#:3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tldr im happy. YAY!!!!
twentythousandvolts · 6 months
havign a stupid gay little plushie of my boyfriend is fucking awesome for a lot of reasons but oh i thinkthis will be so good for bpd.with the whole ldr thing
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platypanthewriter · 5 years
Comment tag game!
Tagged by @ihni by way of @kingsandsaints who started a wonderful tagging game, which puts the spotlight to the wonderful people who comment on fics (and art and other things) <3  @ao3commentoftheday, might want to get on this awesome friendly commenter-appreciating action!
Share (excerpts from) 5 of your favorite comments you got on your fics (etc) this year and tag some friends!
I don’t know the Tumblr of some fabulous commenters, and if I didn’t abbreviate this would get REALLY LONG, but here are some of my highlights (I want to tell EVERYONE they’re awesome, oh no):
@bluewitchshaycora22. It’s always fantastic to see your specific reactions to lines and general delight--you say you’re bad at words, but you makes me feel all the feelings, so I think you are in fact PERFECT AT WORDS:  I swear, my heart is beating just for this scene, my teeth are getting cavities because Billy is totally red because he's blushing! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! i AM SO ZONED INTO THIS FIC!!  Like i am glued to this chapter!!!  Seriously, your writing makes me feel warm.  Roller-coaster of feels, love it
@tbehartoo: You bring a laser focus to individual lines and why you like them, noticing interactions I wrote specifically knowing you’d love them!  Makes me feel every sentence was worthwhile, and encourages me to write more!  XD  YAY THANK YOU:  Am I sorry I started reading this story in a place where I couldn't laugh freely? Yes. Am I sorry I STARTED reading this just as people were going to bed so howls of laughter would have been severely punished? Also Yes. Am I sorry to have read this? NO! Nuh-uh! No way! No how! 
Who doesn’t love ECSTATIC ESSAYS on the emotions of your characters.  You notice everything they felt and everything they did and DIDN’T do and make me feel like a genius:  @susiecarter:   And that's before this whole amazing sequence, g o d, my feelings were going EIGHTEEN DIRECTIONS in all the best ways! Obviously the awkwardness is hilarious, but at the same time there's something so earnestly touching about the entire scenario
@horson , Thanks for being so chatty and reading my weird side project, it’s always so fun to talk about fandom with you!  I love hearing your opinions!:  I'm so glad you were able to finish this story - it was an absolute pleasure to read all of it. Main characters felt just like the ones in the original series, especially Greg :D Your OCs were interesting and complex, with their own backstories and I really loved them all (yes, even the goblin-priest, who I loved to hate)!! I'm sad about Phoebe, I mean, it is sad they had to part ways with her but her role and her story - it was such a bitter-sweet ending.And yeah, your titles are really long, but they're honestly great ;D 
Thanks for tagging me in, @ihni!  It’s so fun knowing somebody who thinks they’re as goofy as I do likes my writing!  I’ll keep writing these idiots, thinking of you giggling and sighing!  And I’ll try to get on...describing those pictures?  XD:  *happy sigh* This was so incredibly sweet, I love it so much! I mean, how is Steve worried about Billy with the kids when he's this adorable with Will? Also, I'm gonna need to see those pictures at some point. Adorable.
To all the people who pass in the night and leave one comment I’ll always remember, THANK YOU: Sad Anon:  i cried. im crying right now. it's 1;37 am and im crying over this fic i just binged for real though I'm so glad i clicked on this fic bc idk why but it just really resonated with me aaa. the emotions feel so genuine and i hardcore relate to billy sometimes and Damn It Steve Is So Sweet. it's too late at night for me to compose real sentences but i loved your characterization of... everyone, honestly, and I ADORE the romance and shit and i love the little bits of comedy worked into the fic, and i appreciate your commitment to writing like a whole novel about these boys and im gonna shut up or I'll cry again. tldr thank you for this. so much :')
For being completely sweet and nice and crying almost as often as I do (I thought of you writing the latest chapter of Strangest, because it’s the first time I’ve ever cried writing MY OWN FICTION...*HIGH FIVE* we who are capable of great joy and sadness and are marathon criers) thank you, @cameforthecat​: I don't know how to stress this enough that this is a GOOD THING but I can literally never read this without crying. Is that weird?   Pretend I'm giving you the biggest hug ever! I'm absolutely glomping you
Also some lovely people I believe are the ones who commented but I’ve never actually talked to on Tumblr (and if you aren’t the right people I’m sure you’re rad also so thanks for being you), thank you thank you: @sirsparklepants​, @siriuslyrose​, 
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lzhui · 7 years
(Amaxingdaes) Top 6 Yixing airport looks or Dancing moments
omg yay im gonna do dancing moments !
1. mama 2016 monster dance break this bitch spread it all the way down like shit dude
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2. lose control point dance honestly the amount of silk on his body is only adding to my restlessness i hate his ass
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3. what u need chorus dance he just looks so HAPPY i love this move
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4. artificial love. kill my ass yixing
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5. mym. i swore i would never speak of this i cant believe im willing putting this here But its a staple yixing dance n ive typed this with my eyes closed im not looking at that gif longer than i absolutely have to for the sake of my health
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6. el dorado light dance hes so fckn cute cbsidhvnkjsdvnj
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tldr; its not a yixing dance unless there is a very blatant very obvious and very sensual allusion to his dick
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hexiewrites · 8 years
im a fanfiction writer too-- do you have any tips on getting people to read? I've posted about my work a few times but no one has read it yet??
hi other fanfiction writer friend! look how many of us there are. :D
this is a tricky one. warning up front: i am going to ramble a lot that’s what I do okay? okay, some big things to begin:
summaries are so so so so so important. don’t devalue your work, don’t say “it’s better than it sounds”. make it sound good. if you’re not sure, ask a friend, find a beta, whatever. it matters more than almost anything else.
on ao3, tags matter too!!!
the ship you’re writing for will SERIOUSLY influence the number of hits you get (I post almost exclusively on ao3, so, I’m just gonna go by my numbers and stuff there):
for example. I posted four fics on ao3 the same day (jan 11, so what… almost two weeks ago?), uploading them off tumblr.
the first is draco/ginny/blaise au, and currently has 74 hits, 7 kudos, and 1 comment (from an amazing reader who reads and comments on most of what I post!
the second is a flintwood soulmate fic, that has 231 hits, 30 kudos, and 3 comments (one from the same reader as above, and one from the lovely mxrcusflint)
the third is a ginny/blaise au that has 38 hits, 2 kudos, and no comments.
my two stories with the most hits are both dramione. one is a multi-chapter wip that I update twice a week. this is key for getting lots of hits because ao3 auto-sorts in the search field by update date, so it’s getting a lot of “air time” near the top of a search if people put in dramione. dramione is also a major ship. and, if you break that down by the number of chapters I have so far, it’s still only about ~370 hits per chapter. 
the second has been on ao3 for now like, two years, so it’s had a lot more time to rack up hits.
TLDR: bigger ships like dramione & drarry are more likely to get hits than rare pairs like ginny/blaise. long multi chapter fics that update regularly are more likely to get more hits than one shots.
having a tumblr has been a huge way I’ve drawn people to read my stuff!!! there are lots of much bigger better blogs than me that have given great advice about how to get more followers (petuniaevans I think is a good place to start?).
you have to tag well. tag first with the ship name. then i tag with, let’s use flintwood as an example. so I would tag “flintwood, marcus x oliver, oliver x marcus, hp fanfiction, harry potter”. the first five tags are the most important on tumblr so pay attention to those that you have at least tagged hp fanfiction and the ship name.
if you’re writing slytherin/gryffindor ships, tag slytherdornet! we will reblog your posts and that’s like, a LOT more people who are gonna see your content
if you’re writing a hp rare pair of any kind, tag hprarepairnet! same deal as above! find nets to tag and tag em!
if you’re writing something you think someone will like, tag them! i am bad at doing this bc I get stressed but it is a good way to make sure people don’t miss your stuff
the time of day you post matters. I am unemployed and seem to post at weird times like, the lunch hour or after midnight. i never get any notes on those. shamelessly reblog yourself!!! people have busy dashes and might miss it the first time around. schedule it if you want. don’t forget the tags. reblog at popular times, like. after dinner hour, and then don’t forget time zones. literally just keep… reblogging yourself…
make it easy for people to find your work. make a masterlist page. tag everything well.
make friends with people who ship your ships!!!
I literally cannot stress this enough
having a team of great supportive friends in your ship makes a world of difference
part of why i have fallen so hard into flintwood is because I have met some amazing people who inspire me daily with their edits and fics and our messenger conversations
they also reblog my stuff and i reblog theirs and that increases viewership? also like? I want their brilliant writing on my blog because it deserves readers too.
(shoutout to @flintwoodandco / @oliverwvvd / @mxrcusflint / @marcusflintwood / @dramione84 / @nymphadoraholtzmann and so many others)
also then you have friends??? which is great!!!!! yay friends!
reblog peoples stuff. follow them. review their fics. if you want, send a message! apply for networks if they come up. idk how to make friends but like… I believe in you!!! be friendly!
I wouldn’t suggest like, messaging someone for a promo… but you could if you felt comfortable!
keep writing. keep writing and producing and hopefully one day you will get the readers you deserve
okay this got REALLY out of hand sorry sorry I hope some of this helped!
(it still baffles me that people as me for advice??? but i love it i am always happy to try and help with rambly comments!!)
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