#/NEG obvs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sergle · 2 years
also I’m glad some other ppl have been feeling it too- but lately I have just so been like. not feelin it, with stuff that is obviously meant to have an Air of sort of body positivity, if you could call it that, but is really just hot garbage when you look closely at it.  I know we have some frighteningly low standards for what we consider praiseworthy in this topic, but I’m tired LMAO I only want actual body positivity, not just meaningless platitudes. tiktoks about how you don’t need to feel bad about your body and victoria’s secret models aren’t realistically proportioned or sized, but all the people dancing in the video or thin. or quotes from a fatphobic dude about how alluring it to go on a date with an (unspokenly thin) person who orders a large meal and finishes it all without seeming self conscious. and it’s like. is this the kind of stuff that I’m supposed to Yass at? 
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electracraft · 3 years
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i have the power to ruin this person’s life
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2day’s newest fgo reddit nonsense is someone thinking ritsuka being surprised and asking if they get bothered by people because she and kama are be publically dating in school is inaccurate bc, and I’m not making this up ‘they make a lot of gay anime and manga in Japan so why would they get harassed by anyone’
never mind the fact that same sex marriage is still illegal in Japan, or the fact that lesbian relationships in Japanese highschools are only tolerated under the assumption that girls will grow up out of them into mature, ‘proper’ heterosexual relationships to the point Japanese gay media literally addresses this topic- but don’t worry they have gay media so definitely they’re more accepting than america!
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helga-grinduil · 2 years
the further we go, the more i feel like i have to stop calling myself a villain stan because jfc some of this crowd are annoying as hell
wow, tomura killed a kid and is going to kill even more people now! 😍 dabi is going to fight his dad in the state that he's in! 😍 yay, so happy for them! nevermind the fact that shigaraki is still possessed and isn't in the best place mentally, or that you can see dabi's bones now and that he's demonstrating even more of his suicidal tendencies
watch the same people be angry when toga isn't going to use sad man's parade to enact revenge and instead is going to use it with a positive goal in mind, or lose it when dabi isn't going to kill endeavor
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sajdd · 2 years
dsmp: hmm... the server is dying.. and lore is stagnating.. how can we reignite peoples passion and make something itneresting
dsmp: hmmmm.. well we COULD communicate our ideas or even just improv some interesting conversations creating conflict and solutions through personal bonds and emotional story telling........... nah lets just attack tommy for the 800th time thatll do the trick 😈😈
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mymp3 · 3 years
"c!Dream doesn't deserve what's ha-"
Its a story with narrative consequences, the narrative is framing him badly because he's done really shitty things. Despite this though, he hasn't really gotten his comeuppance. This is the first time he's been held to some sort of standard for his wrongdoings, and it's implied that this is all according to plan.
C!Dream's always been one step ahead of everyone, that's what makes him such a compelling and entertaining villain. The fact that he has plans, and gave techno coordinates, when he's stuck inside the prison, means that he's already had this figured out.
TLDR : he's in a prison that he helped make, most likely already knew he'd be in there, and has several cards up his sleeve.
So, yeah I agree, he doesn't really deserve what's happening to him rn. He deserves worse
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dreamsclock · 3 years
any time anyone ever talks about the prison dynamic in terms of the “power struggle” between c!sam, a warden with control over his prisoner’s life, and c!dream, a prisoner with ZERO CONTROL over his life, i lose the will to live like do you genuinely believe c!dream has the power to actually cause a “power struggle” in that prison. is that the shitty take you’re going to believe in. is it.
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meetthefatess · 3 years
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The new Archmage of Civil Influence.
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angeloncewas · 3 years
"c!Dream apologists clearly hate the DSMP and everything in it" I think you need to log off and take a break from the internet 😭
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dianas-tiara · 3 years
ok hear me out
it's so disgusting how mariam basically relied on misogyny to get her revenge from her bullies. exposing ruqayya's hijabless picture on social media through a fake account made in some dude's name? she knew people would call ruqayya 'cheap'/slutshame her and it was obvious that her family would react harshly. getting rania caught with her bf at a party? mariam knew rania would be punished by her family for wearing revealing clothes and hanging out with a guy. sending layan's location to hazem? literally even if mariam didnt know, rania and mariam's friends made it clear that it was p much the end for layan if she got caught by hazem.
mariam knew exactly what she was doing each time: relying on familial and social 'punishment' for girls which springs from misogyny. v ironic since she has all those posters about women empowerment decorating the walls of her room lmao
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bowenoke · 4 years
hey. reminder that acting for an audience is a skilled job, and untrained or unsupervised method acting can be legitimately dangerous for one’s mental health.
pressuring people to perform without a script + when they are not prepared can’t be good for maintaining a healthy separation between yourself and your character.
if i see anyone getting mad that a video game streamer isn’t acting “as much” as someone else, or doesn’t put enough emotion into it, or isn’t doing it on command, i will steal your fucking kneecaps.
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absentmoon · 2 years
i will not post my thoughts about proper boundaries in relationships So Help Me God.
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inkykeiji · 2 years
Do you have an intineration of touya who had a good childhood? I love him the way he is with all the teeth and snark, but sometimes i just want him to be happy and healthy and warm and cozy
nope, sorry! as someone who literally had a horrific childhood myself, i have no interest and find no comfort in writing characters who grew up with good childhoods.
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discoblocks · 3 years
Wait second additional take about new fic trends, what if we did more superhero fics but tommyinnit is not the main character
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prettyboylikeyou · 2 years
i just feel like ur infinitely weirder if u get your panties in a bunch over FICTIONAL ships than you are if you ship a weird or unpopular or “problematic” ship….
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randomfansstuff · 3 years
so this
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is a very interesting phenomenon I have been seeing going around twitter. basically people have been comparing the treatment of c!wilbur vs c!dream by the fandom and I do think it's a topic we could discuss again.
I won't go into too much detail since im not the best at debating lmao so all of this is my opinion on the characters and their treatments, you're all free to agree, disagree or add your own.
I think that whenever some look at or compare c!wilbur or c!dream they forget about the way both of their stories are presented to us as an audience. c!dream has always been somewhat of an enigma. he stopped streaming from his pov the second serious lore kicked in and we only saw him from the perspective of other people. we never got to see anything from his point of view, his thoughts, or his actual emotions as we did with c!wilbur. all we have on him is the way he shows himself to others. that's why I personally find it very hard to believe that he suffered from mental illness the same way c!wilbur did and still does, because we never saw him showing any kind of sign of it. from what i know of the lore, c!dream was always presented in a monotone serious way or actively enjoying his actions. the only time we saw him show something akin to fear or panic was during the prison arc or the final disc confrontation.
now to compare this to c!wilbur. we actively and through several streams saw him and his mental state crumble, and in addition we saw exactly which moments were the ones that took a toll on his mental wellbeing. on top of the head i could name three moments that made c!wilbur the way he turned out. i cannot do the same with c!dream- well before prison arc.
now within this arguement i would like to say that i am not including c!dreams traumatic moments from within the prison. thats a whole 'nother can of worms. the reason i am not including it here is because all of c!dreams actions that made him an 'asshole' were commited before the start of prison arc. before the final disc confrontation, the only loss c!dream ever faced was c!tommy running away from exile. besides that he always won. before prison arc he never displayed any kind of hint that he might have trauma.
what i'm trying to say is that yes, both c!wilbur and c!dream commited villanous actions. but out of the two of them, only c!wilbur displayed signs that he not only regrets his actions but that they took an insane toll on his mental wellbeing. after destroying lmanburg his first instinct was to get rid of his own life because he felt that was the only way to keep his loved ones save, because deep down he knew what he did was wrong. before prison arc (aka the consequences of his own actions) c!dream never displayed such behavior. after destroying lmanburg he didnt feel guilty and stopped, he did it again. after seeing that stone pillar and realising c!tommy almost killed himself, he didnt stop to think that what he was doing was wrong, he went to find him to continue doing it. after being put in prison to reflect on his thoughts, after every single one of his old friends went against him to show him he was doing wrong, first thing he did in prison was plan revenge (and this was before c!quackity) and to continue the way he did before.
c!dream never showed a narrative change in morals or that he regreted his actions, not in any kind of way c!wilbur did.
c!wilbur deserves getting help because deep down he regrets. he regrets everything. c!dream doesn't. he doesn't regret a thing. and i will continue believing this, believing that 'c!dream is just an asshole' until he shows me he isn't.
obviously there will be more sympathy for the guy that regrets the actions than for the one that has been enjoying them until forcefully stopped.
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