#< the garage pic a ref to him
punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
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"Let's do it right this time.My name is Gwen Stacy.And for the past 2 years,i've been the one and only Ghostspider."
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Fernando 2012 Chair Lore (source: me)
So I've been thinking a lot about Fernando sitting in this particular chair in the Ferrari garage in 2012 for [redacted] reasons:
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Originally I just wanted to find more pictures of it for reference, and then went down a rabbit hole of 2012 pictures, trying to figure out when exactly the chair came to be. There's so many pictures of him in it, and it's so funny to me to imagine them hauling this super villain chair all around the world for him. And so now I'm obsessed with the evolution of it:
Pre-Chair - Australia to Bahrain:
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He just had this little stool, well I should say big because it somehow still manages makes him look small. Clearly not comfortable; to paraphrase @sweatyflytrap, it's not conducive to his inner Shakespeare villain monologues
The Chair Appears - Spain
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He suddenly now has this, aforementioned, super villain chair. Several things, why is it like this. It looks like a sim chair almost ngl. And then the weird plexiglass support is confusing me, like where did they get that. It furthers my narrative they just had this chair that they couldn't put in a car so they put that clear bottom on it. Anyways yes good, now he has somewhere to brood
The Chair Evolves - Silverstone
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Look!! They gave him a booster seat!!!
The Chair is Now Here to Stay :)
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I downloaded a truly horrible amount of pics him in this chair, so now you all must also look at them >:)
*he still had the chair in 2013, but I think they took it away from him in 2014 :( Is nothing sacred in this world??? I hope he got to take it home hahaha
#i now have a psychosexual relationship with this chair#and im also just obsessed with the range of it???#theres an equal amnt of pics where he looks like a hot evil villain and then also ones where hes all curled up on it cutely#the co-stars to this post are really all his different sunglasses and the sexy button up fireproofs#this was actually like a true derangment post#irdk what came over me and caused me to make this but it is very important lore actually and i care a lot about it#im just curious about the origins still#like theyre suddenly like in spain 'here is a present for your home race'#the upgrade in silverstone is still killing me. ik its to make it more comfy but like...its literally a booster seat im sorry#but yeah fernando is so real in these. i too would sit in this chair all the time#okay now stay with me bcs this is just vettonso pilled BUT#the difference btwn him and seb in their garages is so funny to me#seb was always sitting on the cabinets like curled up on them lounging on them kicking his legs over them like a kid on a counter etc etc#and then fernando just has a fucking bond villain chair#and you wonder why i ship them so heavily. scoff scoff#this is just a ref post to draw him and seb together on the cha- huh what wait who said that? what was that huh that was weird#fernando alonso#f1#formula 1#formula one#*would be so fucking funny to tag this as lore#fa14#we do a little bit of f1#catie.rambling.txt#normal posts that catie normally makes in a normal fashion
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wr0ngwarp · 8 months
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some refs for my jet set radio explorers of death joke au (that sure is a sentence) because i wanted to put them on art fight (..mostly for warehouse leapusverse lore reasons)
beat and yoyo seemed like they needed refs most urgently cuz beat has a bunch of designs on account of being squirtle and yoyo's design was just hard to parse in the pics he appeared in. yeagh
art fight bio under the cut for ppl who don't have an art fight account
based on PMD: Explorers of Death by sparklingdemon, HIGHLY recommended reading to get a grasp on what in the goddamn is going on here oh this is incredibly silly. so basically a while ago there was an in-joke about jsr and eod in a pokepasta discord i'm in, and i have a bad habit of taking jokes too far. so, of course, i took the joke WAY WAY WAY too far! the entire joke is the idea that Corn in Future retconned og JSR Beat as leader/founder of the GGs, so Corn and Beat are the Myras. no it’s not a joke funny enough to justify how many hours i sunk into drawing these. no attempt was made to change the setting, assign most of the other cast, or otherwise make this au hold up to ANY amount of scrutiny.
---- the base concept (aka reskinned eod plot) is that the og JSR timeline was getting, like, temporally retconned into the Future timeline, but Beat (in the role of Squirtle) refused to accept the changeover so he tried to hold onto his own fading timeline, trapping it (and himself) in a state of perpetual decay until he can take back the timeline. basically everybodys a grayscale rotting zombie it's miserable. also if you think "hey, isn't EOD!Beat less justified than Squirtle because the situation WASN'T life or death until he MADE IT that way" you would be right lmao JSRF Corn (as Myra), being the leader of the GGs in Future, shows up (overwriting the preexisting version of Tab ig) to try to put the dying timeline out of its misery so it can actually be reborn into the Future timeline. for some reason his spraypaint can make the zombies pass on. don't question it. he and Beat are kind of trying to take each other down so one timeline can take precedent here. Gum (as Shadow) is kind of torn between the two of them, with two overlapping contradicting sets of memories and also the most disastrous way to possibly combine her JSR and JSRF designs LMAO. her loyalties are kind of torn as a result and also she understandably isnt a big fan of all the murder going on here ... ...also, because this is a joke au that i did not bother to try to make sense, they're in the goddamn Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers for no real reason. i also tend to call Beat and Corn "Meat and Mourn" though i dont have a nickname for Gum :(. and they have some level of meta awareness that they're in a poorly crafted joke AU based on an existing creepypasta, and yet this knowledge of how inane it all is doesn't stop them from riding it out to its horrific conclusion. ...ha ha? also Yoyo is Bidoof he's just here to be the first to die dont worry about him
---- also because there's something profoundly wrong with me i have the main trio + Yoyo in me and my sibling's joke multi-crossover RP. Corn is MIA right now, Gum is in the Garage with the setting's regular version of the GGs (they are confused and concerned. esp normal!Gum)... ...and, uh... Beat and Yoyo are in the Warehouse. (Pauein 9696 is just kind of there too.) they're... friends? i think......???? they are trapped in there and dont know Warehouse Yoyo is actually the goddamn building theyre trapped in
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in the warehouse, eod!yoyo is kind of... barely coherent, only aware a fraction of the time, and not really able to do a whole lot since he's in such bad condition. he's just kind of taking anything as it happens at this point bc he can't do anything about it, but internally he's very pessimistic both about the idea that Beat can fix anything OR that there's any chance they'll escape the warehouse. eod!beat is... sort of kind of friends with the Warehouse but it's a very fragile friendship prone to arguments since he is trying VERY hard to leave (esp cuz he has UNFINISHED BUSINESS with killing corn and MAKING THINGS RIGHT) but Warehouse Yoyo is manipulatively trying to keep him without letting on that's what he's doing. both of these guys are fucked in the head tbh. at least nobody's judging each other for being walking corpses with weird metafiction elements.
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asylumdream · 2 years
I also want to know about your OCs with or without ref pics 👀👀👀👀
I have so many, I make tons so I have a lot of flexibility while roleplaying with friends, but the one's I'll talk about right now... How about my beloveds Arabella and Saul Ginko. Please be warned I have some pastel gore drawn here too.
Arabella Ginko's current image refs and art
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her current design
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Artistic dipection of how she felt when she was still back home
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Her when she first cut her hair and her boyfriend called her a sheep
she is from a world where Dragons are the end all be all of Devine Magic. Her parents were incredibly powerful witches who wanted to exert their will over the world- play 'god'. so they made a Dragon syntheticaly. They tried to make it into a dragon of stars, but ended up failing and makeing the dragon of dying stars instead. they also born a child of their own flesh (who I'll get to later).
They raised the dragon with the name arabella and forced her to be in a perfect human form all the time, with no visual hint that she is a Dragon at all. (which isnt healthy for her at all) to demonstrat that they had sucesfully 'tamed' and 'civilised' a Dragon. they forced their son, Saul, to be at her beck and call.
Saul, on the night of his 18th birthday snuck into his parents giant magic library in which they had sealed a powerful and ancient demon of knowledge. Saul released the demon and vanished from the house, causing Ara to be put under fire for her brother escapeing. She was set out to find him and bring him back under their parents control. so she dose try for 3 long years and suceeds in finding Saul who had traveled between wolrds and eventually found a new family in one (more about his misadventures in a bit).
Ara brings back news to her parents of one of Sauls new family, an incredibly powerful mana being in the form of a yongue child. Her parents demand her kidnap the child and bring them to her parents. She complys but the child gose a haywire with magic against her parents and all she can do to not get killed in the crossfire is run away between worlds.
she ends up stumbling into the grounds of a place in the same world Saul ended up, though she doesn't know it, and is taken in by the apprentice of the owner of the grounds. He is a fire dragon (though in this world dragons are not devine) and a cleric. He helps her learn how to Actually Take Care Of Her Body instead of just supressing all her dragon features, which had badly stunted her growth (she's somewhat short as a human, and Very Tiny compared to other dragons of her kind, about as big as a 1 car garage and very gangly.) Her wings are permanently torn from misscare, but her scales shine now and she's gained more weight, especially muscle mass, now that she is haveing a proper dragon's diet (weight gain as a sign of recovery baby!!!).
The apprentice had a crush on her the moment he saw her, and as he helps her recover she falls for him too, but they both talk about it and agree that they dont want to make anything official until Ara gets more therapy and feels more sure of herself as her own person.
She is a short tempered and crass yongue lady, shes had to be a Perfect Little Girl all her life and is frankly sick of it. Shes very blunt and spares no feelings nor takes no quarter. That said... she dose genuinly care about those around her, and will just as quickly defend them from others as she will critic them. She specializes in soul magics and star magics.
Only Saul can call her Bella, everyone else must call her Ara or Arabella.
She was originally designed as a throwaway villian for saul in Picrew, but was deemed To Pretty and redeemed
(it seems the link to the original picrew has broken on me, but it was made by Jeliceous)
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As for her brother saul...
Saul Ginko's image references
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I draw him a bit less then ara unfortunately
H was a yongue and recklace witch desprate to do something with his life outside of his resitrictive upbringing. His parents were terribly powerful witches and completely dominated their feilds, and expected him to do the same. As well as expect him to be the perfect compliment to his perfect sister. He was forced into his studies, never given time for friends or recreation and quickly was driven into depression due to never getting positive feedback (he was never enough, they always found flaws in his work. He was a child.) He mastered color changeing spells easiest, it was one of the few things his parents would slightly approve of while also allowing him to be himself. Purple hair and golden eyes gave him a mysterious air.
When he finally reached 18 he was given access to the family library in the mansion. That night at midnight he snuck in to the forbidden section, with summonings and cursed items, tombs of ancient evils and eldrtich horrors for the calling. He got the most powerful artifact he could, under the most protection, and tried to use it (either hed impress his parents or die trying. He didnt know which hed prefer)
An ancient spirit of academia was unleashed in a most quite way, simply comeing up in whisps of smoke from the intrecate magical circle. Theyd been trapped fairly recently by two great mages and locked in their library, not for what they did, but what they could do with their knowledge. As a great demon these sorts of things are to be expected, not so is veing summoned out of it by a child.
They were curious at being summoned by their flesh and blood, but a quick glance through his memories told them all they needed. So they easily slipped past the boys phsycic defenses and fused with his very soul. They took control of the body, and fled.
They let Saul have control of his body in the morning, him waking in the forest, and they slowly explain that they had left, and theyd make a deal with him. They would lend him all of their vast knowledge, as long as the boy traveled for 5 years before trying to ever see his parents. He had to agree.
So travel Saul did, useing the demon's knowledge to traverse through worlds, eventually stumbling upon the home of a human cursed with immortality. He became something of a ward to them, calling them his honorable teacher, and meeting many more people too. Of those people is a yongue mana being in the form of a child who he takes a mentorship role towards, thanks to his extensive knowledge about magics.
Arabella arrives to try and force him to return, but he refuses, he still needs to honor his deal witht he demon of knowledge, and in his travels he's begun to understand his parents were not Good People and he wants nothing more to do with them. Then the mana child is captured and flees back to safety.
After Saul remeets Arabella and they reconnect, they end up being close and build a healthy siblingship outside of the shadow of their parents. They end up haveing something of a good cop bad cop routine, since Ara is rather short tempered where as saul is very measured.
Hes a quite and contemplative yongue man at heart with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. How convinient then, that his brain is augmented with the demon thereof. He can theoretically use any possible spell or ability, but he most commonly uses item summon spells, teleportation spells, levitation spells, and simple comand spells (as needed by magical objects). Because of this in direct combat when hes on the front lines,he tends to teleport around and summon book cases to be his sheilds instead of sheild spells. He also casts attacks from his tomes in the heat of battle, instead of haveing them memorized enough to just use a magic circle or quickspell for them. When in the back lines he can charge up some pretty terrifying stuff, but in the heat of combat he loses his edge of his vast health of knowldge for things more habitual to him (like teleportation and item summons.)
His demon on its own is a curious, amoral, and bored creature. They arent driven by anything save for new knowledge and the preservation of such. Because of thia theyve become a bit of a collector or rare items (more often the not of the magicall verity) to presezerve them. They enjoy their knew host due to a shared goal of the preservation and share of knowledge
Sauls soft spoken and awkward care for the world has left a huge impression on the demon as well, and over time their minds have grown to rely on eachother (think of a parasytic speices evolving into a sembiotic one)
The reason saul can't use limitless ability is, though its the demons power, its got to be filtered through sauls mind. Saul is most used to quick casting teleport and item summon, so those spells are then most easy for him to use at instantly reaction time in combat. Another reason is sauls own magic stores. The demon is knowledge alone, no magic to back it up. They know how to stretch sauls pretty much avrage magic stores by useing cheeper low level spells in the most effective way (like if youre fighting a water enimy, you could you your most coastly fire spell… or your weakest lightning spell for the same amount of damage)
Though the demon could liquify the magic in their collection, they are terribly loath to and refuse to sacrifice that for anything.
Saul tends to refer to himself in pleurals 'We would recommend...' 'Our honorable teacher..' 'it would be better for us...' because of the demon of knowledge.
Saul and Ara both end up adopted by the immortal human Saul met and take their last name of Ginko (Ginko is their adopted last name)
Saul was also originally designed in a picrew, though it's one I can't find any more
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meltwonu · 3 years
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57. “Say it.”
84. “I’m gonna strangle you.”
            “Is that a promise?”
notes; racer/street-racing!au, dom!jihoon, frustrated!jihoon, ‼️ car accidents ‼️, a bit of arguing, dirty talk, degradation, overstimulation, oral(fem receiving), fingering,, choking, jihoon being a tease as always! AAAAAND WE’RE BACK AAAHHH 🥺💕 I can’t believe my account took an extra long unplanned hiatus dkfjhskh I did take the time to just recharge which was good for me tho, I think! 😭💕💕💕 And now I’m ready to tackle drabbles and fics and prep for halloween~~ 😈 hehe also I do be thinkin about jihoon in a leather jacket sooo heh h0e hours are back yall! 🤣🤣 LMAO also this is a little long bc i got carried away oops 😗💕 As always, thank you so much for requesting! Enjoy! 
Edit 2: this was in ref to Christmas In August GoSe!! from... last yr.... hahahah... ☠️
*queued post.
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Jihoon curses as he shifts gears - car screeching as he drifts around the mountainside.
He’s almost to the end; a whopping $5000 waiting for him at the finish line. 
But more importantly, the bragging rights of finally being able to beat Jeonghan in a race.
“Fuck, fuck fuck…”
His eyes peer into the rearview mirror to see Jeonghan’s car only a breath away from his own; body going rigid when he realizes his turn was too wide and Jeonghan’s car ends up on the inner side of the road just as his car grazes Jihoon’s when they both drift the corner together.
Jeonghan has the upperhand as he zooms past the younger male’s car for the umpteenth time and Jihoon can’t help but feel the dread filling his body. 
“Goddamnit!” Jihoon’s fist bangs against the steering wheel as he does his best to pick his speed back up, but it’s too late as Jeonghan’s car zooms out of sight.
Regardless, he growls under his breath and shifts gears again - except this time, the unexpected slick on the mountain road has his breath stuttering when his car suddenly starts to hydroplane down the winding road.
“Oh fu---”
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“Jihoon? Hey, c’mon, talk to me…”
His head hurts, and so does his ego; eyes blinking slowly as he adjusts to the light and your face hovering above him.
“Am I dead?” Groaning, he places his arm over his eyes as you scoff and roll your eyes at the male laying on the sofa in front of you.
“If you were, this would be a real shitty place to be right now. You’re laying on the sofa in Seungcheol’s car garage. But more importantly, are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere? Do we need to bring you to the hospital?”
“How bad did I fuck up my car? Is it totaled?”
He moves his arm before sluggishly making an attempt to sit up - eyes on you before he notices his leather jacket slung over the armrest and the bandages littering the coffee table next to you.
“Damn, it’s probably gonna take a lot of money to fix…”
“Ugh, Jihoon… Can you not worry about your fuckin’ car right now? Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere? You literally slammed into a tree! You’re lucky you weren’t so fucking far from the finish line… They thought it was weird when you weren’t there after a few minutes and found you slumped over the steering wheel!”
Your brows are furrowed as you meet his eyes and he’s quick to sigh and run his fingertips through his hair.
“Cut me some slack - my ego’s fuckin’ shot, right now. I’ve never wiped out that bad. And no, nothing hurts, but the bandages say otherwise, so what’s my damage?”
You move to stand up, picking up the discarded items as you place them back into the first-aide kit.
“You have some scratches on your forehead but that’s it... I’m just worried, okay? That’s never happened before and it could’ve been worse. And on top of that, I wasn’t even there! Do you know how scary it was to get a frantic call from Seungkwan that you were in an accident!?”
Jihoon’s lips purse into a firm line as he watches you put the first-aide kit away.
He typically didn’t like it when you came to his races anyway - he thought you worried too much. But also, he had the exact fear of getting into an accident and somehow harming you when you had no part in paying for the consequences of his hobbies.
“I know, and it’s going to stay that way.” Grumbling, he stands up and stretches - joints cracking as he reaches for his jacket. “It’s fine if I get hurt, but it’s not if you do. I’ll be careful next time, okay? Just got caught a bit off guard, is all. I’m gonna go check the damage on my car now so if--”
You move faster than you anticipate; hand meeting his cheek in a quick motion as his head whips to the side.
“You’re an asshole, Jihoon.”
His fingertips reach up towards his stinging cheek; lips curving into an amused grin as he nods.
“‘Kay, I probably deserved that.”
Jihoon tosses his jacket back onto the armrest before shoving his hands into the pockets of his tight denim.
“So what, then? Hmm? You want me to sit here all annoyed that I not only lost to Jeonghan, but also wrecked my car and probably have to wait months to get parts? Not only that but then spend weeks fixing it... I’m not exactly jazzed right now, doll.”
The drawl in his voice pisses you off more than you anticipate when your body starts to buzz from the arousal from his cocky nature.
“Take your frustrations out on me then.” You whisper back; hands balled up into fists by your sides as he looks you up and down with a growing smirk on his face.
“Oh? That's how you wanna handle it tonight, baby? Say it, then. Tell me exactly what you want me to do instead of what I want to be doing right now.”
“Fuck me and forget about your stupid fucking car!”
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Jihoon is still annoyed.
“Mmnh, fu--fuck that feels s-so good…”
Even when you’re moaning his name loudly and his fingers are knuckle deep inside your cunt.
He can’t take his mind off of his losses tonight as he growls and suddenly picks up the pace as he snaps his wrist quicker - scissoring and curling his nimble fingers right into your sweet spot as you clench around the slicked digits.
“Yeah? I’ll make you feel even better, doll.”
Jihoon leans in between your spread legs; tongue on your clit in seconds as you react by tangling your fingers into his blonde locks - tugging harshly as he groans against your wet skin.
“Oh, g-god! Fuck!” You grind against his fingers and tongue - chasing an orgasm that Jihoon won’t give to you anyway.
‘You’re only allowed to cum on my cock,’ he’d said, ‘If you even think about cumming otherwise, I’ll leave you right here, by yourself, while I tend to my car.’
So you do your best to behave; mentally telling yourself to calm down even when Jihoon flicks at your swollen nub with the tip of his tongue. 
“Puh--please... Just f-fuck me... I--I can’t wait, ah, a-any longer... If you k-keep teasing, mmh, m-me, I’m gonna cum...” You whine; head thrashing against the sofa cushion as Jihoon sucks your clit into his mouth to tease you even more. 
He feels your pussy clenching around his fingers even more, a tell-tale sign you were about to cum so he immediately stops - wet fingers sliding from your tight cunt and lips coated in your wetness when he slowly starts to sit up. His blonde hair in his eyes as he smirks and licks his wet fingers. 
“So fuckin’ impatient for my cock, doll~ I thought I was the one that had a rough night? Yet here I am, answering to your every needy request, hmm?” 
He mockingly pouts at you; hands working to get his jeans off as he tsk’s.
“You're gonna be ‘cause now I’m gonna fuck you how I wanna.” 
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Your body jerks against the sofa from Jihoon’s harsh movements - toes curling behind his back as his cock slams into your cervix. 
“Ngh, s-shit, I--fuh--fuck, w-wait--” Your eyes clamp shut as you cum unexpectedly; quiet sobs on your lips as Jihoon makes no efforts to slow down as he fucks you through your high.
He did say you were allowed to cum on his cock, after all. 
“Aww, is my pretty ‘lil doll cumming just from my cock filling her up? Hmm? Such a dirty ‘lil thing - you love it when I fuck you hard and fast like this, don’t you? It always makes you cum so easily~”
He laughs cruelly as you whimper back in return; walls still fluttering around his cock as he slides his hands under your thighs and maneuvers your legs until they’re almost touching your chest. 
“Mmh, l-love it when you, a-ah, forget about your s-stupid car shit and just f-fuck me s-stupid...” You lick your lips at the way the annoyed look on Jihoon’s face returns. 
“I’m gonna strangle you.” He grits out, “Watch your tongue, doll.”
“Ngh... Ís that a promise? Fuck, it’d p-probably make me c-cum even harder... Mmh, my p-pussy is getting so t-tight thinking about it...” You clench around his cock as he groans and doubles his pace as he chases his high. 
“Yeah? You wanna cum again? Is that what you want? Okay.” 
He reaches between your bodies as he pinches and rubs harsh circles on your clit instead - mischievous eyes watching as your face contorts in pleasure when you feel another orgasm starting to build. 
“O-oh, Jihoon, I--” 
“Mm, you’re so fuckin’ wet and tight around me, doll... And you’re gonna feel even better when I cum inside your desperate ‘lil cunt and fuck it deeper into you.” 
Your breathy cries mix in with his soft chuckles and he's quick to throw you into another mind-blowing orgasm as you cry out and clamp down onto his cock in a vice grip. 
“You cum so easily, doll~ How many more do you think I can get out of you, hm? How many more times do you think you can cum before you’re begging me to let you rest~?” 
You can barely hear Jihoon through the ringing in your ears and the blinding pleasure that has you momentarily blacking out; eyelashes wet with tears when you start to come down from your high. 
“So pretty when you’re all ruined and messy under me, doll~ And you're right,” Jihoon licks his lips - eyes twinkling with lust as he stares down at you, “This really was a good stress reliever. We should do this more often~”
Jihoon takes his wet fingertips from your sensitive clit and slowly starts to slide them up your torso; gentle whimpers falling from your lips as your entire body trembles knowing exactly what he was going to do. 
“J--Jihoon... I--hic--’m too sen--sensitive... I d-don’t, ah, know if--if I can c-cum again...” You slur out; head fuzzy and eyes hazy as you try to focus your eyes on his cocky expression. 
“Mm, thought you said that me choking you would only make you cum harder, huh? Suddenly all bark and no bite after all that, doll? Have you had enough? Should I stop?” 
His lithe fingertips wrap around the column of your throat - slowly adding pressure to the sides as you let out a shaky exhale. 
"N-no... Don’t--Don’t stop...” 
He snaps his hips expertly into you  as he keeps his hand around your throat; periodically loosening his grip to let you catch you breath before he's tightening his grip again. 
“I’m gonna cum inside your pretty ‘lil cunt. I wanna see you get messy for me, doll. I gave you everything you wanted tonight so it’s time for you to return the favour~” 
Jihoon’s cock throbs inside your pussy; already having been on the edge of an orgasm after you had your first one. 
“C-cum inside m-me, Jihoon... W--wanna feel your, mmnh, warm c-cum filling me up...” You moan out; body trembling and buzzing underneath him from the overstimulation. 
He doesn't say another word as he works to get himself and you off once more - only your moans and his quiet grunts filling up the otherwise empty garage. 
And it only takes a few more skillful snaps of his hips and his fingertips tightening around your throat once more before the two of you are cumming together; his cock sheathed in your warmth as he throws his head back in absolute bliss. 
“Oh, fuck!”
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Your entire body feels like deadweight as you peer up at Jihoon; eyelids heavy as his smug appearance hovers over your face. 
“Well, well, well... Guess we both decided passing out was on the schedule tonight, huh. Who would've thought I’d fuck you that hard.” He quips.
“S-shut up, Jihoon...” 
“Or what? You gonna slap me again? I’d love to see where that gets you, doll~” 
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
2011 British gp Fernando is such a mood...
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