#<- never owned a pulsefire skin but it's like a friend to me
pantheon-god-of-war · 3 years
If possible, are there any Pantheon skins that you wish to be Canon?
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Just give us a Legendary The Warrior skin of Pantheon reborn.
Lore wise it could be after the Ruination. Atreus has expelled Pantheon from his body with his own gritty resolve, Pantheon requires a vessel to take form in mortal shape but the war of the Ruination has caused so much havoc and strengthened him so much that he manages to keep a corporal form for a brief while. He retreats to the peak of Targon and to spite Atreus revives his long-dead friend Pylas to possess and mold his flesh to the war gods needs. Pantheon is fully in control because Pylas has long since died, only using the body himself.
Now Pantheon pursues the interests of Targon and his own dark desires while Atreus tries to actively counter the War god. Both will still fight the darkin, but for different reasons. Pantheon will do so because they threaten Targon Prime and Atreus does so to save the humans that's would undoubtedly die in the wake of the darkin.
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Pantheon differs from Atreus in a few key aspects (heh) where Atreus is noble and stalwart, Pantheon is deliberate and ruthless, where Atreus anger towards the gods is a cold and determined hate Pantheon's contempt for mortals, darkin and all those who would face him is clearly made evident, he speaks with pride, being condescending to everyone he encounters, thirsting for another challenge to vanquish. His LoR voice lines already highlight his personality quite well and I think the sound effects work perfectly for him, that could all be ported from LoR into league to replicate the sound effect. Voice line wise he could have interactions with the following:
Pantheon (Atreus) - While Pantheon does not outright hate Atreus like let's say Aatrox for example he sees the mortal man as a failure of a warrior, knowing only defeat his entire life. Interactions would be more condescending.
Ascended Pantheon - Here Pantheon would see Ascended Atreus as a worthy challenge, something along the lines of "Perhaps now you can prove yourself worthy." Or something more condescending. "No matter the cosmic might you hold, you will always be a mortal."
Aatrox - He loathes Aatrox with a passion for what he did to him, but also realizes that the Darkin might be his only true equal combat-wise.
Leona - Pantheon would be fond of Leona, applaud her for her fine work, call her the daughter of Targon, and that the sun is proud of what she has wrought upon the Mountain. He would tell her that she is right, that she needs to defend her people from the coming darkness and not grow careless upon her golden throne. He would support the militaristic order of the Solari and goad on their zealous witch hunt as in the end all he cares about is war and the more carnage Leona causes on the mountain in the name of the sun, the stronger he gets.
Diana - Diana is the same as Leona, he would tell her to keep fighting, to hold on and think of her people. That he can see the cracks in the Solari foundation and that soon the moon will triumph. Much like Leona, these are sweet lies to goad both of them onward to fight harder and grow more reckless in their pursuit of victory.
Taric - Taric is the antithesis to Pantheon, championing love and life against his war and hate, He would call out Taric and try to kill the noble hero because he spits on the ideals Taric protects.
Soraka - Pantheon would be disappointed in Soraka, to have forsaken the stars for these mortals, he would never understand and while he is not hostile he also tells her that she is dead to him. Just another mortal.
Zoe - He would want to know how Zoe sealed the Darkin away, and if there is a way to make them disappear forever. He would also be annoyed by her childish appearance/demeanor since Myisha was a lot more mature than Zoe.
Aurelion Sol - He would remind Aurelion Sol that with his return the tether locking him to Targon grows stronger again. It has been Pantheon for ages to bind Aurelion to Targon and now with him returned Pantheon will make sure Aurelion is put back in his place.
Other Darkin - He would simply tell them that their end is nigh, that Pantheon has found them, and that they are about to expire.
Other Gods/Demi Gods - here it depends on how many interactions would be wanted, he could comment on the powers of the sun disc being borrowed from the Sun/Solari/Leona's aspect or challenge Volibear to a fight. Lots more here if interactions need to be stretched out.
Sion - Pantheon looks kindly on Sion, a beast revived for war, its very humanity dull and eroded where only violence and anger remain. Pantheon would call Sion his champion of War and tell him to go slaughter in the name of war.
Other Warriors (Garen/Tryndamere/Darius/Olaf/etc) He would salute them and challenge them to combat, noting how a death at his feet is the greatest honor they can wish for.
A cool idea for VO would be that he gets a Taunt like normal champs but then you get different voice lines for ally champions when you hit taunt.
Enemy Pantheon - "Atreus, you come before me again, with my very own spear. Kneel boy. A dog should recognize it's better."
Ally Pantheon - "You feel the power, let loose Atreus, show me your rage and perhaps you will be worthy of my favor."
Enemy Aatrox - "Another one of your flesh puppets for me to rend Aatrox? Pathetic!"
Ally Aatrox - "You and me against them?! Who can stand against Aspect AND Darkin?"
Enemy Leona - "You say you burn as the sun does! So then, show me your fire girl!"
Ally Leona - "The daughter of Targon and War eternal who could hope to stand against such a phalanx of spear, sword, and shield?"
I always wanted to have more interaction with allies, since you only see enemy champions every now and then, and even if you do they mostly attack you and never let you enjoy the interactions. Whereas if you play with friends you can actually enjoy this content of ally interaction. Idk why Riot has not done this before.
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The base design doesn't have to differ so much from the Legends of Runeterra Warrior design. (KEEP IT RED) Red stands for hot-headed aggression, red stands for fire, red stands for blood. Red is a color much more fitting to war than blue and the argument that Pantheon's cape is blue to show his allegiance with the stars is null and void since LoR showed us all HOW GOOD red looks on Pantheon. It fits so much better.
Some small tweaks here and there perhaps but overall the base model looks great. If the cape would be longer and more flowing like Yoric it would be great, aside from that there could be small visual design changes for reaching levels 6/11/16. Also as a longtime Pantheon main I really love the aesthetic of his face being shrouded, I dislike the new post rework Pantheon skins for that very reason. Pulsefire, Ruined and even Ascended Pantheon are all marred by the face that they show his face, when his facelessness was something that made him stand out. In this skin he should absolutely not have a face since he is a divine being that helmet should be his face, the face of war, nothing else.
The colors get brighter and hotter, to signal that Pantheon is getting supercharged with the psychic energies of war, colors would go from red-orange to bright yellow, additionally, the number of spears in his cape could also increase from 2/4/6 at levels 6/11/16 with small edits like the passive fire on spear and shield and the fire plume increasing in sizes slightly.
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There could be a number of smaller tweaks to make the VFX stand out. Like pulling a new spear from his cape after Pantheon throws it. Or that Pantheon doesn't even throw the main spear but shoots a spear forward from his cape as he can manifest them. Voicelines like "Unstoppable, War eternal an Invincible!" could be added to his E whenever he uses it as if he mocks whoever dares attack him. "Here mortal, or just Heel!" when he stuns you.
His ult could be Pantheon coming straight down where the spear lands, instead of in an angle, and the angle is then covered by either a spear storm or meteorite shards. The straight-down Pantheon landing being a homage to Grand Skyfall. He does not land sooner and he still shoots down a spear first, but this time he just lands from above.
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As for the dance, either you give him some workout to flex on people or you give him the Ricardo Milos dance. Which let's be honest, everyone wants to see.
Lore wise I think Pantheon is very important. Currently, we have Pantheon (Atreus) Diana and Taric who are all outright heroes. Aphelios serves under Diana and Zoe does not really care she does whatever she wants. Soraka while a hero lives secluded. Targon only has Leona as a villain and the celestial Pantheon would fill that slot very well. He is the god of war, he would try to rouse them all against one another and also give them a reason to unite against him. To fight together, and perhaps even be incentive enough for Leona and Diana to lay down their weapons and join forces.
Additionally, all it takes is a skin to create a champion's worth of impact on the league universe. There doesn't need to be a new champion from Targon to push the narrative forward which means less time that needs to be invested on Riots part.
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Thank you for your time, I will be sitting here on my mountain top, waiting and hoping that I started a fire.
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notoriouslydevious · 5 years
League 2020 wishlist
Saw this floating around on surrender@20 and thought it would be fun if I made my own ♥ 
1) Bring back event GAME MODES! Gimme Nexus Blitz, Hunt of the Blood Moon, One for All, Odyssey, Invasion. GIVE ME MOTIVATION TO WANT TO BUY YOUR PASS AND PLAY YOUR GAME OTHER THAN TO GET A STUPID, OVER-PRICED GOLD CHROMA!
2) Honor Orbs to give chests - I really don't need keys. I really don't.  
3) A way to give skin shards to friends - We’ve all gotten those super rare skin shards for a champ we don't play, BUT we have a friend who does. Example: I got Soul Stealer Vayne from a random hextech chest- I NEVER play Vayne- my friend plays Vayne all the time. He eventually got enough gemstones and unlocked the skin last week, I wish I would’ve been able to save him the trouble of grinding for gemstones. When I got the skin, I unlocked it, but I never use it or Vayne so it’s just there. :/  (Prob won't happen bc riot wouldn't be making money off of it....) 
Then more Personal stuff~ ♥
4) Reach Gold - It’s going to be my 3rd year playing league, I’m actually going to try to get to Gold in 2020! 
5) More Mastery 7′s - I got my first two this year on Lux & Sona- I WILL GET LULU & ZYRA TO MASTERY 7!! (I’ve had one mastery 7 shards for each of them sitting in my loot since 2017... just kind of ignored them after yuumi & neeko came out.) 
6) Get More Involved in the Community - Cosplay? Stream? My own Fan art? I’ve become obsessed with this game in such a short time, there’s so much I want to do to show how much I appreciate it! ♥ (I’d love to be able to become a league partner one day... maybe even one day work at riot) 
7) Skins I’d like to see - 
Coven Zyra & Syndra (maybe even Shyvana & Kindred)
Star Guardian Sona, Taliyah, Yuumi, Taric, Kayle, Morgana
Officier Sivir or Qiyana (or pool party for each of them) 
Something for the poor boys and girls that havent gotten skins since 2015 - 2017 (im looking at you morde, rek’sai, skarner, zil, shyv, kindred, bard, voli, taliyah, taric, trundle, panth, karthus, sion, velkoz, mao’kai, azir, quinn, zyra, kennen, kog, trynd, zac, olaf, ori, kayle, ornn, cass, syndra, singed, viktor, lee, elise, nid, gnar, draven & poppy. (The kids from 2018 could prob afford to get new skins too). 
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decadencefae · 5 years
Fitzville: City of Capes~
The Heroes (Slightly Outdated, WIP)
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Origin of this Comic:
When I was about 10 and up until the age of about 14, I had these characters that I would make a bunch of comics about in this fictional city called Fitzville, where basically all weird shit found its home there. So yes, these are characters from my childhood reimagined into a comic that I will be putting out to view. And to little me; you made it. Nice job you little spaz, we’re finally doing it. And we’ll be sharing these with more than our classmates. 💙
That being said, I’ve finally done refs for all the main heroes!
They are part of a team known as the Metro Unit by the city government, a zany group of 20 year olds with special skills, and thus they handle “special cases”.
Let’s meet them, by the way.
Gilly-Galactic Girl
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Gilly was abandoned as a child, taken into custody by mysterious and brilliant scientist Doctor Crypt, or Doc to everyone who knows him. She has a fiery spirit and an endless amount of determination. Fighting and heroics is something she considerers a past time. She has the ability to fly, has great super strength and speed, and is able to charge up a blast of pure energy.
Joe Pacini-Storm Warden
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Joe was born to the biggest powerhouse mafia in Fitzville, but refused to use his abilities for such. He has the ability to completely control and trace electricity, and being born completely blind, he uses it to navigate around for his whole life. He’s serious and intelligent, and is always focused on the objective. He himself actually doesn’t care for emotional value-it gets in the way of success.
Francine Diaz-Saint Hope
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An entity from the heavens saw the devasted heart of the kind and selfless Francine when she lost her family to a arsen attack at a young age. She was then given the ability to heal herself and others, and was blessed with angelic abilities as a bonus. She pays respect to the guardian angel who saved her by using her abilities to help those in great need. Eventually her guardian had to return to the heavens, but now she wields their cross and fused with the soul of the angel.
Drake Deon-Lycanthropy
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A neglected child of a mourning father, Drake had once found himself in the woods, wrong place, wrong time, attacked by a wolf creature. He was then afflicted with the curse of the werewolf, given him great strength and senses, and power from the moon. He is able to shift into a powerful monstrous wolf by will, due to the curse mixing with his witch heritage. Despite his horrifying and damned demeanor, Drake himself is rather positive and cheerful, determined to make himself more than the dark , wicked legacy his father wants to bring.
Cindy Ivory-Clairvoya
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Cindy has always been recognized to be born with “a gift”. It was a miracle considering her twin brother’s miscarriage and her own failing health when she was born. She has the ability of telekinesis and telepathy, able to hear everyone’s thoughts. She also is able to create blade like constructs made from pure psychic energy. Despite the business inside her brain constantly, Cindy is organized and polite, but will never hesitate to serve those a dose of pain who need it.
Henry Mendivil-Venom Heart
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After weeks of off putting behaviors, manic episodes, and self harm, the priests were called and an exorcism was initiated. But within, the soul of the boy was determined to win himself back, in a savage will more ruthless than the demon itself. With the help of the exorcism, he snuffed out the conciousness of the demon, but now forever lives with the after effects; demonic qualities that stripped him of his humanity. He can now pass through shadows, charm and coax anyone, and command the power of the serpentine spirit that once took hold of him.
Ursula Chandran-Green Gunner
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Incorrectly named Issac at birth, Ursula had requested to go under the knife to change herself to who she really, but in her first procedure, she had recieved a deadly necrosis infection. Sure that she wouldn’t make it, a mysterious researcher had been allowed to test his cure for necrosis on her, an experiment that gave Ursula plant like genes, where she can heal any damaged skin under the sun. With that extra solar energy, she can generate and control it through her custom made pistols that shoot pulsefire-like solar energy.
Will Park-Frost Face
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He was raised in Seoul, Korea, after his mother had decided to live with his father’s family. Will wishes she had just stayed in Fitzville, they would understand his condition. Everything he touches freezes, and children in Seoul, not used this kind of trait, grew afraid of him, resented him and thus, usually either excluded him or harassed him. By sixteen at a school play production, a feared classmate had through a flammable at his face when his frost had accidentally touched them. His once beautifully charming face was now disfigured. He couldn’t take it anymore. He took it upon himself to run away, and eventually move to the city of Fitzville, where there, he claims his stage, and gives the bad guys a frozen finale they’ll never forget.
Vanessa Kawai-Bubble Bae
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Vanessa has been a Quickgram sensation since she was 17, however, her social media fans have yet to see the other side of her-the super powered side, with the ability to create bubbles and shields made from condensed water and energy. She was always quick to hide this, and considered the super hero life to not fit in her star schedule. It wasn’t until she had reunited her childhood friend, Joe, at his time of great need. She then saw the purpose of what she had, and her alter ego, Bubble Bae, soon made her way into the Quickgram scene.
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