#;frozen beauty (yuki-onna)
hyakkiyagy0 · 5 months
@stygicniron - continued from here
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The boy commanded her to speak. And honestly, she found it too amusing. Such a young thing, and he was acting as if he were brave. How sweet.
She was not Death... Merely a yokai that brought the frozen claws of such dangerous things to the masses who dared trespass on her mountain. This child would be no different, but for now, due to his charming (foolish) bravery, she would amuse him.
With a voice like the cracking of icicles and raspy wind, she speaks, breath fogging out in spews of pure frost.
"I am... Known as Yuki-onna... The snow woman... This mountain... My home... You... Trespass upon sacred earth."
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curdledmilkk · 2 years
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Day 1 — Folklore, Fantasy, & Myth // Time Travel
Yuki-Onna is a pale demon who freezes her victims with an icy breath. Two woodcutters had the misfortune of meeting the yuki-onna after being trapped in a snow storm, where the older was fatally frozen by the demon. The younger was spared, but only if he never spoke a word of this encounter—for if he did, she would return. Later, the woodcutter marries a mysteriously beautiful woman who does not appear to age…
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ttoadsandsnails · 11 months
Hello. Can I request a male yuki-onna x female reader? Like in the tale, the yuki-onna spared her but made her promise that she would not speak about her encounter with him. Days later, she meets a beautiful man, and the two fall in love and get married.
Reader is sometimes worried about her husband because he can't stand hot weather and only wants to take cold baths.
Thank you so much for the request! I really enjoyed this one :)
This is going to be a two part story! It was getting so long and I haven't even gotten to the second part of the request, so I decided to split it up. Keep an eye out for part 2!
Word count: 1288
Male yuki-onna x female reader
Part 1
You jolt awake. Clumsy hands glide over the bedside table in search of the knob to the lantern you place there nightly. You feel your fingertips grace the cool metal of the lanterns base and reach up, grasping the knob and turn.
A dim orange light floods the room, casting its surroundings in a soft glow. Turning your head side to side you search for what could have caused such a booming sound to erupt in the middle of the night, but despite your brief scan, there was nothing.
You grasp the covers tightly, an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. Many thoughts race through your head about whether you should get up and investigate or not, wondering if it was possibly just an animal or a tree falling from the storming skies. After a moment of consideration, another softer bang is heard. It sounded so close.
With a nervous nod you throw the duvet off and swing your legs over the side of the bed. Slippers wait at the edge of the frame, sweater on the chair. As you slip them on you stand, in the same motion grabbing the lantern and the small knife you kept next to it on the nightstand.
The floorboards creak under the strain of footfall as you walk forward, showing the age of the cabin. Where you were staying was high in the snow covered mountains, away from most of civilization. The only way to and from being the old green, paint chipped truck parked out front. It was owned by a family friend who was kind enough to let you borrow it for a well needed vacation.
The cabin consisted of a living space, bathroom, and a small bedroom, the cabin's only door was situated directly across from the one you were currently staring down. With shaky hands you place the only light source down and reach for the knob. The hand grasping the metal knob quickly pulls back. It was freezing. So cold in fact, that it was nearly impossible to keep a hold long enough to turn it.
Confusion scrawls itself into your brows. There is a small fire going in the living room; there should be no reason for anything to feel so frozen. You pocket the small knife and using that hand, yank your sweater sleeve over your digits. With hand ready the lantern makes its way back in the other as you lay your wool covered palm on the knob and turn.
Cool air quickly rushes past your frame, instantly chilling you to the core. Flakes of snow cling to soft clothes. You use a hand to shield your face from the onslaught of cold bashing into you. It feels like you were outside barring the chilling weather, not inside what should be a warm cabin. Your feet shuffle slowly forward as your eyes squint around the room.
The front door was wide open. Snow and bits of what looked like shards ice litter the floor, the fire long out. It must have been the storm that blew it open. A sigh of relief can be heard falling from your lips as you do a once over of the living room to make sure there were no animals or anything that found their way inside. You only found pine needles and more ice shards. Odd.
It was starting to feel even colder so you made your way over to the door, swiftly closing and latching it. When you turn to head back to bed you see it.
A figure lurking in the doorway.
You make a shocked noise and fall, back hitting the door, lantern falling from your hand. The fallen light illuminates them and you can make out some of their features. Tall with long onyx hair that went down falling just below their waist. Sharp cheekbones and nose lay on pale skin. So pale that it almost seemed to glow in the light. Their lips were a soft blue, and eyes completely white, no color whatsoever. They adorn a fully white kimono.
Their lips part as they speak in a deep, almost hoarse voice.
“Give me one reason now, why I should spare your life”.
Your feet push back and forth against the ground in an attempt to further yourself from their ghostly presence, but your attempts are futile. The door is blocking your path.
The pale figure glides slightly forward without making a single move. He’s floating. Your chest tightens with fear as you force words out of your trembling lips.
“Please spirit I- I’ve done no wrong!” You say while slowly running your hand down your side. You feel a hard object part way down. The knife!
With a shaky hand you slip it into the pocket, grasping the knife and wait.
You see a pale kimono clad arm rise and the figure moves closer. With a loud thud, his hand hits the door next to your head. You jump and look him directly in his snow colored eyes. He looks so hauntingly beautiful. His mouth falls slightly open; he seems to be staring through you, seemingly searching for something.
Your grip tightens on the blade, your breathing shallows preparing to make a strike when you notice a change in his expression. His gaze seems to soften and with a slight nod, he lowers his hand softly to your shoulder. Sharp pain emanates from where he placed his hand, small ice shards forming on the cloth of your jacket.
“Yes…you haven’t, have you?” he says in a whisper.
The hand that lays on you shifts, moving its way over to your bare cheek. You flinch and wince and the intense chilling sensation flowing through your jaw. His grip moves down to your chin, tightening, his thumb runs gently over your bottom lip causing it to tingle. 
“Listen to me… I have shown myself to you when I should not have. I shall spare you here today….but you mustn't speak of this encounter….with anyone.” he speaks gently but firmly. You can almost hear a tone under his voice, a threatening one that causes you to swallow thickly. Your grip loosens on the knife.
You breath out shakily and nod. “Uh uh…..yeah! I mean yes! Um I…I won’t tell anyone, ever. Please just leave me be…”
He stares silently for a moment, scanning your features for any hint of doubt before nodding to himself. “Very well…”
The hand draws itself from your face and you quickly bring your own up, trying to rub the chilling burning sensation away. The figure stands up once more, looming over you.
“Please stand and open the door. I shall take my leave.” He says.
You free your hand from your pocket and remove the other from your face placing them both on the ground to pull yourself up quickly. Standing, you finally see how tall he really is, his frame lurking above your own. 
Without turning your back to him, you maneuver your hands behind you and grasp for the doorknob, relieved when you finally find it. With a twist the room is chilled once more with the howling snowy winds.
You watch him closely as he glances once more your way, a warm smile graces his features as he glides through the door frame. He moves farther away and with a blink, he’s gone.
Quickly you close the door and latch it. You let out a long shaky breath, tears spring to the corners of your eyes. Your eyes darted around the room looking for the ice that was there and found nothing.
 You're not sure what just happened, or what that was, but you knew you wouldn’t soon forget.
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strijkdesign · 2 years
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"Yuki-Onna" (2021)
Yuki-Onna or the snow lady is a ghost type yokai, she’s the spirit of someone who died in the snow. You might see her on snowy nights as a beautiful woman. The Yuki-Onna drains the lifeforce from her victims, leaving them frozen solid.
This painting is available as print and merch in my Redbubble shop.
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Hello! Can I ask headcanons for Male Oyuki (Yuki onna) when he meet darling for the first time and the courting process/wedding? Thanks! —anonymous
tw / tags: afab reader (no pronoun explicitly used), gendered language (wife, bride, mother, etc.), pregnant reader (mentioned but tagged to be safe), pregnancy (mostly mentioned), general yandere themes, long post, sfwfeatured character(s): oyuki / ice spirit / husband previous ice spirit installment: link
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—note: uhhh right this is super tame, i didn’t really go too deep and hadn't bothered including any ns'fw details. feel free to fill in all the details yourself or ask for more hc's on other aspects. but yeah, i see the o yuki being the type who'd only snap if nothing's going his way, otherwise, he's pretty...decent...ish if you can get past his lies and manipulative ways, and he does dotes on his darling. the horror happens after he gets busted. though, don't get me wrong, he's still a monster and killed many over his time as an immortal spirit. he's really one of those guys you'd have to question the morality of.
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》meeting you was an accident. —it was a quiet day in his mountain, with gentle sprinkles of snow drifting to the blindingly white ground and dusting the skeletal trees. —as long as his territory was undisturbed, he was content to remain where he was. —alas his peace hadn't lasted when a scream pierced the chilly air. —fury swam through his brittle veins. —he stormed out from his lofty abode, with a flurry of frost following in his wake.
》he halted, his pitch-black eyes resting on the bobbing head breaking the cracked surface of the lake frozen over. —a child. what foolish child would venture this far from their kind? —with a quick survey, he caught panicking voices of other children and strayed his eyes across the ground, counting multiple footprints. —an accident—or perhaps, purposeful? either way, he shook his head from your situation and was about to turn away, to leave you for the dead. leave you to drown and be claimed by the icy depth. —yet something stalled his feet and his snow quietened at his back. —was it pity? he’d never know—but years later, he’d be forever grateful to whatever gods who whispered to him to listen to what lingering humanity he had left in his frozen heart.
》you vaguely recalled being in the arms of a beautiful god, a man with skin so white he rivaled the purity of the snow, hair long and flaked with ice, and his eyes so dark it clenched your heart with a primal sense of fear. —next you woke, you were surrounded by those who loved you the most. —your father wept, thanking every deity above for your return to the living, and hadn’t released you from his burly arms for what seemed like days since. —you were so young then, when the world seemed so wide and welcoming. —shattered by those who wished you harm for the pettiest of reasons.
》the memory of that god never truly faded from your mind, but you passed it off as a fantasy. a child’s whimsies. —as you became older, reaching the ideal age to be wedded off and have children with your spouse, you drew many eyes and marriage proposals grew steadily on your father’s desk. —only one had you gasping and burned your skin with embarrassment and joy.
》you caught the ice spirit’s eyes. —he hadn’t recognized you as that same child he dragged out from that lake, not at first. —he’d been wandering through his forest, surveying his territory for any threat, when a giggle drew his attention. —annoyed at having an intruder, he turned the gentle snow into a howling blizzard as he hunted down the source of that voice. —then, he halted. —he swore he felt his heart pumping in his chest for the first time in decades—perhaps centuries, when he saw you. —you jumped from your toppled creation, squealing from the pelting frost, and gave him that brief glimpse of your body. your face. all of you.
》you were beautiful. perfect. —the perfect being. —but oh so human. living and breathing. —warm when he was so cold. —you were the opposite of everything he was. —you were like the spring heralding his winter, leaving blooms in your wake. —…he couldn’t face you like this. not yet. —quietly, he tailed you since.
》he watched over you —to learn who you are. —beloved child to a father who cherishes you dearly. —doted on by many, your father’s faithful employees included. —although you were not fond of the cold, you adored the beauty of the winter. adored the soft moments by the fireplace. adored the comfort of warm foods and drinks.
》like that, he was drawn to you. —desires to have you in his arms. —and unable to compel the idea of seeing you in the arms of another. —it angered him and left behind a few too many blizzards in the winter you became of age to be wedded. to find a suitable suitor to have children with. —he decided he must court you properly.
》it was the following spring he took the courage, —to mask himself as an ordinary human male. —a merchant, delivering unusual goods. —he first met you when you were fanning yourself to keep cool on one overly warm day, under the watchful eye of a servant. —even though the warm weather was killing him, feeling himself melting inside his expensive clothing, he wormed his way by your side under the blazing sun, and offered you a rare plump peach to drench your thirst. smiling even under the glare of your father’s dutiful servant. —free of charge because you were beautiful, he claimed.
》it was the first of many encounters, where he’d offer many lovely fruits. —before long, you fell for him. —he was handsome, eerily so for an average human, and he was as doting as your father ever was. —and a massive flirt. —he was a gentleman, complimenting you endlessly, but would never touch you without your expressed consent.
》though you’d later find out that he hadn’t wanted you to feel how strangely cool he was. —it never bothered you though, his touches were comforting. gentle. especially during the hot and overly warm weathers. —and his fruits were delicious.
》when you shared a story from your childhood one day, from when you fell into the lake —he knew right then you two were meant to be. —he must have you for himself. —he must have you as his bride. the mother of his children. —he arranged a meeting with his father. —when you first saw the handsome merchant’s proposal on your father’s desk, you happily agreed and your father sighed at the idea of letting you go, burying that inkling that there was something quite wrong about that smiling man deep within his chest. —you and your father would know the truth behind your future husband’s identity far too late.
》not a man. not a human. —he was not alive. —he was but a man whose heart turned to frost, whose skin was made of ice, and who breathed snow. —a monster, borne from the wrath of a dying man in one hateful winter so long ago.
》it was unfortunate that you found out well after you wedded him and had a child growing within your womb.
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luckystars1015 · 1 year
Best Rikuo x Tsurara Moments
Part 2
Tsurara and Rikuo always standing close to one another
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Tsurara - Lunchbox Maker
I thought this little tidbit was very cute since Rikuo likes Tsurara's lunches despite the dishes usually being frozen.
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Yuki Onna finding her master in darkness
One of the best fighting scenes involving Tsurara. I just loved her ingenuity here--especially the way she freezes her eyes to not let the feathers blind her.
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Tsurara writing letters to Rikuo and Rikuo calling for Tsurara in his sleep
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Rikuo thinking about her Tsurara was always happy doing his laundry xDD
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Amazing cover image!!
I love how Yuki Onna gracefully sits with Night Rikuo's strong stance beside her. Really nice gentleness clashing with power
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Popularity Contest!
I love how Yuki Onna always places very highly and close to Rikuo! I have a theory that the author wasn't expecting Tsurara to be so popular as the series progressed. I honestly think originally he was planning to have Kana be Rikuo's love interest, but then with how the story progressed and Tsurara's growing popularity, the mangaka saw how Rikuo and Tsurara naturally weaved together.
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Tsurara's unwavering faith in Rikuo
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Snow White Yuki Onna
I hadn't even recognized Tsurara here! Her hair just soaks up the soft light of the night and snow. She's so beautiful <3
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Tsurara and Rikuo reunite in Kyoto
I thought this unification scene was so cute and funny! Look at how Rikuo practically lights up at Tsurara's appearance <3! Also the way Tsurara just looks so happy at Rikuo as well. I also love how Tsurara continued writing letters to Rikuo despite the fact she couldn't send them. It's very "The Notebook" of this couple.
And the way the new yokai friends think Tsurara is the "super hot girl". I love it when Tsurara's beauty is acknowledged <3
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Part 1 | Part 2
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oseathepebble · 2 years
"I was warm once. . . Now I live in an eternal winter. . ."
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I finally finished Tsukiko in @deiformlover 's Yokai AU! Tsukiko is a Yuki Onna yokai! A snow woman who feasts on the life energy of those lost in a snowstorm
More Info Below
Description & Background
Tsukiko is a Yuki Onna yokai who roams NRC campus at night, trying to catch any student out past curfew. Those unfortunate enough to be caught by them are frozen in place until the morning when school staff find and unfreeze them before punishing them for breaking the rules. Tsukiko's duties also extend to catching any students that may have been skipping class or finding any lost in the forest near campus. But it's not always guaranteed that these students make it out of the forest
Only a few people have been able to escape Tsukiko's icy wrath. Tsukiko will never admit it but, the reason why these students have gotten away is because they find them attractive. Their youth and beauty are something they believe they cannot harm
They reside in Ramshackle dorm and are attached to its inhabitants. They often turn a blind eye to any rule-breaking from the dorm's members
People can tell when they enter the area due to the temperature dropping. They carry a cold aura around them, making the area around them very cold
Tsukiko wasn't always a yokai or from that world. On the fateful night they were transported to Twisted Wonderland, they realized their family could care less for them. Heartbroken, they ran away into the cold winter night. They ran and ran, not paying attention to their surroundings. When they finally slowed down, they failed to see the moving vehicle coming straight for them until it was inches away. Unable to get away, they closed their eyes and accepted their fate
Upon opening them, they felt the texture of freshly fallen snow beneath them. They can't remember much from that moment, only that they saw snow, lots and lots of snow, and what seemed to be a large house with a castle further in the distance. They tried to make it to the house only to die from being severely undressed for the cold, cold weather
It turns out they had landed themself in the forest behind NRC campus. and the house they saw was Ramshackle. They eventually came back as a Yuki Onna yokai and became the nightwatchman for NRC
How Tsukiko Met MC
After returning from their night duties one night, Tsukiko went to one of the many empty rooms of Ramshackle dorm. When the MC woke up, they found that the dorm was colder than usual. Upon investigating the cause of the sudden temperature drop, they burst into the room Tsukiko was residing in. Alarmed, Tsukiko was prepared to freeze them, but stopped themself
The MC questioned Tsukiko and asked who they were. Upon introducing themself, Tsukiko asked the MC the same question. They learned bits and pieces of the MC's situation. The MC asked Tsukiko if there was anything they could do about the cold, to which they told them that it wasn't something they can just turn but offered to leave for the time being. Upon promising to return, Tsukiko left the dorm
As the day goes on, the MC runs into Tsukiko a bit more and the two get to know each other a little bit better. Tsukiko offers to protect the MC from afar. But to avoid making them cold all the time, they'll protect from afar and step in as needed
Tsukiko is able to freeze solid with their icy breath. The fatality of this varies. Tsukiko tends to do this in a nonfatal way when it comes to stopping those who break curfew. But if they so wanted, they could possibly freeze a student to death. There has been no such incident, one that has been reported that is
They're able to bring down the temperature in a room. The longer they're in one place, the colder it will get. The lowest the temperature has dropped in a room Tuskiko was in was 32°F/0°C, which is the freezing point
A skill that carried over from back when they were human is the ability to fight in hand-to-hand combat or with a kendo sword
A mere touch from Tsukiko can send deep chills through a person
Tsukiko's memories of their life before becoming a yokai are very fuzzy. They can remember feelings and shapes of people, but never faces. When asked about their life before, all they say is "I was warm once. . ." Before staring off into space
Tsukiko spends a lot of time outside at night so they've come to love looking up at the stars
No one has ever seen Tsukiko sleep, so it begs the question, do they need sleep? The answer is unknown
During the winter season, as soon as the first snow falls, Tsukiko is seen roaming the campus more. Sometimes you can find random snow families made around the school made by Tsukiko
In any other season, Tsukiko is more confined to a certain routine during the day, attending classes, roaming the forest for any lost students, doing their nightwatch duties, and returning to Ramshackle
Water that comes within a certain radius of Tsukiko starts to turn into ice and with enough time, Tsukiko can completely turn that water into ice by just being near it
Sometimes students that are last seen entering a forest never seem to reappear if Tsukiko enters the forest after them. It really is a shame that those lost students never found their way back to campus
Tsukiko still uses any pronouns in this AU
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redsamuraiii · 2 years
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The Snow Woman (1968)
“I decided that I will not kill you. But in return, you must not tell anyone about what you see today. Even your most intimate people. Even your relatives, your wife or your children. If you say even one word about me, I will kill you.”
Based on the Japanese Folklore of Yuki-Onna, it tells the tale of a sculptor, Yosaku (Akira Ishihama), who encountered a ghost on a stormy snowy night where his mentor was frozen to death leaving him as the only survivor. 
Few years later, Yosaku met a beautiful woman named Yuki (Shiho Fujimura) when his mother offered her shelter from the heavy thunderstorm for the night where she befriends them both and admires his craftsmanship.
Over time, both Yosaku and his mother grew fond of Yuki and beg her to stay a bit longer to which she agreed. They eventually express their love for each other and got married, have a child and live a good life, which did not last long.
A priestess saw Yuki at the temple and knows who she really is, confronted her at her home but Yosaku does not believe it as he had seen a ghost before and Yuki is nothing like her. But Yosaku had forgotten the promise he made.
Having broke his promise he made on that stormy night, Yuki reveals her true self to Yosaku before killing him but her attempt was stopped by their child who was crying. Yuki had a change of heart and decides to leave them instead.
It’s a good story which shows you that the humans are much more scarier than ghosts as humans are judgemental and egoistical creatures.
There are many folklore versions of Yuki Onna depending on which part of Japan it originates, each prefecture has its own stories and legends.
For this movie, it seems that it is set during Kamakura period, judging by the clothes that they wear and the attitude of the “warriors”. 
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Yuki’s dressing and hair reminds me of the court ladies of Taira or Heike. She probably died while trying to flee from the war during winter.
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But her spirits live on. Maybe the real reason Yuki did not kill Yosaku because he reminds her of her late husband who died in war.
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At least that’s what I’d like to think. It’ll make the story more interesting when you include in some historical events.
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Frozen-Over Gensokyo | Artist: kokkahan
Story 1 The freezing blizzard shatters someone's shadow. It was a human, or maybe a god, or perhaps something else entirely. That information has already been lost. The shattered shadow became powdered winter temperament and danced down to the layers of snow on the ground. The only thing for certain is that it was a spirit. It is so bitingly cold here that even spirits and souls freeze solid. "This is what we want, right?" She asked with a sigh. This youkai is snow-white, colder than anything imaginable, and so beautiful that anyone would be entranced at first sight. And she knows that her sigh, along with her words, will freeze and fall down to the ground as well.
Story 2 Letty Whiterock is a youkai of winter, sometimes called a yuki-onna. She is a youkai that only makes the cold a little bit colder―she shouldn't normally be able to bring about winter. It's unclear whether she started to dwell in this place first or if the winter temperant began to gather all by itself before she got here… Perhaps both occurred at the same time. Regardless, she continues to create layers and layers of temperament snow. This is her festival in this world.
Story 3 The temperament of the moon gathers in the sky, creating a false moonlit night. Even though the moon is fake, it has the same effects as if it was real. However, this isn't all that important to the youkai. Even if there are no humans, as long as the temperament of human fear remains, the youkai can continue to exist here… But none of them thought that this was a good thing. "This isn't very interesting." The reason for this was not because they were bored.
Story 4 The Human Village is where most of Gensokyo's humans live. Various secret agreements between youkai keep the Human Village from danger. But in this world, there are no humans in the village. They sleep far beneath the cold snow as temperament strata.
Story 5 The youkai priest, ship phantom, nyuudou user, foreseeing nyuudou, mermaid princess, hitoban, vampire sisters, zashiki-warashi, and the soul of a stillborn child… They all ruminated over the memories within themselves. Not the memories of them being kept alive by a drip of temperaments in this world, but the fun and free memories involving battles of bullets… Those memories are stuck with them as if frozen in time. And they are waiting for the ice to melt. That is all.
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yumiakikaze · 1 year
Code July Day 22: Snow/Warmth
Rating: SFW || Teen and Up Audiences
Pairing: Yumi Ishiyama/Ulrich Stern
Author's note: There was this random idea which I made a quick Yulrich fanfic (I prefer the ship name to be Yulrich btw). Yumi is a Yuki-Onna since birth, a yokai that is in the form of a young lady in a white skin and white kimono, that can freeze enemies with her icy powers. Ulrich is a wandering traveler that is walking on a mountainous area. I'm also a weeb that is really interested with Japanese folklore, so time to give this idea a shot!
If I get a proper title of this story, I will post this to AO3.
It was late November. Yukino village was a place that was often hit with constant snow, especially from November to February.
Ulrich Stern, a traveler from the nearby Akikaze village, was visiting Yukino village alone by himself. He already heard the rumors about there was a snow yokai named Yuki-onna that lived alone there. Even, some of them said that the yokai is the cause of never ending snow, and reoccuring avalanches. He was skeptical with it at first, but he kept looking around anyway.
Holding his scarf, he was walking around the Yukino village after entering the gates. He looked around, and noticed a stranger walking by. The stranger he saw was beautiful— she had white skin and short black hair, tied in a half-ponytail, along with some snow-white ornaments on her hair. She also wore a white kimono with an ice blue obijime*. The kimono had some snowflake motifs on the skirt. Ulrich also noticed that the stranger wasn't actually walking— she was floating like a ghost!
However, the stranger he saw got startled, and accidentally struck him with her ice powers.
"Please, don't come near me! I don't want to...", she said.
Ulrich saw a quick flash of light before he fell down, unconscious.
"What have I done..."
The stranger felt instantly guilty. Ulrich was frozen into a block of ice. She realized that she was still unable to control her powers due to her wavering emotions. Instantly, she carried him into an empty cottage. After arriving, she instantly shut the door and put the frozen traveler in the corner of the room.
A few moments later, she noticed that the cottage was dark and gloomy during the cold weather. Her black eyes instantly focused on a box of matches, that was placed on a small table. She took it in an instant.
However, she WAS weak to fire. The young lady tried to light up the matches without hurting herself. After several attempts, she finally lit up the hearth, located in the middle of the tatami floor. Her right hand was about to melt, so she instantly stepped back to recover. The frozen traveler was put next to her, because she didn't mean to hurt him anyway.
A few hours later, the ice block melted and the traveler slowly woke up. His eyes had a blurry vision at first, but he immediately looked at the stranger that helped him.
"You're finally awake. That's a relief...", the stranger said.
"Uh... where am I...?"
"You're in an empty cottage in the Yukino village. I'm the one that brought you here. What's your name?"
"I'm Ulrich Stern. Who are you?", he asked.
"My name's Yumi Ishiyama. I'm a Yuki-onna that lives here. I've been like this since birth, and because of this, I don't have lots of friends."
"Yuki-onna? You're the snow yokai people talking about?"
"Yep.", Yumi nodded. "Anyway, I'm so sorry for accidentally striking you with my ice powers. I actually don't mean to hurt you...", she took a bow and immediately apologized to him.
Ulrich noticed that the person that accidentally froze him wasn't a human, but a yokai. He knew that she froze him by accident. He thought, why did her powers become like that?
"My powers are mostly controlled by my emotions. However, because I was lonely and had no friends, my emotions became a bit unstable as a result. I was unable to control them, especially when seeing random strangers."
"I see. You often get startled easily, don't you?"
"Yeah.", Yumi nodded. "Also a lot of people in this village fear me just because I control ice and snow. I was to blame whenever a snowstorm appeared. They also said that I look intimidating.", she continued.
After hearing Yumi's story, Ulrich instantly sat down next to her. He felt a bit better. He took off his scarf and jacket, then adjusted his shirt.
"I have an advice about your powers and emotions. Someone told me that taking a deep breath is important to calm down, before using your powers right away.", he told Yumi.
"Yep, but it's not an easy task. Trying it slow and steady will help you, though!"
A few moments later, the duo had nothing to do. But Ulrich came up with an idea.
"I think sharing various stories here is the best option. I'm really bored.", he said.
"Sure, go on.", Yumi nodded.
Ulrich then started his story.
"My story is rather simple. I'm just a normal, wandering traveler from Akikaze village. I really love sightseeing and have an interest in various mysteries and folklore. The reason why I went here in the first place is just because I'm curious about the yuki-onna legend there, alongside the scenery. Yukino village is a beautiful place, and I love it."
"Yeah. Yukino village is beautiful..."
"Anyway, do you mind if I stay here? I just really want to know more about various things here."
"Nope, I don't mind. This cottage is empty, after all, so we can stay together like this.", Yumi replied.
Yumi and Ulrich decided to stay in the empty cottage for a few months. Every day, they ate food together, had fun, and shared various stories about both the Akikaze and Yukino villages.
Time flew so fast. It's almost springtime, which was the time the yuki-onna disappeared temporarily, before appearing again next winter. Before Yumi went away, she hugged Ulrich.
"This is my first time I talked to a kind human. Thank you for accepting me the way I am. I promise I'll protect you in the next winter.", Yumi told him, before disappearing in the springtime. Ulrich, on the other hand, went back home to his hometown, Akikaze village. He had the most beautiful experience ever.
*Obijime is the rope-like thingy that is tied on top of the obi/sash.
Some additional trivia:
Here's the quick thread which I found my original idea.
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Design of Yuki-onna Yumi is here! I made this way back in 2017
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Also, I love the name Akikaze (秋風). It means "Autumn Wind" in Japanese (my current tumblr username has this name too!). Yukino's kanji is written as 雪野, means "snowy field".
I'm maybe biased, there's also an anime character (Yukino Yukinoshita from Oregairu) that has the same name, despite the name is written in different kanji.
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kawaiilizzie · 2 years
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Serious props to my friends on Discord who helped me with this powerup form for Lobera, Snow Goddess’ Wonder. Spoilers for Saber in the background information!
Motif: Chione, Yuki-onna, Knightess, Goddess, Crystals, Ice/Snow, Princess, Journals
Description: Snow Goddess’ Wonder is Lobera’s final form accessed by using the Snow Goddess’ Wonder Wonder Ride Book in the Seiken Lobera Driver alongside the Snowfall Beauty Wonder Ride Book in the Sessouken Fubuki. It is based on the story of Chione, the daughter of Boreas, the God of the North Wind.
Background: Shortly after Issac gained the means to become Kamen Rider Solomon, he kidnaps Shion, prompting Kaede to confront him to get her back. The two henshin and duel, but Kaede is left weakened but still determined to save Shion. Touma, who had been made aware of what was happening due to Rekka warning him, sees Issac about to finish Kaede off and jumps in front of her, taking the traitor’s finisher for her. Kaede’s subsequent magic-fueled frenzy causes Issac to retreat, leaving Shion behind safe and sound. Touma is hospitalized as a result but is in stable condition. Shion decides that Issac’s new powers call for an upgrade to the Riders’ arsenal. Tetsuo overhears this and decides to help out. The three infuse the power of the Snowfall Beauty, Frozen Walrus, and The Sleeping Snow Princess Wonder Ride Books via magic into a powerful new book, Snow Goddess’ Wonder, with Tetsuo creating the Seiken Lobera Driver to go with it.
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hyakkiyagy0 · 8 months
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;; tag drop uwu
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stardustmagicalnews · 4 months
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Glistening Frost: Unveiling the Secrets of Winter Fairies
In the hushed stillness of winter, where the world is blanketed in a glistening tapestry of frost, Winter Fairies emerge from the ethereal realms to cast their enchantment upon the cold landscape. These magical beings, with their icy wings and crystalline countenance, embody the beauty and mystery of the frost-kissed season, weaving tales of snow-covered wonderlands and whispered secrets of the winter's embrace.
Winter Fairies, often depicted as ephemeral figures adorned in shimmering frost, captivate the imagination with their otherworldly allure. Their wings sparkle like delicate snowflakes, reflecting the soft moonlight that bathes the frozen landscapes. These fairies are the custodians of winter's chill, responsible for crafting the intricate frost patterns that adorn windows and leaves alike.
In the rich tapestry of folklore, Winter Fairies are revered as the guardians of the coldest season. Their presence is said to transform the mundane into the magical, turning ordinary landscapes into realms of sparkling splendor. From the Scandinavian Frost Giants to the Russian character of Ded Moroz's winter sprite, diverse cultures have woven intricate narratives around these icy beings, each contributing to the cultural mosaic that is the mythology of Winter Fairies.
One of the most enchanting aspects of Winter Fairies lies in their connection to snow and frost. As they flutter through the crisp winter air, their touch leaves behind a trail of glistening frost, turning the world into a realm of silent enchantment. They are the silent architects of ice palaces and frozen landscapes, creating crystalline sculptures that shimmer in the pale sunlight.
Cultural representations of Winter Fairies are as diverse as the landscapes they enchant. In European folklore, the Yuki-onna of Japan, and the Snow Queen from Hans Christian Andersen's tales all bear traces of the enchanting beings associated with winter's chill. Each culture infuses its Winter Fairies with unique characteristics, reflecting the distinct qualities of the season in their narratives.
Winter Fairies, with their ability to weave magic into the frosty air, often play key roles in winter celebrations and rituals. From the Winter Solstice to Christmas festivities, these beings are invoked as symbols of the transformative power of winter. In literature and art, Winter Fairies are portrayed as elusive muses, inspiring poets and artists to capture the serene beauty of snow-laden landscapes.
The unveiling of the secrets of Winter Fairies reveals a world of enchantment, where frost becomes a canvas for magical tales and silent dances in the cold moonlight. These ethereal beings, with their crystalline wings and frosty touch, beckon us to embrace the stillness and beauty of winter. As the world slumbers beneath a blanket of snow, Winter Fairies remind us that within the icy embrace of the season, there exists a profound and timeless magic.
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ap-kinda-lit · 2 years
NaruHina/Yuki-onna AU 🦊☀️❄️💜
In this AU, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke are still apart of Team 7. Sasuke and Sakura are newly engaged while Naruto is still very single. They're hired to escort a wealthy landowner from his estate in the mountains before a snow storm hits, though it's not really said from what he needs protection from. Team 7 spends the night at the estate and everything goes fine, despite the landowner and his servants' being clearly on edge about something. During the night, when everyone is asleep, Naruto has an odd dream about a woman in white hovering over him. The next morning, the landowner has vanished - he's found frozen to death outside. The only traces of an intruder in the house is a trail of snow and ice.
Since they no longer have a client to protect, the team begins to head back to Konoha. From the beginning, Naruto gets the strange feeling that they're being watched. Things go from strange to bad when they're hit by an unexpected blizzard that separates Naruto from the team. Later, Naruto finds himself in the middle of nowhere and looks for his team or civilization. He still feels like he's not alone. Imagine his luck when he eventually finds someone else out in the snowy wilderness: a beautiful girl in a white kimono, Hinata. Hinata admits to him that she knows the way back to Konoha and offers to lead Naruto there. Naruto eagerly accepts and takes a liking to her as she leads him back home and he asks her to stay a little while longer in Konoha with him. Naruto falls very much in love with the beautiful, gentle, kind of odd, pale-eyed girl. But, from the get-go, he doesn't recognize the red flags. Like that she wears only a kimono in winter weather but isn't the least bit affected by the cold, that she doesn't leave tracks, that she keeps her distance from heat sources like fire or warm food like his beloved ramen, that she's always cold to the touch, or that everything she touches freezes and everywhere she goes she's followed by cold wind and snow. Naruto has no idea that Hinata is actually a Yuki-Onna, a Snow Woman. And she doesn't have it in her to tell him because she doesn't want to scare off the one warm, bright thing she can actually enjoy without melting. She also doesn’t want to freeze him to death either, like all the other people she had ever come into contact with.
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bestiarium · 3 years
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Yuki-Onna [Japanese folklore; yokai]
The Yuki-Onna is a creature from Japanese folklore. These frozen spirits are depicted as young and pretty women dwelling in snowy mountains, freezing travelers to death. When a traveler is tired and finds a place to rest, the Yuki-Onna appears to breathe on him and instantly freezes him solid, leaving the victim as a frozen corpse.
Some tales, however, claim that a Yuki-Onna refused to kill her victim if he was a young and handsome man, instead letting him go with a warning to never tell anyone of their encounter. In some tales, she later shows up in the form of a beautiful human woman, proposing marriage to the guy she spared. She will then do her best to lead a good life, but mysteriously she never ages, hinting to her non-human nature. In the 18th century yokai encyclopedia Gazu Hyakki Yagyo by Toriyama Sekien, this spirit is portrayed with hairy hands, perhaps to accentuate the fact that the creature is not human.
I believe the Pokémon Froslass is based on the myth of the Yuki-Onna.
Source: the Gazu Hyakki Yagyo from Toriyama Sekien, I personally read the “Japandemonium” translation by Hiroko Yoda and Matt Alt, which I can really recommend.
(image from “Yokai zukan” by 京極夏彦) (image from Toriyama Sekien’s Gazu Hyakki Yagyo)
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onibiinn · 3 years
Yuki Onna 🥶💙
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(Yuki Onna)
Yuki Onna is a dangerous Yōkai that should be avoided at all costs. An irresistibly beautiful snow woman with peircing, cold eyes, she hunts travelers lost during harsh snow storms and leads them to their death. A Yuki Onna sucks the life from her victims with her icy breath, freezing them solid. Other methods she uses are sneaking into homes during winter to steal the breath of the inhabitants, leaving them frozen. However, some legends claim that the Yuki Onna's bitterly cold heart can indeed be melted, as some claimed to have married a Yuki Onna. But since the Yuki Onna is a supernatural creature, the Yōkai always outlives their betrothed.
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Available now at Onibiinn.com
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((This doll is a personal interpretation inspired by japanese folklore. I do not speak for, or claim to be any kind of authority on Japanese culture, as I am not Japanese.))
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