#<- tentative tag because im not sure if im sending his ass there yet
jabberwockprince · 3 months
I'm cooking r1999 OC stuff so i need to ramble about it hehehoho rubs my evil hands together
i had to rewrite this because i lost it but i also sound like a madman so i dont expect absolutely anyone to understand my train of thought <3
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I OC-fied Tartaglia a few days ago but I just got around to thinking about his whole character and lore, and it hit me that I can just put his ass in Apeiron <3 I'd like to have an OC in each faction but we'll see how much my attention span lasts
I want him to be from Apeiron specifically because the idea of an integer or equally valid number within the island acting like the most fucking feral irrational number is so funny to me. a complete betrayal of the scriptures but that somehow ends up making sense, so you cannot be mad because He Still Operates Within What Was Expected. a guy whose entire existence is just ANNOYING AND IRRITATING AND INSUFFERABLE. perhaps he's a fraction, I'm not sure yet. I'm not looking forward to researching numbers to find one that suits him thematically and shit
most likely considered a genius in an unconventional way, not similar at all to 37. more like still following the theme of opposing/overstepping while working within the guidelines. so maybe something to contrast her
37's talent for numbers is explained as an innate ability to see the numbers in everyone and see their true essence, which causes her to be isolated from the physical world and the people of her own community because she does not experience nor care about reality the same way others do. its impossible to try and understand her, because her insight is so vastly unique, but she can still provide solid proof to support her discoveries with no problem at all, as seen when she confirmed Vertin's number is 0. she cares about the scriptures and numbers, and yet she likes taking the chance to discover one's number away from others just because she can be the first one to do it
so im thinking. Aianteia could be the opposite. he cannot see the numbers in people like her, but their true Forms. the perfect geometrical shapes that can only exist in the abstract world of Forms, impossible to achieve beyond a close approximation. and because he essentially sees the "beauty" in people, he cares for the community, he is friendly and often befriends others rather easily. but he can't fucking explain why he sees the world Like That. nor provide any proof as to why someone is This Form or That Form. which renders him totally useless within Apeiron, because of the importance of proof. he cares about people figuring out their number, to discover themselves and whatnot--he cares so much that he will gladly show you which Form you're meant to be, the way the universe intended it
and THIS is when the themes of battle and war and carnage come into play. when it comes to irrational numbers or the impure, Aianteia connects their "floating points" and knows exactly what to do to purify them. to make their bodies as pure as their Forms. im saying that he basically sees fancy ass geometrical shapes and lines that let him know where to start cutting and slashing and killing. this is something he does out of genuine love and care, so that those who cant even DREAM of studying the scripture can get a fair chance at discovering their number, as irrational as it may be. all they have to do is survive
im thinking. that his scars are self-inflicted because he attempted to do the exact same thing to himself. and he survived. and he figured out his number this way. he cannot explain why or how or give proof as to why he knows THIS is his number (in a way, similar to how 37 knew from birth that THIS was her number) but i like to think that 77 took a good look at him and went "hes right." and everyone had to just. accept that this guy, most likely a very young teenager, found out his number THROUGH THE "WRONG" WAY
WHICH. IN TURN. FALLS WITHIN WHAT 37 INSISTS DURING CHAPTER 05--numbers are the eternal truth because no matter when or where or how you prove something, you and the person at the other side of the planet will come up with the same result. Aianteia has an entirely different approach that led to the same conclusion as 77's mother. once again, the issue is that this is something that cannot be corrected nor given proof. relating to the gnosis of an arcanist, and how arcanum is not a viable method of study because it cannot be verified by a third party. my brain is making connections at the speed of SOUND. anyway. the issue is that he's RIGHT. which would make him a fraction, potentially, since 37 describes them like this
Integers are the living examples of virtues. Fractions can be understood through specific means. Irrational numbers are the free spirits, while imaginary numbers are the existence which doesn’t belong to this dimension of the number axis
so he can be understood through specific means, but no one can figure out WHICH means exactly
I do think that he starts out genuinely wanting to help people achieve their purest self, and somewhere down in the middle of the road he started to have a little too much fun with the idea of being the hand that brings Forms to the world of Matters. and then as he spends more and more time outside of Apeiron, it becomes a dog eat dog mentality, whoever survives gets to be their truest, purest Form -> the strongest get to impose their ideals onto the rest. Aianteia SAYS that he's doing this to uphold the scriptures and defend them in the outside world, and this is partially true as a childish leftover desire from his initial journey. but really, its all about getting the shit beaten out of him and beating the shit out of others now to see who earns the right to live
if the Storm has been going on for 7 years, it started when he was 19, so im thinking he was around 14-15 when he left Apeiron during one of those expeditions. and they let him go specifically because pretty much everyone wanted him gone
from what I remember, both Manus and the Foundation existed BEFORE the Storm? so im willing to say that Aianteia joined Manus before the first Storm ever. but i also dont want to think too hard on time logistics because we dont have the full timeline of the game yet
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anemonenemerosa · 4 years
It said three people
Hello fellow people and Hazelnoots (love it),
 This is a drabble I got inspired from the lively discussions and brain-cell sharing at the SW-Discord with @im-oknutzy-trash, @bkfstclubmember and @icaughtfeelsagain
Thank you so much for beta-reading @unadulteratedpaperparadise
O'Knutzy alternative getting together:​
The characters and the world that is Sweater Weather/Coast to Coast belong to the wonderful @lumosinlove.
It said three people
Summary: Finn does not know what nature is, Logan has a plan and Leo is cold.
Warning: It gets a bit angsty.
"Ok, we are lost." Finn stated for the fourth time in ten minutes.
"No, we are not." Logan answered for the fourth time in ten minutes with an exasperated groan that drew a chuckle out of Leo, who was walking behind them.
"Of course, we are. Here is nothing!"
"Do you know how places outside from cities work?"
"Because most of them do not have civilisation... that's, like, the whole point, y'know."
"But how do you know where the hell we are?" Finn turned around himself, gesticulating wildly.
"There are markings on the path? And we have a map?" Logan gave him, waving with the map just as madly as Finn with his arms.
"Fish, you desperately wanted to go hiking and camping for once in your live. Get it together and enjoy the sounds that are not traffic and the air that is not half exhaust fumes." Logan snapped playfully and sped up his steps.
They walked on quietly for a few more minutes until Finn voiced the presence of another aspect of nature.
"Ugh, there are bugs everywhere and dirt... so disgusting."
Logan just groaned again, burying his face in his hands while Leo started to laugh, exclaiming "City-boy!" in-between breaths.
They went on like this for a while. Logan and Leo trotting along while Finn complained over every little bug or twig or root that bothered him. Being in the woods was always described as freeing and peaceful but if just one other little beast bit him, Finn would burn that whole thing down.
Just when he considered digging though his backpack for a lighter, Logan stopped at a small clearing.
"Alright, let's just stay here for the night." Leo nodded happily and went to unpack some stuff while Finn had a hard time believing that they were not just joking.
"Yeah. Harzy, get that tent out." Logan was already in camp-mode, puttering around with stuff Finn had never laid his eyes on.
"Like, in the middle of nowhere? In the woods?" more gesticulating.
Leo laughed again "Yes, Finn. What did you think we would be doing while hiking? With a tent?"
With that, the other two continued unpacking while Finn dawned that this was a lot less peaceful and freeing than he thought. He was ripped out of the re-evaluation of his vacation-plans by Logan, adding another coffin nail to his camping adventure.
"So, we have two rolls of toilet paper and a foldable spade. I put them besides the tent -that is still not standing." Logan glanced meaningful at the folded tent in Finns arms, who just stared back in shock.
"Yeah?" Logan just shrugged. "You dig a hole and then you take a shi-"
"Ok, Ok, OK. I got the concept. Why do people do that again? It's completely gross!" Mortified, Finn tuned away, finally setting up the tent. Behind his back, he just heard Leo giggling "City-boy" over and over. He was pathetic, wasn't he? But to hear that giggle, he would do it again. No. Nope. No. Don't think about it.
"Have you started on the tent, yet?" Logan asked airily, knowing exactly that Finn was lost.
"How's it going?"
"Fine." Finn looked up from the mess of fabric and stakes, not missing the teasing glint in the eyes of his best friend. He braced himself for endless chirping, but Leo just got up, leaving a little fire in a stone circle* (please read end notes) under Logan's supervision and helped him setting up the tent while an awkward silence fell upon them. It seemed to sink in that they all have to share that one tent.
The silence was broken by Leo. "Harzy..."
"What is this?"
"A tent?" It was a tent, wasn't it? He got it from that outdoor store at the mall.
"And how do you expect us to sleep in there?"
"Oh, non. Harzy. We will never fit in there." Logan had looked up from poking the fire.
"But it said three people on the tag!" Finn exclaimed. He was very sure, damn it.
With a sigh Leo turned to Finn " Three people tents never fit three people and luggage, let alone three grown-ass hockey players!"
"Oh." Finn felt his cheeks warm up in embarrassment. Why did the guy at the shop did not warn him?
"Alright, I'll sleep outside. That way I can see the stars all night."
Logan heard Leo offer while patting the shoulder of a slightly ashamed Finn and needed to react immediately.
"NO." He nearly shouted, making the other two turn their heads to him, questioning. "You- Erm... You freeze too fast. I'll sleep outside." Logan could not be in a tiny tent alone with Finn, he would do something very stupid.
"Nonsense." Finn exclaimed, looking worried all of a sudden. "No one sleeps outside. What if bears eat you?"
That pushed a laugh out of Logan's lungs. " Harzy, there are no bears in-"
"Or wolves... Or... or- mountain lions or venomous snakes or spiders... oh god, why did we come here?!."
While Logan was preoccupied with doubling over in laughter, he nearly missed Leo's deadpan reply.
"Finn Callahan O'Hara, do you actually know anything about wildlife?"
"Yeah." Came the defiant reply.
"Really? Because we picked this very region to make sure that all the animals you just listed do not exist here."
"Oh. Good then." Despite turning completely red, the older boy seemed very soothed by the thought of not being eaten in the night.
With that settled, Leo came over, crouching down besides Logan so close their knees were touching, sending a jolt through Logan's body, quickly followed by guilt. The blonde continued getting the fire bigger while clouds were accumulating above them, making him shiver.
"Why the hell is it so cold here? It's August."
"Bad news Pinotte, its actually very warm today." Logan joked in an attempt to calm himself down again.
"God." Leo wrapped himself closer in his hoodie and poked at the fire, before his gaze flew upwards.
"Oh no."
"What?" Finn asked, rather alarmed. He probably thought they spotted a bear anyway.
"It starts to rain."
"Naaah, it's just a drizzle." Logan reassured the younger boy. It always did a bit here.
It was not a drizzle. Soon they had to extinguish the fire and squeeze into the tent with their backpacks while torrential rains were pouring down outside. Neither of them could even sit upright, let alone move.
"I'm sorry guys," Finn mumbled while trying to navigate his backpack into a corner "Tomorrow, we will go back."
Logan could not stand to see his best friend like that. All sad puppy eyes and slumped shoulders. "Yeah." He said, patting Finns head as lovingly as he dared. "We camp out on your balcony and have the park as the only nature you experience, like the city-boy you are."
The puppy eyes gone, Finn smile warmly at Logan's attempt to cheer him up, but it faltered again as Leo's deep sigh waved over.
"Sorry that it's raining. I hoped for you to see the stars"
Leo looked strangely at Finn and Logan shifted uncomfortably. He had noticed the looks they exchanged but here, he couldn't ignore them. This trip was a horrible idea altogether.
Dinner consisted of cold canned beans and toast
"No Finn, you cannot make a fire in a tent. We will either burn down or suffocate."
 Getting ready for the night was awkward as hell. There was not much room and operating camping mats and sleeping bags out of the backpacks was almost as complicated as getting out of their trousers. Brushing teeth was holding the toothbrush out in the rain, simply swallowing the toothpaste and washing it down with a sip of water. Once they all were settled as good as they could, Logan looked over to Leo, buried in his bag, barely suppressing his shivers.  
"Come on Pinotte, you're freezing. Get in the middle." With that Logan rolled over Leo, who shifted thankfully towards Finn.
It was not easy but once they were all settled again, Logan found himself too close to Leo. He could smell his soap, his toothpaste and the way it made his heart flutter let his stomach knot in guilt. Mortified, he tried to turn away, but the tent was so small, all they could do was awkwardly spooning each other to even fit inside. He moved his head as far as possible against the backpacks to not touch Leo' neck. He was not allowed to enjoy that, could not risk creeping Leo or getting caught, by Finn, nonetheless.
Leo felt heavenly warm where he was but knew very well that he was, metaphorically and now literally in the middle of something he did not belong to. Logan and Finn had something. And although neither of them seemed to acknowledge it, it was very obvious. Leo would not try to get a foot in the door with either one, as much as he wished for it, he would not ruin it for them. With a deep breath, he closed his eyes and tried not to feel these wonderful boys snuggled to either side of him. This was not what they wanted, after all. It was necessity.
Finn was set alight with panic. He knew that sharing a tight space with Logan was bound to be awkward. Last time he slept so close to Logan, he left for Gryffindor the next day. And then Leo in all of it? What had he thought, getting both boys he had not-very-platonic feelings for on a trip in the middle of nowhere? He squeezed his eyes shut, trying not to think, just to sleep.
Leo was the first to wake up in the morning. Somehow Finn had accomplished to turn around and was snuggled up in his arms. Also, he could feel Logan's head between his shoulder blades. While this was the essence of the few daydreams, he allowed himself from time to time, the circumstances were horribly wrong.
Just necesseties, he told himself. Don't get your silly hopes up. But he did not move. Moving meant being awake and that meant acknowledging the elephant in the tent.
Also, it was still raining. There was nowhere they could go if things got even more uncomfortable and Leo had no intentions in starting this endeavour.
After a while of waiting in this compromised position, Finn blinked blearily, rubbing a hand over his eyes. Then, he just stared at Leo, eyes wide and pressed his fingers to his own lips, nodding towards a still sleeping Logan. They tried to disentangle but there wasn't enough room to move so they were stuck in this pose. Leo gestured at his arms, wrapped around the other boy, with his head and made a face that was supposed to look apologetic, but Finn just shrugged, avoiding his eyes now. Great.
"Sleep alright?" He asked in a hushed whisper.
"Manageable and you?" Finn replied just as quiet.
Leo gave him a lopsided smile and a tiny shrug. "'t was ok, a little cold."
They stayed like that in uncomfortable silence until there were some very quiet, suppressed sobs wafting over from behind Leo's back.
"Tremzy?" Leo tried to look over his shoulder and failed.
"Lo, what's up?" Finn was getting worried now and he leaned up as much as he could. Emotions were nothing Logan liked to share; Especially being hurt was something even he rarely saw. But instead of an answer there was just the usual flurry of French. His usual escape-route.
"No, Logan please speak to me in a language I can understand." He turned to face Leo again, pleading. "Leo, what was he saying?"
Leo looked pained but only shrugged. "No idea, it was something Canadian."
With that, Finn carefully scrambled over Leo to get to his friend but slipped with his hand on the sleeping bag fabric and fell into the blonde, faces colliding rather painfully but lips meeting, nonetheless. Finn and Leojerked apart, then froze, staring at each other, the world around them forgotten for a short moment as both tried to figure out what played in the mind of the other. Just as Finn slowly leaned back into Leo to do something, he was ripped out of the bubble by a violent move that made the whole tent shake. Logan was trying to get out, but the heavy rain outside made it rather impossible to leave so he stifled a sob and retreated completely into his sleeping bag, only a tuft of dark hair looking out while silent sobs shook his body.
"Lo", Finn said softly and worried as hell. What had he done? He knew how Logan felt about him, knew how he felt about Logan, even if they never dared to act on it and here, he was almost kissing Leo in this goddamn prison of a tent?
Leo did not move but his eyes switched frantically between the Logan-Burrito and Finn, still on top of him.
Carefully, Finn shifted from Leo's lap towards Logan.
"Lo, please talk." Finn pleaded now. It was ripping him apart to see Logan like this but all that came out of the burrito was some choked mumbling.
Finn did not know what to do. Logan never talked to him about his feelings when they were alone but now there was Leo in the tent with them, no way to escape and something had just shifted between Leo and Finn. He was at loss, starting to tear up himself.
Now Leo, very carefully leaned over Finn to put a hand on the burrito. "Logan. I think you should talk about what is wrong. I promise you I will never tell a soul what happened in this tent."
That made Logan's shaking still a little and a part of his head slowly re-emerged from the sleeping bag, eyes red and puffy, wiping his nose with his sleeve.
"I can't." He said very quietly.
"Why not?" Leo asked calmly.
"I – I don't want you guys to hate me."
"Lo, I could never hate you" Finn exclaimed and reached out to Logan but as teas were spilling out of his eyes again, he stopped the movement.
Finn knew that Logan would not talk on his own, so he needed to make a start. But how? Hey Lo, remember we've been pining after each other for years now? Yeah, I started to fall for Leo here while my feelings for you have not changed in the slightest. Nice, huh? Not an option.
Instead, he just lunged over as good as he could and hugged the Logan-Burrito, burring his face in the fabric.
They were all stuck in here for the time being. Logan could not escape and somehow Finn felt elated about it despite it being probably cruel towards Logan. The elation did not last long as he felt Leo shifting and turning his back to them, possible only because Finn and Logan were closely pressed together, and his heart ached. He was ripped into two directions, wanted Logan to understand, really understand that he loved him, no matter what but also tell Leo that he wanted him there, in his life, with him. Finn craved both and he was freaking out.
"Leo?" Finn asked hesitantly from behind Leo's back.
"'S fine, I'm sorry I cannot give you more privacy but really, I promise I won't spill a thing." That was something Leo had expected sooner or later but not like this. Not being forced to witness both men he fell for finally getting together, leaving him out.
"I know what is between you." Logan said between sobs.
"What?" Finn asked but he didn't have to. His stomach just dropped out of his body into the void.
"And- And I'm not mad at you. I know I kept you waiting for too long without even the hope of becoming more and- and I understand but it hurts so much." It all came out in a flurry and Finn had a hard time following before Logan broke into another round of sobs.
"No. Lo, no you don't understand." He tried to calm Logan down but the more he petted the brunette's head, the worse it got.
"What is there to understand?" Logan's voice rose a bit as he stuck his head out of his burrito. "I've seen it for a while now, the way you look at each other, but witnessing..." He trailed off, seemingly not daring to finish the thought.
"Lo, no. We are not together or something." Finn felt Leo flinch against his back and bit his lip. This was a disaster.
"What- but-" Logan looked more confused than hurt now but he had no idea how Leo was doing behind his back.
Finn took a deep breath. And then another. Apparently, he was the one who had to spill first.
"Alright. If this all goes down in flames, let's just leave it all in this tent. We literally burn it down and go on OK?"
"How comes you want to set things on fire all the time? What-" but Finn pressed his fingers to the other boy's lips.
"I love you Logan. I've loved you for so long, I can't even remember how it is not loving you." He had to take another breath as Logan's eyes widened. They had never said it out loud.
"But I also fell for Leo a while ago. And I know- I know that makes me a horrible, selfish person but I can't help it and I cannot decide between the two of you. Please don't be mad at me." Tears started spilling out of his eyes.
Leo had the feeling his heart had stopped and he was dead now. Finn liked him? Slowly, he turned around to see Logan's gaze flicker between Finn and Leo
"I love you, Finn and I- Me, too."
Too? Leo thought, not daring to believe his wildest dreams might actually become true.
"You like him?" Finn asked, baffled.
Logan nodded slowly and now they were both looking at Leo. Leo, who could not believe that was happening. He bit his lip in an attempt not to cry and just nodded, grabbing both their hands and pressing them to his chest
"But... but can we do that? How does that even work? Is that legal?" Logan was getting panicky again.
Leo grabbed Logan at his sweater to pull him over but ended up pulling himself into the middle instead.
"We can do what we want." He mumbled into Finns shoulder, smiling dumbly.
Logan laughed wetly. "Do I get it right that everyone of us likes the other two and was afraid of admitting it?"
"Yeah." Both, Finn and Leo replied but their similes became confused as Logan started to laugh hysterically.
"Lo?" Finn was rather alarmed by now.
Said boy was rubbing his eyes, gasping for breath. "This is hilarious. The whole situation. Like in a bad rom com and of course we all had to collapse on this horrible hiking trip."
Leo was giggling now too. "I actually wanted to back out after I realised what going hiking with you two meant but I didn't know how."
"Me too." said both Logan and Finn and now all of them were laughing loudly.
After a while, they calmed down again, and Leo spoke out loud what they all thought. "What now?"
"I don't know... I mean it's still raining so there's not much we can do..." The brunette replied casually only to get smacked around the head playfully by Finn.
"Idiot, he means with us. In general. Are we a thing now? All of us?"
"I'd like that." Logan sighed deeply. "But I don't think I'm as brave as Cap and Loops are."
"We don't need to go public." Leo countered and Finn nodded.
"But Finn... it's the same all over again. I've never wanted to hide. I still don't want to."
"So, you'd rather not be with us?" Leo strained his neck to properly look at Logan. Why was he still so reluctant? Didn't he want them as much as Leo wanted?
"I- I don't know. What if it gets out? We're not Cap, we're exchangeable... What if it gets too much for one of us, what if-"
"Logan, please calm down." Finn caressed his cheek because he could and this time, it made Logan calm down a little.
"We are not like Caps and Loops were. Our families can know, the team can know. We are not bound to be completely secret or completely out. It's not a light-switch, it could be more... like a dimmer." He had to pause and swallow a laugh at Logan's incredulous face.
"Light-switch metaphors?"
"No one knows if one of us gets annoyed with everything. This is why people talk. I think if we can talk about what's going on, everything will be fine. Now stop it, I'm the worry wart and you're stealing my job." Leo continued as Finn was busy stifling his laughter.
"O- OK."
"What?" Finn asked with a raised eyebrow.
"You know." Was Logan actually blushing?
"Say it." Yes, he was, and Finn was not letting it go. He needed to hear it.
"Alright, alright. I want it if you two want it." Logan looked between the other two and Finn felt Leo nodding as animatedly on his shoulder as he did.
"Let's be together, then." Logan concluded with the widest smile Finn had seen in years. He felt like squealing like a little kid over a puppy.
"I wanted to do that for months" Leo whispered into Finns ear as he leaned over and kissed Logan. Finn had to bury his face in Logan's neck, breathing him in, trying to stay composed. Them kissing was the best thing he's ever seen, and he was so filled with love that his chest was close to combustion.
Their chaste, careful kisses quickly turned into heavy snogging and when Logan grabbed Finn at his collar to include him, the redhead complied instantly. However, in the confined space, moving was demanding and Leo's arm slipped on the fabrics. He lost contact to Finn's lips and buried Logan beneath himself who let out a loud oof.
After another while of trying to figure out a comfortable position to make out in a tent they couldn't even sit upright in, they gave up eventually.
"We have all the time in the world". Finn concluded after failing repeatedly to get on top of Leo without pushing Logan into the clammy tent walls, just dropping between them.
Leo and Logan instantly made a thing out of unzipping all sleeping bags to create a cuddly nest and snuggle close to Finn, one on each side. The redhead drew and arm around each of his boys, afraid to wake up from this dream, while Logan and Leo were holding hands on top of Finn's chest.
"Let's just wait for the rain to stop and go home. There, we have quite a lot of space to explore all the possibilities." Leo commented cheeky, receiving one of Logan's feared finger-jabs.
Finn kissed both on the crowns of their heads, enjoying the feeling of them burying their faces in the junction of his neck, drifting back to the most comfortable sleep he ever had.
  *Alright: Important: DO NOT JUST MAKE OPEN FIRES IN THE WOODS!!!! If you want to go on a hike, inform yourself concerning wild-camping and open fire. The rules probably change according to season and region.
Stay safe and channel your inner Hufflepuff
P.S: There will be a little different version of it on AO3 and I put the link here once its up there.
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snarkwrites · 4 years
Abandoned amusement part for spooky locale prompt
Oooh, thank you for sending this. I love this idea, by the way. One thing came to mind when I got this and that was that I wonder how this would play out in the Walking Dead universe . So, hope you don’t mind! I hope you like this. I also hope it’s actually worth a shit. The idea came to me like this so I went all in with it. And I really, really enjoyed doing it. FYI, I almost went with AHS:Freak Show, but yeah..
I enjoyed doing this, again. Thank you for sending it.
[ send a character name / spooky scenario and location and I’ll write a drabble about it ]
uhh.. An OC of mine, Evie Grimes has been revamped. And she may or may not be a little out there in some ways... Like.. Too much. Idk. Lots of swearing. Mentions of gunshots. Me, dicking around with my own alternate universes and what actually took place on the series.... Again, lol.
** off the top of my head, these are the only people I could think might even want a tag.. If you wanna be tagged in my writing on this blog pls see the tag doc link below. Or tell me.]
[ masterlist - about page - tag doc ] 
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My lungs burned but I didn’t dare stop. A chain link fence stood between me and my doom and without thinking, I scaled the fence right as a decayed hand raised and very nearly got hold of the heel of my biker boot. I kicked free and tumbled down onto the other side.
I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t turn back. Give the finger to the horde of zombies I’d been outrunning. Probably wasn’t the smartest idea I’ve ever had, but... I did it. After turning away from the horde and moving quickly past a tattered and worn red and white striped tent close to me, I crouched down and started to work on reloading my gun. Once I got that reloaded, I reached behind me and produced my bow, making sure I still had a few arrows left in my quiver. Satisfied that I had my gun loaded and I hadn’t used all my arrows yet, I took a second or two to catch my breath.
The smell of smoke hung heavily in the air and I noticed it then... The flickering light over by an older model pop up camper. “What the hell?” the words came in a quiet gasp because I still hadn’t gotten my breath back completely yet, but curious as to who else might have taken cover in this empty amusement park, I made my way over to the source of light.
This was probably my first -and biggest, mistake. Before I even got halfway across the amusement park, I felt the cold metal of a gun barrel against the back of my skull.
“Where th’ hell you think yer goin, huh? You the reason them damn Walkers are lingerin outside the gate right now?” - that voice.. There was something so familiar about it. Take away the coldness and the anger in the tone and I’d almost swear on my life I’d heard the man currently speaking before. On numerous occasions.
“First of all, lower your fucking weapon.” I tried to stay calm as I said it. The man standing behind me chuckled. “You’re dumb if ya think I’m gon just put down my weapon. How do I know you ain’t with Rick’s group... Or that other sumbitch, Negan?”
And then, it clicked. Shane Walsh. My former childhood crush. My brother’s best friend and former partner at King County PD. ,, it can’t be. he died. Rick told you exactly what happened that night before you got separated...”
“I said... Lower your goddamn gun.” I repeated myself. “If you’d just let me turn around, you fucking idiot, you’d know exactly why I’m not the enemy. Now you on the other hand... You’re supposed to fucking be dead.”
I could hear him shuffle his feet. Clearing his throat. I didn’t have to be looking at him to know that my assessment shocked him. And yeah, parts of me were wondering if he’d put two and two together on his end of it all yet. Given what I remember about Shane, it’s highly doubtful. Man was kind of a meathead like that.
So it shocked me when he muttered in a quiet and shocked tone, “Evie? ‘At you?”
“Lower your gun and let me turn around and you’ll find out, meathead.” I retorted, tapping a heavy sole against the pavement and shivering at the chill in the air. He lowered the gun as I asked and I turned around, coming face to face with him.
Given what my brother told me before I went my seperate way from his little group, I had a lot of understandable concerns. So the first thing I did was to pull out my Bowie knife and hold it at his throat. He swallowed hard, eyeing me in confusion. “What th’ fuck?”
“Well, you’re alive when Rick saw you die with his own two eyes. Carl told me he shot you to make sure you didn’t come back. So... Until I know you’re not going batshit feral on me and attempting to eat my brains, I’m gonna have to keep this right here. You understand, yeah?”
“Evie, put the goddamn knife down. Carl didn’t finish me off, first of all. He tried but he couldn’t. I told ‘im to tell everybody that. Left and went my own way. Been stayin here, “ he swept his arm towards a particularly creepy clown mouth shaped entrance to a nearby funhouse and met my gaze to continue, “Since. Thangs were goin swell. Til you bought the fuckin Walkers right to my gate.”
He rolled his eyes in irritation and I fumed at him angrily. As I considered the story he presented, I held the knife exactly where I’d put it. A smirk formed as he suggested with a smug tone, “What, you want me to strip down and show ya I ain’t one of ‘em? Because darlin, I wouldn’t mind that one bit.”
“Oh I bet you wouldn’t, you colossal ass... But we have bigger problems right now. I wasn’t just running from those undead shitbags outside... I may or may not have pissed off that Negan guy you mentioned. I may or may not have set fire to some shit... Stolen some things. And he may or may not have been chasin me.”
“Woman, what the everlovin fuck?”
“Look. I went there, determined to get my goddamn revenge, okay? He... He killed someone I... I really cared about them. Then all that shit with my brother and his people and Negan.”
Headlights cut through the darkened night and I grumbled. I could hear Negan’s boys whooping and hollering and I gulped, taking a deep breath. “I’m gonna lower the knife. But if I even think you’re one of those zombies, Walsh, I swear to God. I’ll kill you in your sleep and I won’t think twice.”
“Fair enough... Guessin this ain’t because you’re feelin generous.”
“No. We’re about to be up to our asses in hillbilly dumb fucks. I can’t take ‘em alone.” I hated admitting I needed his help for anything, it left a sour taste in my mouth. 
And his smug smirk didn’t help at all, either.
“First ‘f all, let’s get to higher ground. There’s a control tower back around where you came crashin over the fence at. If we get higher, we can see ‘em. And all my guns and shit are up top.”
I nodded and I didn’t waste any time, crouching amongst the tents. I passed the battered bumper cars attraction and I froze in place when I heard the shuffle-groan-shuffle heading our way. My heart started to race and my stomach jumped clear into my throat. I couldn’t move, no matter how hard I tried to convince myself it was move or get my ass eaten alive. I could hear the trucks getting closer too and that didn’t help. Gunfire was starting to fill the night. This was not a good situation, not by any stretch.
Shane ran up, grabbing me up by my hips, hauling me over his shoulders just as Negan’s vehicle came crashing through the back gate.
“Woman, you brought more trouble than y’ might be worth, y’ know that?”
“Less bitching, Walsh.. More getting us to higher ground.” I muttered as Shane stood me on my own feet and I scrambled up the stairs leading to a control tower. Once we were inside, Shane threw a heavy machine in front of the door and knelt down, loading up his Mossberg.
And outside, the shuffling and groaning got closer. The sounds of revving engines and the sound of bullets echoed through the night.
All I know is I’m not getting a good feeling about tonight, not even slightly.....
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lomlwintersoldier · 5 years
You Know Me {Part 1: Faces}
Word Count: 1467
Warnings: none yet!!
A/N: Alright guys i guess im back. I watched endgame a few months ago and HOLY SHIT did i fall right back in love with the MCU. It took me a few months to develop this story how i liked it but I finally finished and am ready to share it with you guys. I guess it’s my return. LMK if you wanna be tagged in this one <3
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The sky is a dark grey curtain hanging over San Francisco, not uncommon for the coastal city but today, on this particular, fateful day, they felt malicious, a creeping gloom waiting for prey. The darkness fills Natasha with unease as she makes her way down the bustling streets of the Golden City, although she doesn’t think much of it. Too dirty, she thinks critically.
Natasha was here unofficially and in hiding and if anyone from S.H.I.E.L.D. or god forbid, Fury, knew she was here she would surely have her ass handed to her. Not that she cared too much, although she was trying to be better about listening to her superiors; still, it wasn’t a part of her nature to be a soldier, taking orders from higher powers. Not anymore.
No, her business here was of a more menacing nature, one that was tied to her past with H.Y.D.R.A. and her heart was heavy as she wondered about what she would discover. In all honesty, she wasn’t even sure what she would find here, but she knew it couldn’t be good if H.Y.D.R.A. was involved; depending on how deep they were in the situation, Natasha was risking everything by coming here today. The crimson haired hero finally finds the small townhouse that was typical of the sprawling city, although this particular home had fallen into disrepair. The paint, which appeared to have once been red, had faded to a dull, patchy pink, neglect having sucked the color and life from the place over time. It was as if no one had stepped foot outside for years. 
Natasha, pursing her lips nervously, approaches the door, rapping three times on the old wood before taking a step back and crossing her hands in front of her. 
“Coming!” A hoarse, muffled voice yells out from behind the door. Natasha hears her hands struggling with the chain for a few moments and a bent old woman opens the door, her brittle fingers holding on to the doorknob for support. She’s unsurprised to see Nat and her lips press into a hard line as she survey’s the young woman standing on her doorstep. 
“Natalia,” she says quietly as she takes in Natasha’s red curls and hard eyes. “It has been a long time.” “Madame B,” Natasha acknowledges. She was not so forgiving of her former teacher but she knew that the old woman was no longer a threat to her, not after so many years and certainly not after she’d left H.Y.D.R.A.; the old woman had seen the errors within the ways of the organization and had escaped quietly years ago, paying off people to keep her existence a secret and using her information as leverage. Even in her old age Madame B was vital and dangerous. “Where are they?” Natasha asks as the Madame let’s her through the doorway and shuts the door behind her quickly, replacing the chain on it’s hook and clicking two hidden locks into place. Paranoid old hag. “Here.” The old woman leans heavily on her cane as she walks slowly through the dark hallways, devoid of any personal effects; no photos rested on the bare walls and most of the windows had been either painted over or were shuttered tightly with curtains. She leads Natasha to a small room at the end of the hallway, and gives her a grave look before gripping the doorknob and opening the door for Natasha, who steps into the small bedroom.
In the corner are three little girls huddled together, with the eldest and biggest holding onto the littlest of the three protectively. They stare up at Natasha with wide, wary eyes, cautious of this stranger as she approaches the three girls. 
“Hello.” Natasha crouches in front of them and smiles but they don’t react; they just watch her like wolves, ready to runif“My name is Natasha. Can you tell me your names?”
The oldest girl looks to the other two, not in deference but more to see whether they were comfortable giving their names to a stranger. These girls had clearly been trained to see a darker side of life because of their past. An unspoken conversation passes between the eldest and middle children as the youngest just stares up curiously at Natasha, who gives the little one a small smile. The middle shakes her head but the oldest turns back to Natasha. “I’m Dominique. That’s Nia.” She points to the middle child who still glares distrustfully at Natasha. “And this is Amara. She’s two.”
“Well, it’s very nice to meet you girls.” Natasha smiles at them before turning back to Madame B who had been standing silently at the doorway. The two walk into another room, leaving the girls huddled together in the corner.
“Where are you sending them?” She asks when the door shuts behind her. “I’ve found a group home for the oldest and Amara. Nia goes to a foster family.” “You couldn’t keep them together?” “I tried. But it is too risky. H.Y.D.R.A. knows them as three sisters. It is the safest,” the old woman replies. “And no one knows they’re here right?” “Only you and I.” 
Natasha glances back uneasily towards the door and then looks out the only window she’s seen in this house that’s uncovered. The dark clouds have begun to churn and rain falls heavily on the glass. “Let’s keep it that way.”
December 2023
You walk down the busy roads of Quito, enjoying the warmth of the sun on your skin. It had been so long since you’d been able to spend time out on a day like this and you were fully taking advantage of the warm weather as you wander around the city streets, window shopping lazily. 
After the first snap, you’d been one of the millions to disappear, and being spit back into the world after five years, the same age while everyone else had aged, had been quite a shock. But you were adjusting, as everyone was, and after nearly a year since everyone’s return, the world seemed to be going back to normal and you’d been living in Ecuador for the last three months. The last nine months since you’d come back had been difficult, especially finding out about Natasha’s death, but you shouldered on; you were a survivor and unfortunately, death wasn’t a concept you were unfamiliar with. 
You come upon the farmers market you frequent, a cute collection of tents, kiosks, and people that greeted you with a smile every morning.
“Hola, Santiago.” You smile at the old man behind the kiosk that always holds the most beautiful array of fruits, the colors bursting and easily spotted from far away.
“Buenos días, señorita.” He grins warmly at you.
“¿Cómo estás?” You ask as you pick up a few peaches and nectarines, putting them in the shopper bag on your shoulders. You study the other fruits on the cart, your hands reaching for a few plums as well but just as you begin to inspect them, Santiago grunts and coughs, doubling over as he grips the edge of the cart for support. 
“Santiago!” You exclaim in concerned as the color drains from his face. You’re instantly at his side steadying him but his eyes are unfocused and just as you’re about to yell for help, he grips your arm, forcing you to look at him.
“You thought we would never find you, little girl?” He drawls in accented english, his voice like sandpaper in your ear. But then you realize his accent is not Spanish. It’s...Russian. A chill licks up your spine and you shove yourself away from him, staring in horror when he shakes his head; the color returns to his cheeks and suddenly he seems completely unfazed as you stagger back, shaking. 
“¿Qué te pasó?” He asks quizzically. He turns, his neck facing you and you see a tiny cut, fresh and just on the nape of his neck. An implant.
You’re white as a sheet, your legs trembling as you quickly grab your fallen bag You mutter a quick goodbye as you turn on your heel and run down the street, with only one thought on your mind. Get home…disappear…again. 
You finally make it back to your small home and instantly slam the door behind you, locking it and moving the bookcase in the hallway in front of it. You scramble around throwing clothes and whatever you can get your hands on into a duffle; it’s a blur, and you don’t even remember as you grab only your most essential items. Five minutes later, you’re out the door and running as fast as your feet can carry you
Part 2
Tags: @xxchexchickxx  @killpop-writes @melconnor2007 @psychicwitchphilosopher @frolicsomefawkes @the-witching-hours12-3 @bubblegumuntsr  @badassbaker @trashsnitches @barnes-toddpartnersinheartbreak @thickthighedqueen @megandrawsspace @rda1989@ailynalonso15 @cupcaitlyn96 @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d @thefridgeismybestie @elleatrixlestrange @browncoatforever @elitafuckingone @siobhanrebecca @ my-girl-is-the-best @dugan365
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