#;open to mutuals
sanguine-salvation · 1 month
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They are so cheery today that one can just smell a felony in the air.
They might even be dangling upside-down from the fire escape near their hideout, much like a child from the monkey bars, playfully singing some jazzy little tune and watching the alley cats prowl below.
Ah, the ephemeral bittersweet of a good damn mood!
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skyfcx · 9 months
     ...There's a deafening boom before a cascading plume of oddly blackened dust then disrupted and scattered up into the air. Hm... It's all within the general surroundings of a busy-sounding workshop nearby.
     Then? Save your curiosity, because a twin-tailed fox with a face as grim as the upset soot about the surroundings emerged from said workshop, an upward-angled puff from the mouth blowing droopy yellow-colored bangs away from the eyes. Th-There's even a small spot of fire on the end of his left-most namesake, treating the tip of fur like it were a cotton string wick.
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     "So... how is everybody else doing on this fine day." Reaches behind him and puts out the fire on his tail with his index and thumb, comical 'Fssh!' sound effect and everything.
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glacialdeath · 9 months
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"So, are you coming to the new year's festivities or not?"
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open to mutuals
"This one is definitely my favourite. They call it a McFlurry."
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succubi-r-us · 1 year
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"Such a borin' night.....I wonder if I kin find someone who kin entertain me~.."
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open to mutuals
"In my learned medical opinion, what you have there is termed in the medical profession as a "massive gaping wound."" She explained. "Luckily, I don't care about your insurance details."
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ruinsqueen · 2 years
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offers you a warm large monster paw to hold. do you accept?
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open to mutuals
“I never thought about it this way but if you think about it, I am the real life Matilda.”
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“This heat is just plain disrespectful. Ah’m pretty sure it’s cooler in satan’s asscrack.”
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victeux · 2 years
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"You do that normally? Kinda fucked." As if he could speak on what was 'fucked' or not, but at this point in time he felt like he could. "Like, in a cool way, maybe. What do you do that for? Work?"
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sanguine-salvation · 1 year
They hummed quietly to themself a bit before raising their voice, sweet and soft, aimless and out at no one and anyone at once, "Tente, baba, tente, a szemedet hunyd be~"
They reached out at the skyline of Gotham, sunset catching the stripes of their arms and their fingers tracing the faint lines were stars would hang in the dusk if the city lights didn't choke them. "Aludj, ingó-bingó, kicsi rózsabimbó~"
Always and forever, even when your legs grow tired, forever and always.
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"Alszik az ibolya, csicsíja babája~" They frowned quietly as they ran their fingers along the lines of a suffocated constellation. "... Tente, baba, tente~"
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skyfcx · 2 months
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     “I dunno, I guess… I guess I just wanted an unbiased opinion on this one.”
     Resting in the kit’s palms was his very own Blast Cannon. Fine and functional, though currently deactivated and unequipped for showcasing purposes. Then, so was the exoskeleton of his Palm Cannon slipped out from under the cuff of his right glove. And from the left glove’s cuff, a collection of fiery, watery, and electric slap bracelets. His Slap Shields. The nanites from his creation of Nicole flittered about his wrist, the control mechanism for T-Pup’s operational system…
     His creations and inventions, the whole lot of them had been pried from his person and set out for the world to see. The way he fights, the how and the why he builds what he does. As wonderous as they are, their collective visage can’t help but reflect hesitation on his face.
     “All of these things… what happens to me if I’m stripped of these and left to fend for myself by myself? I thought I got over these stupid thoughts, but sometimes it still feels like I’m hiding behind all of these pieces of machinery. That I work on them instead of myself.”
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     “I know what I do is good. This is how I’ve been able to keep up for all these years. But I just can’t help but wonder if it’s enough, y’know? So many of the people I know are just flat-out strong. They don’t need an energy barrier or an arm cannon to get the job done. Yet I do. And I can’t help but still feel bad about that every now and then, no matter how dumb it sounds.” 
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umbranstilettos · 1 year
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“Oh my gosh! I’m sorry”, Says the doll trying to fold her arms back her uncontrollable tendencies made her body parts hard to maneuver these days, resulted to someone being clotheslined while she was just trying to dance. “I swear it was just an accident, I didn’t see you coming around”
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terrakinetics · 2 years
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"pineapple on pizza is gross. can't convince me otherwise."
she never understood the hype for it. terra loved pizza, can practically eat anything--including star's food--but pineapple on pizza?
"no way. but maybe like--ham and anchovies? would totally eat that. anchovies are really good."
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xherkittyx · 18 days
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Parisians think superheroes and they only think of one person. One bug girl. But that's okay, he's used to taking the back seat. In the suit and out of it. Its fine..
Its.. All good..
No, he's not fine..
But that's why he's on this break. Nothing like stepping back to see exactly where you stand in the eyes and hearts of the people you give your all for.
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pxzzled · 6 months
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"I thought I'd escaped math as a required class after high school.." Why was he being tortured with more now?
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