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arsene-fixates · 1 month
can't believe they made a character (my f/o) so deserving of my affection just for me (i love them) (they love me back)
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ambiguous-andromeda · 2 months
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my mood lately
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the-moon-files · 3 months
I love the idea of humans being built different, it's even more fun when you get to unintentionally traumatized the other people :3
Sorry for late reply! I didnt realize i had mail 🥺💌
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No fr, one of my fav tropes in "humans space orcs" fandom stuff over there, is like what we eat/strength equivalent/resistence to stuff = and the reactions thereof to it lmao
What if most things just bounced off of us as humans, bc the gravity in Hyrule is different than ours, i mean it is a diff planet (kinda?)
(This is not how gravity works, more like we could have extreme jumping, but roll with my bs science im an arts kid)
or like if we did get hit, it had nowhere near the impact of how it's hit a hylian, like for example: Guardians.
The guardians get possessed/copied into Dark versions after running around Wild's hyrule enough, and so not only is it 10x harder to beat than usual guardians, as its taking nearly half the chain trying to take it down (rather than like 2 usually)
And even better if ur out of the fight bc they still expect u to not be great at it, like ok ur temperature resistent, but thats not helpful in battle-
U get fucking hit by a Guardian Laser Beam, and everyone freezes, the Links fighting the guardian, the Links fighting the misc monsters, Wild mightve even screamed and came running after you-
And you just kinda, sit. Like someone pushed you while u were off balance, and u flopped on the ground, still sitting up even 💀
And ur chest is hot, but not burned or anything
Yeah, I'd love a universe of Humans ≠ Hylians
Maybe ill make a fic or like a bunch of oneshots abt this with Masc!reader, if anyone is vaguely interested in reading it
Otherwise id write it for myself and not bother posting LMAO
Peace out,
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purgetrooperfox · 1 year
if you have a blank blog and keep getting blocked by every blog you follow because we're all wary of porn bots, but you don't know what to put on your blog
you look like this rn
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this is what spam bots look like as well. this is a screenshot of a blog I think belongs to a person but it has no posts and no likes so I cannot tell
you can change your profile picture to literally anything. it can be a solid color. it can be a character or actor you're fond of. it can be your cat. it can be a stock photo. literally anything, but it probably shouldn't be your actual face
you can change "Untitled" (which is your blog title btw) to, again, literally anything. it can be "Hello" if you want. "Twitter Transplant" works too. just something
people here often put their name (usually not the one they use irl, or at least not their government name), their preferred pronouns, and a brief overview of their interests in their bio. there's no need to overshare or link a carrd. it can be "I'm new here and haven't set my blog up yet!"
you may have seen people encourage pinning a post to your profile. that can be very similar to your bio, just an overview of what to expect from your blog. fic writers often include their masterlist on it. if you're not set up yet, it can be a placeholder. "pinning this for later" is better than nothing
on mobile, your Edit Appearance button looks like a little paint palette board. here it is on my blog
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on desktop, you go to your sidebar first
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Edit Appearance brings you here
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my bio looks Like That because it has links in it, which have to be coded in html
we don't want to block y'all but you have to show us some signs of life. PLEASE. also this is a blogging website and blogging involves posting or reblogging but that's another conversation
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canisalbus · 5 months
tbh I think that there being no big story somewhere for your dogs is what made them fun when I first found them, if that makes sense.
Like the first art I saw of Machete was the teen art you did of him back in June, and it was like oh??? who is this liddol guy? why is he sad?? ‘It’s the bug-eyed teachers apprentice again’ who is talking about him? Then later I saw the ‘nodding off at the office’ one and it was like oh! It’s the dog again!!!! why he mad? why he eepy? and then stumbling across Art of him and Vasco (I think it was the reunion one) and it was like alr Ive gotta find out who this doggo is
Anyway I remember sitting in the grass of my grandparents front lawn and going through your entire blog to learn more about Machete :3 it was so so fun to pick up little bits and pieces of him as I went further back So I think that experience was a neat core part of discovering your dogs and I really love that.
A couple of people have said the same thing, and I think it's wonderful that you found them interesting enough that you went through the trouble of combing through my old posts and figuring out how things connect!
I can see how the process itself might be part of the fun for some, but you'd have to be really invested in these dogs to go scouting for that hard to find and disorganized lore. I'd imagine it takes a lot of effort, initiative and time to do that.
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struck-by-the-rain · 3 months
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mods are asleep post self indulgent gay space wedding doodles
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smalltimidbean · 2 months
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At least they're kinda helping
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the-meme-monarch · 2 years
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did you know that um. kris dreemurr :]
kr/alsei shippers go away
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anglerflsh · 1 year
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my favourite passtime is making up incredibly unaccurate armour designs. That's a lie my passtime is researching but this comes at a close second
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lovethatmakingcoffee · 5 months
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Tired Dad Philza catches the eyes of the recently moved-in Brazilian neighbors
Someone suggested an au a while back where qsmp would be located in a small town instead of an island where everyone's just small-town locals. And spooky stuff happens where they have to protect their kids.
Phil's basically a single parent but is married to Missa who is very busy and hardly around. Hopefully, no new potential suitor infiltrates the nest >:)
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
Does Ren celebrate his birthday? Asking cuz mi bday is the day before his and I was thinking about double celebration ayyy
✦゜ANSWERED: He doesn't T_T His birthday falls on Valentine's Day, so Ren usually spends his time baking chocolates and other treats for you before anonymously sending it to your door.
But if your birthday is close to his, he'll definitely try to make the day all about you!! He's happy doing whatever you enjoy most; whether it's going out for a birthday dinner, (begrudgingly) throwing a party with all your closest friends, or even staying home and ordering two cakes lmao
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bird-nobody · 2 months
"Welcome to my blog loves. Fair warning I'm a unhinged nerd. Scroll down for some random reblogs, ocs, or polls"
Current fandoms I'm in: Undertale, TADC, FPE, & One piece
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This blog is an ANTI-NSFW Blog but it is a funni 18+ blog for mainly the undertale fandom however I will allow OC and Other Fandom rps as long as their not porngraphic, forced, racist, etc. If you see somebody trying to impersonate me then ask them stuff that only I know ig cause I had many people in the past keep spamming me and my friend's inbox with questions regarding the users @jaxfromthatcircu s @keykeepertm and @the-carnival-rabbi t ((sorry for the @s. Ik. It's annoying...)) PLEASE. ASK. THEM. YOUR QUESTIONS. Anyways have fun interacting...
Hnng I had to space out two of the @ s before tumblr @s em with the auto @ button. I bloody hate the automatic @ feature.
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• Only Blog/Ask Rules:
Do not send in anything involving porn, racism, homophobic topics, forced ships, or politics. Etc.
- Drawing Requests: Do not Request for me to DRAW YOUR FETISHES or KINKS or whatever. I'm an non nsfw 18+ blog.. I do nsfw jokes not nsfw content
Quote of the Week:
"Guys i didn't fuck Dream and Nightmare's mom. I only said that to give ptsd to the passive timeline."
Quote of the Day;
"Talk shit about me and I'm drawing you as a chihuahu.."
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• Bird interaction | x = RP INTERACTION
• OOC = OUT of character
• shitpost = NOT CANON just the funnis going down
• [ IN CHARACTER ] = In character
• MultiFandom RP = Literal means Multifandom RP
• UnderDungeon = My Official AU's posts
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Info dump about ut knowledge and important shit
Current Poll✨️
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jasper-the-menace · 27 days
As previously established, I know nothing about Dungeon Meshi, but I know that the halfling man (Chilchuck?) is a union man. So his fursona would either be a bee or have a lot of bee-like attributes. In this essay I will-
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treebarkweek · 1 month
To piggyback a bit off of the last reblog - we here at Treebark Week would love to see even more event weeks dedicated to fanwork creation! We are a fairly established one, but as long as you've got even a small community and have people interested in participating, it's relatively easy to think of a prompts list, choose some dates, and get the word out.
Fanwork weeks are a lot of fun, and we think it'd be lots of fun to see some more! If you organize an event week and send us the info, we'll reblog the post to help promo it 💪💪 Let's all have fun together!
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ranvwoop · 6 months
that was genuinely just the most waste of time ever. i liked the part where the super solid evidence was two contextless voices, "transcripts" handled by himself only and distributed via pastebin, and his mother
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Hooves legs ache as they clack toward nowhere. There is no silence this time, instead it’s echoed by faint screams he can almost place. Meaning there’s someone else here.
There is no other word for what T’noy Karaxis feels: weak. The persistent burn in his bones has only spread as his head fogs. That doesn’t mean he stops running. Yellow fizzles past his clouded eyes to something brighter and harsher. There’s no harm in trying for freedom, even if there is nothing past these walls. ‘Harm’ does not include the sickness beating through him like it always has. Tinky’s hands, pocked with age spots, twitch coldly. He almost trips over himself, eyes darting around for anything of a different shade. There was only one rule: never stay in the same spot. Whatever can be done should.
He’s at the dead end he always ends up reaching. Stopping once means he might not get up again - Tinky tries to grip the wall clumsily with feeble fingers. Metal gushes into his mouth as he absently opens his mouth to let it flow out, stark against the yellow floor. Nails scratch and, as they do so, each one chips. Karaxis doesn’t stop, getting hysterical. His nailbeds bleed at the strain of separation. With a jerk, his thumbnail clatters to the floor. The exposed skin burns, but he doesn’t notice. The cracks along the rest of his nails make sure they don’t go as quickly, rooting deep into his palm with electric shudders. Every breath is a stab to each lung. Frantic in his escape plan, Tinky doesn’t hear footsteps.
T’noy staggers around to come face to face with his favorite toy. Teddy Bear grins without enjoyment.
“I’ve been waiting for you. You fucking bastard.”
Aware of how frail he feels, Tinky backs into the corner while baring his teeth. Ted steps closer, eyes shining. T’noy did not directly interact with his Boxed victims often, and he would have been elated in any other context.
“I’m going to have so much fun, Tinker-Toy.”
There is something wrong with his grin - it's usually lopsided, with a dimple Ted’s hated since childhood. Even with his waning vision, this wasn’t right. Before Karaxis can focus on anything clearly, a shiny flash almost blinds him. In Ted’s hands is a length of piano wire. He shouldn’t have that. Tinky designed the Box so that-
T-Tinker-Toy? You’ve never…
Ted’s grin never slips - his imposing figure steps in closer, cornering his tormentor. The wire gets spun around in his fingers casually.
“Goats don’t have fingers, silly wiwwle Tinky~.”
His eyes were brown, not…
“I’m sure you miss ‘em. Your hooves. Huh?”
His tone is light. With nowhere to run, not that his legs would let him, Karaxis stares at the wire wrapping around his ring finger. But this wasn’t how things went - if his Box worked like it should or if he wasn’t just a human, he wouldn’t-
“Aw, don’t cry, little guy! I’ll save your middle finger, how’s that?”
He wheezes a barking laugh. The screams are no longer there. Prickles and needles dance on T’noy’s finger as blood beads against the wire. It’s pulling too tight to simply slide his hand away. T’noy Karaxis begs.
T-Teddsy - Ted - Spankoffski. Don’t!
Ted laughs again, and it doesn’t belong to him, A hot shock burns through Tinky’s finger and palm as the wire meets resistance.
“Like a child begging for salvation.
Bones crack as Theodore’s figure shrinks away. In his place, towering over T’noy Karaxis, is a hulking blur of shining feathers. They have no set color, switching from glints of purple to glints of pink, blue, green, orange. The skull on top of the feather cloak, unblinking, is that of a goat’s, with twisting horns and jutting teeth caked with rot and bloodied flesh. Its - His - eye sockets shine with something inside, far from hollow. Pupilless and apathetic, reflective and compound. Like thousands of cameras, they settle on their target like flies to a corpse. Perpetually watching.
After all my corrections, you are still disobedient.
Tentacles squirm quicker than before from feathered tips. He does not move.
You need say nothing. I apologize for my dirty trick.
T’noy scrambles back further, but the wall prevents escape. He shakes his head harshly, ears ringing.
This could not happen otherwise.
He lifts His head higher.
Tinky shakes his head again, neck aching. He cannot move. The figure leans forward, eyes rotating.
Even now? Agitated about a talk?
Cold tentacles slide over his cheek, pulling gently, startling in contrast to his temperature. They leave behind glowing blue muck.
You were always so quiet after the Box. Why did it ever stop?
He cocks His head to one side, though there is no expectation for answers. Tinky’s throat tightens as his mouth breathes out too harshly. Everything blistered, but only His presence was piercing. Regardless, there was an answer; one that he swears is there.
His voice is high and garbled, but he forces his lungs to get air in as he stammers.
There is quiet where he believes he’s won. The flame sizzles on his skin. He says nothing; the air is heavy with copper. Then, voice low,
What siblings? I don’t recall making any others. Certainly not for you.
There are no names to bring up, with no memories to think of. There is nothing. Blankness ranging millennia.
T’noy mouths something; it might be a name or it might be a plea, but either way he can’t get the word out.
Little fake things to keep you company…how can I expect power from a future Lord who hallucinates?
Tinky whines, the guttural noise tearing through his dry throat. No one else was supposed to be in the Box. This was his punishment alone. Just his.
Your time here is getting to you, Bastard. But somehow you’re still useful. Relieving…isn’t it?
Here - the Box. Karaxis knew it well. Its maze twisted every second with rich yellow dousing every corner. Constantly spinning and weaving through itself like a…
He chokes as hot blood overwhelms his senses, letting it fall down his chin.
What, this?
His tentacles wiggle around a tiny white spider. It zooms around the tight confinement desperately without glowing. Tinky inhales sharply, trailing its movements. His foot falls an inch forward as he wants nothing more than to get it away from Him.
The cage gets smaller. The spider spasms, bloated with blood. Its legs kick once pathetically before they go limp with a spurt of blue-tinted gore. The crushed thing is dropped, dead.
Pests. You know that, I expect.
Karaxis’ stomach churns as he keeps looking at her.
Y-ou ki…
Like a clock that doesn’t tick.
You act horrified. Did I do something wrong?
The corpse disappears under the myriad of feathers. Tinky can’t move further.
It’s like how you play with your replacement - I thought you would like that.
Colors fill his eyes. T’noy doesn’t reach as high as what would be His chest, lacking the strength to look up. His heart pounds in his ears.
 You were always so sensitive. A complainer and a coward. I have naught for cowards. Too weak for godhood. Look, you’ve already hurt yourself.
T’noy Karaxis crumples to the floor in a heap, hitting the ground with a thwack. Ice swallows each molecule in his sweltering body. He sees no yellow or colors, just white as his eyes roll back in their sockets. He jerks up, stiff, skin blistering and boiling under his clothing.
The wall keeping Karaxis shifts away. Incoherent, he falls onto his back. It lights up with stabbing pain as he sobs.
They will be sorely disappointed. How will you help them? Stupid, stumbling, creature.
There’s creaking as hot breath makes his face scrunch.
The word is a gunshot. Scrambling away, ignoring the excruciating agony as his limbs sting, Tinky flings himself into the maze pathway. Completely blind, groping with bleeding fingers, he can only reach for obstacles.
Hff…hff - nghk-
Nothing gives chase. A low and penetrating hum blares in his ears as a warm stickiness spreads down Tinky’s forehead. He blinks his sight back. It teeters between white and black, catching yellow flashes. A cough brings up something warm and bitter.
Your town is a rotting poison. At its roots it twists into a shrewd picture. Did you think they worried about your absence? There is no difference - you are mine.
He speeds up his crawl after seeing lights shining from the end of the hall. They blink brightly, multicolored. He’s in marginally less pain.
A thin, cold, sharp thing eases in between two ribs with a squelch. Karaxis shudders, gasping, as warmth seeps below him. His chest heaves through a punctured lung with gritted moans. His tone rises, booming.
Ungrateful. Do you understand the PRIVILEGE I’ve given you? The CONTROL I can rip away if I wish? You’ve seen it already. Ask that trifle of yours.
His brain melts against all logic. Blood drags on the floor behind his decomposing form, already long dried. Teeth loosen with no choice but to fall out of thin gums. As everything clouds, His voice rings in Tinky’s head.
Go back to your brothers. Tell them how good of a protector you were.
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