#blacklist if needed!
084392 · 6 months
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had never heard of "mlp infection aus" until this month and ngl i still dont know what they are but. it made me want to draw some of them getting taken over by their cutie marks or something......
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pukicho · 4 months
please speak about palestine
Alright. There are a lot of politics surrounding this event, so much random bullshit that tries to obfuscate the simple fact that what is happening in Palestine is vile, and plainly wrong. When deciding whether or not you should step in and help, you must remind yourself that this isn't about the ''politics'' of the situation, this isn't about the bullshit arguing we make for 'both sides' whilst we sit safely within the confines of our homes - this is about humanity - Don't let people confuse you, or downplay the terrible acts that are happening. See your fellow person in trouble and help them when they're suffering, it's as simple as that.
Imagine how easy it is to spend $20 bucks on a subway sandwich and a side of chips, so instead of doing that, spend the equivalent helping people not die (or do even more!). I suggest you all spend some time donating, sharing with others and helping out where you can <3
Supporting Displaced Families
Emergency relief
Spreadsheet of Gofundme's
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in this house we love the artists and engineers and actors who worked on arcane so much that we will not share the leaks
remember that the people who really suffer from leaks are regular people like you and me who worked hard for weeks, months, and years to make this show a reality
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ca-3 · 1 year
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This started out with me wanting to draw fem Joker cause I was seeing a lot lately, but then I made a fem Ryuji to go with her and then I was taking suggestions on twt and now I have 2 silly doodle pages, enjoy I guess... 🫡
oh and it's pegorYURI now ❤️💛✨️
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triviallytrue · 10 months
Wild that there's still a lot of discourse about whether or not Hamas did this or that atrocity on Oct 7 - if Hamas did everything they were accused of, it still wouldn't be okay for Israel to kill tons of unrelated Palestinians, and if Hamas did nothing besides kidnap around 150 people and murder hundreds of civilians, this would still not be okay
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corviiids · 4 months
(persona 5 / persona 5 royal spoilers below)
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a random assortment of tweets that show up when i search "from:corviiid akechi"
bonus self awareness
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dreemurr-skelememer · 5 months
You should draw Error getting smothered in kisses by the Star Sanses....
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the face of a victim of the horrors (tender kisses)
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hajihiko · 1 year
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Force of habit 🤷‍♂️
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kinardgo · 7 months
danny ric has a well documented history of shrugging his shoulders and making another funny little quip in the face of dangerous misogyny, and frankly, he'd gargle stale piss for a chance to retain his job with red bull, so the fact that some of you are shocked that he'd come out publicly in support of horner just tells me that his slimy, insidious public image campaign actually somehow works. yes he smiles a lot. he's also been in more sexist podcasts than championship contentions, but whatever. pastel hoodies, yay.
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u3pxx · 8 months
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harriet is still the same height but instead she wears those disco platform shoes so she just towers over everything i think
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scissorcraft · 1 month
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homestuck siffrin. is that anything.
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hashtag-anthems · 1 year
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I could only go see shark boyfriend in the most appropriate attire
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the-badger-mole · 3 months
It is so aggravating when these hypocritical multi shippers jump into the tag and try to lecture people out of their opinions. "Don't attack anyone", as you literally JUST attacked Zutara shippers for their opinion. In the Zutara tag. I need someone to explain to me why liking or not liking FICTIONAL characters or ships is somehow a bigger moral failing to these people than actually harassing real humans because they happen to disagree with you?
I will bash Aang, fangirl over Zutara, and write fics and metas until my little fangirly heart gives out. You know what I'm not going to do? I'm not going to go out of my way to shove any of it down the throats of anyone who feels differently. It's MY fandom experience, and it's fun for ME. If it isn't fun for you, learn to block people
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logicpng · 5 months
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so hanging out on cohost from time to time i ended up getting propaganda'd into playing corru.observer
so. if you haven't. you should play corru.observer. i'm just studying the characters mostly while i'm processing the whole experience
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triviallytrue · 2 months
Last discoursepost for the time being: having looked through the blogs of several GFM vetters, I am increasingly convinced that they are almost all who they say they are, and I regret implying that any of them are run by scammers. I've deleted or turned off reblogs on 3 posts that do so.
I still think it's clear that their vetting process is fallible and has resulted in money going to scammers, but I think this is because they are attempting a task that is too big for the resources they can throw at it and mistakes are inevitable. They are working through a desperate situation doing the best they can, and while I don't think this means you should blindly trust their judgements, it does mean they deserve more grace than I initially gave them.
I wrote out my overall opinion on the situation here and I stand by it.
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feroluce · 4 months
For some weird reason, I've always been fascinated by how wildly different Sampo operates in the Underground vs the Overworld.
Sampo is present in both places and even in official sources, he's not really counted as one side or the other- now that the theory has been confirmed in-game, he's generally just lumped in with the Masked Fools.
But there really is a big difference!
Probably the most obvious and well known instance of Sampo's...business practices *cough burglary and fraud COUGH* in the Overworld is from the Belobog Museum event. In it, you don't find out Sampo is the main culprit until near the end, because Pela has to set up a sting just to catch him in the act. And that sting is necessary all because the initial suspect they arrested, Norbert, had pretty much no idea of his partner's identity. Sampo wouldn't even speak to him face-to-face.
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And whereas Sampo is normally very pleasant and friendly with the trailblazer...when he thinks he's talking to Norbert here, he straight up says that they are NOT friends. Like he really shuts that shit DOWN.
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There's also an Overworld NPC, Chavez, who heads the "Dark Blue Scam Support Group." And he. Really really really does not like Sampo fjkdasjklfdj
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Chavez clearly wants Sampo caught, and has literally no positive feelings about him. So. Why call it the Dark Blue Scam? Why not just out him by name? Chavez obviously doesn't give a single shit about Sampo's dignity or privacy. But he never once refers to him as "Sampo," and even the pamphlets he passes out make no mention of it. No one in the entire support group seems to know how to identify him or how to refer to him except by his hair color. If the trailblazer says his name, Chavez reacts as though he's never heard it before.
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(I've seen people say this means Sampo Koski is an alias and not his real name? But Ray pointed this out, and honestly I agree; even the Fools call him Sampo, after all. I think it's just that Chavez never knew Sampo's name in the first place, and given his immense distrust, immediately assumes it's an alias.)
And then there's his characters stories, where he proceeds to pull off a heist in the Overworld while in disguise as Brughel Poisson the entire time. Literally his own stories don't mention Sampo's name even once.
So anyway, all this shows that when he's up in the Overworld working cons, Sampo is incredibly slippery and secretive about his identity. The only people who seem to know him are Pela, Serval, and Gepard. He doesn't get close to anyone else, and is even surprisingly unfriendly. Nobody knows his name. No one knows his face. He has zero qualms about backstabbing or double-crossing, and even plans for it in some cases.
Meanwhile, down in the Underground, I'm pretty sure literally the worst thing we hear of him doing is scalping tickets in front of the Fight Club. Which isn't even illegal in a lot of places (although it's certainly a dick move).
In Hook's companion quest, a vagrant miner steals Fersman's equipment and tries to sell it to Sampo. Even before the trailblazer and Hook jump in and out the vagrant as a thief, Sampo hesitates to buy it because it sounds like stolen goods, which he doesn't want any part of.
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Even knowing that a geomarrow detector is rare and incredibly valuable in the mines, Sampo makes no attempt to double-cross Hook or profit off of her loss, and even tells her who to go to to get it fixed.
And my favorite example of Sampo in the Underground is the Survival Wisdom adventure mission. In it, Sampo starts up a business with Peak, another miner. And like. In wild contrast to all the cons he pulls above ground, Sampo is actually super nice and helpful here.
Just the same as with Hook's quest, Sampo talks to Peak face-to-face, with no disguises or barriers. When the trailblazer finds them, they're just in the Great Mine, no secretive meeting places. Peak knows Sampo, is familiar with him, and calls him by name. It's not even a con! There's nothing illegal going on; it really is just a business partnership. Peak is more than happy with their deal, he's even pretty enthusiastic about it, because thanks to Sampo he can now make enough money to get by while also accommodating his chronic fatigue.
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The only person Sampo lies to in this whole ordeal is the trailblazer, who he manipulates into getting Peak's mining equipment back from the vagrants that stole it in the first place. And when it's done, he rewards them with a legit treasure map.
So when he's working in the Underground, Sampo is MUCH more upright and lawful. Part of this is probably to do with his "business" model- Sampo only takes advantage of the wealthy, and poverty runs rampant in the Underground. When he charges Peak an extra 30% (the same percentage he charges Norbert as a consultation fee in the museum heists- Sampo seems to go by percentage instead of a flat rate, which means his prices are more fair for lower incomes) for carelessly losing their supply, Peak literally starts counting out pocket change.
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Dude's working for pennies and good will down there dknsmdmd
And you can twist this into a Robin Hood thing if you want- Sampo IS technically working to feed orphans and heal the sick. He says himself he's more than happy to make up the shortfall between the greedy and the marginalized- I mean he says it in the shadiest way possible, but I doubt the people benefiting from his work really care that he's a slimeball if it means they can survive another day. Even the two heists he pulls in his character stories are literally just him stealing absurd amounts of food.
Personally though I think it is solely because of Natasha, and Sampo is hilariously well-behaved specifically for her, because she keeps him on a short leash JSKZJMSMSKS
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