#@the-seven-percent-solution @anonymous
rouge4truth · 8 years
TFP is Mind Palace – Sherlock’s coming out
What if… Sherlock imagines his coming out in TFP? Just my reading of it, but full of hope – please let me walk you through it in my different posts to proof it. Expecting your comments.
What if TFP is exclusively is in Sherlock’s mind palace where he comes to his terms about his emotions by road-testing his feelings and what exactly ‘coming out of the closet’ would mean and feel like for him and the people important to him (John, Mycroft, Molly, his family)?
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But for Sherlock who trained himself his entire life to repress his emotions, it would need a strong trigger, to break his old pattern of hiding feelings behind rude behavior. If John would be fatally injured and Sherlock is not aware if he will pull through, this would be the strongest trigger I can imagine.
We don’t know if John is really been shot yet, but the last scene of TLD is red (start of the new storyline ‘Rouge’, which we will explore later – hopefully 8th of March we get a teaser when the expected 4th episode will air that will reveal the truth?) and we did not get a proper answer, as the next episode TFP is all in Sherlock’s head (mind palace), like TEB.
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Because I felt so miserable after TFP first, I watched it several times and started to go through this episode scene by scene in different posts (Mycroft’s residence scene, 221B Baker Street (3/3)) to point out why it is mind palace, and did much research in the details like Oscar Wild and Lady Bracknell the pictures at the wall – all that subtext is about gay people and how society deals with it (feel free to check it out. I am still on it to post the next scenes, but the subtext is so rich and full of information, it takes ages to do the research – and as I’m no native speaker, I will miss a lot hope you guys can help me with this.)
John getting shot and survives is cannon in ‘The adventure of the three Garridebs’ Sherlock is panicking and takes care of him ‘It was worth a wound, it was worth many wounds, to know the depth of loyalty and love which lay behind that cold mask." This is what John writes in ‘The Strand’ after that event. I don’t think that the writers will miss the opportunity to show us Sherlock suffering about John’s life!!!
To find a solution how to save John Watson (TLD – Mary’s message) he is using his mind palace to find out how he can provide his feelings to him, before John maybe dies without knowing. We know that Sherlock works the best when he is under (emotional) pressure.
Remember Sherlock saying in A Study in pink: “Bitterness is a paralytic – love is a much more vicious motivator”.
Before he met John, he was bitter and alone. With John in his live, everything changed, John humanized him, changed him to the better! If he loses John, he has no reason to change anymore, he (maybe) would become the same bitter person like he has been before John.
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This time, Sherlock wants to make it right, he is asking for help at the end of T6T, but not Mycroft, as he is aware that he can’t teach him anything about feelings. So he asked the only person, who really knows John, which is Ella, John’s former therapist, what he can do about John. Ella tells him, that therapy can only work, if Sherlock is opening up. Sherlock replays, that this is not his style – and we get no more information, if he did it or not.
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Coming out is not about one moment, just one kiss and everting is fine. It is a process that starts in the head (mind). You first need to find out, who you are, and that can be a really painful thing. The next steps are to accept yourself the way you are. Then you are out with yourself, you learn to live with it. After that you need to decide, if you go further and maybe tell it to your love interest, or to your parents, to free yourself. At this point, many gay people are in therapy, because their parents, relatives, friends or people at work do not understand the pain you are going though, just to be yourself without hiding a part of yourself. If you find enough acceptance here, your next step could be to publicly come out if it is silently while holding hands or kissing your friend in public and watch the reaction of the people surrounding you or by making it public as a statement on a party or something similar. I think most of the LGBT people do not get to this point to make it officially public, because they are too afraid of it. And this is why we are surrounded by LGBT people every day that we do not recognize. But if we start to watch silently, hear and read the subtext of their behavior, or short comments, we will get a glimpse of how many there are amongst us. But why do they hide? – Because you need a strong self-believe and self-confidence to be strong enough to resist being hurt every time that people show you that they do not understand or accept you. Also it depends on the country you live in, still today, there are countries that will arrest you for being gay or even kill you. So some LGBT people need to hide their entire life. Also the society does not accept you the same way that straight people are accepted and maybe you do not get the job you like, because people know, that you are gay. Or you live in a religious community, where there is no room for diversity.
Coming out is a unique experience for each person, who needs to go through this kind of process.
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Bearing that in mind, think about that Sherlock is probably 40 now, like Ben is, and it is the first time in his life, that he allows himself to research his feelings so deeply. He was always aware that he is gay. But what does this mean for him before and now? He grew up in the Thatcher era and during the HIV/AIDS crisis. It felt different in that days to be gay. Stars like Freddy Mercury never had an official coming out, it has just been the rumors in the press until he died. Also we get reliably informed, that Sherlock never had sex or a relationship before, in his live. So imagine how difficult it might feel to start at this age to learn about yourself.
It is painful for Sherlock to go back in his life to find out, why he is emotional contained and what he is afraid of, as he ‘deleted’ those things from his hard drive, buried it deep inside to have more space for other ‘useful’ information. Sherlock’s childhood that changed him from an emotional kid to an almost always rude thinking machine. We learn, that it has something to do with REDBEARD and that it is an alternate story that Sherlock told himself to be able to cope with the truth (which truth?). He needs to find out what it was to find inner peace with himself first. I guess we have not seen the correct Victor Trevor story yet, I assume, he was Sherlock’s first ever love interest and there will be a different story told in a later episode.
To find out more about his life today, he needs to go back there. Therefore Sherlock creates different rolls and characters for a play in his mind palace:
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The little girl on the plane represents his subconscious, and his emotions that are still disconnected from his today reality, so he is still incapable to show feelings to others properly (timing). He needs to find access to this resource.
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Moriarty he is only a voice in his head, but he is the devil, the virus in his data. He is always pushing him to make decisions, he does not want to make, decisions that separates him from John.
The little girl and Moriarty are like the angel and the devil on his shoulders, like yin and yang.
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EURUS is a fictive character for his (evil) logic, emotionless side. He needs EURUS to confront himself with several topics, to put himself to tests, to find out about how the both most important people in his life will react in different situations. Those two people are
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Mycroft, his brother that is protecting him since childhood by teaching him that caring is not an advantage and that he should join not getting involved in any friendship or romantic entanglement, because this could hurt him. But Mycroft has also selfish interests, because if Sherlock would be officially out, this could (maybe) ruin his career in the British Government – so I had always the feeling, that he wanted to see his brother happy with John, but might have an interest to keep it as a secret. Mycroft is aware that Sherlock is gay.
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John, who Sherlock is in love with, since he met him. He knows about Johns feelings for him at least since the Battersea scene in A Scandal in Belgravia, but as John is always dating women (and marries a woman) to cope with his unrequited love for him (Sherlock seems always to be unavailable for John) Sherlock fears to tell John the truth. He is not sure if John is straight and only his best friend or if he is Bi. Therefore he researched Major James Shoto, because he needs to know, if John is romantically interested in men, too.
He needs to find out about how John could possibly react, when he confesses his love, while he is unsure, he expects John to make the first move as he is much more experienced in romantic entanglement than he is.
We can see that in TFP in the most painful and emotional scene, when Sherlock askes Molly (she is always a stand in for John) to say ‘I love you’. As Molly turns the way around and asked him to tell it first ‘say it, like you mean it’ he comes to the conclusion, that John will never ever say a word, because it is true and he is insecure, too. We see John in tears, when Sherlock finally says ‘I love you’ – he is waiting instantly to hear it from Sherlock. So Sherlock cannot expect John to say anything, as he is too afraid about himself, hiding his bisexuality. 
As Sherlock kept everyone in the dark about his sexual orientation, even John, he needs to be the one who is telling John, how he feels first.
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Also in this scene, he comes to the conclusion that he must tell Molly that he is gay, to save her from the pain he is causing her while she is still in love with him unable to move on.
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It is not a Game anymore – If it is true, we can stop to play around the subject and tell everyone :-)
Mark Gatiss knows about the pain that LGBT people feel - so I don’t think that he wanted to hurt any feelings by not getting it right.
– Please think about it. If you read TFP as Sherlock’s coming out, than we can expect to see all what we desired later.
To see Sherlock and John as a happy couple, experiencing a proper romantic relationship, there are some steps missing, which we can expect for S5 (hopefully).
But first Sherlock needs to:
heal his inner child  (plane landed safely, TFP)
stabilize his emotions to complete himself (reconnecting with Eurus, which we can see during the violin play in TFP finishing scene)
He needs to tell John
He needs to tell his family (shown in the TFP final scene)
He needs to tell Molly
John has to come out, too (will be difficult for John)
They need to tell their friends
Coming out in public?
 Of course, they are ‘coming out’ ;-))))
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Please reblog if you agree with me and think I got it right. 
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lewis98omigod · 4 years
Week 11: Global Social Media (South Korea)
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Social Media Penetration Rate of South Korea                      (Shim 2020)
South Korea’s social media penetration rate has reached 87 percent, the third highest among nations around the globe as its social media penetration rate as of the first quarter this year was 80 percent higher than the global average of 49 percent. The number of social media users in Korea continues to increase, the report said. South Korea’s social media users as of March was 35.5 million, up by 15.2 percent on-year, the report quoted data collected by a local market research firm Mobile Index. 
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Naver                                                                               (Oh&Cho 2020)
South Korea’s top internet portal Naver Corp. retained its leadership in the local social media market in December although strong competition from global social media giants Instagram and Facebook. According to local market research firm Nielsen Koreanclick on Sunday, Naver’s social network platform Band ranked as the most popular social media app with a total of 19.48 million users in Korea last month. Second most used social media app by Koreans was Instagram with 15.23 million users, followed by Facebook with 13.88 million users. The tally combined Android and Apple phone users. Besides, Naver’s Band also showed the sharpest growth in the number of new users, adding 12.6 million in just seven months.
Naver’s most controversial issue: No longer allow users to leave comments on entertainment articles                                        (Kim 2020)
Naver will be temporarily suspending the ability for users to leave comments on articles that relate to the entertainment industry, in an attempt to lessen the malicious comments some celebrities receive. Naver made this decision as they feel like they are also partly responsible for the violation of celebrities’ personal rights, as their service allowed some users to use the comments section to attack certain celebrities. Naver pledged to put in their all-out effort to solve the problem of malicious commenters using their advanced technology and operational policies. While they continue to work on a solution, they decided to prioritize empathizing with the celebrities who are affected by the comments, and that they need to be protected. Thus, they made the decision to close the comments section on entertainment related articles until the structural overhaul of their comments section is completed. In addition, Naver is trying to combat the problems of the auto-completion function on the search bar. The search bar functions similarly to Google, where the engine will auto-suggest search terms that relate to the word being searched. In some cases, keywords that violate artists’ personal rights or contain unconfirmed rumors are suggested, due to many people searching them. In order to respect the artists, Naver decided to abolish related search terms on their platform.
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The death of Goo Hara and Sulli catalyzed the abolishment of anonymity 
(Sondergaard 2019)
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K-pop star, singer, actress and former member of f(x), Sulli took her own life at the age of 25 in 2019 and was often the subject of hate comments over how she dressed and about being an outspoken feminist.
Sulli was also known for her feminist voice and outspokenness that was rare among female entertainers in deeply conservative South Korea. Prior to her death, she appeared in a TV show and spoke out against online backlash she received over her life.
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K-pop star, singer, actress and member of Kara, Goo Hara, 28, was found dead at her home in Seoul, in 2019, which would make her the second female singer in a month to take her own life in the high-pressure industry. In May, Goo was hospitalized following a suspected suicide attempt. The star later apologized to her fans, saying she had been "in agony over a number of issues."  Goo had been abused by an ex-boyfriend who, after they split, blackmailed her and threatened to post her spycam sex videos online. Prior to her death, the 28-year-old singer had issued a plea for kinder words on social media. Her death also sparked a debate on the mental health of celebrities. Goo's death sparked an online petition on the website of the South's presidential office calling for stronger punishments for cybercrimes and abusive online comments, which garnered more than 20,000 signatures in less than a day.
How Naver abolished anonymity for commenters    (The Straits Times 2020)
Prior to this action, Naver's anonymous comment system had often been criticised for allowing abusive and disparaging comments. Now, Naver's new system will allow all users to access commenters' user profile pages. Profile pages will show user names in full, along with comment histories and profile pictures. The company will also impose a seven-day waiting period for comments from new users. This is to prevent people from creating multiple accounts just to post abusive comments. However, users whose accounts have undergone real-name verification can write comments immediately .Naver said it will eventually begin using artificial intelligence to filter out abusive comments and malicious users.
List of References:
Shim, WH 2020, Korea’s social media penetration rate ranks third in world, The Korea Herald, viewed 23 November 2020,
<<a href="http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200907000815">http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200907000815>
Oh, DS, Cho, JH 2020, Naver’s Band tops Korea’s social media market, Pulse News, viewed 23 November 2020,
<<a href="https://pulsenews.co.kr/view.php?year=2020&no=65394">https://pulsenews.co.kr/view.php?year=2020&no=65394>.
Kim, R 2020, Starting in March, Naver Will No Longer Allow Netizens To Leave Comments On Entertainment Articles, Koreaboo, viewed 23 November 2020,
<<a href="https://www.koreaboo.com/news/starting-in-march-naver-will-no-longer-allow-netizens-leave-comments-entertainment-articles/">https://www.koreaboo.com/news/starting-in-march-naver-will-no-longer-allow-netizens-leave-comments-entertainment-articles/>.
Sondergaard, M 2019, K-pop star Goo Hara death stokes online bullying debate in South Korea, DW, viewed 23 November 2020, 
<<a href="https://www.dw.com/en/k-pop-star-goo-hara-death-stokes-online-bullying-debate-in-south-korea/a-51423395">https://www.dw.com/en/k-pop-star-goo-hara-death-stokes-online-bullying-debate-in-south-korea/a-51423395>.
The Straits Times 2020, South Korea's Naver stamps out anonymity for commenters, The Straits Times, viewed 23 November 2020,
<<a href="https://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/entertainment/south-koreas-naver-stamps-out-anonymity-for-commenters">https://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/entertainment/south-koreas-naver-stamps-out-anonymity-for-commenters>.
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bestxtrixtviptv · 3 years
Looking for free IPTV in 2021? Here are 7 hazards of free IPTV
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It's tempting to opt for a free IPTV service over, but here are seven terrible reasons you shouldn't (and how to stream your TV safely). Sixty-one percent of young people choose to watch their favorite shows instead of watching TV traditionally.
Seven Terrible Reasons to Avoid Free IPTV Service
1.Your data is still being tracked
The idea behind VPNs is to increase anonymity and prevent the sites you visit from collecting your data.
The problem is that running a VPN costs a lot of money. Even if they want to offer you a legitimate free VPN service, vendors need to find a way to make money.
There are two main situations:.
1.Your ads are everywhere
2.Your data has been sold to third parties.
Using a free VPN to access uncharged IPTV means you either face a lot of advertising (which will lead to more problems - more problems to come) or your data will be sold.
2.You open your computer to hackers
Free IPTV services and free VPN connections make your computer, tablet, or phone open to hackers.
Opening an unprotected connection to access these streaming services means you can write "Hack me!" on a neon sign.
There is an appropriate protocol for subscribing to IPTV services. No free streaming media service and VPN.
3.Ads increase your bandwidth usage
When you use a free online video streaming service, you see a lot of advertising, which makes money and affects the streaming performance.
Loading takes a long time, and your favorite show can easily stop midway to buffer more ads from loading.
4.Your IP address may still be recorded
People use free VPNs and free streaming services to watch content because they know it's either completely illegal or in a legal gray area, depending on the country they live in.
You try to hide your location by using a solution like a VPN. However, these services need to start a server process somewhere, which may be your own IP address.
When this happens, anyone can see your IP address in the server log.
For example, users in the UK can access US videos using Hola, which records US IP addresses as their original addresses.
In addition to illegal streaming, Hola also sells bandwidth to third parties.
This means that the Internet bandwidth you are paying for is being used by someone else.
5.Dangerous Malware
Having used a free streaming service or a free VPN, and worse, the page looks great, but as soon as you click anywhere, several new Windows pop up with ads inside.
In addition to leaving your connection vulnerable to hackers, the malware can also be installed on your computer to track your activity (or even offline) after you stop using streaming services.
Simple malware can obtain information such as credit card numbers and passwords. It's easy for hackers to collect this data and then use it to spend all your money or, worse, steal your identity online.
6.End users can be sued for publishing content
If you think you can't be sued for watching online streaming content, you need to think again.
Authorities no longer consider pirated videos to be something downloaded onto a device. Producers of video content can Sue those who distribute it through unauthorized channels.
In 2014, the producers of an Adam Sandler movie sued those who had watched (not downloaded, but streamed) the movie illegally.)
Keep in mind that the free streaming and VPN services you use aren't just open to illegal hackers. The authorities can use these vulnerabilities to check what you're doing. This includes watching streaming content without permission.
7.Your line may be hijacked
You may not even notice that your connection has been hijacked. It may feel a bit slow, perhaps, because someone else is using your bandwidth.
Remember Hera's question? Your IP address will be the root of the VPN process. This means that others can use a VPN service, rooted in your IP, and anything they do may look like your activity.
You may be in trouble for doing evil Internet activity because it all comes back to your IP address.
Secure video streaming alternatives
Now that you understand why a free IPTV streaming service is a very bad idea, it's time to consider other options.
There is only one answer: pay for your services. When choosing a paid IPTV subscription service, you can protect your interests more effectively by applying for a free trial service first and renewing it once a month if you see fit.
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gtviptv · 3 years
Why should I pay for an IPTV subscription instead of opting for a free service?
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It's tempting to opt for a free IPTV service over a free VPN, but here are seven terrible reasons you shouldn't (and how to stream your TV safely). Sixty-one percent of young people choose to watch their favorite shows instead of watching TV traditionally.
The on-demand aspect of streaming services, both paid and free, makes it an ideal choice. With IPTV, you can choose what to watch and when. You can binge-watch your favorite show or catch up with the hottest movie. However, many people's streams do not use paid subscription services.
Seven Terrible Reasons to Avoid Free IPTV Service
1.Your data is still being tracked
The idea behind VPNs is to increase anonymity and prevent the sites you visit from collecting your data.
The problem is that running a VPN costs a lot of money. Vendors, even if they want to offer you a legitimate free VPN service, need to find a way to make money.
There are two main situations:.
1.Your ads are everywhere
2.Your data has been sold to third parties.
Using a free VPN to access uncharged IPTV means you either face a lot of advertising (which will lead to more problems - more problems to come) or your data will be sold.
2.You open your computer to hackers
Free IPTV services and free VPN connections make your computer, tablet, or phone open to hackers.
Opening an unprotected connection to access these streaming services means you can write "Hack me!" on a neon sign.
There is an appropriate protocol for subscribing to IPTV services. No free streaming media service and VPN.
3.Ads increase your bandwidth usage
When you use a free online video streaming service, you see a lot of advertising, which not only makes money but also affects the streaming performance.
Loading takes a long time, and your favorite show can easily stop midway to buffer more ads from loading.
4.Your IP address may still be recorded
People use free VPNs and free streaming services to watch content because they know it's either completely illegal or in a legal gray area, depending on the country they live in.
You try to hide your location by using a solution like a VPN. However, these services need to start a server process somewhere, which may be your own IP address.
When this happens, anyone can see your IP address in the server log.
For example, users in the UK can access US videos using Hola, which records US IP addresses as their original addresses.
In addition to illegal streaming, Hola also sells bandwidth to third parties.
This means that the Internet bandwidth you are paying for is being used by someone else.
5.Dangerous Malware
Having used a free streaming service or a free VPN, and worse, the page looks great, but as soon as you click anywhere, several new Windows pop up with ads inside.
In addition to leaving your connection vulnerable to hackers, the malware can also be installed on your computer to track your activity (or even offline) after you stop using streaming services.
Simple malware can obtain information such as credit card numbers and passwords. It's easy for hackers to collect this data and then use it to spend all your money or, worse, steal your identity online.
6.End users can be sued for publishing content
If you think you can't be sued for watching online streaming content, you need to think again.
Authorities no longer consider pirated videos to be something downloaded onto a device. Producers of video content can Sue those who distribute it through unauthorized channels.
In 2014, the producers of an Adam Sandler movie sued those who had watched (not downloaded, but streamed) the movie illegally.)
Keep in mind that the free streaming and VPN services you use aren't just open to illegal hackers. The authorities can use these vulnerabilities to check what you're doing. This includes watching streaming content without permission.
7.Your line may be hijacked
You may not even notice that your connection has been hijacked. It may feel a bit slow, perhaps, because someone else is using your bandwidth.
Remember Hera's question? Your IP address will be the root of the VPN process. This means that others can use a VPN service, rooted in your IP, and anything they do may look like your activity.
You may be in trouble for doing evil Internet activity because it all comes back to your IP address.
Secure video streaming alternatives
Now that you understand why a free IPTV streaming service is a very bad idea, it's time to consider other options.
There is only one answer: pay for your services. When choosing a paid IPTV subscription service, you can protect your interests more effectively by applying for a free trial service first and renewing it once a month if you see fit.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Fear of immigration raids looms as plans for ICE ‘family operation’ move forward
The Trump administration is purposely cruel and inhumane by instilling fear and psychological trauma in immigrant communities and will cause lasting damage to their psyche. 👇👇🤔 🤬🤬😭😭😭
Fear of immigration raids looms as plans for ICE ‘family operation’ move forward
By Nick Miroff, Maria Sacchetti, Arelis R. Hernández and Josh Dawsey | Published
July 06 at 7:00 AM ET | Washington Post | Posted July 6, 2019 |
President Trump said his administration will move forward “fairly soon” with a plan to arrest thousands of migrant families in surprise roundups across major U.S. cities, with the two-week deadline he imposed on Democrats expiring Saturday.
Trump tipped off the mass arrests in a June 17 tweet, vowing “millions” of deportations, but called them off five days later. The president tweeted that he delayed the raids for two weeks at Democrats’ request, “to see if the Democrats and Republicans can get together and work out a solution to the Asylum and Loophole problems at the Southern Border.”
“If not,” he wrote, “Deportations start!”
Trump’s threats have left immigrants living in the United States illegally in a fog of dread, putting neighborhoods on edge and making residents fear venturing outside.
Eva, who works at a plant nursery in Homestead, Fla., said she has stopped going to the park and makes trips to the grocery store every few weeks.
“I don’t know when I leave in the morning if I’ll come home in the night,” said Eva, who arrived illegally 19 years ago from Mexico and whose teen daughter is a U.S. citizen.
“They could come and get me at any time,” she said. She spoke on the condition that her last name not be used.
In addition to many lawmakers being out of town and the deadline for congressional action expiring over the weekend, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is in transition: Many supervisors and agents have been on vacation for the July 4 holiday, and the current acting head, Mark Morgan, is leaving to start a new job Monday as the acting chief of U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Carol Danko, a spokeswoman for ICE, declined to discuss the agency’s plans.
“ICE does not comment on sensitive law enforcement operations,” she said.
The president did exactly that, though, in his June 17 tweet advertising mass arrests he said would start the following week. Operational details of the plan began leaking out and circulating on Capitol Hill soon after.
White House aides and Homeland Security officials were frustrated that the president put ICE’s plans on Twitter, prompting concerns that the operation’s blown cover diminished its chances for success and jeopardized the safety of federal agents. Administration officials said it was the uproar that followed — not a potential deal with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) — that led to the operation’s delay.
Justice Department and Homeland Security officials began working on the “family operation” in late 2018 to deport some of the Central American parents and children who have been arriving in record numbers during the past year, viewing the arrests as a deterrent to future migration.
The Justice Department fast-tracked the cases of thousands of families, many of whom claimed fear of harm if sent back. Homeland Security officials say 90 percent of those ordered deported did not show up for their court hearings.
ICE developed a target list this spring with thousands of names in at least 10 cities, including Houston, Los Angeles, New York and other major immigrant destinations. Senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller and other White House officials urged the arrests and deportations to be carried out in a highly visible fashion for the sake of maximum publicity.
The “family op” stalled, though, as Homeland Security officials worried it would trigger a wave of outrage similar to the fury over last year’s “zero tolerance” family separations.
ICE acting director Ronald Vitiello and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen were ousted in April when they challenged the plan, doubting its preparation and timing. Kevin McAleenan, who is acting secretary of Homeland Security, also hesitated last month, warning the roundups would potentially incur more separations, inflaming Democrats and jeopardizing a supplemental funding bill to alleviate the crisis at the Mexico border.
Lawmakers passed the $4.6 billion border bill in the past week in a rare bipartisan vote that exposed fissures between moderate and left-wing Democrats over immigration policy.
With the money approved, White House and DHS officials say the operation will go forward in the coming weeks.
Matthew Albence, who takes over Sunday as ICE’s acting chief for the second time this year, is a leading proponent of the family operation, viewing it as crucial to upholding U.S. law and his agency’s role as the enforcer of judicial orders.
Trump’s June 22 tweet crediting Pelosi with the delay was a “face-saving” move, said one senior administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to contradict the president’s public statement.
Since then, acting Trump chief of staff Mick Mulvaney’s office has been working with Homeland Security officials to figure out if the family operation can proceed in a more targeted way, instead of the “shock and awe” approach favored by Miller and others.
White House officials said they have also been concerned the administration lacks a fully cooked communications strategy to explain the goals of the mass arrests and minimize the potential fallout from images of families being taken into custody.
The plan is to carry out the arrests in a more piecemeal fashion, without announcing dates or times in advance, the senior official said, cautioning there is “always a chance POTUS blurts them out.”
The president has been briefed on the broad strokes of the plan, but not the precise details, the official said.
ICE officials expect they may be able to detain only 10 to 20 percent of their targets in each city, so they are trying to calibrate the president’s expectations, particularly after he pledged to sweep up millions of deportation-eligible foreigners.
Officials at ICE concede that few of the families on their list are likely to be encountered at the addresses provided to the courts. The agency is expecting to find some of those individuals and make “collateral” arrests of others they encounter who lack legal status or have outstanding deportation orders.
In the meantime, other Homeland Security officials are telling the public that the family arrest plan is back on track.
Ken Cuccinelli II, acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, told Fox Business Network on Friday that ICE’s mission is “going to go forward.”
“The president’s determined about it. I’m sure Matt Albence is ready and raring to go,” said Cuccinelli, who does not oversee immigration enforcement. “And he’s preparing his agency to recommence doing what they view as their job. And I think Americans should expect that.”
Cuccinelli said he did not know the timeline for the raids and said officials “will not preannounce” them. He said the publicity over last month’s planned raids — which he called a “media mess” — had complicated the government’s plans.
Large-scale federal law enforcement operations are not publicized ahead of time, to protect the safety of officers and increase the chances that the targets can be caught unaware.
Cuccinelli also criticized House Democrats, saying they impaired the raids and failed to close asylum “loopholes” that officials say are fueling the border surge. The Trump administration is urging Democrats to pass laws that would grant greater flexibility to detain and deport unaccompanied minors and families who claim asylum. Most are quickly released pending a court hearing because of federal laws and court rulings that limit how long the government can detain children.
The constant churn of threats and rumored raids has left those facing potential deportation on edge.
Rosa Gutierrez Lopez, a mother of three, took refuge in the Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church in Bethesda, Md., seven months ago after immigration officials ordered her to go back to El Salvador. There, friends visit her, ministers teach her to meditate and she can join conference calls with others seeking protection in different cities.
They encourage one another, debate the latest declarations from Trump and update each other on new, strange letters from ICE to their old home addresses.
“We are all just waiting for an opportunity, for the laws to change and for someone to have a heart,” Gutierrez Lopez said. “There is nothing good waiting for us in our countries.”
Across the United States, volunteers are setting up hotlines so immigrants can report raids, and they are organizing volunteers to fan out to observe arrests and help afterward. Advocates are promoting videos in multiple languages — including Spanish, Urdu and Russian — that immigrants can watch at home to prepare for the moment an immigration agent knocks on their door. Advocates are teaching immigrants their legal rights in hair salons, supermarkets and church halls. Some are finding places for immigrants to hide.
The Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services, a Texas-based nonprofit agency that aids immigrants, launched a letter-writing campaign to senators and representatives urging them to pressure ICE to stop the raids, calling them “domestic terrorism.” More than 18,300 people have sent the letters since June 21, the day before Trump canceled the first raids, the nonprofit said.
Immigrant families are stashing away money, seeking out church pastors for advice or sanctuary and having “the talk” with their children about the possibility that one day an immigration agent could knock on their door.
“They’re definitely scared,” said Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, which is teaching immigrants their legal rights in private sessions. “Even if the numbers are small, the purpose of the raids and the show of force is to scare a larger population. The threat is purposely meant to affect and destabilize a whole group of people. It’s that psychological attack. Maybe they’ll come for me. Maybe they won’t. Maybe it’ll be my neighbor. It’s very mentally draining.”
Lori Rozsa in Homestead, Fla., and Seung Min Kim in Washington contributed to this report.
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tracstartrees-1 · 2 years
The Best Side of Tree Cutting Service Virginia Beach
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We employ the service of secret customers to call our suppliers anonymously and Consider them. Providers who react quickly, solution queries carefully, and talk politely score increased. If a company states that It is really registered as a company or limited legal responsibility business, we confirm that the corporate is in excellent standing in the point out wherein they work. Confirmed up by the due date very arranged and anything was finished Secure. The crew stored all the things clean up. They Slice three trees in three along with a fifty percent hrs and they had been out. Merely a suggestion be really clear about what you want to do with the tree stumps throughout your quotation take a look at. Terrific conversation and do the job ethic. I'd seven huge pines taken off in the timely fashion with superb service. The crew confirmed much… A+ service Alex and Rob have been speedy to help with an uprooted tree that came down during a snowy weekend nor'easter. I was pleasantly shocked when… The gurus are also accessible for website surveys to ascertain the health with the trees within the property. Southern Roots Tree Service also provides storm defense and lightning safety to make certain basic safety Each time Serious climate strikes. Totally free estimates are available. Experienced while in the artwork website & science of planting, protecting, and caring for a variety of tree species, our staff of ISA-Accredited arborists is effective at earning your trees much healthier plus much more attractive. Joshua, the proprietor, is an extremely well-informed arborist and clarifies intimately the work that will be carried out. He is pretty Specialist and a pleasant male. His crew still left the region they worked in immaculate. I very advocate A Sailor's Saw and can most surely rely on them Sooner or later when the necessity occurs.  Our Virginia Beach tree removing pros will take away the tree securely with out influencing your own home negatively. Notice: Our top intention is to make certain all Virginia Beach, VA residents retain their trees. Right before opting to eliminate any tree, We're going to test to locate a solution that could allow you to keep your tree. Remark: Need to have: Tall crepe myrtle pruned; many Barford Hollies pruned from the roof; a tall, fowl-planted Bradford Pear Lower back away from roof - afterwards to ne eradicated in entirety & stump ruined. how tricky it can be. Tree removals in spots that includes underground utilities or structures close by normally We scour the online market place for evaluations from perfectly-identified methods. Every supplier is evaluated dependent on the quality and quantity of their opinions, their existence on numerous overview web pages, and their typical bare minimum ranking. Consent isn't a ailment of acquire. isn't now accepting service requests from HomeAdvisor in . Bigger trees, tricky to reach regions, and Work that require Distinctive resources and devices will Price additional. Ask for a quote at this moment to acquire an estimate of how much it is going to Price tag for tree removal in Virginia Beach. https://tracstartrees.com
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thealogie · 8 years
Yes, Snow White! Apples, mirrors, poison, faked death, raven hair/pale skin, and evil queen(s) and, like, we're all trapped in that magic mirror
Sherlock couldn't find seven friends but yeah even all his little helpers that aid him in being with john are thematically consistent.
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saasproductreviews · 3 years
Ingramer Review 2022
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Instagram continues to expand into new markets. It used to be a hangout for housewives and schoolgirls, but now it's a destination for serious businesses and serious brands. Understandably, such a competition encourages the development of various services for rapid growth on Instagram. One of them is Ingram. Ingram is a popular service for promoting on Instagram. It is widely popular due to its flexibility, quick adaptation to constantly updated Instagram algorithms, and ability to provide the solutions that the IG audience seeks, such as Instagram chat, auto-posting, hashtag generators, etc. In this Ingramer Review, we will dissect all of the services and tools that Ingramer provides to learn how they work and how they can benefit your Instagram business.
Features of Ingramer
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1. Scheduler for Posts
Their post planner is now more convenient. It enables you to schedule your images, videos, and stories for the entire month, saving you time. Unless you overdo it and post too many things every day, you should have no issues with this feature, and Instagram will not block it.
2. Font Generator
Ingramer lets you choose from over 80 font styles to customize the font for your bio, post, and comments. It's a distinct visual feature, but it doesn't boost your profile, so I didn't find it useful.
3. Story Viewer
This feature allows you to watch someone's Instagram story while remaining anonymous. I'm not particularly interested in this topic, so I'm not going to go into it any further.
4. Automated Tasks
With approximately 1,250 actions per day, Ingramer can handle automatic follow, unfollow, and likes. As previously stated, this is a violation of Instagram's Terms and Conditions.
5. Generator of Hashtags
Hashtags can be difficult to find and use correctly. New ones appear every day, and if you do it correctly, you can ride the wave of a trend as it begins. The free hashtag generator on Ingramer makes it easier to find the right hashtags to use in all of your upcoming posts. Simply enter a few seed keywords and it will return a slew of suggestions. Watch your views and likes grow as you use the ones that are relevant to your content.
6. Smart Unfollow
Rather than simply unfollowing everyone who has followed you. You can choose which accounts to unfollow if you want to be more sophisticated. If they meet your criteria, Ingramer will unfollow them. Next in this Ingramer review we will see pricing.
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Unfortunately, Ingramer does not offer a free trial, but you can still test them out on a small budget. They also allow for the following modules if you request them during the ordering process. One to ten accounts can be automated. Prices for the most popular follow and unfollow packages begin at $37 for two weeks and $57 for one month, representing a 22 percent discount. If you want to buy it for an extended period it is $144 for three months at a 35% discount. To put things into perspective, the minimum adspend for Instagram ads is $5 per day, which equates to around $150 per month and $450 for three months. And, guess what, $5 a day will only reach a TINY percentage of the population.
However, with Ingramer's bot running, you have the potential to reach hundreds of thousands of people because your bot can interact with accounts 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Basic – Likes, follows, and unfollows automatically.
Scheduled Posting – Posts your content automatically according to your schedule.
Direct Messages – Send out a large number of DMs to your target audience.
Comment Tracker – With this feature, you can keep track of all comments in your feed.
With a 22 percent discount, the most popular follow and unfollow package starts at $37 for two weeks and $57 for one month.
The website is encrypted with HTTP.
Packages and pricing are displayed.
Payment gateways that are verified
There is email contact information available.
On-site user reviews appear to be fabricated
It violates Instagram's terms of service.
It lacks a substantial FAQ or help page.
Many people have complained that Ingramer has banned their account. Others have successfully used it for extended periods. The truth is that Instagram is cracking down, and the risk to your accounts is increasing by the day - even if you aren't using bots. Since normal activity can result in action blocks, using a bot like this increases your risk.
Hope that this Ingramer review helped you understand the tool thoroughly. Ingramer, like many other Instagram bot services, does exactly what it says. It's ultimately software that Instagram has banned. However, for personal projects, this software is highly recommended. Before you begin using it, build up your first few followers organically and have at least 20 posts in your account.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Nearly a third of U.S. workers under 40 considered changing careers during the pandemic (Washington Post) When Orlando Saenz was laid off at the end of January, he was devastated. For nearly a decade, he had worked as an executive assistant at an Austin law firm, and it was hard to envision his next steps. But then it dawned on him: This setback could be the kick he needed to finally finish his associate’s degree and seek a better career. A few days later, Saenz, 40, enrolled in community college. He plans to get a paralegal license. The enhanced unemployment aid gave him the financial cushion to “treat school as my job,” he said, for a few months. “If you come out of the pandemic the same as you were, you’ve missed an opportunity to evolve and grow as a person,” Saenz said. “I just realized I needed to do better.” Saenz is not alone. Nearly 1 in 3 U.S. workers under 40 have thought about changing their occupation or field of work since the pandemic began, according to a Washington Post-Schar School poll, conducted July 6 to 21. About 1 in 5 workers overall have considered a professional shift, a signal that the pandemic has been a turning point for many. Many people told The Post that the pandemic altered how they think about what is important in life and their careers. It has given them a heightened understanding that life is short and that now is the time to make the changes they have long dreamed of. The result is a great reassessment of work, as Americans fundamentally reimagine their relationships to their jobs.
Food stamp benefits to permanently expand by over 25% in October, USDA announces (USA Today) Needy families will get a permanent boost to their food stamps benefits in October under an expansion of the program announced Monday. The U.S. Department of Agriculture will increase benefits for about 42 million program participants by more than 25% after finishing a review that determined existing benefits are too low to pay for a healthy diet. The increase kicks in on Oct. 1, when beneficiaries in what is officially known as the SNAP program will receive an average bump of about $36.24 per month, the agency announced Monday. While benefits have increased along with inflation, the USDA said this adjustment represents the first expansion of its purchasing power since it was first introduced in 1975.
First-ever water shortage declared on the Colorado River, triggering water cuts for some states in the West (Reuters) For the first time, federal officials declared a water shortage at the Lake Mead reservoir, a status that causes a slash to the annual apportionment of water to several states in the Southwest. In the year beginning in October, Arizona will lose 18 percent of its annual water apportionment, Nevada will lose 7 percent, and the apportionments to Mexico will decrease by 5 percent. Right now, 59.2 million Americans live in a place with drought, which encompasses 99 percent of the Western United States. Total water storage in the Colorado River system is at 40 percent capacity, down from 49 percent in 2020.
T-Mobile hacked (Motherboard) T-Mobile confirmed that hackers accessed the telecom’s systems on Monday. One hacker claimed that 100 million people had compromised data in the breach, and in a forum post offered 30 million people’s data for 6 bitcoin (about $270,000). Samples of the data contained “social security numbers, phone numbers, names, physical addresses, unique IMEI numbers, and driver license information.”
Tropical storm drenching earthquake-stricken Haiti (AP) Tropical Storm Grace swept over Haiti with drenching rains just two days after a powerful earthquake battered the impoverished Caribbean nation, adding to the misery of thousands who lost loved ones, suffered injuries or found themselves homeless and forcing overwhelmed hospitals and rescuers to act quickly. After nightfall, heavy rain and strong winds whipped at the country’s southwestern area, hit hardest by Saturday’s quake, and officials warned that rainfall could reach 15 inches (38 centimeters) in some areas before the storm moved on.
Japan to extend COVID-19 emergency lockdown as cases surge (Reuters) Japan was set on Tuesday to extend its state of emergency in Tokyo and other regions to Sept. 12 and widen curbs to seven more prefectures, as COVID-19 cases spike in the capital and nationwide, burdening the medical system. The state of emergency will cover slightly less than 60% of the population after the government adds the prefectures of Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Shizuoka, Kyoto, Hyogo and Fukuoka.
American diplomats reckon with Afghanistan’s collapse (Foreign Policy) Current and former U.S. diplomats who served in Afghanistan have watched the events of the past week with horror as the Taliban stormed through the country and ultimately seized control of the capital, Kabul, on Sunday, undoing two decades of hard-won progress in the country. For many American officials, the collapse of the Afghan government and the hasty evacuation of the U.S. Embassy in Kabul are deeply personal. Around one-quarter of the U.S. diplomatic corps has served in Afghanistan or Iraq over the past 20 years. In interviews with a dozen people who held posts in Afghanistan, current and former diplomats conveyed feelings of deep anger, shock, and bitterness about the collapse of the government they spent decades trying to build. Several currently serving officials, who spoke to Foreign Policy on condition of anonymity, said the events had prompted thoughts about resigning from the foreign service. But mostly the diplomats said they felt an overwhelming sense of guilt and fear for the lives of the former Afghan colleagues and local staff whom the American government left behind. “We did such a disservice to the local staff who worked for us,” said Shaila Manyam, a former career foreign service officer who had served as spokesperson for the president’s special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan in 2015. “They take on incredible risks working for us and we’ve screwed them too,” she said. Ryan Crocker, who served as U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan from 2011 to 2012, said the fate of Afghan women weighed heavily on him. “We encouraged them to step forward, and they did. In politics, the economy, the military,” he said. “The implicit part of that deal was, ‘You step forward, and we’ve got your backs.’ And now we don’t.”
Biden’s Betrayal of Afghans (The Atlantic) There’s plenty of blame to go around for the 20-year debacle in Afghanistan—enough to fill a library of books. Perhaps the effort to rebuild the country was doomed from the start. But our abandonment of the Afghans who helped us, counted on us, staked their lives on us, is a final, gratuitous shame that we could have avoided. The Biden administration failed to heed the warnings on Afghanistan, failed to act with urgency—and its failure has left tens of thousands of Afghans to a terrible fate. This betrayal will live in infamy. The burden of shame falls on President Joe Biden. For months, members of Congress and advocates in refugee, veteran, and human-rights organizations have been urging the Biden administration to evacuate America’s Afghan allies on an emergency basis. For months, dire warnings have appeared in the press. The administration’s answers were never adequate: We’re waiting for Congress to streamline the application process. Half the interpreters we’ve given visas don’t want to leave. We don’t want to panic the Afghan people and cause the government in Kabul to collapse. Evacuation to a U.S. territory like Guam could lead to legal problems, so we’re looking for third-country hosts in the region. Most of the interpreters are in Kabul, and Kabul won’t fall for at least six months. Some of these answers might have been sincere. All of them were irrelevant, self-deceiving, or flat-out false.
A war’s secret history (Washington Post) In the summer of 2011, Army Lt. Gen. William Caldwell IV made a round of public appearances to boast that he had finally solved a problem that had kept U.S. troops bogged down in Afghanistan for a decade. “They’re probably the best-trained, the best-equipped and the best-led of any forces we’ve developed yet inside of Afghanistan,” he said. But according to documents obtained by the Washington Post, U.S. military officials privately harbored fundamental doubts for the duration of the war that the Afghan security forces could ever become competent or shed their dependency on U.S. money and firepower. “Thinking we could build the military that fast and that well was insane,” an unnamed former U.S. official told government interviewers in 2016. Over two decades, the U.S. government invested over $85 billion to train and equip the Afghans and pay their salaries. Today, all that’s left is arsenals of weapons, ammunition and supplies that have fallen into the hands of the enemy. Though it was obvious from the beginning that the Afghans were struggling to make the U.S.-designed system work, the Pentagon kept throwing money at the problem and assigning new generals to find a solution. Recruiting was hard enough, but was compounded by startling rates of desertion and attrition. Another biggest hardship was having to teach virtually every recruit how to read. Making everything harder was the Obama administration’s decision to rapidly expand the size of the Afghan security forces from 200,000 soldiers and police officers to 350,000. With recruits at a premium, Afghans were rushed through boot camp, even if they couldn’t shoot or perform other basic tasks. As the years passed, it became apparent that the strategy was failing. Yet U.S. military commanders kept insisting in public that everything was going according to plan.
Blaming Afghans? (The New Yorker) The Afghans now have suffered generation after generation of not just continuous warfare but humanitarian crises, one after the other, and Americans have to remember that this wasn’t a civil war that the Afghans started among themselves that the rest of the world got sucked into. This situation was triggered by an outside invasion, initially by the Soviet Union, during the Cold War, and since then the country has been a battleground for regional and global powers seeking their own security by trying to militarily intervene in Afghanistan, whether it be the United States after 2001, the C.I.A. in the nineteen-eighties, Pakistan through its support first for the mujahideen and later the Taliban, or Iran and its clients. To blame Afghans for not getting their act together in light of that history is just wrong.
Taliban allowing ‘safe passage’ from Kabul in US airlift (AP) The Taliban have agreed to allow “safe passage” from Afghanistan for civilians struggling to join a U.S.-directed airlift from the capital, President Joe Biden’s national security adviser said Tuesday, although a timetable for completing the evacuation of Americans, Afghan allies and others has yet to be worked out with the country’s new rulers. Jake Sullivan acknowledged reports that some civilians were encountering resistance—“being turned away or pushed back or even beaten”—as they tried to reach the Kabul international airport. But he said “very large numbers” were reaching the airport and the problem of the others was being taken up with the Taliban, whose stunningly swift takeover of the country on Sunday plunged the U.S. evacuation effort into chaos, confusion and violence. Pentagon officials said that after interruptions on Monday, the airlift was back on track and being accelerated despite weather problems, amid regular communication with Taliban leaders. Additional U.S. troops arrived and more were on the way, with a total of more than 6,000 expected to be involved in securing the airport in coming days.
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buyatviptv · 3 years
In 2021, here are 7 downsides of choosing a free IPTV service
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It's tempting to opt for a free IPTV service over, but here are seven terrible reasons you shouldn't (and how to stream your TV safely). Sixty-one percent of young people choose to watch their favorite shows instead of watching TV traditionally.
Seven Terrible Reasons to Avoid Free IPTV Service
1.Your data is still being tracked
The idea behind VPNs is to increase anonymity and prevent the sites you visit from collecting your data.
The problem is that running a VPN costs a lot of money. Vendors, even if they want to offer you a legitimate free VPN service, need to find a way to make money.
There are two main situations:.
1.Your ads are everywhere
2.Your data has been sold to third parties.
Using a free VPN to access uncharged IPTV means you either face a lot of advertising (which will lead to more problems - more problems to come) or your data will be sold.
2.You open your computer to hackers
Free IPTV services and free VPN connections make your computer, tablet, or phone open to hackers.
Opening an unprotected connection to access these streaming services means you can write "Hack me!" on a neon sign.
There is an appropriate protocol for subscribing to IPTV services. No free streaming media service and VPN.
3.Ads increase your bandwidth usage
When you use a free online video streaming service, you see a lot of advertising, which not only makes money but also affects the streaming performance.
Loading takes a long time, and your favorite show can easily stop midway to buffer more ads from loading.
4.Your IP address may still be recorded
People use free VPNs and free streaming services to watch content because they know it's either completely illegal or in a legal gray area, depending on the country they live in.
You try to hide your location by using a solution like a VPN. However, these services need to start a server process somewhere, which may be your own IP address.
When this happens, anyone can see your IP address in the server log.
For example, users in the UK can access US videos using Hola, which records US IP addresses as their original addresses.
In addition to illegal streaming, Hola also sells bandwidth to third parties.
This means that the Internet bandwidth you are paying for is being used by someone else.
5.Dangerous Malware
Having used a free streaming service or a free VPN, and worse, the page looks great, but as soon as you click anywhere, several new Windows pop up with ads inside.
In addition to leaving your connection vulnerable to hackers, the malware can also be installed on your computer to track your activity (or even offline) after you stop using streaming services.
Simple malware can obtain information such as credit card numbers and passwords. It's easy for hackers to collect this data and then use it to spend all your money or, worse, steal your identity online.
6.End users can be sued for publishing content
If you think you can't be sued for watching online streaming content, you need to think again.
Authorities no longer consider pirated videos to be something downloaded onto a device. Producers of video content can Sue those who distribute it through unauthorized channels.
In 2014, the producers of an Adam Sandler movie sued those who had watched (not downloaded, but streamed) the movie illegally.)
Keep in mind that the free streaming and VPN services you use aren't just open to illegal hackers. The authorities can use these vulnerabilities to check what you're doing. This includes watching streaming content without permission.
7.Your line may be hijacked
You may not even notice that your connection has been hijacked. It may feel a bit slow, perhaps, because someone else is using your bandwidth.
Remember Hera's question? Your IP address will be the root of the VPN process. This means that others can use a VPN service, rooted in your IP, and anything they do may look like your activity.
You may be in trouble for doing evil Internet activity because it all comes back to your IP address.
Secure video streaming alternatives
Now that you understand why a free IPTV streaming service is a very bad idea, it's time to consider other options.
There is only one answer: pay for your services. When choosing a paid IPTV subscription service, you can protect your interests more effectively by applying for a free trial service first and renewing it once a month if you see fit.
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wolfliving · 6 years
The US military in big cities afraid of the sky
As the global population evolves toward a denser, more urban-centric environment, the battlefield landscape will likely follow suit.  Where the US armed forces of the twenty-first century once militarily dominated the rural landscapes of Afghanistan and the deserts of Iraq, the fight for military objectives will increasingly focus on population centers in the decades to come.  Of course, urban operations are not new to the US soldier or Marine.  Brave Americans have fought valiantly from the Battle of Hue City in Vietnam to Mosul in the ongoing fight against ISIL.  However, the cities of tomorrow will present new challenges where titanic populations and infrastructure density will combine with near-instantaneous flow of information to create a leviathan of complexity for the armed forces.
Current doctrine does not address the unique fabric of crowded urban areas of operation, though ongoing research, directed by the chief of staff of the Army, aims to address these shortfalls.   A 2014 Strategic Studies Group (SSG) reportmaintains that the US Army stands ill prepared to respond to and operate within complex cities, even as these areas become increasingly strategically significant.  Specifically, the SSG report argues, “the problems found in megacities (explosive growth rates, vast and growing income disparity and a security environment that is increasingly attractive to the politically dispossessed) are landpower problems.  Solutions, therefore, will require boots on the ground.”  Given this assessment, prioritizing the study of cities and their internal structures is vital to preparing the force to fight and win future wars.
The Rise of Cities
In his 2013 book Out of the Mountains, counterinsurgency expert David Kilcullen identifies four demographic “megatrends” that fuel the growing climate of conflict in urban areas.  Foremost, general population growth will adversely affect economic efficiency as resources become scarcer.  The current global population is approximately 7.3 billion and is projected to balloon to 8.5 billion by 2030.  Notably, the largest share of this growth will occur in forty-eight states presently designated as least developed countries by the United Nations—part of the “global south.”.  Among these forty-eight, twenty-seven of which are located in Africa, the population is expected to double by 2050.  The concentration, therefore, of rising population growth in the poorest countries will strain governments’ ability to satisfy basic service requirements such as housing, water, and gainful employment.  The search for resources and opportunity inevitably leads to urban environs.
This is Kilcullen’s second megatrend, urbanization. This migration of people into more densely packed cities further concentrates the demand, and subsequent competition, for resources.  Currently, the number of cities with a population of at least one million inhabitants stands at 512 worldwide.  Forecasts project that this number will rise to 662 by 2030.   Similarly, “megacities” with a total population of at least ten million are projected to increase from thirty-one to forty-onewithin the same timeframe.  Unsurprisingly, the locations of most of these cities coincide with the areas of fastest population growth: rapid urbanization predominately occurs in least developed countries in Africa and South Asia.  With urbanization projected to grow at 4 percent per year through 2030, increased vulnerability to disease, famine, unsanitary living conditions, and other perils threatens stability to an ever-increasing share of the global population.
Third, littoralization describes the trend of specific population growth in urban centers in close proximity to coastlines and riverine areas.  While access to water necessarily precedes settlement, it also places growing numbers of people inside of severe weather zones.  UN data estimates that 15 percent of cities are vulnerable to two or more types of natural disaster (floods, droughts, earthquakes, landslides, etc.).  Of those, twenty-seven total cities remain vulnerable to three or more types of natural disaster.  The category 5 Hurricane Matthew in October 2016, for example, destroyed in excess of 210,000 homes in Haiti alone, causing an estimated 1.9 billion dollars in damages.  The damage and spartan conditions the hurricane left behind enabled a cholera outbreak, which afflicted nearly 10,000 Haitians.  Though the effects of this event hardly resonated outside the Caribbean states, the scale of suffering illustrates the magnitude of the threat to concentrated, vulnerable populations clustered along coastal areas.  Were a similar disaster to strike Singapore or Tokyo, the net loss of economic and trade capacity would have worldwide consequences.
Finally, connectedness describes the expansion and deepening of links within and between cities, a dynamic tied to economic globalization and ubiquitous contact of populations via globally linked communications infrastructure.  Access to these “global systems of exchange” drives increasing reliance of people, resources, and organizations on the city domain.  Contact with this mass market proves valuable to businesses and political forces alike.  Any requirement for human interaction, therefore, encourages migration to the city.
US Boots on the Ground?
These trends merely illustrate the continuing rise of cities over the next decade.  Though cities offer endless positive opportunity to global society, they will also present increasingly important centers of gravity, attracting a range of conflicting forces and adversaries.  Under what circumstances, then, would US armed forces find themselves deployed in this arena?  America’s post-9/11 wars have already drawn US operations towards cities, where irregular forces and proxy adversary networks recruit and resource, simultaneously relying on the sanctuary of anonymity.  But future US military operations in cities may not be exclusively tied to counterinsurgency or the counterterrorism fight.  The rise of cities will focus national foreign policy objectives on these hubs of economic and social activity regardless of the adversary or nature of the military objective. Of course, a range of political considerations will always inform foreign policy, but several plausible scenarios exist that would bring the US armed forces onto dense urban terrain.
Perhaps the most likely scenario would see the military deploy to assist with humanitarian relief following a natural disaster event....
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expatimes · 4 years
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'I'm alive but not living': Survivors of Bangladesh's rape crisis
Sharmin *, a 28-year-old housewife, is one of the thousands of traumatised survivors of a rape epidemic blighting Bangladesh.
It has been three months since she says she was raped by a man from the neighboring village just outside the capital, Dhaka. She describes how he gripped her neck and stomach as he raped her and how she has not been able to eat solid food since it happened.
“If I try to swallow food I can still feel him pressuring my neck and stomach,” she explains.
Sharmin has developed an eating disorder and can only have a few spoons of “panta bhaat”, a soft liquid-like rice, each day.
In 2018, 732 rape cases were reported in the country, according to the Bangladeshi human rights group, Ain o Salish Kendra. The cases almost doubled to 1,413 in 2019. Now with almost 1,000 cases reported so far this year, Bangladesh is seeing more than four rape cases per day on average.
These numbers are thought to be just the tip of the iceberg, according to aid agencies, who report that most women are too afraid to report rape and do not believe they will get justice if they do.
Amnesty International points to the government own figures. Over the past 19 years, according to the government's One Stop Crisis Center, only 3.5 percent of rape cases went to court under the Prevention of Oppression Against Women and Children Act 2000, and only 0.37 percent of cases in convictions. Overall, according to Human Rights Watch, fewer than 1 percent of reported perpetrators are ever convicted.
'I have difficulty breathing'
“Having to live with it is more challenging than my inability to eat,” says Sharmin. “When I do my daily chores I get unprovoked flashbacks of my rape. My body starts to tremble uncontrollably and I have difficulty breathing. ”
She explains how she tries to divert her thoughts but the flashbacks sometimes freeze her body until the whole rape is played out in her mind. If she goes to a doctor with this issue she says she believes he will say she is possessed by a jinn, or spirit, and that people will find out and gossip about her.
“But I would rather have people think I got possessed by a jinn than raped, it saves me the humiliation,” she says.
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Protests against male violence towards women have taken place in cities across Bangladesh [Photo courtesy of Monon Muntaka]
Protests have taken place in several cities across Bangladesh following the surge of violence against women. The protests were initially sparked in late September this year by the news that a woman was gang-raped by a group of seven men while her husband was tied up and beaten in the northeastern district of Sylhet.
Further protests erupted following the emergence of a video showing a woman being stripped and abused by a group of five men in the southeastern district of Noakhali. The video, which had been filmed by the men on their phones, circulated on the internet for weeks before being taken down this month. Protests have since been mobilized to challenge sexual violence and misogyny.
While the country's information minister blames pornography for rising rape cases, protesters and aid agencies insist rape culture and gender-based violence are deep-rooted issues that go beyond “just pornography.”
Protesters from Feminists Across Generations, an alliance formed to tackle gender-based violence in Bangladesh, argue that society is embedded with strong conservative and patriarchal values. Activist Umama Zillur, 25, says: “These patriarchal values ​​exist on a structural level, producing strong institutional sexism and social hierarchies that fail to prioritise the rights of women. As a result, cultural and social practices that perpetuate violence against women remains pervasive.
'My in-laws won't eat with me'
The physical and emotional trauma from rape is not all that victims must contend with in Bangladesh: the stigma attached to rape, and the fear of humiliation discourage many survivors from seeking medical help or reporting attacks to the authorities.
Naila Hossain, 32, a social activist working with sexual assault victims in Bangladesh, explains that survivors do not find it easy to come forward as they fear being blamed and ostracised by their communities.
“If an unmarried woman is raped, she may be shunned by society altogether and deemed not worthy of being married or, in some cases, married off to her rapist to preserve the family's 'dignity',” Hossain explains. "Raped women often also flee their homes to avoid such rejection and sometimes even commit suicide."
Women's lives are dictated by a rape culture which stigmatises and revictimises the victims, further impeding their physical and psychological wellbeing.
“The social stigma from rape produces a strong sense of shame for the victims,” says Hossain. “Alongside shifting the blame onto the victim, it associates a woman's honor with their bodies. Essentially all honor is lost when a woman is raped and this stigma is translated in societal hostility and rejection. ”
Worse still, if a survivor has been abused by a family member, she is at risk of being ostracised by her own family.
This is what has happened to Rahena *, a rape victim whose name we have changed to protect her anonymity.
Rahena, a 26-year-old cleaner from Mymensingh, a city north of the capital, Dhaka, says she was raped by a relative of her husband's in their village two months ago.
“My husband won't sleep with me, my in-laws won't eat with me, my parents won't have me around, and nobody in the community will acknowledge me,” she tells Al Jazeera. “But everyone knows the truth. How can they pretend to be oblivious to it? Is this a life worth living? What he has done to me is worse than murder because I am still alive but I am not living. ”
'There is never any justice'
Hossain says that a lack of effort by police to apprehend and punish rapists also dissuades women from coming forward. Largely “nonchalant attitudes towards cases”, she says, negligence, a lack of commitment to solving cases, along with social stigma, all trivialise sexual abuse and delegitimise their experience, so victims continue to stay silent.
“They don't report their rapes or assaults to the authorities because they're afraid nothing will be done,” says Hossain.
Rani *, 19, another survivor who does not wish to disclose any personal details, echoes these concerns about coming forward. She says she believes reporting rape is ineffective because the police will always choose to believe the perpetrator - who will deny the allegations - and will dismiss the case.
She refuses to "fight a battle she has already lost." “I already know the outcome,” she says. “There never is any justice for people like us, why would there be? What are we even worth? ”
She says coming forward may also put her at risk of being attacked by her perpetrator again, as revenge. “It is impossible to report him, he won't go anywhere because he is very powerful. But what about me? I have to live in constant fear of being raped again. ”
Rani now lives her life in fear, worrying that he might attack her again and describes her situation as “impossible to escape”.
“The coronavirus lockdown situation made it worse because he knew I was always home,” she adds. "He could have come again any moment but thank God he hasn't."
'Do we just continue living in fear?'
Umama Zillur, a 25-year-old social activist from Dhaka, says she has become “deeply enraged at the state and society that has contributed to the continuous violence against women”.
“At the core of it, it shows me I am not seen as human,” she says.
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Umama Zillur delivers a speech against rape culture during a protest [Photo courtesy of Umama Zillur]
Another university student who has taken part in the protests, 21-year-old Fariha Rahman, who also lives in Dhaka, says she wants to see change on a “structural and society level”, or else “can be the next victim” .
“Girls in this country live in fear of being attacked. The fact that my evening classes are made up mostly of men and morning by girls just illustrates our fear. I once took an evening class. When I was on my way home my heart sank to my stomach and I almost had an anxiety attack because it was dark and I thought someone would attack me. Do we then just continue living in anxiety and fear? ”
Kabita *, 24, from the southeastern city of Cumilla who also did not wish to be identified, says being able to go outside is her only form of escape from her family, with whom she has a poor relationship. But the fear of rape and the coronavirus lockdown have put paid to any freedom she might have.
“This lockdown has meant months of verbal and mental abuse for me from my parents. When they read about the rapes they become concerned for my safety and overly paranoid that something might happen to me.
“Now they're restricting me from going out but they are my real abusers. Not safe to go outside but not safe to stay inside, either. How is this fair for me? ”
Kabita adds that although she has not been diagnosed, she feels she has developed symptoms of depression and self-harm tendencies from staying at home.
Death penalty for rapists
On October 12, Bangladesh's government set measures to allow the death penalty for rapists in an amendment that elevates the maximum punishment from life in prison to death. Bangladesh's Minister of Law, Anisul Huq, said he believes the law will result in a decrease in the number of rapes.
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Members of a feminist group take part in an ongoing protest in front of the parliamentary building, demanding justice for the alleged gang rape of a woman in Noakhali, southern district of Bangladesh, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Dhaka, Bangladesh , October 10, 2020 [Mohammad Ponir Hossain/Reuters]
Activists, however, do not see this measure helping. The introduction of the death penalty is a short-term solution - a way to curb the protests and to hamper the movement, they say. And activists are not accepting it, adds Zillur.
“Specific rape law reformation needs to be implemented, followed by larger societal conversations that address root causes,” she says. "The government should consider proposals put forward by The Rape Law Reform Coalition that set forth 10 points for addressing the shortcomings in the legal and institutional framework and offer a set of solutions."
As for the death penalty acting as a deterrent, Rani says she knows men will never be convicted due to their privilege of “being men” and “staying well-connected in society”.
“I don't think there will be any use of the death penalty. My fate was already decided when I was raped. Nothing will ever change for people like me. ”
* Some names have been changed to protect the anonymity of victims.
. #world Read full article: https://expatimes.com/?p=12648&feed_id=11774
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bestxtrixtviptv · 3 years
Looking for free IPTV in 2021? Here are 7 hazards of free IPTV
It's tempting to opt for a free IPTV service ove , but here are seven terrible reasons you shouldn't (and how to stream your TV safely). Sixty-one percent of young people choose to watch their favorite shows instead of watching TV traditionally.
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Seven Terrible Reasons to Avoid Free IPTV Service
1.Your data is still being tracked
The idea behind VPNs is to increase anonymity and prevent the sites you visit from collecting your data.
The problem is that running a VPN costs a lot of money. Even if they want to offer you a legitimate free VPN service, vendors need to find a way to make money.
There are two main situations:.
1.Your ads are everywhere
2.Your data has been sold to third parties.
Using a free VPN to access uncharged IPTV means you either face a lot of advertising (which will lead to more problems - more problems to come) or your data will be sold.
2.You open your computer to hackers
Free IPTV services and free VPN connections make your computer, tablet, or phone open to hackers.
Opening an unprotected connection to access these streaming services means you can write "Hack me!" on a neon sign.
There is an appropriate protocol for subscribing to IPTV services. No free streaming media service and VPN.
3.Ads increase your bandwidth usage
When you use a free online video streaming service, you see a lot of advertising, which makes money and affects the streaming performance.
Loading takes a long time, and your favorite show can easily stop midway to buffer more ads from loading.
4.Your IP address may still be recorded
People use free VPNs and free streaming services to watch content because they know it's either completely illegal or in a legal gray area, depending on the country they live in.
You try to hide your location by using a solution like a VPN. However, these services need to start a server process somewhere, which may be your own IP address.
When this happens, anyone can see your IP address in the server log.
For example, users in the UK can access US videos using Hola, which records US IP addresses as their original addresses.
In addition to illegal streaming, Hola also sells bandwidth to third parties.
This means that the Internet bandwidth you are paying for is being used by someone else.
5.Dangerous Malware
Having used a free streaming service or a free VPN, and worse, the page looks great, but as soon as you click anywhere, several new Windows pop up with ads inside.
In addition to leaving your connection vulnerable to hackers, the malware can also be installed on your computer to track your activity (or even offline) after you stop using streaming services.
Simple malware can obtain information such as credit card numbers and passwords. It's easy for hackers to collect this data and then use it to spend all your money or, worse, steal your identity online.
6.End users can be sued for publishing content
If you think you can't be sued for watching online streaming content, you need to think again.
Authorities no longer consider pirated videos to be something downloaded onto a device. Producers of video content can Sue those who distribute it through unauthorized channels.
In 2014, the producers of an Adam Sandler movie sued those who had watched (not downloaded, but streamed) the movie illegally.)
Keep in mind that the free streaming and VPN services you use aren't just open to illegal hackers. The authorities can use these vulnerabilities to check what you're doing. This includes watching streaming content without permission.
7.Your line may be hijacked
You may not even notice that your connection has been hijacked. It may feel a bit slow, perhaps, because someone else is using your bandwidth.
Remember Hera's question? Your IP address will be the root of the VPN process. This means that others can use a VPN service, rooted in your IP, and anything they do may look like your activity.
You may be in trouble for doing evil Internet activity because it all comes back to your IP address.
Secure video streaming alternatives
Now that you understand why a free IPTV streaming service is a very bad idea, it's time to consider other options.
There is only one answer: pay for your services. When choosing a paid IPTV subscription service, you can protect your interests more effectively by applying for a free trial service first and renewing it once a month if you see fit.
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junker-town · 4 years
7 winners and 6 losers from Day 3 of the 2020 NFL Draft
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Photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images
After the final day of the draft, the Cowboys and Ravens should be smiling. The rest of us shouldn’t, because we’re not Antonio Gandy-Golden.
The 2020 NFL Draft is in the books.
The Miami Dolphins and Buccaneers quarterback Tom Brady were among the big winners of the first round. The Baltimore Ravens and Broncos quarterback Drew Lock had a solid second day. But the third day is a little tougher to gauge.
In Rounds 4-7, NFL teams are searching for players who can make the roster and have an impact. Only a handful of players picked in Day 3 will emerge as stars and it’s anyone’s guess who that’ll be. There were still some big winners and losers, though.
Here’s who stood out, both positively and negatively, on the last day of the 2020 NFL Draft:
Winner: The 49ers for getting Trent Williams without a huge extension
Part of the reason it was so difficult for Washington to trade Williams was because he reportedly wanted a contract that averaged at least $20 million per year. While a deal with the Vikings almost got done, Williams’ desire for a massive extension led Minnesota to draft Ezra Cleveland in the second round instead.
But Williams isn’t making the same demand in San Francisco. For the cost of a 2020 fifth-round pick and 2021 third-rounder, the 49ers got a seven-time Pro Bowler who — at least for now — seems fine playing on his current contract.
Williams isn’t exactly cheap with a $12.5 million cap hit, but that’s way more affordable than the alternative. With Joe Staley retiring, the 49ers set themselves up for a smooth 2020 by landing Williams.
Loser: Leonard Fournette
About a week before the draft, ESPN’s Adam Schefter reported Fournette was on the trading block. It makes sense for the Jaguars, who have already traded away Calais Campbell, A.J. Bouye, and Nick Foles as part of their 2020 teardown.
There doesn’t much of a market for Fournette, though. Jacksonville tried to send him to the Buccaneers, but they drafted Vanderbilt running back Ke’Shawn Vaughn instead. The Jaguars reportedly had discussions with the Dolphins too, before Miami traded for Matt Breida.
Now Fournette is still on the roster of a team that clearly doesn’t really want him. Awkward.
Winner: Eric DeCosta
Baltimore general manager Eric DeCosta was already acing the draft before Day 3. In the first round, the Ravens drafted linebacker Patrick Queen, a perfect fit for their defense and a player who fills a major need. In the second round, they landed the No. 1 RB on their board (J.K. Dobbins) to improve their already scary ground game, and added three more college stars with potential to be big-time contributors in the NFL (Justin Madubuike, Devin Duvernay, and Malik Harrison).
On Saturday, they picked up right where they left off with a couple of late-round steals, including Mississippi State OL Tyre Phillips, SMU wide receiver James Proche, and Iowa safety Geno Stone.
In all, DeCosta took his 14-win roster and added these players:
Ravens 2020 NFL Draft Class: Rd 1: 28- LB P. Queen Rd 2: 55- RB J.K. Dobbins Rd 3: 71- DT J. Madubuike Rd 3: 92- WR D. Duvernay Rd 3: 98- LB M. Harrison Rd 3: 106- OL T. Phillips Rd 4: 143- OL B. Bredeson Rd 5: 170- DT B. Washington Rd 6: 201- WR J Proche Rd. 7: 219- S G. Stone
— Baltimore Beatdown (@BmoreBeatdown) April 25, 2020
Expect to see the Ravens bring home a straight-A report card from draft experts.
Winner: Special teams players
Day 3 was these guys’ time to shine. Look at all these specialists drafted on Saturday:
Marshall K Justin Rohrwasser, taken by the Patriots at No. 159 in the fifth round
LSU long snapper Blake Ferguson taken by the Dolphins at No. 185 overall in the sixth round
Georgia Southern K Tyler Bass, taken by the Bills at No. 188 in the sixth round
Texas A&M P Braden Mann, taken by the Jets at No. 191 in the sixth round
Syracuse P Sterling Hofrichter, taken by the Falcons at No. 228 in the seventh round
Miami (Ohio) K Sam Sloman, taken by the Rams at No. 248 in the seventh round
Somehow, Georgia kicker and Lou Groza winner Rodrigo Blankenship wasn’t drafted, but it didn’t take long for “Hot Rod” to sign a UDFA contract with the Colts:
Rodrigo Blankenship is going to the Colts! The Georgia kicker might be 47-year-old Adam Vinatieri's replacement. Big shoes to fill. pic.twitter.com/WlOq4M4Kza
— SB Nation (@SBNation) April 25, 2020
Loser: Aaron Rodgers, for a third effin’ day
After trading up to draft Jordan Love in the first round and collecting several non-wide receivers after that, surely the Packers would end up with at least one new weapon for Rodgers in the passing game, right?
Two kickers and a long snapper now gone before the Packers took a WR. What a wild time to be alive
— Bucs Nation (@Bucs_Nation) April 25, 2020
The Packers’ final count: 1 QB, 1 RB, 1 TE, 1 LB, 3 OL, 1 DB, 1 Edge, zero WR.
Loser: The Jets’ sad QB draft history
It’s not really a surprise the Jets took a quarterback in the draft. The depth chart after Sam Darnold is David Fales and Mike White, who have combined to throw exactly zero passes in New York.
In the fourth round, the Jets selected Florida International’s James Morgan, who has a strong arm but some accuracy issues (he completed just 58 percent of his passes in 2019). Basically, he’s the most Jets pick possible:
James Morgan is the 10th QB taken by the Jets in the last 15 years, most by any team. He's the 2nd FIU QB drafted in the past 3 years (Alex McGough - 7th round, 2018). FIU is now 1 of just 4 schools to have multiple QBs drafted since 2018 (Oklahoma, LSU, Washington St). pic.twitter.com/CYNUyeuWU7
— ESPN Stats & Info (@ESPNStatsInfo) April 25, 2020
Darnold still has a chance to be a high-level starter — especially now that the Jets have spent the offseason getting him protection — but Morgan is not joining elite company here. The other QBs the Jets have drafted in recent years include Christian Hackenberg (never appeared in a game), Bryce Petty (4:10 TD:INT ratio), Geno Smith (punched in the face), and Mark Sanchez (buttfumble).
Morgan will need some time to develop if he’s going to stick in the league, but he’ll probably get thrown into the fire immediately when Darnold adds, like, gout to his list of weird injuries.
Winner: The Raiders, who basically drafted every player from the Clemson-Bama national championship games
Clemson and Alabama faced off in the national championship game three times in four seasons: 2015, 2016, and 2018. Jon Gruden and Mike Mayock must have liked what they saw. The Raiders have selected eight Bama and Clemson players who played in both of the last two title game matchups.
Raiders select another former Clemson Tiger, this time guard John Simpson. Raiders now have eight players on their current roster from the Clemson-Alabama National Title game. https://t.co/1IfEh7wvqU
— Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) April 25, 2020
There are obviously more Tigers than Tide players on this list, so it’s pretty fitting that the Raiders garnered the nickname “Clemson West” this draft cycle.
Loser: Joe Brady
Brady, the Panthers’ new OC, spent last season as the architect of LSU’s historically great offense. He saw seven of his former players from that Tigers offense drafted this year. Unfortunately for him, he won’t get a reunion in Carolina because the Panthers didn’t draft any of them. Or any offensive players whatsoever:
The Panthers have used up all their picks in the 2020 draft, so let’s look back at all seven players they drafted and grade the overall draft class. They went 7-for-7 on defensive players, which hasn’t happened in modern NFL history, so that’s neat. https://t.co/F0y7SqGj5l pic.twitter.com/xJAgelonw5
— Cat Scratch Reader (@CatScratchReadr) April 25, 2020
To be fair, the Panthers REALLY needed reinforcements on a defense that ranked just 25th in DVOA last year, allowed 29.4 points per game, AND just lost Luke Kuechly, Gerald McCoy, and Dontari Poe this offseason.
But sheesh, at least throw Brady a bone!
Winner: Jarrett Stidham
The Patriots didn’t trade up in the first round to find a franchise quarterback. They didn’t pick one in Day 2, either. That extended to Day 3, when they chose a kicker instead of Georgia’s Jake Fromm in the fifth round and then opted to take three offensive linemen and one linebacker to close out their draft class.
That means the starting job is still Stidham’s to lose. He’s likely to beat out Brian Hoyer, although there’s still a chance New England goes after a veteran — Cam Newton, Jameis Winston, Jacoby Brissett, and Andy Dalton are all possibilities — to take over.
For now though, Stidham is in position to be the Patriots’ long-term solution at quarterback. At the very least, he’s going to get a shot.
Winner: The Cowboys, who stuck with tradition at center
Travis Frederick was an All-American center at Wisconsin before the Cowboys drafted him to anchor the center of their offensive line in 2013. He retired in 2020 after battling Guillain-Barre Syndrome, so Jerry Jones replaced him with ... an All-American center from Wisconsin.
Tyler Biadasz is roughly as Wisconsin as they come. He came out of the womb eating cheese curds and shunting aside Iowa linemen:
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Dallas swung a trade with arch-rival Philadelphia to target Biadasz, who slid from a possible Day 2 pick despite winning the Rimington Award — college football’s top center — in 2019. He’s a player who can immediately step into the Cowboys’ starting lineup and make himself anonymous. That’s exactly what you want from a high-level interior lineman.
Loser: The Eagles (and everyone in the NFC East not named the Cowboys)
The Eagles had weird draft. They went with receiver Jalen Reagor in the first round, which addressed a need but was a little higher than he was expected to go. Then they surprised everyone by grabbing quarterback Jalen Hurts in the second. Linebacker Davion Taylor in the third round was a bit of a reach, and they didn’t draft a cornerback.
But where they’re really screwed is in the NFC East. The Cowboys had an incredible draft, and as their top competition in the division, the Eagles need to keep pace with them. But the Cowboys lucked into top-talent players like CeeDee Lamb and Trevon Diggs, and are building what looks like one of the elite teams. They even replaced their best offensive lineman with one of the draft’s best offensive linemen in the fourth round.
The NFC East has been a division in flux for the better part of a decade, and it’s just been begging for someone to step up and take control. It looked like the Eagles would be that team after they won a Super Bowl two years ago, but since then have only seemed to make lateral moves at best.
Bonus: the Cowboys got rid of Jason Garrett, so they should be firmly favored to be the top team in the NFC East next season.
Loser: All of us who ain’t shit compared to Antonio Gandy-Golden
Gandy-Golden can solve a Rubik’s Cube, juggle, do backflips, once bowled a perfect game, has raised sheep and chickens, and he’s spent his time in quarantine learning guitar while the rest of are proud of ourselves for changing our underwear today.
Meet Antonio Gandy-Golden. The Liberty receiver’s first sport was gymnastics. He bowled a 300 game two months after picking up the sport. He is the most interesting player in this year’s draft, and this Rubik’s Cube never stood a chance. https://t.co/qOUJT4IwtJ pic.twitter.com/kMRUZGhnXv
— Andy Staples (@Andy_Staples) February 25, 2020
Oh, and he’s a really damn good receiver too. Washington selected Gandy-Golden in the fourth round. After three straight years of 1,000+ yards receiving and 10 touchdowns in college (if you even consider Liberty a real college), Gandy-Golden was a popular sleeper pick this draft season. He’ll give Dwayne Haskins another big receiver to target on Sundays, while he learns a new language, composes a symphony, and works toward his PhD in medieval architecture the other days of the week.
Winner: The all-name team
The final day of the draft isn’t just filled with “who the hell is Ben DiNucci?” players and special teamers. It’s also the time for the all-name to step into the spotlight.
This year, we chose one player per position to represent the all-name team. That ended up including three seventh-round picks, almost in rapid succession:
QB Cole McDonald (No. 224, Titans)
G Arlington Hambright (No. 226, Bears)
LB Casey Toohill (No. 233, Eagles)
And several others who just missed the cut:
G Lachavious Simmons (No. 227, Bears)
P Sterling Hofrichter (No. 228, Falcons)
CB Bopete Keyes (No. 237, Chiefs)
That’s quite the run of A+ names. It’s also a good thing Roger Goodell stopped announcing picks after Day 2, because he would’ve butchered every single one of them.
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