#:: Astral Report Sent; Saving Post ::
galaxofmuses · 5 months
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// Amara was a bigger challenge then I thought. She is a mix of modern and classic and had to experiment colors again and end up keeping it much simpler and it works. I'm very proud of this edit so much.
More Edits: Sonic/Skyler | Tails/Wren
Personal Blogs/Non Mutuals Please Do Not Repost!
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caffeinewitchcraft · 4 years
Look, I have no idea how this post is going to sound but here goes.
In 2012, I joined an online cult. No, I didn’t know it was a cult. No, I wasn’t aware cults could be online. I was a hurting 18-year-old with a couple of family problems that made me feel alienated from my support system. Then I moved 400 miles to university and there I was, at the most vulnerable point in my life.
And this amazing group of vampires was there, telling me that alienation was normal and that I was “awakening” into my higher self and that I was part of their family. That as soon as I reached my full form, I’d feel better and normal and that I’d be stronger than I was then.
Look. Bro. I know. Vampires. Psychic vampires, sanguine vampires, tantric vampires. All of them. I totally get it. Get off my back, bro.
It started with messaging online. Then it was getting a special, anonymous app on my phone. Skype calls (skype was big back then) became weekly and then nightly. I “gained” trust in the organization. I met the High Priestess who assured me I was very important in her personal life and had been in many reincarnation cycles.
She encouraged me to drive to meet them irl. It was a three hour drive and I did it. I met her son and another member of the coven who gave me very Bad Vibes. We’ll call her Rose.
I missed a day responding to another member and they reported me to the High Priestess. Every form of communication I had was immediately filled with warnings and reminders of everything they’d done for me. Rose was the main author of those warnings.
I promised to do better. I got busy with school and missed another day. More warnings and calls demanding to know why I was doing this to them.  I started becoming afraid to even look at my computer, knowing that I was in trouble for disappointing these people who were my entire social circle.
I was still driving to meet them irl. I was told I was becoming rebellious and the High Priestess wanted me to meet the High Priest but needed to know I was devoted to the coven before she set up the meeting. He didn’t have time for half-assed people who wasted the coven’s time.
Some #bad things happened and I got to meet the High Priest. He “forgave” me for my rebellious tendencies and assigned me astral projection homework that I had to do while listening to a recording of him “guiding” me.
Rose got angry. She sent me a very long email on two separate platforms telling me I wasn’t worth the High Priest’s attention. She promised that she would use  every one of her powers to “get” me.  I went to the High Priestess, telling her that Rose was threatening me and I was getting Bad Vibes from her.
I was punished for speaking out against Rose and was put on “black out.” I was supposed to send every member of the coven an apology every day for six weeks without receiving any messages back. I was to attend the next meeting and say nothing unless spoken to by the High Priest.
By that time, I was in therapy. I stand by that my college’s Women’s Resource and Recreational Center saved my life.
I sent one apology letter. I’d been in this group for nearly three years and I felt genuinely gutted and scared to cut off contact. I apologized for the trouble I’d caused and said that they wouldn’t need to worry about me bothering them anymore. I blocked the lot of them and moved out of the dorms since some of the younger members knew where I lived.
This is, like, the bare bones of one of the most...frustrating periods of time in my life. I’m embarrassed by those three years and the issues I have with communication/intimacy/etc because of that experience. I’m proud of myself for getting out and for fostering a new sense of self that wasn’t reliant on what they tried to make me reliant on.
I opened up about my experience with a friend shortly after leaving the cult. I didn’t enjoy their reaction and decided to stop talking about it as much as possible.
Obviously the fact that they were self-diagnosed vampires is pretty funny. I thought about leaving that part out of this, but thought it was important because that’s how groups like this get you--with a sense of  something beyond what you understand. Their identity seemed bigger and better than my life actually was at the time and, hilarious or not, it was a powerful tool to keep me from second-guessing a lot of what was done to/requested of me.
I don’t have advice here. If you’ve been in this situation or are in this situation, I understand that there’s no easy out. And I’m sorry but leaving is really the best option.
 I want you to know that the good things they “gave” you don’t belong to them. That sense of confidence came from you, not from their support, and it’s yours to keep. You don’t lose any good part of yourself when you leave, only the parts of yourself that would have kept you trapped forever.
One of my favorite quotes comes from The Master and Margarita. “Manuscripts don’t burn.” I think people are like manuscripts. Good or bad, enemies of the state or not, consequences or no consequences, concepts don’t stop existing. Ideas can’t be erased.
There’s still meaning to a document regardless what people think of it, regardless of where it came from, regardless of when it’s read. That meaning exists outside of human will (or cults).
You, as an individual, have meaning that can’t be negated. You’re out in the world as you are and no amount of effort can destroy you or erase you. Like a manuscript, you are not dependent on your historical context, only better understood to those willing to put in the analysis.
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bgn846 · 4 years
Worthy Chapter 7: Hired Guns FFXV A/B/O Promnis
<Previous Chapter 6 
“Can’t it wait until tomorrow morning?” Prompto questioned desperately.      
 “Dearest, I know you have been acting strange ever since the engagement announcement, but you will have to accept it at some point.   Hiding in your room won’t solve anything.”
 “I know, but I really don’t want to go outside right now.  Tomorrow morning when it’s light out would be so much better.”
 “Prompto Argentum, don’t make me ask you a second time.  Please take out the trash,” Soliamare requested in a somber tone.
 Wincing, Prompto sighed and furrowed his brow. He couldn’t fight with his mother right now.  It was the last thing he needed to deal with. “Okay, okay. Can you watch me through the window?” he tried.
 “Prompto! I’m not kidding. Get your butt moving this instant,” she huffed, walking away.
 For a moment, he considered telling her what Lady Saeva had done to him so she’d understand why he didn’t want to go outside.  However, he was still worried she wouldn’t believe him. Instead, taking his fate in his own hands, he quietly grabbed the trash bag and opened the back door.
 He could do this.
 All he had to do was run to the bin, chuck the bag in, and run back.  Shouldn’t they have people to do this for them? His mom was a queen, for crying out loud!  
 If only life had worked out that way.  No sooner had he begun the run to the bin when movement in the bushes caught his attention.   The one rational thought that crossed his mind indicated that it probably wasn’t Lady Saeva hiding in the dirt.  However, something was there, and that something was now running at him.
 His throat only allowed a small strangled noise to escape as he dropped the trash bag and stumbled backwards.  It was a person coming at him - no, it was a woman. Astrals, maybe it really was Saeva!
 Then a second figure appeared and tackled the mystery woman to the ground.  They didn’t stay down; the newcomer was gracelessly tossed aside, and the lady continued on toward him.   Prompto had never seen anyone throw a body so easily. His own limbs weren’t cooperating as he tried to get away.   The fear was overwhelming.
 Unable to catch himself, Prompto tripped and tumbled down onto the ground.  He had to try and fight back, but his mind was too muddled to function. Managing to scramble backwards, Prompto looked for anything he could use for defense.  Bloody groundskeepers hadn’t even left him an errant twig lying around.
 A hand grasped his ankle a second later, and his brain went back into full panic mode.  The scary woman had caught up and was dragging Prompto’s body across the dirt. This time a flash of blue light accompanied the second attack.  The figure who’d been trying to stop the fight had used magic! Did that mean they were from Lucis?
 The woman grunted when she was tackled a second time.  “Get off me!” she hissed as they both fell over.
 “Run Prompto!” the man exclaimed from where he’d landed, and he was trying not to get a fist to the face.
 Wait, this guy knew his name, but who would know him?  It had to be the soldier that was stationed nearby, Nyx.   Prompto didn’t say a word but somehow was able to stand again and run for the back door.     Focusing on running up the few steps to the door, he missed a small but important detail. His mother was watching through the door and had decided to come outside.  Gods, no, this was so bad.
 Soliamare shoved the door open wide and was running to him, Prompto wasn’t sure what she was hoping to accomplish.  Bad things were clearly happening outside of their house.
 “Mum, no!  Go back inside!” he tried.  Of course, like any parent, she ignored him and pulled Prompto close into a hug.
 “What on Eos is going on out here?” She asked nervously.
 The attacker was still struggling with Nyx, and when Soliamare made an appearance, it proved enough of a distraction for the woman to shove Nyx away.  Prompto watched in horror as she rushed them again, this time with a dagger drawn. This wasn’t happening; he wasn’t going to let this happen.
 Without thinking, Prompto twisted his mum out of the way and took her place in front of the incoming blade.  Then there was nothing but silence. Things weren’t in slow motion like in the movies. They had ceased to exist.  He’d apparently closed his eyes during what he thought was his last moment alive. However, he was still breathing and uninjured.  
 Nyx’s voice cut through the haze a moment later. “Why?  He’s a harmless omega,” he asked with a strained voice.
 The blond willed his eyes to open, and he was greeted with quite a sight.  This woman who was trying to kill him had her dagger inches from his throat.  Nyx also had his weapon out and had it under the woman’s chin. They were at a stalemate.
 “If he’s so harmless, then why the hit?” the woman pondered coolly.
 “You seriously trust the crazy bitch that gave you that order?” Nyx sputtered.
 “Of course not!” she spat.  “She’s a troublemaker, clear as day.”
 “Then why are you doing what she wants?”
 The attacker paused and looked directly at Prompto.  He could feel the hairs on the back of his neck raising. His mum was shaking behind him. She had clutched his arm like a vice, and he suspected if she let go, she might fall over.
 “I suppose if someone is willing to take a hit for their mother, they can’t be that bad,” she mused a moment later, slowly lowering the blade.  “So keep talking, glaive.”
 Nyx went to respond, but a noise from nearby caught his attention.  “Inside now!” he huffed. With his knife still at the attackers throat, they all managed to stumble inside.
 Soliamare was the first to crack. She started crying rather loudly and drug Prompto into the corner of the kitchen.  “Leave us alone. We didn’t do anything wrong,” she wailed desperately.      
 “I’m afraid I can’t do that, majesty,” Nyx replied.  “We need to get answers from our mystery woman first.”
 “You can lower your weapon, glaive; I’m not in the mood to play with you anymore,” she replied dryly. “Besides, blue eyes over there is seriously stressed out right now,” she added, sniffing the air lightly. “Can’t you tell?”
 Nyx furrowed his brow and kept staring at her.  “Obviously, he’s stressed; you just tried to kill him.”
 “I wasn’t going to kill him,” she defended.  “I was trying to see what he’d do.”
 “By holding a knife to my throat?!” Prompto exclaimed.  “How does that help you make a decision about someone?”
 “You’re an omega, and even given that fact, you still went to save your mother.   It’s a sign of good character. Besides, if you have a glaive looking after you, then I suspect the report I was given is incorrect.”
 “What report?” Nyx pressured.
 The woman rolled her eyes ,and then in a flash, she ducked down and away from Nyx’s weapon.  With one swift kick she sent Nyx toppling backwards and across the kitchen floor. “I’m tired of talking with that thing at my neck.  Shall we be civilized and sit at the damn table?” she queried.
 “Hey!” Prompto cut in.  “My mum is having a mental breakdown over here, and I’m barely keeping it together.  Are you gonna try and kill me again?”
 “Huh?”  The woman seemed a little stunned by his outburst.   “Kid, I’m not going to try and kill you. Like I said, I hadn’t made up my mind about that, anyway.”
 “Then can you leave us alone?” he asked, hopeful.
 “Sorry, cupcake. If our lady friend finds out I bailed, she’ll just hire someone else.”
 Nyx had picked himself up off the floor and was stomping back over to where the stranger had taken a seat at the table. “Name?” he growled.
 “Oh – that’s why you can’t smell him as well as me. You’re a beta,” she mused with wide eyes.  “You’re not bad of a fighter, considering.”
 Nyx frowned but opted to stand between the stranger and Prompto.
 A shaky voice spoke up next.  “What lady friend are you talking about?” Soliamare asked with teary eyes.
 “Lady Saeva,” the stranger announced.
 “Wha—no, you must be mistaken!” she lamented.  “She’s to marry Prompto’s eldest brother!”
 “Step-brother!” Prompto and Nyx interjected at the same time.
 Soliamare seemed stunned and started to waver where she stood.   Nyx noticed right away and rushed over to help her sit down. “Majesty, you need to take it easy.” He turned his attention back to the stranger.  “Now, will you please tell us your name?” He asked
 “You could pass for an alpha with some more training.  You’re so good at it,” she enthused with a small smile, completely ignoring his question.  
 “I’m gonna start calling you nasty names if you don’t provide one!”
 The mystery woman laughed and leaned back in the kitchen chair.  “You can call me Aranea. So what’s your name      beta    ?” she asked, using her full alpha influence.
 Prompto could tell Nyx was struggling with this encounter.  The scent this woman, Aranea, had started to produce was intoxicating.  It wasn’t calming, but it wasn’t threatening either.
 “Ulric,” he finally managed through gritted teeth.
 “The famous glaive, Nyx Ulric. This is exciting.”
 “What are we going to do?” Prompto asked weakly as he slowly sank to the floor.
 “Hey now, kid, don’t sit on the floor,” Aranea cooed as she stood up.
 “Don’t hurt me!” the blond whimpered as he backed away further into the corner.
 Nyx was about to abandon his post next to Soliamare when Aranea stopped and held up a placating hand.  “I’m not going to harm anyone. Promise.”
 “How can we trust you?” Nyx asked seriously.
 “You’ll just have to use your gut instinct,      beta    .”
 “You – you have to do better with your scent,” Prompto offered.  “I’m not feeling so great right now.”
 Aranea looked a little dumbstruck by the statement.  “My scent? Oh! You mean you want me to change it?”
 Prompto nodded his head furiously.  “Ignis can do one that’s really calming; I thought all alpha’s could.”
 “Ignis, as in the prince of Lucis’ advisor, Ignis Scientia?”
 “How do you know Scientia?” Nyx asked worriedly.
 “I know of him. I don’t know him personally.  Besides, if Scientia likes you, I’m not touching you with a ten-foot pole, kid.  You should warn a lady first.” Aranea huffed. “Playing with fire has its dangers.  His mom must have known what he’d grow up to be to give him a name like Ignis.”
 “What are you thinking he’s responsible for ,anyway?” Nyx asked perplexed.
 “He’s a mastermind.  He plans and calculates and does things that no one else thinks of.  You’re probably here because he sent you.”
 Nyx pursed his lips but stayed silent.  
 “Well that answers that. So this scent thing. . . you say you want calming, huh?”  Aranea wrinkled her nose as she worked to adjust her pheromones.
 Prompto could tell instantly that she’d changed something.   Instead of the previously charged atmosphere, his heart rate was finally able to slow down.  He didn’t even notice she’d approached until he felt his foot move. She’d nudged his shoe with her boot.
 He nodded and closed his eyes.
 “Hey kid!  Sit at the table with us!” she tried.
 Popping his eyes open once more. He accepted Aranea’s hand, and she tugged him upright.  Once he’d sat down, his mum forcefully drug his chair closer to hers. “Is that why you were so upset at the party the other night?  Did she do something to you?” Soliamare asked with a pained expression.
 “She threatened him with a knife and was trying to bite him I think,” Nyx cut in.
 “You were there!” Prompto shouted.  “Titan’s ass, it was you that slammed the door!”
 “Language, Prompto!” Soliamare reprimanded.
 “Sorry, mum. I didn’t know it was Nyx who saved me.  She was going to stab me or claim me, I couldn’t tell.”
 “Why didn’t you tell me?!”
 “You wouldn’t have believed me,” the blond lamented.
 Soliamare went to answer but closed her mouth a moment later.   “I’m so sorry, dear heart. I didn’t realize what her true character was.  Do you forgive me?”
 “Mum!” he cried. “Of course. Will you please let us leave now, though?  I don’t want to live here anymore. I want to go to Lucis. Noct wants to have us, and Ignis is helping him figure out how.”
 “You can add me to the list, too,” Aranea added with a grin.
 “What makes you think I trust you?!” exclaimed Nyx.
 “You will,      beta    . Don’t you want to keep an eye on me?” she asked innocently.
 Nyx shuddered and shook his head.  “Will you stop using alpha-influenced speech. it’s really hard to have a conversation with you.”
 “I know,” she offered, still smiling.  “      Beta    .”
 Nyx made a high pitched noise and clenched his fists on the table.  “Why me?” he huffed under his breath.
 “Why not you?” she asked.
 “Astrals save me.  Prompto, do you trust her?”
 “Can we ask Ignis?” he ventured.
 “Yeessss, let’s ask Scientia. I want to hear his voice.”
 “We can’t exactly call him; I can send a text, though.”
 Aranea frowned but still seemed excited by this development. “How exciting, coded messages.”
 Nyx sighed as he dug out his phone.  He typed for a few minutes and then put the phone down.
 “What did you say?” Soliamare asked.
 “If I told you, it wouldn’t make any sense.” Nyx lamented.
 Prompto assumed, since Nyx was calming down, that Aranea would probably stay with them unless Ignis texted him back something to the contrary.  Now they had to figure out how to get out of Niflheim and back to Lucis where it was safe. If Lady Saeva had hired someone to try and kill him, then she was serious about getting rid of him.  That thought was a little disheartening, but he was glad he had help to fight back. He wasn’t going to let Lady Saeva ruin his life.
       Ignis stared at his phone.  Oh dear, this was a very disturbing development.
 Nyx Ulric 10:48pm      :          New co-worker started today from rival company.  Not sure if they are on the up and up. Showing them the ropes now but things may change. The new girl’s a sharp cookie.  
 He had to act fast. Things were spiraling out of control, and he was getting very worried for Prompto’s safety.   The advisor grabbed his coat and ran out of his apartment. It didn’t take long before Ignis tracked down Ardyn. He was lounging in the gardens in the dark.  The man saw him coming and gave Ignis a puzzled look as he briskly strode over.
 “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?” asked Ardyn from the shadows.
 “That vile woman has hired an assassin to go after Prompto,” Ignis hissed quietly.
 “Oh, that does move your timetable forward slightly.  I take it we are to be leaving within the hour?”
 “Yes. I must tell Noct and Gladio, and then we can go.”
 “Oh! I want to watch. I love it when our young prince gets riled up,” Ardyn exclaimed as he stood up and smoothed out his coat.
 “You enjoy it because he accidentally sets things on fire.” Ignis sighed.
 “It’s a Lucis Caelum thing, Ignis. You wouldn’t understand.”
 Rolling his eyes, they both started walking towards Noct’s suite.  Ignis had already texted Gladio with instructions to meet them there.  He could only hope that the prince would follow his directions.
 Noct, to his credit, didn’t set anything on fire.  Ignis could tell that Ardyn was terribly disappointed, but they didn’t have time to waste with such matters.   The dark-haired youth did try to weasel his way into coming, but his shield put a stop to that plan.
 Gladio was not going to let Noct leave Lucis - not with assassins running around.   Noct finally backed off and made them both promise to send him constant updates.  
 “Do you think he was able to convince his mom to leave?” Noct asked worriedly.  “He said he wasn’t going without her.”
 “I am not leaving Prompto in that situation.  I will strive to educate his mother on the reasons for leaving, but if she won’t come, then I can’t force her.”
 Noct looked confused for a moment.  “Um --.”
 “Save it princess, he basically just said he’s coming back with Prompto whether his mom likes it or not.” Gladio huffed.  “You both better get going. I don’t think snaky would cheap out on hired help for a job like that. You don’t have much time.”
 “Snaky is far too kind of a name for that harlot,” Ignis growled.  “We must go.” On that final note, he turned and left the suite. He hoped he wasn’t too late.  Nyx appeared to be handling what he could, but if Saeva got King Alban on her side, things would definitely take a turn for the worse.
 “My dear boy, I’ve not seen you so animated in quite some time,” Ardyn proffered as they walked towards the car waiting to take them to the airfield. “I do believe Sana’s assessment of imprinting is correct.”
 Ignis stalled briefly in the corridor.  “You talked to Sana?” he ventured.
 “When she visits I do, of course, but I’ve gathered this information from Gladio.”
 Picking up his pace again, Ignis wondered when that talk had occurred. “Do you and Gladio discuss things frequently?”
 “We had our reasons; we were concerned about you.”
 Ignis stopped for a second time. “Concerned? What on Eos would you both be worried about?”
 “Ignis, I know you can walk and talk. Shall we?” Ardyn gestured with his hand.
 “Did you consider it might be you who can’t walk and talk?” Ignis grumbled as he continued on.
 Arydn’s laugher broke the tension.  “I can do a great many things at the same time.”
 “Hmmm.  So why were you discussing me?” the advisor tried again.
 “Gladio correctly guessed that I’d met other imprinted mates, so he wanted my insight.  We have both noticed your change in behavior around Prompto.”
 “Though I desire to know more, I must be blunt due to our current situation.  Should I be worried about anything?” Ignis asked with furrowed brow.
 Ardyn smiled.  “No.”
 “That’s it? You have some possible life-altering talk about me, and I’ve nothing to worry about?” Ignis asked in disbelief.
 “You decided to rescue the lad, so you did the right thing.  No intervention needed.”
 Ignis opened his mouth to speak but couldn’t find the words.
 “Imprinted mates don’t fare well if they don’t get together, Ignis.  Gladio simply wants you to be happy, which is why he sought my advice.”
 Taking a deep breath, Ignis hurried his pace as they raced to get to Niflheim.  It was astonishing that someone could hold such power over him after they’d only been in each other’s company for a day at most. Prompto might not even feel the same way.  He could travel there and be rebuffed. That would be a rather disappointing let down.
 It was pushing midnight when they finally boarded the dropship. Ardyn plunked down in a seat and promptly fell asleep. Ignis envied his ability to tune out the world when need be.  His mind was far too consumed with possible issues and problems that would await them when they landed.
 Suddenly overcome with an odd feeling of guilt, he pulled out his phone to text Gladio.
Ignis Scientia 12:05am: I’m doing the right thing, aren’t I?
 Breathing deeply, he waited to see if the shield would respond.  Thankfully, the man answered him within minutes.
Gladio Amicitia 12:08am: Of course you are the kid needs help.
Ignis Scientia 12:10am: You don’t think Noct is cross with me for ignoring him, do you?  I’ve been so focused on Prompto. I fear I’ve not been doing enough for his highness.
 His phone pinged nearly immediately after that.
Gladio Amicitia 12:11am: NO! and NO!
 Ignis looked down at his phone with wide eyes.  He assumed Gladio was typing more and waited for a follow up message.
Gladio Amicitia 12:14am: Noct would be sneaking out right now if I wasn’t here to prevent it.  He’s ecstatic that you’re taking action. Plus you do too much for princess as it is, he’ll survive.   Go get your omega!
 The last message helped dispel Ignis’ worried thoughts.  Even if Prompto turned him down, he would still help him escape Niflheim and start a new life elsewhere. Opening a text to Nyx, he alerted the glaive to their arrival.
Ignis Scientia 12:20am: I wish to interview your new coworker before the shift starts.  Will your office work?  
 They’d already arranged code words for meeting places in case this very scenario happened.  He could only hope Nyx would get his message in time.
 The glaive texted him back within minutes.
Nyx Ulric 12:25am: Please tell me the head of HR is coming too?
 Oh dear. This was very bad indeed.  If Nyx was already requesting backup, things were getting dangerous.
Ignis Scientia 12:27am: Even better, the VP.
Nyx Ulric 12:29am: Thank the six.
 The messages stopped after that, and Ignis could only prepare for the unknown.  His first order of business once they landed was to locate Prompto and Nyx and get the hell out.
>Next Chapter 8
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chocobostrinket · 7 years
Lucian Theif
3846 words ~ General
Note: So this happened. I saw this post and just...this happened. Then I got about half way through and was like...Shit this got stupidly long. One of these days I should have someone beta for me. 
Anyhow, it’s just a thing with Cor being the one who snuck in and stole Prompto. Threw in an OC to move the story along. Funnily enough, I almost changed the story completely and had him steal two of the clones instead. But I managed to talk myself out of that. Anyways, enjoy.
It was frigid in the hallway, and the dimmed lights only added to a feeling of being out of place. And he was very out of place since he was neither one of Niflheim’s scientists, or one of their experiments. Such was the nature of Cor’s mission though. Infiltrate the facility, find any useful information, don’t get caught. 
Being out of place wasn’t anything new.
However, what was new was all the luck he’d been having once he was inside the building. The first door he’d managed to sneak through lead to what appeared to be a staff lounge of sorts, giving him a chance to catch his breath after being outside in the cold. Not only that, but there had been a map of the facility with a note on it, labeling a recent add on as where the Deathless project would be stored.
He'd figured that just the map would have been the Astrals smiling upon him. But the note? That sent red flags up in his head considering Project Deathless was precisely why he was here. Could someone have leaked that? Was it a trap? But trap or no trap, he’d have to check out the location marked on the map anyways. It’d be a good starting point. And on the off chance it wasn’t a trap, he’d be that much closer to getting the information he needed and getting out.
So, he’d left the room and embarked down the hall, making sure to memorize the way back for a quick escape. Occasionally, there was one of the Magitek soldiers ambling through the halls on a patrol. They weren’t very good at it though, considering that hiding behind the occasional box or around a corner seemed to be enough to keep himself out of trouble.
But then he’d stumbled upon a small shelf with papers on it.
He’d grabbed the top most paper on the stack and frowned. A memo with an all access pass code to the facility. Ironically, it stated that the employees needed to stop leaving the passcodes laying around. If he wasn’t careful, the frown on his face would become permanent. This was entirely too convenient, the enemy must have known he was coming, and he was probably dead the moment he’d walked through the doors. No. The moment he’d left Lucis
…That, or he’d done something that’d pleased the Astrals astronomically.
He could guess which was more likely.
But it had him curious. Just what kind of trap was he walking into? So, he’d continued to the room, which was, predictably, locked with a keypad. Warily, he punched in the code from the memo and stepped to the side as the door opened with a pressurized noise. He drew his blade and waited until the count of five before stepping out from his cover and rolled into the room. He landed in a crouch and was ready for a fight, tense and waiting. His focus was on the area around him, and his intuition ready to tell him where any strike may come from.
So, it was something of a surprise to find nothing popping out to attack him.
Cautiously, he lowered his blade and rose to his feet, eyes scanning the room. Nothing. There were no guards, none of the magitek, or even any scientists.
“Just what kind of security are they running over here?” He muttered under his breath and he sheathed his sword and started to look through the room.
It’d been quiet for almost half an hour as he perused the documents laying around, hoping to find something of use. Since it was so quiet, when lights turned on behind him suddenly, he’d been startled. He spun around quickly, hand already on his hilt when he ended up freezing.
His heart clenched. The documents had mentioned infants he recalled. He’d assumed that had been for a study of some sort. Assigning case numbers and such. Instead, he was face to face with an unspeakable act. The light that had startled him was emitting from seven tanks, and inside each one floated an infant. All of them drifting in their tanks, unware he was there.
Each tank also had what appeared to be paperwork attached to it. Perhaps holding what he was looking for. Though he hoped not. Slowly, he made his way over, and with every step his morals were screaming out that everything about this was wrong. He approached one of the tanks, picking up its papers, and slowly inhaled before reading. As he read, his face slowly paled, and his eyes widened by the slightest of margins.
The realization that this was what he was looking for almost knocked the wind out of him. He looked at the baby in the tank, floating inside, eyes closed as if it was sleeping, blond hair floating freely around him.  He’d never been an emotional kind of man. No. But seeing a child’s face, and knowing what their fate would be was one of the hardest things he’d ever experienced.
This was Project Deathless.
He dropped the paperwork before he thought better of it, needed a moment to adjust to the reality he was in. How had Niflheim allowed this to happen? To let infants be raised for war and nothing else. To be twisted by demon blood and changed from human to machine.
His hands slightly shook as he picked up the papers to take them with, recalling just how many of the magitek he’d slain over the years. If the papers were to be believed, they’d all started out as this. Just a child, robbed of any other life they might have had.
With a heavy heart, he turned to leave. He had what he needed. But as he got to the door he paused and looked back. He felt tired and knew that making decisions when he was tired wasn’t the wisest of choices. But as he gazed back into the room at the child, he made a choice. He crossed the room quickly, recalling what he’d read and pressed three buttons.
One to drain the tank, the second to turn off the vital monitors, and the third to lower the glass.
This wasn’t his best idea, and there was also no way he could rationalize saving one life, and he knew that this wasn’t atoning for the countless he’d taken. But his damn conscience wasn’t going to let him walk away from this child. It was screaming for him to take them all in fact.
But he couldn’t.
Once the glass had dropped, he picked up the child as it coughed up the liquid and cradled it to his chest. Once the child had finished coughing, he breathed normally, and his pulse was strong. Considering that the child had just been submerged in what he assumed was liquid oxygen, his mind turned traitorous and wondered if the infant was used to switching between air and the liquid. If so, how many times had the infant been taken out and then placed back into the tank?
A huff of disgust left him before he could stop it, and he glanced around the room for anything to cover the child with. If he was taking him with, he’d need to be covered with something to protect him from the cold. It was then he noticed the shelves sitting just outside the light of the tanks. Upon them were heaped what looked like blankets and supplies for the infants. Bags, food, clothes…
Convenient. Again.
But he didn’t care. For all he knew the child could be a red herring with false information attached. If that was the case he’d gladly accept that he’d failed the mission in exchange for saving one of these children. He quickly packed a bag and filled it with what he could for the child. Supplies that he’d probably need considering there was no way in hell he was prepared to care for a child on the way back to his extraction point. Once a bag was packed and he had it situated on his back he turned his attention to the baby sleeping in his arms.
As Cor pulled the clothes on him, that was when the child started fussing. Its eyes popped open and immediately turned watery. Cor hurriedly finished dressing him and bundled him into a blanket.
“Shh,” Cor scooped the child back up from where he’d lain him and lightly bounced him, thanking the astrals that he’d seen Regis with the prince more than once, “Hey now. It’s alright.”
He spoke quietly to soothe the child, and watched the door. No one was coming so far. But the crying did make him second guess his choice. Only now did he remember that there were Magitek throughout the halls. Could the child be quiet enough to make it through them all? Did he dare risk an alternative route?
But then the baby quieted, and looked at Cor.
Cor without thinking really, offered his pinky to the child. The baby’s hand grabbed onto him, and cooed, but not happily, no. Rather, he just wanted to make noise it seemed. Cor kept his face neutral as he studied him.
Bright blue eyes stared into his and this time a happy coo did leave the baby’s mouth. Almost as if he was just happy to be looked at.
Cor inhaled slowly and then sighed, knowing this was the right choice, and turned his attention back to the door.
Back the way he came then. He could make in one shot if he ran maybe… Wait, shit. Running with a baby. Bad idea. He’d have to go as slowly as he came, if not slower. Plus, how was he going to explain that the mission might be a failure? Technically, this was…project Deathless. There was the paperwork, and he didn’t have to put in the report that he’d pretty much been guided here… They didn’t need to know he didn’t look anywhere else, right? And it might not be a red herring!
He was so fired.
But, he figured as he looked back down at the baby, it’d be worth it. If he could get them out of the facility and back to his extraction point that is.
“What do you think little guy? Can you manage to be quiet for that long?” He muttered.
The child squeaked rather loudly, but with a smile. Another slow sigh left Cor, followed by the child reaching up and hitting his nose lightly.
But that was when he heard footsteps at the door.
His head swiveled up and he froze, as did the woman who’d began to walk inside.
For a moment, they just stared at each other. Sizing each other up. Ordinarily, she wouldn’t have been a problem. She was clearly an academic. He could have incapacitated her within seconds of seeing her. However, the child in his arms posed a problem.
Her face, one of shock and fear, slowly turned into narrowed eyes and a hardened gaze.
“You…You’re Lucian…no?” Her voice was quiet and the words thickly accented. The woman sounded like she’d hardly spoken a word of Lucian until this point. But he still understood, and nodded slowly, his own eyes scrutinizing her, trying to figure out what she was doing.
She glanced back at the door, giving him a moment of panic at the thought she was going to go get help. But then she stepped into the room quietly, and pressed the keypad beside it to shut the door.
“Quickly…The child... She said, turning back to him, her expression pleading.
“You…want me to take him?” He asked, confusion running across his face freely. He was anyways, but he’d expected her to have the opposite reaction. Like trying to stop him.
She nodded and then beckoned him to follow her over to the computer. He did, though slowly. She placed what looked like a jump drive into the man computer and began to sort through files. Over her shoulder he watched the screen. Data from the project streamed across it rapidly, and his grasp of Gralean only allowed him to catch small phrases, or part of a word. Something about demons? He frowned and tried harder to translate faster, but she moved from file to file too quickly.
Eventually, after minutes of silence, she stopped, closed all programs, and pulled out the drive. Her eyes met his as she handed him what was probably the most information Lucis would ever have on the Magitek. He took it from her, looking up with absolute confusion. She shrugged and gestured to the tanks.
“Project…Deathless.” She scoffed. “Many die.”
She shook her head, “It’s… This is not what…”
She said something in Gralean, which he took to mean she had meant to help the people. Which he understood how sometimes people could be twisted against themselves. He could hear the regret in her words. Perhaps she, like him, hoped to save at least one of the children from a life as a machine.
She gestured to him to follow her again and he did, tentatively. At the back of the room, a secret hall opened, and she stepped through. He peeked inside, and jumped when the child suddenly babbled. He’d almost forgotten he was in his arms. Of all things.
The woman turned and looked at the child fondly, almost with what Cor could call longing as well. But then she faced forward.
“This path leads to the...The-” She muttered what sounded like twenty different curses in Gralean before snapping her fingers, “-the entry hall.”
“No Magitek?” He asked, an eyebrow raised as he followed her. He knew following her blindly like this was stupid. It was. But part of him honestly wanted to believe that some shred of human decency could be found in this facility.
“Some.” She said, and he stopped in his tracks.
But then she held up her wrist, a silver band with a small red light going off every few seconds. “They won’t attack.”
“What is that?” He asked, starting to follow behind her again.
She glanced back at him, and then gestured to another doorway. “Electronic pass. They don’t attack.”
“That’s handy.” He mutters. Maybe if they had that in Lucis as well…they could use the Nif’s tech against them.
Almost as if she could hear his thoughts she added, “Also tracks. It… records our movement. We can’t leave.”
“We?” He frowned. Did she mean him and her, or her and someone else?
She then stopped and pushed him into a room.
“Shush!” She stepped in front of the doorway and blocked it from view. Rounding the corner was one of the Magitek security details. She dropped her gaze to the ground, but held up her wrist. There was a moment where it paused, but then it soon continued, not bothering to look inside the room she was blocking.
They waited a few moments until it was out of sight before she let him step back into the hall. They then continued at a fast pace.
“Hurry. The timing…” She shrugged as she walked, giving up on trying to get what she wanted across to him.
He understood though. Kind of. He could only guess, but he’d hoped she meant that if they timed it right, no further troubles would happen across them. And it was true. They went down hall after hall, with her in the lead, and came across nothing else. Soon enough, they were back into the lobby he’d started in.
She’d then paused in the room, and turned to look back at him. “May I…?”
She gestured to the baby and he nodded. So, she stepped closer to him and placed a hand on the child’s head, who burbled at the contact. Up close, he could see that she was about his age. Maybe a few years older possibly, but still in her twenties. And there was a definite sadness in her eyes as she looked at the baby.
Without meaning to, he asked, “Why are you helping me?”
The question, he thanked his lucky stars, didn’t offend her. Instead, a small smile crossed her face when the baby’s hand wrapped around one of her fingers.
She said quietly, “Let me at least save this one.”
He looked up at her and watched as she pulled her hand away from the baby’s grasp, and then took a step back.
“Go. In that file, you have the…names. You have the names of scientists here and other…Facilities? Who don’t want this.” She said, returning to the determined mindset from earlier.
“If you don’t want this, come with me.” He said without thinking. That same longing from earlier crossed her face.
“I can’t. Go out the door and-” she held up her wrist, “-Magitek will come.”
“We could out run them. You could come to Lucis.” He knew that what he was saying was a lie. They’d likely be caught. But there was a slim chance they’d make it. And, like before, it wasn’t sitting right with him to leave someone who, for all intents and purposes, was being forced to carry out these inhuman experiments.
She shook her head. “We do not expect to be saved, Lucian.”
He stared at her for a few moments, and opened his mouth to try and convince her to take the chance. Even though he was already taking one with the child, he was willing to try and get her out too. But then a voice startled both out of their conversation.
“Oh dear. A Lucian is making off with one of our star experiments.”
The voice sent chills up both their spines, and Cor whirled on heel to face whoever it was. The woman paled, but stood up a little straighter upon seeing who it was. And in his arms, the baby began to fuss.
“Sunna.” The man strode into the room with a smirk on his face. “One of our researchers assisting a Lucian. What would Besithia say?”
“Who are you?” Cor, though he knew it was dangerous, drew his sword and held it in front of him one handed. An attempt to keep them safe.
“It doesn’t matter. Consider me a friend.” He grinned even wider, and Cor felt very uneasy.
“You’re no friend.” The woman, Sunna he recalled, said.
“Aw,” The Chancellor feigned being hurt by placing a hand over his heart, “And here I’d brought a gift.”
Cor watched as the man reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked like a metal key of some sort. Beside him Sunna stiffened.
“The key to your freedom Sunna. Imagine. No more hurting those children you seem to adore. No more learning from Besithia.” He smiled.
Cor glanced at her, and saw that she was looking at her wrist. But then she looked up and her eyes narrowed. She was going to refuse, it was clear on her face. Before she could respond, Cor cut her off, seeing an opportunity to get her out of there as well.
“What’s the cost?”
The man smiled, and instead of answering, tossed the key over. Sunna’s face was bewildered as she caught it. “No cost. I merely wish to aid you in your mission.”
Cor grimaced, “There’s always a catch.”
“Oh…Alright. I wish for you to return my map to where it was.” The man laughed as Cor visibly paled.
“You…It was you?”
“Oh yes. We knew of your mission months ago. Or rather I did. And I saw an opportunity.” The man out stretched his arms, gesturing to the whole facility. “This facility. Easy to get into and out of wouldn’t you say? And if Sunna had the resources, that thing on her wrist wouldn’t have stopped her from leaving. She’d have been able to get out of it I’m sure.”
“But alas, no matter how much I told Besithia that the security was lacking, he has not listened. And so…” He gestured to the three of them. “Once he hears that not only a scientist escaped, with one of the experiments, and at a Lucian’s side none the less…He’d have no choice but to better our security.”
The reason sounded as insincere as they came. But Cor wasn’t going to question it any further. He recognized a snake when he heard one. So instead of responding, he turned to Sunna.
“Hurry, take that off.”
She startled out of whatever thoughts she’d been having and moved to comply. She looked…hopeful almost. And soon enough, the bracelet clicked open and dropped to the floor. She kicked it for good measure, sending it sliding to a stop at the man’s feet.
“Well, what are you waiting for?” He said, almost playfully, “Unless you’ve changed your mind. I’m more than willing to take the child back.”
He held out his arms at the same time Cor tightened his hold when the baby let out a soft coo. “Not on your life.”
“Oh? Pity, and I thought we were friends. Ah well.” The man then turned on heel, and began to leave. As he left he called back over his shoulder, “You’d best hurry on by the way, the other scientist will be waking soon.”
When he was finally gone, they both stood in stunned silence. But then they both turned into a flurry of movement. He placed the map back where he’d found it, note and all, and sheathed his sword. Sunna accessed a box of jackets, for when the scientists had to go outside and put one on, alongside a hat and gloves. She then took an extra one out as well and hat as small as she could find.
She then walked over to Cor and then arranged the hat on the baby’s head. “For the child, the blanket will not be enough.”
She said in explanation, and gestured for him to hand him over. He did so without complaint. Sunna could be trusted, he was sure of that now. She tucked the bottom of the coat over the baby’s feet before zipping it up and tucking the rest around him, creating a makeshift snowsuit. Then she picked him back up and cradled him to herself. In her arms, the child began to drift back to sleep.
“We need to go. That man…” She started, but Cor stepped forward and to the door.
“Come on then.”
He felt like she had more to say, but it was better to leave sooner. Considering that he originally was sure he’d failed the mission, and only just now realized that he was coming back with the project data, one of the experiments, AND a researcher, he did NOT want to tempt his luck by staying any longer. What she had to say could wait.
And so, for what she hoped was the last time, Sunna keyed in the code and opened the door to the outside. They both then stepped outside, and departed, the tracks left behind them disappearing as the snow quietly fell around them.
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Series Existence : Writings Relevant to the Stories of Iqoras & Xian : Pokémon R / B / Y Timeline - Day Zero, Crash Landing - 7th Day, Crash Site Stabilized, Qhi Begins Scouting - 13th Day, Song Begins Terraforming Crash Site - 52nd Day, Xian Wakes Up - 130th Day, Qhi Discovers (Camp 1), Song Ventures Forth - 133rd Day, Song Reaches (Camp1), Qhi Ventures Further, Xian Ventures Forth - ~~~ Entry Xian, Just Before Discovering the New World It seems to have been a long time... *stares off into the room* *snaps out of it* Since i have met with Iqoras on our Vehicle, the Astral Transient. She has been at the controls of the direction for a long time. I am not sure if she even wants to see me right now. I have been stranded in our guest room. She put me in here.. when she decided my vision for our direction was not aligned with reality. Quarantined beyond Space and Time. Now, we wander Iqoras's mind. If she does not land soon, i am not sure if we will survive. Eventually the Astral Transient will deteriorate based on the psychology of the user. If Iqoras continues to roam, to never land and exit, she might get consumed by her own mind. I have no idea what that means for me. I have no idea how long that could be. *Day 52* It seems i am not dead yet. It also seems Iqoras has... landed... Now, to figure out where that is. Perhaps, more importantly... Why..... I haven't seen Iqoras yet. I see the protocol droids have been put to work, and it seems a few advanced androids have been activated and put to work too.. but they are not here either. It's a empty camp, and it's just like the cage she put me in. Full of food and comforts and lovely things. It seems it doesn't take long to begin creating advanced new world colonies when you have alien gear. I must still get used to this whole, larger world thing. Iqoras showed me a lot of things, but i never would have though we would end up here. The world itself looks very different. We are obviously not on a planet, and although there are obvious cycles of the celestial bodies. I am not sure what these celestial bodies are, how they are organized, or the forces keeping them in tact. This all makes me interested at least. I am going to take a while to learn about our new world and decide what to do next. *Day 133* This world, is beyond interesting. I noticed something, closer to the epicenter of this cosmic cluster... it was a bright light, but also dark as the void. I am not sure what to make of it yet, but it is very far away for now, and i do not even know if Iqoras & I can / will make it off this current piece of cluster anytime soon. I made my way into the wilds a bit, but a protocol droid stopped me before i encountered this large mouse. Which may have spared me some pain, it apparently conducts electricity in offense and defense... This mouse seems to desire to follow me, i heard that Qhi & Song both found creatures that followed them too. i suspect, they are a part of a larger intelligence. This mouse, it follows my eyes and reads my emotions. It might be like the creatures on Azeroth, that were intimately connected. I cannot see why the wildlife would be so friendly otherwise. Maybe they are just curious though, and my own mind is too far away from reality here and now. I am quite scarred from Azeroth, i won't forget that world anytime soon. I am about to leave, and i guess this mouse will accompany me. *Day 134* Journey to (Camp1) ~~~ Qhi Log. Several noticeable cycles (celestial patterns) since the initial crash. Local wildlife specimen obtained under a form of companionship it accepts. It seems to be quite aware of its environment, and it seems social and intelligent enough to assist me possibly. It seems to absorb the sunlight, and also eat some of the oddly formed plasmas around our environment. Another creature, attacked us. It seemed to not like the plant creature, i named Ursoc Claw. It just seemed fitting. We were fighting off the larger fire breathing salamander type creature when UC dived into a breathe of fire to save me. I thought for sure it would be done for. Apparently, it can take a beating from this fire. I was intrigued and i decided that's why it should be named so. It was a very protective creature. Android : Qhi. I was sent out into the world around our crash site to investigate the life forms which posed more of a obvious threat. From dangerous animals to hazardous plants. I am to scout and report, and Android Song will then begin his own scouting missions. Just before leaving, i gathered some information i might have found useful. Various probes were scattered throughout the environment of this world we landed on. So obviously other Android's must be out there besides for our Captain's Crash Site. A few other droids were up and running, but none of the advanced versions. Just protocol droids to fulfill some work Iqoras needed to tend to at her Base Camp. *Days Later* Qhi Log. First Days of Scouting Mission Resources Available - Wilds, Farmlands. Hostile Creatures - Large Mammal Rats, Large Carnivorous Birds, My friend UC and I have wandered north of our Crash Site for a while now, we have run into a few creatures that sought to harm us, however not as treacherous as that fire lizard. I have seen lovely wilds and lands that could be used to farm and harvest resources for further colonization. UC just appeared to exhibit some strange and new behavior towards the wildlife too, so that will be taken under notice. I seem to have found quite the strong companion. *DaysLater* We were dove upon by another bird that desired to poke into us i suppose. UC shot a sort of seed into the creature, and it seems that UC can absorb the energy, or strength, of those it's seeded. That could be quite... problematic if UC decides i am no longer it's friend. We also just stumbled upon a protocol droid that harvested a form of substance that could be viewed as a dense nutrient food. UC seems to like it, and needed it. We have been running through these wilds avoiding these odd birds and rats for a few days. We had one period of 8 hours of sleep with no worry or care of threat of death. The protocol droid had coordinates a bit further north, that could be a android establishment, or it could be where it landed... Unfortunately i cannot tell given it was activated after the ship began to fall apart, and those are the only coordinates i have from it. *Weeks Later* We have scouted many lands, and all around here are similar to the Crash Site, although the fauna seems to be changing as our altitude increases. We have scaled a few cliff edges, and we have hiked a few hills. UC is in need of some rest it seems. I have not yet seen another creature like it. I wonder, how the occurrences of these creatures happen. Anyways. We have reached a post from a protocol droid, it said up the hill there is a small pod zone. Androids must have set up shop and began surviving the terrain. Fortunately we can bring some trade routes and such to the Crash Site, if this is the case... I am aware of many stories of Xian & Iqoras, but i have yet to ever experience anything close to those old tales. Well, their lives.... On our way to the encampment! *Days Later* This is beautiful! After many days of hard labor wandering and fending off wildlife we have reached a relatively settled encampment. A android operated zone too ! however i cannot find the leader, mostly due to the fact the protocol droid will not let me into their domicile. This is fine, UC & I can spend some time here and learn some things from the local protocol droids. Also... Resources - More Wilds & Plains & Farmlands, & a Lake near the 1st discovered encampment. No new animal creature has appeared, but the plant life has changed a bit. After i recover need to know information from around here, UC and I will begin our mission again. *Day Later* The local Android, has raised a nice little village, a town center, a research and development lab, and it even has a museum of local things and has already begun documenting its usefulness and such! Song will be very pleased by this. Xian & Iqoras also... but i am not sure what they are up to. UC and I are about to leave town, and last evening i sent a signal to Song to make their way through the trail i laid. ~~~ Android Song Log Entries *Days After Crash Site Rejuvination* *Week or so since Qhi began Scouting* The local environment is thriving with all sorts of life. It only takes a eye to see it i suppose. I was designed to examine and interpret however. I was assigned with designing food sources, healing sources, building sources, and other sources of general colonization and to then express the best possible vision for our status on this world. Iqoras & Xian's objective has not been determined, therefore i can only act on what i know for now. I have not yet been advised by Qhi to begin my travels through their trail. I have received various transmissions however that seem to praise that weird plant dog thing, that Qhi somehow convinced its safety was assured along side that boisterous android. I have a companion myself, a odd fiery lizard came to me. I guess it enjoyed my singing when i was out near the sea south of our Crash Site. It helps me do chores, and behaves quite oddly for being a animal. Because i am so interested in it. I have not yet probed it to understand its functioning. I like the mystery, and there has been so much indexing being done at the Crash Site. The curiosity this creature gives me will keep me energized for a while. *Months Later* I just received signal from Qhi that the nearest android encampment has been discovered and linked up with our Crash Site. We are now receiving information from a entirely new region and it is amazing, the flood of new data is always pure bliss to my heart! However, now it is time for me to move on to the next zone. Maybe my lovely lizard friend will accompany me. *Days Later* @ Sign Post Outside of Next Camp I am extremely glad my lizard friend chose to stay with me. I was attacked by several creatures, only one proved any trouble though. I am not designed for defense or offense so my companion, i gave the name Xerestrasz, came to my rescue! There was just one creature, a sort of turtle that spewed water gave us trouble. However, Qhi did a good job laying out a path to walk down. On our way to this new town... I did notice that the environment changed in ways i hypothesized it would, based on the information we received from the post just before i began my venture. I guess it's time to see what is up, in this lovely town. I smell a festival! *Day Later*
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papirlife · 7 years
Good day my dear readers, I sincerely hope that you are all having a fantastic day!
Now, you must be thinking, ‘what the hell is a blog dedicated to books and the lot doing with a post about movies?’, well since it’s October, the month of the Sabbath and a period of terror and also Friday the thirteenth, I decided to kick off the month with some much-needed horror.
So without further ado, let me introduce you to some of my favorite horror movies!
1. Silent Hill 
After the continuous sleep walking episodes of Sharon, Rose Da Silva’s adoptive daughter, a decision is made to take Sharon to the place only mentioned in her restless dreams, Silent Hill.
However, the road to Silent Hill is anything but easy to encounter, and when Rose enters into a high-speed chase with a police officer, she inevitably leads both herself and the officer into an accident.
When she wakes up, Sharon has disappeared and Rose is at the entrance to the deserted, dream-like town of Silent Hill.
As she begins the search for her daughter, she begins to see the true terror and mystery that encompass the fog riddled town before her.
Rose is led on a blind search for her beloved child, but ends up finding herself getting more and more entwined into disturbing past of Silent Hill.
It is, in every sense of the word, Hell on Earth.
Silent Hill was originally a survival horror video game franchise, whose games were well known for their intense, psychological stories and downright terrifying game-play.
The franchise had gained popularity with their first release, ‘Silent Hill’ in 1999. However, many fans would agree that the sequel, Silent Hill 2, was by far the most disturbing of all of the games.
The movie for the Silent Hill series was released in 2006, and as far as horror movies go, was generally well received.
I watched the movie a few years ago, and I have to say that it remains one of favorites to this day.
In my opinion, it combined the elements of horror very nicely and I honestly fell in love with the concept of Silent Hill after watching it.
Fair warning though, the movie is very gory and disturbing as far as I remember and it is not recommended for the faint of heart.
2. The Ring
At first, it sounded like just another urban legend – a videotape filled with nightmarish images that leads to a phone call foretelling the viewer’s death in exactly seven days.
Newspaper reporter Rachel Keller is skeptical of the story until four teenagers all die mysteriously exactly one week after watching just such a tape.
Allowing her investigative curiosity to get the best of her, Rachel tracks down the video and watches it herself.
Now she has just seven days to unravel the mystery behind the tape, and save her son’s life in the process. 
The Ring is an american remake of the 1998 Japanese horror movie, ‘Ringu’, which in turn was based on the ‘Ring’, the first of a book series written by Koji Suzuki and published in the 90’s.
I watched this one a few months ago and I have to that it is by far one of my favorites.
‘The Ring’ doesn’t use blood and gore to terrify its viewers, instead it focuses on the elements of psychological horror and while it might not necessarily scare you shitless, it will disturb you and creep you out to no end, and after watching it you’ll still be thinking about it days later.
There might also be that silly bit of paranoia that you’ll die after seven days of seeing the movie, I distinctly remember that very thought in the back of my mind that stayed in my head for a week after I saw the film.
‘The Ring’ delivers a kind of horror that stays with you, no matter how many times you try to be beat it down. Because, you see the thing about good horror, is that it never really dies.
3. Insidious, Chapters 1 and 2
  Josh Lambert and his wife Renai move with their three children, Dalton, Foster and Cali, to a new home, in hopes of a fresh start.
However, one day when Dalton is exploring the attic, he falls from a ladder and hits the head on the floor.
The next morning, Dalton does not wake up and he soon falls into a coma, but the doctors are not able to come up with a concrete diagnosis.
Three months later, strange events begin to occur in the Lambert household and Renai soon starts seeing apparitions.
She is sure that the house is haunted and convinces Josh to move again. But things are no different, if not worse in the new house and this time Josh does not believe his wife when she tells him of the spirits she has seen roaming the halls of their new home.
That is until his mother, Lorraine tells Josh that she had a vision of a fiend in Dalton’s room.
Frightened and desperate, the Lambert’s take Lorraine’s advice and invite the medium and Lorraine’s old friend Elise Rainier, who brings her team of ghost hunters to investigate the supernatural phenomena in their home.
Elise explains that Dalton has gained the ability of astral projection and his spiritual body is lost in a place called the Further that is not meant for the living and the entities there are gathering around him, trying to get inside his empty physical body.
Among these entities there is a demon that needs Dalton’s body to complete its malicious agenda.
And to complicate matters even more, Lorraine discloses that Josh had also once been a traveller and may very well be the only person who can bring Dalton home.
I like the Insidious series for its take on the this ‘Other world’ of sorts that was deigned for the dead.
It’s a very creepy place to be, and definitely not somewhere you’d want to end up. This movies essentially go hand in hand and Chapter 2 pretty much continues the story from where Chapter 1 left of.
Insidious Chapter 3 is an older story that takes place before the events of Insidious but I didn’t really enjoy it as much as I did it’s predecessors.
The movie in general is very creepy, the music ties into the film really well and it’s chock full of jump scares that’ll keep you on the edge of your seat.
It’s also got a good story line, which is a little surprising for a horror movie and it’s overall a must see movie for the season of Halloween.
4. Hush
A deaf writer who originally retreated into the woods to live a solitary and peaceful life must fight for her life when a masked man arrives at her window with a fierce determination to kill her. 
Now, I get it, just by the summary, it sounds just like one of those cheesy horror flicks you’d watch when you’re bored but trust me ‘Hush’ is way better than that.
It’s not really the idea of the movie that makes it so great but it’s more so the way it’s been made.
In no way, shape or form is the heroine ‘weak’ or ‘helpless’ as heroines are often depicted in the horror genre. Instead, she’s just as determined to survive as her killer is to murder her.
And she might not be able to hear, but she uses her wits and intelligence to outsmart her would be murderer.
This is one thriller that will for sure have you on the edge of your seat, even if it doesn’t sound too enticing at first glance.
5. The Woman in Black
 Arthur Kipps, a lawyer and recently widowed and grieving the loss of his wife, is sent to a remote village to put a deceased eccentric’s affairs in order.
But, soon after his arrival, it becomes clear that the villagers are hiding a terrible secret.
Kipps discovers that his late client’s house is haunted by the spirit of a woman who is trying to find someone or something she lost, and that no one — not even the children — are safe from her terrible wrath.
 Now, I watched this a very long time ago and I can’t really tell you much about it aside from the fact that the movie gives off a very creepy vibe in general.
And that it runs along the same lines as the Insidious series.
So in my opinion, if you liked Insidious then you’re sure to like the Woman in Black.
6.  The Conjuring
In 1970, paranormal investigators and demonologists Lorraine and Ed  Warren are summoned to the home of Carolyn and Roger Perron.
The Perrons and their five daughters have recently moved into a secluded farmhouse, where a supernatural presence has made itself known.
Though the manifestations are relatively benign at first, the situation soon escalates with a horrifying intensity, especially after the Warrens discover the house’s macabre history.
This was a very creepy movie as far as I remember and it does a really good job of making your hair stand on end.
That being said be sure to add this to your Halloween horror movie list because like all the others, it’s a real creep show.
Well, those are the only ones that I can think of right off the top of my head.
Now, keep in mind, I love horror and anything there is to do with the genre and because of that, I’ve pretty much watched every horror movie Netflix has to offer and then some.
And most of the time, the movies I watched sucked and as far as I remember, these are the only ones that stuck with me over the years and they are the ones I enjoyed the most.
These are all movies that incorporate the fear factor more than blood and guts.
They might not necessarily scare you outright but they’ll always be at the back of your mind on those dark nights when you can’t sleep.
And that’s when they’ll really scare you.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this post and please do let me know what you thought, and as always, happy reading!
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Horror Movies to Watch this Halloween Good day my dear readers, I sincerely hope that you are all having a fantastic day!
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galaxofmuses · 5 months
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Left to right (w/o jacket, with jacket, Post Frontiers Sky/Corruption Arc)
This was a lot of heavy edit work, but I'm really happy how Skyler turned out. I am working on the rest of Team Sonic so keep your eyes peeled!
Edit: I had to fix the color and also added the MK bandana!
More Edits: Tails/Wren | Amy/Amara
Personal Blogs/Non Mutuals Please Do Not Repost!
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galaxofmuses · 8 months
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// Hey fam! I'm gonna be lurking most of the day cuz finally getting my haircut and also gonna go see the Sonic Symphony Concert! If y'all see this goober! don't be afraid to say hi! I will be wearing a sonic shirt and the sonic cafe logo hat!
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galaxofmuses · 8 months
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// I would have never thought I would build who used to be a straight up canon muse that slowly turns into a canon divergent muse. Y'all I love Skyler So much. Thank y'all for taking interest in my wild drabbles and all of my blorbos ;A;
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galaxofmuses · 1 month
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// I swear this playlist gets darker and darker and it all depends where Hunter takes their path. And he only has two Verses that is more happy but the other is pretty much his own nightmare.
Really this playlist can make me feel and go into darker subjects and I love that when I was afraid to dive into dark themes and I'm glad I gave it a try. It's honestly fun.
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galaxofmuses · 5 months
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// Finally finished this character inspiration, but man yeah the main ones I use is mostly Gohan,Frontiers,Matilda and Hogarth. the rest are just slight sprinkles of inspiration!
Inspiration List:
Gohan (Dragonball Z)
Miles Tails Prower (Sonic Frontiers)
Yanma Gast (Royal Sentai King-Ohger)
Hogarth Hughes (Iron Giant)
Arlan ( Honkai Star Rail )
Matilda (Roald Dahl/Musical)
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galaxofmuses · 10 months
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Vacation part 1 is complete! I went to a particular place I haven't been in years.
The weekend was heckin fun and also there was a Sonic theme cafe as well.
I'm honestly glad I went cuz I was catching up with friends I haven't seen in awhile but not really the best choice to come back to geeky events cuz it's pretty overwhelming. It's strange but I do want to come back.
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galaxofmuses · 5 months
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Left to right (w/o jacket, with jacket, side view)
// Here's my boy! Tails is my personal fave Sonic character and honestly I am proud of how they look with their bomber jacket. I might make a personal symbol patch for him later on.
More Edits: Sonic/Skyler | Amy/Amara
Personal Blogs/Non Mutuals Please Do Not Repost!
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galaxofmuses · 8 months
❝ ... hi. ❞ maz stands uncomfortably at amara's doorstep. her mask is off, currently worn to the side of her head. she figured that if amara saw her girlfriend's face, all of this would be easier to process.
❝ i'm sorry i stopped responding to your emails, and missed that date we were suppose to have when you got back. i was kinda preoccupied with... uh, all of this— ❞ she gestures to herself. bright green eyes had been replaced with a foggy grey, and her already-pale skin was now in an eternal state of pallor mortis. the hedgehog looks like she belongs in a grave, and yet here she was. in maz's arms are a bouquet of otherworldly blue flowers, and a black gift basket tied with a bow. in the basket was a set of measuring spoons and cups, an assortment of small spice jars that were filled with herbs and spices grown in mazin village, and a necklace with a heart shaped pendent, the middle of the pendant sporting a jewel that seemed to shift unnaturally. 
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❝ —but, i wanted to stop by, and wish you happy birthday. ❞ despite her straight-faced expression, maz's words come out more nervous than she would have liked. it's clear she's expecting the worst, in terms of amara's reaction.
// nikki maz has a birthday gift for amara! ヽ(˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)ノ
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Amara's Birthday! 9/23 // Always Accepting!
Out of all the people and mobians, Amara did not expect to see her girlfriend to visit her farm for her birthday. To see her lover's pale face, yet the expression is oh so familiar and then looking at the gifts and opening each thoughtful item one by one. Then as she stops to see the pendent which looks so precious and felt her eyes welled up in tears. Trying not to cry and not to regret that she could have done something sooner.
This isn't Nikki. Yet, The sentiment and love in each gift is there.
Trying to find the words to express herself, yet nothing came out of her mouth. With no other choice, she happily puts on the necklace as the jewel seems to continue to shift and approaches to Maz to embrace her with a big comforting hug and eventually kissing her on her cold lips. Oh she misses the shy warm kisses so much, yet at this moment Amara doesn't care. She really misses this so much.
She is learning to pass the grief and continuing to spread her passion and love to others. That is her goal and that's what matters.
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Looking back at her adoringly as she usually does with her girlfriend. "Ni-Maz....Thank you. I-I never got to apologize from my reaction and Skyler has been on his own journey to figure out what is wrong with him and I.....I still love you no matter what."
"Thank you so much."
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galaxofmuses · 7 months
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// I can't wait for these goobers meet each other. This doodle idea never left my mind and once I sketch this. I realize how similar both are and especially catching up with the show. :')))
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galaxofmuses · 7 months
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// He is finally here! My tragic gremlin glitched Sonic! Gosh I love Snag sm and it was so hard to figure out who reminds me of them but I eventually figure out. There is a lot of hints.
Inspiration List:
Sans (Undertale)
OVA Sonic
Cait Sith ( Final Fantasy 7)
Ash Williams (Evil Dead)
Ziin (Kamen Rider Geats)
Jeremy Brasieri (Royal Sentai King-Ohger)
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