#;Abe no Seimei - Caster
Side B, Round 2 (Match 2) *Clash of Casters*
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On the left: The wisest king of all, made so after returning from his quest for immortality. In the legends, he is spoken of as "the man who saw everything". He is sometimes cold and sometimes accepting. He is the stern, yet great king of Uruk. In this manifestation, he is not a tyrant, but a mature king, as he was after his return from the underworld. It's Gilgamesh (Caster)
On the right: Priest and onmyouji from the Heian period. A monster who stood opposite Abe-no-Seimei, the greatest Heian sorcerer. The Alter Ego is quite different in nature than the Onmyouji priest of the past and the caster version of this self does not have the fused evil spirits of Itzpapalotl, Chernobog, and Akuryo Safu. It's Ashiya Douman
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zeravmeta · 2 years
yknow limbo works as such a fantastic complement to guda in the sense that both are lesser versions of their contemporaries but guda succeeds where limbo doesn't because guda is more of a nobody than limbo is. limbo is the villain meant to be defeated by abe no seimei and always exists solely in service to that role as the empty rumor of hatred that a rival holds a mere glory kill and thus limbo has never once won in his life, he is called the most pathetic human by koyanskaya because he is fundamentally incapable of change. guda in a similar vein is also the only master left at the start of the grand order and thus the only option available to save humanity, and multiple times throughout fgo gudas lack of experience is called out, culminating in the lostbelt arc where guda is guilt tripped about their journey by koyanskaya and kadoc insults them by saying that if guda could have done it, then feasibly the rest of team A even he himself could have also done it. what kadoc and the rest failed to understand there though is that. yeah, that's literally the point.
the thing is that even when drowned in the guilt of ending the lives of the people in the lostbelts, guda still does want to live. they may be fucked up with the sheer amount of curses and promises that their soul carries, they may be slowly turning into some kind of inhuman being, but guda at the end of the day really just wants to live, wants to keep going on adventures with the people they love, wants to remain human, and in that desire they stay human despite the fact. limbo was able to break ashiya doumans spirit with the simple admission that he would never surpass seimei, that all of his efforts would be for naught and despite his position and accomplishments, he would never be able to match or surpass the rival he loved even once, doomed to a legacy of being nothing more than the shadow that followed a great man. guda on the other hand was perfectly fine being the forgotten hero of the grand order simply because it would mean that romani’s sacrifice wouldn’t have been in vain. it didn’t matter if the rest of the world would never know of their journey, because They knew, and the memories they made are far more precious than any recognition of such. limbo may not know or understand love but even then he doesn't really know what he wants either aside from a vague understanding of a need for importance, and ultimately limbo wants the name ashiya douman to mean something more than just that of the rival abe no seimei once had to cut down, filled himself with various gods and curses and names because he literally just wants to be loved in some way
guda reached their hand out to mash when she was dying and apologized because they knew mash wanted to live, and abe no seimei did the same when the pitiful ashiya douman had attempted to take his own life in despair at the thought of his own evil. limbo may not know love but at the very least, he’s taken his first step in wanting to understand it by watching gudas own path to hell. at the very least, limbo wants to reach hell alongside them. if guda could do it, if guda could reach out their hand in the face of their inevitable meaningless death, then surely the caster of limbo might be able to change as well
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dgrailwar · 5 months
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Further Servant details under the cut:
The Alter-Ego of Pleasure, developed in the near future by a rogue AI.
Her nature is inherently sadistic, taking great pleasure from watching others grovel before her. With bladed legs, she holds the ability to drain others of their abilities, melting them away until they have nothing left.
An entity who is lacking some of her fundamental senses, namely her sense of touch. Her sadistic nature and her inability to feel on a physical level mean that she has simply learned to accept herself for who she thinks she is- a monster. A monster that can do nothing more than 'steal' from others.
However, as she was built from the dreaming heart of an innocent girl, and those kinder desires laying underneath her violent exterior may emerge under the correct circumstances.
The Mother of Genesis who waged war against her young. The Great Primordial, Tiamat manifested in a 'larval' state.
In this Saint Graph, she has taken the form of an taciturn yet prideful young woman who firmly stands beside humanity while not hesitating to point out their flaws, if only to help nurture them and allow them to become something greater. Due to her youthful form, she lacks the immense pressure of an Evil of Humanity, but is instead simply a massively powerful Heroic Spirit. As a primordial deity that exists as a mother to gods, mortals, and monsters alike, she possesses a conceptual Authority over all things that have been birthed from a mother.
She holds ancient magic within her body, and can access the "Sea of Life" that had birthed all things in Mesopotamia. With that magic, she holds the ability to submerge herself and briefly return to her true draconic form, unleashing apocalyptic hell on those who stand against her.
A Buddhist onmyouji from the Heian Period. Possessing a sharp wit and a powerful body, the monk Ashiya Douman can be considered a true predator, a dangerous entity that can rip and tear those who aren't careful enough around him.
Charismatic and dangerous in his nature, he was one of the most renowned mages of his time, but was often overshadowed by his contemporary Abe-no-Seimei. This rivalry led to a catastrophic event that laid a curse on the lands, cementing his role as a dark sorcerer for years to come.
Through his skills, it is said that he had mastered a form of immortality, alongside other great acts of mysticism that made him a worthy rival to Abe-no-Seimei. As an Alter-Ego, he possesses several components of other divine spirits, namely those that occupy the domain of 'death' or 'curses'. Perhaps as a Caster he could be summoned in a 'purer' state, but it seems as if this twisted Ashiya Douman holds a much stronger presence in the Throne.
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tainbocuailnge · 2 years
So a friend of mine who I talk with about FGO says Ashiya Douman is one of the most irredeemable assholes in all of FGO b/c his acts of evil were way more personal than most antagonists and he was ALWAYS like this (it isn't just servant BS), the entire reason the Heian-Kyo story exists is b/c Chaldea is going after him so even Ritsuka should hate him. I just want to know how much of a monster he truly is or if my friend is just SUPER fixating on the bad parts (it helps to get other opinions).
obligatory disclaimer that i read heian kyo in the form of fallacies' fantranslations and I'm still in atlantis on NA
at the end of heian kyo we get a scene of the living ashiya douman trying to kill himself because he knows all the crimes caster of limbo committed were rooted in feelings that he indeed harbours and it horrifies him. he's horrified that all it took to break him was hearing "at this rate you'll never surpass seimei even once" in his own voice. he's horrified that he's capable of doing the things caster of limbo did and his sense of morality says he should kill himself for knowing the conditions under which he will break. it's seimei who talks him out of it, even though seimei knows douman in panhuman history was nearing his breaking point at this time and would soon indeed start committing numerous great evils.
is ashiya douman an irredeemable person? caster of limbo, who is ashiya douman's inferiority complex over forever being seimei's ridiculed rival combined with two gods who are both ill-defined but likewise designated as targets for hatred, wants you to believe this, because the purpose given to him by the alien god is to be an insufferable irredeemable clown bastard. ashiya douman also believes this, because the feelings at the root of caster of limbo are real. is it true though?
although the historical abe no seimei is widely known and beloved, and ashiya douman is consequently almost as much of a household name, not much is known about douman at all beyond the few stories where he gets clowned on to make seimei look better. is douman a villain just because we mostly know him from stories where the hero defeats him? caster of limbo was unable to become a beast of humanity because he lacked the love for humanity necessary to become a stepping stone for humanity's growth. he also failed to become a plague upon humanity because ashiya douman does not hate humanity and does not want to destroy it. ultimately, all he ever wanted was simply to surpass his friend and rival seimei even just once.
limbo is the afterlife for people not evil enough for hell and not good enough for heaven. when he tries to do good he fails to become a hero. when he tries being evil he fails to become the final boss. there is much evil in ashiya douman, certainly, and you need far more than two hands to count his crimes. there is much evil in many people, and there are many circumstances in which it will reveal itself. he's good at psychologically torturing people because he's intimately familiar with how insecurities can ruin a person and his job as alter ego was to bring out the worst in people. his acts of evil are way more personal than most others because he has no greater goal he wants to achieve, he has no other purpose than to be an insufferable irredeemable clown until he's backed into a corner and realizes that he does have something he wants to achieve, namely proving that he can achieve anything at all.
if you ask me, ashiya douman's character is meant to make you ask how useful "redeemability" even is in assessing a person's worth. when playing house with nursery rhyme he requests the role of mother in law because the nature of his legend is to be the hated person that makes everyone else look better by comparison, regardless of anything he actually did. he's obsessed with people who lost something important to them that they want to get back at all cost, and he gets his claws in them by offering them a way to get revenge, to show those who wronged them what they can really do. he wants to help just as much as he wants to hurt, and in many of the cases in the game those two end up being the same thing and mostly causing a lot of problems for everyone and especially chaldea, but that doesn't exclude that there are circumstances in which he would have helped more than hurt. if things were different maybe he wouldn't have ended up like this, and who's to say things can't still be different?
is ashiya douman irredeemable? this is not the right question to ask in this game. nobody in fate is ever truly irredeemable as long as they're willing to learn and grow, and alter ego ashiya douman shows up in chaldea so that he might learn to understand love.
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kaibutsushidousha · 1 year
So what are your predictions for the true names of the unamed servants in Samurai Remnant?
Saber: Yamato Takeru
Archer: Zho Yu
Lancer: Jeanne D'Arc (some category marker that isn't Alter)
Rider: Minamoto no Raikou
Caster: Abe no Seimei
Assassin: Koga Saburou
Rogue Saber: Kiso no Yoshinaka
Rogue Caster: Circe
Rogue Assassin: Li Shuwen
Rogue Berserker: Samson
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thelreads · 11 months
Fate samurai Remant cast part 2:
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Tsuchimikado Yasuhiro- master of caster. Ominous court wizard. Descendant of Abe no Seimei who is basically Japanese Merlin. More historical records of his brother exist than that of him.
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Caster- emo boy band reject. Gaslighter. Hates fanfiction.
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Dorothea Coyett: Master of assassin. Daughter of Swede Fredrick Coyett of the Dutch East India Co. Her and Chiemon were the only two masters just created for the story.
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Assassin- snake ninja. Has a giant snake made up of other giant snakes. It's also on record that him and Dorothea were the lead artist's favorite pair to draw.
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ofglories · 6 months
Mabi's muse history buckle up it's a lot
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the rules are simple! post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people ). please repost, don’t reblog!
current muse:
Arthur Pendragon (Fate/Prototype) Caster Artoria (FGO) Aesc the Savior (FGO) Constantine XI (FGO) David (FGO) Richard (Fate Strange Fake) Felix (Golden Sun) G'raha Tia (FFXIV) Minfilia (FFXIV) male Trailblazer (HSR) Jing Yuan (HSR) Luka (HSR) Argenti (HSR) Lamorak (GBF) Percival (FGO) Marth (Fire Emblem) Gareth Beaumains (Fate OC) Elouan (Fate OC) Emrys Pendragon (Fate OC) Sir Bors (Fate OC) Uther Pendragon (Fate OC) Taliesin (Fate OC) Sir Dinadan (Fate OC) Naoise (Fate OC) Mingze (HSR OC) Rhys (HSR OC) Silas (OC) Gwen (OC) Aster (OC)
And many more OCs and the secret muses-
want to write:
Sunday (HSR) Abe-no-Seimei (OC)
And some others I've been thinking about...but they're secrets
have written (in tumblr & other platforms):
Tim Drake (DC) Klein (Atelier Iris Eternal Mana) Felt (Atelier Iris Eternal Mana: The Azoth of Destiny) Colette Brunel (ToS) Hakuno Kishinami (male) (Fate/Extra) Siegfried (Fate/Apocrypha) Hibiki/MC (DeSu2) Flynn/MC (SMT4) Eliwood (Fire Emblem) Garry (Ib) Yuri Lowell (ToV) Robin (male) (Fire Emblem) Luneth (FF3 remake) Django (Boktai) Ritsuka Fujimaru (male) (FGO) Diluc (Genshin) Ayaka (Genshin) Amaterasu (Okami) Jeanne d'Arc (Fate/Apocrypha) Marie Antoinette (FGO) Saint Martha (FGO) Xuanzang (FGO) Riku Nanase (i7) Tsumugi Takanashi (i7) Maglor (The Silmarillion)
would write again:
Hakuno, Eliwood, Klein if anyone ever knew who the hell he is, Felt too
tagging: steal it!!
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Yeah I’m 90% certain Abe-no-Seimei could be a Grand Caster candidate
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zmeyel · 1 year
I like how Japanese players got a lot of theories about Caster from Samurai Remnant's identities:
Abe no Seimei
Abe no Nakamaro
Kibi no Makiri
Sutoku Tennou
Shen Gongbao
Sugawara no Michizane
Shen Gongbao
Ikkyu Sojun
Toriyama Sekien
And guess what? None of them are right lol.
It happens to the best of us.
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vyragosa · 1 year
I know a lot of players think Samurai Remnant's Caster is Abe no Seimei but imo, he is actually this guy (one of the character who got mentioned from Yang Guifei's mats). >Abe no Nakamaro >The envoy sent to Tang, Abe no Nakamaro-kun is Li Bai-san's drinking buddy! E~verything I know about Japan was taught to me by Abe-kun! I see, even though he worked so hard, he couldn't return to his birthplace... I pray that at least his soul managed to return to Japan.
ah no i would say a lot of assumptions are getting more specific such as douman's ancestor and others but i remember distinctly this bit of the mats cause yuyu is my fav girl and it DID make me raise an eyebrow, and this is really interesting to bring back up!
abe no nakamuro suffered numerous shipwrecks each time he tried to come back and was a poet from the nara period, given the identity of saber honestly considering older historical figures might work, especially his longing immortalized by hokusai as well, i would say he might be related to the foreigner class more than caster because of those two links, very interesting!
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Side B, Round 1 (Match 4) *Clash of Casters*
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On the left: A Chinese military general and politician who served Liu Bang during the Chu–Han Contention and contributed greatly to the founding of the Han dynasty. Han Xin was named as one of the "Three Heroes of the early Han dynasty" along with Zhang Liang and Xiao He. Best remembered as a brilliant military leader for the strategies and tactics he employed in warfare and was undefeated in battle. For his accomplishments he was considered the "God of War". It's Han Xin
On the right: Priest and onmyouji from the Heian period. A monster who stood opposite Abe-no-Seimei, the greatest Heian sorcerer. The Alter Ego is quite different in nature than the Onmyouji priest of the past and the caster version of this self does not have the fused evil spirits of Itzpapalotl, Chernobog, and Akuryo Safu. It's Ashiya Douman
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reignsan · 1 year
Samurai Remnant Caster screamed Chitoku Hoshi than Abe no Seimei to me
I had to look him up. Seimei's would-be apprentice who tried to backstab him? Is that right?
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
Do you wanna know a fact about Merlin. Merlin is a really good servant in Fate Grand Order so no worries about your husbando being bad. Their is a servant in Fate known as Abe no Seimei. His personality is described by the Fandom as Japanese Merlin but with only the worst parts about Merlin. Merlin is best great idea but bad execution. If he said to fou about what he wanted fou to do, fou would not hate him as much. Also Merlin is considered as the Second Grand Caster candidate while Gil caster is the third one. The real grand caster is spoilers to the story but let's just say he dies so Merlin is currently the Grand Caster in Chaldea.
As he should 💖💕 My pretty boy, I'mma give him a big fat SMOOCH
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thessaliah · 4 years
Wait, why did Seimei want to save Ashiya Douman, his rival, who hates him? Can you translate this scene when you will reach there? This feels so weird for Seimei who suffered a lot because of Douman's shenanigans.
I was asked to translate the scene twice before, so I will when I finally get to beat Limbo, I just have been pretty busy grinding Granblue and dealing with real-life stuff (sick cat! He’s better tho!). 
Abe no Seimei considers Douman his friend.  If you’re curious, these fanarts seem inspired by the epilogue between them. However, the living Ashiya Douman isn’t the literature/legend Ashiya Douman who only exists as his rival and enemy who hates him. Whether he might eventually become a rival or not, a person isn’t only about beating someone, you know. Plus the Singularity takes place before all the bitter and tragic fates took place, including the final battle of Yorimitsu’s 4 Heavenly kings and the Oni of Mount Oe. The Alter Ego (”Caster of Limbo” who is the one you summon in the gacha) version is, however, born of that single aspect: Ashiya Douman as Abe no Seimei’s bitter and evil rival. That’s why he’s an Alter Ego.
Despite being an Alter Ego, Limbo hijacked the living Douman’s Caster summon in that version of the Holy Grail War (where every Servant is a Caster), mindbroke Douman and possessed him to carry out his plans in secret. Hell World Mandala is very shounen-esque. What’s a shounen without the good old “best friend becoming evil and a hero’s rival” cliche? That particular plot passed from Kintoki to Seimei though. If you think about it, it’s natural Seimei gets the good old “I will save my friend from darkness” stuff. He may never give up. Certain fox woman derided him in the India lostbelt because he was arrogant in not wanting to destroy his enemy, but to tame him.
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mxcorruption · 3 years
Because the old man deserved it
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He is worm now @originlist
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cursedprovidence · 3 years
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