#:V: Only the Strongest will Survive:
dhmis-autism · 1 year
@idont-know-what-im-doing replied to your post “"anyways id survive in that house" sounds like...”:
Those are also true for Duck. Does he look sane to you?
​REBUTTAL TO THIS: IM NOT HIM I COULD DO IT!!! also idk man. hes not like,actively going nuts, I don't think. like, if they never leave, he'd be the one least bugged by it yknow? Red's LOSING it, Yellows like,haunted by his not-mom and battery memories and if my lil green guys got none of that going on he's pretty fine I think.
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hereliesbitches--me · 2 years
“You were crying in your sleep.” 
Noticed Trauma Starters (ALWAYS ACCEPTING)
When Rosita Roselyn was a child, she was known for being a weak and timid cry baby. Or so her mother often scolded her for. A child who cried when she was screamed at, cried when she fell, and cried when she was alone. Always too emotional,    always too fragile,    not built to survive in this world.
She cried when her best friend withered away slowly and died in her arms, deformed and unrecognizable by time. Unnatural and Wrong. Then she just never cried again. 
That is the first thing they break out of you when you join the UNSC. Because crying was for the weak, for those who will die -- you had to learn early on to cry was to only waste the tears.  It helped her to cope, thinking that way. But at the same time it felt like all the tears she had to shed had died with little Kyle. 
   To be an ONI officer was to learn that knowledge is power and your body was an expendable weapon like all tools in the trade.  As a 17 year girl, she didn’t cry when she was laid out beneath an insurrectionist waiting for the ODST who had come too late. It was just another job. She didn’t cry when Nova beat the stutter out of her and put out her cigarettes on her hand and arms just to make her tough. It was was needed to be done. When the covenant war began, the time of tears was truly no more. Too much death, and not enough tears to spend.  She didn’t even cry finding out Kyle, the real Kyle, had in fact lived, and suffered a great deal without her. After years of suffering that plagued their universe, Rosie thought herself the ideal Intelligence agent who smiled in agony and laughed in fear. She led Spartans II to their victories, and some to their demise, but still for their sake and morale she had no place for tears when they all needed a stone.
But even stones have to crack. Not even planets could be saved.  She though Rosita Roselyn had died with the little boy she thought to be her best friend -- Truth was, she died with the rest of her family and friends on that day. Burning, screaming, not a soul to hear it. Madrigol glassed.  Nobody had ever stood a chance..
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    When the news had arrived through the vine, it settles into her slow and agonizing. The chilling reality that now there really was no home to turn back to crept on her like frostbite climbing through the nerves.  At first she felt nothing ; Disbelief, denial, perhaps shock. Shock had become such a welcome response to trauma in her that it stunted her emotional and physical response to a variety of pains. In her mind her first instinct was to think of her Spartans, to think how Kyle would respond to the news, and how she would have to react accordingly to soften that blow for him.  The UNSC had already stolen his life from him for the sake of service, for the sake of Humanity, and for all the good he did, it wasnt enough to protect his parents from their greatest enemy. She hadn’t done enough to protect her mother, and her father suffered that death because Rosie was negligent in being a dutiful daughter. 
Still, she had no place to cry... She wasn’t the only one to have lost her family. An entire planet... with people who probably had friends and family on other colonies, in the service, who all probably think the same thoughts she did as they stand there digesting the cold reality of how short life is in war times. They would all be crying....   but tears don’t win wars. Tears don’t make it better.      Soldiers like her don’t cry anymore. They plan a counter and act. 
    Her silence was to be expected, however in the coming days there was too much to be planned that would not afford a second of rest. Accounting dead, amassing data for their next place to make their alien enemies rue the day they fucked with humanity. She may have kept a close eye on Kyle and the team, trusted that the Spartans would do good in keeping their brother afloat in their time of grief, Rosie’s place was among the generals and fleets for their next strike. She’d work for days and would be seen very little.. until even she burned out. In the realm of the living, Agent Valentine was in perfect control of her emotions -- smiling and pleasant and deceptively clever behind her cute short physique -- She had no real control of what her body did while she sleeps. She had a bad habit of curling up in random corners where she wouldn't be found and letting herself cave there. She forgets John-117 had come to know her and her habits just as well as she knew her Spartans.
In her dreams, Rosie thinks back on the very last memories she had in her childhood home, shared with her mother and father before they split ways over her. She remembers most the beaches... the water so clear the child she was thought she could see beneath the waves for miles. The little fish that swam in the shallows and nipped at their toes. In her dreams she remembers the warmth of sunshine as she splashed and chased her little best friend on the shoreline, the both of them laughing and rolling through sand until the sun set on the horizon. Camellia, her mother with her same face, stood at the doorway of their beach home as Roland shuffled down the scrub grass with the Reyes parents to collect the two children worn out by their play. The feeling of sand and dried salt sticking to the skin as Rosie lay in a sandy waterhole with little Kyle is one she could never replicate. Her father was younger in those days, not yet salt and peppered by the stress of political affairs, and his smile held the warmth of a thousand suns. He chuckled down at the little girl, and in the dream his voice and laughter echoed and engraved itself into her bones and mind. 
“ Are you ready to go home, sweet girl?”  Roland spoke softly, teasingly as he squatted down in the sand to grab her. From her peripherals she watches Kyle’ s father scoop up the sleeping toddler and carry him a way with a farewell to herself and Roland. Rosie turns her head up to see her father so close, she can smell that vintage cologne he liked as he hooked his hands beneath her chubby arms. She raises her ups up to be lifted,  gripping his shirt and peering up at his face as he looks down upon her with the look of fond admiration -- suddenly he wasn’t moving. Rosie sat there in his arms, anticipating, confused, watching as his mouth moved to say her name but the rest of him did not.
“ Rosie... Rosie..” The hands that held her shook her lightly, then the corners of her dream began to distort. So did her father’s voice.  In a panic fear began to climb in the girl’s throat and thunder in her little heart as a blackness splintered the frame of her colorful world and her father’s voice grew distant. Why did he sound so far when he was so close?  Again, he repeated her name, his voice warping with every rattle of her small frame, more aggressive than the last,  “ Rosie, you have to wake up.. You have to..” 
Her world went black 
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 Rosie jolted, gasping in terror as she woke up in  pile of paperwork and files.  Her heart thundered in her chest just as it had been in the dream, the adrenalin of fear caused her body to tremble with the initial disorientation of suddenly awaking. She stared at the ground and took seconds to familiarize herself with the scene ; Papers lay beneath her shaking hands, their image blurry as her head senselessly sways from side to side... a few more seconds, blinking in hopes that the image clears, but the hand that touches her cheeks realizes why its not.  Her face is hot and wet with what she can only assume are tears. Her fingers wipe the edge of her eyes just enough to clear her vision, her hands then simply fall limp on the table when she sits up. At some point she must have fallen asleep on her mission details... and now they were all smudged with her tears and drool. Fear is slow to subside, in its place finds exhaustion, exasperation, and annoyance.   “ God fucking...” She starts to mutter, before she realizes there is a weight and warmth on her shoulder. How long had that been there? Ignoring the pain in her neck, Rosie numbly tilts her head and peers up to find Chief standing there with his usual observant (as she likes to call it) expression. Her neck bones pop as her head falls back, she remains staring a few seconds, before she wills a bashful smile onto her face,  “ Oh, hey John... How long have you been there?”  She laughs, hollow and perfectly practiced, snapping her head back down to wipe her cheeks in her palms, “ God im such a mess, im asking for scoliosis at this rate if I keep falling asleep at the --” 
“You were crying in your sleep.”
John stops her mid sentence, as curt and straight forward as he always is... Rosie finds her mouth to shut quick.  For a moment she seems suspended there, looking down at her tingling hands as the the numbed nerves are slow to awaken in them. She says nothing at first, debating her response, before her lips curl again and she muses out a chuckle, 
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“ I dont think I was, John. I think I was drooling really bad... In my dream, you see, I was having a feast before you woke me... I must have just been so hungry in the real world I salivated enough to cover my whole face...”
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surielstea · 4 months
Guilty Pleasures
Based on this request.
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Pairing: Azriel x Vanserra!Reader (fem)
Summary: Readers secret relationship with the Shadow Singer can’t be suppressed when Azriel finds himself in Readers room after a meeting with her brother, Eris.
Warnings: smut | pwp | minors dni | p in v | rough sex | mating press | controlled orgasm | creampie | praise/degradation | name calling | pure filth
3.4k words
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The Forest House is crawling with night dwellers. That's what Eris had told me when he woke me up this morning, throwing a gown at me and telling me to get dressed before attending the meeting between Night and Autumn. Since my brother was the new high lord I could do little to argue with him, if he wanted me to participate I would be forced to do so. I was the farthest from the throne, and even less, a girl.
Though Eris seemed to look past the imbalance of power between us, even if it was blatantly obvious I had no choice but to do exactly as said.
I may not have not been the strongest fire wielder in my family, hel, Lucien practically started glowing whenever he conjured fire, but then again he's always been a little different from the rest of us. Without flame, I was dealt with the same cunning tongue as my father. It was a wicked trait to inherit, but also my best weapon. I could do more damage with my words than a sword because let's face it, internal wounds never really heal, and my father made sure he taught me that.
So I put on the deep green dress and tied the corset around my waist and bust tightly, keeping my retorts to myself about the style of the dress, wishing it wasn't so flashy. But this was a meeting with the Lord of Night he was flashy if anything, and so was the rest of his court. So I understand what Eris had been planning.
When I stepped into that meeting room I made sure I was making an entrance. Whatever discussions that had been ongoing before I walked in ceased. As his courtier, I was familiar with the members of Rhysand's court, specifically the two Illyrians flanking his left side. I flash the blue-siphoned male a sinister smile, reveling in the way his eyes drank me in, trekking down me from head to toe with an incomprehensible amount of lust, the kind that's guaranteed to have dropped panties before.
When his eyes return to mine I playfully look away with a smirk, making it clear that I'd caught him in the act. I take my place next to Eris at the other end of the table, his side comparably smaller in group size, void of friends and family like the High Lord of Night. But Eris did what he had to in order to survive, even if that meant pushing everyone else away— well, everyone but me. Because even with sheer determination, he wasn't able to get rid of me, who has been clinging so tightly to him since I was a child.
The meeting had already begun by the time I walked in so I didn't waste my time trying to catch up. I was only there to make an appearance, Eris had claimed it puts people at ease when they see a familiar face, invoking a more positive response. That was all I managed to pick up when he was explaining his schemes, I knew they'd stay true to our alliance. They needed us, we had one of the strongest armies, and even if they were guaranteed a win they didn't need to add bodies to the death toll.
The Shadow Singer's eyes tracked my every movement, he stared as I played with the ends of my hair, and practically started drooling when I flicked my eyes up to look at him every now and then. Gods he was so obvious, and they called him a spymaster?
I smirked down at my lap at the idea, picking at my nails to distract myself but it did little to help when I could practically feel his need for me from across the room.
The meeting went on for what felt like hours. I thought it'd be fairly straightforward when Eris explained it to me yesterday, I guess I underestimated the dramatics of the Night Court's strongest. Not to say it wasn't entertaining, but I found myself nearly laughing at some of the remarks made throughout the meeting.
Eventually, it was brought to an end. Rhysand had inevitably agreed to continue the alliance, just as Eris had suspected, and soon everyone was filing out of the meeting room.
I had beelined straight back towards my bedroom, aching to rip myself free from my revealing dress, in need to slip back beneath my sheets and go back to bed.
But as soon as I entered my room, I noticed there was someone's presence already occupying it. I was startled, staring at the Shadow Singer as he gazed at all the trinkets lined on my shelves. Most of them were souvenirs Lucien had collected for me during his travels across the continent. I was always jealous of him for that. While he was out exploring the world, I was still here, stuck in the same house I was born in.
"What are you doing?" I immediately question and Azriel whirls around, facing me with pure stoicism.
"Got lost," He shrugged.
"This is my room," I say with stern brows. He looked around the space, at the books on the shelves, the messy papers on my desk, and my unmade bed that was calling my name.
"Is it?" His eyes returned to mine and he took a bold step forward.
"Yes, if you need me to call a maid to escort you back to your room I'd be happy to oblige," I offered him a kind smile but he only continued with his strides, another pace, slowly closing the distance.
"That's kind of you," He takes one more step and suddenly I have to crane my neck up to look at him, my chest nearly pressed to his. "But I don't think that's necessary," He leaned against the door, closing it to peering eyes. At the newfound privacy, my smile widens and I practically tackle him to the ground, my arms sling around the nape of his neck as his lips crash onto mine.
I melted into the kiss and I swore for a moment he was holding up most of my weight. His hand comes to the back of my head, pulling slightly at my air and forcing me to back away.
"Gods, I missed you," He confesses through a breath. I beam, rising onto my toes and pecking him, pulling away as quickly as I came.
"I missed you too, Az," I murmur, pulling him so much closer. He stumbled forward and my back came into contact with the door, trapped between him with no exit. I couldn't find it in myself to complain.
His lips find mine again, like magnets pulling us together we slot into each other perfectly, filling every crevice and meeting every rendezvous of his touch. I reacted to his kiss in such a way that the first time our lips collided I thought I had lost my mind. It made me feel powerful and made me feel I was capable of so much more.
"It's been too long," I murmur as his hands trail down my sides, putting pressure on my waist, brushing along my hips, then curving along the side of my ass before reaching my thighs and hoisting me up.
"I know love, I know," He sighed onto my lips. I open my mouth wider, inviting his tongue as I wrap my legs around his torso while he holds me up.
His tongue dances with mine, like the last two warriors left on a battlefield, needy and restrained, torturous and passionate.
"I need you," I confess into his mouth and he grunts lowly at the words. "That meeting was cruel," I mumble while he begins to kiss down my neck.
"I know," He repeats, his voice desperate and raw. "The whole time I've been here I've only wanted to rip your dress off and fuck you on the floor," He admits and the apex of my thighs thrums with a chant of need.
"Then what are you waiting for?" I retort with a foxlike smirk. He pushes off the door, and rather than the floor he carries me over to my bed.
I grin against his lips in anticipation as he begins untying the back of my dress, the corset loosening and allowing me to breathe fully.
He pulls me free from it entirely, tearing my dress off and discarding it to the floor before he mounts over my mostly nude body. He lays me down, his lips coming to mind in a moment of need. I begin unbuckling his pants, tugging at them with needy movements. He helped, taking off his shirt for me while kicking off his pants.
His hands roam my body, over the curve of my breasts, past my waist, then finally to my hips where he found the waistband to my pink undies, toying with the lace.
"You wear these just for me?" He purrs into my mouth and I nod, capturing his lips with mine yet again. He pulls the lace down my thighs, allowing the cool air to hit my soaked cunt. I gasped as two of his fingers immediately delved through my folds, drenching his hand.
"Gods, you're soaked baby," He admires and I flash an embarrassed smile. He smirks at the reaction, pressing his dripping fingers to my clit with rough circles. My breath hitched before I let out a string of moans, pawing at the imprint in his boxers with an unquenchable need.
"Please," I beg.
"I have to stretch you out first," He tuts and I whine in protest. "I know, but it'll hurt otherwise be patient," He explains. Tears well in my eyes as I look up at him with a dramatic pout.
"I want it to hurt," I confess. "Make it hurt, I swear I'll be good." My pleads are met with a stern look from him. I palm him, my hand wrapping around the tent in his boxers, gripping him slightly and he grits his teeth at the feeling.
"I'm not stopping when you tell me it hurts," He threatens and I nod in agreement, my hunger becoming too strong to ignore as I pull down his boxers and his heavy cock slaps up against his abdomen.
My mouth waters at the sight, my pussy thrumming against his hand with anticipation.
He swipes his length through my folds and I revel in the feeling of his warm length running through my cunt, the ridges of his thick member adding friction to my sopping folds as I continue to lube him up.
"You sure?" He says, looking at me pointedly and I nod. "Be a good girl and use your words." He prompts and I swallow thickly.
"Yes, Az," I plead. "I want you," I add and before I know it he's aligning his tip and pushing the head of him inside of me.
I gasped, clawing at his tan back, drawing blood with my nails but he didn't seem to mind the marks I made as he pressed into me.
When Azriel fucked, he fucked good and hard. He didn't relent his pace and he only sped it up. He knew I was teasing him in my dress earlier, how tortuous it was to have me in the same room as him yet he couldn't have me, not how he wanted to have me. Not like this.
He made each of his movements rough and pleasurable. He snapped his hips into mine, my base meeting his as he began to roll his hips into me. "There Az, right there," I cry out as he finds a sensitive bundle of nerves nestled deep inside of me that only he could reach with his impressively long cock that he's molded me to, so it's only him I can seek pleasure with.
"Yeah? Be a good girl and open wider for me," He says and I do just that, spreading my legs as far as I can, allowing him to his me deeper as his balls slap against my ass. "Atta girl, taking me so well," He hummed and I smiled hazily up at him. It didn't hurt, or maybe it did and the pain hadn't settled in over the adrenaline— but all I felt was pleasure, I was too wet for there to be any discomfort.
"You feel so perfect wrapped around my cock baby," He admires, looking down and watching the way he disappeared inside my entrance. "Fuck, you're so tight," He grunts, bringing his scared hand down and pressing it to my stomach. I mewled at the feeling of him rubbing harder against my walls, clamping down around his base and making it harder for him to drive into me.
"You feel that? Feel how deep I'm in your pretty pussy?" He smirks and I nod with a whimper leaving my lips. He continues his brutal pace, pushing me up onto the bed with the force that he was fucking me with.
He grabs the back of my thighs and pulls my legs up, putting me into a mating press.
I wailed at the new position, practically feeling him thrust into my womb. "So good," I murmur and he only smirks.
"Yeah? You like it when I'm using you like this?" He asks and I flutter my lashes up at him, tears dripping down the sides of my face.
"Yes, love it when you use me Az," I confess and he twitches at the words. "All yours," I sigh out.
"That's right," He leans down to press a kiss at the corner of my jaw. "My perfect little slut," He purrs at the shell of my ear and I gasp, my orgasm nearing rapidly. "You like when I call you a slut don't you? Dirty girl," Azriel rolls his hips over mine as he speaks, creating a loss of words to form on the tip of my tongue, being replaced by moans and screams instead.
I pulse against his cock, my puffy pussy twitching around his base as he continues his vile movements.
"I'm gonna— Az, m'close," I warn and he kisses me with a smile, toying with me, seeing how long I can hold myself back from sweet release.
"Not yet baby, want you to cum with me," He directs and a whimper falls from my lips in defiance, the pain beginning to set in as I drag out my climax, forcing it away per his demand. I squeeze around his tighter, attempting to spur him on to find his release quicker.
"Az— s'too much, it hurts," I cry out and he smirks against my skin, nipping at the side of my neck before lifting up to meet my teary gaze with his lustful one.
"Poor girl, you said that's what you wanted." He kissed up the side of my face, licking away my salty tears. "Keep to your promise and I'll let you cum soon, alright?" He offers and I rapidly nod. "Good."
He presses me into the mattress, my thighs still at my sides as he folds me in half and forces his the head of his cock into my cervix. I gripe at the feeling, writing beneath him but fighting off my impending orgasm nevertheless. Moans spilled from my swollen lips and he basked in them, in all the noises I made as his cock pushed deeper into my cunt.
He twitches and I thank the gods, the signal meaning he was close and my torture would end soon.
"My perfect little slut, so good for me," He croons, his words ghosting over my lips but not quite attaching them, loving the way I gasped out with moans into his mouth.
I clench tighter around him and he grunts, his jaw feathering as he grits his teeth.
"Go ahead, make a mess all over yourself." He allows and I immediately meet his request, my release dragging screams out of me. I don't even know when my hands got into his hair but I pull at it as my climax takes me full throttle and I fall beyond words to describe just how glorious the euphoric feeling is.
"That's it, keep milking my cock just like that," He groans in pure pleasure, his warm seed seeping into each and every one of my crevices as his thrusts slow and he attempts to pull out from my tight cunt that was still clenched around him, not wanting him to disappear quite yet.
But eventually, he removed himself from me and I was left panting on the bedspread, pulsing around nothing.
"Alright, let's get you cleaned up before I have to leave." He scoops me up into his arms and I whine, my brows bunching into a knot as he carries me into the connected bathing chambers.
"I don't want you to leave," I whine and he settles me down onto the cold bathroom counter.
"I don't want to leave either." He meets my gaze, looking down at me with soft eyes that contrast with his rough movements from only a moment ago. "But I have a mission passing through here next week," He said, grabbing a cloth from beneath the sink and wetting it with warm water. "Maybe we can meet at an inn and stay there for a few days," He plans and a small smile spreads across my face.
"I hope you know I'm not planning to leave that bed the entire time we're together," I hum and he smiles cheekily, his dimples making an appearance. I cup his jaw in my hands, admiring the panes of his face as he begins to wash the insides of my thighs.
"Sounds like a perfect plan to me," He flicked his eyes up to mine, away from my pink folds, still irritated from his harsh actions. I gasp slightly as he runs over my clit with the cloth, my legs jolting with overstimulation.
"Sorry, I was so rough," He uttered, continuing his gentle ministrations. I shake my head, not accepting his apology.
"Felt good," I tilt my head back as if reminiscing about five minutes ago. "I wish you could stay for another round." My fingertips dance down his chest. He looks at me sternly, catching my wrist before it can get too low and placing it on his broad shoulder.
"You know I won't be able to leave if I get back in that bed with you," He stated and I nodded, biting into my lower lip.
"Exactly," I say and he hoists me up into his arms, discarding the dirtied cloth into the hamper and placing me back down onto my bed.
"I'll see you next week, alright?" His shadows bring me a pair of clean panties and the softest nightgown from my wardrobe.
"Next week is too far away," I groan and flop back onto my bed while he hikes my undies up my thighs and snaps them against my hips with a satisfying sound.
"I think you'll survive," He lifts me upright. "Arms up," He casually muttered and I did as he said, lifting my arms so he could slip the comfortable nightgown over my head.
"I don't think I will," I sigh once the gown is past my head and he offers me a soft, reassuring smile.
"Maybe I'll sneak by sooner," He dips down and presses a gentle kiss to my forehead. "If you're lucky," He warns as I wrap my arms around the nape of his neck and pull him onto my lips, kissing him with the same amount of heat as earlier, but also with an addition of love, my last ploy of getting him to stay. But he knew what I was doing, and he pulled away before he could fall for it.
"I'm sorry baby," He whispers and I frown. "I'll move things around and I'll come earlier than next week," He says but my frown remains. "And we'll spend days in bed, how's that sound?" He offers and a small smile forms over my pout. "Yeah? Good?" He asks and I nod with a cheeky grin. "Okay, I'll see you soon my love," He presses one last kiss to my lips, relishing the taste of me against him one more time.
"Bye Az," I murmur against his lips. He pecks me once again before shadows swarm around him and he is consumed by darkness, slipping through my grasp and leaving me alone.
But he'll be back sooner than next week, and his promises gave me more than just one thing to look forward to.
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General Taglist: @fxckmiup @olive-main @iluvyewman-blog @gaymistakeboi @glitterypirateduck @amara-moonlight @impossibelle @fauxdette @going-through-shit @glam-targaryen @hufflepuff-pa55 @sarawritestories @tele86 @rogerbarnesxx @azriels-shadowsinger @stinkinstuffie @sandramalikstyles-blog @sassyangel16 @lilah-asteria @starsinyourseyes @inloveallthetime @melsunshine @nighttimemoonlover @ireallywannasleep127 @cumuluscranium @adharanotfound @azrielsmate3 @aelincaddel @hiddlestonspassionsackx @dee-writes-smut @secretlyhers @pit-and-the-pen @mybestfriendmademe @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @circe143 @bubybubsters @joshysloshy @username199945 @ivy-34 @notsarareallynot @vixenshiftsvrs @aurorab99 @pey2618 @loving-and-dreaming @wildfl0w3rss @andreperez11 @thatacotargirl @123345566 @one-big-fangirl @moonslitluna
Azriel Taglist: @coolepowersthings @lovely-giggles @quiettuba @ilovewarner45 @judig92 @tothestarsandwhateverend @je-suis-prest-rachel
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vestaignis · 4 months
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Необычные и интересные факты о ежах:
Ежи появились на Земле раньше, чем люди – около 15 миллионов лет назад. Роднит нас с ежами также то, что у них зубов почти столько же, как у нас – их 36, и эти зубы также выпадают к старости.  У ежей не самое лучшее зрение. Правда, считается, что ежи, в отличие от всех остальных животных, у которых "черно-белое" зрение, могут различать цвета. Число игл на теле у этих животных напрямую зависит от их возраста. У молодых особей, их около 3 тысяч, а у более старых – до 5-6 тысяч.
Несмотря на свои небольшие размеры ежи достаточно шустрые животные. Они могут бежать со скоростью до 3 м/с. Для своих коротких лапок ежик очень много ходит. За день он может преодолеть расстояние до 2 км. Территория одного ежа может занимать 20 гектаров. Ежи могут передвигаться даже по болоту и хорошо плавают.
Чтобы пережить зимнюю спячку, еж набирает как минимум 500 граммов веса. За зиму еж теряет до 40 % своего веса. Поэтому, проснувшись, он сразу отправляется на поиски пищи. Ежи чуют добычу на расстоянии нескольких метров. Когда еж впадает в спячку, обменные процессы в его организме замедляются. Температура тела понижается до 0°C, а сердцебиение падает с уровня 170 ударов в минуту до 5. 
Ежи имеют иммунитет к яду гадюк. Также на ежей почти не действуют и другие яды, даже самые сильные, такие как сулема, мышьяк, цианистый калий, синильная кислота и другие.
Всего в мире существует 24 вида ежей. Некоторые из них схожи между собой так, что различить их может только опытный зоолог, а другие внешне больше похожи на крыс.
Unusual and interesting facts about hedgehogs:
Hedgehogs appeared on Earth earlier than humans – about 15 million years ago. What we have in common with hedgehogs is that they have almost as many teeth as we do – there are 36 of them, and these teeth also fall out in old age. Hedgehogs don't have the best eyesight. However, it is believed that hedgehogs, unlike all other animals that have "black and white" vision, can distinguish colors. The number of needles on the body of these animals directly depends on their age. In young individuals, there are about 3 thousand, and in older ones – up to 5-6 thousand.
Despite their small size, hedgehogs are quite nimble animals. They can run at speeds of up to 3 m/s. For his short legs, the hedgehog walks a lot. He can cover a distance of up to 2 km in a day. The territory of one hedgehog can occupy 20 hectares. Hedgehogs can move even in a swamp and swim well.
To survive hibernation, a hedgehog gains at least 500 grams of weight. During the winter, the hedgehog loses up to 40% of its weight. Therefore, when he wakes up, he immediately goes in search of food. Hedgehogs sense prey at a distance of several meters. When a hedgehog hibernates, the metabolic processes in its body slow down. The body temperature drops to 0°C, and the heartbeat drops from 170 beats per minute to 5.
Hedgehogs are immune to viper venom. Also, other poisons, even the strongest ones, such as sulema, arsenic, potassium cyanide, prussic acid and others, have almost no effect on hedgehogs.
There are 24 species of hedgehogs in the world. Some of them are similar to each other so that only an experienced zoologist can distinguish them, while others look more like rats.
Источник: //t.me/+fxNu20lM26MwYzhi, //kartin.papik.pro /osen 36405-kartinki-ezhik-osennij-68-foto.html,//zooclub.ru/ wallpaper / 17598, //rtraveler.ru/photo/1316250/,https://priroda.club/les-i-derevja /749-ezhik-v-lesu-87-foto.html,vk.com/@radio_c-ezhu-ponyatno, //mixnews.lv/samoe-interesnoe/2022/12/29/30-interesnyh-faktov-o-ezhah-vy-tochno-etogo-ne-znali/,//ecokem.ru/2021/02/05/den-ezha/#:~:text=Ежи%20появились%20на%20Земле%20раньше,6%2C5%20миллиона%20лет%20назад.
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antidesire · 1 year
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2:32 antidesire
bodyguard!leon x afab socialite!reader
disclaimer.. 18+ only. knifeplay, blood, licking.. blood mentions/paranoia of drugging but i promise no drugging happens. brat reader, p in v, creampie, dirty talk, fucking against a wall? in an alley? don’t pay too close attention to the lore i try and establish please hhh it’s so jumbled + i wrote this when it was super late and i haven’t double checked everything.. heh. cr to original owners of the pictures. reblogging, interacting and sending feedback is always much appreciated !! ♡
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you had been to hell and back, seen the strongest of men turn into frail cowering children, knees buckled by utter fear as the flesh was torn from their bones by the rotting dead that kept walking.
raccoon city should've been your end of the line, dying alongside your prestigious family. onlookers of the media at the time treated it as a miracle but you saw it as it was, cruel, how do they expect one person to keep up appearances and high morals being the last standing of your perished family line? it was so tiring..
one man you had met those faithful 6 years ago had saved your life, leon s kennedy, just a rookie cop at the time- not only once had he saved your life but then a further time, putting his own life on the line with an agreement to become an agent and vouch that you and himself would stay silent about raccoon city upon taking this deal and if all else fails, he would be executed with you.
things had gone well for a good chunk of time, give or take about 4 years but word had gotten back to some more important people that you were quite the partygoer and quite the gossip when intoxicated, not a swell combination for your dangerous predicament and prying ears.
thus much to your surprise you had been assigned a bodyguard, one to help keep your mouth shut for the sake of the government and for the sake of your own safety, unbeknownst of the length powerful people would go to for even a slither of knowledge on what you saw that hellish night.
to leon kennedy, this was one of his easier jobs, babysitting some rich bigwig? pft, he'd take that any day over undead corpses or diseased cultists.
when he was informed it was you he felt all the waves of emotions hit him in the face, that night whirling through his head like a fresh wound, seeping behind his eyes to remind him of the horrors he'd seen.
suddenly it was all the more serious now, this was your life and his own on the line.
at first, you had been ecstatic to reunite with leon once again, barely recognizing him when you first opened the door, what was once his youthful puppy-dog-like features had become much less soft, his brows had furrowed, jaw much sharper and his eyes looked much more sunken, what you remembered him as, a once fresh-faced young man, cute and hopeful as ever he had become much more hardened, though he had seemed to lose that glow, it was unmistakenly leon, long eyelashes, plump lips and that faint dimple indented into his chin. leon now exuded confidence to the point of cockiness. he was handsome, oh so very handsome and his physique was so firm, you had to many a time drag your attention away from his arms, you never knew you had such a thing for bulky arms until leon was around.
with leon around you weren't afraid to admit you were having the time of your life pushing the limits.
life for you had been a whirlwind, to the public (though things had much cooled off) that knew of your family business and prestige, they had been told lies, that you weren't even in the city with your family that disastrous night which is how you survived.
your days were the same, with countless 0's in your bank account and fake friends to encourage you, you spent most of your nights under those same electronic lights, the bass of the music booming in your chest and burning alcohol slipping down your throat.
maybe you had been a little oversharing with some locals, you didn't recall, far too heavy on the bottle of champagne some man would attempt to win you over with.
tonight was no different, other than the bar you were visiting- leon had convinced you that if you wanted to be drinking it could not be so locally anymore- and this time leon kennedy was in tow, your handsome chaperon, or more accurately, your muzzle from here on out.
“shall we make this fun?” you proposed to the man, “make up a story, maybe you’re my long lost lover? my secret affair? or do you want me to pretend i hate your guts, are you into that?” you giggled, amused at your own antics, seemingly only making leon chuff out a chuckle, arms folded over his chest with a solemn expression.
“mmh, what sucked the fun out of little leon, huh?” you jabbed your finger against his chest.
leon’s head titled at that, eyebrow raised and an expression that insinuated you knew exactly what happened after that night and why he consequently carried himself as such, so professional, or dull, that's what you'd call it.
with the sickly sweet aroma of your perfume in the air and the glistening twinkles of your outfit invading every ounce of his senses, the two of you walked one by one into the bar, quite the opulent one, hefty diamanté chandeliers alongside mirrors upon mirrors framed with the most delicate gold casings.
"y'know you're getting paid to live lavish right now, leon?" you cooed out, heels of your shoes tapping against the marble flooring, hearing his boots following behind.
"it's an easier job as an agent but i'm not being paid to indulge like you do." he corrected you, voice hushed with the assumption and guard that prying ears could never be far.
"am i boring you already, handsome?" you twirled around, the agent halting in his tracks, craning his head down to meet your gaze, eyes as big as cherry pies, tempting and permissive.
"i was hoping we could celebrate this reunion, despite circumstances." your hands reached up, flattening down the collars of his crisp grey dress shirt, the black blazer on top fit so snug on him, arms as though they were bulging or maybe your brain was just getting ahead of itself.
"with your mouth we're dead men walking, what's there to celebrate?" he referenced why he was called out here for you, breath hot, fresh from that pack of gum he stuffed in the back of his pocket.
"then even more so, that's what i say." you patted your palms to his shoulders, feeling the plush material of the suit jacket, turning on your heel, and pushing past the lush double door entrance past the hallway and into the bar.
the live music was in full swing and the tabletop of the bar was well occupied, having to push your way past, your hand coming up to gesture over the bartender, "give me your most expensive, delicious cocktail.." you whipped your head around, eyes clearly looking leon up and down, "you look like a whiskey guy," you thought aloud, turning back, "and a whiskey."
leon didn't even attempt to stop you, it was futile and he knew you were just doing it for the fun of it, "so ya gonna sit there and stare down at me all night like a creep?" you sat on one of the chairs at the bar, you leaned in to whisper- though ultimately just as loud, "you're not being very agent-like."
"c'mon, i told you, we need a cover story, who knows how long you'll be stuck with me till i'm in the all clear." you pulled his arm in an attempt to move him closer, luckily he obliged, taking up a seat next to you.
"being in the clear is not being stubborn and quitting visiting these bars, drinking every night, and running your mouth." he mumbled, glancing around.
"nu-uh, you heard what they said, they've always been worried about certain people in the area being a threat to those with information on racco-" your words morphed into a yelp, a sharp sting arising in your leg, blinking at the two fingers pinching the flesh of your thigh.
"did you just-" your outrage was cut off once again by the bartender placing two drinks in front of the both of you, leon nodding towards the worker and wording out a thank you, his palm now engulfing your thigh and rubbing the irritated skin.
your lips parted to speak but no words came out, leon seemed to have noticed this, fingers clutching around your glass and gesturing for you to take a sip, and you did, sugary syrup mixed with a double shot of liquor sliding down your throat.
“i thought you were going to encourage me to not drink.” your eyes squinted slightly, tongue darting out to taste more of the cocktail staining your lips.
“one won’t hurt.” with that he tapped the glass of the whiskey on the table of the bar before swigging down the contents in one gulp.
you burst out into laughter, your hand encouragingly squeezing his own further up your thigh, amusement only cooling down so you could take another taste of your cocktail.
"you're funny." your voice was light and airy already, palm pushed against your cheek as you watched him, as though you had been drinking much more than the one, maybe it came off too strongly but you weren't embarrassed, nothing could embarrass you.
"lovers quarrel." he spoke aloud and your confusion was apparent, even more so as his fingers took a hold of your hand, switching a slim ring decorated with diamonds onto your ring finger, "we hate each other but can't quit it." he murmured and you caught on, a giggle hid behind your other hand.
"you bought me this nice expensive ring, you're handsome, so charming.. of course there's a catch, why couldn't i see it." you sighed dramatically earning a scoff from leon.
"and you're beautifully cruel, impulsive, and a relentless pleasure-seeker, i was dealt quite the deck of cards." he spoke as though it was matter of factly, quite the actor.
"mmh, why thank you." you fluttered your eyelashes, leaning in to squeeze the bulky muscle of his arm, nudging yourself against him.
leon was good, a natural at, well just that, being natural. he was on guard as he was with any assigned job, just less flashy than the others, no visible weapons and a demeanor that needed to be cool but nonetheless, he was alert.
alert but here he was, doing exactly as he said he wouldn’t, indulging, finding away around things to do so, so he could feel your fingertips press into his skin again, so he could smell your fragrance every time you leant in and so he could hear those giddy little laughs at something stupid he said in the name of a silly cover story for the both of you.
oh leon kennedy..
you felt tipsy already without even touching another cocktail, infatuated with the man beside you all too suddenly, your heart desiring for something much sweeter than anything that could be offered from the shelves behind the bar.
relentless pleasure-seeker, you’d sure live up to that.
but first, you had a whole night ahead of you. your feet were quick, feeling compelled towards the crowd of dancing bodies, joining them, amongst the couples and men with no personal space.
you were hypnotic, anyone could see that, your hips swayed, dipping just enough and hands roaming from your thighs upwards to your chest, drawing in attention everywhere you wanted it.
leon stayed where he first sat, leaning further into the bar so he could comfortably rest, watching you closely, as though you were a film, like he was there to capture you on video.
“isn’t that the raccoon city survivor?” leon heard hushed voices and he was smacked in the face with the reality of it all, a surge of genuine worry in his gut, “why is she on this side of town? you think that whole conspiracy is true?”
how had you been safe for this long? leon took a moment of his attention away from you and suddenly every other persons eyes that were on you felt threatening, call it what you will, paranoia, overdramatic- he was there for a reason, the raccoon city terrors were real, to you and him, the government wasn’t on either of your sides, he knew that for a fact, but the unknown was scarier, at least in this situation.
leon exhaled before standing up on his feet, hanging his head down and walking over to seemingly join you, “you come to dance?” your arms reached up and out but his hand grasped your arm tightly instead.
your eyes rolled, “you can skip to the part of the lovers quarrel where we have a little fun amidst the hatred and sexual tension.” you jested.
“we’re leaving.” his head nodded in a gesture towards the door, arm tugging you towards him but you weren’t having any of it.
“uhh, no, no we’re not?” you scoffed, digging your heels into the ground, scowling at the man, “i just got here and i’d like to remind you, i don’t have a curfew, you’re not actually babysitting!” you slapped his arm.
“shut your mouth!” he whispered out harshly, another tug of your arm and this one hurt.
“you fucking dick, let me go.” you punched at his arm with your other hand this time but no budge, “i swear to god, i will scream, kick, punch, i will cause the biggest scene to get you off of me then you can kiss your job goodbye- oh no, you can kiss your life goodbye, since this is currently your only purpose.” you spat out.
leon dropped your arm, his tongue poked against the inside of his cheek, clearly seething internally but the last thing he needed was to draw anymore attention to the both of you.
“outside. now.” his arms came up to cross folded against his chest.
you didn’t speak another word, pushing past the man, shoulders harshly bumping into his. reaching the bar, with a sulk in your demeanour getting the attention of the bartender once again and ordering another cocktail.
you tensed when leon’s arm wrapped snuggly around your waist, “i’m serious, this isn’t safe. i have other means of getting you out of here but i’d much rather keep things peaceful and conscious.” his arm squeezed your hip, threateningly.
you looked down at your drink and felt your stomach drop, pushing the glass away from your body, “oh, so you’re crazy, that’s the catch.” you referred to your earlier quip.
“how is it suddenly not safe? why did you even let me come.” you gritted through your teeth, glancing around the room.
“came to my senses. it’s that simple, i’m not trying to lose my life because of how reckless you are with yours, no thanks.” you laughed at that, nodding and he couldn’t tell whether it was out of agreement or something else.
“i think i’m worth it.” you turned to face him and the look on his face was of disbelief at your attitude, it only egged you on further to push his buttons.
“newsflash sweetheart, you aren’t going to be the death of me.” he muttered, and that same burning grip he had on you returned and you were being whisked from the bar, swiftly out of the doors and through the hallway, all too fast, feeling like you were lagging behind, as though your brain was still at the bar- shit, your throat was so dry, maybe he slipped something in the first drink.. but there was no way.
the cold air bit harshly at your bare skin, coming to your senses suddenly all too quickly, feet stomping on the floor in a tantrum, fists coming up to hit his chest, “what is wrong with you?!” you screeched and suddenly you were being dragged further into the street, harshly turning a corner into some backstreet alley.
“you’ll get over it, stop acting like a spoilt brat. i got tired of that as soon as i saw your face again.” leon pushed you back against the brick wall and you rubbed over your arm where he had been gripping.
“you’re so sad!” you spat out, pushing him further away from you, “sad and desperate, you think you’re such a big hero from that day don’t you? gonna ruin my life? make me miserable as some sick payback because you resent me?” you laughed, directly in his face, “you want me to repay you, that it?” you walk closer to him, in some way to gain leverage over him, but it was futile, pathetic honestly.
his push his hair back with his fingers, the normal lightness to it looked darker thanks to the shadows, expression unreadable as he let you go off on a tangent.
“back up.” he spoke out, almost inaudibly but he knew you heard him because you only inched closer, noticing your eyes dart down to his waist when you felt the prod of something against your skin.
before your arm could even reach out to grab the item under his clothing, he unsheathed it suddenly, brandishing a knife, black handle, indented with a line every inch or so, the blade was quite tall, sloped either side and an engraving stamped below the hilt.
you didn’t get to see much of it though, within a blink of an eye it was pressed to your throat along with the familiar feeling of the gritty bricks against your back.
“don’t do something stupid now..” he was calm, despite the manoeuvre he had you in.
your breathing hitched, hands clutching his grey coloured suit tie amidst the panic, he kept you there for what felt like minutes but was only a few seconds, relaxing only slightly but he never stuffed the knife back in its sheathe, it kept firmly gripped in his hand which was pressed in between your clavicle, as a warning.
in some sick and twisted way it was thrilling, you couldn’t shake that feeling and it felt disgustingly good.
you blinked a couple times, eyes darting out towards his arm, which somehow was on display, where he managed to find the time to roll up his sleeves was beyond you.
“eyes up here.” he tapped the blunt side of the knife to your chin, a all too cocky smile tugging at the corner of his mouth when you complied.
“see how easy it is to listen?” he sighed, dragging the cool metal across your jawline, tracing the outline of your ear and downwards to the top hem of your clothing.
you should’ve been terrified, but it felt different, unexplainable, you wanted him to keep going, you had never felt your head so empty and airy, it was euphoric.
maybe raccoon city screwed you up more than you thought..
you didn’t dwell much on it, attention undivided on the agent in front of you, his lips were moving but you couldn’t make out what he was saying, so dazed in the moment.
“should i keep going?” he repeated, tapping the tip of the knife to your chest and you nodded, squeezing the material of his tie, knocking his body closer towards you and you hissed out when the blade nipped your skin, a droplet of blood seeping into your clothes.
“shit-“ leon looked as though he panicked for a moment, but you weren’t about to let him, hands pushing up to cup his face and demand his full attention on what you wanted.
your lips meshed with his and for the first time of the night, leon kennedy was caught fully off guard. he relaxed after a few seconds, moulding his plush lips to yours and catching you in a sloppy shared kiss, your arms resting past his shoulders, one of your hands pushing his head further against yours to chase his mouth.
you only pulled away when you heard a rip of fabric, his nimble hands shredding it with the knife, a puddle of your clothes soon beneath your feet, delicate undergarments coming in to his view.
you didn’t get a second to regain composure as his mouth was once again on you, this time his tongue darted out, lapping up the droplet of blood from where the knife had broken your skin.
it was vile in the most sinful way possible, all the blood felt like it rushed straight to your throbbing cunt.
“i might actually go crazy if you tease me..” you voiced out, which caught him by surprise since you had been rather breathless.
“i can be nice.” he murmured out, voice muffled in between open mouthed kisses, knife cutting open your bra so his tongue could latch on to your nipple, his thumb toying with the other.
“mmh, you threaten me, make me bleed, and destroy all my clothes, but you can be nice?” you breathily giggled, distracted by the way the tip of his tongue- which had been previously licking up your blood, swirled and flicked against your nipple, sending pulses of electricity throughout your body.
“i’ll make it up to you.” he kissed back up from your chest, reaching your lips again to catch you in a kiss, you could taste the metallically tang from your blood and it only urged you further.
“fuck..” you gasped when he pulled away, looking between your bodies to watch the way he sliced off your panties next, wasting to time in running the pads of his fingers between your sloppy folds, “mmhn, didn’t i just tell you not to tease?” you mewled.
“you’re that worked up?” he chuckled out and your arm flew out to hit his chest, only earning another laugh.
“just fuck me already, i want your dick so badly.” you begged so pretty, you knew you did because his demeanour changed quickly, rough hands settling at your waist to manhandle you until you faced the wall.
“stay like that, arch your ba- mhm, like that.” he hummed, barely having to mention it and you were bending and obeying as though it was your only function.
leon had unbuttoned his blazer to relax a little better, though he lazily pushed his slacks down along with his underwear, far too eager to feel how heavenly you’d be on his cock.
he pumped his self a couple times, a firm hand pushing you back against him, helping him slowly push himself inside your pussy, “ouhh- fuck, that’s—“ he hissed out, halting his movements to revel in the way you were squeezing and fluttering around him relentlessly, “that’s so tight, m’ gonna fuck this little pussy open.” he grunted through his teeth, pushing against you until he was flush with you.
you were already finding it extremely hard to keep it together, mind so foggy with lust and the way he kept pushing and pushing for what felt like endlessly, he was so big, he pushed and prodded up against every delicious nerve inside of you and he hadn’t even started moving at a consistent pace yet, oh you were a goner.
a squeal left your lips when he pulled back only to push back much quicker and with force, your arms flying out until he grabbed one to pull behind your back, stabilising you and also getting more leverage on your movements.
“fuck, you’re so pretty, stuffed full of this cock, mmh, you like that?” he groaned out shamefully.
you didn’t answer though, far too preoccupied with how delicious he was stretching your walls, soon distracted by that familiar feeling of stinging cold metal to your throat, his other hand had come round to press it against your skin.
your eyes flew open and you felt him jerk you closer with his grip still on your other hand, “don’t fall now that would be real dangerous sweetheart, hold on, yeah?” he laughed out, it was evil, taunting but you were on another cloud of bliss.
“l-leon! ah mhhnmm!” you chanted out breathless incoherent moans and noises, feeling like a rag doll being constantly pulled against leon, you were so limp without his grip and the knife he pressed against your throat, you might’ve been in real trouble without him, ironically considering he was the one putting you between between him and the knife.
“i know, i know baby, feels s’good, don’t it?” he rasped out, bruises already forming on your wrists as he used you like his own little personal fucktoy.
“m’ really— oh, really close!” you squeaked, all too suddenly being dragged from your impending high, your back stabilising against the wall and you cried out.
“shh, shuuush.” he cooed at your displeased reaction, “i got you, i just wanna see that pretty face when you cum.” he paired his soothing voice with a firm kiss on your forehead, hiking your leg above his waist and slipping his cock inside your weeping pussy again.
the high bubbled so quickly in your tummy again all you could do was reach out for his arms, desperate to feel the metal to your skin again and he obliged, pushing it onto your neck once more as he pounding into you, wet sloppy sounds making it evident how close you were.
“you look so fucking cute like this, my knife against your throat, fucked stupid by my fat cock.” he grunted in between strained moans, clearly chasing his own high.
your vision went completely blurred as that burning hot coil in your tummy finally snapped, head knocked back against the wall as you sobbed out in pure pleasure, mantras of yes, yes, yes! and leon’s name falling from your lips.
“oh my fucking god, you’re so fucking sick, y’know that baby? yeah..” leon relaxed the knife from your throat, the blade dropping somewhere forgotten by your feet so he could push his head against your neck where the metal once occupied, licking and kisses the delicate skin, thrusts sloppy and inconsistent, broken and hoarse moans coaxed out with every further movement of his hips.
“fuck! fuck, a—ah!” his cock twitched and fluttered inside you as hot spurts of thick cum filled your walls, warming every inch of your body.
he pushed you further into the wall as he stood there, breathing in and out against your neck, slowly coming down from his high, the both of you dazed and pleasure-struck.
your head knocked against his and he seemed to come to, leaning back and blinking a couple of times before seemingly examining your body, “you hurt?” he breathed out.
“only my legs..” you laughed quietly, watching him gently set your leg down once he slipped out of you, grabbing your shredded clothing to wipe you off with.
“let’s get you somewhere warm.” he shrugged off his blazer jacket, pushing your arms through the holes and doing it up fully.
“leon, i feel okay, i’m good.” you assured him, stepping closer once again to return the same kiss he placed on your head, “that was crazy.. but fun.” you admitted, feeling the back of your neck burn from the realisation of what just happened.
“i shouldn’t of come on to you like that though.” he laughed nervously and you shook your head.
“i’m in one piece no?” you poked his chest, “i’m serious, i liked it- i like you, a lot.” you told the agent before shaking your head again, “you don’t have to say anything though, it’s not like that.” you didn’t exactly know what you meant because it was exactly as you said, having been smitten with the man all night, maybe you just didn’t want to deal with what you were insinuating, at least not tonight.
“take me home, somewhere warm.”
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
busted (3tan) (teaser) | myg
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teaser: busted (m) (3tan10)  pairing: 3tan!yoongi x reader(f) , jungkook x reader(f) series: masterlist | three tangerines | fireworks | house party | basketball | stay | sidewalk talk | friends | dalo | like that | anytime | sundress season | yoongi’s interlude | forfeit | flutter | video call rating/genre: m (18+) ; [redacted] ; brother’s best friend au, implied age gap au summary: [redacted lol just trust me] note: alright, listen.. the chapter is coming along but plans and life got in the way so i wasn’t able to get it done before tour. however, i do have a lot of it written/halfway done, so i feel comfortable enough to offer y’all a teaser and will finish it out once i’m done with this trip. i do hope y’all understand, 3tan is coming back v v soon ! :’))  note 2: as for the rest of this chapter.. fuck lol warnings: none for teaser, final list to be named on drop day! est. drop date: late may - early june 2023 teaser wc: 1.8k est. total wc: 15-18k
Here goes nothing and everything.
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It was fifteen years ago when you first met Jungkook. When the sidewalks in your neighborhood were fewer and the occupancy in your house was higher. 
A tiny boy, he was immediately ready to stay by your side, despite the limited amount of time he got to hang around before his parents corralled his energy back inside their car. 
Later on, he would tell you that had something to do with them not wanting him influenced by your brother and his group. But you didn’t know that at the time. 
Ever since the two of you met, you became the best of friends. And as you grew older, it was only natural that feelings bloomed with everything else. 
In the midst of an ever changing garden, you found something that never wavered, vibrant in color and immovable at its root. 
Which was strange. You’d never compared people to flora before him. 
But, because of Jungkook, you couldn’t help but see everyone as such—lilies, buttercups, the ones that trap to survive. 
And he was the prettiest, strongest flower of them all.
There was rain. There were storms. But with them came hope, and a pair of cheap rings that the two of you bought nestled nicely in boxes, waiting to be unearthed when you were ready.
What also came was a lesson. One that you would learn again when two of every seat remained unused in your household. 
A lesson that people are more like seasons than flowers.
They change with or without you. 
And they pass by.
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“We can go somewhere quieter if you want,” Jungkook offers. And you know he’s going to suggest your room before he even utters the words.
But of course he adds a small, “If I’m allowed in there anymore.”
When he laughs, your smile is as slow as your head shake, a few memories of old tasting bittersweet on your tongue. “We can.”
When you make your way to your room, you hear the thumps of music and rhythms of conversation—both casual and loud—echoing throughout the house. Some people are sharing laughs, others are scooting just a bit closer, and a lucky one is cackling before demanding that everyone hand over their money. 
All of them oblivious to the fact that you’re about to rip off a piece of your heart.
Well. That may not be the case. But based on the conversation that you had with Jungkook before your interview, this wasn’t going to be an easy one in the slightest—not for him, nor for you.
But if he’s gonna keep pushing forward, this is a stop you need to put up regardless.
During a party isn’t what you had in mind, though. Much less one in your own house.
You don’t know if anyone sees you open your door for Jungkook to pass through, or if they notice the slump of your mood, but you figure no one will care anyways. 
Until you see someone out of the corner of your peripheral.
And the skip of your heart tells you who it is.
Occupying one of the hallways a ways away, you can tell he’s very aware of you despite being in the middle of a chatty group.
But what’s on his mind? Is he worried? Is he gonna ask what this is about?
Damn it. You’re just gonna have to tell him later. You can’t exactly do anything now. 
A voice peeps from behind your tense shoulders,
“You okay?”
Turning, you nod to the boy in your room before shutting your door, giving one more look to the man whose last text you couldn’t read.
And the way he stares makes you wanna bolt from everyone entirely.
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When your door clicks shut, you slowly swivel, only the bass of your brother’s music pushing the walls in closer. 
Jungkook’s doing exactly what you knew he’d do, wandering around your room and either leaning in to observe, or lightly touching things that he remembers. 
The soft puff of a laugh snaps you into focus. “I can’t believe you still have all his medals up.”
Ah. He even remembers the way you have all your brother’s trophies and achievements displayed—all because you liked seeing them shine, and he didn’t want them in his room.
Sweeping your gaze along two of your walls, you let out a tiny sound of amusement while agreeing, “I can. Too lazy to take them down.” 
“I can do it,” he immediately responds. “If you need me to.”
If it had been five years ago, you would’ve been enamored that he even offered.
But five years ago is when he shattered any hopes you had for the two of you, so you turn him down yet again. “It’s okay.” 
“You sure?”
“We’re here to talk, not decorate, Jungkook.”
He stares before nodding in dejection, eyes finding something other than you. “It’s still weird to hear you say my name.”
It’s weird to say it. 
But you can’t let him know you agree, so the sound you make is half-cautious and weakly lighthearted. “You think so?”
“Ah, yeah.” He flashes a smile that still squeezes air from your lungs. “I’d gotten too used to all the names you had for me.”
“Oh, god.”
“But I guess someone else gets to hear them now.”
Goddamn it. He’s not gonna give up, just like he said right before your interview. 
“Who are you seeing?” 
“I wanna know.” 
He walks over to your nightstand, picking up a picture of you and your friends from years back. 
And your heart pangs at how big his back has become. 
Without turning, Jungkook lifts his head to stare at your ceiling. And if he’s wondering whether the glow stars he stuck all over it are still there or not, you don’t know if you’d admit that you never took them down. 
“So that I’d know if I still have a chance.” 
“You already had yours,” you whisper. “Remember?”
And when you look up, he’s already staring at you with regret. 
Memories start to come back, but you shove them away with force, trying to empty your sinking boat with a teaspoon. 
Every time he had walked back from school with you, every time he would make you laugh when you felt alone, every time he stayed at your place when your brother had to be out—all of them competed with each other to punch you in the gut and push you to your knees. 
“I do,” is all he says before softly placing the frame on your bed. “I fucked that up, didn’t I.” 
The times he said he’d be there when you needed him, the times he said it was gonna be okay when you struggled with your seemingly deepest darkest secrets. 
All the times you knew you’d have a long future with him. 
“You did.”
Everything leading up to the time he said you should break up before you left for university.
Right before you were going to tell him you loved him.
Your heart hasn’t beat in awhile, but you don’t notice until Jungkook starts walking towards your planted feet. Was he really so far away? How did he cover the distance between so fast?
With a sigh occupying your chest, you muse that he looks so different, but also not different at all. 
And, just like the time you saw him downtown, your brain doesn’t know how to separate the Jungkook you knew from the one you see in front of you. 
Because they are still the same.
You don’t budge as he stands resolute, inches away but encasing you in his familiar presence. When his hand comes up to your face, he almost touches—but the slight hesitation has you holding your breath before he surrenders his hand at his side. 
“I was an idiot,” he admits, throat seemingly small and making yours the same size. “I never should’ve… I can’t believe I…” 
You watch as he flips his head up, and you hate how you know exactly what he’s trying to hide. 
But your soul still remembers the wound it was dealt. So while you don’t want him feeling this way, you’re perfectly okay to fight back. 
He doesn’t get to cry when he’s the reason for all those tears. 
“And yet you did,” you remind him, proud of how stable your voice leaves lips that used to seek his. “And you left me so fucking confused.” 
“I know.”
“Do you really?” 
He flickers regretful eyes your way, giving you all the room to talk. 
And you’re going to.
“Do you actually know, Kook? How fucked up that made me feel right before going where I knew nobody. No one.” 
His nostrils flare while eyebrows flinch. 
You expel a tough breath, everything that happened before bubbling up to the surface. Nights you spent wondering what happened, days you spent feeling unwanted, times you felt so fucking alone.
“Is it true that you even loved me?”
“Yes,” he finally shatters, face contorting and eyes welling at their rims. “Of course I did.” 
“I still do.”
“I thought I was the only one.” You search his eyes, hating how you would comfort him in an instant if this were any other circumstance. Hating, hating, loathing that this is how you find out your love wasn’t unrequited. “Why did you push me away?” 
“I didn’t—I didn’t mean to…” He turns, unable to handle the loud silence streaming from your bones. Voice shaken, he flounders, “I don’t know. I’ve—” 
When he pauses, it’s to keep his lips from shaking. You just know it. 
“I’ve regretted it every day since.” 
“I have!”
“Really. So all those texts you never sent were full of regret, too, huh?” 
“No, I—”
“All those calls you never made.” 
“I wanted to call!”
“You wanted nothing to do with me!”
“No! That’s not true—”
He digs palms into the soaking divots of his face, tense at all angles and making you so, so angry that this is what the both of you have come to. 
“I’m not lying!”
“You are!”
You thought it would feel better seeing him cry. 
But it’s not, it’s not, it’s not. You hate this. 
Because Jungkook made sure your tears were short-lived. Made sure to chase them away every single time—
There’s a rapid twist of your locked doorknob before you hear a shout,
“What the hell’s going on in there!”
Shit, your brother. Were you both yelling? 
…Were you both that loud?
“We’re fine!” you shout back, embarrassed that your fight somehow managed to outperform the aux. “It’s okay.”
“Open up.”
“You better be serious—”
“Promise!” You spare a look at your door. “We’re okay.” 
Even though it’s completely silent.
You know damn well he hasn’t left. 
Fuck, he can’t hear the rest of this. He shouldn’t have heard any of it in the first place, and you can feel the sear of his questions flaring up later tonight. 
Which, you are fine answering when it’s just the two of you. But you cannot have anyone hovering right now so you go to rip the door open and tell him off, 
“Dude, I said I’m—”
Oh, fuck.
Yoongi’s right there with him.
And your heart fucking lurches.
tbc. :’))) 
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ahh how do we feel !! 💌 would you like to buy me a 🍊?
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A/N: soooooo here you go before i continue with the rest of vacay!! LMAOO wouldn’t it be so funny if the whole chapter drops by surprise like y’all are wanting it to? just like this? wild.... A/N 2: always always gonna thank everyone that’s reading and supporting the series! there’s gonna be a lot happening in this chapter just like forfeit, so note-taking or bulletpoint format while reading might be a thing again if you wanna be able to remember things.. ahaha. pls give me strength bc i need it T^T  ++ more links: ⇥ three tangerines masterlist  ⇥ 18+ only taglist!  ⇥ masterlist 
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mimicha-arts · 1 year
Person in the shadows
Hello everyone! I don't know if this can be called a theory or something like that, Probably someone has written this before me, but I just want to write down somewhere my thoughts about one character that relate to the main plot. These are just theories! I have too much free time and I like to have fun, don't take it too seriously.
Possible spoilers! I think many people get the feeling that behind everything that happens there is a person in the shadows, whose goals and motivations are still unclear. And given that the plot leaves us with a lot of speculation, clues…Lets talk about Liu Xiao! Most likely, given the huge number of connections to story details, he may play a key role in the plot. 1. Who is Liu Xiao and his direct mention. Liu Xiao (刘枭) is a young man, the son of Liu Jing, who owns the Quede company. He is also the younger brother of Liu Min. So far, we don't know anything about his personality, but in his father's eyes, he is much better than his older brother, so we can definitely say that Liu Xiao is very promising and different from Liu Min. Considering the little clue given to us in s2s1, when Liu Xiao's father is talking to his business partners, Liu Xiao did not appear on the "main stage" because he was abroad. But, probably, we will soon see him in the frame.
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Thus, for now, it can be summarized that the side that opposes our protagonists not only maintains Liu Jing (and Quede company), his lawyer Qian Jin with his subordinates and twins, but also Liu Xiao. The plot itself has already given obvious clues that this "side" is not a united one, each one twists intrigues and has their own motivation, because of which I dare to express the idea that in fact Qian Jin, who has already shown himself to be not the most loyal subordinate, actually works for Liu Xiao, not for Liu Jing's interests. 2. Posters & Liu Xiao in the "current" timeline. Have we already seen Liu Xiao? Quite possibly. Given the connection of the characters through the side of the antagonists and further information, I will speculate by referring to the posters.
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It is quite possible that the young man in the hat, the only character who has not yet appeared in donghua directly, is Liu Xiao. We remember that on the poster it is the man in the hat who stands next to Qian Jin, which is his "shadow" on another poster of the character, which, it seems to me, can be a serious justification for assuming on whose behalf Qian Jin really acts.
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Talking about any color coding, his design is centered around black, but his hair, although dark in color, has some kind of a purple tint.
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In addition to the fact that this character covers his eyes with a hat, there are several other interesting details in his appearance.
1. The first is an accessory on his neck. I'm not sure what this sign is, but I saw that people suspect it is theta (death) symbol. 2. The image is quite small, maybe it's just a shadow or line of the collarbone, but I think it's a tattoo on his neck (maybe V letter or something). 3. Flashbacks, Li Tianchen From the last episodes, we learned that in childhood, Li Tianchen had a friend who greatly influenced the formation of his character. This boy from flashbacks deliberately does not show his face and eyes, and his hair is black with a purple tint. Of course, this is still speculation, but it is likely that this color coding, especially the purple tint of the hair, may be a hint that the boy in the flashbacks is the man with the hat from posters.
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We have already seen that it was his words, the "the strongest survives" ideology, that influenced the actions of Li Tianchen (and probably the entire personality of Li Tianchen or even both twins in the future). Сonsidering that both boys are kids that time, the words of the boy with purple hair sound so out of age and kinda terrifying. A few days ago, Billibili also released a clip of this entire moment, which makes it pretty obvious how much this "idea" and character himself will be driving the plot to the future events. His voice actor is Zhao Lu, he cannot be a minor character.
After the death of the twins' parents, their case 7 years ago passed into the hands of Qian Jin, as we know from the last episode, but information about the case has disappeared, as well as the children themselves, just in accordance with the time when Qian Jin left the police. There are still many questions (his age, whether he has any abilities). But if the three characters I mentioned before (the boy from flashback, Liu Xiao, the man with the hat) is actually one character, his connections with Liu Jing, Liu Min, the Quede company, the twins and Qian Jin look too matched to be a coincidence. Probably. Another interesting detail that connects the two parts of the story is that Qian Jin calls "manhunt" what happens in episode 7 , and (in my opinion) this is very resonant with the words from purple-haired boy in flashbacks.
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4. Speculations OK! Let me remind you again that this is all one big guess, and maybe I'm thinking too much about certain details. At the moment, I kinda assume that Liu Xiao is the one who manipulates all events from the outside. And maybe while Li Tianchen's hand is grabbing Cheng Xiaoshi, Li Tianxi's hand is grabbing the toy fox, he is represented by the hand from the shadow behind her.
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About possible motivation: assuming that Qian Jin is acting in Liu Xiao's interests, maybe he is genuinely interested in destroying his own family because of his story or unknown background. At the same time, taking into account his words about evolving and hunters, it seems to me that he is pursuing far from material, but ideological goals, related to people with abilities.
Keeping in mind how it all started, I can assume that he also may be an unknown client from the first case, who gave a tip on Quede's financial manipulations and launched a case with Emma, dragging Qiao Ling, Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi into the maelstrom of events (if this moment of the plot does not turn into loop). There is also someone who collected information about the three main characters before the main events of the series even began (some earlier dates on documents, a few days before the start of the plot), so there is room for thoughts too.
Let me remind you again that all this is empty theory, and I play bingo. It will be interesting to come back to this post after a while and see how badly I guessed wrong, haha. In any case, thanks for reading, I was glad to share my thoughts ~
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firinnie · 9 months
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Bruna Madrigal 💚
1 - Bruna was the youngest triplet and the neediest of Almo's children. Sleepless nights and and constant carrying were from very beginning something that built strongest relationship between him and his daughter, besides, fear for her health made Almo devote most of his time to his little princess. 5 - She had a happy start of her childhood, playing with her brothers and other children from Encanto, although there weren't many of them at that time, were the staple of the day. Well, good days, because sometimes there were times when Almo wouldn't let her leave his sight. On her fifth birthday, Casita surprised them all with a magical door that, when opened, gave her the power to see the future. Oh and own room. 10 - So life turned upside down and the life of the entire village began to revolve even more around Madrigal family. Bruna was proud of her "important position in functioning of Encanto", but it's worth mentioning that these were times when her visions were relatively safe for eyes of a small child. And Almo controlled what appeared on the vision tiles all the time. On the other hand, Bruna was not happy about what happened to her brothers because it greatly limited their time to play. At least Juliano's food helped her health, right? 15-20 - Everything started to get darker, but Bruna knew how to control it, she had been trained to do so. Plus, she knew she didn't have to worry because no resident would do anything to her, even if the vision was v e r y bad. Sometimes she scared others with her visions, but basically didn't care about good of the whole society as much as good of her family, and this was the time when she started to notice her brothers' gifts harmed more than just "fun time". Bruna tried to help as much as she could because she knew that only she could influence certain things. 30-40 - Nobody wanted this help. Bruna felt that everything was getting out of control and her brothers did not want to understand there was another way. She saw that her father treated them badly, and, horror of all, he treated their children badly. HER nephews and niece, and yet they all lived as if they had to. As if this candle was a marker of the only goal in their lives. Bruna saw this hypocrisy, but she had impression that only a this miracle could lead to a real miracle and to everyone opening their eyes. This happened when her youngest nephew didn't get his gift. Bruna knew that something bad would happen eventually, but she couldn't understand why it all happened to a small, innocent child. No, she can't show her father the vision, she knows what he was capable of... 50 - She could never really leave, apart from fact that she wanted to make sure everyone would survive the Madrigal family's regime, her nephew knew everything and she knew he would tell. At least he agreed to help her so life wasn't limited to the walls that were the first idea - Casita at least tried. Although it hurt how everyone was able to forget and create a taboo out of her name, could everyone in this family really end up like that? Well, better her than the five-year-old child she loved. So ironically everything ended well because of this kid. Like, it's not over yet because there's still a lot of family healing ahead of them, but this time everyone wants it. The future is bright for the first time in ten years.
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marshmallowprotection · 7 months
here's one thing I could never understand about GE-Saeran...
why does he feel such a strong need to repent for what Ray but more so, what (Suit) Saeran did? I understand the guilt and shame he carries...but I feel like he's misplacing a LOT of responsibility onto himself, blaming himself for acting out in the ways he was made to
Saeran never had any interactions with normal people, outside of the church and the cult...he never knew what was normal- what was okay. He had no means to understand what was healthy! He was held under the threat of physical (elixir, cleansings) and emotional (gaslighting, manipulation) violence to act a certain way.
I guess what I'm saying is...how is that his fault? To act in the way you're being forced to, under the threat of such extremes? His capacity to be responsible for his actions is incredibly different to someone like V or Rika, as examples! It hurts so much to see him carry so much agony over what happened...when he, quite literally, had no other choice.
I absolutely believe both Ray and Saeran understood that they've done wrong! But how much accountability should we really put on them and not those who threatened them into being that way?
Okay, so, in particular, when it comes to this situation, I think it's so important to say that he's holding on to what he did to the player.
There are definitely things that he can't be faulted for, but there are also things that he can be faulted for. You can be a victim of violence and also a perpetrator of violence.
What both Ray and Suit Saeran did to the player wasn’t okay. 
There is no excuse for those actions and GE Saeran would never want you to excuse either one of them for what they did to you.
Trying to erase what they did would upset him because you shouldn't gloss over anything that happened. Yes, neither of them was in their right mind, but that doesn't mean it should excuse the horrible things they did. There's nothing wrong with forgiving him because people do forgive Saeran, and understand that the situation was complex, but don't let yourself believe they weren't complicit in some of that violence.
That's a huge core of what happens in the after ending. You bring up conversations about what happened in Mint Eye and so does he. Anytime you bring up something that either one of them did that wasn't okay, he owns it, and he doesn't beat around the bush.
He promises he will continue to be a better man as long as you want him around, and as long as you want to give him a second chance to do so. You're not obligated to forgive him. You don't have to forget the things he did.
I can point out numerous examples. 
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You're right in saying that he was under a lot of pressure to do things against his will, but as you can see in these images above, you can see him on the fact that he did those things and he will never excuse his actions by saying he was under the threat of Elixir or Rika.
He does not want to say anything that tries to make light of what happened because there is no way to make light of those things. You can understand why he did what he did but it'll never change the fact that he did it and it hurt you. 
You can accept his apology, you can welcome him with open arms, and you can tell him that you understand why he did what he did. He will appreciate that but he needs to learn how to forgive himself for what he did even if you forgive him.
Part of the reason why he goes on a journey to forgive the people who hurt him is so that he can learn how to forgive himself.
Because, at his worst, at the lowest Suit Saeran and Ray fell, they became an amalgamation of all of the monsters they could imagine. To be cruel and survive in Mint Eye was to become the devil, and the only devil they knew were the people who hurt them. Suit Saeran, in particular, wore a suit because that's what Saejoong wears, and his words became a mixture of both Rika and his mother's torture as he tried to become "the strongest in Paradise."
He took bits and pieces from all of the people who hurt him to make him somebody who could be the worst monster of them all to never be heard ever again. It wasn't healthy and it wasn't the way to protect himself. But, he didn't have a choice, and he had to do something to survive and protect you and Ray. 
He decided that if he could forgive the people who hurt him, he could forgive himself for repeating those angry words to somebody who never deserved to hear them. Nobody deserves to hear those words that were slung at him and he shouldn't have repeated them at you. He even acknowledges that the words may not have been intended for you but they hit you all the same. 
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We can understand from the fourth wall that these characters are victims and that they don't deserve to blame themselves for the things that they have suffered. However, it's important to not act like neither of them wasn't guilty of doing something wrong. You can be somebody who's done both good and bad.
Nobody is totally perfect, and nobody is completely evil, the world is just shades of gray, as opposed to black and white. GE Saeran wants to be held accountable for what he did wrong.
When he says that he wants to take ownership of his actions and hold himself accountable, he means for the things that he actually did wrong, not for the things that were done to him. He's not beating himself up and saying he is to blame for everything that happened to him, but he is owning the fact that he did things that aren't okay. 
In part, I also think he wants to hold himself accountable for any of the cleanings he might've been put in charge of, too.
Ray manipulated you to bring you to Mint Eye, lied, and pressured you to stay with him. Even if you understand that he is a victim, it doesn't change the fact that he did those things and they weren't right. People tend to gloss over what Ray did in comparison to what happened later with Suit Saeran, but Ray is complicit in wrongdoing, too. 
If you learn more about Ray, you understand very quickly that he had an idealized version of you in his head. He became infatuated with the idea of you. Rika told him that he could take anybody for the job, and he began to fantasize about a future with you as soon as he discovered you, and that wasn't healthy.
From an outside perspective, we can understand that for a long time, you were the one good thing in his world, even if it was just an idea of you, but it doesn't excuse the stalking. 
If you love him and give him a chance, you show him that real life is better than any fantasy. He starts to turn against everything that was pushed on to him, and he damn near comes close to undoing the cult manipulation until he's thrown into the basement after you kiss him. He began to fight as soon as he realized that the outside world could be worth fighting for as long as he believed in those kind words you said to him after you gave him a chance.
God knows you didn't have to give him a chance. But, you did, and he doesn't want to ruin that. You can love him and forgive him for what he did, but if you truly love him, you should own the fact that he was not wholly innocent. 
For most people, it's easy to understand what Suit Saeran did that was wrong. Screaming at the player, withholding food from them for nearly a day, locking them in a room with nobody to talk to, taking away access from the messenger, and leaving you in a perpetual state of fear for two days and some change.
He did a lot of awful things and even if you understand why he was doing those things, I.E the fact that he was tortured to believe that the only way to survive was to be the strongest monster in the room, and as long as he is worse than every monster he's ever met, then nobody will ever be able to hurt him. 
Even if you were to say that he told them not to bring you food because he was paranoid about them drugging it, it doesn't change the fact that you had no way of knowing that was his intent, and neither did he until much later. That hurt you. Even if you understand why he lashed out the way he did, it doesn't change the fact that he hurt you. 
Intent doesn't matter. If you hurt somebody, regardless of what your intention was, you need to do something to make that right and you need to hold yourself accountable. At the end of the day, if you do something bad to other people regardless of your intent, you need to own that mistake and work to do the right thing.
The path to hell is made with good intentions, after all.
We shouldn't excuse wrongdoing because they've gone through agony. GE Saeran would never want us to excuse anything Ray or Suit Saeran did. Don't gloss over it or try to make it sound better than what it was. Don't try to excuse what he did because he will never excuse his actions.
He wants to face the consequences of those actions and if he has to face judgment for those actions, he'll take it every time because it's the right thing to do. 
He wouldn't want anybody to say that he didn't do wrong because God knows he did wrong and to say he didn't would be a slap in the face to how much work he's done so far to do the right thing and hold himself accountable. Do I think he kicks himself a little bit more than he needs to sometimes?
Yeah, I think he does, but I am proud of him for being willing to talk about what happened and own his actions. 
But, hey, while I'm at it, if you want to hear AriahTea's original lyrics for Endless Struggle and I Am The Strongest, that might make what I'm saying even more clear here!
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GE Saeran wants to hold himself accountable and we should respect that. Even if you understand the situation with all of the nuance involved, and respect the fact that the world is painted in shades of gray instead of being just black and white, it's okay to admit that those two did things that weren't okay but you forgive them all the same. These characters are not inherently good or evil, they're filled with major complexities, and the more we can do to learn about this fact, the better our perception of media analysis can be. 
Part of the reason why this character means so much to me is the fact that he is willing to own up to the fact that he's made mistakes and that he wants to be better.
He's able to end a toxic cycle by acknowledging that he no longer wants to be a part of it and will choose kindness to the bitter end. We can acknowledge that he was pushed into a corner like a wild animal and some of the things he did were a necessity to survive, but we can also acknowledge that it hurt him and the people around him as well. 
That doesn't mean he doesn't experience anger and hatred in other emotions that may not always be pretty. But, it means that no matter how bad he feels, he would rather choose to be a better person than stoop to the level he did before. 
Saeran would rather die choosing to love and forgive than to hate and scorn.
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racefortheironthrone · 6 months
Warhammer Gaslamp: The Imperial Armed Forces
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(For Introduction, see here; for Imperial Society, see here; for Geopolitics, see here; for Peoples of the Old World, see here.)
While still raised on a provincial basis by regiment, the modern Imperial Army is a far more professional force than the State Troops of two hundred years ago, and each regiment must adhere to the national standards imposed by the Reiksmarshal. While much of the officer corps remains dominated by the nobility, even these sons of privilege must graduate from the Imperial Military Academy and serve at the pleasure of the General Staff.
The Imperial Army rests on a tripartite foundation of the Rifle Regiments, where each man is armed with a Hochland Mk. V Repeating Rifle, a belt of grenades, and a triangular bayonet that doubles as an entrenching tool. The Regiments operate in close coordination with the Artillery Batteries that bring the devastating firepower of the rifled Magnus Longcannon, the Machine Hellcannon, and the Rocket/Cannon Tank to bear on the enemy, such that the Regiments advance to support the Batteries, who soften up the ground for the Regiments.
The cream of the infantry are the Eisenvolk, elite soldiers who have their hearts technomantically replaced with steam engines to power their impenetrable armor, carrying them into where the fighting is fiercest to deliver victory with vibro-zweihander, handcannon, and their gauntleted fists if need be. Only the biggest and strongest of the Empire's sons can survive the process, and the Eisenvolk have a maximum lifespan of 50 years, but when the position comes with a knighthood, a lavish here-today-gone-tomorrow lifestyle, and a gold-plated pension for their families, many young men from humble means are eager recruits.
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Strictly for those with a love of heights, the Imperial Airkorps rules the skies through their fleet of carrier zeppelins, bombadeer biplanes, and the daredevil dogfighters known as the Rocketmen. An invaluable asset to the Imperial Armed Forces in their ability to keep the wars fought mostly on enemy territory, the Airkorps have a love-hate relationship with the Army, where the former see the groundpounders as a mere cleanup crew, and the latter just wish the damn flyboys could get their targeting right so that they didn't dump their munitions quite so close.
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One of the busiest if least prestigious of the Imperial Armed Forces, the dreadnoughts and littoral craft of the Imperial Navy are tasked with interdicting Khaos raiders in the Sea of Claws and the Sea of Khaos, keeping the trade routes from the Black Gulf to the waters of Ulthuan free for the Imperial merchant marine, and using the canalized rivers of the Empire to ferry men and materiel from Kroppenleben to Altdorf to Marienburg, and from Nuln all the way to Kislev.
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metamatar · 1 year
need your thoughts on csm and particularly part 1 now that you're caught up
I think my immediate reaction on finishing part 1 was like
loved the art, loved the characters def feel like the story has a lot further to go thematically, only really picked up for me with the reveal of the gun devil
I now think CSM's strength in the early arcs is the patience of the construction of Denji as an everyman resisting the reality that the promised capitalist horizon he imagines is a lie.
now that you can tell the horrible direction my thoughts are going in I will continue under the cut, this is so long oh god. cw: canon typical violence, sexual assault etc.
Initially the repeated invocation of wanting to kiss a girl and eat a good meal as ultimate dreams and Denji being presented as an idiot for it felt like a cheap way for readers to get to root for him in a very Naruto sort of way yk? Poor orphan boy wants a basic life. This is disrupted right from the start ofc, starting with the Himeno's assault and Makima's whole deal. I think this construction becomes more valuable in part 2 when with Nayuta there is a very intentional attempt to construct a family, where the horizon is a normality that includes saving up for college. Nayuta's resistance to some of it becomes more interesting than just jealousy or protection imo.
I think the complications of the "workplace" as it functions for Denji in part 1, living quite literally under Aki's supervision with Power invokes the very familiar team as family stuff under threat. The explicit knowledge of how he has exchanged one debtor for another is v effective especially when they take care of Power. You have him and the readers being forced to confront that purpotedly transactional relationships do not exclude the sort for the simple honesty of care we idealise. And that the care will be weaponised anyway. Aki's abortive attempt to opt out is chef's kiss.
The reveal of the use of the gun devil by nation states might functionally be the first moment Denji is forced to acknowledge the complicated incentives of the Bureau. You get to link the exploitation of people to the more obvious rot in liberal institutions. Part 2 then ratchets this up with the discourses on propaganda and mass participation.
I thought the "Killing of Makima" involving the use of the Bureau insiders led by the old man leaned a little too much on their heroism, vibes wise but I also get why narratively that needs to be done. Which is why Kobeni is so important to me lol. The art and creativity on display at the end of Part 1 was like gorging yourself on one of those early pictures of Paradise. The apartment scene could get read as Makima's personal cruelty but I think it's just making explicit the cruel seductions of modernity etc etc. As a violation of Denji esp. it is almost complete, structurally taking the form of kink and the parody of care after. Mwah.
With that, the reconciliation of Denji's past and present when his past in debt bondage is also constructed with the societal complicity about domestic violence becomes delicious. Nayuta is reborn out of a cannibalism not really done in the service of personal survival and def not out of a commitment to self sacrificing heroism.
I'm excited for Part 2, Asa esp lets you get at some of the same neuroses Denji has as a teenager but from a gendered perspective. Her relationship with Yuko is some of the strongest bit of writing about bullying and justice I have read in a while. I've enjoyed the lead up to Fami and War's apocalypse so far, but their motivations are still a little inscrutable and fallback on devils, wyd? despite their sisterhood. I think Fujimoto's focus seems to be the public discourses around devils in this arc, so thats probably why it feels like that but I'm personally always interested in all of it.
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darkestwizard777 · 4 months
Saying Marie Isn’t As Strong As Homelander Isn’t Erasing Girl Power.
Marie is very powerful- even if I wanted to deny that I don’t think I could, Cate’s still my pick for strongest Gen V Character but it’s a closer situation than I expected.
not only for her Neuman Tier Blood Powers but also for her impressive durability- surviving even a casual Homelander is a feat in and of itself especially for a person with non-physical superpowers, but I think we honestly need to face up to the fact that it WAS a casual Homelander during that ‘fight’ because frankly it doesn’t make any sense for Homelander to have used his full destructive output on his own property.
His heat vision can slice through steel, why would he use that full blast against a Supe with unknown durability in a spot where his lasers going through her could kill dozens of Supes- you know the people he cares about?
That blast almost certainly had enough stopping power to but down a normal human but I can’t imagine any more than that was used.
also I’m sorry to say- the Blonde Man is the strongest Supe, the only one who comes close is Soldier Boy and Homelander had him handled too before it devolved into a three v. One.
I feel like this has devolved into me rambling so I’ll try to summarize my point.
Marie is a strong Supe but she’s not beating the Test Tube Baby designed from the ground up to be the strongest possible Supe, she survived a blast from Homelander and he didn’t actually want her dead after off-screening her friends so she stayed that way, can you honestly say in good faith that Marie is so durable Homelander couldn’t have killed her after knocking her out? Because that’s delusional.
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rhodeybugg · 5 months
I wanna know about Despina, please-
I love your design and idea of what the Solver true form, we needed more art like that
Ough. Despi. >:3
I'm actually working on the sketch of her redesign/proper design!
• What even IS Despina? Where did she come from?
• There are few people that know her name. Sirius Elliot, James' father and Tessa's grandfather, only knew of her through old texts and family rumors.
• It's believed that she was accused of committing witchcraft and exiled out of the original town that the elliot manor resides at the edge of, where she died in the woods. James has heard stories that the manor itself was built on her bones, and others say that there's an unmarked grave where the earth claimed her.
• She was summoned by Sirius when the company nearly went bankrupt. His worker drones just weren't exciting enough. If only he'd known what he was getting himself into.
•She's malevolent. While Despina does as she's asked, she's got her own ways of pulling strings to get what she wants. She's hungry, and this world-ending tech-fucker isnt going to let anything stand in her way.
• Sirius wasn't the first person that's ever summoned her for his own gain, but he was her favorite. Not only did he let her put a piece of herself in his little toys to give them sentience and life, she needed something in exchange for such a task.
Sirius was greedy enough and only cared about his company, and traded the safety of his future grandchildren and entire bloodline: a careless sacrifice.
• She can wander as much as she wants to without someone to need her, after all, she's been bound to a deal and still hasn't been paid what she's owed. She's been after Tessa for years.
• Despina isn't afraid to cheat to get her way, resorting to seduction, underhanding deals or straight-up murdering to get what she wants.
• looks like she could kill you, will kill you. If you're lucky enough to survive an encounter with her, you'll likely be plagued with nightmares for the rest of her life. Despina can distort her appearance to be more pleasing to the eye, but at the end of the day, she's still an eldritch mess of drone parts and bones.
• Selune, Louisa's original worker companion, was her first host. After one particular night where Despina got dangerously close to devouring a helpless infant Tessa, she made a deal in secret, acting as though she'd turned against her humans and wanted to assist in Despina's destruction of the Elliot bloodline.
• Selune was stronger than Despina thought, and managed to keep her locked away within her core. After Selune's death, Despina was freed again, and now she's got her sights set on Cyn and Grimm.
• She can't do any harm to anyone or possess them without her veil being removed by her summoner. Sirius was the first to remove her veil.
• Despina created the baseline for the disassembly drones, twisting the poor workers of the manor into her solver underlings. The company took her design, and made their own, and managed to take her original copies of her three strongest pets away from her before she could fully put them under her control : V, J and N.
• Despina hates it when her little pets fight back.
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ecargmura · 1 year
Blue Lock Is the New "It" Sports Anime (Anime Review)
Honestly, I should be finishing the anime I need to finish. Why am I procrastinating and watching Blue Lock instead? I can’t help it. It’s so good (and I totally didn’t watch for Chigiri). I actually like watching sports anime. I love Kuroko’s Basketball, Haikyuu!!, and Yowamushi Pedal. There’s just something that’s charming about sports anime that I cannot fully explain.
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The first thing that caught my attention with Blue Lock was the character designs. They’re all so detailed. I also love the way the eyes are drawn. I love how unique all of the characters look, even the minor, unimportant ones. Afterwards, I’ve been seeing a lot of fan art drawn by talented artists. I’ve been liking them left and right on Twitter. After liking a lot of fan art, I’ve decided that it was time for me to sit down and watch Blue Lock.
What makes Blue Lock so unique compared to other sports shows? This one has more risks as it’s a sports series mixed with a survival game. Given that I am someone who’ve watched Produce 101—all four of them—and got emotionally wrecked all the time, I knew this would be the perfect show for me. Was I wrong? I wasn’t. There was drama, suspense and everything else you can find in sports and survival shows.
The story is about Yoichi Isagi, who lost a soccer match by passing the ball to his teammate, costing his team to lose their chance at going to Nationals. He becomes frustrated at the fact that he decided to pass and not take a score for himself. Soon, he gets an invitation by Jinpachi Ego, a member of the Japanese Football Association, in order to partake in a project called Blue Lock where he’s searching for someone who can change Japanese soccer for the better—to become the best striker in the world. It turns out that he and 299 other strikers were selected. The Blue Lock project is one of survival—only the best can become the best striker. Isagi gets placed in a room with 11 other people and their first task is to eliminate someone and end their soccer career for good—those who get eliminated in Blue Lock cannot play for Japan Nationals ever again. With Isagi deciding to take out the strongest player in the room, Ryosuke Kira, the guy he had faced in his soccer match, he learns that he has to become selfish in order to become the best. In order to prove to his colleagues and to Ego that he’s the best, he needs to evolve, get stronger, and survive.
The first episode was super intense with the way Isagi decided to go for Kira and not Igarashi. The fact that he had ended his soccer career and felt good about it shows that this sports anime is definitely different than the norm. The episodes afterwards gets more intense as Team Z, Isagi’s team, are very dysfunctional and have to find a way to cooperate in order to survive.
The First Selection Arc was great in itself. This arc is getting to learn about Team Z and why they play soccer. For Kunigami, he wants to be a soccer superhero. For Bachira, he wants to find someone who can quench the monster inside of him. For Chigiri, it’s to find a way to give up on soccer. The fact that everyone has unique pasts makes the group diverse and makes people want them to succeed, even if it means they have to get eliminated later on. The matches with Teams X, Y, W and V were intense. Z vs X was pretty much a curb-stomp due to Z’s dysfunctional dynamic and X’s ace member Barou being too OP for them to handle. It’s when they face Team Y is when they finally cooperate, albeit begrudgingly. This is also when Isagi gets more aware of his ability of spatial awareness, where he can visualize the field and predict where a goal can be made and who he needs to use in order to utilize that path. My favorite match was Team Z vs Team W because of the Chigiri spotlight and also the fact that Kuon betrayed Team Z to Team W, a plot point that shows that no one in Blue Lock is an ally and that anyone can use whatever tactics they have in order to survive. If not for Chigiri finally getting motivation to play soccer again and doing it because he loves outrunning everyone, Team Z would have lost; this also cemented Chigiri as my favorite character. Team Z vs Team V was an intense match too. It’s second place because Chigiri doesn’t get as much focus here, but that’s okay. Team V is the strongest team because they have three aces, Reo, Nagi and Zantetsu with Nagi being their strongest player. Reo and Nagi only played soccer for six months while Zantetsu can outrun Chigiri, making them menaces. Nagi, who normally only moved whenever Reo asked him to do so, decided to move on his own once the score became equal. Team V loses because of Isagi and Team V experiences their first loss.
I think the best thing about the First Selection arc is the character bondings. While Isagi does befriend his fellow teammates, he becomes especially close with Bachira, Kunigami and Chigiri. Given that I am a fujoshi, this did fuel my BL kicks (It’s amusing how the initials of Blue Lock are BL). Because this is a survival game, the character bondings get a bit dramatic as characters need another in order to survive. Speaking of which, Reo and Nagi are probably fruitier than Bokuto and Akaashi from Haikyuu and that’s saying something.
The Second Selection Arc is where the drama kicks in as nobody are teammates any longer. You have to make a team of three and then advance by defeating other teams and taking their teammates. You only survive to the Third Selection once you get a team of five. Isagi causes two breakups to happen and he had to lose Bachira in the process. However, this arc is where many characters show off more of what they can do, so I feel like it’s a good ascension to the first arc. Isagi learns to handle the most unorthodox of people and manages to win via unpredictability, spatial awareness and main character power. While he had no specific rival in the first arc, the second arc solidifies Rin Itoshi as his rival as he is the cooler, most advanced version of himself. The fact that Isagi loses to Rin twice shows that while Isagi is improving, he still has a long way to go before he reaches his own full potential. I do like how while Isagi is strong enough to take down foes like Barou, Kunigami, Chigiri and Reo, it was because he had already faced them before. In Rin’s case, he had never played with him before and was only aware of his existence once the second arc started. I do like Rin’s inclusion into the story, as someone Isagi needs to beat.
The anime ends on the first half of the third arc, I believe. The Third Selection has two parts. The first being that the newly formed team of five has to challenge 5 world renowned athletes from different countries. I feel like Isagi got a bit cocky during the match and that was the reason why his team got pulverized. However, it also showed that Isagi still has a long way to go before he reaches foreign athletes’ levels. Fortunately, that portion was an assessment. Once six other teams of five make it to the Third Selection (RIP Kunigami), the anime ends with Ego announcing that his original plans for the third selection had changed and that his new plan is to get the Top 35 to face off agains the U-20 team with their recent addition being Sae Itoshi, Rin’s older brother. Given that the third selection was towards the last two episodes, there wasn’t much time for me to get used to it or Isagi’s new team since they haven’t really bonded as a team of five.
My favorite match of this entire anime was the match between Isagi, Nagi and Barou vs Chigiri, Reo and Kunigami. I think this match was the most exhilarating of them all. The reason is that Isagi has to be up against two of the teammates he’s the closest to back in the first selection and Nagi has to be up against his ex-boyfriend former partner Reo whom he abandoned because he wanted to team up with Isagi. Barou had to learn how to cooperate after being completely disobedient since his introduction. It also showcases how good the Kunigami and Chigiri are without Isagi and how well Reo can play without Nagi. It was an intense battle that legit got me hyped up for what’s to come in future seasons.
My only gripe with this anime is the lackluster animation quality. For an anime that revolves around a lot of movement, the animation is only good during important sequences, but it’s not very good at slower, non-soccer scenes. There’s a lot of CG usage too, especially when showing scenes of other players chasing the ball. I think Episode 8 was the worst offender since that was the one with the worst animation quality.
I’m honestly wanting more Blue Lock now. I might read the manga just to see what’s ahead. Blue Lock Season 2 and a movie adaptation of the Nagi side story has been announced, so I’ll definitely check those out! Until then, thanks for reading my long review of Blue Lock!
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blackthornv · 1 year
TWP: my arthurian headcanon pt.1
Ah yes, another ramble of mine. What a treat!
I have this vague memory of cc saying something about the inspiration for TWP a long, long time ago (my memory is also not that great btw). I'm not sure if she'll actually do it anymore but i've been thinking about this since then. So. This is what i would love to see represented in the books with the little knowledge i have of the Matter of Britain.
Warning: i will over simplify the stories. deal with it.
Ash Morgenstern, the heir of the Seelie Court (arguably turned heir of both courts): i would love to see him as a mix of Gawain and Galahad - two knights connected to the Grail, which in this scenario would be the Black Book of the Dead. Galahad is the epitome of perfection - he is blessed with purity, luck and power form the Holy Grail. He defeats his enemies with little to no effort. The "purity" in Ash is (mostly) gone, i think we can all agree on that. He's survived the horrors of the Unseelie Court, of Thule and Sebastian, of Annabelle's instability, and that cost him. But he is the most powerful mortal character cassie has written so far. No. You can argue with the wall on this, the boy can command all living creatures, can inspire fealty with only a look, his strength is antinatural and he has wings. Not just any type of wings, literal fallen angel wings. He might be able to create runes, he has immeasurable power inherited from his mother, he is the strongest character in the shadowhunter universe right now. Period. Anyway, let's continue. Galahad's perfection and unmatched abilities won him a mystical-ethereal-kind-of-holy glow that few have and on that very exclusive list is my boy, Ash. (If you are, indeed, arguing with the wall you are in a worrying state of denial and i hope you get out of it before twp comes out, xo, with love, - v)
Gawain, the nephew of King Arthur (you can already tell who i'll attribute Arthur's story to in the end, right?) who, in his arrogance, stroke a fatal blow in the Grene Knight had a year to prepare himself to receive the same blow from the Grene Knight. Bla bla bla, he had his quest after the year was up, bla bla bla, adventures in the forest, but wait a minute! he hesitated to receive the blow - an action the Grene Knight chastised him for. He survives but comes back to Camelot wearing a green sash as a token of his failure/shame. Okay, so maybe Ash hasn't gone through an arc like Gawain's but come on. He's changed. He went through hell and back with Annabelle, Sebastian, Janus, the Queen, but first and foremost: Arawan (yes, you lovely genius, i'm implying he's the Grene Knight here). A much worse version of the Grene Knight, for sure, but it works in the sense that after suffering the trials (read: tortures) that Arawan inflicted upon him, he returned home (after a long time and more tortures) victorious but somehow defeated. He doesn't trust his mother anymore, feels as though he has lost parts of himself and senses a strain in his relation with Janus. He has been enlightened, knows more of the world and of people, he has gained much - and has lost even more. The innocence is long gone, he has made mistakes and doesn't know how to acknowledge them, how to fix them.
But there is one thing, one last shred of hope glistening in the distance - the girl in the drawing, Drusilla Blackthorn.
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pastelsapphy · 1 year
I just finished playing Ray After Ending again and something I noticed: the music that plays during Saeran's confrontation with Saejoong (the story mode right after the last chatroom, before the good/normal endings) is a version of "I am the Strongest" aka: Suit Saeran's theme. When Saeran confronts Rika (or, really, Rika confronts him; third day after "I Will Have None of This"), the music is "Endless Struggle" aka: Ray's theme.
Saeray had to confront both of them to comes to terms with his past and move forward for the future. He had to confront the monsters he almost turned into.
Ray had to understand the woman who wanted control and possession because she was so afraid of being hurt and left behind. In the beginning, he wanted to possess MC the way Rika possessed her believers. He's willing to brainwash them--the only reason he doesn't give them the elixir in his route is because he's afraid it will hurt them. And since MC has already chosen him and Mint Eye, they don't need the brainwashing. In V's route? He's two seconds away from doing so when V breaks to glass. And in the common route bad end he locks them in their room until he can figure out how to make them his. Even if he doesn't do these things in his own route, he knows he would have. Suit even tells us as much.
Suit/"the angry Saeran" had to understand the man who had to feel powerful and would crush anyone who stood in his way, no matter who they were. Even people he should have cared about. The world wasn't going to be nice to him, so why should he be nice to it? Nice people will be chewed up and spit out, so that's what he did to confirm his own view of the world. Suit Saeran hurt someone he loved because he thought that was the only way to be strong--to be the biggest, scariest monster imaginable, then no one would be able to hurt him. And he would have continued to do so if MC didn't show him that you don't have to be angry to survive.
Saeray is Ray and Suit. And to forgive himself for both of their wrongs, each had to understand and confront the monsters they could have--and almost did--become.
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