#<br> 50 ans
whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Wed[nesday] 26 October 1836
7 3/4
12 1/2
No kiss fine morn[in]g and F[ahrenheit] 49° and out at 8 40/.. – Rob[er]t Mann + 4 low[erin]g in front of the h[ou]se and mak[in]g
(sink[in]g for) hall-cellar drain – Ingh[a]m + 2 men and a boy h[a]s tonight g[o]t the walls of the cross
arch up to the spring of the arch – Rob[er]t Schof[iel]d finish[e]d wall for the new court pillars to rest on –
his man Jos[e]ph w[i]th the gard[ene]r  mov[in]g soil etc. in the gard[e]n - 2 masons as yest[erday] at the west tow[e]r and 2
(Ja[me]s and Ab[raha]m) flagg[in]g und[e]r the serv[an]ts hall wind[ow]s and Ja[me]s cut one of the large ragst[one] n[ea]r the rock-bridge
in 2 - Mark Hepw[or]th levell[in]g aft[e]r the N[orth]g[a]te carts in front of the h[ou]se – h[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d
ab[ou]t the cross arch wind[ow]s etc br[eak]f[a]st at 9 1/2 - A- [Ann] d[i]d h[e]r Fr[en]ch - then h[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d ag[ai]n ab[ou]t the new gr[ea]t
r[oo]m and stabl[in]g at Mawson’s (Stump x Inn) - I propos[e]d an alterat[io]n in his plan that w[oul]d
ma[ke] the gr[ea]t r[oo]m m[u]ch bet[ter] proport[ione]d and handsomer - and to be wall[e]d a bricks’ length in thickness
inst[ea]d of being ceiled off ag[ain]st the adjoin[in]g new r[oo]ms – propos[e]d carry[in]g the wall ov[e]r the stab[le]s and
c[oa]ch h[ou]se on arches - all this took till aft[e]r 11 - then off w[i]th Booth to Hilltop – Fletch[e]r the ten[an]t
there – exam[ine]d Mrs. Carter’s adjoin[in]g tenant[e]d by civil persons Mrs. Baxendale and her husb[an]d –
Mrs. B- [Baxendale] w[oul]d be gl[a]d to ha[ve] her out-door chang[e]d and then my new barn-wall might be set in
a line w[i]th Mrs. C-‘s [Carter] cot[tage] - set Mrs. B- [Baxendale] to Mrs. C- [Carter] to ask if she had any object[io]n - in
the meanwhi[le] Booth and Fletcher and I look[e]d r[ou]nd the new fence-wall[in]g well done by Ingham –
saw Mrs. Carter walk[in]g in h[e]r f[iel]d – spo[ke] to h[e]r – shew[e]d the fence part[l]y hedge part[l]y wall
that I [?] up and ta[ke] d[o]wn and replace w[i]th a good new wall, like the walls just done,
if Mrs. C- [Carter] h[a]d no object[io]n to my sett[in]g the wall 2ft. fr[om] the centre of the hedge, and if she w[oul]d
sell me wh[a]t mo[re] gr[ou]nd I might want a ft. or 2 farth[e]r int[o] her f[iel]d at a reasonab[le] price
then took to Hilltop – shew[e]d her the 2 propos[e]d lines of new barn-wall[in]g to the r[oa]d - in a line
w[i]th h[e]r cot[tage] or a lit[tle] farth[e]r b[a]ck - Mrs. C- [Carter] h[a]d no object[io]n to the form[e]r line, or to my
propos[e]d new fence wall and w[oul]d sell me the gr[ou]nd I want[e]d (perh[aps] 1000 y[ar]ds) b[u]t w[oul]d consult
her son Dan[ie]l - this ver[y] prop[e]r - I sh[oul]d be gl[a]d to ha[ve] his ans[we]r tomor[row] and wh[a]tev[e]r it might
be, it w[oul]d be right - all this took so long that I d[i]d n[o]t get away fr[om] Hilltop
till 3 40/.. - I h[a]d stop in go[in]g w[i]th Jos[e]ph Mann at the Trav[elle]rs’ Inn wat[e]r-drift whi[le] Booth
look[e]d ab[ou]t at Hipp[erholme] quarry – stopp[e]d ag[ai]n in ret[urnin]g, w[i]th Jos[e]ph M- [Mann] - and told h[i]m wh[a]t
I th[ou]ght w[oul]d be bet[ter] than the way ord[ere]d by Mr. Husb[an]d ab[ou]t convey[in]g the wat[e]r - the diff[eren]ce in exp[ense]
w[oul]d n[o]t be mo[re] than 40/. and A- [Ann] w[oul]d be secure ag[ain]st the waste of wat[e]r or anyone’s gett[in]g it
b[u]t her own peop[le] - the trough to supply the cot[tage]s being pit in the comb-tub place in front of
them alt[ere]d (enlarg[e]d) for the purp[ose] and made a sort of lock-up cellar - I h[a]d gone int[o] the
drift as I w[e]nt to Hilltop and ca[me] out a dirty fig[ure] b[u]t no matt[e]r - there will be 50 y[ar]ds
l[en]gth of drift that will stand full of wat[e]r damm[e]d up by the trough (20 y[ar]ds fr[om] the h[ou]se end)
in w[hi]ch the pipe is to be set - 50 y[ar]ds long x 2fr. 6in. high x 3ft.+ wide = say 50
cub[i]c y[ar]ds of wat[e]r to draw up[on] – en[ou]gh for the Inn and all A-‘s [Ann] adjoin[in]g cot[tage]s – ho[me] ab[ou]t
5 1/2 – loit[ere]d ab[ou]t - in the stab[le]s and in front of the h[ou]se and ca[me] in at 6 5/..- dress[e]d – din[ner] at 6 1/2 –
A- [Ann] r[ea]d Fr[en]ch – coff[ee] – h[a]d Oddy up - to go on Mon[day] and ret[ur]n to cook for us if we want her
on the go[in]g away of our pres[en]t temp[orar]y cook recomm[ende]d by Mr. Jubb – 1/2 asleep for 1/4 h[ou]r on
the sofa – Let[ter] 3 p[ages] and one end fr[om] M- [Mariana] Lawton she will co[me] for a week on the
2[n]d or 3[r]d of next m[on]th - her neph[ew] Duncan Milne to be marr[ie]d the 1st week in M[ar]ch
and sail the 1st week in June b[a]ck to India – no[te] by the post fr[om] Dr. Kenny H[alifa]x
1835 Dr. Kenny’s adv[an]ce to the late Mrs. Lister in Oct[obe]r one guinea        w[i]th Dr. Kenny’s
respects and condol[en]ce  Wards end Oct[obe]r 25 1836’ !!! h[a]d just writ[ten] all the ab[ov]e of
today at 11 p.m. at w[hi]ch h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 47 1/2° fine day
Mrs. Carter
 Trav[elle]rs’ Inn wat[e]r drift etc.
vid[e] A-‘s [Ann] Journ[a]l
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gtaradi · 6 days
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alessandro55 · 2 months
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125 ans de Louis Vuitton et l'époque vue par J.H.Lartigue
Louis Vuitton, Paris 1980, 50 + 50 pages, 26x20,5 cm., Deux volumes in-8 br oblong. à l'italienne sous coffret pleine toile brune éditeur.
euro 120,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Edition non commercialisée réservée aux amis de la firme de luxe à l'occasion de son 125 e anniversaire. Le premier volume est consacré à l'historique de Louis Vuitton, largement illustré. Le deuxième volume réunit des photos de J.-H. Lartigue relatives à la même époque.
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shivani123shiv · 2 years
भारतीय संविधान🔥|| Genral knowledge Lucent Book || सामान्य ज्ञान @shivanidangistudylover by Shivani Dangi study lover! Genral knowledge Lucent Book🔥 || भारतीय संविधान || सामान्य ज्ञान @shivanidangistudylover #gk Your quarry: 1. Gk 2. General knowledge 3. Importance Gk questions and answers 4.quize test 5. br gk study 6. Importance Gk quiz test 7. Compititive quize 8. Compititive general knowledge 9. Gk in hindi 10. hindi gk 11. India Gk 12. Gk Questions answers 13. gk questions in hindi 14. general knowledge questions with answers. 15. Gk quiz 16. general knowledge questions 17. quize questions 18. 2023 gk questions and ans 19. Lucent gk in hindi 20. Lucent gk in hindi video 21. Lucent politiy in hindi 22. Lucent politiy 23. Political gk questions 24. Politics gk in hindi 25. Politics gk questions 26. Politics gk in hindi 27. lucent 1000 questions 28. Lucent 1000 prashan 29. Lucent gk ka nichod 30. Lucent gk in imp questions 31. Lucent gk important questions in hindi 32. Lucent for ssc CGL 33. lucent for ssc 34. lucent for railway 35. geography gk 36. lucent MCQ 37. lucent MCQ in hindi 38. Lucent book 39. gk 40. G k 41. g k questions and answers 42. gk ke question 43. general knowledge questions and answers #sarkarinaukarigk 44. Gk ka sawaal 45. Knowledge 46. Questions answers 47. gk knowledge 48. IPS questions and answers 49. जनरल नॉलेज 50. जनरल नॉलेज सामान्य ज्ञान 51. gktoday 52. gk tricks 53. gk study adda 54. Gk video 55. Gk live 56. gk by Kumar gourav sir 57. gk by Khan sir 58. gk today current affairs 59. question 60. सामान्य ज्ञान 61. general knowledge ke question 61. Gk knowledge 62. Gk dijiye 63. gk live 64. general class 66. general knowledge ki video in hindi 67. General knowledge 2023 68. general knowledge for kids #brgkstudy 69. जीके 70. जीके के सवाल 71. बीआर जीके स्टडी 72. Gk 2023 73. Gk 2022 74. Gk 2021 75. Gk 2020 76. gk police 77. gk IAS 78. gk IAS 79. janral nolej in hindi 80. Br gk study 2020 81. Br gk study 2021 82. Br gk study 2022 83. Br gk study 2023 84. tense 85. Current affairs 86. gK 87. G K 88. GK BR #gk 89. #G_k #g_k #g.k 90. gk ke video 91. Good sawaal 92. सवाल आपके जवाब हमारे 93. Gk ka sawaal 94. Samanya gyan 95. GK number 1 96. new gk questions 97. new gk question 98. Gk gk 99. GK GK GK #gkquiz #gkquestion #gktoday #gkstudyadda #gktoday #generalknowledge #general_knowledge #gkinhindi #politics #police #political #samvidhan #samvidhangk 100. जीके के क्वेशन Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance, is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comments, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. This video has not any negative impact. This video is only for teaching purpose. If you find any such content in this video that belongs to you and you feel that it should be removed from this video So please contact me on this Gmail ID: [email protected] before contacting YouTube. Then I will remove the that content immediately. I have worked so hard to build this channel. I am sure that you will understand my word. via YouTube https://youtu.be/oEKu8op_YzQ
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filmadapter · 4 years
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Jean-Paul Belmondo à Brasilia
Tout en refusant de tourner le premier Tintin avec des vrais personnages en 1961, Philippe De Broca s’inspire fortement des aventures rocambolesques du jeune reporter quand il imagine trois ans plus tard avec Jean-Paul Rappeneau, Ariane Mnouchkine et Daniel Boulanger le scénario de “L’homme de Rio”.
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Des aventures “tintinesques” attendent en effet le soldat de 2. classe Adrien Dufourquet (interprété avec détermination et panache par Jean-Paul Belmondo). Au lieu de passer une semaine de permission dans les bras de sa fiancée (la délicieuse et inoubliable Françoise Dorleac),
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il est obligé de traverser d’abord Paris jusqu'à l’aéroport d’Orly
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puis d’escalader des façades à Rio de Janeiro 
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pour finalement arriver à Brasilia dans une course-poursuite sans répit pour arracher sa bien-aimée des mains d’une bande de malfrats. 
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Avant d’arriver à la capitale, Belmondo et Dorléac croisent entre Petrópolis et Xerém sur la BR-040 ce étonnant restaurant - poste d’observation,
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aujourd’hui en ruine et construit - probablement - par l'ingénieur Jorge Staico début 1960.
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Puis, ils découvrent un Brasilia flamboyant neuf et à peine terminé - encore vide de ses futurs habitants. 
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Initiée à partir de 1956 par Juscelino Kubitschek qui promet à son peuple “50 ans de progrès en 5 ans” (!), Brasilia a été créée de toutes pièces au milieu de nul part et inauguré en 1960. 
2.500.000 habitants y vivent aujourd’hui. 
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Les formes sculpturales des bâtiments modernes et épurés, crées par Oscar Niemeyer et Luigo Costa, forment un terrain de jeu idéal pour les cours-poursuites. A vélo (devant la cour suprême) ...
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A pied (sous l’autoroute avec au fond les tours jumelles du congrès à gauche et la cathédrale à droite) ...
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En voiture (en arrière-plan les bidonvilles qui ont servi d’habitat “provisoire” pour les ouvriers de cette ville du future) ...
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et en avion (entre les immeubles administratifs).
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Adolfo Celi (l’inoubliable adversaire de 007 dans “Opération Tonnerre” de Terence Young), interprète le fascinant personnage Mario De Castro -
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promoteur, urbaniste, architecte - qui clame avoir construit la ville tout seul (ou presque).   
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La simplicité et modestie apparente de ce créateur d’un nouveau monde impressionne :
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Ah, que c’est beau, le métier d’architecte !
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L’HOMME DE RIO 1964 Philippe de Broca
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Discord pt 50
[Date: 25/02, 6.59 PM - 25/02, 07.51 PM GMT]
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[‘Puppet’ from the Ib OST is playing in the VC.]
fetch: “:)”
Prince: “Oh! Crown said this was a good song! He says it reminds him of being a kid again! Don't you guys think so?
fetch: “YOU RE R I GHT PR INCE ! TH IS JS A VE R Y G OOD S ONG .” [You’re right Prince! This is a very good song.]
Prince: “I like it! It makes me feel all happy inside :)”
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fetch: “TH OUG H ITS A L ITT LE F AST ER TH AN WH AT I U SUALL Y L IS TE N TO . N IG HT COR E HA AHA AHA .” [Though it’s a little faster than what I usually listen to. Nightcore haahaaha.]
Prince: “It is a little fast, but it's very nice :D”
Prince: “It makes me kinda sleepy :) How about you, fetch? :)”
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fetch: “I GU ESS A L I TT LE HA HAA . B UT I GOT PL ENTY OF SL EE P LAS T N IGH T!” [I guess a little hahaa. But I got plenty of sleep last night!]
IM SO ENE ER GIZED AND R E ADY FO R THE D A Y” [I’m so energized and ready for the day]
donti: “Isn’t too much sleep a little bad for someone?”
Prince: “I don't think so :) It's nice to sleep. You don't have to think about all the things that might be stressing you out :)”
fetch: “I AG REE PR INC E . SL EE P IS NNI CE B UT D OGS CA NT S LE EP ALL D A Y ! THAT S A CAT TH ING TO DO L OL” [I agree, Prince. Sleep is nice but dogs can’t sleep all day! That’s a cat thing to do lol]
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[‘No One in Sight’ from the Ib OST starts playing on loop]
fetch: “N OT AS G OOD AS THE LA ST ONE B UT S TILL A BOP” [Not as good as the last one but still a bop]
Prince: “Oh! This one is nice, too! Relaxing, like you’re outside listening to the breeze~”
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Prince: “I can put on the other one again! :D”
[fetch: “ HM . TH ANF YOU PR INCE BU T I LIKE VA RIE TY SOM E TIME S :)” [Hm. Thank you, Prince, but I like variety sometimes]]
Prince: “Oh, ok :)”
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fetch: “IM H APP Y TO SEE C R OWN ANS W E RIN G T H IN GS! YO U M UST BE H APPY T O O” [I’m happy to see Crown answering things! You must be happy too]
[donti: How had your day been so far Prince, while you’re here? This music really gets me in a convering mood.]
Prince: “It's been great! everything is fine :)“
fetch: “TH AT S GOO D :D” [That’s good :D]
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[donti: Thats nice to know! How’s everyone in the court doing?”]
Prince: “Everyone is doing well :D i miss Knight, though... He hasn't been around in a while.”
fetch: “AW SADGE D: I H OPE Y OU F IND Y OUR KN IG HT BUD D Y SOON !” [Aw Sadge D: I hope you find your Knight buddy soon!]
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[donti: Oh no! did something happen? Do you know where he is?
Prince: “No... He just... Went away one day... Crown said he'll find him for us and bring him home again, though, so it's ok! :)“
fetch: “AW HA HA HA H OW N ICE OF. H IM :) :) :)” [Aw hahaha how nice of. him]
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[‘BGM008′ from the Ib OST starts playing]
[Povas: “Where did you last see knight?”]
Prince: “Um...Here, I think :)”
fetch: “O H G OOD SON G [Oh good song]
TH IS MAK ES THE FUN NY PIA NO T INK Y NOIS E” [This makes the funny piano tinky noise]
Prince: “I like the tinky noise too! :D”
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Povas: “Why is it giving me a sense of dread?”
fetch: “I DK WHA T YOU M EAN BY D R EAD :/ ? IT S OUND S F INE TO M E !” [Idk what you mean by dread :/? It sounds fine to me!]
Prince: “Yeah! I think it's lovely! :)”
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Povas: “It might just be me”
fetch: “PR OBAB LY Y OU LOL :D” [Probably you lol :D]
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[donti: “Hm, change of music aside, whatcha been up to?”]
Prince: “Not much has been happening :) I just like to listen to music here. You can't be sad if there's nothing to make you upset, you know? :)”
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[fetch [responding to donti]: “WH O ME ? OR PR INC E ?” [Who, me? Or Prince?]
donti: “Either or! I care about both of you :D”
fetch: “OH IM D OI NG GR E AT :D APP A RE NT LY M I SS E D D INN E R LA S T N IGHT SO M ONA (G OOD GO OD F RIEND MO NA) L EFT OUT A BR EA KF AS T FOR M E TO M UN CH WHI LE SHE WE NT TO W O RK” [Oh I’m doing great :D Apparently missed dinner last night so Mona (good good friend Mona) left out a breakfast for me to munch while she went to work]
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[fetch: “HAV E BEEN VE RY TH IRST Y SO D RINK ING W AT ER” [Have been very thirsty so drinking water]]
Prince: “That's good! Drink plenty of water and eat plenty of food and get plenty of sleep! Crown would want you at your best :D”
fetch: “Y E AH :) TO AST WITH RO SE PET AL J AM M M  AND GO OD C E R EAL” [Yeah :) toast with rose petal jammm and good cereal]
[‘The Little Doll's Dream’ from the Ib OST starts playing]
fetch: “OO OO O GUITAR R R [ooooo guitarrr]
I LI KE GU IT AR” [I like guitar]
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[donti: Prince, you have a very wide range of music in here! Where did you find so many songs?”]
Prince: “Oh, i just like to listen to a lot of things! These songs are from a game called Ib! You should play it :)“
[fetch: “IT I S A VER Y F UN G AME ! GARRY IS MY F AVOR I TE CH AR ACTER” [It is a very fun game! Garry is my favorite character]]
Prince: “Garry is my favorite, too! he's so nice! :D”
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Bea (she/her): “I've heard of that game before. What's it about?”
[fetch: “A G IRL GO ES TO AN A RT ME USE UM AND THE N SHI T GE TS F UCKED LOL PAI NTINS COM E TO L IFE N S H JT” [A girl goes to an art museum and then shit gets fucked lol]]
Prince: “I guess... But i'd describe it a little differently...”
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[”Inquiry” from the Ib OST starts playing]
fetch: “I M EAN AIN T THAT WH AT HAP PENS LOL” [I mean ain’t that what happens lol]
Prince: “A girl named Ib goes to an art exhibit and ends up in finding herself inside a painting! She meets a nice man named Garry and they have to make their way out together! There's lots of different endings and lots of puzzles! :)”
fetch: “MY DE S C RI PT ION W AS BE T TER LOL” [My description was better lol]
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donti: “Oh! So its not a horror game?”
Prince: “It can be a little scary sometimes, but it's not terrible :)”
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fetch: “ANYW AY NIC E B OPS IM GONNA GO EA T THE R ES T OF THE ROSE PETAL JAM :) Y UM BY E G UYS DONT FOR GET TO AS K CR OW N TH IN GS” [Anyway nice bops I’m gonna go eat the rest of the Rose Petal Jam :) Yum bye guys don’t forget to ask Crown things]
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[donti: Alright! What other games do you play?]
Prince: “Lots of games! I like Skyrim, Overwatch, Undertale and Minecraft the most, though! :D”
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[donti: “thats awesome! I like Minecraft too! I also play Pokemon and some rhythm games :D”]
Prince: “Ooh, what's your favorite Pokemon? i like Mimikyu and Ditto the most! :)”
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donti: “Gengar and Joltik! the Mareep line is also pretty cool!”
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Prince: “Oh, I have to get going! Crown's asking to see me :)
Bye bye! :D”
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woollyslisterblog · 5 years
1834 May Saturday 18th
6 40/60
12 40/60
fine b[u]t dullish – F59 at 7 50/60 – br[eak]f[a]st in 20 min[utes] and out at 8 25/60 – r[ai]n s[e]nt me in in 1/2 h[ou]r – read[in]g a lit[tle] of Walpole’s Let[ter]s – asleep-
h[a]d Washingt[o]n bet[ween] 10 and 11 – no competit[io]n and the prop[erty] for N[orth]g[a]te on[l]y 3 or 4 bidders- the high[e]st £6350 – of course no sale – laugh[in]g and s[ai]d I was ver[y] well satisf[ie]d – he ga[ve] me the sale plan of Staups- told h[i]m I meant all the work here to be done by piece – I sh[oul]d be away next Sat[urday] – he w[a]s to co[me] and see wh[a]t h[a]d been done – p[ai]d h[i]m two 10 p[ou]nd b[a]nk of Eng[lan]ds and £20 Brigg’s notes theat[re] div[iden]d for the £40.6. of E[lizabeth’s] for Miss W-[Walker]
and then h[a]d Lowe’s boy w[i]th the clothes – n[o]t a ver[y] good fit - the gr[ea]t coat a gent[leman]’s coat w[i]th silk buttons! – Lowe to co[me] hims[elf] on Mon[day] morn[in]g – the boy to say I w[a]s disap[pointe]d in the fit, and to ta[ke] the gr[ea]t coat b[a]ck for liv[er]y butt[o]ns –
then with Ch[arle]s H[owar]th meas[urin]g to see if the mullion of the low[e]r wat[e]r clos[e]t wind[ow] w[oul]d be even w[i]th the mid[dle] of the pass[age] – then ca[me] cart fr[om] Huddersf[iel]d bring[in]g Miss W-[Walker]’s chair bed and bedd[in]g fr[om] Mr Atkinson’s for Matt[hew] to sleep on in my fath[e]r’s r[oo]m – then dawdl[in]g till 1 1/4 hav[in]g been a min[ute] or 2 w[i]th my a[un]t – poor[l]y this morn[in]g- settl[in]g w[i]th Jos[e]ph and tell[in]g h[i]m how to keep his acc[oun]ts –
fr[om] 1 1/2 in ab[ou]t an h[ou]r wr[ote] 3 pp to Miss W-[Walker] in ans[wer] to h[e]r let[ter] 3 pp and all cross[e]d rec[eive]d this morn[in]g will try to be w[i]th h[e]r 10 min[ute]s bef[ore] 12 on Tues[day] – It will be a gr[ea]t th[in]g if I leave h[e]r behind – will stay as long as I can, and bring her b[a]ck ab[ou]t the 29th tho[ugh] will keep the lodg[in]g till the 2nd June - will see Rokeby and Raby and be in York ag[ai]n ab[ou]t the 27th or 28th and 1 day enough for pack[in]g – I can go ov[e]r p[e]r mail for the yellow carr[ia]ge and Mrs Myers can ta[ke] ca[re] of the baggage intend[e]d to co[me] by it – H[a]d bet[ter] keep Sm[i]th to rec[eive] us on our ret[ur]n fr[om] Rokeby etc to ha[ve] a boil[in]g kettle etc – bet[ter] to ha[ve] so[me]bo[dy] than nobod[y] – as if we do n[o]t arr[ive] bef[ore] 10 the fam[il]y may be in bed – If I leave her (Miss W-[Walker]) she shall cert[ainl]y ha[ve] Eugenie – h[a]d catechis[e]d Sarah pret[ty] close[l]y – sh[oul]d ha[ve] been satisf[ie]d if she h[a]d been at Hew[ar]th Grange - b[u]t n[o]t worth whi[le] to shut up Lidg[a]te for so sh[or]t a ti[me] – th[ou]ght Miss W-[Walker] h[a]d been long en[ou]gh there –
dawdl[in]g over of 1 th[in]g or oth[e]r till 5 – then out w[i]th Pickells etc – settl[e]d w[i]th h[i]m and Ch[arle]s H[owarth] – din[ner] at 6 1/2 – r[ea]d a lit[tle] of so[me] of L[or]d Bacon’s Ess[ays]s -fr[om] 8 35/60 to 9 35/60 in the hut-walk – 1/4 h[ou]r w[i]th my a[un]t – poorly – ca[me] to my study at 10 10/60 – read[in]g sev[era]l pap[e]rs in the World vol[ume] 1 Brit[ish] Essayists – s[e]nt off at 8 my let[ter] to ‘Miss Walk[e]r Hew[ar]th Grange York’ – wr[ote] the last 12 lines till 11 25/60 R[ai]n soon aft[e]r 8 a.m. w[hi]ch contin[ue]d mo[re] or less (fine grow[in]g day) till n[ea]r 5 p.m. – aft[er]w[ar]ds fair and fine moonlight ev[enin]g –
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medbrbrazil · 5 years
Plano de Saúde
Veja como Funciona o Plano de Saúde Popular
Os planos de saúde atualmente no Brasil são altamente caros e poucos possuem recursos para poder mantê-los. Mas recentemente foi inventado o plano de saúde popular, que fará você acompanhar e tratar sua saúde no preço justo.
Todos nós precisamos cuidar da saúde, alguns mais do que outros, e por isso o plano de saúde é importante, mas poucos podem ter devido as altas mensalidades cobradas.
Em 2016 o MS criou um grupo de trabalho para estudar a questão dos planos de saúde popular e formalizar essa ideia. Com o objetivo de criar planos de saúde mais baratos e com cobertura mais restrita. Em 2017, o Ministério encaminhou à ANS (Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar) as propostas elaboradas por essa comissão de trabalho. A ANS fez várias críticas às propostas, pois elas entrariam em conflito com algumas normas da própria agência, normas essas que teriam de ser alteradas.
Esse novo plano propõe que o paciente que tenha essa plano popular pague até metade do preço (50%) do que seria num plano de saúde comum do custo de um exame ou procedimento, dependendo do plano popular contratado.
A nova proposta do plano de saúde popular sugere também um esquema de reajuste de mensalidades diferente dos outros planos. A ideia é reajustar o plano popular com base em uma planilha de custo.
No plano popular ficaria aberto o caminho para a regionalização do atendimento. Ou seja, os procedimentos oferecidos poderiam variar de acordo com a infraestrutura de cada município ou região.
Os Tipos de Plano de Saúde Popular
Plano simplificado: com cobertura restrita a procedimentos mais simples, de menor complexidade, este plano apresentaria menor custo para o usuário. A cobertura deixaria de fora exames complexos, internações e procedimentos de emergência.
Plano combinado ambulatorial + hospitalar: essa modalidade abrange também procedimentos especializados e de alta complexidade. Contudo, para receber atendimento especializado, o usuário teria, primeiramente, que passar por uma avaliação de um médico de família ou de atenção primária.
Plano em regime misto de pagamento: envolve a participação financeira do usuário: para poder ter acesso a atendimento ambulatorial e procedimentos complexos, o usuário teria de arcar com o pagamento de valores estabelecidos pelo plano contratado.
O Objetivo do MS
Essa ideia de criar um plano de saúde popular espera desafogar o SUS que possui já recursos escassos e demanda alta. Com isso, o principal objetivo da proposta é a falta de recursos na saúde pública em meio a crise no país. E a solução seria distribuir saúde pelo menor preço.
Segundo o que foi proposto pelo Ministério, antes de qualquer procedimento ou exame médico de média a alta complexidade (mais caros) a ser realizado, ficaria estabelecido uma segunda opinião médica. Essa regra tem o objetivo, segundo o grupo de trabalho, seria evitar desperdícios, liberando o dinheiro para determinados procedimentos apenas depois de confirmar a extrema necessidade dele.
Você sabe a diferença entre Plano de Saúde e Plano de Asistência Familiar?
A maioria das pessoas não sabem a diferença de um plano de saúde para um plano de assistência família ou plano funerário. Isso acontece porque muitas empresas popularizam um plano de assistência familiar com benefícios como descontos em clínicas médicas, hospitais, ambulatórios, exames e outras áreas da saúde.
Plano de Assistência familiar não é considerado plano de saúde, porque as empresas que comercializam tantos os seguros quanto os planos de saúde são modalidades de assistência médicas privadas e regidas por contratos e regulamentadas pela ANS (Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar).
Plano de saúde em Brasília
Plano de Saúde X Seguro Saúde
As seguradoras especializadas na área da saúde oferecem planos de atendimento médico-hospitalar por meio do seguro saúde. Essa modalidade tem como objetivo a possibilidade de o cliente escolher o local em que irá ser atendido, fazer algum acompanhamento ou procedimento médico. Nesse caso, o segurado é reembolsado, posteriormente, pelas despesas com seu atendimento. O limite do valor do reembolso estará previsto no contrato, e poderá variar de acordo com o plano contratado. O segurado também conta com a opção de ser atendido pela rede referenciada de sua seguradora, mas caso opte por um atendimento médico de sua escolha, pode fazê-lo sem nenhuma burocracia.
Já os Planos de Saúde também somente especializados em seguros saúde, oferecem atendimento médico-hospitalar. A diferença dos seguros saúde é que o plano de saúde fica responsável por todos os atendimentos médico-hospitalares, sejam realizados em clínicas ou hospitais em que o devido plano é aceito.
O plano de saúde também é mais interessante porque o paciente a qualquer momento que precisar de um atendimento pode recorrer ao convênio sem nenhum custo adicional, e já no seguro saúde se o atendimento for realizado fora da rede referenciada, o beneficiário terá que pagar o valor do que for realizado, mesmo que seja reembolsado pela seguradora posteriormente.
O post Plano de Saúde apareceu primeiro em MED-BR - Marketing par Clínicas e Médicos.
from MED-BR – Marketing par Clínicas e Médicos https://med-br.com/plano-de-saude/ via IFTTT
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Sat[urday] 15 October 1836
8 35/..
12 1/4
No kiss ver[y] rainy morn[in]g and F[ahrenheit] 45° at 9 50/.. - at w[hi]ch h[ou]r br[eak]f[a]st and h[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d till 10 3/4 –
h[a[d Mr. H- [Husband] ab[ou]t the board[in]g up the hall for the bearers to br[eak]f[a]st in, and told h[i]m to be here tomor[row] ev[enin]g to
see ab[ou]t gett[in]g the coffin d[o]wnst[ai]rs int[o] the draw[in]g r[oo]m - at my desk at 10 3/4 or rath[e]r sid[in]g my
b[oo]k cupb[oar]d and h[a]d Ingh[a]m and Ch[arle]s How[ar]th and p[ai]d them up to tonight inclus[ive] and in full (exc[ept] Ingh[a]m
for the fence-wall[in]g at Hilltop that Mr. Husb[an]d h[a]s n[o]t yet meas[ure]d off) - all this took me till 12 3/4 –
Look[in]g ab[ou]t w[i]th A- [Ann] in the draw[in]g r[oo]m etc. then giv[in]g direct[io]ns to Bligh ab[ou]t the mak[in]g off the
buttery w[i]th the green cloth screens etc. etc. out – ab[ou]t –w[i]th Rob[er]t Mann + 4 – sid[in]g
up the court etc. etc. the 1st length of the 2 dry wall arches finish[e]d by Rob[er]t M- [Mann] and co. bef[ore] din[ner] –
Mark Hepw[or]th and anoth[e]r one h[or]se cart here today - Hemingway the Wyke gard[ene]r here this morn[in]g
b[u]t n[o]t this aft[ernoo]n – d[i]d n[o]t get to the Lodge r[oa]d today - the gard[ene]rs g[o]t a wett[in]g this morn[in]g in gett[in]g
heather and whims on the top of Bairstow - John Booth w[e]nt a 2[n]d ti[me] for beef today – n[o]t at right and
the cook w[e]nt - Bairstow and his 1/2 broth[e]r ca[me] to A- [Ann] ab[ou]t the Shugden head st[one] - she spo[ke] to them
at the door (ab[ou]t one p.m.) h[a]d n[o]t made up h[e]r mind – w[oul]d n[o]t dispose of the stone priv[atel]y w[i]thout
lett[in]g them kno[w] – walk[e]d w[i]th A- [Ann] on the flags oppos[i]te the h[ou]se fr[om] 4 50/.. to 5 1/2 then h[a]d the
 Shugd[e]n head
2 Manns fr[om] then to 5 3/4 – ab[ou]t 3 p.m. h[a[d h[a]d Mawson and Mallins[o]n the joiner bet[ween] 4 and 5 – ca[me] for
a check w[hi]ch Mr. Harper w[oul]d leave w[i]th me for ab[ou]t £100 – h[a]d nev[e]r got it - M- [Mallinson] to sp[ea]k
to Mr. Husb[an]d and might ha[ve] his mon[e]y immed[iatel]y on my rec[ei]pt of Mr. Harper’s ord[e]r –
M- [Mallinson] c[oul]d wait till Tues[day] - Mawson h[a]d co[me] on the sa[me] errand, and h[a]d the sa[me] ans[we]r – b[u]t
ment[ione]d als[o] the h[ou]se set out by Stocks - and his, Mawson’s wish, for a 10 h[or]se stab[le] w[i]th a
chamb[e]r ov[e]r it – s[ai]d I h[a]d no object[io]n - it w[a]s agreed at the lett[in]g of the Inn, I w[oul]d do wh[a]t
w[a]s reasonab[le] on rec[eivin]g a percentage on wh[a]t w[a]s laid out, and I w[oul]d adhere to this – s[ai]d M- [Mawson]
h[a]d best tell Stocks that his gett[in]g a licence transferr[e]d to his new h[ou]se oppos[i]te Mawson’s w[oul]d
be oppos[e]d in good earnest - and I th[ou]ght might the opposite[io]n might stand for so[me]th[in]g – b[u]t if
n[o]t, M- [Mawson] h[a]d on[l]y to mend his beer - sell good beer and ale and good wine, and he w[oul]d do ver[y]
well I h[a]d no doubt – Rob[er]t Mann h[a]d told me in the morn[in]g that Stocks off[ere]d Jos[e]ph
Wilkins[o]n 5/. a y[ar]d for the gr[oun]d and h[a]d giv[e]n 7/. p[e]r y[ar]d – perh[aps] ta[ke]s 400 y[ar]ds –
Settl[e]d w[i]th the Manns – talk[e]d ov[e]r the coal – Rob[er]t h[a]d talk[e]d to me in the morn[in]g
of the new line of rail-r[oa]d to go ov[e]r Micklemoss to Bradford - the Manns h[a]d been s[e]nt for
ab[ou]t the tunnell[in]g thro’ the moss – h[a]d told John Mann to say £15 p[e]r y[ar]d (rough guess) to
Mr. Norris – b[u]t John h[a]d s[ai]d £12 w[hi]ch they w[oul]d n[o]t stick to – dimens[io]ns
of tunnel (of stuff tak[in]g out) 20 deep x 20ft. wide - Mr. N- [Norris] want[e]d informat[io]n as to wh[a]t
good w[oul]d be done to Mr. Stocks in loos[in]g his coal - RM- [Robert Mann] told me the benefit w[oul]d be ver[y]
gr[ea]t - I told h[i]m to calcul[a]te as nearly as he c[oul]d and let Mr. N- [Norris] kno[w] - it w[oul]d n[o]t ans[we]r
to any of us to benefit Mr. Stocks’ coal-trade too m[u]ch for noth[in]g - this subj[ec]t to be
furth[e]r and well consid[ere]d and Rob[er]t to co[me] and talk to me ab[ou]t it tomor[row] week - the Manns
ga[ve] me their calculat[io]ns of wh[a]t my coal will make p[e]r ac[re] – Jos[e]ph f[ou]nd the coal at the extent
Est[a]te by the Manns of the val[ue] of my coal
of my boundary str[ai]ght, ab[o]ve Walker pit, adjoin[in]g the waste = 15in. i.e. hardly 4 loads p[e]r sq[uare] y[ar]d
b[u]t suppo[se] 4 l[oa]ds to co[me] out of a sq[uare] y[ar]d and to be g[o]t at 3d. p[e]r l[oa]d and bank[in]g and pull[in]g and str[ai]ght work
and tools and taxes and ev[ery]th[in]g = 2d. p[e]r l[oa]d .:. exp[ense] p[e]r load =5d. + 3d. profit =8d. p[e]r l[oa]d
on talk[in]g it ov[e]r they th[ou]ght 1/2d. p[e]r l[oa]d w[oul]d be en[ou]gh to allow for agency
they calculat[e]d 3d. p[e]r l[oa]d prof[i]t =£242 p[e]r ac[re]    I s[ai]d I th[ou]ght as m[u]ch as this w[oul]d be bid
well! then, s[ai]d they, there m[u]st be so[me] partic[ula]r way of gett[in]g a liv[in]g out of it
coal m[u]st sell for mo[re] or so[me]th[in]g - they th[ou]ght 3 ac[re]s p[e]r ann[um] w[oul]d n[o]t be g[o]t and sold
at 1st - I alw[a]ys say and alw[a]ys ha[ve] s[ai]d fr[om] the 1st I m[u]st ha[ve] 3 ac[re]s p[e]r ann[um] g[o]t
Perh[aps] the Manns’ calculat[io]ns may co[me] as n[ea]r as any case co[me] - they are n[ea]r en[ou]gh to my
own - and so long as coal sells at 8d. p[e]r l[oa]d and wages are as ab[ov]e I m[u]st n[o]t calcul[a]te
up[on] clear[in]g mo[re] than £200 p[e]r ac[re] up[on] the low bed and ab[ou]t £100+ up[on] the upp[e]r b[e]d p[e]r ac[re]
I m[u]st let a sm[all] quant[it]y on a sh[or]t term –
wr[ote] no[te] to ‘Mr. Duncan, undertak[e]r, etc Halifax’ and s[e]nt it by Frank to desire gloves and bisc[ui]ts to be
s[e]nt to Mrs. Ja[me]s Briggs (as ment[ione]d last night when D- [Duncan] w[a]s here thro’ Rob[er]t the f[oo]tman) and to Rachel Sharpe, late
cook here - to be direct[e]d to her at her fath[e]rs’ Pump S[ou]thow[ra]m – chang[e]d my pelisse – din[ner] at 7 to 8 – coff[ee]
upst[ai]rs A- [Ann] r[ea]d h[e]r Fr[en]ch - I look[e]d int[o] her Pinnocks’ Goldsmith’s Rom[an] hist[ory] - then 1/2 asleep on the sofa - then wr[ote] my journ[a]l
till now at 10 1/2 at w[hi]ch h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 47° ver[y] rainy morn[in]g b[u]t fair bet[ween] 9 and 10 a.m. and aft[er]w[ar]ds damp, muggy, Nov[em]b[e]r like day –
 Pr[ice] of JW-‘s [Joseph Wilkinson] gr[ou]nd
sold to Mr. Stocks.
gr[ea]t benef[i]t to Stocks.
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zoevaldes · 5 years
Agnès Varda, réalisatrice pionnière de la Nouvelle Vague, est morte
Agnès Varda, réalisatrice pionnière de la Nouvelle Vague, est morte
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Photographe à ses débuts, plasticienne sur le tard, la cinéaste auteure, entre autres, de « Cléo de 5 à 7 » et du « Bonheur », est morte à l’âge de 90 ans.
Origen: Agnès Varda, réalisatrice pionnière de la Nouvelle Vague, est morte.
En paz descanse.
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shivani123shiv · 2 years
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woollyslisterblog · 5 years
1834 April Tuesday 8th (part one)
12 35
Fine morn[in]g F 53 ½° at 8.05 ready in 40 minutes - Had C[harle]s Howarth, set him and Jam[e]s pull[in]g d[o]wn a way fr[om] the bl[ue] r[oo]m st[ai]rs int[o] the upp[e]r kitch[e]n ch[ambe]r - in fact, they beg[a]n at 7.30 hav[in]g ord[ere]d all ab[ou]t it last night – br[eak]f[a]st at 9.30 - out ag[ai]n at 10.15 w[i]th Pickels and his 6 men and w[i]th the 1 mason Geo[rge] Hardy in the morn[in]g pull[in]g d[o]wn and wall[in]g up for the pass[age] int[o] the up[per] kitch[e]n ch[ambe]r and in the after[noon] at 12 beg[a]n und[e]r foot[in]g the house 1/2 yard below where the terrace form[erl]y stood – Ch[arle]s and Jam[e]s H[?] - all day at the upp[er] kitch[e]n doorway -
at one w[e]nt up to look ab[ou]t site for Whiskum toll h[ou]se expect[in]g Washingt[o]n to set it out tomor[row]- then saunt[erin]g in the upp[e]r land - saw Town[send]- s[ai]d he sh[oul]d off[e]r Empsall £5 to tempt h[i]m to give up the Allan Car - at 2.30 for an h[ou]r h[a]d Isaac Green ab[ou]t N[orth]gate – h[a]d £8000 for the land (DW-6 qr-1 p-8) and £1000 for the buildings – [?] and the mon[ey] p[ai]d them on sign[in]g the deeds – w[oul]d gi[ve] h[i]m till this day –[in a] m[on]th to consid[e]r and then wheth[e]r I h[a]d h[a]d any ans[we]r or n[o]t , or sh[oul]d be at an end, and I at lib[ert]y as if noth[in]g h[a]d ev[er] pass[e]d on the subj[ec]t b[u]t, at last, on his press[in]g me to gi[ve] h[i]m the refus[a]l, said I w[oul]d end all that by putt[in]g the pl[a]ce up to auct[io]n as soon as I c[oul]d - Well! But if he d[i]d n[o]t see it advertis[e]d might he co[me] ag[ai]n ab[ou]t it ?– Yes, b[u]t he m[i]ght dep[en]d up[on] see[in]g it advertised as soon as it c[oul]d -
out beg[a]n in the after[noo]n to 6.30 at [unreadable insertion] a Mr. St Geo[rge] ca[me] offer[in]g draw[in]gs to be b[ou]ght or [?] in char[it]y -gave him a glass of wine b[u]t declin[e]d mak[in]g an[y] purchases, hav[in]g offer[ed] ch[aritie]s mo[re] than en[ou]gh for all I can spare -
dinner at 6.45 - coffee – mus[in]g in the upp[e]r kitch[e]n ch[ambe]r wh[a]t to do w[i]th it – wr[ote] out last Fri[day] - w[i]th my a[un]t fr[om] 9.30 to 10.50 - kind let[ter] this morn[in]g 3 pages and 1/2 p[age] cross[e]d fr[om] Miss Walk[e]r Hewarth Grange, York - Dr B[elcombe] m[i]ght well look grave - his old[e]st son h[a]d tak[e]n Fr[en]ch leave and sp[en]t his Easter holidays at Bev[erle]y races - when I met the boy out of Monk Bar on Sat[urday] who s[ai]d he w[a]s ret[urnin[g] fr[om] Bev[erle]y I lit[tle] th[ou]ght h[i]s excurs[io]n h[a]d been of s[u]ch bad omen – Let[ter] als[o] this morn[in]g from Mr. Cholmeley of Braudsby - Mr. Cholmeley h[a]s the pleasu[re] of inf[ormin]g Miss List[e]r that he consid[e]rs ‘Ja[me]s Clayt[o]n to be perf[ectl]y honest, sober and trustworthy, that he und[er]st[a]nds h[i]s bus[ine]ss as a Count[r]y f[oo]tman and w[a]s alw[a]ys civ[i]l and well behave[e]d -Braudsby Ap[ri]l 6 1834’ - ver[y] fine day - F 50° at midnight - Letter 3 pages and ½ doz[en] lines on the ends fr[om] M-[Mariana] Leamington tonight -
I’m leaving it here on a cliffhanger because the letter from Mariana is a heartfelt cracker and I want to make sure I assign the voices and ideas to the correct people. Total button pusher for AL one suspects. Angst awaits.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Wed[nesday] 12 October 1836
7 55/..
11 40/..
No kiss ver[y] fine morn[in]g F[ahrenheit] 58 1/2° and sun shin[in]g at 8 50/.. wr[ote] and cop[ie]d no[te]s to ‘the editor of the
H[alifa]x Guardian, Halifax’ and to ‘the editor of the Halifax Express newspaper
Halifax’ and to ‘Mr. L. Duncan, tailor etc Halifax’ in ans[we]r to
his no[te] last night ask[in]g if I w[oul]d ha[ve] leggings for the men as I object[e]d to leggings last
week - (I nev[e]r nam[e]d them last w[ee]k) – ha[ve] ord[ere]d trousers for the gard[ene]r and beeches and
leggings for John and Frank as bef[ore] – br[eak]f[a]st at 9 25/.. - A- [Ann] r[ea]d Fr[en]ch – ca[me] upst[ai]rs
at 10 1/4 – wr[ote] no[te] to ‘Mr. Mackean Yorksh[ire] Dist[ric]t Bank, H[alifa]x’ enclos[in]g check
for £100 - and wr[ote] lit[tle] no[te] to ‘Mr. Booth Bookseller etc Halfiax’ for
a quire of br[oa]d bl[a]ck edg[e]d no[te] pap[e]r and 1/2 sh[ee]t of bl[a]ck seal[in]g wax and 2 bot[tle]s of ink –
A-  [Ann] wr[ote] in my na[me] for Miss Hebden to s[e]nd to measure 2 of the serv[an]ts for mourn[in]g -
s[e]nt off John Booth w[i]th all the ab[ov]e notes aft[e]r his din[ner]   H[a]d just writ[ten] the ab[ov]e
of today at 10 50/.. and w[e]nt out - Mr. Duncan s[e]nt up ab[ou]t 11 for an ans[we]r and his messeng[e]r
took b[a]ck the no[te] John Booth w[oul]d oth[e]rwise ha[ve] tak[e]n – Rob[er]t Mann + 3 at the dry
wall arch[in]g help[in]g Ingh[a]m and his man and boy – walk[e]d 20 min[ute]s w[i]th A- [Ann] on the flags till ab[ou]t
12 – w[e]nt d[o]wn to the meer - Mr. Harper h[a]d lunch[eo]n soon aft[e]r 1 and dur[in]g this ti[me] I sat w[i]th A- [Ann]
aft[er]w[ar]ds w[i]th Mr. Harper – pull[e]d d[o]wn a gr[ea]t deal of plast[e]r fr[om] the front of the h[ou]se next to the kitchen
to shew the stooth[in]g - then w[e]nt w[i]th Mr. Harper to the meer – expl[aine]d my ideas ab[ou]t the bywash
at the low end - he saw no object[io]n - then saunt[ere]d up to the Lodge r[oa]d where the gard[ene]r and Hemingway
the Wyke gard[ene]r were sodd[in]g up the bank – m[u]ch too snod and gardener-like - stood by w[i]th Messrs.
Harper and Husb[an]d wh[ile] the form[e]r drew a lit[tle] sketch, and shew[e]d Rawlins[o]n (ver[y] quick and intellig[en]t
ab[ou]t it) how to unformalize his work - A- [Ann] s[e]nt for me to see Miss Hebden, co[me] to measure
Cookson and Oddy for mourn[in]g – want[e]d to sp[ea]k to Miss Hebden ab[ou]t Charlotte Booth - A-  [Ann] wafer[e]d
direct[e]d to me and unopened let[ter] h[a]d lain on A-‘s [Ann] tab[le] 2 or 3 days - she s[ai]d it w[a]s a print[e]d let[ter] I nev[e]r op[ened] it - she happ[ene]d
to look at it this aft[ernoo]n, and f[oun]d it w[a]s fr[om] Charlotte Booth say[in]g Miss Hebden advis[e]d her to
ta[ke] a l[ad]y m[ai]d’s place, and ask[in]g me to be so good as look out for one for her – expl[aine]d to
Miss Hebden who it seems nev[e]r told Charlotte she w[oul]d ha[ve] to sit up late in a lady m[ai]d’s
pl[ac]e - I told Miss H- [Hebden] I th[oug]ht the girls’ inclinat[io]n w[a]s n[o]t for serv[i]ce - she h[a]d ment[ione]d being in bus[ine]ss in an
und[e]r way – s[ai]d, I h[a]d told h[e]r, that I c[oul]d do noth[in]g for her in bus[ine]ss, and I therefo[re] ga[ve] her
2 sov[erei]gns (hav[in]g giv[e]n her one bef[ore]) and s[ai]d she must do for hers[elf] in fut[ure] - that Miss Hebden
w[oul]d und[er]st[a]nd that I d[i]d n[o]t feel at lib[ert]y to control the girls’ inclinat[io]n as to the man[ner] she preferr[e]d
of gett[in]g h[e]r br[ea]d, b[u]t that, if she d[i]d set up for hers[elf], she w[oul]d ha[ve] no work fr[om] me or fr[om] anybod[y]
in the h[ou]se – s[ai]d I w[oul]d reset ab[ou]t look[in]g out for a place for her, and get her one if I c[oul]d, b[u]t hav[in]g
giv[e]n up all charge of her, this I w[oul]d n[o]t ta[ke] b[a]ck ag[ai]n – h[e]r sist[e]r then her broth[e]r h[a]d disapp[ointe]d
me (expl[aine]d) and I w[a]s mo[re] diffid[en]t now of hope of Charlotte - I fear[e]d it w[a]s imposs[ible] to lift
her up bey[on]d or ab[ove] her own nat[ura]l turn of mind - Miss H- [Hebden] says her 2 old[e]st workwom[e]n ha[ve]
salaries, and she can[no]t gi[ve] a salary to anymo[re] than 2 - no chance for Charlotte - can do
noth[in]g for her aft[e]r Xmas - I s[ai]d the girl c[oul]d n[o]t now co[me] here - and c[oul]d n[o]t when I w[a]s away
m[u]st therefo[re] go ho[me] if I c[oul]d n[o]t get a place - she m[u]st at any rate n[o]t be nice ab[ou]t a place
and ta[ke] wh[a]t wages she c[oul]d get - I th[ou]ght £10 ample at pres[en]t - out 10 min[ute]s at the dry arch[in]g
the centres put on this morn[in]g, and a good deal done - the 2 necess[arie]s beg[a]n to be pull[e]d d[o]wn this aft[ernoo]n
the st[one] tak[e]n for arch[in]g w[i]th – Din[ner] at 6 55/.. – coff[ee] upst[ai]rs - A- [Ann] r[ea]d Fr[en]ch - till 9 50/.. wr[ote] all b[u]t
the 1st nine lines of today – Let[ter] tonight 1 1/2 p[age] fr[om] Mar[ia]n M[arke]t Weight[o]n - hopes to hear
fr[om] me ag[ai]n aft[e]r next Mon[day] on w[hi]ch day she concludes the fun[era]l will be - the ment[io]n
of my a[un]t becom[ingl]y sm[all] consid[erin]g Mar[ia]n’s oft[e]n avow[e]d dislike - ‘Weight[o]n Tues[day] 11 Oct[obe]r 1836. my d[ea]r Anne I rec[eive]d your let[ter] this morn[in]g
‘w[hi]ch convey[e]d to me the melanch[ol]y intellig[en]ce I ha[ve] been daily expect[in]g s[in]ce I last heard fr[om] you –
‘I can now on[l]y trust that yours[elf] and Miss Walk[e]r may contin[ue] well, and when the harass of the pres[en]t
‘is ov[e]r, you may enjoy peace and comf[or]t, and that your alterat[io]ns at Shibd[e]n, and your man[y] concerns
‘may all realize your m[o]st sanguine expectat[io]ns – Perh[aps] you will wr[ite] ag[ai]n so[me]ti[me] next
‘week, for I shall ta[ke] it for grant[e]d the Fun[era]l will be on Mon[day], b[u]t I feel wishful to hear
‘ag[ai]n fr[om] you when you feel a lit[tle] mo[re] settl[e]d - Miss Inm[a]n begs her rem[em]b[ran]ces to yours[elf] and Miss Walk[e]r
‘and w[i]th my love to both bel[ieve] me, my d[ea]r Anne, very affect[ionatel]y yours Marian List[e]r’ – n[o]t a word
on my advice - or rath[e]r on my obs[ervation] that were I in her pl[a]ce I th[ou]ght and felt I sh[oul]d n[o]t co[me] –
b[u]t her let[ter] is ver[y] well done - no humbug ab[ou]t my poor a[un]t wh[o]m she dislike[e]d, und[er]val[ue]d,
and whose loss she c[ou]ld n[o]t consist[entl]y pretend to deplore – Ver[y] civ[i]l let[ter] fr[om] Mrs. Musgrave tonight say[in]g
she h[a]d op[ene]d my let[ter] to Mr. Musgrave - at Scarbro’, w[oul]d n[o]t ret[ur]n till Sat[urday] b[u]t h[a]d forward[e]d my
let[ter] w[hi]ch he w[oul]d ans[we]r hims[elf] and she w[a]s sure he w[oul]d co[me] ov[e]r, and perform ‘the last offices for Mrs. Lister’
all this is ver[y] civil, and ver[y] comf[orta]ble and proper - and my a[un]t w[oul]d ha[ve] been pleas[e]d c[oul]d she ha[ve] been
consc[iou]s of the th[in]g - fine day - high wind now at 10 5/.. p.m. at w[hi]ch h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 47 1/2°
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