#<- my tag for LOST rambles on this blog
otogariado · 7 months
mentioning LOST's church ending got me riled up about the racism in LOST again lol. i obviously am aware that some actors just did not return to production for possibly other reasons, but also especially in the case of harrold perrineau (michael dawson) he felt like his character (and walt, his son) was treated like shit by the writing. and he was absolutely right. i've already made posts about this (will try to dig them up later), but michael was treated absolutely bullshit and unfairly wrt the story. michael betrayed them and killed two people, yes, but what did he do it for but to protect his son? he felt like nobody gave enough fucks about walt and there was some truth to that claim. his whole character arc is about being a dad to walt and their improving relationship over the course of being stuck on the island, so of course he would do that. it just makes sense.
which is why i don't think it's all that fair to punish him for it immensely in the narrative. harrold perrineau said it himself that he didn't want michael and walt to be another case of the absent black father stereotype [citation needed, i'll look for it but he said it in an interview] yet that's what he ended up being anyway. after his and walt's escape from the island, apparently walt cast him away because he doesn't agree with what his father did—which i actually think its interesting to explore: walt disagreeing with michael's actions and trying to grapple with it, but i don't think separating him from his dad was the best writing choice to make. walt is being punished for caring about his son by making his son be the one to cast him away. you can argue it's supposed to be tragic, michael is supposed to be a tragic character, but with the context surrounding michael's character? there's better ways to make his character be tragic than this.
which brings me to his next punishment. i was happy to see michael again on the kahana (just happy to see him in general), but it didn't last long when he gets killed, sacrificing himself to prevent/prolong the kahana's explosion from happening. (put a 📌 on this bc it's similar to how sayid dies and we'll come back to that later.) michael dies here and walt doesn't know about this. and then michael joins as part of the whispers, his soul trapped on the island (presumably forever) and that's why he's not in the church ending.
i'm gonna be frank. michael being trapped on the island because of his guilt or remorse or perhaps repenting for his sins is just bullshit to me. a lot of characters seen in the flash sideways and in the church ending are characters who've done "bad things". it's bullshit to have michael be the only one doomed to pay for his misdeeds forever. his misdeeds for... killing two people. not that killing two people is Nothing, but moreso if you examine the circumstances it's hardly anything to be damned eternally for.
remember the 📌 we had wrt sayid and michael? both of them died trying to prevent an explosion from reaching everybody else. which makes this more egregious imo. i can say 1000 things about sayid's arc (points to url), but this is about michael and not him, so i'll just focus on this: sayid was grappling with "being a bad person" for torturing and killing so many people. he worked as an assassin for ben. and yet, somehow, you're telling me sayid is not being damned eternally for his misdeeds but michael is? if you don't see the BS in that i don't know what to tell you.
i'm also aware why some characters don't appear any more re:conflicts with their actors (or just availabilities or other reasons for declining to come back), but even then arguably any conflicts with harrold perrineau stemmed from a justified place because of how michael was treated.
i think mr eko had a more dignified arc (he's one of my fav characters, thematically speaking) and honestly he had some of the rawest shit i've ever heard:
I ask for no forgiveness father for I have not sinned, I have only done what I needed to do to survive. A small boy once asked me if I was a bad man, if I could answer him now I would tell him, that when I was a young boy I killed a man to save my brothers life. I am not sorry for this, I am proud of this. I did not ask for the life that I was given but it was given none the less, and with it I did my best.
but despite this it doesn't change the fact that his absence in the church ending is very noticeable. he had meaningful connections with charlie, with locke, and interestingly like michael he kind of parallels sayid but this time thematically through their arcs. sayid is constantly burdened with feeling like he's a bad person and resigning to it as some sort of self-fulfilled prophecy, but mr eko is very firm about how he sees himself as not necessarily a bad man, just a man whose hands were forced because of the cards he was dealt. i wish we could have seen a more direct parallel between them, because it would've been interesting. back to the main point: i think it's such a missed opportunity for mr eko to not be here. especially since even after his death, hurley was able to communicate with his ghost, showing that he still had connections with his fellow losties even long after his death.
ana lucia being "not ready to move on" is interesting. but ultimately you can't help but raise a few eyebrows at it anyway. you can argue that, unlike mr eko she died an unresolved death, but most of the LOST characters died with an unresolved death. (she was killed early.) that's the whole point of the sideways segments. so what makes ana lucia so different from the others? yeah she killed shannon, but that was completely a freak accident. her people (the tailies) were being picked off one by one by the other so she was understandably on edge. she was kind of a hated character but i think a lot of it is just racism and misogyny combined tbh. (LOST is...notorious for a lot of misogynistic character writing decisions.) ana lucia was just as complex and morally "ambiguous" as the rest of them. i find the decision to make her corrupt in the sideways segments interesting (negative). cz like, there was never any indication she was like this in real life. what does that corruption symbolize? because obviously that corruption is a key to why she "can't move on yet". what exactly is she supposed to be repenting for? they hinted at a possible direction her arc is going towards before killing her off, ie. her ultimately choosing not to kill "henry gale" because she no longer wants blood on her hands. again, in a way, she's just like sayid! someone who decided they'd turn away from ceaseless violence. only right afterwards she got killed. so what does she need repenting for so much that she's left out of the church ending? much to think about.
i don't really know how to conclude this post. but my main point is that the lack of these characters during the church ending is and has racist implications. (again, i understand the casting issues, but it's still a writing decision you can critique as a viewer at the end of the day). i'll try to find the old posts i made last year abt michael and mr eko and their parallels to sayid and link them here (and self reblog).
edit: go read/look up "burn it down". it details a lot of the behind the scenes mistreatment of the staff (including racism and sexism), including actors and writers. the quote from an interview from harold perrineau that i mentioned was also linked in a reblog. (post link)
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Do you know this (noncanon) ADHD character?
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Evidence below the cut!
can be pretty hyperactive, forgets things regularly (even important things, forgot he turned into a heartless in kh1), distractable, later on he seems to have some problems with emotional dysregulation. hes constantly called lazy by his friends but as soon as hes doing something he likes he has all the energy in the world, and also tends to dismiss his own intelligence despite actually being pretty smart, both of which are things that i think are decently common with undiagnosed adhd
#poll#noncanon adhd character#kingdom hearts#kh#sora#kh sora#sora kh#kingdom hearts sora#sora kingdom hearts#THIS IS GOING TO BE A LONG TAG RAMBLE#ok first sora even getting posted is like a saga#originally i was going to post him myself but had trouble verbalizing evidence#so i asked my discord friends#and then i forgot to write down what they said and lost it#then he got submitted in the initial submissions right when the blog started#but the only evidence was 'look at him lol'#so he was unpostable#then he finally got submitted again during the recent spike with actual evidence!! so i can post him now#sora is so important to me#kingdom hearts is how i found playframe and that community is a huge part of my life now#and also i spent multiple years playing a weekly ttrpg campaign in a completely homebrew kh system#and it was the most fun ive ever had in my life and i am not exaggerating#there was only one other non dm player so three of us in all#and we had such a great dynamic we are such close friends now and the dm even looked up tips for dming for adhd players#and gave my character the ability impulsiveness which turned out to be one of our most powerful abilities#(i say our bc later we got the 'sisterly bond' ability which allowed us to use some of our coplayer's abilities and impulsiveness was one)#it let me take an action during someone else's turn at the cost of one less action on my next turn. basically taking it early#making her adhd one of our most powerful tools#and my character ended up very much a sora parallel despite not living in the time of the main kh games#so yeah. kh and adhd sora specifically. very important to me
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rosieredsims · 9 days
!!!New Simblr!!!
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Well- Kinda~
Hi! My name is Rose!
I used to be apart of simblr years ago - but I'm back now! Excited to jump back into the legacies, challenges, and game play!
Never stopped playing sims, just stopped posting about 'em, honestly. Either way! I'm happy to follow anyone and everyone and start posting my own little dolls soon!
I'm still prettying up the place, but don't hesitate to pop in and say hi~
I'll always be happy to meet you!
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arson-09 · 3 months
How people are trying to change fandom (the rise of hatred against non-canon media)
This was inspired by the rise of backlash against the "Rhysta" ship.
Traditionally throughout the history of fandom spaces on social media, a very important factor has been creativity of course. Art and Fics by fans being the backbone of a fandom. Including non-canon ships, Aus, etc. And of course there was drama (when is there not drama?) BUT there wasn't as much hate because there was an understanding that it's not REAL. People in fandoms understood creativity and thinking outside the box (canon)
But something interesting happened in 2020 with the pandemic, people who weren't apart of fandom spaces started joining cause what else were you going to do? but there started the divide. These people wouldn't have joined fandoms originally because they didn't have that sort of creativity. Which isn't a bad or negative thing, everyone is different and that what makes the world go around, but these people were not used to fandom spaces and that divergency. To them, things have to be how it was written and non-canon things, ships or au's that can't hurt you or become canon, were blasphemous. Because why change the foundation if you liked the original media? this also ties into the "why do you read or interact with this media?" questions when people engage with media in their own way even if they dislike the majority of it. which is valid to do, I do it personally with acotar. I dislike the majority of acotar from the way it's written to lots of the characters, but I interact with a certain subset of the fandom that shares a love for the same characters as I.
But these people, these mostly neurotypical, TikTok people, intrude into these safe creative spaces and cause a ruckus over non-canon Aus and ships. for no reason! Ships like Rhysta are harmless, of course people who make and consume this media don't think it's going to be real, and that's the misconception! Making and consuming non-canon media doesn't mean you think it's going to happen or want it to happen, it's just existing. existing for the sake of existing and stretching creative muscles. You can't grow as an artist if you do not break from the mold, from the restraints of canon.
What you are doing by constantly harassing and posting shit about non-canon media is showing you lack a fundamental understanding of Fandom. Policing what people do is a fruitless endeavor. of course, calling out actually problematic creators is okay, when what they're doing is actually harmful and not them being creative or God forbid, a little weird.
There has been and still needs to be respect in the places. Filtering tags for things that upset you and blocking creators you disagree with is key to being someone people will actually listen to and respect. If you refuse to do that, no one you harass, or attack will take you seriously. and maybe that's not your objective but that means you're going to be blocked on main and made fun of. And this segment is somewhat targeted at someone who has been consistently harassing my mutuals, but I've seen so many people like this and it's a real issue. And its such an issue in Booktok popular books and shows, and media that becomes popular with the masses.
Fandom spaces aren't meant to follow canon to a T. People will have non-canon ships, opinions on how they think the series should have gone, opinions on characters, etc. Constantly harassing and targeting creators won't change that.
I know this won't stop this behavior, it will continue to happen but it's been bothering me and maybe this will change some people's minds on how they interact with the media they like, and they hate.
I love rhysta, I think that the dynamic is very interesting and that people are free to explore that and say whatever they want about how it could have gone in canon. None of that means i think its going to happen or that it should. Lord, people are just having fun. Like they should in fandom places.
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unknownarmageddon · 2 months
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biblically accurate geddon moment
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chocosvt · 3 months
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lesbiansanemi · 8 months
I hate self proclaimed “queer theorists” on this stupid fucking website because 90% of their posts are like “All lesbians are terfs because gender can change which makes sexuality obsolete so that means lesbians automatically hate trans ppl <3 What about gay men you ask? No, it’s different, don’t ask me to elaborate <3 Haha I love trans women so much *insert most insane transmisogynistic take three lines down* And this is all real and true because I am a boygirl fagdyke and I said it is !!!!! Btw if you argue or point out any flaws here it’s because you’re an awful evil gate keeping exclusionist >:( Peace and love go firebomb a Walmart” and then somehow the post has 563782922992737228 reblogs of ppl agreeing
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moe-broey · 3 days
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Kind of cutes, I guess. But I think I'm running into the age old My Art Style (focused on being able to draw a character as much as possible as quickly as possible and to mirco-organism them when necessary) is Fundamentally Incompatible With the FEH Art Style and SPECIFICALLY the Askr motifs/aesthetics. Problem.
I think what happened as time went on too, is I translated the chunky thigh armor into more of a solid shape on the knees of the boots.
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You can see the difference here! He doesn't have a solid knee-pad like diamond, he has a funky pattern. Not the worst example of extremely intricate pattern crimes but still the bane of my existence as an artist. (Worth saying, it works in Kozaki's art style!!!! And more conventional anime art styles, broadly speaking!!! Because those styles give you a lot more room to work with, on the character themselves, and they're more focused on details!!! That's just, my rough thoughts about it)
So there's like. Too Much Big Solid Shapes going on. Not enough space to give your eyes a break. Esp the way I ink. I think the negative space and all-blue ink Until you get to the knees, again, just gives your eyes a break.
See him Usual Style:
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I feel soooooooooo bad going "but my art style 😢" bc I feel like TYPICALLY. That sentiment is used to avoid learning new things. But like.......... do you see the Problem here. I need to draw this fucker a million times and sometimes I need to hit 'em with the shrink ray.
LIKE. MAYBE. WHAT I'M GETTING AT. Is The Purpose of an art style. What it's Supposed to Do. And how it functions in tandem with You, the artist.
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elegyofthemoon · 9 months
question: is anyone having the trouble of tumblr eating your tags or is tumblr just being glitchy for me?
i wrote a post just a bit ago and wanted to ramble more on the post in the tags but when i went back to edit the tags, i saw half of the tags were GONE. so i tried to retag everything i remembered but even after i saved, the tags would still be eaten its kinda :/
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leftdestiny-posts · 9 months
Most people would describe me as "kind", and yet they say it as if it's a wrong thing, telling me I am too kind, but if I'm not, do I have any qualities left? I really want to be a funny person, or a witty one, someone curious and courageous, or someone enthusiastic with whom you can have fun with. But at the end of the day I'll be "kind", and I'm not sure when I've come to resent that
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tickled-pink-64 · 20 days
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oh wow my first art post here hiiii
*explodes as couldn't think of anything else to say*
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arachnidiots-a · 11 months
created a monster (myself) and went on a rampage (queued 57 things)
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declawedwildcat · 10 months
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olive-riggzey · 1 year
You know what I think I'm going to do something insane.
I'm going to actually talk about my characters for once.
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moxtoons · 2 years
First of all it is a pleasure. To the point, what was your inspiration to start drawing? and… How did you hear about Cuphead?
A pleasure to speak to you too!💛
And as for your question-
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I had to dig deep for this information lol my memory isn't what it used to be!
But I remember I heard about the Cuphead game back when they released that awesome trailer at E3 2015! I have always been a fan of rubber hose cartoons and my favorite games growing up were platformers, so when I saw this labor of love video game I couldn't be more excited! I didn't talk about it much on here but HOO BOY my excitement for this game was insane!
When I finally got to play it I was SO excited! I fell in love with it! It was challenging and charming and clearly the product of a passionate and skilled team! It remains one of my favorite games! It took me a while to come around to watch the show. I watched it only a couple months or so before the release of the final couple of episodes on netflix aired. I love both the cartoon and the game with all my heart, they both helped me through some hard times. It's crazy to think I only just now got into the online fandom considering how long I've been a fan! But I've loved all the mutuals and followers I've gained through making art for this and I can't wait to see what else comes out of this wonderful fandom.
Here's hoping they renew the show and also here's to supporting all studio MDHR has to offer!🥂
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autism-disco · 5 months
tomodachi life is soooo silly it’s like hey man sorry to hear you got broken up with (which i encouraged to happen) and now you’re depressed. have a cracker. and then they’re happy again and everything’s fine it’s incredible truly the pinnacle of realistic emotional gameplay (i’m barely even really being sarcastic here to be honest)
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