hee-blee-art · 2 years
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introducing malnoch, fellow fallen angel and valoel’s closest thing to a friend on earth. his band, impain, includes admorsus and fellgore, two earthbound demons who prefer playing gigs and partying to infernal work.  
[image ID: 5 digital sketches in blue mainly featuring malnoch (he/him), a thin pale fallen angel, and several other characters. 
page 1 shows a portrait of malnoch’s present look with shaggy dark hair, heavy eye makeup, emo / goth attire and a cigarette, next to sketches of him in his original angel form with long dark hair and dark wings, as well as post-fall, with long white hair and sickly white wings looking injured and unwell. 
page 2 shows him cutting off his hair and wings, drinking from a chalice with bandages around his chest and wrists, and showing off a sword earring with a bloody nose. 
page 3 shows him dyeing his shaggy hair black, showing off new back and arm tattoos of snakes, a crown of thorns, a cross, and an apple, and making out with various demons. 
page 4 shows him singing passionately into a microphone as well as on a couch with admorsus (she/it), a tall skinny demon with fluffy hair, 2 lion-like tails, and 4 arms; and fellgore (she/any), a short thin demon with a spiky fringe and bat-like wings in a dirty suit. 
page 5 shows malnoch, admorsus, and fellgore holding a banner that reads “impain,” malnoch sitting in admorsus’ lap while she kisses his nose, and malnoch and fellgore grabbing each other’s shirtfronts and bickering. end ID]
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hereliesbitches--me · 2 years
"ya know, ya gotta stop worrying so much." he teases, wide grin on scarred features as he playfully tugs on a lock of her hair. "i'm fine, came back in one piece - so don't frown." kyle's tone becomes soft, caressing the tender skin of her cheek. "you'll get worry lines at this rate..."
It was only meant to be a week, maybe two tops, that they would perform humanitarian services before they would go back home to their normal lives. That was what the GRE had briefed herself and Erron on before the three of them got dropped into a hot zone And everything that could go wrong went wrong from the moment they touched the ground.
That should have been a telling sign for Rosie, yet the stupid girl held hope.
That was almost 2 months ago, and now communication had become so scarce she was starting to believe the GRE had left them there to die like everyone else. Because Kyle was infected...and they would not leave without him. She would not leave without him.. Not now, not ever. Not even if he fully changed into an infected. It was that reckless undying loyalty that kept Erron chained with her in this hellhole they were trying to save.
   Usually she was one to sleep in, but that morning a restless anxiety woke her up as kyle slipped off the bed from her arms. He threw on his clothes and his gear, and from the corner of her computer setup she watched him from the chair quietly sipping blackened coffee she had learned to tolerate with their scarce resources. She hadn't meant to give away her worries, but Kyle had an eye for detail when her forehead had a habit of wrinkling when she though too deeply. His sudden voice startled her out of her thoughts. She was quick to swivel in her chair and start up the system in an effort to hide the fact that she had been caught,
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" Its not about the fact that you manage to make it back in one piece, its that fact that things seem to be getting worse out there with the gangs, the infected are the least of our worries at this rate..."
The gunfire, the supply shortage being raided by Rais and his people before any other survivor had a chance to take it. She was no runner, she was only the tech, and all that was good for was surveying and emergency escapes. Rais has been a variable that she and Erron had been left in the dark about in terms of what they were dealing with in the quarantine zone. She had high hopes before that dwindled in faded every day, and the optimism she had come in with was nearly all capoot. Fed up with her own helplessness, she'd been scheming how she could be more than just a useless set of eyes to this community. The thought drifted as she shot a bitter look to the charging drone she booted up with the rest of her system,
" The supplies are short, Antizen is practically liquid gold that people are dying for, what if we dont have enough for --, " you Kyle Crane could move like a shadow and not make a single sound for a man his side, a talent he often displayed by sneaking up on her when she was deep in her world of tech. Her words fell short at the sensation of his hands combing through her unruly brown bed head, her anxiety temporarily quelled by a wave of chills that eased her tenses. Rosie couldnt help the soft sound of relief she made, the smallest tremble that rattled through her frame before she collapsed back in the chair and looked up at Kyle staring down from above. Their exchanges could often be entire silent, expressed solely through affectionate gazes and the tender touch of the hand. A touch starved creature she was, the feeling of his hands on her round cheek drew a tenderness from the tech and revived the hope she believed had gone flatline.
"you'll get worry lines at this rate..."
His voice alone makes her heart beat just a little louder in her chest, and stirs an impractical emotion at the core of her gut when he had to leave so soon. Rosie returns a wry smile in response,
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"Worry lines are probably the last thing I have to worry about when there is an army of angry infected people that want to take a bite out of me..." She sighs, but her hands reach up and curl around the palm cradling her cheek. In the back of her mind she muses at the fact his hand alone could probably cover her whole face... at the forefront of her mind, a more glaring issue demands itself to be voiced, " I just feel.. so useless in here. Im tired of being useless. All I do is keep watch, I get you out of situations... but im not really helping anyone but you. The tower people probably think im just some weird tech hermit that eats their supplies and hides behind a screen all day... They probably look at me and think I could feed at least a small platoon of guards for like a week."
Being as plump as she was, becoming a humanitarian didn't take away the self consciousness that came as people looked at her in disbelief that the GRE would send someone like her into a place like his with the expectation to survive. Thinking too long on it caused her expression to screw up bitterly and the girl to pull away from Kyle to return back to her lit up monitor. Rosie hunched forward, allowed her unbrushed hair to hide her face as she rubbed the stupid self conscious water from her eyes and punched her password in the system. The Drone at its station whirred to life with the startup program , Rosie stared pointedly at the screen in refusal of letting anyone see her pathetic tears,
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" I have to be something more than eyes, Kyle... Im tired of being something that everyone has to save or look out for... I'm gonna start making adjustments to my tech to be something that people actually need to.."
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compactdynamic · 10 months
gloria fortis miles, adversor et admorsus
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jakey-beefed-it · 7 years
“Resist and Bite,” Sabaton
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cromwell300 · 4 years
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The Clash
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canid-slashclaw · 5 years
Pocket Raptor Surprise
The heat from the midday sun beat down relentlessly upon the parched soil of the Dry Step Mesas. Off in the distance, massive vines snaked their way up from a ravine that looked as if the surface of Tyria itself had cracked open releasing some ancient and malevolent force. For a certain pair of intrepid (and over fashionably-dressed) bounty hunters, such trivial things were the least of their concern.
Amalthia tilted her head back as she raised a metal canteen to her gaping maw then shook the container a few times before giving her human husband an apprehensive gaze.
“Yeah, babe?” Kaleb replied as he noticed a decidedly scolding look on her face.
“Did you, like, happen to forget to bring some extra water rations after knowing full-well that we’d be trouncing around in a godsforsaken freakin’ desert?!”
“Um, no,” he said with a shrug. “Besides, wasn’t that your responsibility? You know-- taking care of provisions and all?” He, then, gestured to her with a pistol finger and wink.
His action only enabled his wife in unleashing both her inner, as well as outer, charr. “My responsibility? Are you freaking kidding me!? You damn know good and well that it is my job to maintain all the weaponry and your job to handle the other logistics… like keeping us fed and hydrated. After all, you are the chef de partie of our little outfit, right?”
“Woah, woah. Stop right there, miss pissykitty! Just ‘cause you have fangs, horns and a furry tail doesn’t automatically make you the only master-at-arms here. We’re a team, remember? It’s both our jobs to watch each others’ backs.” He stepped closer towards her offering his hand.
She looked away, bowed her head, sighed for a moment before looking back into his eyes then letting out a subdued growl. “Gah! You’ve got a point. Sorry, love. It’s just this heat is really putting me in a pissy mood.”
He gently clasped hold of her paw then gave her a kiss on her lower right ear. “I’m sorry too, babe. For being an idiot and all. Yeah. The forgetting the water thing? That’s totally on me.” Amalthia leaned her head into his, gave him a gentle nuzzle under his chin then licked him on the face. “Why yes it is. But I suppose I can find it in my heart to forgive you... this time. But piss me off again and you’ll find yourself greasing your own piston for at least the next six months.”
“Well that’s comforting to know. At least we can cling to each other until we succumb to dehydration and someone eventually finds our mummified remains lovingly wrapped in each others’ deathly embrace,” Kaleb said with a smile as he began to massage the back of her thickly muscled neck.
She looked lovingly into his brown eyes as a fangy smile flashed across her face. “Mister Grimwald – you have got to be the most wonderful bundle of human weirdness that I’ve ever come across. Okay… I think the heat is really getting to me now.”
“Why’d you say that?” Kaleb looked at her puzzled.
Her ears began to twitch. “Don’t you hear it? Oh wait… your hearing isn’t as sensitive as mine.”
“No. I do hear it. Oh wait… look!” He swung his head around suddenly then pointed towards what appeared to be a chicken-sized velociraptor. She turned and saw it as well.
“Hey little guy.” Kaleb reached into his coat pocket then pulled out a roll of dried meat as he began waving it at the small creature. The raptor cautiously backed away from him while making a high-pitched chirping noise. “I’ve got some jerky. Wanna try?”
Amalthia shook her head. “Um. I don’t think that’s a good idea, Kal.”
“Aww. C’mon, Ama. How bad can a little fella like this be?” Kaleb said as he pointed towards what appeared to be the creature’s nest. “Hey look. Eggs. If we take one each to nourish ourselves and save the rest, then maybe we can hatch them. Katie always wanted an unusual pet.”
His charr wife let out a more forceful growl this time. “No! We are not hatching anything that comes from this awful place. Remember why we came here -- for the bounties, right?”
Her husband huffed. “For the bounties. I got it. But, dammit Ama, we could raise a clutch of these and sell ‘em in Lion’s Arch for a fair amount of coin. I mean what kid wouldn’t want one of these for a pet?”
Shaking her head, Amalthia promptly reached into her husband’s rucksack then pulled out a field guide titled, Tyria’s Field Guide to Native Flora and Fauna Vol. IX. Using her long clawed index finger, she quickly thumbed through the pages until found what she was looking for.
“Let’s see. Raptors… raptors… Big, mean teethy, poison clawed… Oh. Here it is!” She looked up only to find that her husband had suddenly darted off towards one of the nests. As she watched him snatch up the eggs then put them into his rucksack, she began to read aloud what was in the guide. “Pauxillum fiken talus admorsus – or more commonly known as the Pocket Raptor, is a diminutive subspecies of the common featherbeak raptor and is almost exclusively found in the Heart of the Magumma Jungle and is… oh for Scorchgazer’s sake... are you even paying attention to me, Kal!?”
Her husband gave her a thumbs up even though he was still engrossed in gathering up more eggs from the nest.
“It says pocket raptors are vicious creatures that will bite your face off if half given the chance. So you’d better put those eggs back now before mamma comes back.” She angrily snapped the book closed then shoved it down into her pants pocket.
The mesa suddenly became alive with dozens of high-pitched chirping noises. As Kaleb stowed away the last of the eggs, he was immediately greeted by three more of the tiny raptors. Each of them tilted their heads trying to get him into their field of vision as they began moving towards him at an alarmingly brisk pace.
“Back away from them, Kal. Now!” Amalthia yelled just seconds before the trio lunged at her husband.
With reflexes rivaling those of a cat, Kaleb dodged the assault as the three little beasts leaped just inches above his face. Whirling around as fast as he could he pulled forth his revolvers, Sweet Pea and Lulu, then leveled the barrels at his attackers making sure that his wife was not in the line of fire. The bore of each pistol erupted in a plume of red-hot gas as two of the critters exploded into grizzly globs of flesh and guts; the demise of the third followed a split second later.
Amalthia drew a holosmithing sword from her waistband as her entire body became aglow in a brightly lit shroud of charged energy. Scores more of the creatures appeared from practically every nearby nook and cranny as they began swarming the couple from all angles. A series of deft swishes from her alighted blade reduced several of the vicious attackers to piles of dust as more of the ravenous critters quickly emerged to take the place of their fallen littermates.
“We’ve got to get the hell out of here!” His wife said as her energy shroud began to take on a faint red glow. “Either this asuratech, or my temper is gonna blow at any moment. And when it does, I promise it isn’t going to be pretty.”
Kaleb holstered his pistols then drew forth the greatsword that he had slung on his back. “Bob – time for some action!”
With a series of lightning fast strokes, Kaleb and ‘Bob’ managed to cleave dozens of the little beasts in two as he re-positioned himself in a back-to-back stance with his wife. Moving with an unspoken synchronicity, the husband and wife bounty hunter team hacked and slashed their way through the onslaught until they reached the relative safety of a nearby natural bridge.
Amalthia pointed towards a bluff in the distance. “Hey, look. A downed airship. I’m willing to bet there are some supplies up there, including water.”
Kaleb shook his head. “An airship? Damn, we must have overlooked it the first time around. How could we have missed seeing something that obvious?”
Amalthia laughed. “Because you, dear husband, were too damn busy picking up raptor eggs for your little pet menagerie.”
As the couple wandered closer, several figures began to emerged from atop the bluff. Clad in black and silver armor, the pair quickly realized the individuals were Pact soldiers who were most likely survivors of the airship crash.
“Ho there, stranger,” yelled the tallest Pact member who obviously looked to be a norn and, was in all probability, the leader of the group. 
After they met up with the surviving Pact members, Kaleb and Amalthia pitched in to help set up a makeshift camp complete with a mess hall and cooking station.  As Kaleb sat down and began guzzling down a huge stein of fresh water, the Pact leader sat down beside him and chuckled. “Word has reached my ears that your cooking skills are the stuff of legends. Thanks to you and your amazing, and also most unusual wife, my troops will enjoy the first good meal they’ve had in a good long time.” Kaleb smiled at the compliment. “Your ears wouldn’t be wrong. But the misses? She’s one helluva cook too, yanno. Not that I had anything to do with it, mind you.” The Pact leader let out a boisterous laugh as he gave Kaleb a hearty slap on the back. “By the spirits, you must be part norn. At least in heart anyway.”
“Chow had better be ready soon. Moog has been staring at me for the last hour. It is not that his staring alone that has me concerned so much as when he starts staring at the salad condiments then back at me that gives me some pause for concern. Not that I think he would actually do anything, mind you, but...” a sylvari Pact member said as he casually pointed towards his asura comrade.  
“Oh please. Just looking at you gives me indigestion. Where is our sustenance?”
“Say please.” Amalthia’s voice chimed throughout the tent as she walked towards the table carrying a pan of what appeared to be full of some type of fluffy yellow substance. “Be careful. It’s very hot.” Kaleb looked at his wife and beamed. “Damn, babe! I can’t wait to try it.” She smiled back, her fangs showing. “And I can’t wait for you to try it, my love.”
Once the portions were doled out, everyone in the camp ate heartily then thanked Amalthia for the delicious meal. She sat down beside her husband and nestled her chin atop his head.
The norn Pact leader looked at the unusual couple and commented, “that whatever it was, was absolutely amazing! What did you call it, again?”
Both Kaleb and Amalthia said in union, a frittata.
The norn looked dumbfounded. “Oh. It tasted just like eggs.”
“That’s ‘cause frittatas are made with eggs,” Kaleb pointed out.  Amalthia just nodded with a smiling closed-eyed grin.
“Oh. I see. That meal must have been truly magical because during the crash, our only container of poultry products was smashed against the rocks.”
Then it suddenly dawned on Kaleb. He turned around then looked his charr wife in her eyes then asked, “Ama?”
“Yes, Kal?”
“What did you use to make that frittata?”
She rolled her amber eyes, put a clawed index finger to her pursed lips then looked up for a moment before looking back at Kaleb. “Just what was on-hand. Why?”
“Eggs. Where did you get the eggs?” Kaleb demanded. The norn butted in. “Yes. Such a meal is deserving of a special name. Something memorable, something legendary!”
Amalthia scratched her chin for a moment before responding. “Something memorable... something legendary. Hmm. Let’s see -- I suppose the only thing one could possibly call it is...
...Pocket Raptor Surprise!”
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10blue10 · 5 years
Dragon Names in HBS/Latinised
These are my own ‘dragon names’ used in my fanfics. Also latinised ones
Viking  Name           Dragon  Name            Binomial  Name
Stoker Class           Stoker Class             Stoker Class
Firewyrm                  Glow-Skin                 Draco meridiem
Hobblegrunt            Colour-Changer        Draco colorum
Moldruffle                Spike-Back               Draco spica rursus
M. Nightmare           Fire-Scale                  Draco ignis
Night Terror              Black-Scale              Draco furvus
White Terror             White-Scale              Draco albus
Fire Terror                Red-Scale                 Draco burrus
Red Death              Fire-Giant                   Draco gigantes ignis
Singetail                 Flame-Belly                Draco ignis ventri
T. Terror                   Biter                          Draco admorsus
Typhoomerang       Fire-Spinner               Draco ignis verso
Boulder Class       Boulder Class           Boulder Class
C.  Quaken             Crusher                     Draco oblido
Eruptodon              Lava-Eater                Draco igneus
Gronckle                Rock-Tail                   Draco petram
Hotburple              Wing-Sleeper            Draco dormio
Shovelhelm           Chin-Spike                Draco spica mentum
Snafflefang           Crystal-Eater             Draco crystallo
W.  Death             Spine-Twister             Draco retorto
S.  Death              Air-Giant                    Draco gigantes caeli
Tracker Class      Tracker Class           Tracker Class
D.  Nadder            Spike-Tail                   Draco spica
Mudraker              Wave-Maker              Draco undo (pronounced un-doh)
Rumblehorn          Charger                    Draco arguere
Snifflehunch          Search-Snout           Draco indago
Submaripper         Sea-Churner             Draco torquent
Thunderclaw         Sail-Back                 Draco solvit
Sharp Class          Sharp Class            Sharp Class
Prickleboggle        Healing-Breath         Draco sana
Razorwhip             Silver-Scale              Draco argenti
Scuttleclaw            Scamperer              Draco provolo
Speed Stinger        Quick-Sting            Draco spiculum
Stormcutter            Four-Wing             Draco quattuor
Tidal Class           Tidal Class            Tidal Class
Bewilderbeast       Sea-Giant              Draco gigantes mare
Sand  Wraith         Sand-Wing             Draco haranae
Scauldron             Steam-Sprayer       Draco ferveo
Seashocker           Spark-Noses          Draco scintilla
Shellfire                 Boulder-Spitter      Draco scopulus
Thunderdrum         Bellower                Draco immugio
Mystery Class     Mystery Class      Mystery Class
Armorwing          Metal-Wearer         Draco metallum
Foreverwing         Earth-Giant           Draco gigantes terra
Boneknapper      Bone-Wearer         Draco ossium
Changewing        Scale-Shifter        Draco muto
Flightmare          Freeze-Breath       Draco inalgesco
H.  Zippleback      Twin-Head          Draco geminae
Smokebreath       Smoke-Skin         Draco fumus
Strike Class        Strike Class      Strike Class
Night Fury          Swift-Wing           Draco velox  
Light Fury          Clear Wing           Draco lucidus
Skrill                  Lightning-Fang     Draco fulmen
Snow Wraith      Frost-Fire               Draco gelus
Triple Stryke      Three-Tail             Draco tribus
August 12th, 2018 2:55pm 
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glorykill-a · 3 years
anyway @admorsus
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13 Days
In the 13 days, Americans across the USA will be posting, texting, shopping, and lecturing on Veteran's Day and most of them will be people who were never in the military and a frightening percentage of them will be angrily and condescendingly yelling about Veteran's Day sacrifices all while licking the boot of the orange fascist in the Oval office.
This has been a Public Service Announcement.
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Adversor et admorsus The Boar against the Eagle
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hee-blee-art · 3 years
🌈 OC Directory (A-Z) 🌈
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a renowned exorcist—a young priest with special abilities and shaky faith at best—works to fight demons with the help of a scandalously unusual business partner, and seems to have caught the attention of the devil (part of the freefallverse).
father elias "eli" leon (he/him) & keth / kethmannoth (he/it)
maria "ben" bentley (she/they)
monsignor diego bonaventure (he/him)
father nathaniel torres (he/him)
pastor dana van deen (he/him)
bishop piardi (he/him)
father wolf (he/him)
myeong na-rae (she/her)
dr. aleisha massey (she/her)
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dreamland is a dimension that exists "between" the terrestrial and the celestial planes, home to gnomes (who work on good dreams) and ghouls (who work on nightmares).
truffle (he/they/it) & puffball (any)
the sandman (he/him)
b.g. (she/any)
ash (she/her)
myke (he/any)
marina (she/they)
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the story of a vampire and a werewolf in love and the unusual little family they build together with their changeling daughter.
matteo (they/he)
tiernan (she/he)
aine (she/her)
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a tale of a fraught mutual obsession between the flamboyant head of a vampire kinship and a troubled & reclusive vampire hunter.
clem (she/he)
vio (she/any)
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the freefallverse contains several interconnected stories revolving around angels, demons, heaven’s five archangels, and the seven princes of hell. each story involves relationships steeped in horror, religious trauma, holiness & sin, along with varying perceptions of humanity, right & wrong, and destiny.
[general info post]
the demon princes
the archangels
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a newly fallen angel, hopelessly lost in the mortal world, is torn between indulging in earthly hedonism with a fellow ex-angel and trying desperately to earn back his wings by helping a depressed former movie star find some meaning in life.
valoel (she/they)
adrian hunt (he/him)
malnoch (he/any)
fellgore (she/any) & admorsus (she/it)
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the fortunaverse is a collection of weird sci-fi / fantasy / horror stories centered around fortuna facilities inc., a research body that investigates and experiments with the unbelievable and the impossible. one such story (vocation) centers on a commercial hitman and criminal freelancer who accidentally get wrapped up in a fringe science cult's endeavour to resurrect jesus christ.
agent glass (he/him)
ocelot (he/any)
ronin winters (he/him)
gilbert "gil" lewis (he/him)
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a petulant prince with an otherworldly connection to death, desperate to escape his destiny as king. a gruff knight relentlessly dedicated to his assignment protecting the prince, even (or especially) from himself. the two bound together by fate and pitted against monsters, curses, gods, and unfathomable powers that threaten all life in the mortal world.
prince sebastian (he/him)
sir konstantine (he/him)
gren (she/her)
bain (she/her)
king cyrus (he/him)
wren jester (he/him)
acid the wizard (any)
the knights
[see also: @greycircle]
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gummysugar is a weirdpop / alt rock band made up of three clowns and a ghoul from another dimension. they're best friends, messily in love, and they have a blast touring together. oh, and sometimes they save the world from creatures that break reality.
puck (he/any)
blinkie (she/they)
faust (he/him)
xavier (they/he)
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the ringleaderverse encompasses several multimedia ARG-style narratives about the people affected by a cult dedicated to an entity and so-called god obsessed with art & dreams called the ringleader (cw: horror, unreality, death, violence).
felix deacon (he/they)
sean “happy” matthews (he/him)
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do you like villains? would you consider becoming a henchman? ever dreamt about an office romance? what about earning the affections of your evil boss, or getting involved with one of your weirdo mutant coworkers? no? oh. well, then this game probably isn't for you.
count masters (he/him) & kevin (he/him)
lady rivet (she/her) & mortimer (he/they)
eros (she/he) & clara (she/her)
dr. diesley (they/them) & faraday (she/her)
the reaper (he/him) & pork rind (they/them)
skullcrusher (any) & fracture (she/her)
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in the cozy walled city of toyhouse corners, plush and plastic citizens lead happy lives full of friendship, local drama, the occasional mystery, and lots of silly antics. the new postman is baffled by how perfect everything there is—until it isn’t. / you can read toyhouse corners here: @toyhousecorners
sir alfred (he/him)
postman basil (he/him)
hannah (she/her)
mac (she/any)
foster (she/her)
drake "blade" blake (he/him)
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Misc Stories / Verses
AU REVOIR FINGERS: an indie rock band.
THE CUPID GROUP: a queer social group run out of a sex shop that become a happy messy polycule.
THE DAD QUAD : alert! these four dads are dating each other. yes, their wives know. yes, one of them is mothman. yes, THE mothman.
DIANA'S DREAMBOAT DINER: a restaurant staffed by robots from rough situations, run by diana, a former performing android.
HART: canadian gothic horror story about a small town called hart that seems cursed to it's very core.
OBJECTHEAD OVER HEELS (game): a dating sim where you play as a university student working at a burger joint that can romance a polaroid camera, a record player. a tv, or a computer mouse.
RED CEDAR MALL (game): a point-and-click story-based game where you explore a not-quite abandoned mall with no memory of who you are or how you got there. [demo available on itch.io]
ROOM & BOARD (comic): a story about a houseful of strangers that all of sudden find themselves forming the crew of a ship that travels between parallels earths in search of the holy grail.
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Misc Characters
ben (she/her) & jaffrey (he/him)
corndog (he/him) & fairy floss (she/her)
guillo (any) & reed (they/them)
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persephone (she/her) & teonnie (she/her)
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horror ocs [cw: blood, gore, unreality]
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hereliesbitches--me · 3 years
Guess who's making a Dyling Light verse bcuz my husband (@admorsus ) has come back home 🥵
Rosie a Kyle Crane Simp that is all yall need to know
She is in love with her bad luck magnet with his scarecrow phobio and iconic one liners ♡♡
Rosie was just supoose to be tech support with her brother and Kyle but everything goes terribly wrong.
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hakutehfuzzeh · 8 years
No matter our fighting The numbers will still count We're outgunned and few in numbers We're doomed to flag of fail We fought hard Held our guard But when captured by the Axis And forced to tell the truth We'll tell it with a smile, We will surprise them with a laugh We are all We were all We were told to hold the border And that is what we did Honored were our orders In despite of our foe We, we will resist and bite! Bite hard 'Cause we are all in sight We, we take up arms and fight! Fight hard! Resist and do what's right Gloria fortis miles The Wehrmacht closing in Adversor et admorsus The boar against the Eagle Gloria fortis miles The Wehrmacht closing in Adversor et admorsus The boar against the Eagle
Resist and Bite, Sabaton
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