#:: Ver; Main; Sonic.EXE AU; World Turned ::
galaxofmuses · 8 days
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"I'm already kidnapped by another monster. No thanks."
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galaxofmuses · 8 months
Drabble: Invitation part 2
Warning: Manipulation, Gaslighting, Bullying, Suggestive, Anxiety. 
Soft echoes of Nebula’s shoes walking across the hallway. Lighted with candles and showing the portraits of scenery that all seems so familiar. With each step, the music starts to grow louder and there was even voices chatting across from the other side. They have grown more and more curious as their pace starts to quicken and grabbing the skirt of the dress to make sure they would not trip over.
 The uneasy feeling of wearing such a beautiful gown never waivered. Seeing the light seeping on the bottom of the door and the music is at the edge of ever growing. As they stopped in front of the beautifully carved wooden doors, feeling rather nervous. With a deep breath, they finally grabbed the knob and turned to open. As the door softly creaks open as the light envelops over them. Nebula had to close their eyes for a moment to readjust themselves. As they eventually open and taking a step forward to peek in the room. 
It was a ballroom.
Absolutely filled with masked people and the orchestra was even masked as well. The walls are made out of pure white stone and marble and all light up with the candles and chandeliers. The celling was a glass dome that seems to show the night sky which is seems to be filled with twinkling stars and no odd skies and clouds in sight. It was clear that this room is suppose to be the center of attention for this party. Confusion that they are the only one without a mask until they look over to another direction. There was a table that has a variety of masks in a certain neat order, it seems like someone had been planning around a theme for awhile. Brimming with curiosity once more, they eventually stepped inside to go over to the table. 
Little did they know that someone was keeping in watch.
As the small human reaches to the table and carefully eyeing on each individual mask as if it's a piece of art. They we're not even sure what to even pick up, until they stopped to see a particular small mask. As they picked it up to look closer at the details of stars and the bright colors swirls of blues, whites and purples and pinks.  Nebula slowly begun to notice a theme for their outfit. With a soft deep breath, they put on the mask and it was a perfect fit. 
Looking over at the ballroom crowd, some we're dancing away to the beat and some are just chatting amongst themselves. Some are human, but yet some are not. The strange choice of guests, does not bother them at all. Even if the large crowds are overwhelming, they somehow manage to get around. Some of the guests starts to whisper about them which made them quite uncomfortable, but yet that does not stop for the small one to explore. 
As the music jovial tempo starts to slow down which does distract Nebula for a second and then it comes to a stop.
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“My. My. You have slept for nearly a month Nebula...Quite rude for you to taken so long that I had to call in my servants to help.”
As they turned around as if by command, their eyes focused on a luminous sight. As the crowd parts away for them and this stranger. A  beautiful lady in a rather fancy victorian ball gown filled with details of roses and vines from shoulder to toe.  The reds and blacks compliment each other and combined with such fair skin which made this stranger stand out. Their hair seems to tied up neatly into a braided french bun and wearing a pure black silken feathered mask. Nebula struggles to find a word on what to say or even do, but it seems that they are frozen in place. Some of the guests starts to chatter into teasing about Nebula in a most distasteful manner. Some even went far to pushing it more to even do something to them. It did not take too long for the pair to shut up for good as something or someone taken both of them away into the shadows. 
Nebula felt their chest tightened of what happened to the guests and confused of why they we're bickering about them and even being punished for something so petty. They felt a sense of empathy for the two and knowing that they could have just at least talk it out. Then the host takes her hand to firmly grab their chin to forcefully focus on her. 
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“No harm shall come to dear. We are here to have a fun All Hallows Night and you are one of my guests after all.” 
No words in return as their eyes are still connected to hers. The comforting gesture should have been reassuring, but deep inside, something wasn't right at all. Nebula tries to move away, but their grip tightens and they start to react to the pain. The hands are icy cold as the host's gaze forming into a frown. “I believe my dear we are overdue for a dance....” As she snaps her fingers to cue the band as it continues on to play the tune. Letting go of the other hand and forcing Nebula to be in a dance position. It went all so fast that Nebula did not have the time to react of what just happened. As the tempo emerges into the dance as the other guests starts to dance once more from not getting into trouble.
As the two dances away as Nebula still trying to collect their feelings. Trying to look away and seeing the guest dancing or random chatters about nothing. The host focuses on Nebula and even dancing away flawlessly of how ridiculous intricate the ballgown is. As Nebula's dress swishes along by the rythmn, so carefree unlike the concerned wearer. As they look back at the other in return who finally beams with a warm smile. 
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“I expect to have a wonderful party and even after when the night is over.” 
As she smiles as the fangs glistened in front of them which made Nebula's stomach turn. They desperately want to break free, yet even if they try to. Something is stopping them so. Confusion was clear on their face as on cue that this host knows what they are thinking. 
“Do not even bother. You are still my guest and you will not esca-”
While she was boasting about their success, A crash came down from the celling as the guests gasps and screams as they see a strange cloaked figure landing in one piece. Nebula knew this was their chance to escape and broke free from the distracted host. 
This host....Xen...Was not happy for uninvited guests. 
As Nebula runs as quick as they can to escape, unfortunately Xen caught on and grabbing Nebula by the wrist with malice. 
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“You....Think....You can get away that easily...Dearheart? You have made a grave mistake.” As the grip wound up tighter as Nebula lets out a weak cry.
Once again distracted by the stranger who is now getting up and scoffs.
“Huh...well there goes my superhero landing moment....Oh well.“
The annoyed intruder turns to point at Xen.
”Hey Tall, Dark and Ugly! Sorry to crash this pathetic excuse of a party! I need that kid over there!“
Xen was not having this as the guests look panicked and silent through this whole encounter. As their attention once again eyes on the disguised mystery. Still holding on to their prize as their face is distorting to break free from their beautiful disguise. ”Who are you?“
The other starts to chuckle in response at the entity. 
”You forget? Well it has been a couple of years....“
and then dramatically tears off the cloak and revealing
...a blue hedgehog
A hedgehog looking corrupted and missing assets and codes.
”Call me Snag! And don't ya forget it FAKER!“ 
It is clear that the Hallows Night party is ruined and now Xen has to deal with not only one, but two hedgehogs. 
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galaxofmuses · 1 year
Thread moved for @monmuses
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They paused with their lips bit. It was quite uncanny for the small hedgehog to be facing another entity who isn't hunting them down. The blunt response might have flinch a bit, harsh, but there is definitely truth behind it. This unrotting body of theirs, did not felt right, even if it been a year....perhaps halfway through another year. Under the name of Nebula. That is not their name, their name was a past memory.
They are starting to forget.
"I see.......I've been trying to find something....anything. It just felt like a cycle. I never really questioned...Why? I don't think I will find the answer. Not yet."
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galaxofmuses · 8 months
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// He is finally here! My tragic gremlin glitched Sonic! Gosh I love Snag sm and it was so hard to figure out who reminds me of them but I eventually figure out. There is a lot of hints.
Inspiration List:
Sans (Undertale)
OVA Sonic
Cait Sith ( Final Fantasy 7)
Ash Williams (Evil Dead)
Ziin (Kamen Rider Geats)
Jeremy Brasieri (Royal Sentai King-Ohger)
Empty Template Below Cut!
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galaxofmuses · 8 months
Drabble: Invitation Final
Snag did not waste any time and quickly nabs them away once Xen's gears are turning. With a cocky smile and a salute he rushes out the door and the last sound both can hear is a loud demonic roar. Escaping the realm and hopping to the nearest rusted warp ring. Carrying the other who is surprisingly light...well it helps that Nebula's illusion dissapears.They are back in the hedgehog form. As they find a safe spot to rest, Snag puts them down and looks at the other with that plastered grin as if he is hiding something. 
“So! Thanks to the one and only me! I saved your ass back there!” He follows with a laugh, but Nebula wasn't laughing. They we're still trying to recover what even happen at all. “.....I remember now....Xen....I fallen asleep...It was all a trick again.” Huggin their knees and hiding their face. Snag's expression changed into annoyance. “Yeah yeah...Tricked ya again and all that. I'm sure they're sending their sidekicks. But I'll tell ya what. You want to escape and I want to throw hands at Xen.”
Nebula looks up at Snag with a baffled look. “W-Why? they're so powerful...I haven't even found a way out yet.” Snag lets out a dramatic sigh. “That's when I come in! I know this shitty ass bootleg game from inside and out! I've been stuck here for years and Xen took away something away from me!“ The confident hedgehog snapped into anger as they clenched their fists.
 ”Ugh...man this place doesn't exactly have therapy, the only thing I can talk to is the many victims and some end up screaming and thinking I'm Xen! Ugh! Not cool man!“
Nebula goes to guesture to raise their hands to stop. Quickly realizing that Snag is going to keep on rambling on about his problem and not explaning. ”Okay Okay!....Okay...If you're really not siding with Xen.....I don't even remember who I even am....I don't know what to do with that.“
The silence broke both hedgehogs and then Snag didn't even need to ponder. ”I know how you can get your memory back, but ya ain't gonna like it.“ Tapping his feet to stimulate and rubbing his nose. ”....The Wardens, Ya gotta have to face them.“ 
Nebula raises a brow and is now even more concerned that Snag suggested a thing. ”They are so powerful....Xen gave them so much power and freedom.“ Snag expressions change as the gitches still crackle and linger. There is a sense of empathy for this victim, but after a second to quickly mask it up.  ”We'll have to figure it out yourself. I ain't much of a life coach, but you have something that the others didn't have....and heck I don't even know what that is!” Nebula just rolls their eyes and now feels quite frustrated by the tug of war between the two. 
“....Then let me help you”
Snag was about to quip another joke to feel better about himself and stopped. ”....Wait...What?“ He sees an offering of a handshake and a gentle smile across Nebula's face. Something he does not see in years. 
“You would.....Of course ya would! Ya know....You ain't bad kid.” 
Snag offers the gesture in return. Knowing that Nebula has a long way to go and they can only do, but to watch. 
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galaxofmuses · 8 months
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Silver is heckin lucky that Gilly is distracted from the horrors and they would be confused and screaming internally that SIlver is willing to date them.
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galaxofmuses · 8 months
Drabble: Invitation
Their eyes flutter wide open and were expected to sleep in a safe and dried out hollow trunk from hiding away from Xen. Then they touched something soft and looked down to see a human hand. Confused and looking on the soft silk bed and scanning the strange bedroom that does not belong to them. Slowly shifts out of the bed and walks over to the tall mirror and Nebula looks quite confused.
They are not a hedgehog anymore, but a human.
Wearing a soft crème gown and seeing the body shape that looks petite, yet there is a sense of maturity, but not as much. It can easily get away from being judged as a youthful look. As they continue to gaze at themselves, Nebula looks at the pixie cut hairstyle and the dyed into a snow white and eventually fades into black from the sides. The brown eyes continue to gaze at themselves and don't really know what to do about this. They can’t really just spin dash or anything right now. 
Then the front door opens as a row of servants that seems to be human-like, yet there is something that is off. Nebula looks closer at the others. There was no greeting, pity or soft glances, their expressions are stone cold, it reminded them of the Wardens which made their gaze look away. The servants did not stop until they surrounded them and forcefully tore off the gown as The only human started to blush in shame, yet Nebula were quickly slipped into something else.
It was a fully formed dress decorated with bright colors of whites, purples and blues.
The servants even put on makeup so quickly that the dressed up person didn’t even have the time to even think. The next thing they know that they even added some accessories that definitely goes unnoticed to them. Speechless as the troupe quietly bow and turns to leave as their feet click and clacks across the marble stone floor. 
Leaving the human in silence as they gaze in front of the mirror again, with a new outfit….shoes…makeup...jewelry…and even neatly combed hair of white silver and black.
They are confused of who’s body that they are facing. 
Nebula flinched from the sound of music echoing outside. Afraid and yet the sense of curiosity they approaches to the door and taking in a deep breath opens it…..    
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galaxofmuses · 8 months
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"So.....They're gone.....it's getting quiet now...yet i'm still here." They are still tethered to Xen anyway.
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galaxofmuses · 1 year
Xen was slowly playing a beautiful but a haunting melody. The timing of the sound was so precise and so smooth. Playing on a beautiful ebony grand piano, and well it’s seems to be an ordinary piano in a ridiculously elaborate macabre ballroom. It’s quite odd that a hedgehog with crystalized quills on their back and yet their hands staining the keys with blood. It seems to look quite fresh. He gleefully looks up at the sight to see a small hedgehog that seems to be watching them play, yet the little one doesn’t seem to move.  Ah well that doesn’t matter to him, He has been enjoying his play until he stops to hear the door open. 
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galaxofmuses · 9 months
careful ... careful.
using the tip of his wing to slice Xen's shoulder before busting into where Gilly was. Grabs them and flies off.
... he's not risking it. no thank you.
A small flinch from the slice and growls with annoyance that dearheart always has a knack of making irritating friends. As a small stitched up mobian appears with a smile.
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"......Hunt them down. Bring them back."
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"With pleasure! -` ♡ ´- "
The tailess fox disappears into data as if she has done so many times before. The hunt is always her favorite game to play.
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galaxofmuses · 11 months
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galaxofmuses · 1 year
Warning: Gore, Animal Cruelty, Death, Choking, Manipulation, Torture, Blood.
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Struggling to even speak out loud as if something is seal their mouth shut. They manage to catch a small innocent flicky and grasping it as if it's last testament they want to do. Tail looks at the panicked bird, the expressions looks so familiar then the thought of that new victim that Xen has been keeping an eye on.
Griping a sharp object as it struggles to put it against the mouth and felt another snap. The pain spreads through their lips as this poor bird is watch in horror.
Blood drips down the white fur, but Tail can now manage to half smile properly.
".....H-Hey....Y-You remind me of someone........You kept on singing back there....."
Talking is still a struggle for them as the bird panicks to break free as the Red Furred Fox's grip becomes tighter and tighter and then.....
"Ah.....it's gone....just like them......" Tail casually dropping the carcass of the bird that clearly has their neck snapped. Looking over at the other direction as they sees the small light blue hedgehog stop to look at the sight of Tail. Seeing their starry silver eyes looking down at the poor Flicky and not knowing what to do. All they can see is this small red fox approaching to them with blood on their hands and as if on cue.
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"Hello...Bluebird....Wanna play?"
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galaxofmuses · 1 year
Andy CHASES!!!!!
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Yeah that's Nebula's cue to use their super speed boost out of sight. They do not want to play with Andy at all.
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galaxofmuses · 1 year
Drabble: Chosen
Warnings: This AU does take place in current events so there will be violence, racism, cult, religion, anxiety, sexism, misgendering, blood, torture, manipulation, broken bones, injury
Please stay safe, I love you guys.
Gilly lets out a sigh as they look at their Finch.eo website page with barely any downloads and not enough views or attention no matter what they can promote their game. Looking over at some old photos of their college friends that they used to hang out almost religiously. With a pause as they put it away, it really distracts them from all the guilt of just wasting so much time and even if the good times are good, the bad times will still linger. 
They jumped a bit at the sound of their phone notification ringing, it was an email that said that they are interested in their portfolio and wish to talk to a location and time. Double checking their sources from job hunting almost every day and to the fact that a seemingly looking small company is interested in their works. It can be hard to tell these days since the whole world has gone insane from the past few years.Their lifestyle and goals changed and it was just so frustrating for them.
Given much thought, Gilly decides to give it a shot and replies that they are interested. With a beat that it responded to the address and time. To their surprise that they want to meet today. Sure they are not much of a talker and can be awkward as hell. Yet they are willing to try to at least talk about their passions and interests of why they want to create games and art. Taking the sling backpack and packing up the copy of their resume, small sketchbook, wallet and phone. 
Putting on a shirt and cargo shorts and over a black hoodie with a speedrun group logo and sneakers. Adjusting their duo colored pixie short hair, and felt that it looks perfect. Double checking the room one last time to see the pc off and knowing that their cat is in good hands with their partner who was at work. Muttering to themself to make a mental note to ask him to feed the cat when he come’s back. With that thought locked in their mind, Gilly closes the apartment door.
Following the directions with their phone and to their surprise it’s still not too far off from their apartment. Thinking it was just rather odd that there was no dress code, but encouraged to wear casual…not even business casual. It was a red flag that should have been taken, but Gilly was just too damn curious. As they reached the place, It was rather a thin alleyway and this made it even more suspicious. Squinting their eyes to see the end of the alleyway, the beam of light guides…
An elegant gothic church. 
This screams so many warnings, that Gilly froze and felt the wave of panic over at the site. An indie video game company was one thing, but the offer in the email showed nothing about the church. 
Yet something….draws to them….Something beckoning to come inside. 
Confusion and curiosity peaked, Gilly took the one step forward to at least to check the place out. 
To their surprise it was quiet, seeing some people are in the pews praying and muttering to some language they have never heard. Letting a deep breath and just take the back seat of the pew so no one will bother them. Gilly then remembers to take out their phone to turn the sound off and messages their partner with a text message.
‘Hey Henry-butt! just a reminder I might be late cuz I gotta go to an interview. Don’t forget to feed the cat. Ruby is such a brat like you lmao jk. Gotta go Henry! Love you! ;3’
Sending the message with a sigh and looking up to see a person covered in under the hooded robe. Well seeing this doesn’t surprise them, since the rest of the church staff are probably busy with their duties and seem to have a strange mix of religions and vibes. It was nothing like any other church they have been to.Thinking it was one of those hip new churches that is a melting pot for everything and focusing on a particular religion. “Miss.Gilly, may I presume?” they ask in a polite manner.
Gilly is used to being misgendered and knowing that them coming out was still out of the question, their family doesn’t know about them being nonbinary and gay. A job is a job and knowing that it’s already hard enough as it is. Forcefully smiles at the person in return. 
“Y-Yes I am. I’m here for the interview that you sent me.”
The talk was short and of course the church staff member responded that the head developer will see them in a moment, they were wrapping up in an emergency meeting. Of course Gilly is willing to wait a little bit longer. The waiting turned into minutes and then into hours, Gilly’s leg shakes from the anxiety that it was taking so long for a meeting to finish. 
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“Man okay I guess emergency meetings are just hours of fasting and prayers…” 
They muttered with irritation and slowly took out the small sketchbook. They were developing an upcoming character and started to ink some concept sketches of a tiny hedgehog with a vest, shoes and fingerless gloves.  
Gilly was so focused on trying to draw the little hog right that they did not notice the person sitting next to them.
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“I apologize, I hate to interrupt your work.” 
That deep voice absolutely startled Gilly that made them quickly put the sketchbook and pen back into the backpack.They turned in the direction of the voice in shock to see a well suited dressed man with ebony black hair. Their eyes we’re just pure blue as if it’s just borderline white like frost. Eyeing with such a smooth and calm demenor. He smiles and offers a handshake as if he has done so many times.
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“My name is Xavier, Welcome to the Church of Zen. I’ve been going to this haven for years now.” 
Gilly again once again attempting the polite smile.Making that attemption of thinking that Xavier is a regular for this church. They reach out to touch their hand. “Gilly Livingston. It’s nice to me-” 
It was ice cold 
They quickly pulled their hand back.
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“S-Sorry!…I guess the weather hasn’t been too warm lately, yeah?” Gilly is really trying to shrug it off with a weather banter, to their luck that Xavier chuckles in return. 
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“Ah it has been, there have been a couple of past thunderstorms as well. I was volunteering today to try my best to fix some leaks around the building.” He looks over at the last of the church goers bidding their farewell and waving them goodbye. Some even encourage Gilly the best of luck which wasn’t a bad thing for them and thanked them in return.
The man leaned against the pew with a tired sigh and well Gilly just sympathized with them since they seem to be taking a break from all that hard work. “Well I feel you. I had to do some volunteer work to just keep me sane from the job market. It’s really rough out there.” They look at him with a sad smile. 
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“Ever since the pandemic hit, it’s just been so hard for me and everyone from jobs or even going to gatherings.I just…I just want things to go back to normal again.” 
Gilly pauses to sigh in frustation, yet feels pretty stressed from the situation from the current events. “Look I’m not here for a confession, it’s just…something personal happened and it has been stressing me out. I just…I…I lost someone…well…a lot of important people. I’ve tried so much to support, but you can only do so much these days. I just hope things will go back to normal.”
Xavier listens to their words and takes in with intention and holds a polite smile and sympathy. 
“Oh? Well I can be willing to lend an ear for you.” 
The figures slowly started to come together around the chapel. Gilly was becoming more and more nervous. Xavier on the other hand, his expression did not change. 
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“R-really? You really want to listen to my whole woes and spheal?”
 His gaze never left them. “Of course, We do want to reach people in need.” 
Gilly was trying to cover their nerves with laughter. 
“Well I’m not the religious type, heh…I guess that’s not going to be a good start on that job interview huh? Well you’re being nice so….”
Casually putting their hands inside their pockets shorts as they quietly slip something inside preparing for the worst.
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“My best friend went missing during the pandemic. I was afraid that something might have happened to her. Heck, her fiance was worried to death. My partner and I tried to spread the word on social media. Heck we even made calls and flyers. It wasn’t enough and well….this year. The fiance disappeared. I thought he went on a family vacation, but there was no contact whatsoever. So really, it’s been well…rough. I’m out of the job and trying not to die. God…Fuck this pandemic man. It’s just so fuckin hard not to get judge just because I’m asian ya know and….Oh… I-I mean no offense sir. I know you’re not my therapist either, it’s just…. but…I just want to thrive and be happy.”
The figures stopped at a distance as they were trying to organize the place. Xavier listened intentionally and with a nod. “I understand Gilly…So much. You are indeed struggling with life, but…What if?...I can offer you something? A Job?”
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Gilly raises a brow. “....Wait…I thought you were just a church member?” 
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“I am, but just wanted to surprise you that I am the head of this church, I guess the slip of the tongue happened.” clicking his own tongue in annoyance. The handsome man twisted into something ugly and reverted his compossure quickly back with that open friendliness. This was the final red flag for Gilly to make that decision  to leave. They have definitely overstayed their welcome. 
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“...You know….I’m just going to lea-”
 Just as Gilly was getting up and about to grab their sketchbook, they were forcefully grabbed by one of the followers next to them on the wrist. Unfortunately for that unlucky soul, Gilly habitually starts to reveal their free hand that has their knuckle duster revealed and proceeds to knee them in the stomach a few times until they can break free and followed by a right hook across the cloaked figure. 
One of them cried. “That bitch!” As more rushes towards them and that was Gilly’s cue to run to the other direction and slides across the waxed wooden floor just enough distance to get up and take that sharp turn to sprint towards the door. The others were too slow for them to catch up and Gilly was just a matter of a few more feet away to escape, but in a blink of an eye. 
They see Xen right in front of the exit.
They yelped in confusion and tried to turn the other way, but was once again grabbed by the arm. A bit more tighter than before. The icy touch gave them the chills as they could feel the others who caught up, giving them a punch through the stomach and starting to taunt them. 
“Hey! What happened to that skill? Did the virus catch ya?” “Maybe you should go back to where you belong?”      
As Xavier lets go of their arm, he silently watches Gilly trying to struggle to break free, but proceeds to get punched and kicked and smacked down. Some of them even take advantage of revealing their binder. “Woah hey! It’s a chick! Why is she dressed up like a man?” “Nah she’s dressed up like a little boy.” The bullying and the attacks felt like hours and Gilly couldn’t remember how long and some unfortunately felt their body a bit and felt sick to their stomach. 
The noise stopped.
The only sounds are footsteps just for a moment. But Gilly caved into consciousness and the last thing they can think of is Henry.As time passed by, Gilly’s eyes snapped open and strangely no longer in pain. No blood in signt. They thought they would be murdered or even worse. Squinting their eyes to see
…..The Sun?
Looking around to see an uncanny sight, it really hits them like a truck. 
It was Green Hill Zone.
This would be a dream come true for Gilly, yet something wasn’t right until they saw themselves as a hedgehog, Yet something is off, the gloves are fingerless and wristbands and there is even a nice pink vest and shoes, but….this wasn’t even VR, it was real. Confused of what is even going on, but knowing Sonic��s skills by heart. They really want to give it a try by doing a simple run. They remember the catchy melody in their mind and speeds up and sometimes even hum to themselves to hype themselves up. Reaching through the lush grass and palm trees, Gilly slowed down a bit to looks around to see…
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S o n i c.
Still keeping distance out of habit from the real world and didn’t really come near to him, yet the excitement to see their favorite character. Yet their new body was screaming to R U N. With no warning, Sonic turns around with a grin, not the friendly welcoming cool grin that he does, this was something menacing. 
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“Hey Nebula! It’s good to see you.”
Gilly tilts their head in confusion. “Nebula? But I’m…wait…..I’m….” 
Furrowing their brow and confused. Why can’t they remember? Why can’t they remember?
Why? Why? Why Can’t they?
Nebula’s fear grips them and decides to run and can hear Sonic??? Was it really Sonic? Nebula doesn’t remember at all. They can’t remember a thing. They can never remember. Panicking settling in and keeping trying to run back to hope to find something. Their anxiety is sinking in and losing their balance and skidding across the green fields. They tried to recover and then felt their legs like lead. Trying to pep talk themselves find some determination to even put their foot up. S 0 n i C just simply appears in front of them and grabs them by the neck and grins at the sight of Nebula struggling.
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“Do you think you can outrun me? I’m the fastest thing alive in this world. My world.” As the small hedgehog struggles to break free, the blue blur just simply w a t c h e s them and slowly constricting their neck. Neb gasps for air and trying to struggle even more and attempts to do something foolish what’s left of their strength was to kick him on the chest. Nebula's kick landed and made Sonic let go. They gasp for air and and coughs out. Seeing the other blue hedgehog stumble from that bold mov. They try to move, yet something was keeping them stuck in place. As Nebula is forced to watch Sonic's bones starts to crack and morph into something different. The cheery laugh distorted into something sinister. Nebula's starry silver eyes starts to widen with horror as this faker transforms into something else.
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"Now....My Wardens had their fun with you. IT'S MY TURN." This creature did not hesitate to grabs their leg and snaps the bone into two. Nebula screams in pain as they see their poor leg broke like a pencil. Oh how the dark entity enjoys the sight, but for now. He wants to savor this moment, to teach them a lesson.
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"You are quite interesting...You are the only one who manage to strike me like that....how foolish, but I am quite intrigued. But now...." With a snap of a finger, Green Hill Zone changed dramatically into a barren wasteland and the waters running red and red clouds taking over the sunny skies. Nebula can only just watch and no longer run away from this situation. "̸L̷e̷t̵'̴s̵ ̵p̷l̶a̷y̵ ̵a̶ ̷g̶a̵m̵e̶,̸ ̵D̴e̴a̶r̴h̸e̵a̶r̸t̵.̴"̴
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galaxofmuses · 11 months
Drabble: The First
Warning: Misgendering cw, Blood cw, Gore cw, Death cw
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"Hey Bluebird! You wanna go to downtown for some lunch?" She puts her arms around them and chuckling from their small height. Mari is definitely taller then Gilly.
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"Yeah I don't mind! I got some free time today." They laughs in return and well accepts the arm embrace from their best friend. Grinning in return that knowing that their best friend has always have a huge stomach, but always competing against Henry and Scott.
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"Heck yeah! We're gonna drag the boys to the district eventually! You know Henry is a fuckin' monster when it comes to food." Does a fist pump of victory and letting out a gremlin-like chuckle.
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"Right. Right. Let's just go get some katsu curry. I'm really itching to get my usual." Looking at their phone to check if the place is open and of course the chatter continues until.....
*static changes into another memory*
"You sick fuck!"
"You really gonna take Gilly away from us?" Tied up and forced to be on her knees. Mari is surrounded in the dark and frantically looking around while trying to break free.
'Oh I am not going to take her away....yet.'
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"They don't use those pronouns anymore and you know it! I trusted you! You bastard!"
'Ha ha ha....Well...You're not gonna catch me. I have the power to control Marie and I'm going to eventually tear our crew apart.'
' One by one.'
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"Hah! That's a laugh! You're gonna expect anyone to fall for this? You're just all by your damn self!"
The moment of hesitation knowing that the harsh truth was right in their face and growls.
'.....You....Shouldn't have said that.'
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She felt someone approaching to her and confused to see a stranger.
A woman dressed in a fancy black dress.
"....Who the fuck?"
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"My dear. You are making such noise in my realm."
Without any hesitation Xen digs their nails into Mari's face and just scratches across her mouth. which they let's their victim a blood curdling scream. With a cold smirk and admiring Mari's anger and colorful language and to see her soul. The bright red fiery soul that seems to be an endless bonfire in their eyes.
With a grin as they took their chin to forced her to look at them. Mari did not hesitate to spit on their cheek. The bloody spit drips down his face as the followers gasps in fear and along with the shadowed stranger. With no remorse, Xen wipes it away and still eyeing on her.
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"Curious.....I wonder why you care about your friend so much? Well....No need to answer....I shall eventually find it. You on the other hand, You intrigue me Marie. They are right to bring you here and you are going to be of great use." Smearing the blood away from the girl's stained cheek. Xen slowly moves their face to hers with a cold glance.
"....You shall join me."
A gasp of surprise as she is already in pain from her mouth absolutely slashed from this monster. Mari felt her inside are torn out by Xen's hand which simply dig through her chest as if it's was clay to be played. Losing so much flesh, so much blood as it drips and pools out of her body. Her ears are ringing and flooding with so much noise that she can't bear it. The last thing Mari sees is that familiar figure stepping out into the light, but her vision is giving up on her and her tears are filling up his eyes. Knowing the horrors that her friends are going to look for her. Especially Scott.
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galaxofmuses · 1 year
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"It's fascinating that swearing is not allowed. Most of the souls I have consumed are many." Looking over at a hedgehog curled up asleep which is really rare for them to do.
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