot?
what do you think of the education system? are u a fellow slave to the gpa?
what is your hair color?
what talent do you wish you had?
what is your major + why (if you’re in hs, what do you plan on majoring in)?
do you like kids or do you merely tolerate them?
any pets?
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
the ultimate tag: answer whichever ones you want to because there are a lot and then tag a few blogs you’d like to get to know better!
name: n/a (lol)
nickname: lana
birthday: April 19 2000
zodiac: aries bitches we ride at dawn
nationality: american (gag)
languages: English, Spanish, some Korean, some French
gender: female
sexuality: idk man. straight? I guess?? (im romantically attracted to males + females but not sexually attracted to females) god. who fkn knows.
height: 5'3 ish
inspiration for muse: idk! music I guess. it gives me lots of inspo
meaning behind my url: I wanted to represent my blog with something really intimate and chronologically laid out, and also personal. txt for Tomorrow X Together and diaries bc diaries are where you tell your deepest secrets and for me personally the first time I ever wrote stories of my own was in my diary when I was young.
blog established: may / june ish of 2019
followers: 987
favourite animals: dogs, elephants
favourite books: I have a LOT idk I love a lot of the classics
favourite colour: sea foam greenish blue / sea blue / dark coral
favourite fictional characters: theodore finch (atbp), olly bright (everything, everything), four (divergent)
favourite flower: lavender 
favourite scent: lavender, shea butter + oatmeal (I have a body wash that smells like that and oof), and uhhh the smell of fresh laundry???
favourite season: autumn, winter
average hours of sleep: 10 on a good day, 6 on a normal day.
cats or dogs: dogs
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee
current time: 9:46
dream trip: London or SK
dream job: I’d love to work with idols / entertainers in the music industry. I’d also love to be a fashion editor / designer. 
hobbies: writing, reading
hogwarts house: slytherin
last movie watched: wicker park (funny story actually, the airport scene from wicker park influenced the final airport scene in six twenty-four, aha)
last song listened to: the scientist by coldplay
no. of blankets you sleep with: one duvet and one fluffy blanket over the top of that
random fact(s): uhhh I make up the 1% of the population that has all of: the INFJ-T personality type, red hair, and green / hazel eyes.
5 things i can’t stop listening to (was 10 but I can’t think or find 10 isjfsfk)
selfish - madison beer
not mine - day6
thanxx - ateez
inception - ateez
21 - gracie abrams
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