#: fess ilee ( if anything ever happens to me and you're in trouble go to fess )
ofalderaan · 7 years
Ferus has never felt such a moment of perfect fear. He sees the princess at the top of the crane, seeming so much smaller from so far away. She swings herself onto the cat-walk with an easy grace, and he admires the way she fearlessly tiptoes across. Her instincts and reflexes are beyond human. She is strong with the Force, even stronger than he had expected.   But she is untrained, and as she scrambles down the scaffolding, he sees her hand slip. Her foot misses its grip. She lets out an alarmed squeal and begins to slide - Ferus moves with lightning speed, nearly flying up the side of the scaffolding. He catches her.   She is angry; she resents his help. But he will not leave her behind, not again. And by the time they are halfway home, she is asleep in his arms.   He walks slowly, carefully cradling the snoring bundle in his arms. He has not held her like this since she was a toddler. On the day he first came to Bail Organa to explain his mission, Organa had placed Leia in his arms. Ferus had put her down immediately. How could he remain objective if he let emotions cloud his judgment? The Jedi way repudiated attachments, even to a small child-perhaps especially to a small child. He had turned from that way once, and the consequences had been catastrophic. Never again, he thought.   Now he knows he has been a fool.    He has denied the truth - and this, too, is not the Jedi way.   Leia is not a job. She is a child. And he loves her like she is his own.
Rebel Force: Hostage Alex Wheeler
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alderaqueen · 5 years
v: before the wars ( the bright center of the universe ) v: the clone wars ( i will not change our traditions for a repellent regime ) v: imperial occupation ( i was a queen and you took away my crown ) v: an imperial galaxy ( we can outlast the empire ) v: surviving alderaan ( is a queen still a queen with no planet and no people )
: bail organa ( go to bed hotshot. i'll catch you in the morning ) : leia organa ( she will be loved with us ) : fess ilee ( if anything ever happens to me and you're in trouble go to fess ) : deara antilles ( by becoming a spy you brought danger to this house ) : padmé amidala ( i wish more than anything that you could see her grow ) : alderaan ( alderaan is peaceful; we have no weapons ) : visage ( images in the looking glass ) : canon quotes ( the stuff of legends )
: aesthetics & wardrobe ( with beauty or the appreciation of beauty) : art ( some people are so talented ) : musings ( whispers through the winds )
r: family ( loving someone deeply gives you courage ) r: breha organa & leia organa ( my daughter is a miracle who never ceases to be miraculous ) r: breha organa & bail organa ( our love will last until the stars grow cold )
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ofalderaan · 7 years
A little girl caught his attention, a glint of sun on hair so pale it was the color of moonbeams. She scooped up handfuls of petals and scattered them as she ran. A smaller girl followed her, mimicking her movements. Although only a toddler - she couldn't have been walking for very long - she ran in wide loops through the long grass, without the usual unsteadiness of a girl her age. As Ferus watched, a toy, a model of a starfighter, winged through the air toward the girl. She caught it in her hand and sent it shooting back, looping in the same way she was running. As she ran she caught the toy again and flung it backhanded this time, where it looped and came toward her again.    Not easy. Extraordinary balance and reflexes for someone that young. An observer would merely think her... precocious.   He strolled forward, keeping a parallel track. As he got closer he gathered in the Force around him and searched, but could feel no answering Force from the little girl. If she had a Force connection, he couldn't feel it. But nevertheless he felt. . . something. Instinct pricked the back of his neck.     They were approaching the stairway to the top of the bluff. The girl ran up it, following the taller, pale-haired girl. Ferus followed.    "Winter!" the toddler called out the name, and the pale-haired girl turned. The toddler pointed straight ahead at the gate.    "They fixed it," the older girl said.    A slender young woman with coiled braids hurried up the steps past Ferus. "There you are, you two!"    Ferus tuned out the noise of children's laughter, the wind in the tall grasses. He needed to hear this conversation.    The young woman put her hand on the toddler's hair and stroked it gently. "Yes, Leia. I see it, too. No one will get hurt again."    "Memily won't fall."    "No, blossom. I won't fall." The young woman hugged the little girl.
Last of the Jedi: Master of Deception Jude Watson
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ofalderaan · 7 years
Ferus gathered himself for the encounter. Bail Organa was a personal hero of his. He had followed Organa's career in the Senate, heard his speeches, read his writings. His passion for justice was never an occasion for ego or grandstanding; his quiet resolve was, for Ferus, the essence of what a politician should be and rarely was.    And Bail would despise him. Not only was he entering his house as an enemy, but Bail no doubt knew his background. He would accept the official Imperial line that Ferus had been a great hero of the Bellassan resistance before seeing the error of his ways and joining the Empire. In other words, Bail would see him as a traitor to every ideal he held dear.
Last of the Jedi: Master of Deception Jude Watson
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ofalderaan · 7 years
Ferus had been in space when Alderaan was attacked. Terrified by reports that Leia's ship had been destroyed, Bail Organa had sent him to investigate. Ferus had long refused to join Organa's Rebel Alliance - however much he may have wanted to fight the Empire, his place was in the shadows. His role was protector, not warrior. But this wasn't about the Alliance, this was about helping Leia, and it was a request Organa knew Ferus would never refuse.   It was a request that had saved him. Shortly after Ferus lifted off, Alderaan had been destroyed. That same day, reports had surfaced that the princess was safe and sound. Knowing that Leia was safe had offered Ferus his only consolation in the time of unthinkable tragedy.
Rebel Force: Hostage Alex Wheeler
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ofalderaan · 7 years
His reception this time was completely different. Once they were in private, Bail welcomed him warmly, grasping his shoulder as he shook his hand. "You are doing important work," he said. "Those of us who oppose the Empire owe you a debt."    "You put yourself on the line every day in the Senate," Ferus said. "I should be thanking you."
Last of the Jedi: Master of Deception Jude Watson
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ofalderaan · 7 years
"Princess." He took a step toward her, his arms outstretched, then hesitated and dropped them to his sides. "I'd heard you were here."   "And I -" Leia stopped, overwhelmed by a swirl of conflicting emotions. "I thought you were still on Alderaan."   He smiled gently. "I had some business on Delaya. I arrived here the day before the attack."   "I'm glad," she said flatly.   "This guy a friend of yours, Highness?" Han said.   "No." The word came automatically.   "Fess Ilee," he said, shaking hands with Han and nodding toward Chewbacca. "I am a friend of Bail Organa's."   "He was a friend to my father," Leia clarified. "But my lather is dead."   "I am and always will be his friend," Fess said steadily.
Rebel Force: Hostage Alex Wheeler
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ofalderaan · 7 years
Leia had never been sure of his age - most of the time, he looked far older than her father, weathered and weak. But there bad been moments when, out of the corner of her eye, she caught him moving with a surprising grace, the years falling away from his suddenly youthful face.    He lacked every quality her father had possessed: nobility, courage, wisdom. Though he called himself a botanist, his main skill seemed to be currying favor.    He grinned and nodded with greasy ease, laughing heartily at the weakest joke, complimenting the gaudiest gown. And yet Bail Organa had spoken of him privately with respect.
Rebel Force: Hostage Alex Wheeler
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