#:Road Runner (Kyle Crane):
hereliesbitches--me · 2 years
"ya know, ya gotta stop worrying so much." he teases, wide grin on scarred features as he playfully tugs on a lock of her hair. "i'm fine, came back in one piece - so don't frown." kyle's tone becomes soft, caressing the tender skin of her cheek. "you'll get worry lines at this rate..."
It was only meant to be a week, maybe two tops, that they would perform humanitarian services before they would go back home to their normal lives. That was what the GRE had briefed herself and Erron on before the three of them got dropped into a hot zone And everything that could go wrong went wrong from the moment they touched the ground.
That should have been a telling sign for Rosie, yet the stupid girl held hope.
That was almost 2 months ago, and now communication had become so scarce she was starting to believe the GRE had left them there to die like everyone else. Because Kyle was infected...and they would not leave without him. She would not leave without him.. Not now, not ever. Not even if he fully changed into an infected. It was that reckless undying loyalty that kept Erron chained with her in this hellhole they were trying to save.
   Usually she was one to sleep in, but that morning a restless anxiety woke her up as kyle slipped off the bed from her arms. He threw on his clothes and his gear, and from the corner of her computer setup she watched him from the chair quietly sipping blackened coffee she had learned to tolerate with their scarce resources. She hadn't meant to give away her worries, but Kyle had an eye for detail when her forehead had a habit of wrinkling when she though too deeply. His sudden voice startled her out of her thoughts. She was quick to swivel in her chair and start up the system in an effort to hide the fact that she had been caught,
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" Its not about the fact that you manage to make it back in one piece, its that fact that things seem to be getting worse out there with the gangs, the infected are the least of our worries at this rate..."
The gunfire, the supply shortage being raided by Rais and his people before any other survivor had a chance to take it. She was no runner, she was only the tech, and all that was good for was surveying and emergency escapes. Rais has been a variable that she and Erron had been left in the dark about in terms of what they were dealing with in the quarantine zone. She had high hopes before that dwindled in faded every day, and the optimism she had come in with was nearly all capoot. Fed up with her own helplessness, she'd been scheming how she could be more than just a useless set of eyes to this community. The thought drifted as she shot a bitter look to the charging drone she booted up with the rest of her system,
" The supplies are short, Antizen is practically liquid gold that people are dying for, what if we dont have enough for --, " you Kyle Crane could move like a shadow and not make a single sound for a man his side, a talent he often displayed by sneaking up on her when she was deep in her world of tech. Her words fell short at the sensation of his hands combing through her unruly brown bed head, her anxiety temporarily quelled by a wave of chills that eased her tenses. Rosie couldnt help the soft sound of relief she made, the smallest tremble that rattled through her frame before she collapsed back in the chair and looked up at Kyle staring down from above. Their exchanges could often be entire silent, expressed solely through affectionate gazes and the tender touch of the hand. A touch starved creature she was, the feeling of his hands on her round cheek drew a tenderness from the tech and revived the hope she believed had gone flatline.
"you'll get worry lines at this rate..."
His voice alone makes her heart beat just a little louder in her chest, and stirs an impractical emotion at the core of her gut when he had to leave so soon. Rosie returns a wry smile in response,
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"Worry lines are probably the last thing I have to worry about when there is an army of angry infected people that want to take a bite out of me..." She sighs, but her hands reach up and curl around the palm cradling her cheek. In the back of her mind she muses at the fact his hand alone could probably cover her whole face... at the forefront of her mind, a more glaring issue demands itself to be voiced, " I just feel.. so useless in here. Im tired of being useless. All I do is keep watch, I get you out of situations... but im not really helping anyone but you. The tower people probably think im just some weird tech hermit that eats their supplies and hides behind a screen all day... They probably look at me and think I could feed at least a small platoon of guards for like a week."
Being as plump as she was, becoming a humanitarian didn't take away the self consciousness that came as people looked at her in disbelief that the GRE would send someone like her into a place like his with the expectation to survive. Thinking too long on it caused her expression to screw up bitterly and the girl to pull away from Kyle to return back to her lit up monitor. Rosie hunched forward, allowed her unbrushed hair to hide her face as she rubbed the stupid self conscious water from her eyes and punched her password in the system. The Drone at its station whirred to life with the startup program , Rosie stared pointedly at the screen in refusal of letting anyone see her pathetic tears,
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" I have to be something more than eyes, Kyle... Im tired of being something that everyone has to save or look out for... I'm gonna start making adjustments to my tech to be something that people actually need to.."
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kylecrane · 3 years
7 and 23. Aiden, Kyle, and Rahim. (I apologize in advance advance any bad memories)
Omg omg omg. You spoil me. :sobs: I'll try and make this one special for you.
7. Who do you look up to?
Rahim has always looked up to Jade. Though, sometimes, especially when he was still a kid kid, that respect was often tainted by a feeling of inadequacy. Because how could he ever live up to his sister? To her strength, her courage, her resilience? Plus, she got a lot of attention...
Then he grew up and he just loved her plenty.
These days? He will not comment, lest you might tell Crane. (Don't tell Crane.)
Pre-Villedor, Aiden hasn't exactly looked up to anyone. To be able to look up to someone, to, like, conjure that heavy feeling in your gut that maybe, just maybe, you want to be more like them, you need to first give them a chance to make an impression.
That requires time. Which he hasn't exactly been giving anyone yet.
He respects people. Spike, for one. He respects him, because, obviously, Spike must have done a lot right; someone who is in his 70s and still living a Pilgrim's life has got to have a lot going for him (yeah, I am totally holding on to that throwaway conversation in DL1 that indicates Spike just had his 50s birthday).
Crane has had a few heroes in his life! Sebastian (his best friend) is one of them. His high school math and physics teacher is another. The dude had a prosthetic arm and was an absolute badass.
... honestly, Crane is probably a little bit too quick to look up to people, much like he's very quick to form attachments. You show him you're the sort to stand up to bullies* and the sort to a burning need to live, and he'll be your biggest fan.
*I wrote "pillows" the first time here and I am still amused.
23. Have you ever had a crush on someone?  Do you have a crush now?
Ahahah, Rahim collects crushes like other people collect rocks or stamps or coasters. Schoolmates, teachers, cab drivers, Tourists (I mean, can you blame him?), young lads next door, one of Brecken's Runners, an ex-Harran University neuroscience student who likes to grow his own pot and names his plants...
...that is just a small sample.
Now? So about that neuroscience student...
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Aiden understands the concept of a crush, but has he experienced one? Maybe?
Okay, storytime! There was that girl tending a farm at a settlement he visited three times in a row. She was a quiet kind of funny and she asked him a lot of questions about his life on the road. Not the usual kinds of questions mind you; not the did you murder lots of people ones, but the what interesting things have you seen? ones. Then, on his fourth visit, she was gone. And Aiden remembers feeling an uncomfortable squeeze in his chest.
But he never wanted anything from her, and there weren't any of those longing looks and subtle touches he reads about in books. So does it count? And if it doesn't, does it matter?
Eh, he's doing okay.
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Crane? Okay, this depends on how you define crush. Crane isn't a crush kind of person (unless you count typical boyhood crushes). No, Crane firmly sits in either one of the following two camps:
The 'This was a real fun night, hmu later for a repeat performance ;)' camp, where he is the one to come over so he can make a strategic exit any time he wants, and the-
'Will you marry me' camp. 'cause even if he likes his adventures and he talks big about booty calls, at the end of the day, Crane wants to be called someone's someone.
What I am trying to say is, when Crane falls, he falls. And he falls hard.
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hereliesbitches--me · 2 years
Gotta represent my boys and girls on Blue team since the show fucked them up. Rosies fav Spartan IIs, don't tell anyone 🤟😩
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