#<- u can tell i like it bcuz i named myself after two of the characters šŸ˜Ø
felixisfruity Ā· 4 months
hi felix we have not talked in forever but ik you likd nerdy prunes must die and i wanted to tell you how im gonna watch it on youtube tonight :3
LETSGOOOOOO we do need to talk more :0 i hope u enjoy it npmd is literally so good šŸ™ if u dont know yet fair warning about dirty girl because šŸ™ yeag (assuming you havent watched it yet)
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thelostdisaster82 Ā· 10 months
If a man would live in a man who is in the military house with that manā€™s wife ā€¦that manā€™s thought to be kids as if it was somehow acceptable. Sneaking n lying to a innocent person who probably at one time was a really good person to find out not only his wife was cheating but the children he has begun to raise werenā€™t in fact even his! And wonder why on earth I would ever think u would do the same thing to me? Just bcuz Iā€™ve raised ur children 12 doesnā€™t mean crap while she ran around popping kids out how many 14-16 now I lost countā€¦..shooting up H and whatever else she could get her hands onā€¦hasnā€™t been here one holiday or birthday or school activity for 12 yearsā€¦.yet do I believe u have her in my house..yes why? Bcuz I aim no one to u . Ur actions speak louder than any words could possibly say! U say u love me but Iā€™m all reality u donā€™tā€¦u just use me till there nothing more I can given Iā€™ve bent over backwards to make these children good kids respectable adults and to keep u outta prison to make this house n everything in it home! But it hasnā€™t been home for year now. Random womens nasty crotches panties and stretched out bras Iā€™ve continuously finding. Knowing theyā€™re not mine or my girls ..hell not even his sister or momsā€¦.No oneā€™s I even would knowā€¦but in my heart I know! What kind of person forgives a woman who walked away fm her kids to get highā€¦while pregnant by the dealer baby still usingā€¦finally gets clean 6 months and went to prison should have came to look for her babies instead stacked her link card for 6 months to trade for some beans! Sickening honestlyā€¦how do u tell ur children they have 14-16 brothers n sisters out there all born addicted to H? How do u tell them that they were the lucky 3 that found a forever home and have always been loved! Somethings u just canā€™t sayā€¦i would have taken all of them thru Dcfs but u refused didnā€™t want to raise someone elseā€™s kidā€¦but how big of a good were u? No matter what they were part of ur kids..they were just babiesā€¦never asked to come into this world let alone addicted and unloved! i do not understand people let alone people like uā€¦.at one time I thought u weā€™re different u were wonderful but u r a spoiled selfish individual. 12 years of mental abuse ā€¦physical and just the tormented bullshitā€¦ to the point I got reactive abuseā€¦fight or flightā€¦I choose to fight bcuz I always have to defend myself with u. Physical goes away only hurts for a second but the mentalā€¦it lasts forever like a broken record on repeat. U start to doubt urself and if ur even good enough ..somedays I beg to go to bed n never wake up but others seem ok. The manipulationā€¦Iā€™m crazy I need medication I need mental helpā€¦after a while u start believing itā€¦.how can someone be like that to make people hate themselves. Tell me kids donā€™t want me here or Iā€™m mean of Iā€™m risk for kids to be around. In all realityā€¦u r and she is! my reactions come from uā€¦no one sees what u say only what I say or doā€¦so then it looks like me. U put me here ā€¦all air out of my tiresā€¦.not a dollar to my name. No family to call . No friends to call. I trust no one. My most meaningful conversations are with my dogs. U allow her to steal from me on a daily. U think I owe u somethingā€¦yet u wonā€™t tel me what. U forget my bday n holidays and for Motherā€™s Day while u forget me u remind me to get for the neighborā€¦.my tire needed changed but was an inconvenience for u. The neighbor needed new tire not only did u give her mine u changed it from rim to rim to put on her suv. U open door for others while u slam doors on me. U throw my daughter hating me in my face bcuz I rises these three kidsā€¦everything Iā€™ve ever told u ..u used against me. U sold my wedding ring for $20. Or was u the one who stole pawn receipt so u can get out n give to someone else? Why? From day one I did what u told me to help u get kids back and for years during winter Iā€™d work two jobs to carry us cuz u were laid off. Iā€™ve cooked cleaned done laundry took care of dogs and doctorā€™s appointments and parent teacher conferences. To be called names by ur mom
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tinybitofhope Ā· 11 months
my life rant bc i need this of my chest xxx (ill divide into paragraphs)
okay so the reason i think im aroflux is bcuz i dont feel attraction duh. but fr cuz i need to get this out. saw this one post abt leo valdez and it was like percy telling leo abt what his luv for annie feels like and leo was like ā€˜ya ill get crushes but i wont find luv bc i am fire and fire burns out and cannot be containedā€™ and shit like that and i was likeā€¦. crap. uhm i relate to that a bit too much. ik im young but like.. my crushes rlly js feel like interests and spending too much time w them. also idek if my most recent sapphic crush was rlly a crush or if i was js tryna prove it to myself im rlly bi. anyways back to my aro rant. and sometimes when i see people in luv im like ā€˜lmao couldnt be meā€™ likeā€¦ okay next rant
omg so i used to be always happy for little and big things but likeā€¦. my vball tournament was yesterday and we won against our best opponent but i didnt feel happy??? like i barely even cried. i mean im glad we won but it feels like im holding smth that i like in my hands but js not enjoying ig??? i feel vv empty rn and i dont like the feeling of that but then again thats how ive been feeling for a while so im trying to ignore it.
its so sad on how i keep being friends w him (ill name him kris) even tho he literally outed me, but this is such a small skl and i dont think i could ever leave my friend. tbh loyalty is a big thing for me, ever. thats why it hurts so much when i think about everyone having someone except for me. its like being the third wheel in every single relationship (familial, friendship) i have with anybody. anyways i rlly have to stop being friends w people who wronged me but when i think abt them i think abt all the good times w them and then think that they (alliteration) could still be my friend. but like i said before its a small skl and everyone knos eachotherā€¦
back on that third wheel thing, like i said b4 loyalty is big for me. so when someone betrays me or like leaves me out i get soooo anxious and start going into frenzies like ā€˜oh ofc theyre hanging out togetherā€™ bc now my trio feels like m&a plus me. and everyone has their pair they talk to all the time, so what abt me? nonzo. its so hard during family shit bc im the middle child whereas there is only two children in each family and somim stuck w the older cousins (dw i luv em) but likeā€¦ i feel so out of place.
i hate hate hate doing big things and then right after i have to go socialize? like no.. im tired asf. sometimes talking makes me want to cry and hide ipunder my sheets and scroll on pinterest while listening to my peaceful playlist. and it sucks bc i share a room w my sister and so i cant even do that in peace. i turned off my crying mode aswell and i dont kno how to turn it back on so at most i can shed a few tears so thats not fun. bc yknow how people say ā€˜crying is good for uā€™. me rn: šŸ¤ 
so what did we learn? that my life sucks ass and i want to curl up and die. and on that happy note goodbye!!!
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cooloddball Ā· 3 years
Someone submitted something in my inbox and they wanted to remain anonymous. Since this is an extremely long essay, I will put it under the cut. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
xxx submitted: hey, i was the one who ask what do you think of Misha and Jensen's current relationship First off all thank you for your answear it means much to me cause im easy to be convice and this person who keep telling me that they are no longer friends can be so convicing, so I'm actully trying to forget what she said šŸ˜… so I'm just writing a few. she said that since they no longer work together, they will forget about each other, and do their common things like the gay jokes, face touches ect. With other people, and neglect each other, don't talk to each other, and then meet new people who will replace the other. And and she talked about the gish thing, she said she sure they didn't talk since the end of the series, because Jensen didn't know where Misha was and Misha didn't know about the Radio Company vol 2 (but i saw people say that, they were just pretending, because Misha liked something about Radio Company Vol 2, before the gish live, so in theory he already knew then or something like that) and She said Misha wrote a poem about Darius not Jensen and now I will write down what she sent me : I saw a post about Jensen's current activities on social media, and I've come to the conclusion the only person he doesn't interact with is mish. Sadly this makes my break up theory even stronger. I feel like this is a goodbye to one of the biggest parts of my life. They've moved on from "uk what I haven't told you today? That i love u"+ from "miss my only jensen" from "i love u misha i mean it from the bottom of my heart" from "jensen has no flaws" from "misha is the funniest thing ever happened to me" from all that love and affection from everything they developed together and now they're apart leaving their lives like nothing happened and call me a dramatic but they both have the same energy now as someone has after a big break up. and Jensen comments on almost every of his friendā€™s post except Mishaā€™s"+ Jenmish is genuinely the best thing that has ever happened in my entire life. I owe them literally everything. They're the reason i hold on. Unfortunately on this essay i have to start using past tense verbs for them, and i have to continue on that. I don't know for how long y'all been in spn fandom. But even if u joined one year before the show ended you'd know how close and intimate jensen and misha were. Everything about them was unmatched.+ The chemistry and how they just fit eachother. They had always been all over eachother. Like they were holding on eachother for dear life. They completed eachother and were like world's most powerful thing. They were the definition of soulmatism. No matter where, they ALWAYS kept interacting with eachother. Each possible tweet or insta post. On cons that the other wasn't there, the other one would bring up the othere's name for no absolute reason. +The looks and repeated love confessions. How invested they were both into eachother. The family they had built together cuz we know how close dee and mish are (look all the charity work they've been doing together recently). There are youtube videos to proof everything I've said so far.When i say break up, my real intention is that they've grown apart. Everything started in the the third or forth month of pandemic. Before than jensen used to interact +(comment mostly) on almost all of misha's posts. But after a while everything just stopped. At first personally didn't care that much. Bcuz I believed too much in them that I thought not even the gods above could separate them. I told myself maybe they spend long hours chatting or video calling and that's why online public interactions are gone. But as it passed it almost diminished to zero. Except some likes from jackles and eventual ones from misha there weren't anything else.+ We got absolutely no content and the show went off too. We were helpless and were sticking to everything we had Dee had a big social media shot down, so as jensen. Misha was busy with the election. We got some interviews for it with all of them. But we didn't get much.except remember both of them pulling a bff
move. and texted eachother during an online con where everyone else were dead-serious about politics? That flickered something in me. That showed me that+ they can't ever possibly let eachother go. And the times everyone else were talking and these too would just talk random things together (the one jackels had a white hat on with stacy abraham).And then Misha posted that for jensen's bday We really overlooked it. That shit was too intimate. To close. Fav march baby? U just don't go around and called ur bestie baby and when u mean it deeply. Especially not when ur friend is jensen ackles the "I suffered form internalized homophobia my whole life+ but fuck my wife's an angel and i have an angel bf too and another angel which is his wife but I'd rather die than come out cuz my asshole dad pulled a John winchester on me". It doesn't work like that. But uk how mish is. Carefree and open. I believe they got into a fight bcuz of this. He didn't even like the post. AND that was when the tiny bit of interactions we had was gone too. For a while jensen didn't even liked his posts. After a month it started again.What made me finally believe in that they had grown too+ far: I still remember the night misha posted that he and jensen were going to have a con for gish together. I remember how hard I cried. Lile the whole world was given to me. But deep down in my heart I knew that something would definitely happen. It didn't sit right with me and unfortunately my senses never lie to me. Jensen showed up at the wrong time bcuz of misunderstanding the time zones (this was HILARIOUS). That's not even my point.+ I've seen that interview 3 times so far. It always reminds me of when i saw my ex at a party and we were both so thrilled to see eachother and we still loved the other dearly, but we just couldn't work it out. Jensen and Misha's expressions were EXACTLY the same. The genuine smiles and longs pauses were they just stared at eachother. I'm so happy that it was online cuz if they actually gave that looks to eachother standing right next to the other one I would've collapsed. Misha didn't know that jensen's album+ was out. And he got so embarrassed when he found it out. He didn't know that jensen was on set and hadn't been home for 8weeks. Jensen had no idea where misha was. And this means that they hadn't talked in a long long time.When you're that close with someone for more than a decade, i mean THAT close, even if u're separated from eachother you'd at least check on the once a week, or at least once in two weeks. But it was vividly clear that they hadn't. I hate how this world works. They would always be in my heart.+ I would be thankful from them for everything. It hurts, and it won't stop and im so sure I'd be carrying this pain for a long time. They mean too much to a lot of us. Sometimes I think to myself that god i love them so much. Remember in 2019 when we used to get SO many jenmishdee interactions? That was LIT. It was THEE year for us. I hope they're doing good. I really do. I hope we don't get more proofs and I won't have to update this thread. Cuz my heart won't be taking it very+ well.Something i gotta add U may say that Jensen's busy and that's why he doesn't comment. But he comments on a lot of jared and his new costar's posts. So that's no excuse. So yeah that's it. I don't know what am I supposed to think. english isn't my native language, so sorry for the mistakes
Here is my response:
I don't know who this person who has been talking to is but I have to say they seem to be project their previous relationship experience on cockles.
I believe Jensen and Misha are okay and are together. Social media likes and comments don't mean anything. I mean it's not like Jensen or Misha used to comment on each other's posts before. Jensen didn't even wish Dee Happy Mother's Day this year, does that mean they are not together anymore? Nope. He has other best friends he has known for over 20 years like Jason Manns, Steve Carlson etc that he doesn't wish happy birthday, does that mean they are not friends anymore.
Please let's not put value on social media likes. I don't even follow my own family on sm and I don't always like or comment on my bf's or bff's posts on sm. So it doesn't mean anything.
As for the Gish Panel, I have talked about it before, the time Jensen was slotted to attend the panel, he was meant to answer fan questions. I honestly believe they decided to not do it at that time because they knew the questions would be about Destiel and not their new projects. If you watched that panel, Misha knew that Jensen's album was out as I pointed out. He was just trying to promote the album and soldier boy. He knew Jensen had also buffed out. It was all to promote Jensen. Anything else you hear is trolls and antis just being loud. Also don't forget Jensen called him "babe".
If Jensen and Misha weren't okay, he wouldn't have attended or participated all those panels Misha organized especially for Gish. Danneel also posts a lot about RA and likes Misha's posts. I am 100% Misha visited the Ackles when he went to Colorado last month.
Stop listening to trolls and/or antis or just people who are projecting and look at facts.
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ineedtherapist Ā· 3 years
after like a week of inactivity i am going to bombard your ask with random things that are totally out of context i love gingers and i have an oc who is a ginger, and there's this boy at my school who looks just like him and everytime i see him i'm like that wojak meme who has his mouth opened and is pointing at something in the distance, and that boy doesn't know i am referring to him as my oc's name when i'm talking with my friends and he will never know.
once upon a time i woke up with a terrible stomach pain, like it was so painful i almost shed a tear, and i rarely cry. so i ran up to the bathroom and i passed out. when i gained conciousness i looked at myself in the mirror and i was pale as a ghost's butt cheeks. i left the bathroom and my mom is like "what happened" and i told her "eh, nothing much, just passed out" my dog was looking at me and i tried not to laugh, bcuz he has a dumb little face. so anyway, that day i stayed at home
when i was in preschool i had a crush on a boy who punched me in the guts, and my headcanon is that jotaro did the same when he liked someone when he was young
i was once writing a kny rp in which i totally lost my mind; so i live in poland, right? and me and my friends transformed bucci gang into a pathological polish family (i know it's about kny, but wait) and abbacchio was a king of the district and just a hobo in general. so i took him and just rammed him into demon slayer's universe and he was like... an alcoholic demon sage who helped the entire gang defeat astro-people, who were mostly based on teachers at my school and a few problematic people. you know, just for giggles. abbacchio's (we were calling him "boadicea" back then) power was to create an alcohol barrier and everything was just like... what the frick's happening
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u really can't take abba seriously can you šŸ’€
but ngl it fits him a lot.
WDYM 'eh nothing much I just passed out' like bro?? why?? how?? spill the tea homie. šŸ˜‹
I'm counter attacking urs out of context with mine now cuz LMAO THIS IS SO FUN TO READ
Back when I was 15 I used to make a whole verse of psychological horror AU based on my teachers n bestie.
my teachers are like.. in their 40's/50'sšŸ’€
So I was like well- why don't we make a spinoff of that. So we got like the whole verse set up. character development, angst, fluff, horror you name it. We even make headcannons and ship. mind you, I haven't discover tumblr yet and doesn't even realize what I'm doing lol.
It's basically just me making ocs and lores to indulge my bestie in her endless crushing for dilf till now
One of me and my bestie pretty close friend are one of the main cast but she never know and we never tell her to this day šŸ‘
spoiler : she die in s1
Ever since I was 13, I'm actually subconsciously fixated on blondie šŸ’€
fictional-wise that is.
it's either cuz they're too hot for no reason or they just fit into my preferences a lil bit too much.
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There are a few more blond I use to like but those are the dark times, we don't talk about it. šŸ’€
Back when I was 9 I almost lose my thumb and index finger cuz my dumb ass of a kid think I'm old enough to cut sugar canes with my gramps machete without being supervised by adults. cry a lot.
When I was 10, me and my cousin pretend we're forming a band. We're sitting at my gramp self-build resting hut (??) with self-made slide šŸ˜Ž
So as I was guitaring the broom on top of a fcking ladder in the hut with my cousin whose sitting on the floor, I cutely fell off the ladder and twist my wrist. doesn't cry but it hurt af bro šŸŒš
I used to have 3 cats, one die. been 6 years since that day. pick up a new one 2/3 years ago. they fight a lot lol cuz the other two are sibs and the new bb kinda invading their territory. doesn't fight as much nowadays tho. still remember my bb girl from 6 years ago a lot cuz she's the sweetest out of all 4 and she isn't here anymore :)
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sunseteyes Ā· 4 years
@liliannyah : I luved to read all of your simps paragraphs šŸ˜”šŸ‘Œ i honestly love so much when ppl care that deeply about characters, bc i feel at home. Yes, we are simps but they deserve it!
Oh, about the emoji, you can choose, im curious to see what i will b šŸ‘€šŸ‘€
Imma start with my main bby Nishinoya! Honestly, i fell for him the exact time he appeared in the anime, idk, i just loved how confident and cool he appeared to b, but it wasn't rlly strong, it was just a "Whoa, he is cool af". After that, things went like a slow burn for me and him, bc i started to notice how he cared deeply about his friends and how he was always energetic and ready to help them up!! Like, God, he is a libero so his buddies can do craziness without worrying too much bc he is there! Asahi is always putting himself down, but oh, there it is Nishinoya telling him to stfu bc he's great. And he is so cute and humble about his abilities too. My smol bean is so impulsive and happy, he definitely made me a different person. He just makes me laugh so much, and my heart definitely goes ā—ā—ā— when he do his clown things. Oh and we both share the same desire to travel the world (he did it, and i hope i do one day too šŸ˜”šŸ‘Œ)
Now, Tamaki! I think he entered my heart because i saw myself on him. But the main difference was that i wanted to help him, hold him and say that everything is going to b fine. He doubts himself so much, but he is so fucking talented and worked so hard to be were he is, i mean, have you seen him fighting??? I want to make a cheer squad for him with Mirio and Kiri bc he deserves so much! He also teach me that anxiety isn't a bad thing, you can be amazing even if you don't believe. I also find his backstory so lovely, he is a real Sun, he just have to accept it šŸ˜ŒšŸ‘Œ.
I think the last one is Atsumu, he is one of the characters that relax me. I know, ppl say that he is arrogant and a asshole, but i see him as someone confident, who doesn't care about what people say about him. He is also a little childish, and I think thats what attracts me to him, he is young and he have so much space to grow, even as a adult, he can have a big character development, without leaving his personality behind, yk? And his voice is so good to hear, it really calms me down.
Omg, i rlly did a essay about them help JDKSBSKSBSJBDKSBDJ i hope you didn't mind, i got rlly carried away!
I luved to b a simp šŸ˜”šŸ‘Œ i simp for Bokuto too, but he is more like my bff along with Kuroo (I deadass think that me and the two would b a great squad idk JSKSJKSSKSJ)
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ā€”god i feel soooo bad to only reply to you this time because i filmed myself monologuing for sum stuff at school & was finishing up a couple of fluffvember jxjdjdj
oh god reading your essay is like-god i totally agree! these boys deserve so much more and thatā€™s one thing that i really love being a writer. because i could write for them and make them shine. thatā€™s my main goal. for me, the reason why i donā€™t bias much about my faves is because i treat all of the characters the same, equally and even if i love that other guy most, i appreciate the others ones too.
what i really love about noya is that he has such a great impct on the team, much like daichi in my opinion. he keeps the ball rolling and that means heā€™s the ā€œglueā€ of the team. i liked how they emphasized that in the first season but as time passes by i think noya was kind of being overshadowed for me but nonetheless iā€™d really love for him to have more screentime. he deserves so much more.
tamaki! yes another one of my comfort characters too. god i love how you said he inspires you because yES that means heā€™s one hell of a great character. i think tamaki is one of the characters in bnha that shows real life struggles, much like ura with their financial problems, and bakugo with his temper management. god i loveee how he developed in even such a small screen time itā€™s insane how i never expected him to grow that fast. plus the name suneater is totally badass.
lastly atsumu i honestly havent known much about him college is keeping me from finishing the manga im so mad but from what ive seen and what youve described him to be he sounds like an amazing side character plus im sorry atsumu i have a bit of a bias on osamu my boy jdjsjd
all in all, thank you for reading me and niaā€™s pep talk. i think this can pass up as a drabble.
plus ohgod i totally feel you about bokuto i see him as an amazing bff i want a bff like him lmao.
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aliferous-ly Ā· 6 years
ya girl back at it again with the headcanon splat of ideas, splabbles if you will
(drabbles, splat, sprabbles, yes? no? iā€™ll see myself out)
yknow analogical is just so good so why not duderinos lez go
yes yes this is strange but hear me out
virgil lives on a farm with his grandparents and two cousins
u guys are v creative im sure you could come up with wonderful people to be them, shorts characters or cartoon therapy characters or ocs
he likes gardening mostly while his cousins take care of animals n stuff
but he does have a pet goat named Anx who he loves dearly, he would die for her tbh
side note on Anx she was a v nervous lil kid and he was the only one who managed to calm her down
she liked the smell of his big hoodie and his hands smell like plantsĀ 
she lets other people milk her but she heavily heavily prefers virgil, and gets stressed when she doesnt see him for a day or twoĀ 
heā€™s 100% ok with this
they go to a farmerā€™s market every saturday morning, itā€™s 9am to 2pm
they sell fruits from their orchard and veggies from the garden
originally virgil didnā€™t go at all, he stayed back toĀ ā€˜watch the farmā€™ but he really just. freaked out a lot about dealing with peopleĀ 
his gparents understood and so did his cousins, plus then his cousins get more pocket change lollll
(they give virgil some because virgil ~basically~ grew all the veggies and some fruits /raspberries mostly/)
eventually virgil goes, one of his cousins convince him bcuz this one stand has honeycomb and heā€™s literally obsessed with honey and bees, forever sad their farm doesnt have any (one of his cousins are deeply afraid of bees + allergic, and virgil would never get bees w them so scared)
anyway he goes to the farmers market and mostly sits behind their stand in the back
at one point he works up the courage to go to the honey stand which is like. right next stand
thereā€™s so much honeyĀ 
so much
theyā€™re all different colors and have different flower labels on them , and there are even some books people can look through, and a tiny brochure almost that has lil facts on bees
heā€™s in awe he just loves it all so much
anyway he clears his throat and buys some honeycomb from the man behind the counter, who has glasses and a tie and a lil nametag that saysĀ ā€œLoganā€
Virgil goes back to his stand even though he wants to stay there so bad and read about BEES
he loves BEES
~ fast forward to the next week ~
he goes and its wonderful he buys some acacia honey
to go with his tea
he loves tea
the dude selling it is different tho, heā€™s wearing sunglasses and a flannel shirt rolled up to the elbows, unbuttoned with a white undershirt virgilā€™s bidar (get it bisexual gaydar) starts going offĀ 
dude has a nametagĀ ā€œRemyā€ which sounds p cool to virgilā€™s deviantart oc ears
anyway he slinks back to his famā€™s stand
and they teach him how to sell and he realizes itā€™s . pretty easy, people buying fresh veggies in a farmerā€™s market are usually not Super Angry
two boys walk by, one wearing a wicked t-shirt and the other with a black t-shirt and a tie
ā€œhow much would you give me if I ate a raw radishā€ wicked t-shirt boy says
ā€œfifty centsā€ tie boy replies
ā€œthatā€™s it? the radish costs more than that!ā€
ā€œIā€™ll buy the radish thenā€
he buys the radish and virgil links tie boy to bee boy and blurts outĀ ā€œhey, i know you!ā€Ā 
logan blinks at him.Ā ā€œyes i work at the bee stand. this is roman, sometimes he works at the gelato stand.ā€
logan gives the raw radish to roman and he just. chomp
he spits it out like five seconds later and virgil canā€™t help laughing, esp because loganā€™s face is so smug
ā€œfifty cents lost. what a wasteā€
virgil thinks this is hilariousĀ 
~ fast forward again yey ~
time passes and virgil hangs out w bee man logan bcuz logan figured out virgilā€™s obsession with bees are like his so they just. geek out. over bees
i love them
roman works at the gelato stand sometimes because his sisters and mom usually are there, but when he does work there he sometimes drags his friend patton along and they work togetherĀ 
virgil had never had gelato before . roman and patton think this is a True Crime,
logan finds out about how virgil wants to take care of bees or see them or literally . something. heā€™s starved. but he cant because of his cousin
so logan invites virgil to his house. he and his brother remy work the stand , his parents were involved in the start but now they just let their boys do their thingĀ 
they live somewhat in the country? but not on a farm just a house with. a lot of land
logan has a whole system down and virgil is so fascinated with it andĀ 
i cant believe they fall in love over beesĀ 
so many honey puns too bad i suck at puns
someone hmu with a good punny name for this bee au
roman, remy, patton, virgilā€™s two cousins, and virgilā€™s grandma all have a betting pool over when theyā€™re getting together. roman and remy have the biggest money in the pot, followed closely by virgilā€™s gmaĀ 
break to breath omfg so many bulletmarks
ok we resume
logan visits virgil one day and virgilā€™s grandma gives them a cherry pie and tells em to enjoy it in virgilā€™s tree house thing
itā€™s like a platform in the trees p much, with branches surrounding it
virgil keeps honey up there because he doesnt want his fam to steal it from himĀ 
but he doesnt remember having spoons
theyre chilling in the tree house, eating cherry pie with spoons directly from the pie tin, being eternal icons
logan picks up one of the honey jars and itā€™s his honey
virgil mumbles something about how much he loves lavender honey, and logan always has some of itĀ 
logan flushes and says that he keeps one hidden until virgil comes over to his stand, so virgil always had one to buy. if he didnt buy it logan would sneak it back under the counter for next week
now theyā€™re both blushing messes
virgil looks at his spoon, and at the honey, and just. snatch
and he gets a spoonful of honey, not too full so he doesnt accidentally spill because his hands are shaking so bad, and he holds it out to logan, feeling like his heart is about to burst
virgil and logan feel a charge in the air and virgil is so so nervous
logan slowly. slowly leans forward wraps his mouth around the spoonful of honey, pulling away just as gradually
logan feels like heā€™s going to explode
anyway after logan did That virgil just . squeaked and covered his face with his hands and scarfĀ 
(side headcanon when its not cold enough for sweatshirts he has some cloth to cover his face if he gets embarrassed, because just hands feels too oily for him)
their faces are so red
they leave the treehouse hand in hand and the betting pool is OVER !! they finally did it!!! they got together!!!!!
(virgilā€™s gma wins the pool)
(they think she planned it out but they have no proof)
(she did)
anyway honeybee gays is slaying me in this chillis tonight join me in this pit
romanā€™s family makes the gelato themselves
patton loves giving random flavor suggestions
before they got together there was so much pining, so many pet names butĀ ā€œitā€™s just platonic!! :ā€™)ā€
after they got together thereā€™s so many gelato dates
many many pet names , they see who can come up with the most sugary
logan and virgil die basically when theyā€™re around them/go on double dates
relationship competitions , ie who can win at chicken at the pool
all of romanā€™s sisters love patton so much
(thereā€™s three of them but one of them has a v serious gf so roman counts her as the fourth)
super cuteĀ 
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vxndebeek Ā· 8 years
Dear best friend.
Over the years, I haven't got the best friend that I wanted. That kind of friend whom you could tell all your secrets, you could joke with, laugh with and do all kinds of funny stuff.There was one who came close but she had to leave , as she shifted to another country. We had our fair amounts of secrets and laughed together a lot. We would have two hour calls on our landline telephones. We called ourselves cats cause we are alive even after dying a million times. We were friends when I was a hardcore directioner and oh the fun we had doing it. You had to leave. But I hope I meeet you again one day, we are not much in contact nowadays as studies call. But I hope one day we can continue this friendship.Then my current Beastie comes, who I think is the closest one u have had and is the closest one to the type of friend I want. I have told you a lot of secrets except for the ones related to the problems in my family. We send each other the most ugliest of snaps without any hesitation. You were even the first person to know of my current crush , which is a thing I don't tell people. You even know my previous ones. And are convincing me that another guy likes me even though I deny it cause well I don't think it's possible (I haven't told you I like him though) . then you also listen to my rants of me saying that I'm not pretty, which I'm not , deal with it. I know you tell me thus cause you're my friend. You are a really intelligent girl, my fellow position holder in the class. We have had our fun times and I just hope that this friendship continues and grows. You listen to me ranting about sports. Listen to me telling you the names of all the cute sportsmen I really like. And I think you are the only person except for someone else that actually remembers that ander Herrera is my favourite footballer. You know all the ams I support. You are an amazing presentor when it comes to speeches and are also the bit of a daredevil unlike me . you never fail to make me laugh and your innocence is one of the most beautiful things in you. You are a beautiful and amazing person. We also have our exclusive nicknames for each other. I remeber when in grade eight when you came back to school to write a note about me in autograph diary, at that time we didn't know each other that well and there was a formality present in that note but when you wrote another one at the end of the year I can't stop laughing at how much a crazy note it was and how much it showed our growing friendship . I just hope that this friendship grows on and continues. But one thing that will remain certain forever is that I myself am my best Friend, bcuz I understand myself and it's like I have this part in me which is to calm myself and a part to stress out about stuff. I know my self, my secrets. It's a hard concept to elaborate so I'll just leave it here. This note is already too long xD
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Episode 2 Confessionals
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who is bryce and how long has he been on this tribe
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so my daughter emma left and im the only one who stood by her side. i still have lexi on my side. hopefully adam, jordan pines (shocking) and jay. im mostly working with jordan and jay bcuz they might know lexi and i are friends. considering i was in the india reuinon chat and kicked from it on and off for weeks. also katie is in this game and i know she's bffls with adam, so i wanna work with him to keep that door open. and katie is also bffs with jordan so ILL GIVE THAT LITTLE PINES BOY A CHANCE
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Me forgetting to make a confessional doesn't surprise me. Anyway I got an advantage from the wishing well thing and I'm shook that it worked to get half the tribe on call
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I think I made a pretty good connection with Chris, especially based on the fact that we are in 2 orgs together. I would like to align with one more person and make it an alliance of 3, so when I get the chance to talk to Chris, that could hopefully be set up. I want to be a bit more straightforward with my goals in this org unlike in some of the previous ones I have played recently. I've been waiting for someone to come to me but maybe if I go to a couple people, they will respect and trust me more because I want to align with them. It worked well with Chris. Also everyone listen to this goddess sing:Ā 
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So, usually i don't make confessionals, because thats lame, but my boy RTP needs them. So what can I say, I'm a giver. Anyways round 1 is fine. I have a few different alliances, each sort of mixing with the other. I got a 1 on 1 of me and adam. I got a 3 person one of me Luke and Jay. And I think I am working with Ryan and Willa. Separately of course. Anyways i'm not too worried about going home. I just hope we win shit soon.
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Okay fake friends!! No one though to inform me about the idol map thing JKDSFJK. I don't even quiet get it AAAAAAAA. I searched somewhere but don't think I got a response so I think I'm wrong. Also we won the first challenge yay!! I'm really scared to go to tribal b/c I don't think I'm in a majority. I want to make an alliance with like carson, charlotte, zachary, katie but I think its too soon??? But that's what people who wait to long say so idk SDDSHFSf. Taylor Swift's new song came out earlier and its so good. Its also everywhere??? Like on so many promotional things and ads shes really getting her business. The reward challenge is usually something I'd like but I finally fixed my sleeping schedule and its about to get ruined again probably. I'm so tired but I want to win. The wishing well is also strange. I didn't get chosen this time and no one told me they did either so yikes :s! Here's hoping things look less grim.
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okay i really like carson. he's really fun and probably the person im closest with. I want to work with as well, Willow. she's a queen! WOO ill make a longer one soon i promise
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Congrats to me for not being the first boot. That'll have to do for my first confessional I'll do a real one later Ryan please don't yell at me.
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I GET SLEEP YES. Sad I didn't get it but tbh idc. I am SO tired and now I don't have to stay up. Gonna finis the Great British Bake Off episode I'm on and them I'll be counting sheep! Hope my tribe wins <3
I dreamed a dream that I searched for the idol apparently. BECAUSE I DIDN'T ACTUALLY DSFJKSFKJFK. I don't understand why I'm like this but I'm cracking up and apparently imagining I searched Churup HSFJKDFsKJF
Just occured to me that hosts see these live not at the end of the season so now I'm extra embarrassed SJDKFS
I love how we're doing every challenge I hate!!! We won reward tho and got another shot at the wishing well but I didn't find anything again lol. I am stressed for this challenge but hope their teams just like talks or something and gets kicked.
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heyyyy im back! after we won immunity (bless), i kinda just.. .stopped talking to ppl but everyone else stopped talking so its fine and idc! emma got voted out and im PRETTY sure i dont know them so idc. i know willa so im happy they stayed over emma. then came the reward, where ryan slung a ball we had to catch it to open treasure chests, and we dominated ! (well not we, but the rest of my tribe), they got 4/6 balls and charlotte managed to open the chest so we won reward and a visit to the wishing well! at the wishing well, i chose #9 bc... it SPOKE to me, and... [9:15:58 AM] Ryan Palmer: Congratulations! You have earned yourself a task from the well. Once you complete this task to the hosts appeasement you may earn a special reward. This task may put you at risk if you complete it so make sure to cover all of your bases. The next Immunity Challenge will be one where you have to earn points as individuals for your tribe. Your task is to make sure you do not earn any points for your tribe, you must earn 0 points. In addition to that there will be a rule about talking in the chat, right after your tribe has earned points you need to post a comment of celebration in the chat. You may write whatever you want, but you will then be removed from the chat. If you complete this task during the Immunity Challenge then you will earn a special reward. If you do not complete this task you will earn nothing. [9:16:02 AM] carson: SDJKSDJKSDJKSDJK [9:16:11 AM] carson: Me being one of the onl;y people to not do anything during the Reward [9:16:12 AM] carson: BYE [9:16:34 AM] carson: Also Ryan ur giving me All Stars teas.... [9:16:37 AM] carson: *cvc [9:16:40 AM] carson: I literally [9:16:43 AM] carson: SFJKSDKSDJK GOD I HATE THISSSS [9:16:47 AM] Ryan Palmer: :) [9:16:52 AM] carson: THis is literally the Same as CvC SO i HAVE AN ADVANTAGE CLUE... and the challenge is one of the task challenges and these are my favorite types of challenges and im rlly mad i dont get to play!!! this reward BETTER be good... (also me not helping in the challenge, but still getting the reward sdlsks) and im having flashbacks from failing this kinda clue in challengers vs champions, so i wanna redeem myself and get the advantage! im still gonna try and fake like im doing it, by answering questions wrong etc, but then ill randomly celebrate in the wrong chat accidentally (while we'rei n the lead bc im not gonna try and lose this SDjksdkj) !! hopefully it goes well and im not exposed and we dont lose immunity. also, nor eal updates on this tribe. chris barely talks which im assuming is bc hes busy but still!!! idk who to work with, so i guess ill wait for a tribal?? kinda wanna get an alliance together soon though idk
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Im gonna be bomb at this comp n here is why eg. Q: who won Bahamas? A: *me in 0.2sec* Zach won Bahamas!!!! Yes I submitted this as a VLconf too don't @me...
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I'm good at puzzles??? But I'm not I guess DSFKJSF
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My ADD made it almost impossible to keep up with this high speed challenge so I kept /leave on my message box the whole time hoping it would become an option to get points... man I'm a smarty pants and also now I get to sleep!
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I am so stressed for tribal. I think I have something good with Carson and Zachary but I still need two votes hopefully Willow and Charlotte vote with me and we can do Eric or Chris. Chris doesn't respond to my messages ever so I'd prefer to do that honestly but idk I am just hoping it works out
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Willow told me she heard Chris's name and im like "HELLL NAW IM NOT VOTING CHRIS BAI." I need Willow, and I need Chris, and there is no way either of us 3 are going to go this tribal.
So I talked to Willow and she's like "my two top allies blah blah blah. Anonymous blah blah blah" and I'm thinking to myself, "Why would you tell me that someone other than me is your top ally. You could of had me sold if you said I was your only top ally." Now I know there is someone you might keep over me." And I have strong suspicions that her top ally that isn't me is 1 of these 3: Katie, Carson, Charlotte. Either way, I am going to remember what Willow said if we are ever in merge together and I need to think about saving her or someone else, especially if one of these suspicions are in merge with us.
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SO WE WON IMMUNITY! Even without help from Jay, Lexi and Willa the rest of us killed the challenge and took home immunity. I'm so happy that we won immunity because Willa was looking like he'd be the Ā next person to go and I kind of don't want that? I know it puts me in a pretty precarious spot with my alliance since they agreed it's probably best if Willa leaves next. If I can't save Willa at all then I'll vote him out but if I can save him that would be GREAT for me. I want to get closer to Ryan and Adam. Adam and I talked during the first tribal council and we're both pretty straight forward thinkers and know what's best for the tribe so I'm interested with working with him. Ryan is someone who I really want to work with and he's close with Lexi which means I might have to vote her out so that he'll fully trust me?? Idk we'll see. I've been thinking about what Ulta will do at tribal because if a winner from that tribe ends up leaving and then we swap and I end up on an Ulta dominated tribe...that's bad news for me.Ā 
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So I think I'll get at least one vote here. But I feel good with my alliance that they'll have my back. I trust carson the most, then charlotte, then zachary, but I trust them all so that's good. Ā I think Ā Willow and Eric are together but I don't think they'll be able to get chris and Katie on their side. Willow wanting chris is also pretty bad so idk I think I'm safe at least I hope so cuz I'm really starting to enjoy the cast and season!! Should be a 7-1 or 6-2 or 6-1-1 vote hopefully and then 4-4 at worst
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we;ll.... we lost badly!! AND I DIDNT GET MY REWARD FROM WISHING WELL BC WE FLOPPED TOO MUCH... but that dont matter, tribals more important, and chris was the plan to go... UNTIL!!! today, eric told chris that chris was going and if he wanted to stay to vote out bryce. like??? What kinda crackedt world do you live in where u threaten someone to vote someone so they Ā can stay SDJHDSJ (also returnee alliance made between me/zach/charlotte/bryce YES.) so... chris snitched (king) eric out and so we want eric out now... bc hes playing way too hard. NOW HE WANTS TO VOTE CHARLOTTE OUT TOO WHICH>>> SDKJSDKJ. i see why he went premerge so many times right now. like... if you try something over and over, and it doesn't work. take another LOOK!! but whatever i could be getting bamboozled but the plan is to get out eric bc he blew up his game by scrambling with little numbers, and withholding info (like telling bryce that he should vote charlotte and he couldnt tell him why but hed give him 3 rounds of safety DSJKSJK...) hopefully im not being dumb and im actually right. (also im actually... strategizing and forming social bonds oh wow! survivor is actually fun when you play it.) lets pray for no blindside of me or anyone... and lets get through this! http://photos.costume-works.com/full/furby.jpg
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i just heard carsons voice on live tribal council and like i knew he was in high school but omg he sounds like such a smol baby and i need to protect him
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