#;summon the yokai (memes)
hyakkiyagy0 · 11 months
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;; tag drop uwu
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nonbayanary · 1 year
ES21 x ROTTMNT AU Masterpost:
Teenage Mutant Mystic DEMONS
a.k.a: TMMDemons AU
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Trigger Warnings: death, child trafficking, demonic rituals, ghosts, dehumanization, human experimentation, child abuse, demons, mentions of cults Characters: Sena, Hiruma, Kurita, Musashi, Doburoku
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Child trafficking is the one thing that brings Sena, Hiruma, Kurita, and Musashi together.
Sena and the Maou Trio (who i will now be referring to as "the four kids") are four of the hundreds of children who were kidnapped by traffickers, and sold to an organization led by a cult.
The facility, known as "Deimon," is located in a forest within the countryside. This organization buys trafficked kids, and uses them for human experiments. And of their dozens of experiments, only two bear fruit: "Project Maou," and "Project Ghost."
Project Maou is the organization's main experiment. The cult leading the organization has one main goal: to summon the king of demons, should it truly exist. And to do that, the experiment's aim is to use mystic energy to insert the soul of the demon king into a child, to make the child easy to control and influence.
And of the kids, Hiruma, Kurita, and Musashi are the three most promising subjects of Project Maou.
Sena, meanwhile, is the sole survivor of the succesful Project Ghost. This experiment was far simpler than Project Maou. Its aim was simple: to give a human child the abilities of ghosts. This experiment was a pioneer project, which paved the way for Project Maou.
The last stage of Project Maou is a ritual; an attempt to summon the king of demons unto this human plane. Kurita, Hiruma, and Musashi are dragged into the middle of a summoning circle.
An hour into the ritual, something goes wrong. Due to miscalculations in the amount of mystic energy, the demon king's soul splinters into pieces, and some fragments of his soul embed themselves onto the three screaming children.
The ritual fails. The whole area explodes, and decimates all life within a one-mile radius.
Everything is gone. The the scientists and staff are all reduced to ash. The buildings, trees, plant life, and animal life have all become nothing but dust. And all that remains is scorched earth.
Nothing is left. Nothing—except for four genetically enhanced children, who crawl out of the rubble after regaining consciousness.
The Maou Trio now find themselves with newly-mutated bodies. Bat wings, clawed hands and feet, markings, tails, and horns.
Sena looks different from the other three. He does not have those physical traits, which sometimes makes him feel like he's not one of them.
The kids venture out of the forest, and meet Doburoku, a yokai hermit who lives on the outskirts of a town.
Eventually, Doburoku adopts the little rascals. And after years of companionship, they come to see each other as a family.
As a yokai, Doburoku has mystic powers. Upon learning that the kids actually possess mystic energy, he starts teaching the four kids how to use their mystic powers.
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Maou Trio
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• Every Found Family's got...
• Snitches get stitches
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NOTE: In this AU, the Sena & the Maou trio are raised together under one roof, like siblings. As a result, the kids are more playful, and they sometimes have rivalries with one another. They trust each other, and they are physically affectionate with one another. As such, it's common to see Hiruma hugging Sena, or even Musashi sleeping on Kurita's back. This AU is just a lotta Maou Trio + Sena puppy-piling on each other to cope with trauma.
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Please feel free to write or make art of this AU. But please credit me, and send me the link to what you've made! I'd love to see it!!!
To my fellow TCEST fans, please feel free to ship the characters! (I gave the Maou trio cloacas for this very reason eyyyy!) In this context, I'd call it Mutant-cest or MCEST.
This AU was based on Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (ROTTMNT), and further inspired by RWBY, The Locked Tomb, Honkai Impact 3, Fullmetal Alchemist, Solo Levelling, and Genshin Impact.
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thenightling · 1 year
*Sigh* A popular meme is joking about fae taking names or deadnames or pronouns.
This is a weird Internet misunderstanding I partly blame on anime like Spirited Away.
Those aren't fae. Those are Yokai, of Japanese folklore.
In Western Faery folklore the fae want to KNOW your true name because to know someone's true name (especially a magick user) is to gain power over the person. You can then summon and bind the person. It's not "stealing" names. You won't find any actual fae folklore where this happens. Also a true name is not necessarily your birth name. A true name is the name you most heavily associate with yourself.
It's frustrating seeing the Internet confate Yokai lore and faerie lore and treating it as one and the same.
Sincerely someone who is totally human... really... :-P
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agoddamn · 2 years
I don't vibe w headcanons of snow leopard summons bc I think it should be an inherent quality of summons that they're not terribly threatening under normal circumstances...until they show up the size of a house. So 'haha little froge :3--OH GOD'. Whereas a completely normal snow leopard can still take your head off.
Naruto itself already screwed the pooch (hah) by having both ninken and dog summons exist, raising the question of what exactly the difference is between the two (ninken seem worse in every possible metric, ask me to expound on this at a later time), I know, this is just me trying to narratively triage this shit.
...it kinda pains me, but I kinda think all summon families should be creatures native to Japan. Either native or impactful enough through folklore to be relevant to Japan...which tragically excludes my own personal bias, skunks :(
Every character doesn't need to have a summon; it shouldn't be like an automatic upgrade where you've reached level 20 and now you get your summon. That cheapens it. Characters should have a specific benefit they get from having a summon. It's not just flavor.
But Tobirama is listed as a summoning expert in databooks, so yeah he should have summons. I could see him with cats, although it's the Uchiha who have a connection with the ninneko (although although summons =! ninja animals).
I think it becomes a narrative problem-solving thing--what does this character get from summons that they don't get from any other technique? From that angle, I can't see any reason to give, say, Hashirama summons; wood clones can do basically anything you'd want summons to.
It was that amazing platonic soulmate fic that brought up the idea of Tobirama having yokai summons, and that just clicked in my head and felt so right. Explains both what he'd get from summons (esoteric/cursed knowledge) and why he's never seen summoning in canon (yokai are understandably unpopular, also umbrellas aren't great fighters).
But I really, honestly, non-memely think that he wouldn't have cool yokai, like kitsune or anything. He'd have tsukumogami!!
Tsukumogami parallel Tobirama's work ethic--a tool that's used enough grows a soul. The idea that Tobirama views himself as a tool--a weapon--is fanon, but it's very workable fanon that fits with his narrative role as Hashirama's support exceptionally well.
So tsukumogami summons...Naruto got prophecy shit from the frogs, right? And it's not spelled out, but it's implied Tsunade refined her healing techniques working with the slugs. So I think tsukumogami might have given Tobirama the blueprints for hiraishin, maybe even shadow clones? Not the whole technique of course, but the summons made him realize it was possible and how a human might replicate the effects.
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mangher-a · 1 year
clothing style, hobbies, ways your muse says i love you, skills and special talents. For Feng.
@hisfragileheart || meme
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clothing style
Feng likes loose clothing, large flowing sleeves, intricate and precious patterns, though not necessarily bold colors. Sometimes he likes to add a bit of spazzaz to his outfits, especially if he is trying to really catch someone's attention. Otherwise he thinks he's perfect as he is, and anyone not noticing him no matter what outfit, or lack thereof, clearly has no taste. His favorite clothing types are Hanfu and Kimono.
smoking, people watching, mischief, occasionally possessing humans and destroying their minds, sleeping, flirting, sex, reading, calligraphy...
ways your muse says i love you
he will spend time with you. gentle touches. bites and bruising grips. he will give small everyday blessings for happiness and luck. he'll allow you into his space, his domain, to get away from the human world. he wants skinship, he wants to touch and be touched. he'll let you brush his fur, to participate in his grooming routines. he may even tell you his name.
skills and special talents
possession, magic, shapeshifting, blessings. he can summon fire and control it to a point that it wont hurt him or anyone close to him, but he won't be able to tame its wild nature any further. he can put up barriers of protection and he can dismantel poorly constructed ones. sometimes he will appear as a woman to seduce weak willed men for fun, and watch them ruin themselves. can drink alcohol without getting drunk (only gets drunk from the yokai stuff, the actual good stuff). never gets sick. can summon spirits, their strengths varying depending on his own energy levels and the amount of spiritual energy around him. can help dying souls to cross over, and help them to be reborn.
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giulolosblackmail · 1 year
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[ID:  The Pepe Silvia meme with "Hosta is a shinigami theory" written on the conspiracy wall.
/End ID]  
i'm working on hosta's bio rn and so far i have ruled out one of my previous theories, she was misnamed in the wiki because magda called her a tayuu in one conversation, and since tayuu isn't a name but a profession (tearing my hair out trying to find one consistent fact over four different languages) hosta doesn't have anything to do with the Hatred in my heart set, therefore she's not an oni guarding the gate between the realms of the living and the dead
But, she is for sure not mortal since foggy already said hosta can't die because she isn't dead
theory 2 1: she's a fox spirit, more specifically a kitsune since i think that one would fit her best seeing as she's magically proficient, knows things about history and magic that she shouldn't reasonably know, is beautiful, and has a supernaturally long lifespan, plus she also has a pipe fox, and according to yokai lore only proficient magic users/summoners/sorcerers (idk how to translate it) can control their effect on luck, while the association with a pipe fox doesn't necessarily mean she's a fox spirit herself, you could pull meaning that out of all the yokai that could have been chosen, hosta got a fox spirit, plus there's the in-universe rumors about her being a fox spirit
theory 2: undead, hosta was, at some point, a living person and for some reason was resurrected, this one doesn't hold much weight since i can't find a specific japanese spirit or monster that fits hosta and isn't a ghost, but it does fit the whole not being able to die because she's not alive thing, plus it would partially explain her abilities involving death, i'm not sure that it explains the respect the dead have for her though
new theory✨: shinigami, being immortal is one thing, but hosta's control over the dead suggests she has some greater connection to death itself, she can call on the dead from anywhere and does not need to have met them before to call them, on top of that hosta has stated that she can move between the realms of the living and the dead, WHICH also has some Implications about theology in the hw universe, but i'm not sure why hosta moved to the stardust continent in general if this is true, the only thing she says about it is that she crossed the ocean fleeing war, she doesn't seem to have anything to do with acting as a harbinger, leading people to death, or seeing out those who are going to die so if she is a shinigami then she's not a very good one
results: inconclusive, i'm begging you just give me one concrete answer, this is the black glove thing all over again
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pastballads · 2 years
Wishlist for: Kouki, Nise, and Ashley !
Wishlist Meme. | Accepting. | @triplev
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Good question!
For Kouki
A plot that always bounces back into my mind is him mingling or going head-to-head with shonen protag and antag-style characters, magical boys/girls, superheroes and supervillains- characters like that.
"Why do you want that specific plot?", you might ask. "Kouki is a reckless, selfish, impulsive monster child with a temper, caring only about what he wants to do."
About two-ish years ago, Kouki had a fairly-active verse where he was basically the mascot/adoptive little brother of a magical boy team and it was fun. Before that, he was a BNHA OC that I specifically made to have spicy fights and challenge muses to push their superpowered limits.
Just like anyone else, he has his flaws. He's not a bad kid, and he brings some damn good things to the table. Namely, he's quick on his feet, great at improvising, and pays close attention to people's personalities so he can work them. With the right folks, it becomes an iron-sharpens-iron relationship. Sure, he's a pacifist, but he'll spar with friends and show 'em what happens when superheated energy meets a sealed ramune bottle. Yes, he'll mooch food off them, but he'll show them the best hole-in-the-wall restaurants around. If they're incredibly fast or can fly, he'll put them to the test, even if it means egging them on.
For Nise
I'd love Nise to meet other yokai. Better yet, I'd love it if he encountered a full-blooded tanuki or a kitsune. As a half-blooded descendant of Danzaburou-danuki of Sado, his mother raised him on kori no tatakai, old battles of kitsune and tanuki retold as stories. Among those, Danzaburou came up often, with many stories ending upon the challenging kitsune's death. Tales of malevolent kitsune told by family warped his perception further while growing up, leaving Nise bigoted toward them and opening the door for modern-day kori no tatakai.
At the same time, however, normal tanuki might have a problem him. After all, a half-yokai using the name of Danzaburou, who is a folk hero, as a criminal alias would understandably leave a bad taste in their mouth."
For Ashley
Putting it bluntly, Ashley is... hard to think of ideas for due to how rarely I use her. That, and how she is as a person. She's often incredibly antisocial, serious, and irritable, really only interested in... well, her interests.
Best I can say for a thread idea on her wishlist is her meeting horror muses, monsters, and the like. More than likely due to a backfired summoning spell or them breaking in. Alternatively, witches and other magic users seeking her out, and maybe her stumbling across them while out gathering ingredients for her potions.
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twinklnyan4life · 5 years
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Ok... time to me to get out of the closet. I used this meme to show you how I feel. Look I know lots of Yokai Watch fans dislike Jerry from the start because he do with the Yokai and stuff. But for me I love all the characters especially the Watchers from all the games and shows. I think the reason Jerry is like this because the writers or creator made him do this for a joke or something about Americans. But on different media like Pixtv show FanArt of him which is not good and make me kinda not happy. I learned about Character designs and development in English class and fanfic writers from different fandom. I know the writers didn’t have all the info about Jerry like how he like this or why. So as I making Twinklnyan Adventures I had to include most of the Yokai Watch characters from the anime. Which includes him and tried to make him the same as I can but a slightly different like make him summon Yokai and be more serious. Now don’t say I’m too obsessed of him. I love other characters including the Yokai from my friends fanfics and focusing on what happened in the show but I’m understanding his personality like everyone understands why a villain is bad. If the writers changed his personality or growth on him, hopefully things are fine. If you guys don’t know I met Jerry when I was introduced the Japanese side of Yokai Watch after season 1 is over in the English dub. I hope you understand.
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void-tiger · 5 years
Writer Nonnie and I haven't caught up to Castlevania but I know it through memes(as with everything thing I have a vague interest in) so may I share my Voltron/Castlevania crossover idea? Might need a few asks so please bear with me again as I ramble. SO, it begins with Alucard. Alone. Probably finds what's SUPPOSED to be a divination spell and tries to spy/check in on Trevor and Sypha. He ducks up. The spell is ACTUALLY a summoning spell, and...well...(to be continued)
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(...I’m not sure if these are out of order or not. Whoops.)
...oh I am digging this idea, Writer Nonnie!
*coughs* I have a soft spot for Alucard. Just let him be happy and with people!!! *roars into the void*
And, well. Trevor, Sypha, and Alucard gave me such Jiro, Allura, and Lotor vibes that it gave me whiplash. Trevor’s a bit too callous for me to fully associate him with Shiro. But Ryou or Jiro? Yeah I can see that.
Also the Shiroganes would absolutely be a group of Yokai Hunters—and we even have Cho as a Japanese vampire lord, so there’d absolutely be vampire huntors in Feudal Japan. Why not the Shirogane Clan?
(And quite frankly the Trio could all use an Actual Team Mom—but especially Alucard.)
Colleen: “...okay this is new. But still not as strange as a giant green mechanical cat adopting my daughter. Oh and your alchemic formula was supposed to look like this—“
Ryou: “Pffff. Magic-smagic. It’s just archaic science anyway—“
*small explosion*
“...okay that was supposed to happen.”
Alucard: “Your eyebrows are on fire.”
Ryou: “I had eyebrows??”
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