#:: Guest Muse: ???? ::
e-m-p-error · 6 months
Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a character I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
[ Sylvie ]
"You know..." Sylvie paused beside her, pushing his glasses up with one finger before bending to check on the woman slumped down, "You'll be no help to anyone if you run yourself into the ground."
Maybe it wasn't helpful, but he'd seen her trying to do something. He supposed she could be doing something for herself, but collapsing like that wasn't going to help.
"When was the last time you ate? Drank? Slept? I... Let me help you. ...I'm especially adept at that last one."
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arylleth · 3 months
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Some nights I wake and everything hurts a little. It is amazing how long a ruined thing will burn.
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kydrogendragon · 5 months
Hob hates changing lives.
He tells himself he likes it, a year or so in. He tells himself he enjoys the variety, the meeting new people, and seeing new sights. And he does. Just . . . not now. Now when he's still mourning his old life.
He sits on the couch—a new one, not the one that's formed to him over the last twenty years—and sighs as he stares at the few boxes he was able to bring with him. The small flat in Cardiff was fine, arguably lovely, in fact. He's been excited about it when he's first done the paperwork, and there's a distant part of himself that's still excited. But as he looks up at the unfamiliar walls and listens to the unfamiliar sounds of the street and city below, Hob can't help but feel trapped.
He can't go back. Not for a while. Not until he's forgotten in people's minds. He won't see the New Inn again or any of his friends from KCL or the Chens who knew his order by heart because he couldn't go more than two weeks without craving their food.
Robert Golding was gone to the world. Now he's just Rob Garroway—a nobody who lives in Cardiff who does . . . something. Hob hasn't actually gotten that far into figuring out what job he'll pick up this go-around. Maybe he'll try his hand at writing something other than historical essays for the university. Or maybe he'll buy a boat and become a fisherman. Lots of choices. All of them too overwhelming to even think about.
He collapses into the still-to-firm couch and tosses his arm over his eyes. The day is still young—its barely past one in the afternoon—and already he's exhausted. He can feel that familiar weight settling into his bones, holding him close to the earth. He doesn't even know any good take-out joints yet because Lord knows he won't have any energy to cook for the next week. Or two. Or more.
A problem for future him. For now, Hob turns into the back of the couch, face hidden from the sun and the foreign place he now calls home, closes his eyes, and sleeps.
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h50europe · 2 months
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Lou in Teen Wolf/Resisting Roots/Guest House/Legends of the Muse
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kingprinceleo · 5 months
guy who has chatterbox disease but gets too anxious to talk about things unless its prompted by someone else lest they look annoying af
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authorafterhours · 5 months
I just know Will and Hannibal are featured in so many true crime podcasts and documentaries.
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justsescape · 6 months
[Welcome back to the throwback drabble zone, with a story featuring Azure of @meatymidnightmultiverse fame!]
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“A-aaaaah~!” Azure yelped as you tugged on her leash. Reddened skin coiled about her neck like a snake; it was hardly her first time in a collar, and it almost definitely wouldn’t be the last. “M-Master, that h-hurts…! Have I really been a… a b-bad cow…?”
Though she was standing in the dead center of your bedroom, Azure looked as if she had been backed into a corner. Her posture was hunched like she was bracing for impact; her teary eyes darted across the walls in search of an escape. With hands and ankles bound, however, eluding you would hardly be easy even if there was some kind of open air duct beckoning her away – and shedding her cowkini and headband would be all but impossible. “Nnngh… p-punish me, then, if that’s what you desire…” Azure bowed her head; that headband was quite convincing, its little horns and cow ears rising from her pink hair. “S-surely with some more g-growth serum and a m-milking… you are so predictable, Master…”
You eyed your desk. Her steady diet of painkillers and hormone boosters occupied almost every square inch they could find, even overtaking most of your mousepad. Such quantities were what she had grown to need… and her growth had become almost uncontrollable. Heaving breasts teardropped down Azure’s washboard-flat belly like sacks of flour until they obscured her nethers. Though they each had an imposing size and thickness, they didn’t quite protrude from her lithe figure like, say, over-inflated balloons. Instead, they had a satisfyingly gentle slope to them, their shape a constant reminder of just how weighty they had become. Not like her cowkini top needed any reminders, though; those straps stretched taut from her shoulders to her nipples like the cables supporting a suspension bridge.
“G-go on then,” she urged, her cheeks painted a rosy red. Knees trembled so violently that even her pendulous boobs found themselves jiggling in kind. “D-do your worst, Master… it is what I d-deserve…”
One pill, two pills, three pills, four – and zero painkillers since she called you “predictable.” You plunked them into a glass of her own breast milk and brought it to her lips. Perhaps her desperation had turned into resignation, for she was surprisingly eager to consume every ounce. “H-here goes…” Gulp, gulp, gulp. In mere moments, the glass was emptied as quickly as it had been filled. Azure’s pink lipstick smeared on the cup; nodules of her own product clung to her chin. “MMmngh… th-that… might be too much, Master…!”
And just as soon as those worries had left her tongue, so, too, did her boobs leave her top. CRACK! CRACK! Almost like they had been cut by scissors, the straining straps snapped like rubber bands and left the cowprint cups fluttering to the floor below. Milk quickly followed; with no barrier to stop it, it rained from her puffy nipples on to the remains of the garment like they were watering a recently planted flower. “O-oh, Master! My ch-chest is… it’s leaking!”
They weren’t just leaking – they were expanding right before your eyes. Lower and lower they sank, like a descending anchor of a ship, until they had begun to obscure her knees. Milk came in fits and spurts; each time it arrived at her tender lengths, it splattered across the carpet like a spilled drink and soaked your feet in her product. “Ooof… it huuuurts~!” Azure’s panicked eyes gave to a pained wince. The added weight was not doing her back any favors, and she slumped forward even more almost like she was doing an impression of a high-rise crane. Gigantic tits swung like tetherballs beneath her. It wouldn’t be long before her nipples were low enough to start grazing against the floor.
“M-Masteeeerrrr…” Azure bit her lip. Finally, her eyes met yours – with all that apprehension suddenly replaced with something sly, something flirtatious. “Y-you l-love when your cow’s boobs are h-huge and m-milky… d-don’t you, Master…?”
It hit you like a train. The room was the kind of warm that only visited rainforests and saunas; being so close to her was like standing beside a furnace. You felt perspiration on your every pore, almost like it had arrived all at once. And you weren’t alone; beads of sweat ran in parallel to the drops of milk running down the curvature of her boobs. The winding stretch marks, the thickened veins on her pale skin were being distorted by the fluids like they were being seen in a funhouse mirror. “Nnnggh… e-even though it hurts… I l-like m-making you happy~…”
It happened thoughtlessly. Your hands were as disobedient as Azure herself; they launched out, suddenly, and began to grope handfuls of her aching tits like they were kneading pizza dough. “MMNNGh~… b-be gentle, p-please…!” She might as well have been speaking to a brick wall. No matter where you laid your fingers, they were greeted by pounds of bulging, plush boob fat. And your hands were intent on touching them all over. You felt them rub against your palms as her skin stretched to compensate for the expansion; you felt indentations encircling her areolae where her breast pumps secured themselves; and you felt their sheer weight as you attempted to lift them upward, though they were much to heavy for your meager attempts.
“I’ll b-be a g-good cow f-from now on, Master…!” Azure’s legs went knock-kneed beneath her. She gasped and shrieked as her breasts finally made landfall; the friction between the carpet and her nipples sent jolts of pleasure through her limbs. The leash connected to her collar slunk across the floor like an animal’s tail, forgotten; her overgrown boobs were as much her master as you were – and pleasure like this wasn’t something she would ever dream to escape from. “P-please u-use me as you w-wish!”
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yaekiss · 1 year
#MailroomOpen! hi hi my darling qi this is the promised letter to my Special Little Guy!! letter delivery for yandere tartaglia with a nsfw reply back and also a meme reference for number 25 if it's alright? pet names are a-ok, encouraged even. ok here goes, thank you so much for doing this!!! i am cringe but i am free ♡
(The letter that arrives is black with gold borders and purple ink, with a purple lipstick kiss mark on the back of it. There are doodles of stars, moons, skulls, and hearts in the margins. The penmanship is neat and playful, every i and j dotted with either stars or hearts, depending on the subject matter. A small box of the same color as the letter comes with it, inside is an ocean-blue collar with a tag that says "My Ajax". It looks expensive.)
My lovely Ajax,
It's only been a few weeks since you left, but in my opinion, any time away from you is too long. I miss your presence, your conversation, your cooking, and some more...intimate things. I'm sure you feel the same. I really wish you didn't have to leave so often, sometimes I think you might care for your Tsaritsa more than me~ Hehe, I'm only joking, of course. I know you're very loyal, and love me very much... (There's a furious scribble over the next words, but you can just barely make out that it says "maybe more than you should") Anyway, moving on, this letter should arrive with a collar. I picked them out special just for you; blue like your eyes! There's a matching leash, but I kept it with me so we can use it when you get back, hehe ♡. Make sure to show me how pretty you look with it on, okay puppy~? ...And come back safe. I'll be patiently awaiting your return, hopefully soon.
~Your darling
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꩜ Letter Content: Dom! GN! Reader x Yan! Sub! Tartaglia, no gendered terms for reader, Tartaglia calls you "dearest exalted", mentions of blood, unhealthy and obsessive relationship from Tartaglia, worshipping (reader receiving), collar and leash (used on Tartaglia), masochistic Tartaglia, mentions of mirror sex, Tartaglia calls himself puppy once, lmk if I missed out anything ! ꩜ Delivery Notes: Weird, as soon as he handed his parcel to me, he started booking it to your address, like damn it's not a race?! ꩜ Wanna write a love letter yourself? Check out it out here!
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A medium-sized parcel finds its way into your possession, placed in front of your doorstep. The box is made of smooth varnished timber and the intricate details are inlaid with gems and shards that match the stunning shade of your eyes. Judging by all the elaborate carvings and the overall quality of the trunk, it must have cost him a pretty penny, especially if it was commissioned just for you. 
Flipping the lid of the box open at its hinge, your eyes are greeted by the sight of the sheer amount of items he sent to you. Ajax is nothing but a generous lover and it's definitely evident with all the gifts he prepared for you this time. Starting out, there are a few neatly packed food containers imbued with a charm that helped to preserve their contents perfectly over the lengthy delivery trip. Each one is labelled with the name of the dish it holds and after looking through the various containers, you realise they’re all your favourite dishes, lovingly made from scratch by Ajax.
To a side, there’s a hefty drawstring pouch. Tugging the bag open, a large pile of mora shimmers back at you. You should’ve known he would spoil you like this even if he were away. Tucked underneath the bag of mora, is his letter.
The envelope is a version of the one typically used for fatui matters, except this one is a lot gaudier than usual. …It’s the kind used for letters addressed exclusively to Her Royal Highness, the Tsaritsa. Just the look of it is expensive: A frosted gold border lines the front of the envelope and his wax stamp seals the letter shut at the back, away from prying eyes. Surely using an envelope reserved for the Tsaritsa for you is more than a bit… blasphemous. Nonetheless, you try not to think too much about it and gingerly open the letter up to read his reply.
His handwriting is scrawling and slightly messy as always but you know that it’s just from the eagerness that he seems to constantly have while around you, like some sort of oversized puppy. Present is a tangible tenderness in all his words and you can just about picture the silly little smile he had on his face while he wrote this letter to you. Additionally, there are hearts blotchily drawn in a rusty red around in the margins to match your love letter sent to him. His response reads:
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“To my highest divinity, my owner,
It’s so so so good to hear from you, dearest exalted! Ah, I can’t believe you’d miss me, I’m swooning, at least now I know I’m not the only one left longing. I saw you mention that you missed my cooking so to remedy that, I prepared some of your favourite dishes, I didn’t quite know which one would be the best to send to you, so I just sent all of them, haha. Please let me know if they’re to your liking, dearest exalted. Regarding missing my presence… there’s only 1 solution for that which you’ll see soon enough!
I saw your scribbled-out words. ‘Maybe more than you should.’ My reverence for you must not be enough, and that’s why you still doubt me, doubt my love for you, right, dearest exalted? Although the Tsaritsa may be important to me, however, even the loyalty I have for her cannot hold a candle to the utmost adoration that I have for you. Far, far, far from it. What you see right now is but a mere glimpse of my endless devotion and love for you, dearest exalted. There is so much more that I would do for you. Just say the word, that’s all you’ll ever need to do, and I’ll carry out any of your orders till the end of my days. Even in death, I’d still be yours to command. Beyond the grave, that’s how much you deserved to be loved, dearest exalted. (His paragraph drips with festering lovesickness in the way the ink looks to be redder than the one in his inkwell.)
Ahem, moving on! Thank you for the collar, it sits wonderfully around my neck and fits like a glove. Really brings out my eyes too, was that intentional? And the tag… oh, the tag. I must confess, I’ve imagined what it would be like, to have you attach the leash to it and tug me in front of the mirror, making me watch through the reflection as you have your way with me. I would let out all the sounds you said you liked hearing from me, my moans or whines or screams, I’d give you anything you want. You could be as rough as you’d like to too, pulling harshly on the leash as you take your frustrations out on me, you know I love whatever you grace me with, dearest exalted.
I’ll end my letter here, my remaining words can be relayed when I’m back soonest, I promise! Remember to tell me if anyone has wronged you, I’ll gladly rid you of them, dearest exalted. Can’t wait to be under you again! 
Your most devoted puppy,
- Your Ajax -”
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That’s certainly… a reply worthy of your contemplation, to say the least. Inserting his reply back into the envelope, you wonder what else he could’ve left unsaid in a letter that’s already chock full of the rawest form of veneration towards you. Sitting in pensive silence, your mind reels. Fortunately for you (or perhaps it’s the contrary), your answer arrives frighteningly fast, disrupting the stillness. 
There’s a knock at your door, a familiar keening whine bleeding through the wood.
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Thanks for reading! Consider supporting me on kofi if you enjoyed this or check out my other works hehe ♡
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dayglow-company · 1 month
While Joseph, Miran and Moriko all talked, something... Weird happened. Weirder then usual. There was a glow that came from Joseph. A glow that was connected through a tether that had been connected to him by Qi and the many wonders that it brought by masters of its craft. It snagged him and the other two, and then, like a fishing rod, pulled them roughly to a reality they were not supposed to be in.
They landed roughly in front of great stone walls and a gate with fractal protections and inlaid with images of many kitsune bowing and scraping on the floor in either worship, or in deference.
They were certainly not in Kansas anymore.
The feeling was strange and before either of them could do anything they were yanked away. A normal day now turned upside down as the two barely had time to think before they arrived, and what they saw they couldn't believe.
Moriko and Miran recognized this from stories that they use to be told and read. This was a lot like what they thought ancient human sects might look like. The two were a bit in awe, and a bit ashamed that they were in simple clothing. Though the images did make them feel a little uncomfortable.
"Joseph, we should be careful here. Something powerful has brought us here, and this might be our ancestors afterlife." Miriko said hoping he'd take her caution seriously.
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rinnysmuses · 4 months
His conversation with Rhea had gone... Extremely well. He felt better about all of that regarding her and Rufus. And he felt, at least, in a better position to support her.
...And he was stupid excited to be an uncle!!!
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e-m-p-error · 6 months
Alt x2?
Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a character I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
[ Indus + Mera ]
"Lady Mera, I must say, as your bodyguard, I don't think--"
"You're right, Indus. You don't. But I have calculated the risk here and I think that it's well worth it." Mera sighed softly, closing her eyes as she swayed a little on her feet. The pain was starting to get unbearable today, and she wanted something, anything, to get some relief.
Molly really opened a can of worms for her, helping mute the pain for a while. It only made living with it again more miserable. She wanted to find that girl again so she could feel nothing for an hour or so. That feeling was possibly the greatest feeling in the world.
It had made half-cuddling Indus an actually enjoyable experience, even if she was broken beneath her skin. She hadn't felt a thing.
"Lady Mera..."
"If you're so concerned, why don't you stick your hand in the hole, then? See if you can find anything."
"I'm... Not sure it'll fit." Lifting his large, meaty mits, he placed his fist against the hole, too wide across to get inside, "Damn."
"Double damn." Mera sighed, "This is where it's supposed to be." This hole in this tree was supposed to hold the Brand New Thing that would, hopefully, help her out.
"Hey! Hey, you!" Indus suddenly whipped around, pointing at the nearest stranger, "We need someone to reach into this hole!"
"Indus!" Mera squealed, her eyes wide and one hand over her mouth.
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dreamsofalife · 6 months
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Oh wow! Isn't this a ragtag bunch? But like, in a good way? I'm sure we'll get along just fine!
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I'm Joy, by the way. Nice to meet you!
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mxthbladed · 19 days
Vaggie smiled as she stood at the edge of the cloud, glancing back at her daughter. "You ready, bebé?"
Esperanza stood beside her, peeking over the edge. Her wings were folded against her back and she felt a small shiver run down her spine as she asked, "You're flying with me, right?"
"Your mother and I will be flying with you, yes," Vaggie confirmed. "We'll be right beside you in case anything happens. But we won't hold your hand. Right, Lute?" she prompted, glancing at her partner.
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fcrgottn · 12 days
Spinel was sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone while trying to ignore Winter. She knew today was her so-called 'birthday', but the idea was ridiculous to her. She didn't have a birthday. She was a gem.
"Come on, you can't stay on your phone like this!" The half-gem huffed, grabbing Spinel's phone from her. "Hey!" She protested, immediately trying to grab it back, but Winter quickly shoved it into their pocket.
"I told you I don't want to do anything for my 'birthday'" she grumbled, already having given up on trying to get her phone back; her words followed by her crossing her arms and letting out a small noise of annoyance.
"Well too late, I already sent out invites." Winter retorted with a grin, which caused the pink gem to turn toward them so fast it would have been deadly had she been human.
"You wha-" Before she could finish her sentence, someone was already knocking on the door. Seeing that Spinel refused to budge, Winter went to greet the person, opening the door with a warm smile.
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stelliferousduo · 1 month
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She is looking around.
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adeadlysong · 1 year
The Challenge: The Final Boss
@thighhighsandgoldeneyes from here!
Rafaele did his best to fend off all attacks - and he was doing a pretty good job of countering, from what Kamiizumi could tell. Every blow both men exchanged with their swords kept blocking the other’s from really hitting.
Zael’s sneak attack was enough to get Rafaele’s attention from Kamiizumi. Rafaele tried to slash at Zael in a wide arc, and Lana used the opportunity to fire an electric spell at him.
Rafaele teleported out of the way - just before the attack could hit. Lana hissed, before turning to punch Rafaele - who had reappeared right behind her! 
“All the freakin’ teleporting isn’t helping things.” Lana grumbled. She managed to get a hit on Rafaele’s jaw. Rafaele stumbled back before taking out a few knives, throwing them at her. Lana threw herself out of the way, but one of them tore at her sleeve, while another one managed to nick Kamiizumi in the right shoulder.
“Honestly, I’d be interested in gagging him. Might prevent him from taunting our ears off.” Kamiizumi muttered, glancing toward Dagran before moving in to try to get a hit at Rafaele again. Rafaele dodged, before using telekinesis to knock the sword out of Kamiizumi’s hand. The Swordmaster, however, used the opportunity to try to dive in at Rafaele and half-tackle him down. Rafaele barely dodged, but also tripped a bit. He didn’t fall, however, as he managed to regain balance. 
“Andddd looks like things are turning more toward close combat! Oooh!” Nuriel was commentating quite cheerily, a stark contrast to the current battle going on. “Let’s go, finalists!! It seems like Rafaele’s keeping up well with them, but who knows what will happen!?”
Lana fired another spell at Rafaele-  a frosty one - but Rafaele deflected it by summoning a magical shield. The spell went off flying toward Dagran instead but barely missed him, flying above his head.
“Sorry!” Lana was heard yelling, just before Rafaele let out a laugh.
“Is that all you got? Looks like I need to make things a bit more interesting, then!” As if on cue, music started up in the background, and the wind began to kick up harshly. The sound of clouds rumbling caught Lana’s attention, and she cursed as she felt it get harder to stay standing.
“Ah, fuck! He’s gonna sing!” 
Kamiizumi managed to retrieve his sword. “Brace yourselves...!” 
Rafaele’s eyes glowed briefly, before rain started pouring - just a little bit at first, but then it got heavier. Kamiizumi nor Lana could understand the language being sung, but it was singing, alright. Lana tried to fire a spell at Rafaele, but missed after she slipped on the now-soaked ground. Rafaele threw more knives - at Zael, at Dagran - before teleporting back toward the stage area as the rain kept on pouring. 
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