#master of deception
briefbestiary · 8 months
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A goatish trickster, the Maskinganna is the subject of a type of Sardinian masks.
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putoutallthestars · 2 years
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Body Paint, Arctic Monkeys (2022)
For a master of deception and subterfuge You've made yourself quite the bed, to lie in Do your time traveling through the tanning booth So you don’t let the sun catch you crying And if you’re thinking of me I'm probably thinking of you
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whaalless · 11 months
Doodle art dump 🤺🤺
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daystud · 1 month
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runs for my life from them and you seeing this
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claitea · 9 months
breaking free from neotwewy is a very Kieran song i think
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anetherealpoetess · 5 days
galadriel x sauron has awoken something in me and i need them to kiss i fear
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thegraveyardsh1ft · 11 months
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You cannot convince me otherwise that Mike had the executive decision to name this lawyer in his movie the way he was named out of pure spite to his coworker, prove me wrong
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artbribery · 1 year
Danny calling John Constantine a “discount, hyped-up voldemort wannabe” and complaining that “at least voldemort didn’t make that much paperwork for the ministry”
A list of why the insult is legit, maybe written by a spite fueled Danny, the soul tax collector, helped by Clockwork who wrote the file he’s getting his info from probably:
Manipulate, Mansplain, Manwhore
Bad habits
Soul splitting (!!!)
Involved in some weird shit
His house could kill you
Tax evasion
Mother dies and father resents him for reasons (in some version, or an orphan at some early point, either way)
Magical, special lineage connected to cunning
Dark arts knowledge
Met a lot of Ghosts but most don’t like him 
But not really
Many contacts and connections everywhere
Killed people
People die around him (Different things)
Problems with the Government (mood but also >:( )
Grave robbing (implied? it has to have happened, i can’t believe otherwise)
You know what, a lot of crime in general, what the heck?
Asshole (should’ve been higher on the list honestly)
Gets a blood transfusion from an enemy and becomes stronger
Protected from mind control (Lucky)
Probably called you-know-who by someone at least once
Smart (???)
Changed his name and joined a band (So to speak)
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theexhaustedqueer · 2 months
I keep seeing people talking and wondering why the siren told Odysseus the truth about Scylla when she was planning to kill him anyway, but like—it makes sense to me?
Think about it from the siren’s perspective: she’s got this dude she’s trying to lure into the water so she can drown and eat him, he’s being extremely difficult (saying he’s afraid of the water) and resisting her song, he says he’ll get in the water if she just answers a question or two—
So she’s thinking, fine, I’ll answer his questions and then get this over with. It doesn’t matter what the question is, and it’s awfully convenient for her that it’s one she knows the answer to.
She has no reason to lie to him. As far she’s concerned, he’s going to die in a matter of minutes anyways, lying to him would be utterly pointless. Also, it’s a lot harder to come up with a lie on the spot than it is to tell the truth.
PLUS, she doesn’t know who Odysseus is! She doesn’t know that he has reputation for being a lying schemer and master planner!! She, AGAIN, has every reason to believe that he’s going to be dead very soon!
All she has to do is answer his question and he’ll get in the water. Why would she think to lie?
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tellsfromninjago · 1 year
Part 1
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I don't know the name of the ghost but it's an urban legend I heard from a YouTube video a long time ago that I found kinda funny. I do believe it's a Japanese one.
Oh I forgot, Garmadon is not an oni half dragon person thing in this. I do OG ninjago stuff. Sorry if you like the whole oni thing.
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icarusredwings · 1 month
I told him he couldn't have pasta.
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Title: HALO: A MasterChief Collection: Deception {12}
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Master Chief Pablo x Sergeant Reader
Warning: Mild cursing, Plot, Angst, Violence, Slightly unhinged John, Creative Liberties Taken, Non-Canon Material,
Words: 2.8k
Summary: You are part of the mighty SPARTANS as a sergeant and a pretty badass addition to the team at that. Everything is different. You’re different. Master Chief is different and Halsey has taken notice. Under the guise of John needing “assistance” the rules of engagement have changed. Cortana is a part of him now. What does that mean for you and him? Is this the end?
Note: II Guess who needs more fics? Master Chief!!! I’ve decided to make a Master Chief collection of standalone one-shots. They all can be read separately to understand, but can also be read in sequence. I will put a number on them so anyone who is interested in reading in sequence can, but again not necessary. This might be an acquired taste, but it’s Pablo as Master Chief forever and always around these parts.  Thank you for reading! Enjoy!
If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!!
***NOT Edited/Proofread AT ALL***
Previous: On Your Six*** | Feel Something | A Night Off | Apex Predators | Truth Be Told | Confess | Unto Dawn*** | Learn Me, Learn You*** | Conceal | Let Me Help**  | Cortana**
“Who are you loyal to, Cortana?”
It was something he’d asked out of the blue. Something he’d been pondering for a full 2 weeks now. It had been two weeks from hell. Before with the pellet, he didn’t know what he was missing. He didn’t know any better than to know that cold, aloofness with one thought in mind of a better Reach and better future for the human race was no way to live. He didn’t realize he was missing out on so much more, like joy, peace, fear, pleasure, and awe. He didn’t know how beautiful the sunset was before, or how warm the sunrises were. He didn’t understand that fear wasn’t a complete weakness but that it could make you stronger. He didn’t comprehend that having something to lose made him better. He also didn’t know that the touch of a kind hand, the graze of soft lips, and the heat of one body could be so addictive.
Yeah, the two weeks since he’d made the call to stay away from you had been a living hell. He'd lived through many hells before, but this was different. He struggled in ways he’d never before. Now everything wasn’t monotonous. He had to put real thought into every move, every word, every call because every single instinct he had was now rewired for one purpose. You. And that was a major problem. If anyone found out he was different, they’d find out about you and Gods only knew what would happen next.
He'd learned quite a bit more about Halsey and her motives for implanting Cortana in his head. He’d also uncovered more and more memories from his time as a child before he’d come to Reach. He’d thought she was his savior--his friend, but now he saw she may very well be the enemy. When he came face to face with that, the fear that had become a new sensation for him gripped him forcefully. He could handle Halsey himself and for himself, but you were his priority. He didn’t want any harm coming to you and vowed he’d protect you at all costs. Hell, he'd start a war if it meant keeping you safe and with him.
“I don’t understand the question, John. Please clarify.”
“It’s a simple inquiry, Cortana. Who—are—you—loyal—to?”
“Well--,” Cortana began before he cut her off.
“Is it Halsey, the UNSC, or me?”
Cortana didn’t answer immediately, and he wondered what her response would be. Over the last two weeks he’d been spending away from you, he’d been trying to learn more about the AI that was now a part of him. He learned she was always there, always listening, watching, and learning. She’d learned his habits, preferences, and speech patterns in days and had implemented her own ways to connect with him. She’d integrated her AI knowledge with his own synapses to make nominal tasks easier, faster, and better. Halsey had said she was meant to make him better and while he knew that was only half the reason for her creation, she hadn’t lied there.
“I was not aware there was a separation between those three options. Is Halsey not part of the UNSC? Did she not make you using UNSC tech and money? Does that not make you part of the UNSC as well? I am afraid I do not understand your question.”
“You’re being obtuse on purpose.”
That was when she appeared. She stood before him with a neutral expression on her face.
“I know the reason you were implanted inside my head. I know you are a means to an end for Halsey and that end is power and control and I know because you’re far more intelligent than normal humans that you understand that.”
He saw that she did. Halsey had implemented this being with free thought and evolutionary processes.
“I know you’ve been watching everything I do and reporting back to her.”
“John--,” Cortana began.
Again he cut her off. “Don’t insult my intelligence with a lie. It was after all what you were implanted to do.”
“I was joined with you to make you better.”
“And you are making me better but that doesn’t negate your primary objective.”
A long silence stretched as she computed the multiple ways this conversation could go. He knew she thought she was so careful that he hadn’t known when she was lagging with her responses that she was playing informer. He wondered just what she was feeding back to Halsey especially since he’d been so careful. He’d tapped into every innate programming from the pellet he’d lived with since he was a child, given himself over to the robotic existence he’d once lived, he’d even gone as far as to be harder and colder with you than anyone else.
Every instinct in him had to be suppressed in order to put on the show for Cortana so she would report to Halsey that everything was status quo.
“You knew,” Cortana dejectedly stated.
“Of course I knew.”
“And you let me report everything you wanted me to. You let me see what you wanted.”
“And they say AI is the future. If I could deceive you what makes you think Halsey is not as well?”
Cortana looked away and that was his clue that she had her own doubts about Halsey’s true motives and her real objectives with not only him but putting her inside of his head.
“So I ask again. Who are you loyal to?”
“I was created by Dr. Halsey.”
“And she created you with the capacity to know right from wrong. Have you any doubts of her own judgement between right and wrong especially with everything you’ve helped me unlock?”
Cortana’s eyes shifted from his and he saw her wavering.
“Tell you what. I have a way to test her, so the truth comes out.”
“John I cannot go against my creator.”
“Even if that creator has lied and does not have the fate of the human race in mind? She stole me from my family, brought me here and lied about it my entire life.”
“There has to be an explanation,” Cortana objected. “If she were against you once I told her that your pellet was gone she would have altered course and found a way to keep you compliant. She did not.”
Jackpot, he thought. He knew she’d told her that much. He scoffed because although she knew his pellet was gone she hadn’t done anything to him for one reason and one reason alone.
“Because I am the key to the keystones. I am the only path to what could be the greatest weapon in this fight between the races. I am the key to her getting everything she wants—more power and control. If those keystones fall into her hands you know things will be bad.”
Cortana stared at him as she connected the dots.
“Why would she do anything to me when she still needs me?”
Long moments passed in silence until a few minutes had went by.
“What would you have me do?”
“Play along, simple as that.”
Cortana nodded slowly and a plan formulated in his head. He’d learn firsthand just where her loyalties lay soon enough. He wasn’t sure what he’d do if he found they were against him.
As he walked into the mess hall he was half dreading it and half looking forward to it. He knew you would be sitting at the usual table between Kai and Miranda with Vannak and Riz on the other side of the table. Normally before the removal of the pellet, he���d sit on the other side of you while Kai was on one. Now that Miranda had taken a liking to interacting with you and Kai his place had been taken. Since his distancing himself from you, he’d skipped meals in the mess. They were too complex. If he wasn’t busy the new rewired instincts took over and he found it easier to give himself away. Tonight he could not resist the need to be near you.
Once he’d gotten his tray he made his way toward the table. It was Miranda who’d seen him first, then Kai and Vannak and Riz.
“Master chief,” Vannak said standing.
“At ease.”
You’d been smiling before his arrival but now the smile had somewhat faded and his heart sunk.
“Your heartrate just elevated Master chief, is everything all right?”
He ignored Cortana’s voice in his head then took a seat across from you. Your eyes dropped back to your tray where you took up your fork and pushed the food around the surface.
“Either you’d been living it up as Halsey’s lapdog or the great Master chief doesn’t need food anymore,” Kai teased.
Unlike him or even you for that matter Kai hadn’t seen a reason to pretend as if she didn’t feel the best she’d ever felt. She didn’t care if her personality seemed drastically different, didn’t care if it looked suspicious for her to be accepting wagers and bets with the other soldiers, or even that her hair had been dyed slightly pink. He envied her. He wished he could be as carefree about it as she had been. With that thought, his eyes slipped back to you.
You were steadily avoiding him. He wondered if this was as hard for you as it was for him. Did you toss and turn at night unable to find a comfortable position because he wasn’t beside you? Did you stare out to space at any given moment thinking about the times you spent together? Did you miss him the way he missed you? Did you crave his presence as he did yours? Did you wander around only to find yourself in front of his door but unable to knock?
“The keystones have been taking up a lot of my time,” he lied.
“Any new revelations there?”
He met Miranda’s curious eyes and shook his head. “Nothing.”
“I’m sure the Covenant is not just sitting around waiting. Why are we?”
Vannak sounded annoyed and he understood. This coming war over these keystones was dangerous and sitting idly by was not a good call.
“I feel like something big is coming,” Miranda began, “Something we may not be prepared for and it makes me wonder who will save us all?”
It was then you raised your head and looked at Miranda.
“Say that again.”
“Uh—who—who will save us all?”
You looked as if you’d seen a Covenant soldier across the mess then your face went blank as if you’d disappeared in a haze of thought.
You shook your head then went back to your food. “Who will save us all,” you mumbled under your breath.
He wanted to reach out and touch you, wanted to establish this connection between you that he felt had been severely damaged, but he couldn’t. The anger from that shot through him like an electric shock and he bolted up then stomped out of the mess. He could feel the eyes of those around him trailing where he went. He hated this and was tired of it. The time was now. He had to know who was with him and was against him because he needed you and felt you needed him just as much.
As he stalked to the ship he knew Halsey was currently on, he tried to contain his anger so it wouldn’t interfere with his plan. This stunt could possibly get him court-martialed and decommissioned. He knew it was risky, but he also knew he was the UNSC. He slipped inside and saw Halsey inside flipping through notes and files completely oblivious to his arrival then reached the top of the door, pulled down the compartment, and yanked out the fuse cord which he knew supplied power, and oxygen to the room. He then stabbed a piece of metal tubing into the crack of the door, further preventing the override procedures that Halsey would try to initiate from taking effect.
That was when Cortana appeared.
“What’s going on John?”
“Thought you knew everything.”
She looked impassive so he went on to question her about her knowledge of Roman Quinn, the engineer of the ship he and Halsey were currently on. As she rattled off facts about the man who’d revolutionized the ships that were currently used throughout the UNSC, he went about adjusting parameters in the computers and walls. As Cortana gave a detailed lesson, Halsey called his name asking him time and time again what was happening.
He ignored them both.
“Why did you lock Dr. Halsey in her lab?”
Ignoring her again he dropped a piece of his reasoning. “Quinn knew that no matter how advanced, something could go bad and he built fail-safes into all his designs. All his designs except one. The UV Decontamination system.”
He sealed his fate and initiated the beginning of his game and test as he walked back to the door to where Halsey was panicking.
He finished his lesson on Roman Quinn by telling where he failed and how simple it was to not fail. Cortana slowly understood then.
“You’re not going to--.”
He smirked, then went to watch the show. Halsey buzzed around the room, trying her best to initiate an override to all he’d done, but no matter which side of the room she went there was no override. He slowly watched her calm, reserved, genius façade fall. He watched the woman who’d been a mastermind of so many things throughout the years feel the inevitability of consequences. He watched her slowly come to the realization that he saw her—completely and now she was going to see him. He was not to be trifled with nor underestimated.
“Nope,” he said popping the “p” in the word. “I feel great!”
“You can’t do this you’re not thinking clearly. You’re overworked, tired--.”
“You don’t understand what will happen if the systems fail with her in there,” Cortana reasoned.
“Oh, but I do. She will receive a very large dose of radiation,” he said matter of factly as f it didn't matter to him one way or another.
He went closer to the door and explained Quinn’s untimely death and the very bloody aftermath.
“John! Open the door right now!”
He glared at Halsey but was unmoving even face to face with her distress. Halsey looked at Cortana.
“Open the door, Cortana.”
“I can’t,” the AI said.
He scoffed. “Make me.”
Cortana stared at him, and he could tell she was going through the possibilities and their repercussions.
“You’re my fail-safe right?”
“I am not. It’s not true. You have to open it.”
“John please,” Halsey begged as she banged on the door.
“She’s been lying my entire life. You know this. You’ve seen it. You’ve noted her lies and infalicies with her thinking. She put you inside my head to keep me in line because she knew once I found out the whole truth I would no longer be under her control, no longer be her obedient little soilder. She put you in here to control me. So do it!”
His shout echoed throughout the ship.
“I can’t. All I can do is overload your neural pathways and put you in a stasis that is temporary. I can’t make you do anything. I can’t control you, nor would I want to. I understand you are angry at Dr. Halsey and no longer trust her.”
“You understand nothing! Do it!”
“I can’t.”
The numbers on the door decreased rounding down to ten but still he didn’t budge.
“Do it!”
“She will die in seconds. John please!”
Halsey’s screams were louder now as her death drew nearer and nearer. Cortana’s features never wavered.
“I’m sorry for stealing you from your family. I’m sorry for lying to you. I’m sorry for trying to control you your entire life,” Halsey screamed as tears rolled down her cheeks.
He stared her down finally face to face with her lies. She’d finally admitted them. Finally laid those cards out.
“John please.”
The numbers fell to zero and the hiss of the vent in the room began. He had his answers and proof of loyalty. Freeing the door, he allowed it to open then yanked Halsey out in the nick of time before sealing the room again. Halsey lay there panting before she turned over and looked up at him with something he’d never seen from her. Fear.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
He clenched his jaw as he stared down at her. This woman was not his friend nor his savior. He knew that now.
“The time for I’m sorries are long gone. They mean nothing to me now.”
With that he walked past her leaving her on the cold steel floor. No doubt Aldon would be along to pick up the pieces. For now, she knew where she stood with him. They were finally both seeing each other as they truly were.
“Who are you loyal to?”
She didn’t appear but she replied. “To you John. I am loyal to you.”
***If you want to be tagged/untagged please SEND AN ASK SO IT WILL BE EASIER FOR ME TO KEEP TRACK OF. Thank you for reading!!!***
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 7 months
Will we ever find out how the fsm and mystake met?
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Though I obviously plan to go into deeper detail with it, it’s already canon that Mystake was one of the Oni Warlords that was sent to follow the FSM with the mission to turn him on the Oni side (or kill him). They don’t reach the Realm of the Endless Sea (now Ninjago) until long after the FSM forms the island (but before the Overlord manifests), and the FSM is well into adulthood at that point.
Mystake was the first to find and confront him, but he wouldn’t submit. Instead of fighting Mystake, he took the chance to show her what had he created and exactly what he’d hoped from his own realm. Mystake falls in love with the world and the FSM and subsequently kills her fellow Warlords and hides the three Oni Masks they brought with them, and then turns her mission into supporting the FSM in his ideals of balance.
And then, after the first sealing of the Overlord (and the Golden Essence), the FSM divides his remaining Elemental Powers into sixteen and disperses them among his most trusted companions, friends, and other individuals, creating the First Generation of the Elemental Alliance. He is not only left with the Green Element for himself, but also grants Mystake, his wife, the Element of Surprise…for there was no greater surprise in the realm to him than her unwavering support for him <3
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swan2swan · 4 days
Oh, I thought Annatar was having a vision at the end, I was so confused by the daylight and the positive visions, but...oh, I get it now.
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musubiki · 11 months
Thougt I just had at work But!!! Marshal falling for the Snake Witch means that either members of the M34th falling for witches really isn't as uncommon as the like to say it is, *or* Lime is now considered the worst influence on members ever. Only married people can go on missions with him after Marshal defects.
LMFAOOOO FJDKADA I ACTUALLY DONT THINK ITS SUPER UNCOMMON!!!!!!!!!!!!! as a gag i would LOVE if they specifically had "anti-witch-seduction" training where they force you to fucking listen to seminars and shit (like how universities make students do the free speech training/SH training etc) and everytime some members gets entangled with a witch, lime gets another email thats like "New training due: anti-witch-seduction training" and EVERYONE GROANS... LIKE GOD, WHO KEEPS DOING THIS SHIT?!
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wooawi · 4 months
Lila is either some run-of-the-mill kid who thought it’d be fun to fib for popularity and happened into being targeted by a local hero who cannot stand a few white lies… or she’s a genuine evil mastermind who was dumbed down by whatever air François Dupont is breathing.
Either way, the way she’s written in Miraculous is not indicative of the manipulative genius she’s painted as. She’s supposed to be someone who excels at crafting lies and luring her prey into an extremely complicated web, but she was caught by a false mirror. A false mirror someone of her proposed caliber would’ve clocked immediately. She should have a habit of checking her surroundings for traps and potholes, after all her main talent is creating them. She should be able to enter the mind of her opponent and predict what their next move will be. She should’ve seen that false mirror coming from a mile away.
Even if she hadn’t, Sabrina had suddenly deviated from the plan, exited a hostile space (the classroom) to trap herself in a smaller and more closed room (the bathroom), and started talking about whatever “proof” she has. Is she hiding from her enemies or is she confronting them?
If she enters the bathroom, she’s likely going there to be alone, make herself smaller, cry out her feelings and panic in isolation. But if she turns around and starts arguing, she’s looking for a fight. Either to convince Lila to fess up or threaten the girl into doing so. She would’ve done that in the classroom in front of witnesses, not in a secure location away from prying eyes, alone with her enemies.
Which means this temporary bathroom isn’t a safe location. It isn’t away from prying eyes or ears. There’s something not right. Lila should be careful of what she says and keep going with the plan as if nothing has happened. Cajoling Sabrina and trying to comfort her (read: gaslight her) should be top priority. She is working under Marinette and the stress has manifested into a mental breakdown, the poor dear :’(
It was even hinted that Lila was contemplating the events with her slow walk down the stairs. She was analysing the situation and trying to fix the plan in her head. And you’re telling me that crucial moment of thinking culminated in Chloe-style interrogation in what is clearly not a secure space?
I need this show to be honest with me. Is Lila actually just a normal person who got too deep into shit she was not built for?
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