#;wanna play a game? (hanako-san)
hyakkiyagy0 · 8 months
―  𝑴𝑼𝑺𝑬 𝑹𝑶𝑼𝑳𝑬𝑻𝑻𝑬.  (  send 🌸 or ‘RANDOM’ for me to use a random number generator to determine which one of my muses you’ll receive a starter from.  ) [accepting]
result: hanako-san
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Hey, have you heard? Have you heard the playground rumor of Hanako-san? They say Hanako-san was an ordinary schoolgirl like you or me, but she was alive during the War. When air sirens went off, she was stuck in the girl's lavatory! Poor Hanako-san died in the toilet furthest from the entrance! They say if you ask to play a game with her, you play a deadly game of hide and seek in a school upside down from ours! Waaaah!! How creepy!!
The tale was the same. Little things changed over time, but the core truth was always there. A ghost, a onryo, confined to the toilet for all eternity.
Her location changed, never able to stay in one place. Her powers changing, growing if she was closer to her actual place of death.
The question remained... Would paranormal hunters have better luck playing Hanako's game?
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hoshi-y · 2 years
Hello again!!
Could I also maybe request where the reader goes back in time and gets put in the position of babysitting 5 year old Tsukasa 🙈🤭 but let's say his creepiness hasn't really kicked in -- he's just a little cutie patootie who wants to play games and have someone to pay attention to him, and is super playful and maybe acts like a little cat. And maybe we can see some innocence and vulnerability and a hint of loneliness in him that just melts your heart and you just wanna give the poor kid a little squeeze!
Babysitter (Platonic)
Genre : Fluff
Character : Yugi Tsukasa
Reader Pronouns : She/Her
TW : Heart clenching cutie patootie Tsukasa 😭💗
A/N : AWWWW This is such a cute requestt TT If I was given a chance to babysit Tsukasa you can drag me out of their house by force
I put the reader Pronouns as she/her I hope you guys dont mind
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Are you here to play with me?
"Well!! Off you go now!!" Tsukasa shouted as he commanded his tseushiros to lift you up in the air
How did this happen? Well, You were with the bathroom gang, just going around the school for any suspicious activity, or just to hang out when the three of you ran into Tsukasa, Torturing another poor innocent supernatural, So Hanako got in his way to stop his younger brother and you guess, pissed him off, Never disturb him
"[F/N]!" Yashiro tried to grab your hand before you disappeared but it was too late, Tsukasa's tseushiros have already sent you to the dimension he ordered them to send you in
You blacked out, Are you dead? It's very quiet..
No. He couldn't kill you, not infront of his brother too
You forced yourself awake and looked around your surroundings, Where were you?? investigating a little more about your surroundings, You were near the park, But the usual convenience store was nowhere to be seen infront of it
'What the hell??' Standing up and dusting your uniform—
This doesn't feel like a uniform.. You look down to see that you were wearing a kimono
You needed to find a way home, whatever is happening right now is freaking you out, You freaked out even more when you felt a small hand hold yours
Looking down you see a small child.. Holding a teddy bear, He smiled at you "Can we go home? I Am hungry!" He said
He resembles Tsukasa so much.. Yet that murderous and chilling gaze and aura wasn't on him
Could it be he sent you back in time?
"Nee-san?" Snapping out of your thoughts and you smiled at him "Of course! Let's go home, Tsukasa.." Looking ahead of you, you don't know where his house is
"Ah.. This might be embarrassing but.. where is your house again?.."
"Ah! That ball must've hit you too hard nee-san! Hmmm... My House is the only one with the red roof in the neighborhood!!" He pointed to a house probably about a 5 minute walk away from where you were
carrying him in your arms and started making your way to his house "Did you have fun?" You decided to play along as you still have no idea how to get back "I did Nee-san!! Did you see me get on the swing by myself?!" You chuckled at how adorable he was..
Finally reaching the front of his house, It's like you've seen this house before but can't put a finger on it
"Oh? You two are finally back!" A womans voice called from the side of the house, A beautiful woman with amber eyes and black hair emerged holding a basket full of oranges
'O-oh my god she's gorgeous!!'
"Mommy! Me and Nee-san had a lot of fun at the playground! And I went down the slide all by myself!" Tsukasa continued to praise himself as his mother giggled at him
"Ah! That reminds me, [F/N] Dear could you bring these orange in the kitchen? Tsukasa has been begging me to make him orange juice" She took Tsukasa from your arms as she carefully placed the basket of oranges on your hands
Excusing yourself you went inside the house
'W-woah.. Tsukasa-Kuns house is huge...' Running around looking thru every room looking for the kitchen
Once you finally found the kitchen you set the basket of oranges down and started gathering your thoughts together
"So.. I am sent back in time, In a position where I messed up the timeline and became Tsukasa-kuns babysitter.." Looking around more of your surroundings, You come across a calender neatly placed on the kitchen table
Curious, you went over to look at the date.
'I went back 62 years!!'
"Ahh, There you are [F/N], Could you bring Tsukasa upstairs to his and his brothers playroom so I can start making our snacks?" Turning around, It was Tsukasa and his mom.
She put him down and he ran to you hugging your leg "Let's go play in my playroom Nee-san!" Grabbing your hand as he dragged you upstairs opening two large doors to reveal a really big room filled with toys
"W-woah Tsukasa you have so much toys.." Shelves and toy boxes filled with toys, There were even some scattered on the floor "Me and my Brother play here alot!" Now that he mentioned his brother.. Where is he? When you were looking for the kitchen earlier you haven't seen a glimpse of Hanako being a child.
"Speaking of your brother... Where is he?" You asked him as he looked at you "Mmm.. Amane is sick! So he is taken to somewhere to get him all better! I wish.."
"You wish what, Tsukasa?"
"I wish he'd get better.. Its been awhile since I last played with him.."
Your heart clenched, Tsukasa must've been lonely whenever Hanako would be away at some clinic or hospital getting checked up
"Don't worry Tsukasa, Your brother will get better.. You just have to be patient.." Sitting beside him as you patted his head "In the meantime, I'll be the one playing with you!"
The two of you passed the time as you waited for his mom to finish up making snacks
You were having loads of fun, Though, You kinda wished Yashiro, Kou, and Hanako Haven't found a way to bring you back yet
Seeing how cheerful Tsukasa was before he.. died, Made your heart clenched "[F/N]-neesan!" Tsukasa wrapped his little arms around your arm
"Thank you for playing with me!"
You smiled as you returned his tiny hug
"Your welcome, Tsukasa.."
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kokos-story · 7 years
Never Have I Ever
Hanako was in her dorm room late one night, getting ready for bed when something weird happened: Her phone chirped out a text notification. She paused, genuinely confused. Who the hell’s texting me? She wondered. She had never given her number to anyone, except for-
She had given it to Niko, the four-armed class rep.
She’d forgotten about that. 
The blonde sighed as the phone buzzed incessantly. Niko must have added her to some group chat. Deciding she had nothing better to do, she unlocked her phone and began scrolling through the barrage of texts.
Spooder has added Transfer to Tutant Meenage Neetle Teetles
Actual Ray of Sunshine:My goodness, hi Hanako!
Be More Chill: ‘Sup
Yell: HI!
Pears: Hey
Pippin: W E L C O M E
Pupper: Hello
Obi-Wan: Hi, Hanako!
Transfer:I um
Spooder:Don’t get intimidated by the amount of yelling.
Spooder: It’s not always this loud
Yell:Yes, it is
Spooder: Shut it,Haruto!
Yell: Yes, ma’am
Transfer: Why is my name Transfer?
Transfer: I moved to your class like three months ago
Spooder changed Transfer’s name to Iron Stomach
Spooder: Better?
Iron Stomach:....sure
Spooder: Anyway
Spooder: I forgot to add you until now, and we have some plans for tonight if you’re in
Iron Stomach: Uh...sure? What did you guys have in mind?
Spooder: Well, it’s just a little thing. We’re bored and want to play Never Have I Ever. We wanna get to know each other better
Iron Stomach: Um...
Truther: Don’t worry, I’m making sure no one brings alcohol. We’re doing shots of soda instead.
Iron Stomach: Oh, um. Okay
Spooder: Great! We’re outside your door 
Hanako looked up from her phone with a start as a loud, enthusiastic knock resounded on the door. She opened it to an excited Niko and her trusty friend, Touma. She half-heartedly rolled her eyes as the two dragged her downstairs to where the rest of Class 1-A was waiting.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~
The game has started off innocently enough, with a lot of things to choose from and Touma (Quirk: Lie detector) keeping people from lying. However, an hour into the game, the statements were getting more and more specific to certain people, which everyone thought was pretty funny.
With it being her turn once more, Niko leaned back in her chair with a smirk.
“Never have I ever...” She paused, looking Kami dead in the eyes ”eaten dog food as a meal!”
Kami glared at her as soon as the words left her mouth, their classmates giggling at the two of them. “Niko, you know damn well I’ve never eaten dog food! Bloodhound is just my alias!”
“Toumo, he’s gotta be lying, right?!”
“Am not! That’s nasty!”
For Hanako, however, the argument sounded muted and distant as she stared at the shot glass of soda in front of her with a sense of anxious dread building in the pit of her stomach. I could always lie and not drink it. She thought, though that idea was stopped in its tracks as her eyes flickered up for a quick glance at Toumo. But Toumo would see right through me and call me out on it anyway. She added grimly. With that, she took a breath, steeled her nerves, and grabbed the shot, downing it in one and slamming the glass back onto the floor.
The thud of the glass snapped everyone’s attention away from the arguing duo and over to Hanako, whose trembling hand still clutched her now empty shot glass. She kept her head down, refusing to make eye contact with the rest of the group, though she could feel their questioning gazes burning into her.
After a couple minutes of stunned silence, Niko was the first to speak. “Yamada-san? Are you being serious?” She asked softly, sadness in her eyes at the trembling girl before her. “Toumo, please tell me she lying!” She whispered frantically, eyes darting to her friend, who only shook his head. The rest of the class watched as Niko knelt in front of her, gently taking the glass away with one of her left hands and moving to place her right set on the girl’s arm, freezing as she violently flinched away from her.  The blonde scrambled away from her grasp and stood, facing away from the group.
“Hanako, I just want to know, why?”
There was another silence as Hanako contemplated the simple, yet complicated question. 
“I...”She paused, taking a steadying breathe, “I have to eat a lot because of my quirk, y’know? I’ve never had a steady source of food.” She paused, steeling her expression. “But you do what you gotta do to survive.”She added, her features cold. She roughly shoved the hand that was resting on her shoulder away and stalked away, not looking back at her classmates as she left. “ I’m going to bed.” She called in a forced casual voice. “ Wouldn’t want to be tired for training tomorrow.” She added, exiting the lounge, leaving her stunned classmates with even more questions about the transfer student. 
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hyakkiyagy0 · 11 months
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;; tag drop uwu
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