#/ok i just LOVE desserts and sophie as one would be so good
I Would Do Anything for Love But I Won't Do (Eat) That
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Warnings: none. Not a one. Unless you're a pastaphobe.
Word count: about 475. Wee thing.
This is pure nonsense deriving from a very interesting conversation. I couldn't get this out of my head so here you go. BTW... Benedict is me here 😂.
“Soph! I'm here, Darling!” Benedict shouted as he walked in the door. “It smells amazing in here!”
Sophie appeared from the kitchen, giving him a quick kiss.
“Happy Anniversary, my love. I've made your favorite, pasta Alla vodka. And there's tiramisu for dessert.”
“I’d rather have you for dessert.” He growled, grabbing her waist and pulling her flush before kissing her deeply.
She pulled away, making him groan.
“Maybe you can, if you're a good boy. Can you be a good boy for me? Hmmm?” She taunted, patting his cheek.
“I guess.”
“Wonderful, my love. Please pour the wine while I plate up. I'll be just a minute.”
Benedict dutifully poured two glasses of red wine and arranged the flowers he'd hidden in his jacket in the center of the table, humming to himself as he worked.
“Oh Benedict!! The flowers are gorgeous! Thank you, my love!” Sophie exclaimed as she came in carrying their plates. “Sit, sit, everything is ready.”
She placed the plates in front of them, not noticing the smile had dropped from Ben's face.
They sat for a few minutes, talking about everything and nothing, before she noticed.
“My love, is everything alright? You've barely touched your food. You've eaten more salad than anything. Is something wrong with the sauce?”
“The sauce is great, Soph. Really. It's fine.”
“Then why aren't you eating it?”
Benedict took a deep breath and sighed.
“It's the penne, Sophie. You've never made it with penne before. I can't eat it. I just can't.”
“Oh!! Did I cook it too long? It's overcooked. I knew it. I'm so sorry, Ben!”
“No no. I'm sure it's cooked perfectly, Darling. I just can't…won't…eat penne. It's just a weird hangup I have.”
Sophie stared at him blankly, trying to hide her giggles.
“Okayyyyyy. Did you have a traumatizing experience with it as a child? Anthony beat you with a penne noodle or something?”
“I know it sounds ridiculous and it is but I cannot eat it!” Benedict emphasized. “It's…it's evil, Soph. Penne is fucking evil.” He broke off with an embarrassed smirk.
Sophie could no longer keep it in, roaring with laughter.
“Oh my God, Ben! Really? Evil?”
“I swear it, Soph! It is! I can't prove it but it is!” He exclaimed, laughing as well. “I'm sure it's the favorite food of serial killers or something.”
“Oh my love. I adore you. Even if you are utterly ridiculous.”
“Thank you, Darling, for understanding. I'm going to order a takeaway if you don't mind.”
“Of course I don't…Benne.”
“Benne…Benne…Benne.” She joked as he chased her around the room.
“Stop it Sophie. Please!”
“Ok ok I'll stop!” She laughed as he caught her, tickling her stomach.
“Happy Anniversary, Darling.” He murmured against her lips as he turned her to face him.
“Happy Anniversary...Benne.”
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lulubelle814 · 11 months
Just Dizziness - Chapter 41
Your POV
The coffee shop appeared to be empty.  I started to look around, trying to find anyone who might be there.  Maybe they were in the back during a lull?  
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From the back, I heard a door open and close, and a tall figure coming towards me.  “Hello?  I was just using the loo but no one was here?”  The gentleman was looking around, but his voice sounded like home.
“Tom?”  He whipped around.  Holy shit he looked good.  Was that a new suit?  It was charcoal from head to toe, a crisp white shirt, and a navy blue tie.  We practically ran to each other, both welcoming the other with a tight embrace and kissing as if the world were about to end.  I couldn’t help but smell his usual cologne and felt instantly at ease.  
We didn’t even break apart when we heard someone else come in, rather Tom positioned himself between me and whomever was entering the room.  It was Chad,  the owner of the coffee shop.  “Ah, you made it!  Please, follow me, and I’ll show you to your table.”
We were both confused but followed him to a table neither of us had seemed to notice, but most of the shop was dark before.  It looked like someone just turned on a light over this one.  It was a table for 2 with a white linen table cloth, nice dishes, and flowers in the middle.
Tom helped me to sit before taking a chair himself.  “I knew Sophie and Emma were up to something!”
“Honestly?  I had no clue.  I just thought Ben was being a pain in the ass.”  We both laughed at that statement.  I couldn’t help but stare into his beautiful blue eyes.  “I’ve missed you, Tom.”
“I’m sure it’s not nearly as much as I’ve missed you.”  He moved his chair over a few inches so that we were side by side.  I leaned into him, resting my head on his shoulder.
We didn’t really pay attention to the foods that were brought out along with something to drink nor the soft music playing in the background.  I couldn’t tell you what he or I ate, but we went the cheesy route and had started feeding the other.  
When dinner was done, the plates were cleared.  Rather than dessert, a book was brought over to us.  Looking at the cover, it read “Come What May”.  We opened and started reading through it.  There were pictures and notes and letters.  Going through it, it provided a timeline of our lives together from the first time we met including some texts.  I was flabbergasted that they found texts from that long ago, but I suspect his mum saved this on purpose.
Tom: Mom, you’ll never believe it. Mom: What’s that? Tom: I just met the woman I’m going to marry “I can’t believe she saved that.”  Tom laughed.  There were pictures from many of our dates, some that I remembered and some that I didn’t.  One picture was from the first time I met his mum.  I remember being incredibly nervous.  
“But what if she doesn’t like me,” I said.  Tom smiled, kissed my forehead, and said, “I promise, she’ll love you as much as I do.
“I remember that.  My heart had dropped to the pit of my stomach on the way to mum’s because I swore she’d hate me, and it was the first time you told me you loved me.”
He smiled, “And I was right, wasn’t I?”
I leaned back into him.  “You were, and I’m glad for that.  When my parents passed, your mum stepped in to help me with any advice I needed.”
I didn’t realize I started crying until I felt Tom’s finger on my cheek, wiping away a couple of  stray tears.
There was a letter on the next page from Diana.
From the first time I met you, I knew you were the one for my son, and if he mucked it up that I’d replace him with you in the family.  You were amazing from the beginning, getting to know you, going with you for tea or brunch.
The letter continued on until I saw one thing.
When Tom came to me saying he was going to propose, he was a complete wreck.  I had never seen him like that, not even at his first play when he was a teenager.  He was visibly shaking.  I took his hands in mine and told him that I knew it would be ok, that you would say yes.  I told him to stay put, leaving the room and bringing back a small, maroon box, telling him it was my mother’s ring, and that’s what he should give you.  I knew from the first moment we met that the ring was destined to be yours.
I looked down at the ring and tried to stifle the new, on-coming tears.
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“There were endless fights between Emma and Sarah.  They both wanted it, but mum said it was for her eldest son’s wife, should mum consider her worthy enough.”  He looked at the ring and then back to me.  “I told her that as beautiful as the ring is, you were worth so much more, and I should be the one worried if I was worthy of you.  I always thought you were too good for me.”
He leaned in and gave me a light kiss.
“I always felt like I was dreaming since that first day I met you, afraid you’d figure out at any moment that I was some kind of fraud, but you’ve always been there for me.”
He looked into my eyes. “And I will always be there for you.  Come what may.”
The music shifted over to something that sounded very familiar, and Tom held out his hand.  “Care to dance, Mrs. Hiddleston?”  I smiled and took his hand.  “I would love to, Mr. Hiddleston.”  We swayed to the music, him singing in my ear.
Seasons may change Winter to spring But I love you Until the end of time
I held him close, but noticed an odd reflection in the window.  It took me a moment to realize it was Sarah, smiling and giving a look of approval.  The search for figuring out what was real was over.  I knew then that she was watching over me, and I was exactly where I was supposed to be.  
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Molly Molly Molly !! Ok ok ok !! Anthony eating dessert out of Kate' tits and shagging her senseless in the kitchen.. this is not a want anymore but a need... Humanity needs it Molly please
Ahhh Bless them.
Chefs Kate and Anthony definitely use food as a kind of foreplay. And I think more than once Kate's used herself to convince Anthony that things should be on the menu.
It wasn't really understatement, Kate didn't think, to say that she'd very quickly learned how to manage Anthony Bridgerton. Learned that What Anthony didn't know, definitely couldn't hurt him when she darted around the kitchen adding spices and seasoning after he left the station. Shaking her head at the line cook as Anthony tried to overrule her. And now that they'd given in to the tension that had pulled tight between them from the very first time their eyes had met, it was getting easier and easier.
It wasn't difficult to see, really, the way Anthony had fallen in love with cooking in a different way, the way he'd slowly opened his eyes to the possibilities. He still liked order and precision in the kitchen of course, people didn't change that fundamentally, and he still huffed and puffed when she flitted around behind him, adding things at random, not measuring anything. But he did it with an eye roll now, a little smirk, his hand brushing her hip his voice in her ear as he said behind. But she could silence him with a look now, a smile, a kiss on the cheek and a gentle Trust me honey.
However, Anthony needed to be slowly adjusted to change. Needed to be put in the pool and the water slowly warmed around him, so slowly he barely noticed it. But Occasionally occasionally Kate wanted to push the envelope a little more, and when she knew exactly how to handle it.
They'd agreed, she was allowed to show him one recipe a month, when they sat together, in his office after service, and shared dessert in the way that had become routine for them, one plate two spoons. And really, there was no need to blush about it, Kate was very aware of who Anthony was, she knew how to catch his interest, and it was important to lay the ground work always.
She'd noticed very early on how Anthony's eyes seemed to follow her when the kitchen got particularly warm. The heat would rise and his eyes would stick to her, trailing the sweat that beaded on her forehead, how a shiver would nearly visibly run through him when she used her most commanding voice and it was all too easy to do it. Too easy to get Anthony's hand stuck to her back all she had to do was command attention.
She'd stuck to him all night, never more than a metre away from him, let her hands run along the edge of his apron, pretended his jacket needed straightening, leaned up and wrapped the scarf she usually wore around her wrist around his forehead, thrilling a little in the way his breath caught in her ear.
And then she'd gone in for the kill, She'd leaned close and whispered in Sophie's ear. "I'm so sorry, I'll take you to lunch tomorrow, I just need this tonight."
Sophie had looked up a little confused, her mouth forming What? before Kate had said sharply
"How much longer are we going to have to wait tonight Sophie?!"
She'd felt Anthony's eyes snap to her, burning on her back, almost in time with Sophie's eye roll and Please keep me out of your little sex game! had turned slightly to see the muscle twitching in Anthony's jaw, his hand running over his beard quickly, the beard that felt so good as it trailed along her skin, scraping between her thighs as his lips trailed up and up.
"You look a little warm, chef are you alright?" Kate had said innocently as she slid past him.
Anthony's jaw had twitched as he'd hissed at her, "You're an absolute menace."
"and don't forget it." She'd slapped his arse lightly as she'd walked away to check on the chicken station and felt his eyes on her for the rest of the night.
By the time they sat on either side of the prep bench, the tension was already rife. Anthony's eyes were dark staring into hers, her bandana still tied around his forehead, his fingers drumming on the stainless steel as he watched her slip her jacket from her shoulders. Anthony's eyes darted over the skin that appeared, her under singlet cut low against her chest, a shamelessly deliberate move on her behalf. Anthony cleared his throat.
"I know what you're doing." His voice was rough, prickling against her skin, and really, why was there any need to feel shame in it? He'd get as much out of this as she would.
"And what's that?" She slowly moved round the bench, nudging the bowl closer to him, pressing herself against his side. Anthony swallowed convulsively his eyelids fluttering closed as her lips brushed his temple.
"You're... seducing me into liking whatever that is." It looked like it cost him a lot to find the words to say it.
Kate let out a breathy chuckle that wasn't entirely fake. Anthony's hand had tightened on her arse squeezing firmly, his muscles flexing, his eyes watching as she dipped her finger in the chocolate mousse, making a show of bringing it to her own lips, a theatrical groan falling from her chest as her tongue darted out. Anthony's breath caught in her ear, her lips tugging upwards in a smirk, moving to straddle him on his stool.
"It's just chocolate mousse," She ground her hips against his, "Daddy."
A whine fell from his lips, his hands tightened on her hips, his breathing already coming in sharp gasps, his forehead hitting her shoulder, "Don't say that. And I know it's not just mousse, what did you put in it?"
Anthony's Hips had started bucking shallowly against her, unable to help himself, and Kate could feel heat rising in her cheeks as she tugged her undershirt over her head, pressing her bare chest against him for a moment before she hummed, dipping her fingers back into the bowl, trailing them along her collarbone, her chest, shivering against him as the cool mixture hit her skin, his gaze following her hotly. "Why don't you taste it and tell me?"
"Kate." Anthony groaned, his breath leaving him in a sharp huff as more and more dripped onto her skin. Their eyes caught for a very long moment, his dark and dangerous, his lip curling that muscle in his jaw twitching, the strand of tension that always existed between them pulled unbearably tight.
Anthony let out an almost feral growl, his tongue darting out, and from the very first taste Kate knew she was lost as well. His mouth was hot, so hot against her, making her shiver at the cool warmed on her skin, her back pressed into the cool metal of the bench behind. Anthony, like with everything he did was relentless. His tongue laved desperately against her, a groan rising in his chest as he tasted her, teeth nipping, lips sucking, bruising the skin in his need to be close to her. Kate could feel a desperate whine rising in her own chest as his teeth bit at her skin, his hair slipping between her fingers sinfully, his beard scraping at her skin, course and rough and heady, forcing heat to coil in her stomach and when he looked up at her, his eyes dark, predatory, mousse practically dripping from his beard, from his nose, they both knew what they wanted.
She tugged on his hair desperately until their lips met in a bruising kiss, a gasp tugged from her when she tasted her own food on his tongue, mingled with her own sweat and something inexplicably Anthony something she wanted more and more of as his tongue slipped over hers. Anthony stood abruptly, practically throwing her on the bench his hands tugging at the button on her pants, stripping them from her legs in one smooth motion, swatting her hands from his own belt buckle before he rid himself of is own. his hand on her chest forced her backwards until her back was pressed against the cold metal shivering against it, when his hot chest pressed her against it, his shirt abandoned on the floor. Anticipation grew, alarmingly fast, desperate need clawing at her chest, between her hips, and then his hips snapped to hers.
Her curse echoed through the kitchen, Anthony's own muffled against her neck, as he ground down against her, torturously slowly at first, their rhythm quickly building to something punishing and desperate. Her fingers tightened in his hair tugging desperately as her other arm gripped his chest to hers, pulling him closer and closer, as if no amount of contact anywhere could be near enough. Her legs were like a vice around his waist, the sound of them moving together echoing off the walls, tension hanging in the air building quickly, the smell of his sweat mingling with hers, Anthony's voice like rough velvet in her ear
Eyes on me, baby, don't you dare look away, you wanted this now watch it. watch how good you are for daddy. That's it baby, that's it, now scream for Daddy.
It was too overwhelming, the edge she'd been hanging over gave way completely, a scream ripping through her chest, leaving her throat raw as it bounced around the room.
And she saw the exact moment Anthony snapped as well. His hips were moving erratically, his brow furrowed, sweat soaking the bandana she'd tied for him, his muscles moving and flexing over her and then the tension broke. Fuck Kate! His voice ached as he buried his face in her chest, shuddering against her for a long moment, warmth pooling in her stomach and everything was still.
Kate had no idea how long the lay there, shoulders heaving, sweat cooling on their bodies, her fingers running through his hair soothingly, but finally Anthony hauled himself upright with a pained groan.
"Who the fuck puts Wasabi in chocolate mousse?"
Kate let out a slightly breathless chuckle, sitting upright herself, her tongue sliding lazily over his as their lips met. "Did you like it though? That's the real question."
Anthony's head nodded desperately, sealing their lips together again one last time. "Your methods of persuasion are excellent as always. We'll try it for a month." He tugged his shirt over his head, with a sigh, "We did say no more fucking at work though. Takes too long to clean up."
Kate kissed his Adam's apple lightly, tugging her own shirt over her head, tugging her jeans back into place. "You said no more fucking at work. And in my defence, I was clearly angling for just a titty fuck there."
Anthony froze, his eyes wide as he turned back towards her, looking for a moment like that adorable waiter she'd flirted with as a teenager all those years ago, "Can I- Fuck- Can I still? When we get home I mean?"
Kate pretended to think about it for a very long moment, heat already simmering in her stomach. "Depends how quickly you can clean up."
Very as it turns out.
I'm so sorry about this
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ericsonclan · 4 years
A Tiramisu-ed Opportunity
Summary: Tonight's the night: Marlon is proposing to Sophie. But will all go as planned?
Read on AO3:
Read Chapter 2:
Marlon anxiously waited at the table he had reserved. Sophie was running late. Three minutes late. Normally he wouldn’t care at all, but tonight… tonight was big. Tonight he was proposing. A ding sounded from his pocket, causing Marlon to practically jump out of his skin. He pulled out his phone, checking the text. It was from Louis.
Good luck, Casanova! I’m sure you’ll do great!
Louis had proposed to Clementine a few months ago. From both of their accounts of the night, the proposal had been magical. Marlon could only hope that his proposal would in some small way be as special as that for Sophie. It wasn’t anything that inventive: he’d saved up for weeks to pay for a dinner at one of the fanciest restaurants in town, Bella Luna. He’d chosen to propose on her birthday to throw Sophie off the scent.
The ring box was burning a hole in his pocket, but really it was simply there to keep him grounded. The ring had already been given to the head chef. It would be placed atop the tiramisu and brought out with dessert. It meant Marlon would feel sick with nerves throughout the entire meal, but the look on Sophie’s face when she spotted the ring would be worth it.
“Hey, babe!” Sophie strode up towards the table, a bright smile on her face. “Been here long? I thought we were meeting out front,”
Shit, he had said that, hadn’t he? “Uh… it got too hot to wait out there so I came in early,”
“Ok then,” Sophie plopped herself down at the table, her eyes widening as she saw the bread basket. “Oh, yum!” She bit deeply into the first slice, her eyes rolling back in pleasure. “Y’know,” she said, wagging the piece of bread at her boyfriend, “This is how they always get you, putting out the bread first and having you fill up on that so you can’t eat as much. It gets me every time though,”
Marlon quirked a brow, grinning. “Wouldn’t that only be at buffets though? Here they would want you to order more food, y’know, to spend more money,”
Sophie shrugged. “What do I know? I only work at a restaurant,” She’d already finished her first slice of bread and was onto her second. “Y’know, Minnie and Tenn are lowkey mad at you for taking me out on my birthday. They said they were planning to take me to dinner and you ruined it,” She shrugged. “But they’ll just take me out tomorrow so it’s fine,”
Marlon smiled at Sophie, watching her tear into the bread basket further. He had a feeling Minnie and Tenn had a good idea what was happening tonight and were trying to keep Sophie from guessing as well. Not that they had to worry. It was clear from Sophie’s body language that she had no idea what was happening tonight besides a chance to pig out on some truly high class food. God, he couldn’t wait to marry this girl.
“So what are you ordering?” Sophie’s question drew Marlon out of his reverie. “There’s so many good options on this menu, I can’t even decide. There’s even stuff I haven’t heard of before, but the descriptions make them all sound so good!”
“Oh, ummm, I dunno. Guess I’ll just go with a steak,”
Sophie smiled warmly at him. “Dependable as always, Mar. I love you,”
The words came out so easily it sent a rush down Marlon’s spine. “Love you too,”
They eventually ordered (Marlon ended up having to pick something out for Sophie to get her to decide) and quickly settled into small talk as the waiter hurried back with a fresh basket of bread. Even with his nerves making his stomach do flip flops within him, Marlon was still able to hold a conversation with Sophie. She was so relaxed and open. It was always easy to find something they wanted to talk about even if they weren’t really talking about anything of particular importance.
Dinner was served and was damn delicious. Marlon could see why the place was so expensive. It lacked the special warmth that Omar’s cooking always had, but it was still top notch. Sophie raved about the food as she ate, barely letting Marlon get a word in edgewise. She really got excited when it came to food. Marlon listened happily, grateful to not have to lead the conversation. Finally, it was time for dessert. The waiter brought out two plates of tiramisu, setting them before the couple. Marlon admired his own plate. It really did look gorgeous, the chocolate garnish running back and forth in delicate rivulets across the plate.
Sophie gasped in awe. The moment had finally arrived. Marlon looked up in excitement, dying to see the sparkle in her eyes at the sight of the ring.
Never mind, she was just excited about the tiramisu. She was already digging in, eating the dessert at an alarming rate. “This is the best dessert ever!” Sophie gushed, practically squealing with joy.
“Whoa, slow down there,” Marlon chuckled. “We can always order seconds if you want,” Internally though, his worry was rising. Why had Sophie not spotted the ring yet? It was supposed to be right there on top of the cake. Now that he looked at her slice though, it was practically gone and there was no sign of the ring. Had they left it off? “If you’ll just excuse me for a second…” Marlon slipped into the kitchen to talk with the head chef.
It only took a short conversation with the man to confirm that he had indeed sent the ring out atop the cake. He’d even taken a selfie with it to commemorate the moment as he explained he did before all proposals. That meant the tiramisu had been sent to the wrong table. All the waiters were informed and began to scatter through the restaurant looking for the ring. Marlon joined the search in the kitchen, checking high and low for it. He received a text from Sophie several minutes into the search.
Everything ok?
Yeah, just bathroom troubles.
Fucking fantastic. He was supposed to be proposing right now, but instead Marlon had found himself stuck in the back of the kitchen feigning bowel troubles to his girlfriend. The night was ruined. He’d have to take Sophie home and come back to track down the ring. He’d propose to her another day.
Marlon returned to their table to find Sophie worriedly scraping the sides of her dessert plate and licking the residual chocolate sauce off her fork. Her face brightened when she saw Marlon. “Oh good, you’re back! I was getting worried I’d have to go in there after you!”
“Nope, nothing that serious. You’d better take my serving of tiramisu as well though. I don’t have the stomach for it right now,”
Sophie gladly acquiesced. Marlon watched her in a daze, his mind still reeling. Where in the world could the ring have gone? Coming down from the high of a potential proposal with nothing to show for it had left him feeling worn out and panicky at the same time. As soon as Sophie had finished the second tiramisu, Marlon asked for the check. All he could think about was finding the ring; he had to cut the night short.
After walking Sophie to her car, giving her a kiss goodnight and watching her drive off, Marlon ran back into the restaurant. He continued to search for as long as he was allowed, eventually being politely asked to leave by the staff when his efforts of two hours came up fruitless. Marlon was utterly despondent. He couldn’t afford to buy another ring, at least nothing as beautiful as Sophie deserved. He’d bought the ring months ago. It had almost wiped out his bank account, but he knew without a doubt that it was worth it. That ring was perfect. And now it was gone.
Marlon called the restaurant the next day, asking if he could come back and search some more. They graciously allowed him to drop by before opening hours, some members of the staff even pitching in to help him search again. It was useless. The ring wasn’t here. It wasn’t at home or in his car either; there was proof that the ring had made it safely into the head chef’s hands and out of the kitchen. The options for where it could have gone were narrow at best.
A thought had been nagging at the back of Marlon’s mind since the night before, a crazy, horrible thought. When the dessert was brought out, he’d been distracted by his own tiramisu for just a second. And in that second Sophie had put a sizable dent within her dessert. Maybe, just maybe, the ring had been on top of her tiramisu after all and had made it safely to their table. But instead of being spotted like he expected and placed upon Sophie’s finger, the ring had gone to a far darker place. Marlon had searched in every other possible location. There was only one option left and being the only option, it must be the truth.
Sophie had eaten the ring.
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sandalaris · 5 years
I was tagged by @callumtvrner (thanks! this looks fun!)
Go to Random.Org/List (might have to go the site manually, links a little wonky at times)
Type in 15 characters and then write them in order below! (I stuck to three fandoms personally, the ones I do rewatches on, which was well over 15 characters, and went from there.)
1. Mom/Dad: Sophie Deaveraux (Leverage) Can totally see it. She’d make an awesome mom... after she joins the Leverage team that is, and its probably best that I’m already grown.
2. Your Sibling: Richie Gecko (FDtD) I’ll take it! Just don’t let him kill Mom.
3. Grandma/Grandpa: Britta Perry (Community) For some reason, this really makes me smile. She’s going to be one weird grandma, in a mostly good way.
4. Haunts You: Pierce Hawthorne (Community) .... I’m going to need an exorcist.
5. Significant Other: Shirley (Community) She makes a great mom, but I’m not sure how good a spouse she makes, at least based on the end of her relationship with Andre. She’s awesome and I love her, but I’m not sure if we could make it work as life long partners. But at least I know there will always be tasty baked goods around.
6. Your Ex: Jeff Winger (Community) Love the guy, but glad he’s firmly in the ex category, because me and him? No.
7. Your Best Friend: Tara Cole (Leverage) Perks of being friends with a grifter: they are so good at reading you they are always exactly what you need (if they choose to be) Cons: They are so used to being someone else, you never know if you truly know the real them.
8. Proposed to You: Kisa (FDtD) YES! Sorry, Shirley, but we’re getting a new roommate... and we might have to move to Mexico. She has people to lead and culebras don’t like the cold. We can homeschool the boys.
9. Your Boss: Abed Nadir (Coumminty) I have a feeling he’d make a fairly bad boss, but the good news is that after each film I’d get a break, so maybe it won’t be so bad.
10. Random Person You Drink With at a Bar: Nate Ford (Leverage) Of course, where else would you find him? :P
11. Your Rival: Jim Sterling (Leverage) Oh no. It’s Word of God canon that Sterling never loses. I’m screwed.
12. Gave You Your First Kiss: Kate Fuller (FDtD) I’m oddly pleased and a little disturbed by this. Was there time travel involved?
13. Drink and Sing Karoke With: Alec Hardison (Leverage) Yes! And it was a blast and we will do it again.
14. Played 7 Minutes in Heaven With: Troy Barnes (Community) lmao, all I can picture is him not realizing what that means, and we spend the whole time playing games like the closet is a mini Dreamatorium.
15. Gave You Your Favorite Dessert: Freddie Gonzalez (FDtD) Ok... can’t exactly see it, but OK. Does this mean he and I are friends? I’d like us to be friends. 
I tag... @evanberries, @thestraggletag, @bethanyactually, @crystallinee-waters, and whoever else wants to do it!
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itsediadmlove · 5 years
I’ve never believed I had any right to be angry at GRRMartin for the endgame he was going to provide us, nor about the time he took on writting, I’ve always believed ASOIAF to be his creation and should be so until the very end, and I still do. I’m neither writting to put any blame on the Ds about such a thing as the endgame. Yet, despite of the direction the story finally took I believe I can put some blame on them, again not for the outcome but for the shit they have made beyond that.
D&D: There are several things I’m more than willing to blame them about.
1- The way they spent HBO money and OUR time. Again this is not about the story itself but the way they organized this season. We all knew there were only 6 episodes left and a full lot of shit to do, so things being rushed coud be anticipated. Apparently (cause I don’t know) they were given the chance to make a 10 episodes season and they choosed not to because they thought it wasn’t needed, and they were maybe right and still what they did was absolutely unsatisfying. Why? For me it’s pretty simple, they didn’t gave themselves enough time to build up things the right way. But the truth being said, even if they had 10 fucking episodes they would have messed up. The problem was not the amount of minutes this season but how they used it, at some point they missed the concept of the show they were running. GOT/ASOIAF can be setted in a medieval fantastic world, it can be an epic story, but what it has always been is a political thriller. Yet those dickheads choosed to spend 1/3 of the remaining onscreen time (and probably 2/3 of the budget they were trusted with) in fucking long battles (if KL destruction can even be called a battle). As far as I remember, the longest battle that have taken place in the books was when Stannis attacked KL, in the books I remember it took like 6 chapters (3 of them were Sansa’s who wasn’t even in the battle), readers felt disappointed about how shitty the battle of the blackwater was back in season 2, yet we understood the show’s timetable needed to be done with it quickly and the budget was the one of a TV show with a huge amount of characters so we wern’t very bothered by it. GOT/ASOIAF have never been about battles,  those are things that just happen and it’s awful yes, but have never been the main core of the story and yet they spent such a huge amount of time on them when the show had so little time to get a closure,I REPEAT MYSELF 1/3 of our time, I believe the most of the money for what? Two fucking long battles which were not amazing at all (Drogon blowing up KL was beautiful yes, but never worth 45 minutes of my time). SO NO, IT’S NOT THINGS WERE RUSHED BECAUSE OF THE TIME LEFT, THEY WERE RUSHED BECAUSE THEY BETRAYED THE ESSENCE OF THE SHOW THEY WERE RUNNING BY SPENDING TOO MANY TIME IN SOMETHING THAT DOESN’T MOVE THE STORY LINE FURTHER AND EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER ARC PAID FOR IT.
2- The broken trust. This 2 morrons were given the chance by the very GRRMartin to be the first to deliver the endgame of the most intriguing and complex story I’ve ever watched or read. They had a responsability toward him and again they failed. THE FUCKING FINALE WAS ACTUALLY LEAKED. I mean, this on itself is an insult to the kind of show they were supposed to do, a treason to all the time GRRMartin spent on writting his books. It’s not what the endgame was, to be frustrated about how life works it’s granted on GOT/ASOIAF. But letting it to be leaked, not just one episode, but all of them... Letting the more discussed, argued, especulated show in history end to be leaked is something I can’t forgive them for.
3- Setting things up that never paid off: I just felt that every single camera focus, political conflict... Was set for nothing... GOT has never been like that, the truth was hidden by the scrypt but told on how the show was actually plaid. Never got a Sansa/Cersei/Dany display and, no matter who of them you stand, just that was frustrating. Non epic dialogues, instead we got 10 minutes of council unimportant small talk (not even about politics) and brothel joking (THE FUCK???). Even if someone tries to say something of the like that it was all to subvert expectations all of that was ruined because they let the fucking endgame to be spoiled. It felt that it was all for nothing but fuck us, and if it was that way well, then it was all for fan disservice which is even wworse than fan service because no one gets satisfied about it. Tenth of minutes of threats, angsty looks, anticipation, political moves, drama, plot, build up made garbage which actually means that the most true moments to the show were battles which is just..................................................................................... ehem. This season battles became what were never meant to be and the rest of it was just nothing at all.
Now, enough with the D&D criticism, I don’t want to go any further and the cast was amazing: Emilia really got me this season, she is way better of what I ever thought her to be, magnificient work for you, Sophie as good as always, Kit you did all that could be done with just as little as they gave you (your BoW sequence while running in the courtyard was amazing and never expected less since the BoB), Lena my only complaint is that I missed you as much as Jaime missed Cersei (Cersei may be the one character that was better in the show than in the books; the scripts plaid their part but so you did)... And so on. You did amazingly all along and YOU can be proud; you all were the best part of it.
Let’s go to GRRMartin. As I said above I’m ok with the ending being such, not the one I would have picked but well, I dont get to chose, isn’t it? I’ve always been amazed by just how realistic the story was, how cynical you are yourself, how complex every character you designed has been and how you brought it together to make a story that made sense, a story that was always able to make you expect things that never happen and yet, with the given time, would reveal to go in a far more logical way making you understand, accept and keep going with it... Maybe I am wondering because I know I would never get a further explanation, clue or hope, but for someone who have always remained true to pracmatism, realism and individualism of his characters there are a few things I actually can’t understand, not as a reader/watcher, nor as a political scientist.
Things I can understand:
-Jon going to the wall: I guess Grey Worm demanding it was true to Grey Worm’s character, he did bullshit for 2 seasons, and actually doing the very same mistake as Robb or even worse (he fell in love with a dangerous and unstable mass murderer who was ready to burn his family alive, or at least, that is what the show told us). He deserves it for knowing nothing and yet managing to forget the half of it. Yet, if Grey WWorm leaves with the unsullied... Why would he carry on his sentence... This is GOT but well, as the show putted it, it makes some sense for him to carry his sentence to the end, but George, book Jon is not this kind of honorable man who goes for honor but a dutifull bastard able to betray every single oath he once took for the greater good. Good luck pulling that off.
- Dany dying: Again, Dany falling to her extremely dark side has been very foreshadowed in both the books and the show, she has done horrendous things, a lot of people has, my personal problem with her is that, half of the times, such cruelty was absolutely unnecessary. Yet Dany stans do have a point; Dany suddenly falling for that side of her coin just because a few persons that were close to her died and people not cheering for her was extremely poor. That woman who (unwillingly) killed her husband and unborn baby, led a bunch of ill, old people as well as children through a dessert while watching them die... Going nuts for such childish reasons is pittysome for her character. Most of your character have always been grey, even the ones we perceived as evil were given the chance to prove their humanity, even while doing terrible things, they had the chance to be sympathetic to us, and we were given the chance to know the most of them and agree even with some of their worst accomplishments. This season Daenerys (who I repeat I haven’t liked for 4 seasons already) was definitely going to go dark, but she was deshumanized while doing it, in a way that was impossible to understand and yet hard to call madness. I hope you do better about her because I want to think that it was all Ds’ fault (I’ve had a hard time deciding who to blame about this) giving her to much screen time and yet being unable to make us understand wtf was going on with her so suddenly (there is a huge difference between being sad or angry and burning small folks from a dragon for 45 minutes, maybe 5 mins of it until realizing what she is doing, 5 mins on a dragon back is more than enough time to burn a huge amount of people, and that is reason enough not to support her as a queen). The problem is not that build up, anticipation, foreshadowing, that was done, but just how much of a villain she became to just not give a frikking damn about all this innocents life, or not expressing a single regret (what she did in the books after randomly eviscerating and crucifying alive 163 defeated persons in the main square of Meereen in front of their families until the rot enough to fall apart, yes mates, it was just that cruel).
- Grey Worm: all in him made sense; leaving (why would he stay???) wanting  some punishment for his queen’s traitors... But the fact he was actually believing one of those traitors to actually carry out his sentence because said traitor promised? Because his family promised not to give him any shelter?
- Bran being king; well... I understand and I don’t. The truth being said he knows how to fucking play the game without getting his hands any dirty, when he told Tyrion that this was the main reason he went down south I just thought that he actually could do a nice job there, that is Bran for us all people.
- Democracy... bullshit: I didn’t like how it was pushed away as an option, it was almost like a joke which makes sense from a feudal lord perspective but the actual truth is quite different. Democracy never works in a non posmaterialist society; desinformation, lack of stability or knowledge, extreme supersticion... Who would believe the people from the bread riot were worthy of having a vote that would decide the future of the realm, such people are extremely manipulable as it happenned with the high sparrow, or how it is remembered Baelor the Saint, one of the worst kings the seven kingdoms ever had.
Things I can’t understand:
- Northern independence... and Bran as a King: Why would the north be independent? I come from the Jonsa fandom to all of you and they were a huge amount of people there wanting it but it made no sense. It has been the very first fucking time in seasons that I’ve felt like beating Sansa. One king is peace, and in future generations, moreso with the crown working as it does now, wars between the north and the suth will start again, leading to more disasters, come on George... Does the north really deserve independence? Have they suffered more than anyone else? Some people seem to believe so but it’s not true. During Aegon conquest the north was the part of the 7kingdoms which suffered the less because Torrhen Stark kneeled on time before any battle took place. There have been 2 cultural groups that have suffered Targaryens far more than northerners and just as culturally differentiated from the andals as northerners are. Those are Dornish (Rhoynars), who are famous for resisting Targaryen rule for centuries until Daeron the good succeeded in diplomacy by marrying a dornish princess and giving princess Daenerys in marriage to the prince of Dorne. They have their own succession system (far more advanced that the rest of Westeros). Have they recently suffered less George? Because, if you are going to go with some random prince of Dorne which was never introduced (I expect you not to) that would mean that all prince Doran, Arianne, Quentyn (already happenned), Trystan, Oberyn and Sandsnakes would all be dead by then. And finally the Ironborns: they are first men, they have their own religion and culture, they suffered the first attack from Aegon the conqueror (King Harren the Black was the king of the Iron Islands) remained independent even longer than Dorne (the hedge knight short stories and their mention to Dagon Greyjoy prove me right) and their family has recently fought 2 wars in order to get it back (Balon rebellion and the five kings war). In such wars both of Balon’s oldest son died and Theon was taken as a hostage for his whole life, and in the second, castrated and tortured because of it. So George... And Sansa, why should the north remain independent while the rest doesn’t? Sansa is Bran fucking sister, she is related to him in a closer way than any other fucking lord and yet she is the only one not to accept him as King? THE ACTUAL FUCK? I mean why would anyone else remain in the 7 Kingdoms if the north doesn’t? How can any lord accept such bullshit when they are not related to him and his bloody sister doesn’t? How can anyone defend Bran as a King when he accept such a thing and still say he is unbiased or fair? His actually best lordship support comes from the fucking north! How can Bran first act as a King be accepting his authority to be jeopardize in such a way? I need you to explain it way better on the books George, I really do, because right know it feels like an experiment that would last 2 days and end with Bran and his council heads on spikes.
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debbieker-blog · 7 years
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This, I will never forget 
(( I’m super late, I know!!! I’m sorry, but good things were happening and then really bad things happened, so, that’s why this took a lot of time. It has been written a long time ago in my head and it’s finally here! yay Thank you to @isabellafaulkner for the rp. I loooove yooouuu, girl! I also did a little mention of other ladies, but I don’t want to annoy them with a tag :) ))
People say that very few can get it, and that if you want to do yourself a favor, you better pretend that you did get one.
I woke up really early that morning. Another restless night to add to the collection. Confusing thoughts had been hunting me since my birthday and they were getting harder to deal with. I had heard of existential crisis, but this is getting ridiculously annoying. Seems like all the important things in life that I had been leaving aside all this months, suddenly, decided to come back together at the same time. Thank God that despite all that torture, I was able to come up with the social project they asked us to do. It was a hard task but I was pleased with the result of it, no matter what happens to me in this competition I hope they consider my proposal.
I entered to the palace again taking my sneakers off, trying not to leave much sand in the immaculate carpeted floor after my morning jog at the beach. I opened my door’s room and I found three sad faces in front of me, staring. I froze at the frame of the door while my mind did a quick research in my memories. There had been rumors that we will have news of other eliminations soon…
Oh God.
My heart suddenly felt like a heavy rock inside my chest and what’s this in my throat? I take a deep breath, burring with it the feelings threating to get out. I forced my face and the rest of my muscles to look relaxed and I entered the room closing the door behind me. “Well… I guess we have much to do this morning, am I right?” I said smirking.
“We are going to miss you, Lady Debbie” Lisa said with a hardly perceptible tone, playing with her hands. I put my hand on her shoulder “Come on, ladies, we knew this would happen someday. I will miss you all too, but I need you to help me maintain a positive mood around here” I look at each one of them “Please?” They nodded, but kept their sad faces for some more minutes, until I started talking about all the good things I missed from Sota and that I will finally get to see again. All the talking was meant to cheer them up, but deep inside I knew it was to convince myself this was for the best.
I wasn’t surprised of this elimination, everyone knows Dom and I were just not compatible, at least I knew it since the beginning, but unfortunately, not being compatible doesn’t stop your feelings, even when they didn’t even have a name. I arrived at the palace feeling a simple attraction for the Prince. The mystery that always had involved him made that attraction grow; the way he easily and unconsciously made me forget my internal debates with myself when I spent time with him, was starting to make me wonder if … but I guess if this was love I would’ve been devastated by then, and I wasn’t. I just felt terrible sad. Endings always are.
I took a long shower and then I had my breakfast by the balcony of my room. The sun was making the garden flowers look brighter like it used to do every day. I was going to miss that view, and the perfect Angeles’ weather.
“Here’s what you asked for, Miss” said Nadine standing behind me.
“Thank you, Nadine” I stood from the table and took the wine bottle and the glasses with one hand, then quick my steps towards the door “I’ll be right back to finish packing, ladies”
I stood in the hall hesitating, looking at the door in front of me. I had thought of not saying goodbye to any of the ladies because I have never been good with emotional moments, but I just couldn’t leave that place without seeing my favorite selected.
I knocked, and she opened the door immediately as if she was about to do it anyway.
“Debbie!” Isabella shouted giving me a big hug.
This isn’t going to be easy.
I pet her back with my free hand taking another deep breath as it would give me the strength to stay in one piece. “Yes, it’s me! But I didn’t come alone” apparently it was working. “Look!” I showed her the bottle of wine and the glasses I was hiding behind my back.
She chuckled giving me a disbelief gaze “You want to celebrate that you’re leaving?”
I entered to the big room, it looked like mine, but without the amount of dresses here and there. “We are going to celebrate you are winning this thing!” I exclaimed placing the glasses on the small fancy table and pouring the wine into them. “We can talk about my departure later” I handle her one of the glasses. “…So, here’s for the future queen” I raised my glass and instinctively she did the same.
“Here’s to our friendship” she said before we both take a sip of wine
“I’m so happy for you!” I exclaimed. And I really was. I thought I would never find a real friend in the middle of this competition, because despite I wasn’t really competing for Dom’s heart or crown, sometimes things between girls can get tense after all that time hanging together in the same place, but it never was like that. This experience gave me the opportunity to meet very nice ladies. I smiled at the memory of all of them: Aricia, Cal, Fiona, Theia, Berk, Maddie, Emms, even Kat … I hoped I could get to see them again sometime, but Bella was the sweetest soul I’d ever met. I wanted her to be happy and if Dom was what she really wanted I would have been glad to see her marrying him.
“How does it feel to be in the top 4?” I finally asked pausing my thoughts.
He placed her free hand on her left cheek, she was clearly looking for the right word to describe her feelings “It feels surreal! It’s insane”
Since we first met I told her she had everything to be queen. I remembered it was the same day she promised me if she becomes queen, she would give me a personal cute guard to take to Sota with me. “I have always rooted for you, Bella”
Yep, the honest hour was coming
I cleared my throat trying to swallow the thing that has been there obstructing it since this morning. “I know- I know I’m not good at this, but I didn’t want to leave without thanking you for your friendship. Living this experience wouldn’t had been the same without you” I took the third deep breath of the day, fighting a tear back. It was getting harder every time. I wonder how long it would be before I crumble like a mazapan.
Hmm… I should take some of those with me for the trip… and cupcakes too
Isabella pulled me into a hug again “Debbie you are amazing! And I’m so grateful for your friendship”
I broke the hug to point a finger at her “I have to warn you, I will message you all the time, ok?”
“And I will call you at least 5 times a day” she chuckled
“You better! … Good luck with Dom” I crossed my fingers “I hope everything turns out as you want”
She sighed, letting go what seemed to me like contained stress
“Thanks! Let’s see how things go!”
Isabella, always worrying too much as if she didn’t have everything to be a great queen and make Dominic happy. He would be a real fool if he let her go. I gave her a little push with my shoulder trying to make her feel more relaxed “It will be alright!”
Great! Like if those were the words she really needed. Ugh. How do I have friends?
I didn’t know what else to say, so, I decided to go before I create an awkward silence and ruin the moment “… I have to go pack my things… See you later, Bella” I said with a heavy heart but smiling still.
She hugged me a third time, but this time I hugged her really tight too, even when I knew there was a risk to burst into tears. Hugs have always been uncomfortable for me, they are just a way to hide your face, and even when I have always been nice with the ones that have been nice with me, trust was a whole different thing, and a real problem to me. I only hugged my brother Keelan; my best friend Sophie didn’t like hugs too, so, it was never a problem…, but this time I was sure the person I was hugging was and always would be a loyal and true friend.
“I’ll miss you, I promise I will come visit your family’s farm in Sota!
“I will miss you too. I will wait for you there!” I walked towards her door and turned back to waved at her.
“Take care!” She said waving back.
Back in my room, the fairies and I managed to finish packing and get myself ready in the 15 min I had left. I felt pretty with the simple but beautiful pink day dress and beautiful shoes I was wearing. The car that was going to take me to the airport was already waiting for me outside. A blonde, tall, guard entered the room to help me with my only suitcase and I was carrying the backpack I had brought there with me.  I look around the enormous, fancy room for a minute one last time and when my eyes met the wooden desk behind the window I walked towards it as an impulse, took a little piece of paper and a pen from the drawer and wrote:
I folded the paper keeping it on my hand then walked downstairs to the main door where my maids were standing in line to say goodbye. Donna gave me a small box from the kitchen staff. I took a quick look inside and saw a dozen of delicious macaroons. I smiled at her and took her hand and placed the folded little paper in it. She gave me a disbelief look and I articulated the name “Dom” and she nodded.
“Thank you” I said smiling as if I was thanking her for the box of desserts.
The driver helped me to get in the car and stuck my face to the window waving at the three lovely ladies. We were all smiling but our smiles didn’t reach our eyes.
“To the airport, Miss Varker?” The driver asked.
When he looked at my confused face he chuckled and continued “…some of the ladies have decided to stay in the province a little longer”. I raised an eyebrow. I hadn’t considered that option.
“… To the airport, please” Before that moment I hadn’t realized how much I had changed these days. I was sure in other times I would had choose to stay, to avoid going back to normal as much as I can, but this time I knew I had a life to face.
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pignewtons · 8 years
Check please prompt: AU where they're parents to an adorable little girl who's experiencing bullying because she has two dad's. Jack and Bitty have a lovely chat and comfort her and make her feel so so loved
“Papa,” Sophie began timidly from the backseat of the car. 
Jack peeked at her in the rear view mirror before putting his eyes back on the road, “What’s up?”
“When am I going to get a mama?”
Jack’s eyebrows drew together, “Well, never, honey, not everybody has a mama. You have two papas instead.”
“Oh,” Sophie fell silent and, hoping if he stayed quiet the conversation wouldn’t continue, Jack didn’t push his daughter for any more information. 
But at dinner she tried again, looking at Eric this time. 
“Daddy, Papa says I can’t have a mama. Will you give me a mama?”
She asked as if she was asking for an extra cookie and Jack had already said no. 
Eric looked just as Jack had a few hours earlier. 
“Um, no, honey bee, no mamas here. Is there something you need that your Papa and I can’t give you?” he asked.
Jesus, thought Bitty, she was only six. He thought they’d have more time before they needed to call Lardo in to answer girl-specific body questions. 
“No, but Peter says I have to have a mama or else I don’t have a real family,” Sophie admitted, pushing pea from one side of her plate to the other with her spoon.
Jack and Bitty’s eyes connected across the table and Bits worried his bottom lip between his teeth as he struggled to respond. 
Jack stepped in. Gently he suggested, “Soph why don’t you finish your dinner and then we can eat dessert on the sofa and talk about it more ok.”
She brightened, “Talk about getting a mama!?”
“No, talk about why you don’t need a mama.”
“Oh...” she fussed with her food some more.
Bitty ruffled her hair, “Are there not enough peas on your plate for you? Do you want some more?”
“No! Daddy! No! Enough!”
“Then eat up, please. We have fresh chocolate chip cookies for dessert.”
They all finished dinner in silence, Jack and Bitty’s concerned looks carrying on past the table to the kitchen as they quickly rinsed the plates and filled the dishwasher. 
“What do we say?” whispered Jack.
“I don’t know yet,” Bitty glanced back to see if Sophie was paying them any attention. “But we’ll figure it out.”
“When? As we’re talking to her?”
“Maybe, yeah. It’s not like we didn’t know this might happen, Jack.”
“Who the fuck is Peter anyway?”
“Jack,” Bitty rolled his eyes and laid an hand over Jack’s, “He’s a six-year old boy, don’t be angry with him. He’s probably only repeating what he’s heard people around him say.”
It took several deep breaths for Jack to regain his calm. 
“Yeah, ok, you’re right. Hey!” he bent down and kissed Eric’s forehead, “Don’t give me that look. I admit it when you’re right about something!” 
They grinned at each other and chuckled as Sophie called out, “Cookie time?!”
“Cookie time!” Bitty confirmed, “Move over to the sofa and Papa and I’ll meet you over there with milk and a plate.”
Once the three had snuggled up nicely Bitty wasted no time in asking, “Now what has Peter told you about having a mom?”
Sophie looked troubled, “Peter says that if I don’t have one mama and one papa then I don’t have a real family. And he says that I have to have a real family or else I’m gonna go bad.” Her head turned as she looked first at her Papa and then her Daddy, “I don’t wanna go bad!!”
“Oh, honey,” Eric pressed a kiss to her head and scooted a little closer, “You’re not going to go bad.”
“But Peter says...”
Gently, with a kiss of his own, Jack cut her off, “No, Soph. It doesn’t matter what Peter says, he’s not right. You’re a kind and caring little girl and you’re going to grow up to be a kind and caring big girl.”
“But if we just got a mama,” Sophie tried again, “then it wouldn’t matter if I stopped.”
Bitty held in a smile at her logic.
“Yes it would,” Jack tried to think of another way to explain things to her.
“Family’s come in all sorts of shapes. There can be a mama and a papa, or two mamas, or two papas like us. But there can also be only one mama or only one papa too. And all of is ok. And none of that makes the little girl or the little boy bad or good. You have to make that decision for yourself.”
Sophie frowned and munched on a second cookie.
“Then why did Peter say I was gonna go bad if I’m not?”
“Well don’t know for sure,” Bitty said, taking over. “But unfortunately that’s probably something he heard at church or at his house. Some people think that two daddies or two mommies are a bad thing.”
“I just don’t know, Soph, I’m sorry. But they’re not right even if it’s hurtful to hear what they’re saying.”
She nodded, hesitant.
“How do you know you’re right,” she finally asked.
“Well,” Eric paused to eat an entire cookie and buy some time to think. “Well, because there are plenty of people who’ve done bad things who have a mommy and a daddy and there are plenty of people who’d done good things who don’t.”
“Only you’re in charge of whether do you decide to do bad things or good things,” Jack repeated. “Okay?”
A little reassured Sophie nodded. 
“What about a baby sister? Can I have one of them? Grace just got a little brother but I don’t want one of those, I wanna sister cause then I can put her hair up and teach her about birds and show her how to do a skate move.”
Bitty laughed at the abruptness of her next request. 
“Well I don’t know, Papa what do you think?”
Jack opened and closed his mouth a few times before saying, “I think maybe yes?”
Eric nodded, “Your Papa and I’ll talk about it and we’ll talk to your Auntie Lardo as well and then we’ll talk to you about it some more. Sound fair?”
“Fair,” Sophie agreed. “Can I have another cookie?”
“You may not. You’ve already had two. Drink your milk and run and play. Papa and I will come and play too after we clean up.”
“We love you Sophie,” Jack scooped her up in his arms and pressed kisses to her cheeks and forehead.
“Papaaaaaaaaaa,” she squirmed and grinned, “Let me gooooooo!”
“And there’s our little girl. Down you go.”
She scampered off and Jack pulled Bitty into his arms for a kiss. 
“Well done, Papa,” Eric congratulated him. 
Jack tried to keep his voice down “Another kid?”
Eric laughed brightly and kissed his husband again, “Well if we were gonna do it now’s as good a time as any I suppose, don’t you?”
He cast a doubtful eye to the playroom, “I guess...”
Bitty laughed again, “We’ll talk about it more first. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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EuroTrip 2016
Friday March 11, 2016:
         Yay for trips! I was pretty pumped about this trip as I had only been to Europe once and that was over ten years ago. For this trip, I was teaming up with my aunt who is a retired teacher and had been  going on trips with EF Tours for years. Accompanying us was one of her ex students’ siblings who was excited to head to Europe with us. I decided that it was much easier to just park and fly my car (which is magical). I flew and met them in Montreal before boarding the longer flight to Frankfurt. I am all about sleeping on planes normally, however this plane ride was not the best as I was sitting beside someone who thought that sharing my seat was ok. Even with the squish-y ness and turbulence, it was a decent flight and we arrived first things on Saturday Morning.
Saturday March 12, 2016            It took us a while to find our lovely guide Nik. He was to be our guide for the whole trip however, he had to wait around the airport for the group joining us from Vancouver. We hopped in a bus and got on with the 2 ish hour drive to Rothenberg. Of course we got to drive a bit on the Autobahn (which in a van wasn’t nearly as cool as I had thought) and through lights that went from red to yellow and then green which I found so strange. We arrive in the quant town of Gattsattal where we were staying for the night. We unpacked our bags and headed into town to see the historical, medieval town. Rothenberg is known as Germany’s Fairy Tale Dream town and is located on a plateau just over the Tauber river. We checked out many of the picturesque sites including the Gallos Gate, Town Wall (which is elevated around the city and has a walkway almost the whole way around the town), St. James Church, The Christmas Museum (which was magical), Historical Vaults of the 30 years war and of course Plonlein. Plonlein is the classic photo of Rotherberg and is seen in many books and post cards. We really enjoyed wandering around the small, adorable town. We enjoyed greek food (random) at the Taverna Marathon and Schnaeballen- which is a delicious dessert along with coffee before making our way back to our hotel. We met up with the group from Vancouver and had an amazing traditional German dinner of Spätzle and beef. We were all super tired and jet lagged so we went to bed early to get ready for Munich!
Sunday March 13th, 2016             Rise and shine was early this am! We grabbed a very European breakfast of buns, meat and cheese before hoping on the bus for the 2ish hour drive , south to Dachau. Dachau was the first Nazi concentration camp in Germany. It was said to be a “work camp” originally where political prisoners were to be housed as early as 1933. It is believed that over 25,000 prisoners died from illness or suicide and over 32,000 were killed. The camp saw as many as 200,000 prisoners. We did a walking tour of the property which was very challenging to see. There was also a 20 minute video in the museum that was very graphic. The museum houses memorials, barracks as well as the old gas chamber and crematorium. The various religious memorials are visited by thousands of people each year as well.            After the enlightening visit to Dachau, we made our way to Munich.  Munich is the third most populous city in Germany (behind Berlin and Hamburg of course) and is know for its beautiful, century old buildings and of course Octoberfest. We started our day in Munich by wandering around the stunning English Gardens. The first thing we saw were people surfing on an arm of the Isar River at one of the entrances of the Gardens. It was magical! It was so cold but they have one area where the river makes a 1 metre wave that many locals come and surf  on. I was freezing just watching them! As we wandered around the English Garden, we learned more about it’s history (how it used to be hunting ground for the royal family until the late 18th century when it was opened to the public).  We visited the Theatiner Church where there was a large pre St. Patrick’s day Festival going on. We caught a glimps of City Hall as well as the Cathedral Church of our Lady (Frauenkirche). This Cathedral is a landmark in the city and is known as the symbol of the Bavarian Capitol. It stands at 99m tall which makes it the tallest building in the city centre and has the infamous “Devil’s Footstep”. We wandered around the city square (Middlespaz) and had a small lunch as we wandered. Unfortunately, much of the shops and more touristy things were closed as it was Sunday.  One super cool thing that we did see in the Marienplatz was the Glockenspiel (google it, it’s cool). We did manage to check out the three known “Tours” as well as the magical Hopfbrauhaus. While we didn’t stop in for a beer, we did enjoy all of the excitement and festivities inside.  We had a lovely dinner at franziskaner in der au, just outside the city centre of sauerkraut type salad, pork and pasta before heading back to the econtel for the night.
Monday March 14th, 2016              I was super excited about the plan for today! We were driving to Neuschwanstein Castle! Neuschwanstein is a nineteenth-century Romanesque Revival palace approx. 1.6 km walk uphill in the village of Hohenschwangau. The castle was designed by King ludwig the second. He had designed it and lived in another castle (Holschwangow) on the property while it was being built (for almost 13 years). King Ludwig was a complex man who enjoyed Wagner (which was listened to Valkyrie on the way to the castle), literature and fine woodwork. There are various stories of his bizarre behaviour, “different” interests (homosexual tendencies which were not accepted at that time) among other things. He was declared insane and admitted to a hospital where he was found dead in the river only 2 days after admission. He had gone for a walk with his doctor and was found in knee deep water, with no water in his lungs. His death was rather mysterious and unfortunate, as he never go to see his masterpiece of a castle fully built. The castle itself sees 1.5 million visitors a day. It is massive and magical- especially the Throne room with its 2000 lb chandelier made out of fake gem stones and 1.5 million stone floor that illustrates plant and animal life. The walls and ceilings are also very interesting with paintings of Jesus and 6 canonized kings. The tour itself wasn’t anything to write home about and was not overly informative. It was definitely a magical place to visit and the views in and around the castle were worth the steep hike.
             After the castle, we watched Sophie School (great movie) as we headed back into Munich for a guided bus tour of the city by our guide Barbara. She gave us the background of the city (which I won’t bore you with but is quite interesting as Munich is considered a “young” city for Europe and much of it was destroyed in WW2 and rebuilt). We drove past many important/interesting landmarks including the House of Kunz Art (german art that Hilter built), many universities (which are free in Germany) including the one that Sophie School went to, the Olympic Park (of the 1972 Olympics) and many other iconic streets/parks. Munich is a very fast growing city becauose of its high quality of living. There are many parks, lakes and mountains in the area along with lots of jobs which means the cost of living is increasing by approx. 5-10% each year. It is much cheaper to rent than to buy in the city and there are many young families living in 900 sq. feet and paying approx. 1500-2000 euro a month (crazy!). We stopped at one of my favourite places of the trip and that was the Nyphenburg Palace. Again, I won’t bore you with the details but it was the summer residence of the former rulers of Bavaria of the House of Wittelsbach. It is now a series of museums and has beautiful grounds to wander and explore. We had dinner at a former monastery turned Brewery called the Augustine. We had a very traditional dinner of beet, bratwurst and potato salad with their home made apple fritter for dessert. We continued the tour of Munich after dinner by seeing the Hofbrauhaus at night along with the Opera House that was one of the first in the 17th Century. The Opera House has been rebuilt multiple times after varies fires/wars and features approximately 300 shows per year.   We headed back to the hotel for a good nights sleep before another exciting day!
Tuesday March 15th, 2016            Today we would be driving through 3 different countries! We left Germany and passed through the Town of Garmish. Garmish is small town, much older than Munich on the trade route known for its ski hills and Winter Games. We headed through Germany and made our way into Austria. We learned that there are not borders in Europe which is pretty neat. Everyone in the EU may come and go as they please and may live/work whenever they would like.  We were heading into Innsbruck for the afternoon. Austria itself, is known for its delicious meat. Austria is home to approximately 8.4 million people and its main industry is tourism (24 million a year approximately) but its scenery is like none other. 60% of the country is covered in mountains who’s peaks are almost 4000m high. The biggest palace in Europe can also be found in Austria- in Innsbruck and was home to the Royal Family (who’s monarchy ended in 1918). We spent a few hours exploring Innsbruck. We visited much of the old town (which is quite small) and saw some tourist landmarks such as the Golden Roof House built by Maximilian, The Innsbruck city tower, and of course, the Swarovski Flag Ship Store. We saw many old, medieval type buildings along with some beautiful churches. Other than the beautiful mountains, St. Jacob’s church was my favourite building- it had a beautiful marble alter with large lit up cross and massive black organ. We hopped back in the bus and took the Brenner Pass through the amazing alps. The Brenner pas was originally used by the tribes men many years ago and is still known as an important trade route between Austria and Italy. It was a magical drive through the mountains with many old castles and places to stay. We made our way south to our hotel which was just outside of Venice near Treviso. The hotel (Park hotel villa fiorita) was so tacky and Italian- I just loved it!! We got settled into our rooms (where we would be staying for two nights) and then made our way down to the dining room for a traditional dinner. The dining room was very Roman inspired with beautiful (but strange) paintings all over the walls. Our dinner of pasta, turkey, veggies and apple crumble was delicious! I was super excited to hit the hay this night as Venice was one of the cities I was most excited to visit.
Wednesday March 16th, 2016            As always, breakfast was early (but delicious with the classic euro spread along with pancakes and croissants for the carbs lovers out there) but worth it to hop on the bus to head down to Venice. Nik gave us a brief history lesson on the country (including The Kingdom of Italy being found in 1861, the end of the Monarchy in 1919 along with the Black Chapter that was Moussilini’s take over in the 1922). I really do enjoy learning about all of the history- I make all of these half ass attempts at typing it all out as he is talking and then make short forms that a year later, I don’t understand. Ah well! That is what google is for isn’t it? ANYWAYS. Venice! So exciting. Venice is a unesco World Heritage site but has seen its fair share of destruction and sadness, including floods and plagues (also the starting point of mask where and carnival somehow). Venice is actually made up of 117 small islands  that are separated by many canals and linked by bridges. They are located in the Venetian lagoon which is an enclosed bay that is found between the Po and Piave Rivers. There are approximately 265,000 people that live in Venice, 55,000 who live in the historical city part.  Once we arrived at the port, we took a 20 min boat ride over where we watched a glass blowing demonstration- which is super Venetian. There are about 35 companies in Venice that make glass but only a handful that do it by hand. The glass (Moreno) is beautiful, made out of sand, salt and colours that are created by other minerals.             After the glass blowing demonstration and some shopping (of course), we had a walking tour with our guide Alysio. He explained much more of the cities history and pointed out a few beautiful landmarks. He also took us on a tour of the Doge’s Palace (Palazzo Ducale) which was very beautiful. It was originally build in the 1300s and then rebuilt in the 1500s. There is a massive, golden staircase because, more was always better in the Venetian world. Each wall had something on it- gold, paint, murals, mosaics etc- no wall caould be empty.  We came out of the Palace in St. Marc’s Square (Piazza San Marco) which is a landmark in the city. It has many restaurants, shops and famous places within the square. We visited St. Marc’s Basilica which is said to actually house the remains of St Marc below the alter. The  Basilica is quite dark but still very beautiful with many old features. We wandered around the city of Venice- getting lost in all the small walkways, canals and bridges. It was magical! We hopped on a gondola as well and took a beautiful ride in and around the city through the canals. We checked out many of the high end shops (all of the designers were found in Piazza San Marco) and also did some bartering for souvenirs and such. The Rialto bridge was sadly under construction, but we still managed to get a few great photos and see some of the stores that can be found on and around the bridge. We stopped for some traditional food (the most amazing pizza, cannoli AND gelati) before grabbing some vino on route to the boat back to the bus.  Dinner was back at the hotel – pasta of course with some veggies, beef and of course rum cake for dessert. My aunt and I wandered around the hotel- they had an interesting Hemingway exhibition and bar in the basemen which was rather odd in my opinion.  The mix of the music/bar seen with the hemingway info lead to some pretty bizarre dreams that night that’s for sure!
Thursday, March 17th, 2017            This morning we headed on the Brenner Pass to Verona- which funny enough cost about $35 since all of the highways in Italy are toll routes. The highways are privately, not state owned so the rate per highway can change which is neat. In Germany, the highways are free, in Switzerland, you pay for a pass each year and in Austria, you can pay for a week, month or year (similar to the 407). I was very excited today because it was 15 degrees and sunny!! We were headed 2 hours from Treviso to Verona which is a very old city, approx. 100 years BC. Verona is heavily fortified, especially around the river and is also a Heritage UNESCO site due to its Roman Empire/Medieval/Renaissance architecture and preserved monuments and squares. One of our first stops was the Arena of Verona (their version of the Coliseum) which is about 80 years older than the Coliseum. (making it almost 1186 years old!!!) At this time, there is only one wing left of it as an earthquake ruined ¾ of it in 1117. We stopped to visit Romeo and Juliet’s house (sadly not the real one) as well as Juliet’s Balcony (which is very popular place to visit). I was very impressed with Verona- it has beautiful landscapes of not only greenery and a beautiful river, but amazing mountains and old, maintained architecture.  We stopped by the market which had amazing fresh fruit, vegetables and sandwiches near the Ponte Pietra. We checked out the Cathedral Di Verona before hopping on the bus to drive from Verona to Switzerland.
        Our drive through the alps was magical! We drove through  Como which is an amazing area (George Clooney has a house there which we saw!) along with Lugano which is very Swiss meets Mediterrean. Of course, Nik gave us our daily history lesson on Switzerland and including some interesting facts. Switzerland, is one of the safest places in the world. All of the entrances can be closed (literally with a bomb to close it physically) if there was any concern for the Swiss’ safety. Since Switzerland is a very “neutral” place, politically, I don’t think they would have many issues.  We heard many interesting folklores and fables about the country during our drive (which I won’t bore you with). We made it to the town of Giswil(population 300) which is just outside of Lucerne. Dinner was soup, salad and a meatloaf-esque burger with traditional fries and gravy (haha) It was an early to bed tonight – other than my early morning wake up call to facetime with the lovely Jess so I wouldn’t miss the Open announcement!
Friday March 18, 2016:          My aunt and I decided to get up a bit early to wander around the quaint town. It was a bit chilly but we enjoyed the rolling hills of the area and the beautiful fresh air. After showers and a basic European breakfast (meat, cheese and bread of course), we hopped on the bus for Lucerne. The first stop with the famous Lion Monument which was created for the Swiss guard who died in 1792 in defence of King Louis XVI, his fine Marie Antoinette and their kids. The Swiss guard is known for their loyalty and this monument is a sign of strength, power and loyalty. The monument is actually much cooler than I had anticipated as it is carved into a larger rock/mountain side. We had plenty of time to wander around the magical mountain city and check out Lake Lucerne which can be seen from almost everywhere in the city. We saw the glacier gardens, Friti Fountain, Chapel Bridge, Water tower and did some hiking on the fortification wall to check out the view from a higher vantage point.  We enjoyed some delicious (and expensive!) Swiss Chocolate and learned about the various historical events that had taken place in the city. We met up with the grup at the Schwanplatz (city centre) and headed back to the hotel for dinner (salad with random curry chicken and ice cream) before settling in for our last day of the tour.
Saturday March 19, 2016:            Today we were going to visit the largest waterfalls in Europe!! I was pretty stoked about this since I expected them to be similar to Niagara Falls. While the Rhine Falls are beautiful (they truly are) they are nothing in Comparison to Niagara Falls. The Rhine Falls go back to the last ice age about 2000 years ago and are 23 meters tall and 150 meters wide and found in the town of Schwafassen. We got some great photos before heading back on the bus to take the drive through the Black Forest. The Black forest got its name from the narrow trees that make is very very dark and brings out lots of legends and myths. The Grimm brothers wrote all of their stories based on the Black Forest and there are many stories about trolls, dwarfs and other mythical creatures. We made our way to the Hofgut Sternen – a family run shop where they make cuckoo-clocks which was actually a lot more interesting than I had thought. We saw one of (if not the) largest cuckoo clocks and then saw an informative demonstration about how the clocks worked. The cuckoo is made out of wood and cotton and is basically the music box, mechanism (from Switzerland) and the cuckoo. They are all the same here in Black Forest except for the design in which there are 120 different types of clocks that all tell a story. I didn’t realize how intricate and different they could all be! We enjoyed some delicious Black Forest Cake before jumping back on the bus to head north to Heidelberg.             Heidelberg is the oldest university town in Germany and the second oldest in all of Europe. It is known for its literature and philosophy along with its castle- Schloss Heidelberg. We went and saw the castle ruins (and saw a random fox on a leash..) while enjoying some pretzels and checking out the worlds largest wine barrel (heaven!). The town was super cute and was filled with old buildings, small streets and even the longest pedestrian walkway in Germany.  Nik told us a lot about the extensive history of the city (the good and the bad) and we stopped into a few other small museums and stores. The one thing I didn’t get to do that I would’ve loved to have tried in the city was the Furnicular (basically a gondola) but the line was super long and we wanted to explore more- ah well! There is always next time!             We made it to the hotel Exelsior around 7 and wandered around it for while. It was very modern from the outside but had many touches of its old charm. The lobby was super cute and inviting. The bathrooms were super retro but really big and fitting for the hotel. We had an amazing buffet dinner of zucchini boats, rice. wedges and schnitzel which was all delicious along with fruit and pudding for dessert. We ended the evening as a big group talking about our favourite part of the trip and then singing Oh Canada which was pretty special. Everyone hugged good bye (and exchanged social media accounts of course) before heading to bed for the flights home.
Sunday March 20th, 2016           Sadly, I was the first one to leave in the am as my flight was the earliest. Originally the company wanted all of us (meaning the three of us) going to Ontario to go to the airport at the same time but that sounded just silly! Nik called me a cab at 0600 and had a great spread for breakfast to go ready for me. The drive to the Frankfurt airport was about 45 with little traffic and I managed to learn a bit more about the area from the cab driver. My flight home was just under 8 hours and was average with plenty of movie options and snacks. All in all, this was a great mini EuroTrip. While I have many other places I would like to visit (and maybe even return to) it gave me a taste of the continent and made me eager to see more! Until next time!
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