#<- because I made the moodboard and I want it in my art tag ^u^
luminousnotmatter · 2 years
This Close
a little j.h.s. something
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pairing: My favorite Texan Naval aviator, Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Female...Reader? OC? She’s kind of both? I’ll explain more in the Author’s Note. 😜 warnings: Mutual pining. Yearny. Friends with feelings they’re not acknowledging. PG-level swears. Takes place in a bar that’s not The Hard Deck. There’s a Dean Martin song used.😜  word count: a little over 1k. author’s note: This is my first bit of writing shared in a good long while, and also my first bit of writing for Top Gun Maverick since that movie happened to me this year. Be gentle please I’m nervous???? 😨😱 This story is actually part of a moment I have in mind for a whole, longer, multi-parted story that’s currently simmering on the stovetop of my brain until I can figure it out more/work up the nerve to plot it out and start writing and sharing it involving Jake and a Lady OC who I’m also still developing. Hence she, ‘Birdy’ a nickname she’s referred to as once here ☺, is sort of straddling the Reader/OC line at the moment. I honestly prefer writing this way than in the second person; it’s easier for me and I find I like the way things flow and feel better, so hopefully y’all don’t mind it. Okay. I’ve officially rambled w a y too much so I’m shutting my cakehole now. 🤐 I sincerely hope it pleases you! 💕❤ bonus material: This is the song that’s playing in the bar in case you want to listen in on Jake and Birdy’s dance.  It’s not a love song really, but I love it and find there is a certain sweet, romance to it. But then again, I’m a known Sap, so form your own opinion. 😉 tagging: My Sweet B.💗 ‘cause she’s a dear, inspiring, and encouraging gem of a lady, whom I love. @bradshawsbaby​
"The sun is sinking in the west the cattle go down to the stream the redwing settles in her nest it's time for a cowboy to dream..."
With the first few lines of the song and Dean Martin's signature croon, the energy and volume in the crowded bar immediately shifts, lowering from it's previous loud, buzzing intensity to a quieter, pleasant hum. A few of the dancing couples rearrange themselves into new pairs, but most stay with their current partners.
  Jake's green eyes glow warm. His lips are still upturned in a gentler, one-sided version of his familiar wide and sunshiney smile, as his gaze sweeps around the space casually, before meeting hers.
"Shall we?" he quirks an eyebrow up. Speaks only loudly enough for her to hear. His left hand remains loosely entwined with her right, leftover from the previous, faster dance, but he's inviting her to join him for this one, not assuming she wants to. A gentleman's gesture.
And some might argue against it: but she knows, believes, has seen, that Jacob Seresin is a gentleman, in the truest sense of the word. He just....buries that part of himself, walls it up, far too often.
She tightens her grip on his hand. Let's herself notice, secretly relish, the roughness of his calloused fingers and palm. And the skipping jolt it sends to her heart. "Let's." and a smiling nod is her only response.
“Purple lights in the canyons That's where I long to be With my three good companions Just my rifle, my pony, and me...”
They step in close to one another once more, less than a foot of space between them. It's not really different than what they had been doing a minute or so ago, albiet slower, but the feeling, the energy between them has changed, just as it has for the place as a whole.
  It's not necessarily an unpleasant change.
Jake's right hand holds her waist with a sort of tentative firmness, the heat of his palm bleeds through the material of her dress to her skin. His left hand has raised her right while they sway and take small steps in time with the music.
At first she looks everywhere but at her partner's face. Gaze sweeping around the room at the other couples, the lights above the bar, patrons' abandoned drinks....
She's exposed, raw, hyper-aware of the pounding of her heart against her ribs, of how hot her cheeks are, of the inherent intimacy there is in this slow closeness, and somehow it seems that if she looks in Jake's eyes it will be a tacit acknowledgement of the Truth she's currently refusing to actively acknowledge: that she likes this. Likes him. This man is her friend (becoming one of her favorite, best ones), so of course she likes him, and she is comfortable with him, as a woman and as his friend, but that Truth? What it actually means deep down? It's a damn frightening thing to look at head-on.
All these sensations and thoughts scramble through her heart and brain in milliseconds.
“Gonna hang my sombrero, On the limb of a tree Comin' home, sweetheart darlin' Just my rifle, my pony, and me...”
The sound of the Naval Lieutenant humming the tune of the song near her ear draws her eyes back to him, almost against her will, but not actually. He's looking around too at first, but quickly meets her eyeline with a gentle widening of his smile.
  "You know this song?" she asks with a smile of her own; she knows this tune well but wouldn't have guessed he did. It brings an ache of fondness to her chest that he does.
"Mm-hm." he nods and grins fully with his mouth closed. His nose scrunches up once, barely perceptible but she catches it. The skin around his eyes crinkles and her chest is hurting again.
  She drops her gaze for just a moment, trying to think of something to say. The silence isn't uncomfortable, it's just that she likes the sound of his voice. Likes the way he talks to her. But when her eyes catch the sheen of sweat on his skin over the hollow of his throat, they fly back up. Immediately.
  Jake is still looking at her. His look is so very unguarded (her heart whispers the word: tender) it sends any thought of words out of her mind. His pink mouth is still smiling, but it too is a smaller, softer, a more intentional, meaningful thing.
“Whippoorwill in the willow Sings a sweet melody Ridin' to Amarillo Just my rifle, my pony, and me...”
He breathes out the quietest, whispered, "Hey, Birdy."
Her throat is tight with some unexpressed, still-ignored emotion but she's able to whisper back, "Hey, Jay."
Jake gives her hand two squeezes in quick succession.
“No more cows to be ropin’ No more strays will I see Round the bend, she'll be waitin' For my rifle, my pony, and me My rifle, my pony, and me...”
Someone in the crowd calls for the song to please be played again, just once more. Their request is granted.
She swallows hard. Jake's lashes are long and his eyes are so green and the unguarded, tender look in them is still there. He is no longer smiling, just looking; his expression still soft, open.  He's not only looking at her but seeing her. The rosy, ruddy glow to his cheeks and the firmness of him beneath her hand that cups his back, all shout of the health, vitality, alive-ness of him.
It's a fight to think of other things besides her desire to lean all the way into his chest.
I wanna give up that fight.  For right now: I can give up. I give up. she thinks to herself. With a finality and resolve to which she grasps tightly.
Before anxiety and self-doubt and outright fear can question and crumble that resolve she does it.
She takes the half-step in, tucking her left hand between their two bodies up by her face and rests her cheek to his t-shirt covered chest, right below his left clavicle. She allows any tension to bleed from her shoulders, her neck, her arms, and lets him hold her.
Just for the rest of the song, she tells herself.
As he curls his right arm all the way round her back, Jake holds his next inhale at its peak for a quick extra second or two, then lets it out evenly, once she relaxes fully against him. She can't see his face of course, but he feels like even his blinking is slow, and careful. She's never been quite this close to him before now.  And he's never....he's not sure he has ever allowed himself to consider that he's wanted her to be...but his deep-down self is realizing: he has. Damn.
He shakes that realization and its implications off for the moment. It doesn't have to be dealt with right now.
  Just enjoy the rest of the song, Seresin, he tells himself. Rests his cheek gently against her head. Holds her.
They sway and take small steps, to and fro, to and fro, until the song does...eventually...unfortunately....end.
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carlos-in-glasses · 9 months
Thank you for the tag @carlos-tk @liminalmemories21 @lemonlyman-dotcom ❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜
last song: Nothing Compares 2 U by Sinéad O'Connor. I was listening to a Spotify playlist on shuffle, and sang along emotionally while packing my suitcase for Christmas back with my parents.
favorite color: Green!
last movie/tv show: Fellow Travelers for TV; last movie was Wild - one of my favourites.
sweet/spicy/savory: I go through phases and am in savory phase at the moment - good bread and olives is unbeatable.
relationship status: Shacked up with a boy.
last thing i googled: Whole Foods opening hours, because me and the above mentioned boy were arguing over when it does in fact open. I was correct about 8am - he thought it was 9:30am even though *I* had literally been there at 8am once before. Bloody men.
current obsession: (Aside from Tarlos): Colourful/rainbowy items! I'm in a real colour mood. Some recent colourful acquisitions (and tags) are included below the read more! Featuring my monstrously divine shacket called "art blanket", which I think is a perfect term; a hazy rainbow jumper; some bonkers socks and a striped top from Lucy & Yak; a beautifully splodgy umbrella to replace my recently broken black one, and a shower curtain with the same vibe.
Also open tag if you see this and want to do it! And now I need to stop procrastinating for goodness sake I have thngs to do. I literally made a bloody moodboard for this.
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Tagging with no pressre: @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @heartstringsduet @reyesstrand @welcometololaland @goodways @thisbuildinghasfeelings @strandnreyes @whatsintheboxmh @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @louis-ii-reyes-strand @herefortarlos @lutavero @fitzherbertssmolder @inkweedandlizards @paperstorm @alrightbuckaroo @lightningboltreader @bonheur-cafe @wandering-night19 @ladytessa74 @rmd-writes and open tag!
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everythingseasoning · 11 months
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Attack on Titan fan made content is making my heart drop & making me fucking sob & cry. Eren my heart breaks for you, always. Your beliefs were so impassioned and valid. You deserved freedom. You did simply because you were born…💚🫂 Mikasa, you did the right thing (was so difficult and I’m proud of you), and I hope you lived happily like Eren wanted. Armin, choose me. Love me. Pick ME. (I’m gonna pretend ArminxAnnie isn’t canon because I’m delusional and Armin is so M-boyfriend coded, shoo, Annie, shoo). Isayama’s characters feel SO REAL and I respect that madly.
ALSO LOOK AT THIS TINY MOODBOARD IT’S SO AOT SEASON 1-3 CODED 🥺💔❗️💛💛💛 Eren deserved peace oh my fuckkkking god. Yellow pics & inspo from @xurooow
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I’m heavily considering picking up AOT again… and finishing it! Which kinda sucks cause I just got the released manga’s of Jujutsu Kaisen SO LIKE — I’m torn between which one to invest in right now.
I feel like Attack on Titan is much more relevant, considering what’s happening in Gaza. Being immersed in AOT will keep me grounded in the effect and horrors of war, which might be overwhelming but also useful because it means I’ll be more likely to be thinking about Palestine more often than if I was reading JJK manga instead.
Plus I miss all my AOT buddies :’( YALL ily & miss u pls interact with me !! gonna tag a few peeps I’ve chatted with before & remember & miss <3 @oxygenbefore1775 @e-skyylite @notafightr @romantichomicide95 @averysmolbear @ichijager13 (I used to be mal-writes!) & shout out to my most best gal @raenacreates <3 thank u for being a good person and for existing and bean u ilysm everyone pls check out her skilled art PLS
Ya girl hasn’t even watched season 4 of Attack on Titan AND YET I’M WALLOWING from all the Instagram reels and brief AOT thoughts I hear. (Haven’t watched s4 & yet I know a lot of spoilers unfortunately… and I hadn’t watched s4 cause I saw Eren’s depressed face and it made me wanna cry and I couldn’t handle that depression).
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^ second set of photos is me and my love for eren
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cupidspup · 3 months
question 15 from the agere questions !! :D
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Hello anon! :D Thank you so much for asking!^^
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Today's question is:
"What platforms do you usually go to for agere content? (Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, ect)"
To answer your question yes I do go to different platforms for agere content :3
When I first started out as a regressor I always went to instagram because it's honestly all I knew at the time as a 12-13 year old kid :> I mainly went there to see thise cute lil text post scripts of cgs and their littles and it made me so small!
Buuuut then many years later I made a friend who isn't in the community but said they read fics on Tumblr! And I was like "omg?? Wait??? I never thought of fics on other websites other than wattpad" (which I'll get to later) so! I went onto here maybe 1 or 2 years ago and I started reading! And I saw how a bunch of blogs would post a bunch of other things and just ✨️🎀✨️
Tumblr is definitely my main and holy grail for agere content
I know a lot of people make moodboards and all that stuff as content but I wanted more agere content for everyone! Which inspired me to make more and more fics! (Since I already post other fics on Twitter x]) I love that I post fics and I love that people enjoy them so much it warms my heart so greatly that people enjoy me and my content QwQ🩷
Now, speaking of fics I know it's probably not necessarily on the list BUT
I do go on wattpad for this one mha agere series and it's so so good and I love it it's been with me for like 2 or 3 years and it's EVERYTHING (I'll drop links if anyone asks I promise)
I also love to read the agere fic of a close friend of mine on AO3 too!
As for Instagram, I do still use it and have it!! Although I usually just use it to either look at art or shop for little gear! I am happy to say that at my grown age I have managed to build up a collection and have favorite shops to buy from x) BUT!! My cg and I are starting up our own Instagram profile together soon!! And I'm so excited!! ^^
I hope this answered your question anon and I hope it wasn't too long either 🧍💀
Tysm again for asking and please do ask some more!! I love doing these and I love talking to people so please flood my inbox with stuff :3🩷
On a different note, for anyone who would like to interact often but wants to stay anon, would you guys like a emoji tag thing so I know who's who (to an extent?) Please let me know in the comments! ^^
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sexlapis · 2 years
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I posted 711 times in 2022
That's 152 more posts than 2021!
52 posts created (7%)
659 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 445 of my posts in 2022
Only 37% of my posts had no tags
#sexlapis reblogs.🪷 - 85 posts
#nanami x reader - 28 posts
#moodboards! - 24 posts
#sexlapis loves art - 24 posts
#🎨.jjk - 20 posts
#☁️.nanami - 20 posts
#toji x reader - 16 posts
#sexlapis laughs - 14 posts
#criminal minds - 13 posts
#sexlapis loves women - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 117 characters
#because you know full well that your opinions are the norm ans you want to feel superior to all the “progressives😡😡
My Top Posts in 2022:
drabble, nsfw
u and nanami havin sex but he’s being so soft and gentle with his thrusts n u so desperately want him to go faster and harder :( ur literally cryin and holding ur legs up higher, begging him to faster. “please please ken, go harder pleaseeeee” and nanami does nothing other than shush u, pressing a kiss to ur cheek, sayin “you’ll take what i give you angel” before only slightly picking up the pace, leaving u writhing in ur torment and pleasure simultaneously n cockdrunk :(
842 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
a tip for fanfic writers.
if you’re going to write a fic more than 1k words, please put “:readmore:” to split the fic so people can choose to read the rest or not. because sometimes i’m scrolling through a tag and a 5k word fic just pops up and i’m forced to scroll though the entire thing!
so again, add “:readmore:” (without the quotation marks) to split up your fic <3 i ain’t tryna read ur 100k fic when i’m just looking for a 600 word mikasa fluff, godbless.
987 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
riding toji for the first time
❀ : toji x female reader
cw : ns4w, riding, a short fic!, actually rlly fluffy, toji referring to himself in 3rd person😵‍💫, big dick toji :)
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you’re on the couch, straddling toji’s thick legs as his calloused fingers run gently along the length of your wet folds. moaning softly, sweaty palms gripping on to his hard shoulders, his hot mouth closed around your perked dark nipples, biting them with the scrape of his teeth. your mouth finds home on his neck, purples marks litter toji’s tan skin.
“fuck.” toji rasps out and one of his hands grab a hold of his hard length, stroking himself slowly. “okay baby, i think you’re ready now.”
you bit your lip and nod vigorously. toji had been playing with your little pussy for ages now, leaving the in between of your thighs and his fingers wet with your sweet mess. your thighs tremble as you straddle him. taking his length in your hand, you position yourself over him, rubbing your velvet folds against him and before you know it you’re sinking down on his thick cock. too overwhelmed to make any noise, your mouth falls open as you bottom out.
it was unlike anything you’ve ever felt. this position had toji feel so deep within you and it made you mind blank. toji brings you back to reality by stroking the side of your face gently, looking at your pretty face.
“you okay sweetie?” he chuckles deeply at your already fucked out expression. you had always been so sensitive, so responsive to his touch. it had him feeling a sense of pride that he could make you such a beautiful mess. his beautiful mess.
shyly, you laugh along with him and nod at this question, face feeling hot at the intimacy of the situation.
you breathe out. “yeah toj, ‘m okay.”after reassuring him, you start to grind your hips slowly. even the slightest of movements made you feel him so deeply. you moan quietly as you continue to ride him. toji’s hold on your hips tighten as you bounce on his cock.
“oh- oh fuck.” toji gasps. “shit..making me feel s’fuckin’ good.” he looks at you, admiring your blissed expression before grabbing your chin softly to make you look at him. his silver eyes were kind as they observed you. “am i making you feel good baby?”
part of you wants to run away from his gaze as you feel vulnerable under his loving scrutiny. but you stay and look him in the eyes, grounding yourself.
your soft hands cup his face as you reply, “yes tojiii…you make me feel soso good!”
toji nods with you and cups your ass in his big hands, forcing you to bounce on his dick faster, harder. sounds of slapping of skin against skin fill the room, only getting louder with each passing second. you attempt to smother your loud moans but that idea goes to shit as soon as toji begins to thrust up into you.
“ah! oooooo- toji, toji! oh my god!” you’re almost screaming as toji ravishes your body, tits and stomach jiggling with each of this hard thrusts, chests pressed together and it’s like you’re cockdrunk. head thrown back, eyes behind your head, drool seeping from the corner of your mouth, lips glossy and your face sweaty. to toji, you were a sight to behold.
toji reaches his hand to your head, making you look at him. “eyes on me honey.” he coos.
you whine and shiver at the tone of his voice and look at him once more, foreheads touching. “mmmmm. love you toji.”
toji smiles at the confession, silently swooning and heart beating out of his chest at how sentimental you get during sex.
“i love you too sweetheart.” toji responds softly. he kisses your cheek before leaning back on the couch, smirking at you. “now how’s ‘bout you make toji cum?”
1,045 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
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♡ : eren jaeger x female! reader
ᨳ  ࣪ . cw : ns4w, dom! eren, sub! reader, eren is a lil mean but not that much :), HEAVY edging -> edging for over a month ♡, squirting, overstimulation, subspace, sex toys, mentions of oral sex, nipple play, spanking, restraints, pussy slapping, ass play & fingering, profanity
ᨳ  ࣪ . wc : 2.9k
. synopsis : you haven’t cum in over a month…but its only what you asked for…
ᨳ  ࣪ . minors & blank blogs DNI
See the full post
2,451 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
eren x female reader, ns4w, very short, coming inside, morning sex
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no bc eren would be so whiny in the morning…he’d be so desperate too. his morning wood would be poking against your thigh while he shakes u gently to wake u up.
“babyy” calling out to you in his deep, tired morning voice. “baby wake up..need you righ’ now..haha..”
and you’re just as desperate, letting him pull down your shorts and spread your legs to play with your wet cunt. then he’s laying you two both on your sides, raising your leg to his hip before easing his thick length into hot pussy.
it’s starts off slow..both of you are still drowsy and weak from sleep but that doesn’t deter either of you. your faces are so close together, breathing against each other’s skin, lips brushing against each other, too far gone to even kiss. eren’s pretty eyes are almost constantly rolling into the back of his head at how good he feels. how good you feel. his body is so sensitive, the feeling of your hole around his cock is making him go fucking crazy.
“awh fuuckkk.” eren’s groaning as his thrust start to speed up just a lil bit…the angle has you feeling him real deep, you’re gasping at every gentle thrust, the slap slap slap of skin reverberating around the room. you feel a warmth spread in ur lil tummy, clit brushing against the pubic hairs at the base of his dick and your mouth drops open and eyes roll back at the feeling.
then erens gripping your ass with both hands and thrusting harder, faster, until you’re gripping the back of his neck with small oh my gods and other senseless profanities. eren rolls you onto your back before folding you into a mating press and going to town on you.
balls slapping against your ass with every thrust, long hair falling and draping around you like a curtain.
“shit..” eren whines, borderline whimpers. “shit…oh fuck..fuck..fuck ‘m g’nna cum. baby ‘m gonna fucking cum…” he’s looking at you, cheeks tinted red and lips wet. “can i cum inside? you’ll lemme come inside right?” his thrusts become frantic and erratic and you’re nodding along to his question. he thrusts at an angle that has you seeing white light, squirting and making a mess of him and the sheets. eren curses, rough fingers finding your clit, running circles over it to prolong your high. your hips twitch against his, rolling and grinding and coming to a stop.
“god, i’m cumming.. i’m cumming ‘m cumming…fuck!” his voice goes high pitched towards the end of his sentence and he’s finished. he pounds into you sporadically as he cums, pumping your soft walls white. he keeps thrusting…he comes soo much. his expression is erotic, eyes rolled back and tongue lolled out.
eren huffs and moans as the last few spurts of cum leave him, all fucked out. he pulls out slowly, looking at his cum drool out of your brown folds and fall below you. pulls you close and massages your shoulders and tells you what you and him are going to do for the day and you fall asleep to the sound of his soothing voice 💭
See the full post
2,466 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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nho-jungle · 2 years
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Hello it’s me again back with another fic exchange event but this time i'm sick of doing all the work so im making u guys do it instead (/silly).
On the 20th of September it will have been a year since my first hermitcraft fic. Really, I just wanted an excuse to organise an event cuz I like doing those. 
This is an AO3 ONLY exchange, due to the ease of archive warnings, ratings, and the tagging system. The name of this exchange implies you will be creating a fic. That is an option, but not actually the point. I am just stupid. 
Any works of any rating with any warning can be submitted. The sign-up form lets you choose what you are comfortable reading. 
The premise of this exchange is as follows:
Everyone submits one of their own fics (and fills out some details on the submissions form).
Submissions will close at 9pm BST on the 15th of August.
On the 20th of August, I will send out dm’s assigning everyone someone else’s fic.
You will then have a month to create content for that fic (content options below).
All content should be posted by the 20th of September.
This exchange is limited to mcyt, but it’s open to all branches (there is a tick multiple option on the form for which you are comfortable reading). 
More info below the cut:
The content options you can create are listed on the form, but I will explain some specific rules here:
Companion fic. Either a continuation of the fic, a chapter from a different pov, or something else within the universe that the original author created. 
Art. Either doodles or a full blown painting, whatever you want. If your style is more on the quick doodle side, please do a full page/multiple doodles. Equivalent exchange etc. 
Moodboards. A series of (usually 9) still images representing the fic. Please do at least two if you choose to do a moodboard. 
Stimboard/GIF Moodboard. (Usually 9) GIFs representing the fic. With stimboards/gifs, you are allowed to only make one board. 
Poetry. Write a poem about the fic! Get creative with it, whatever. I’m not gonna limit word count but I will say if you write haikus then maybe do more than one. Once again, equivalent exchange. 
Book-style cover art. I made this separate to art because it can be drawing or photo editing, but this would be creating a cover as if the fic were a physical book.
If you are unable to complete your creation by the 20th of September, you can either dm me to tell the person who’s fic you were assigned, or you can dm them yourself. If you have not received your gift by the 20th of September, dm me and I will message the person who was assigned your fic. 
All of these are minimum limits, if you get inspired and want to draw a full-blown comic then go for it! Basically what I’m trying to convey is just make sure your gift is something you’d be happy to receive. This is an event for enjoyment. On the flip-side, don’t feel pressured to create the most glorious work of art and get yourself burnt out. That’s not fun for anyone.
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end of the year review tag
Tagged by @sinaesthete thank u :3
What fandoms did you create for?
My Hero Academia and Supernatural, with some brief dips into Minecraft and Hades! Also technically ddlc I guess haha
How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
Oh boy. Ohhh boy. I have no idea I gotta count this uhhh somewhere under 10 fics, mostly fragmented. 46 drawings, which was a lot more than I expected actually, and god even knows how many metas. They’re in my ‘the soup’ tag if you want to count them. Oh, and two playlists
Any stats you wanna tell us about?
Bnha & spn were split pretty evenly art-wise but the quality improves a Lot right around the time I made this blog — and started drawing for spn. The power of inspiration I guess!!
What inspired you this year? Any specific works or creators?
THE BESTIESSSS you have no fucking idea how many of the art ideas I have recorded in my notes are inspired by you guysss literally thank you so much 4 giving me the confidence to be Weird™
What are you most proud of?
Most proud this blog in general, especially given that I originally only made it to organize my mains spn tag! Specifically though I gotta go with my yandere luci, because it’s the first art I’ve had exactly line up with how I imagined it in my head. Meat cleavers my beloved.
What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
Most of them actually lol, but the most out of left field was prolly the ddlc archangels cuz I mean, how tf was anyone supposed to predict that
Uhhh god who tf do I tag that hasn’t been tagged already @serpentsam @ckneal @bage-the-gabe @carrotfricker
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juwon-ah-moved · 4 years
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hi friends! this year had its highs and lows and i’m ready to let go of it, but i won’t let go of the beautiful people i met on here in the past months, and those i already knew and who keep bringing joy onto my dash! i got into a new fandom that brought me many joys and new beautiful people into my life and i couldn’t be happier about that! you’re all cool so here’s my humble thank you to you ♡
i don’t follow that many people, i kinda find comfort in seeing the same familiar faces on my dash, but i have been trying to look around more because honestly especially the (lgbt) fandom for asian dramas/”bl” has so many nice and funny and talented people that it’s a pity not see who else is on here! so here’s to hoping i’ll meet even more awesome people in 2021 :^) also, if i forgot anyone, i’m really sorry! and to those of you who i for whatever reason haven’t followed back but who are always around, i want you to know i see you and appreciate you showing up in my notes, it genuinely makes me happy and know that you can talk to me any time! love you! <3
okay i talk too much, here we go:
@amasawaseiji aaaa edo!! now we pretty much only talk outside of tumblr but we did meet on here and !!!! ur the only italian i respect jdskn ur seriously one of the nicest and funniest people i know and ur a very dear friend to me, i know i always tell u but it never hurts to hear so: i love you!!!! i hope 2021 will be a good year for u and that we can finally see each other again, i will fight covid :(
@petekaos rahul, what can i say!! i feel so lucky to have gotten the chance to know u this year, we had so many never-ending convos, on here, on twitter, we shared heacanons (ram and bohn friendship forever, @ perth Listen To Us) and you’ve been a great friend to me, you’ve always supported me even when i was at my worst and i will honestly never forget that. ur kind and funny and we can go from talking about serious stuff to laughing about u quoting gandhi and that’s friendship to me! u also have read i think 2 of my fics before i posted them at this point and both fics mean the world to me and the fact that u supported me through the process of posting them when i was so insecure also means a lot to me! as do all our conversations about my engineer, manboss, petekao, etc. just... i love you! never forget to take care of urself <3
@pangwave daaaawn u are such a kind and strong person and i really appreciate how u were there for me when i was questioning earlier this year. i know u understand a lot of what i was going through and in general we have stuff in common that i know if i talk to u about, ur gonna understand. i wish u the best always and we should catch up one day, please know i am always here for u, for anything! and u have such good taste and i love seeing u on my dash :) !
@yioh yuraaaaa im gonna say it again i need to find a nickname for u. u have the worst one for me but it is so endearing at this point that i love it sjdsk ur such a nice presence on my dash and i like coming by ur askbox every once in a while bc first of all i love you, secondly u always have the best replies to asks. i can’t explain it ur just nice and ur energy is amazing !!! ur art is also so pretty and warm and makes me feel... home. i wish u the best with uni and with ur life and aaaalso ur The cherry magic blog to me. see cherry magic? think of yura. also given always makes me think of u. i associate so many little pieces of media with u bc ur just so lovely when u talk or blog about the shows and movies and stuff u like that when i see those things i immediately get reminded of u idk!!
@gigiesarocha cata!! even if we haven’t talked that much, u are such a light on my dash and i always love seeing ur posts, be it gifsets or reblogs. u have amazing taste! when u said u still listen to the playlist i made for u i was so happy, im glad u liked it :’) keep being the sweet person u are!
@morksuns sumaya!! u beautiful human!! it’s always so nice to see u on my dash, i know this will sound like a silly reason but for example i love ur tagging system, it’s so satisfying to look at u tagging everything. i just think it’s neat. u have great taste in shows and great opinions (both on Good Shows and on Bad Shows/Rep) and i know i can trust u! also, ur very pretty and i love ur moodboards! i hope ur 2021 will be filled with good things <3
@lesbian-earn may! oh my god okay, i literally have been following u for 2 seconds but! we’re getting to know each other a little and talking to u is really so nice and ur such a sweet person!! ur support for my itsay fic warmed my heart so much and so does ur general kind words and OFC the cat pics u send me. what a blessing!! i wish u the best of luck with ur exams and i hope we can talk more because i already am fond of u! <3
@brightwin jelly!! u are such a warm and kind light in this fandom and i honestly enjoy even just seeing ur url, before i see any post, because u just bring so much positivity with u! ur gifs are so pretty and i can always tell they’re yours immediately. i miss them and u tbh!! i hope ur doing well! :)
other people i love following a whole lot: @fushiguroo @labontas @mrchicsaraleo @speedrunsuicide @ikarosapollo @panncakes @makotokyoqoku @burfee @class2clown @metawwin @leoyunxi @asianmelodrama @lesbianspeedy @earthfluuke @wjmild @lakornladies @torfight @khaotungthanawat
honorable mentions for my football sideblog (@franckkessie): @captvandijk @montosmadman @hendos 
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hopeshoodie · 4 years
I feel so bad letting this sit for so long, but better late than never I suppose! Thank you to literally everyone who tagged me in this. Literally every time I see these posts it makes me grin like an absolute dope at my phone. This is one of the best fandoms I’ve ever been in. I know I joke that I’m just sitting in my corner making garbage, so thank yall for making the room my corner is in so lovely.
So here’s a shoutout to the people who made my 2020 better. If I’m following you (from my main @hyperspacial because despite being on tumblr for nearly a decade I still hardly know how to run a sideblog) I 100% like you. I’m sorry if I forget to tag people :( Also this is about to be a long ass post- don’t feel obligated to reply or like or whatever just because you’re tagged :P
@garyandhisnan. I just…. I adore you. Highkey would walk to the ends of the earth if you asked. Your writing, your posts, everything is top notch (and you’re an awesome person to boot which like… shouldn’t be allowed). Thank you for letting me rant about American late-stage capitalism and all the other nonsense I flood your inbox with. If yall aren’t following them, go do it now.
Tumblr media
@ariendiel Why you would want to collaborate with me, ME, of all people? Still astounds me. I pinkie promise we’re gonna do it though, and it’s gonna be so good. I’m so excited. But seriously, your fics are some of the only ones that I can keep coming back to. Your writing is *chefs kiss* and your edits/moodboards are literally so pretty. I love your blog and I cherish you, you slut cheat.
@kiki-the-creator same brain saME BRAIN SAME BRAIN how do we have the exact same brain!? Your fics literally are the best thing this fandom has produced- I come up with these half baked concepts, you make them actually good, then I play dollhouse with them over and over again in my head forever :3 That Erikah fic? Literally every Marisol fic you write?? I love them. Also you’re highkey so funny and ugh. Te adoro.
@bubblelaureno you’re literally too good for me. For real. I’m sorry I’m so shitty about keeping up to date with fics and edits, you deserve way more than my shitty memory and my 2 second long attention span. Your blog is literally a beacon of positivity and it’s absurd how much I admire your drive and your analytical way of thinking. This fandom is so lucky to have you.
@codename-mango controversial yet brave opinion- your blog is the best LITG blog on tumblr. Your headcanons, your jokes, your route overviews? All immaculate. Even your reblogs are the best of what everyone else is posting. You’re the only reason I have notes, and I appreciate you sm.
@oneflewoverthecuckoos my comment to mango is controversial only because if not her, then your LITG sideblog for sure. For a ‘Lucas’ blog, the diversity of content and LIs you talk about is refreshing. I fucking love seeing people talk about non-LI characters.
@inthenewblood thank you for letting me bitch about the reddit oml it’s needed. Also having someone to be salty with? A new but not unwelcome experience lmfao
@noahssidechick you are literally so sweet oml I treasure our chats and the pictures of your dogs. You bring such a chill and earnest vibe to the fandom and ugh, I’m so glad to have you.
@fuseboxmusebox I feel like you’re so consistent in the fandom, like you were here when I first joined and you’ll be here after I inevitably lose interest and leave. Your reblogs are top notch, the takes are even topper notch, and it wouldn’t be a ‘litg blogs that made me happy’ list without you.
@crvsh-culture I will never not sing your praises. I love your blog, I love you perspective, I love your vibe. I consider you a friend even though we’ve talked like… once.
@radiantdae your artbreeder edits were the first thing in the fandom that left me genuinely astounded. Like holy shit they were so good. Kassam??? That was a REAL MAN. Obviously the stuff you post now is really good too and your blog is excellent. But tbh when I think of the LITG fandom, the first think I think of is your artbreeder pictures. Also your ‘filipino words that make me think of the islanders’. I still think of that often. 
@therealityofthematteris seeing you in my notes makes me smile every time. That’s basically all, just needed to say it lmao. Also if anyone has almost convinced me to start playing TWC, it’s you and Seliné.
@bellarxse my dash would be dry af without you. Same with TWC- I’m so tempted to play because of your posts (I have it downloaded on my phone but like…. I haven’t finished a single route in Arcana and starting a new thing is overwhelming). But also your prompts are one of the few things that makes me want to write lmfao.
@lahelakoh I feel like I’ve said it before but your posts SEND me oml. The tiktok references, the chaotic energy. Both the taste and the flavour is immaculate.
@kiwi-tai we haven’t talked that much but oml I love your content so much 15/10
@confused-inalltheways-human you’re literally so cool and I think about that Harry fic all the time. Am I ever gonna get around to writing it? Probably not. But it was such a good idea. Also thank you for lighting up my notification.
@oceanatydes you come here, you post literally spectacular content, and then you peace out like bruh I wish I had your mind. I adore your edits, but my favorites are your posts/headcanons.
@voile-de-lune your aesthetic is everything I aspire to be and your headcanons/edits are such a refreshing take on characters that we’ve all gotten so stale with. I still live for that Rahim moodboard you made. Also your headcanons are so fantastic.
@lasswithumor this fandom desperately needs more Carl stans, thank you for doing the lords work. Also I highkey stalk your blog on a regular basis jsjsjsjsjsjs every chat we’ve had has been lovely and ugh, you’re just lovely
@bobbysapron your vibes are literally so immaculate. I know it’s been awhile since we chatted but I highkey adore your content and ugh. You’re such a cool person.
@beebips I feel like you’ve vanished off my dash, but you made up for it with that 3rd chapter of The Other Side of Seventh Ave made up for it.
@nerdferatum I don’t think I’ve ever breathed a word in your direction but oml you’re so sweet and supportive and every time your posts cross my dash I *pleading emoji*
@mrsgaryrennell I’m still agog that we’re mutuals because like… You are so talented. It took me waaaayyy too long to get into Blue and Hazel but now that I have… It’s highkey better than the actual season skskskskss
@kingkassam Like the above, you are waaaayyy too cool to be following me sksksksk. I’ve still got a few edits you had ideas for in the pipeline, and highkey the Kassam icons you requested are my favorite edits I’ve ever made. I live for someone else playing Matchmaker.
@hermitclaw  hello?????? You’re so funny what the FUCK are you doing following me. Ik you don’t post that much anymore, but every LITG you grace us with is a knockout. It feels unreal when you reblog my stuff. Basically the same to @mchamster. Like you’re both so funny and have been in the fandom for so long that it fully feels like royalty whenever yall interact with me.
@ravenadottir I am fully unworthy to even mention your name but oml. Your guides are the only thing that help me retain information about the season, and your recent outfit edits? Oh my god they’re so good. Hope’s especially, with the brightly colored swimsuit, left me absolutely speechless. You’re just above everything in the fandom and I admire that so much. Plus you really don’t have to flex that hard in your fics, and yet-
@smaiihands saving the best for last because you are one of the single most talented people in this fandom. Your art is the strongest life support for the fandom and like I know we haven’t talked in awhile but you’re also such a dope person. So.
And a big shoutout to all the people I follow who I don’t talk to but have nothing but good vibes. I appreciate yall way more than I can articulate: @richhdesire @needsomesorrel @ficticiouspastry @cranesandshipyards @litg-ish @princesslove19060 @fictitiouspastery​  @icedcoffee-please @demons-dogs-and-puns @sparklydinosaurr @mountainmanxoxo  @diamondsdiary @bucket-bill@another-lottie-simp @bobbys-darling @cyn-onlyyou @mikcove @officialpapa-johns @Amaxn @dxncingthroughlife @myfictionalobsessions  @screw-u-vaanu @kittidot @chichiguitarist123 @myfictionalobsessions @Azibear @amelia-w @lilithlibrxa @litghoe @priyas-tiddies @daisybarks @ajs-wife
At this point this post is just a directory of the LITG fandom lmfao but genuinely. Thank every single one of you. 2020 was hard as shit, but I’ve been hyperfixated on LITG for like a year and I treasure your content sm.
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hephaestiions · 3 years
thank you @stavromulabetaaa for tagging me in this wonderful game!! it’s so much fun and such a lovely way to get to know the people behind the blogs that make the fandom experience better <33 
1. why did you choose your url?
why did i choose this url? i saved the url way before i made the blog, and the reasoning is a bit foggy but i do remember wanting to be very clear on it being a drarry blog (makes the anon who sent me the ‘why do u rb so much drarry’ ask that much more hilarious) and added the ‘oh’ because it expresses a certain sentiment that most drarry shippers are intimately familiar with 😂
2. sideblogs?
this blog is itself a sideblog, my main is @yesperfahey . that said, i am going to be embarrassingly exposed, but:  @kitchenism (aesthetic sideblog where i rb reference photos, aesthetic images, web weaving posts, etc.), @geetstudies (studyblr), @yusufalkasayni (for films/tv shows, it was supposed to inspire me to watch more stuff but it’s languishing inactive mostly), @doriangray (dark academia, classics, pretty edits + moodboards + occasional fashion inspiration, etc.), @psykhes (mythology), @andrewminyyard (for aftg and trc) and @stevenroguers (for marvel and stucky). i have a few others but they aren’t particularly relevant or active and i don’t want this to go on forever. 
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
i think about 5/6 years. 
4. do you have a queue tag?
yes!!! it’s potteresqueue !! i have a separate queue tag for every single one of the blogs you’ve seen up top but this one is one of my favourites. 
5. why did you start your blog?
i started my main because tumblr was the fandom hub and i was neck deep in drarry as a teenager, but this specific sideblog happened when i started segregating my interests into separate blogs and wanted to be more active specifically in the drarry fandom. 
6. why did you choose your icon?
it’s a picrew of me from my favourite picrew!! it’s too slytherin from back when i thought i was a slytherin and i might change the colours a little to fit the ravenclaw vibe better, but the slightly grumpy lesbian is here to stay <33 
7. why did you choose your header?
i searched up drarry headers and this was one of the first ones i found. i think i’m going to change it, because while it does fit the aesthetic of my blog, i’m all about desi!harry. much as i love dan radcliffe, he’s stopped being the harry i imagine in my head. 
8. post with most notes?
this one which is surprising, because i posted it,,,, two days ago, i think? people seem to enjoy me writing fluff, who would’ve thought. i’m not a big blog and i don’t create a ton of original content on tumblr, so it’s not objectively a ‘big post’ but it makes me happy either way to know a bunch of people chose to spend their time reading what i had to say <33 
9. how many mutuals do you have?
tumblr’s system for checking this is... very basic and full of holes so i have no idea but i get very excited whenever an url i recognise likes/reblogs/comments/tags me in anything, so if you’re a mutual, then please know i cherish you deeply and you make my day whenever i see you in my notifs <33 
10. how many followers do you have?
tumblr hides this for a reason, i choose to not share this <3 
11. how many people do you follow?
520. i used to follow upwards of 900, but i purged many inactive blogs a few months ago so we’re at 520. 
12. ever made a shitpost? not with that specific intention, i don’t think, but the #geets.txt tag on this blog and others feels plenty shitpost-y to me. 
13. how often do you use Tumblr each day?
😬  i’m... very online. tumblr is my safe space on the internet and i spend a great deal of time on here with little regret. 
14. did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
i don’t think so? i’ve got a couple rude anons, but those don’t count, right? there was a whole Situation on my main once upon a time, but i stay pretty chill on this one and i hope it stays that way. 
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
i choose to ignore that line if it’s there. if i agree with the message and think it’s an important one to have on my blog, then i reblog, but if it’s a post that’s either fishing or guilt-tripping or being threatening, then i scroll past. i understand where the sentiment comes from but there’s a better way to phrase these things. 
16. do you like tag games?
i love them, they’re so much fun. 
17. do you like ask games?
yes!! ‘someone thought of me?? someone remembered me? someone went into my askbox to say this???? i am a puddle of love’ 
18. which of your tumblr friends/mutuals do you think is famous?
fame on tumblr is a myth, honestly 
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? so many tumblr crushes. So. Many. everybody is so lovely, so welcoming, so full of excitement and appreciation for art and creativity, how could i not? 
tagging @shealwaysreads @tackytigerfic @dragontamerdame @onbeinganangel @the-starryknight @orange-peony @drarrymybeloved @amortentiaboys @hogwartsfirebolt if they want to do it/haven’t already done it. this was quite a bit of fun so if you want to do it and i haven’t tagged you, then this is an open tag for you too <3 
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stoneqoldcrazy · 4 years
❤ 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙦𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙘𝙧𝙖𝙯𝙮'𝙨 𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙩 ❤
First off I just want to thank @two-lovers-together for putting together this event! Reading my favorite blogs' (which is everyone I follow tbh) replies to my and everyone else's lovely messages has made my day. It's very uplifting and I think we all needed it so I really really appreciate you putting this event together 💓💗💞💖
Secondly 😌 I'm gonna list off some AMAZING creators in the Queen fandom that you all should consider following because they have Gorgeous content and Gorgeous personalities 😌💖 the Queen fandom wouldn't be the same without our hardworking and lovely creators! So, show your appreciation by not only liking but reblogging our work it really does mean the world to us! 💞💞💞
@39-ers - GORGEOUS moodboards and such a great and sweet personality 🥺 her album edits are so spot on I just adore it 😌
@39-brian - been following her for such a long time and she is so incredibly sweet 🥺 and her moodboards and graphics are also Unique and Beautiful 💖
@caribou-cowboy - ok ik AJ is not ALL Queen but she just has a Loving personality and her art is so Cute 🥺🥺 and her memes and tags are hilarious 😌 and if u like elton john and/or george michael that's extra bonus points 😌😌
@cherries-n-rocknroll - sterre has Gorgeous moodboards and graphics and a Lovely personality 😌🥺❤
@darlingfreddie - ANGIE 🥺 I've been following her for Ages it feels like and I don't blame me I mean her art is gorgeous and her humor is the Best like ❤👃❤
@doing-albri - VI 💞💓💞💗💖💖💗💓💗💞💗💞💗💖 My best friend 🥺 she has Gorgeous and Spot On edits of not only Queen but the Beatles as well 😌 she also has a Gorgeous personality and she's honestly just the Best I can't put it into words 🥺💞💞💞
@drivenbybri - Sofie 🥺🥺 she posts so many pretty edits of not only Queen but some Gwilym too and ik a lot of you all luv him 👁 hdggsh but her lockscreens are so Gorgeous and so are her instagram edits!! You should all check out her insta edits okay they're so *chef's kiss* and Adorable 💖💖💖 and Sofie also has an Amazing personality 😌 She has such a warm presence 💖
@drbriangay - one of the best queen art blogs like her art style is so unique and gorgeous! 💖👃💖
@freddie-mercurys - JO 🥺 Jo is AMAZING with gifs they're so high quality just like her and her blog 😌 I've been following Jo for such a long time as well and if you Love freddie and aren't following Jo then you're honestly missing out 😌
@farrokhbulsaramercury - love their gifs so so much! they capture so many Sweet moments that I sometimes haven't seen before which makes it even better ❤
@incorrectborhapquotes - this blog is genuinely funny and I love smiling and laughing so this blog is top notch for sure 🥺💖💖💖
@imcompletelylost - libby is just a sweet and amazing person with GREAT style 🥺 she made these queen aesthetic text posts that were spot on and I still luv them 😌 libby also has a warm presence tbh 🥺
@meddrowse - Very big inspiration of mine when I first started making moodboards 🥺 their edits are so gorgeous and high quality
@meddows-taylor - yeth ik this is also incorrectborhapquotes but her edits are so gorgeous and her music duo series is so unique 🥺
@mercuryandmeme - love her art SO much 🥺🥺 and her blog of course 😌 so if u love jimercury (i mean who would hate it??) then this blog is the one for u 😌😌
@mephisto92 - aaaa very unique and Gorgeous moodboards 🥺🥺
@moustachefreddie - LACEY 💜💜💜💜💜 Lacey is AMAZING okay her gifs and edits are so Purple and Perfect 😌 her excitement is contagious and she is honestly such a lovely person and one of the Best freddie blogs 💜💜💜
@natromanxoff - I love their posts because there's a lot of stuff that I haven't seen before so it's lovely to go through their blog 💖💖💖
@ogrebattles - I've been following mari and trice for the Longest time like their edits and gifs are jaw dropping 😌 and they were and still are a big inspiration! luv these two 💛💙
@onegoldenglance - interesting Queen related finds that r just a pleasure to look at 😌❤
@queenofindecision - ik jules isnt as active but her edits are STUNNING and she was such a big inspiration to me as well ❤
@rushingheadlong - a Lovely brian blog 😌 and his text posts r top notch and Informative as well hfhfch he's Awesome 💛
@stardust-killer-queen - eVELYN 🥺🥺 she is SUPER sweet and kind 💖💖 her moodboards are Gorgeous and she also does edits of the Beatles that are Just as gorgeous like 💖👃💖
@taliaphobia - talia is BEYOND sweet 🥺🥺 and I'm not much of a fanfic reader but her writing seems pretty top notch 😌 and she is such a lovely person!!
@tenderbri - em is AMAZING okay their moodboards and gifs are so high quality and spot on I just adore them and their blog 💖 one of the best brian blogs 😌
@ylly22 - love her posts so much like there's so many new and interesting finds on her blog im ❤👃❤
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mattstrahm · 4 years
I was tagged by @j-button (and maybe some others over the past month or so) thank u bb!
RULES: it’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I’m going to do a mix of what I said last time and also what I didn’t say last time because so if you saw me say some of this several months ago just pretend you didn’t xx
1. Senna (2010)
So far the only gifset I’ve made from a full movie? I never really make gifs from full movies even when I make movie gifsets (over at media blog @messerdanny​) I tend to find clips online and it was an unique thing? I’m also very happy with how it looks.
2. Jack Aitken + Palette
I featured this last time but I’ll feature it again because I Like It. The days of work it took to prep for (across... several years...) was kind of insane but I love how it looks and I’m so glad other people like it too. I also recommend the song to people. It’s linked on the post. Watch the music video and the post makes more sense all of sudden.
3. November 13th, 1999 - Lando Norris
Listen I’m very proud of the coloring on this one. And I don’t think it got the clout it deserved. Only the first gif even had purple on it. The coloring is so cute. That’s really all I got to say about it.
4. Jenson Button for @jedivszombie 
I missed doing creative edits so much all year but just simply didn’t have time. I’m very proud of what I managed to create and I’m excited to make more creative stuff this year, I’m trying to get my time management together. 
5. Stained By Red // Lost Cause moodboards
Now freshly unlocked for the reading pleasures of people without an ao3 account. It’s my baby. The whole story is my baby and I’m so excited to do more for it, as soon as I have time. I’ve started but it’s probably gonna be a bit of a long one the next part. I’m so thankful for everyone who’s said kind words about it and supported the process.
I kind of dodged doing this for a while but I figured I’d do it now to get my head in the (creative) game and maybe do some fun stuff sometime soon. That does also mean that I think everyone has been tagged in this already but if you haven’t and you’d like to do it, here you go✨
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yoohyeon · 5 years
15 questions 15 mutuals
Tag by @wonsheon 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 I already did that but I have new mutuals so I’ll do it again ! Just have to remember who I already tagged and who I didn’t uhvkjbb
are u named after someone? No I’m not My mom just really like the name since she was a kid and my name would have been Alexandre if I was a boy.
last time i cried? 2 days ago because I really miss someone 😔
any kids? Only my cat, but I do want some in the futur
Do I use sarcasm? Sarcasm is my life
first thing i notice about a person? Their vibe I’ll say
what’s your eye color? Dark brown
scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, I’m a scaredy cat Jiijbkjbkjb I never really watch horror movies in 21 years of my life
Special talents? I can sing ? Draw and write, but they aren’t special. I can put my fist in my mouth like a good amount. I remember every birthdates even if you tell me only once and age just number in generals (I’m bad at math tho jhvkhvjhbjk)
birthplace? Montreal, Quebec, Canada
hobbies? Singing, drawing (and painting Pokémon boxes) aesthetic/Moodboard, writing, creating things, watching movies & tv shows and anime, playing video games (especially Pokémon)
do you / have you played any sports? Never, I do like hockey and I’m good at it (it’s in my blood, not because I’m Canadian guys, my dad just spent all his life playing hockey when he was young and with friends) I remember when I was in high school and girls were scared to play and yelling and never give me the puck, but when they didn’t have the choice guess who made a goal ? I did 3 in one game and nobody did some and they still didn’t care about me🙄
pets? I have a god names Puppy who’s 9 years old already 😭 A cat named Sowon who’ll be 2 years old tomorrow !!!!! My baby is a big girl 😭 A beta fish named Cosmos ! Some fish I think they are tetras ? One is name Silver, but I don’t remember the others inkjbkjbjk. I had a Persian cat named Bunny for 17 years who I grew up with too but he died at 18 years old (almost 19) I miss him 😔
height? 1m67 or 5’5
fave subject in school? Art
dream job? What I’m studying in, Being a Scenarist or I always wish to be a writer
I tag : @ahchuuu (I think I tagged you one this one ? Well I know you did one ijbjhbihbkjn) @vousnemevoyezplus @spearmint-tea @ironbaker711 @softbebehours @bhobolatebhipboobbies @agustbi @lellilotti @kingparkjinyoung @petit-meowmeow @mingied @elizabethalopagous @highwaytodoyoung @indecisivebias @softsannie
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purpleful · 5 years
50 Questions Tag
I was tagged by @today-we-will-survive, thank u ^^
1. What takes up too much of your time?
Tumblr, making moodboards and just scrolling. Drawing ✍️. And watching kdramas and series.
2. What makes your day better?
Talking with my chingu 💜 and a good nap
3. What’s the best thing to happen to you today?
I was napping 😴
4. What fictional place would you like to go to?
Well not a place but I would like to see myself in the mirror of Erised. (potterheads 👇)
... Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi.
5. Are you good at giving advice?
I dunno but I try my best
6. Do you have any mental illness?
I hope not
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
Nope. I hope I wont, Ive heard Its terrifying
8. What musician inspired you the most?
Bts of course, I mean I ever started drawing again because of them, they are truly inspiring
9. Have you ever fallen in love?
Love is too strong word for me. I hope I will one day, and that it will be mutual, happy and innocent love
10. What’s your dream date?
I guess every date is dream date when you are with right person. 😅 But in short, some cute little coffee shop, sweets, spring day, and lots of talking
11. What do others notice about you?
I dunno, its question for others 😂
12. What is an annoying habit you have?
Checking things, multiple times, i am so done with it
13. Do you still talk to your first love?
Lets say first crash. (and it lasted for 7 years lol) nope i dont, my friends changed pretty much and so did he, and they changed a lot, you cant even talk to them, like they are so up high in the clouds
14. How many exes do you have?
15. How many songs are in your playlist?
Well in my phone i have 113
16. What instruments can you play?
None 😅
17. What do you have the most pictures of?
Bts 😁
18. Where would you like to go before you die?
To those nice places where are my fave kdramas filmed. Especially Goblin.
19. What is your zodiac?
Capricorn ♑️
20. Do you relate to it?
I dunno really, they say for capricorns that are not that much emotional, and look at me im walking emotion
21. What is happiness to you?
I dont know, happiness can be when you are satisfied with yourself, when you feel safe and around people you love, doing what you love
22. Are you going through anything right now?
Yeah but who isn’t? - im just gonna leave this what Shay wroted. Everyone is going through something, no matter how smol it acually is
23. What’s the worst decision you ever made?
Well i guess there will be a time for bad decisions
24. What’s your favorite store?
Art storeeeee
25. What’s your opinion on abortion?
Khm, So, who the fuck can not allow woman to have her life in her hands? Baby changes your whole life, i will choose when i want that change in my life. Young girls are not ready to be mums, that is not a must. Its their decision. Only theirs. What if it was a rape, what if there are no right surrounding for raising the baby.. only their mother can make that decision and we all should be supportive and caring, it is already hard enough for them
26. Do you keep a bucket list?
Not really, maybe one day
27. Do you have a favorite album?
It is hard to choose from bts albums but The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, Part 2 and Love Yourself: Answer
28. What do you want for your birthday?
Art. Supplies. Or money, so I can buy, Art. Supplies
29. What are most people’s first impression of you?
Maybe that I talk a little too much for the first time, but people get used to it 😁
30. What age do you seem according to most people?
Like 2,3 years younger then I acually am. And at my age that different its kinda big 😂
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping?
Next to me on nightstand
32. What word do you say the most?
like, bro, yeah..
33. What’s the oldest age you would date?
Well I dunno tbh
34. What’s the youngest age you would date?
Still dont know
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you?
They all want me to be a doctor, but if that suits me, i dunno. Oh and also a teacher
36. What’s your favorite music genre?
I dont listen to music strictly by genre, but i can say i love kpop, most of my songs on my playlist are kpop
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be?
Canada, Quebec
38. What is your current favorite song?
.. i am an army..
39. How long have you had this blog for?
For year and a half?
40. What are you excited for?
Nothing really.. weekend? 😅
41. Are you a better talker or listener?
I talk too much, but I listen carefully
42. What is the last productive thing you did?
I am making special card for my friends birthday ☺️
43. What do you want for Christmas?
All i want for Christmas is youu~ jk 😂
We dont really give presents here for Christmas, we give lots of sweets and that, in a bag or huge box 😅
44. What class do you get the best grades in?
English 😁
45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now?
7, still sleepy
46. What can you see yourself doing in ten years?
I have no idea. But i hope i will like it
47. When did you get your first heartbreak?
48. What age do you want to get married?
Probably after 25?
49. What career did you want to have as a child?
Fashion designer 😄
50. What do you crave right now?
Well that was long
I tag @50shadesofpurples @temptaestions @mar-rose-314 @mygoldenteardrops @trashybtsqueen
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saphore · 6 years
saphore’s long ass mutual appreciation post (pt. 2)
i recently reached my follower goal so i decided to make an appreciation post for my mutuals! This is part 2 uwu
@bam-hera : oh my god you are every blog’s dream follower. We don’t message each other often but I feel I’ve learned so much about you from your asks, and I appreciate how interesting your questions always are. I can tell we really connect in our views on art and I always look forward to seeing the paintings and artists you suggest I look into. One of the main reasons I started this blog was to expose myself to art and you’ve been a huge part of helping me with that. I’m going to try to tag you in more art because I want to interact with you as much as you interact with me. ilu Oscar, u little gay.
@jenomutual : rosie stop reblogging my horny on main posts we get it u need benis. Uhhhhh but in all seriousness I love interacting with you, your url is all too accurate because you rlly are a service top when it comes to your mutuals. You are so kind and I feel that your ask games and stuff are always really interactive and it’s refreshing to have someone I feel like I don’t have to message in order to connect with, if that makes sense? Also ive only just began my career as a jeno stan and that’s probably your fault so thank your for your donations to my death.
@astrobee : ah yes, my emotional support mutual. First of all you’re one of my favorite aesthetic blogs because from the moment I made you an archive mb, I’ve admired the way you organize the various aesthetics under the same blog. It’s a system I haven’t seen before and I find it really impressive. Both of us have helped each other during hard times; you let me vent about my breakup and I let you vent about family problems. It’s nice to have someone to talk to about these things. I hope you’ve been doing well these days and I’m always going to be here for you to talk to. Thank you angel <3
@peachyjenos : iSAISAISA MY DAUGHTER! You’re a lot younger than me but I still feel that you’ve been a positive influence on me. Something about you is very calming and you’re someone I know is always there for me to talk to. Every comment I see from you makes me happy because it lets me know that there is someone who is listening to what I’m saying. A lot of times we have trouble understanding each other and where that would probably be an issue for most friends, I find it kind of funny and endearing just because you’re so lighthearted about it. You’re a great person I have faith that you’re going to become an even greater person as you grow. I wuv u.
@seofthours : you know I don’t even think we’ve messaged each other? but I feel joy every time I see your posts on my dash. I’ve said this before but you’ve always given me really soft nostalgic vibes and the whole soft stan mode you’re always on is just adding to that. Even before we were mutuals I saw you lurking around on other mutual’s blogs and I could already see how sweet you were. Lily, you’re so kind to me and idk if I deserve it but it does make me feel like I’ve got some really warmhearted friends on this site. Thanks babe uwu!
@kunsleo : ai, I’m sure you’d be pleased to know that you are truly my token slytherin mutual. The bitchiness is palpable and I fucking love it. You’re my one stop shop for all Kun material and I thank u for your sacrifice to this china line deprived community, you are a local hero. Like all fire signs you tell it like it is and I find it interesting to see your opinions, even if they’re ones that you know are likely unpopular.
@hyucksbby: you’re another one of my mutuals where although you’re a bit younger, I can already tell that you’re so talented and I’m looking forward to seeing you grow. I wish you a lot of luck with your writing because I have so much respect for all fan creators whether it be art or literature. I find it really impressive that you are able to keep coming with scenario’s and moodboards and I hope that you are able to continue being such a great creative influence on this community in the future <3
Mutuals that I want to get closer to
@0mile: I absolutely love your blog because you’re one of the only other light aes nct blogs that i’ve seen. Your blog is so pretty but you also seem really funny so I’d love to interact with you more.
@cupidjohnny: tbh I still find you intimidating because you’re a god and your aesthetic is great but at the same time id love to have a chat with u on my chemical romance where I don’t have to pretend im not still stuck in 2008.
@vampireseo: we became mutuals really recently but you’ve been sending me art which is the key to my heart and I know youre  fan of noel and cody so I’m sure we will become closer soon enough
@yvesgrl: both of us have had some rough moments that we’ve talked about recently and I think that’s a good start but I’d also love to talk to you about your interests and passions in the future so that we can learn more about each other.
@wlwhyuck: korin!! I love all dream biased mutuals, they always have the best personalities and you are no exception. I just started a relationship (long distance) and looking at you and z makes me happy to see you two doing so well together, it gives me a lot of hope for my own relationship <3
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emosnakeboy · 6 years
Do all the ice cream questions!
oh sweet jesus ok yeah i suppose thats one way to cute boredom thanks 
chocolate: when was your first kiss? June 13th of 2016, huge ass regrets
french vanilla: how old are you? not old enough to make a difference, in the eyes of the government (but that’s just what i let them think)
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to? hmmm Cairo, Egypt; London, England; Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak? probably german or finnish so i can go to college in one of those countries for free, either that or french or latin so i can pass my classes
coffee: favorite cosmetics brands? i dont use makeup
mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors? probably indoors, less sunburn more AC and wifi
cookie dough: do you play any instruments? yes several, i play baritone, clarinet, ukulele (badly), and probably some others that i should be working on. lately i’ve been inspired to learn how to play the trombone.
rocky road: favorite songs at the moment? ohhh boy... Nicotine by Panic! At The Disco, The Sharpest Lives by My Chemical Romance, The Last of The Real Ones by Fall Out Boy, If These Sheets Were The States by All Time Low, and Ground Control by All Time Low (i hecking love atl fight me) (there are so many more songs i could say)
butter pecan: favorite songs for life? oh shit those above, plus both Boy Division and The Light Behind Your Eyes by My Chemical Romance
cheesecake: what’s your zodiac sign? capricorn
toasted coconut: the beach or the pool? pool, sorry, i don’t really like sand. i like being able to sit underwater and see through my goggles and i just cant do that at the beach
chocolate chip: what’s your most popular post? lemme check... the one that wasn’t even mine it’s about how the sanders sides reacted in virgil’s room portraying their fears and shit, my friend sent it via a group chat and i loved it so i posted it and now everyone else loves it
bubblegum: books or movies? can’t pick i love both reading and watching movies for different reasons
pistachio: manga or anime? anime, easier to focus on and takes less time to get through
salted caramel: favorite movies? Love, Simon; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, i can’t remember any others atm
birthday cake: favorite books? The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Claire, The Maze Runner series by James Dashner, The Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling (particularly the Prisoner of Azkaban), Secrets For The Mad by Dodie Clark
moose tracks: favorites for manga? Fairy Tail Zero and Death Note
orange sherbet: favorites for anime? Yuuri! On Ice and Death Note, but Hetalia is fuckin funny and Fairy Tail is amazing
peanut butter: favorite acedemic subject? honestly i really don’t have a favorite not because i hate them all but because i love them all. my last history and english teachers made the classes fun so i’ve really been loving those two, and science and math are just practical and fascinating and i can’t not love them. i’m a nerd, what else do you want from me?
black raspberry: do you have any pets? 4 cats 3 dogs and a shitload of guppy fish, not to mention my plants
mango: when and why did you start your blog? i think in like March or April of 2018 because it was about time, i wanted to follow fandom shit but then i realized people like my art and moodboards so that’s kinda become what i do now (requests still open btw)
mocha: ideal weather conditions? London weather. Not too hot, not too cold, not too sunny. i don’t like sunburn. plus the rain is relaxing, and thunderstorms are awesome.
black cherry: four words that describe you? what the fuck evenjk i know people want positive.. respectable, intelligent, talented, pretty
NOTE: it’s not being vain to say that ^^ i don’t dwell on them more than i have to, and honestly since i usually feel like a piece of rat shit it’s very good that im able to describe myself as anything other than that. 
neapolitan: things that stress you out? too much clutter when i’m working, assholes interrupting class, my friends hiding things from me, my anxiety and depression constantly telling me to yeet myself off the nearest cliff
raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music? pop-rock, pop-punk, rock, sometimes indie shit.. mostly alternative/pop
chocolate marshmellow: favorite brands of candy? TWIZZLERS and i particuarly love hershey stuff, and starburst but i forget who starburst is by
toffee: a card game that you’re good at? solitaire... but i do like Texas Hold ‘Em
lemon custard: do you eat breakfast? most days yeah
peach: how do you relax? drawing, writing, reading, listen to music, sometimes just lie down and do nothing, hug my friends if i can
praline: a popular book you haven’t read yet? oh god i read a lot.. Wings of Fire series, i’ve heard a lot about it and i really wanna read it
superman: do you like sweaters? absolutely i do, however not during the summer when it’s this hot
cherry: do you drink tea or coffee? both but not very frequently
dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play? ukulele, baritone, guitar, trombone
blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried? yes several times at stuff that’s ridiculously stupid
ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr would have? do they let me block certain tags and i just haven’t figured out how yet? idk im still pretty new to this site
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs? oh god there’s a lot... im gonna leave it at three for now, and those would be mostly my art idols @elentori-art @the-pastel-peach and @voidsides but there are so many more i wish i could put aiehgsbngu
almond: favorite mean girls quote? i’ve never seen mean girls idk if any of the possible quotes im thinking of are even from mean girls and im not gonna embarrass myself by saying them
butterscotch: what color are your nails right now? unpainted, but last they were black with glitter over the top
cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to? yes a few times
blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone? yeap and 9/10 times it sucks but then there’s the 1 time where everything goes right and it makes every point in your life up until then worth it
cappuccino crunch: do you ever take naps? not really
mint: the most embarrassing thing you’ve done? think i was straight until 2016 and humiliate myself by chasing these guys but never truly feeling like i liked them
brownie batter: do you like sushi? never had it but i don’t think so, im not a big fish person
key lime: where do you want to be right now? probably about 30 minutes away from where i am in my s.o.’s arms on their couch watching soul eater or avatar: the last airbender with them
red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses? yep im blind as fuck
green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream? sea salt caramel, banana peanut butter, pistachio almond, white house/cherry vanilla
ok wow that took a while.. thank u though that cured my boredom and now i have to do stuff so sbfguisng adios y gracias 
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