rouge4truth · 8 years
TFP is Mind Palace – Sherlock’s coming out
What if… Sherlock imagines his coming out in TFP? Just my reading of it, but full of hope – please let me walk you through it in my different posts to proof it. Expecting your comments.
What if TFP is exclusively is in Sherlock’s mind palace where he comes to his terms about his emotions by road-testing his feelings and what exactly ‘coming out of the closet’ would mean and feel like for him and the people important to him (John, Mycroft, Molly, his family)?
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But for Sherlock who trained himself his entire life to repress his emotions, it would need a strong trigger, to break his old pattern of hiding feelings behind rude behavior. If John would be fatally injured and Sherlock is not aware if he will pull through, this would be the strongest trigger I can imagine.
We don’t know if John is really been shot yet, but the last scene of TLD is red (start of the new storyline ‘Rouge’, which we will explore later – hopefully 8th of March we get a teaser when the expected 4th episode will air that will reveal the truth?) and we did not get a proper answer, as the next episode TFP is all in Sherlock’s head (mind palace), like TEB.
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Because I felt so miserable after TFP first, I watched it several times and started to go through this episode scene by scene in different posts (Mycroft’s residence scene, 221B Baker Street (3/3)) to point out why it is mind palace, and did much research in the details like Oscar Wild and Lady Bracknell the pictures at the wall – all that subtext is about gay people and how society deals with it (feel free to check it out. I am still on it to post the next scenes, but the subtext is so rich and full of information, it takes ages to do the research – and as I’m no native speaker, I will miss a lot hope you guys can help me with this.)
John getting shot and survives is cannon in ‘The adventure of the three Garridebs’ Sherlock is panicking and takes care of him ‘It was worth a wound, it was worth many wounds, to know the depth of loyalty and love which lay behind that cold mask." This is what John writes in ‘The Strand’ after that event. I don’t think that the writers will miss the opportunity to show us Sherlock suffering about John’s life!!!
To find a solution how to save John Watson (TLD – Mary’s message) he is using his mind palace to find out how he can provide his feelings to him, before John maybe dies without knowing. We know that Sherlock works the best when he is under (emotional) pressure.
Remember Sherlock saying in A Study in pink: “Bitterness is a paralytic – love is a much more vicious motivator”.
Before he met John, he was bitter and alone. With John in his live, everything changed, John humanized him, changed him to the better! If he loses John, he has no reason to change anymore, he (maybe) would become the same bitter person like he has been before John.
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This time, Sherlock wants to make it right, he is asking for help at the end of T6T, but not Mycroft, as he is aware that he can’t teach him anything about feelings. So he asked the only person, who really knows John, which is Ella, John’s former therapist, what he can do about John. Ella tells him, that therapy can only work, if Sherlock is opening up. Sherlock replays, that this is not his style – and we get no more information, if he did it or not.
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Coming out is not about one moment, just one kiss and everting is fine. It is a process that starts in the head (mind). You first need to find out, who you are, and that can be a really painful thing. The next steps are to accept yourself the way you are. Then you are out with yourself, you learn to live with it. After that you need to decide, if you go further and maybe tell it to your love interest, or to your parents, to free yourself. At this point, many gay people are in therapy, because their parents, relatives, friends or people at work do not understand the pain you are going though, just to be yourself without hiding a part of yourself. If you find enough acceptance here, your next step could be to publicly come out if it is silently while holding hands or kissing your friend in public and watch the reaction of the people surrounding you or by making it public as a statement on a party or something similar. I think most of the LGBT people do not get to this point to make it officially public, because they are too afraid of it. And this is why we are surrounded by LGBT people every day that we do not recognize. But if we start to watch silently, hear and read the subtext of their behavior, or short comments, we will get a glimpse of how many there are amongst us. But why do they hide? – Because you need a strong self-believe and self-confidence to be strong enough to resist being hurt every time that people show you that they do not understand or accept you. Also it depends on the country you live in, still today, there are countries that will arrest you for being gay or even kill you. So some LGBT people need to hide their entire life. Also the society does not accept you the same way that straight people are accepted and maybe you do not get the job you like, because people know, that you are gay. Or you live in a religious community, where there is no room for diversity.
Coming out is a unique experience for each person, who needs to go through this kind of process.
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Bearing that in mind, think about that Sherlock is probably 40 now, like Ben is, and it is the first time in his life, that he allows himself to research his feelings so deeply. He was always aware that he is gay. But what does this mean for him before and now? He grew up in the Thatcher era and during the HIV/AIDS crisis. It felt different in that days to be gay. Stars like Freddy Mercury never had an official coming out, it has just been the rumors in the press until he died. Also we get reliably informed, that Sherlock never had sex or a relationship before, in his live. So imagine how difficult it might feel to start at this age to learn about yourself.
It is painful for Sherlock to go back in his life to find out, why he is emotional contained and what he is afraid of, as he ‘deleted’ those things from his hard drive, buried it deep inside to have more space for other ‘useful’ information. Sherlock’s childhood that changed him from an emotional kid to an almost always rude thinking machine. We learn, that it has something to do with REDBEARD and that it is an alternate story that Sherlock told himself to be able to cope with the truth (which truth?). He needs to find out what it was to find inner peace with himself first. I guess we have not seen the correct Victor Trevor story yet, I assume, he was Sherlock’s first ever love interest and there will be a different story told in a later episode.
To find out more about his life today, he needs to go back there. Therefore Sherlock creates different rolls and characters for a play in his mind palace:
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The little girl on the plane represents his subconscious, and his emotions that are still disconnected from his today reality, so he is still incapable to show feelings to others properly (timing). He needs to find access to this resource.
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Moriarty he is only a voice in his head, but he is the devil, the virus in his data. He is always pushing him to make decisions, he does not want to make, decisions that separates him from John.
The little girl and Moriarty are like the angel and the devil on his shoulders, like yin and yang.
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EURUS is a fictive character for his (evil) logic, emotionless side. He needs EURUS to confront himself with several topics, to put himself to tests, to find out about how the both most important people in his life will react in different situations. Those two people are
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Mycroft, his brother that is protecting him since childhood by teaching him that caring is not an advantage and that he should join not getting involved in any friendship or romantic entanglement, because this could hurt him. But Mycroft has also selfish interests, because if Sherlock would be officially out, this could (maybe) ruin his career in the British Government – so I had always the feeling, that he wanted to see his brother happy with John, but might have an interest to keep it as a secret. Mycroft is aware that Sherlock is gay.
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John, who Sherlock is in love with, since he met him. He knows about Johns feelings for him at least since the Battersea scene in A Scandal in Belgravia, but as John is always dating women (and marries a woman) to cope with his unrequited love for him (Sherlock seems always to be unavailable for John) Sherlock fears to tell John the truth. He is not sure if John is straight and only his best friend or if he is Bi. Therefore he researched Major James Shoto, because he needs to know, if John is romantically interested in men, too.
He needs to find out about how John could possibly react, when he confesses his love, while he is unsure, he expects John to make the first move as he is much more experienced in romantic entanglement than he is.
We can see that in TFP in the most painful and emotional scene, when Sherlock askes Molly (she is always a stand in for John) to say ‘I love you’. As Molly turns the way around and asked him to tell it first ‘say it, like you mean it’ he comes to the conclusion, that John will never ever say a word, because it is true and he is insecure, too. We see John in tears, when Sherlock finally says ‘I love you’ – he is waiting instantly to hear it from Sherlock. So Sherlock cannot expect John to say anything, as he is too afraid about himself, hiding his bisexuality. 
As Sherlock kept everyone in the dark about his sexual orientation, even John, he needs to be the one who is telling John, how he feels first.
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Also in this scene, he comes to the conclusion that he must tell Molly that he is gay, to save her from the pain he is causing her while she is still in love with him unable to move on.
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It is not a Game anymore – If it is true, we can stop to play around the subject and tell everyone :-)
Mark Gatiss knows about the pain that LGBT people feel - so I don’t think that he wanted to hurt any feelings by not getting it right.
– Please think about it. If you read TFP as Sherlock’s coming out, than we can expect to see all what we desired later.
To see Sherlock and John as a happy couple, experiencing a proper romantic relationship, there are some steps missing, which we can expect for S5 (hopefully).
But first Sherlock needs to:
heal his inner child  (plane landed safely, TFP)
stabilize his emotions to complete himself (reconnecting with Eurus, which we can see during the violin play in TFP finishing scene)
He needs to tell John
He needs to tell his family (shown in the TFP final scene)
He needs to tell Molly
John has to come out, too (will be difficult for John)
They need to tell their friends
Coming out in public?
 Of course, they are ‘coming out’ ;-))))
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Please reblog if you agree with me and think I got it right. 
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brilliantorinsane · 8 years
Twitter is the Answer. They Told Us.
I’ve been avoiding twitter. I don’t like twitter generally and didn’t want to be sucked in. But a few people, particularly @worriesconstantly—whose blog you should go to in order to learn more—kept insisting that that’s where we need to look. And it finally hit me: of course it is. We were told. It just took us a little longer to listen this time.
In T6T, we spotted John’s fake jpeg. blog post. “Odd,” we thought. “Could just be a mistake though.”
Before the season aired, John’s blog shut down. “That’s funny,” we responded. “Same season as this weird fake blog post. Eh, could be a coincidence.”
In TLD, no one seems to know that John’s blog exists. No explanation, it’s just . . . gone. “How strange,”—wait. Canceled blog, fake post, memory of the blog erased. Any one of those might be incidental, but all three? This is a patten. It has to be telling us something right? 
Oh, and one more thing: John is the narrator, the storyteller. Always has been. But in TFP, Mary tells the tale. She narrates the story. John’s narrative authority disappeared again.
But we couldn’t figure out an in-show explanation for the erasure of the blogs, so most of us let that slide as yet another loose thread, more unexplained proof of the fuckiness of the season. Now, I presume that there will be some in-show explanation later. But what if that wasn’t the main point? We’ve been talking endlessly of fourth-wall breaks, yet John’s blog was always their primary medium for accomplishing this, and now they’re erasing it? What if they were telling us: “things are changing. We will no longer communicated with you through the blogs. Look elsewhere.”
And they told us exactly where. We all knew it—up to a point. They said, “yes, we canceled the blog, but we’re doing something else. Keep your eyes open.” Then #SherlockLive (perhaps notably, only one letter short from #SherlockLives) happened. We saw; we played along; we gathered clues. And then we left. 
But that event couldn’t have been everything. That doesn’t explain the facts.
After all, they told us about #SherlockLives loud and clear. Why, then, these repeated hints insisting, “look elsewhere, look elsewhere, look elsewhere”? Perhaps so that when things—intricate, complex, highly planned and deeply invested things—started happening on twitter, the very medium to which the creators explicitly highlighted as the new medium of fourth wall breaks through #SherlockLive, we would pay attention.
And one more thing—this for me is the clincher. Season 4, Episode 1, Scene 1. Things already feel a bit off; perhaps a bit OOC. Essential code names are aired, footage is doctored. Even before TLD we realized that this is them telling us: something has shifted, pay attention. “Only those within this room,” Mycroft declares, “will ever know the whole truth.”
But we were in that room. And in that room Sherlock, for no apparent in-show reason, is tweeting.
It is time to dig into those intricate stories on the medium to which we were instructed to shift our attention—stories with altered footage; with Sherlock and John together and no Eurus. Time to listen to those who have already been playing attention. 
They told us. It is time to listen.
Edit: One more bit of evidence pointed out by @seekmyroom on twitter: When describing the abilities of Eurus (who, as a bonus, has been widely theorized to = John who in turn has been theorized to = us), Mycroft says: “she predicted the exact dates of the last three terrorist attacks on the British mainland after an hour on twitter.” Predictions and twitter? Hmm, interesting . . . 
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sofini · 5 years
Hello everybody!
This video was born by an idea of @s-mess9717 and me for our Instagram page @221gingernuts (follow us there if you like!), but the realisation of it it’s all @s-mess9717’s work (she’s amazing). Inspired by a Twitter post by @omfandrew, we asked our followers on Instagram to comment with Sherlock quotes, but replacing one word with "dick". The response was so large and the result so funny, that we simply HAD to bring these "doctored" quotes to life. So we owe a big thank you to everyone who follows our Instagram page @221gingernuts (which turns 3 years old today) and to everyone who commented!
We really hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we do! Lots of love from us 💕
I tag you guys, watch it if you like :) @the-7-percent-solution @anotherwellkeptsecret @pornhubsherlock @inevitably-johnlocked ed @the-fortunate-series @marcespot @jenna221b @its-sherlock-once-things s @no-life-without-gay-ships @swimmingfeelsinajohnlockianpool @investigating-crimes @nessanarmolanya @a-studyinsherlock @benaddictedgirl irl @sherlockjohnandmycroft croft @sherlockmeta ind @mrs-mob-johnlocked hnlocked @tisnotmydivison ison @shff @johnlockmuseum @asherlockstudy y @iamtryingtobehappylunatic @its-always-you–john-watson @shjwmoming @teaandforeshadowing @worriesconstantly @twotwentyonebbakerstreet @keepsherlockright t @221bdeductionist t @skulls-and-tea @kimbiablue e @mikabee @johnlockprn n @spoonbyname @theleakedproblem @tworidiculousmen @violet-vernet @thatjohnlock ck @im-sherlock-ed ock-ed @one-thousand-splendid-stars did-stars @johnlockfanficrec lockfanficrec @johnlockfanfictionrequest-blog ecs @bbcjohnlock lock @bbcjohn hn @addignisherlock ock @thatsmutlock @signoftjlc tjlc @sherlockprettydamngayholmes @benedictjohnlockpants @mirrorlocked @love-in-mind-palace ind-palace @sherlockreloaded @sherlock-addict t @imaginelock k @sherlock @sherlockology
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apmnwq · 4 years
thankss @dantelovesvirgil for the tag <3
Rules: tag 9 people you'd like to get to know better/catch up with.
Last song: Cooks - Still Woozy (obsessed with his music recently)
Last movie: Delicatessen (french dark comedy from 1991, bit weird)
Currently watching: Carole & Tuesday (i'm more into movies than shows these days, so this one's on pause)
Currently reading: tbh i'm barely reading :((
Currently craving: a massive french tacos
Tagging: @traumdancer @muslim-flint @worriesconstantly
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goldproblems · 5 years
[read on ao3]
“I felt it. You know what I mean.”
John indeed knew what Sherlock meant. The night of his wedding, the end of an era, the news of an unexpected pregnancy. Most importantly, the look they had shared exactly at that moment.
The look had said sorrow, regret, sadness. It had transmitted everything not said in years. They both understood what it meant at the time, but neither said a word. What could they have said? Everything was shit and John had just gotten married. There wasn’t anything to do. 
But that was then. Now, John was back at Baker Street, they found out the baby was fake, and Mary was gone. Despite all this, Sherlock and John never mentioned The Look until now.
This topic of conversation came about after hours of investigation and research for a case, tired sighs and takeout dinner. Sometimes, in moments like these when they felt completely in their element and one hundred per cent trusting in each other, the courage to ask certain questions and talk simply and naturally rose up, allowing all that had passed between them and Mary to be discussed.
In this particular day, after dinner and with them sitting in their respective chairs with a cup of tea, John asked how was Sherlock capable of deducing the fake pregnancy. The answer was, of course, that Mary faked all the symptoms for Sherlock to deduce. After that answer, Sherlock gave John a look. That’s when he said it. 
“I felt it.”
Silence. John looked up from his tea. 
“You know what I mean,” Sherlock continued. 
“I never thought we’d ever talk about this,” John said, appreciating the comforting heat coming from his mug.
“I never thought I’d have the courage to bring it up.”
“What changed, then?” 
Everything was quiet. The streets were uncommonly empty at this hour, few cars driving by. The only sounds filling up the living room were their breaths, the crackling from the fireplace and the occasional muffled noises of Ms Hudson downstairs going about.
John could see Sherlock was hesitant. He had his head down and was holding the mug tighter than necessary. John wanted to reach out, tell him to continue. At the same time, he knew he had to give Sherlock space for what he was about to say. 
After a few seconds,
“You – us. It’s just the two of us again. Baker Street, solving crimes, you blogging about it..I know you’ve been through a lot, yet... This feels like a second chance.”
“I agree,” John responded simply with a shy smile on his face. He felt truly at peace for the first time in a long time. 
Hearing this, Sherlock brows went slightly up, his mouth opened in surprise. 
“You do?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“So, indeed –“
John put his mug on the rug, beside the armchair, and leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, hands clasped together, head up looking at the man in front of him. 
“You know what that look meant. Nothing’s changed, I… I still feel the same. I wouldn’t have brought it up- I know things between us have been a bit complicated, and I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes…But Sherlock,” he took a deep breath, somehow trying to keep the emotions in but failing, “I never forgot that look. Nothing’s changed. You must know.”
John had tears coming out of his eyes. He didn’t care. 
“John-“The name came out like a sigh.
“Come here.”
Sherlock did. He sat on the rug right in front of John, between his legs. John’s hands went straight to his face, thumbs caressing cheekbones. 
“I know I hurt you. I’m so sorry Sherlock, for everything, I really am. I was so alone, I didn’t know what to do-“
“I know, I know. It’s okay. It’s only us again. The two of us.”
They were both smiling through the tears at this point, and just like it was the most natural thing in the world, like it was always meant to be – John leaned down and pressed his lips to Sherlock’s. 
And just like that, John finally understood that between all his bad choices and regrets, he must’ve done something right, cause life finally brought him to here, to Sherlock.
@consultingbeekeepers @red-pen-revolution @patiencegrenade @fellshish @200and21bees @not-a-bit-good @holmesianscholar @notjustamumj @theconsultinglinguist @jonwatson @icandothisalldayy @almosttomorocco @worriesconstantly
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smoljohnlock · 8 years
worriesconstantly: Where is this even from holy shit
cmastergeek is chris melas from the greek interpreter aka us right now, his whole blog and leagueof221believers is foreshadowing sdfghj
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lmao so..... heres the link to the whole (or what we saw) of mary’s original Miss Me? video. you can download it for your own personal use on vivala if you’d like, or don’t, whatever ! but it’s here for reference if anyone needs it.  i’m aware there’s a lotta color/perspective changes + it gets a lil choppy at the end, but since they’re direct clips from the show, there’s not much i can do about that. the password to view it is tjlc !
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teaandforeshadowing · 8 years
worriesconstantly replied to your post “ohh my god i just remembered that when sherlock came back in teh molly...”
write the mirror meta do it
literally as i am writing my mary meta I’m like “wait, but some people have already disagreed with this and Molly=John because they don’t know how mirrors work as literary devices, I should explain that first.” and it’s become like 5 paragraphs and 1000 words long already its getting harder and harder to continue about The Connections without first settling the debate about WHY the connections WORK, my head is in my hands i really dont have the time to do this but it needs to be done
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local-thembo · 5 years
9 people you want to know better
Thanks for tagging me, @sulevinblade! I’m going to tag @yu-chan92, @themefo, @magxy, @mrsholmson, @spn-legend, @worriesconstantly, @krogans-give-the-best-cuddles, @hot-elf and @suddenlyshort! Don’t feel obligated, though! <3
Relationship Status: Single as fuck
Favourite Colour: Pastel pink, burgundy
Top Ships: Zevran/Alistair has been consuming so much of my thoughts that I am now incapable of telling you what other ships are among my favourites. Oops.
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick! I do love the look of lipstick, but if I can’t drink and eat without having to worry then what’s👏the👏point
Last Song: May I have this dance, by Meadowlark. It’s part of my playlist for Keerla, and it always breaks my heart
Last movie: Captain Marvel!
Currently reading: Nothing much..? I mean, I read fic, but I tend to read everything that’s available at once, so...
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brilliantorinsane · 8 years
One More ARG Push
Hi all! So, I’m still completely on board with tls theory, but I had more-or-less dropped the idea of the ARG. However, @worriesconstantly has been on to something, and feels strongly that we are supposed to get #norbury trending on March 21—and that this time, we will have help.
You all will doubtless be hearing about this with actual details from large blogs quite soon. I simply want to add my voice to say: I haven’t done enough digging to understand what is going on, but I do know that @worriesconstantly is smart and awesome. If she thinks this is worth a real effort, that’s good enough for me.
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My liasons with the opposite sex are, first and foremost, none of your business. Secondly, women are not my department.
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goldproblems · 7 years
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 people you wanna get to know better
questions from @morphoportis  thank you! <3
Name: Beatriz Pinto. Bea :)
Gender: cis female
Star Sign: Aries 
Height: 1,67m last time I checked
House: idk, I’m not really that into harry potter!
What image do you have as wallpaper?: Darth Vader wearing a pink tutu and ballet shoes and holding a pink lightsaber :D
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: nope
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: idk. I see myself with a job that pays welll and a nice house. 
If you could be anywhere else right now, where?: Since it’s 7 am I would love to be in my bed.  but seriously, maybe London, Italy. I would love to be on vacations. Australia, I miss the summer. 
What was your coolest Halloween costume?: Halloween isn’t a big thing in Portugal so.. I would love to dress up as leia on Carnivval, tho 
What’s your favorite 90s show?: I was born in 97 and i don’t think I watch that many 90′s shows.
Last kiss?: can’t remember
Have you ever been stood up?: no
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: Nope.
Favorite pair of shoes: my derby-type shoe
questions from @socially-ineptnerd , thank you for the tag <3
Languages spoken: English, Portuguese. 
Nationality: Portuguese
Favourite fruit(s): grapes and watermelon
Favourite season: spring/Autumn
Favourite scent: coffee, cinnamon 
Favourite colour(s): blue
Favorite animal(s): I don’t have one
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: it’s hard to choose between coffee and tea.. i’ll go with tea right now :)
Average hours of sleep: 6/7 hours
Dream trip: A trip to Italy. Like one month to travel through all major cities. 
Favourite fictional character: I’ll say... Luke Skywalker, Sherlock Holmes & John Watson 
Blog created: June 2011 
I’ll tag @fableex @red-pen-revolution @patiencegrenade @justinmymindpalace @mariowasd @200and21bees @fellshish @221bloodnun @consultingbeekeepers @worriesconstantly 
feel free to answer any set of 20 questions from the ones I answered! 
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redvanillabee · 7 years
Sherlock and the MCU: Thor Ragnarok VS S4
WARNING: The following piece basically spoils the whole movie. So if you haven’t watched Ragnarok yet, don’t read this piece.
[Originally published in November 2017]
[Now available on Medium]
Below are some quick notes on the Sherlock similarities, parallels, and references I have found in the latest Thor movie. They are very rough notes, and are mostly musings of whether something is connected.
I will go in this order: main plot, smaller plot points/scenes, and tiny references and callbacks.
Here we go: there are these two brothers, who have never really quite got along. They don’t even look that much like brothers. One day, it is revealed that they actually have a secret sister. This secret sister is a formidable force. She has got boundless destructive powers. She is locked up by her parents because of the destruction she could bring. Now, tired of her imprisonment, she escapes to take revenge on her brothers and destroy everything they love.
Now, am I describing Sherlock, Mycroft, and Eurus, or Thor, Loki, and Hela the Goddess of Death? (Both, the answer is both).
The minor difference, in this case, is the involvement of the parents and the brothers. In Sherlock’s case, Mycroft knows of Eurus’ existence. She is alone in her destruction, and Mycroft and his parents decide to lock up Eurus. Whereas with Hela, both Thor and Loki are unaware of her existence. She has formerly fought wars with Odin (Thor’s father), and was, according to her, locked up only because Odin had a change of heart and decided to start being a benevolent king.
Vaguely similar to Ego the Living Planet in Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Hela feeds off Asgard to gain her powers. The movie ends with Thor reaching an epiphany, that home is where the heart is, that Asgard is where its people are, and not just this golden planet. So after having evacuated the Asgardian population onto a spaceship, he lets Loki let Surtur loose, fulfilling the prophecy of Ragnarok, and letting it destroy Hela and the planet of Asgard in one go. Thor, along with his people, live on as a less tangible form of Asgard.
A Sherlock meta written earlier this week by @worriesconstantly echoes this idea of something being able to live outside of its apparent form. In the meta here, she points out that ‘Sherlock references can and will be found in other forms of media, and it’s up to us to search out all the different mediums they’ve branched off into.’ The idea that Sherlock themes and plots can exist outside of Sherlock is akin to the idea of Asgard isn’t Asgard just because of the planet itself.
And in fact, if you look closely at the movie, you can find a few Sherlock references and parallels in it…
After Dr. Strange made Loki disappear with one of his portals, he left an address for Thor. That address is 177A Bleecker Street. It’s so Sherlockian it made even my friend, who only loosely follows the show and doesn’t read any metas, say that it sounds like Baker Street. Bleecker, Baker. Both 177 and 221 have got one single number and two repeated numbers. And, while it sounds really conspiratorial, if you write 177 in a fancy, curly way (like the way it appeared on the address card), and turn it upside down, it looks a bit like 221 too. 
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During the final fight at Asgard, when Loki arrives with Korg and the other ‘revolutionaries’, he utters this infamous line as he steps off the spaceship. 
‘Did you miss me?’
(I almost screamed in the cinema while my friend went ‘oh hi Moriarty’ next to me. This sentence is cursed.)
The movie opens with Thor being imprisoned while on a mission to stop Ragnarok. While not exactly similar, it reminds me of how TEH opens with Sherlock on a mission to bring down Moriarty’s network. While both were shown to have short hair in the promo, we start with them having long hair. Getting their hair cut is part of the ‘series of trials and then return home’ process for both Thor and Sherlock. 
Besides, at one point. Christ imagery is applied on Thor (I don’t exactly remember which bit; I’ve only watched the movie once). As we now know, Sherlock is associated with Christ in the show. So that might be a parallel. 
During his final fight with Hela, Thor loses his right eye. Now, I’m pretty sure that is significant on its own in the Thor universe, given how Heimdall is supposedly blind but can see all of Nine Realms, and that Thor’s father has also lost his own right eye. 
But listen. With the theory of John losing his left eye floating around since the end of The Lying Detective, I am latching onto any mentions of losing eyes. 
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aslanzounder · 7 years
Victorian Johnlock Fic Recs
This is not a comprehensive list by any means, it’s just my personal favourites.
Since First I Saw Your Face by Stavia_Scott_Grayson. 92 k, Mature.  During the Great Hiatus, Holmes, studying in Tibet, reflects on his first meeting with Dr John Watson. - It’s so meticulously written, with a lot of research put into it, and there’s cases! It feels like an extension of the canon, simply beautiful. (ongoing)
My Greatest Joy and Privilege by apliddell. 2414 words, General. Watson solves Holmes, and then Holmes solves Watson. - Post-Reichenbach. Very short and tender. Liddy has a way with victorian language.
Upstanding Books and Sorrowful Diaries by Heurtebizzz (hertie). 16k, Mature. In the summer 1894, Mycroft Holmes requests his brother's help in the search of a noble foreigner gone missing. Watson writes up what looks like an interesting case. Holmes has been keeping a journal, too. - This one contrasts Watson’s narration to Holmes’ diary and plays with the concept of an unreliable narrator. A case is the catalyst for romance. Amazing.
five times sherlock holmes lied to john watson (and one time he finally told the truth) by miss_frankenstein. 5948 words, General. "Something in Wilde’s persecution has touched a nerve in Sherlock – snapped that tenuous thread of hope holding him upright – and it feels as if he has taken to bleeding internally. "Set in "The Abominable Bride" universe, this piece adopts a familiar format to chronicle Sherlock's quiet suffering in the wake of the 1895 Oscar Wilde trials and the particular way they affect his relationship with (and feelings for) John. - Don’t let the trope-y title dissuade you, it’s brilliant.
Poets Lie by A_Candle_For_Sherlock. 5588 words, General.  Love was a proven irrationality for men of his kind. To say to anyone, "My heart is yours," would bring on his beloved the permanent threat of being cast off from society, safety, home--Unconscionable. He'd thought the impulse long conquered. Now he saw that time had only distilled it. It was no wild, unfocused longing now, but a concentrated need. To touch a loved face tenderly--it was such a simple thing to be so entirely out of reach. - It expands on the stories by interspacing bits into canon cases, “filling in the gaps”.
As Yes to If by daisynorbury. 3020 words, General. "Leave for your own sake if you must, but on no account shall you leave for mine. I can imagine no sadder outcome of the insight you have gained tonight. "Epilogue to "The Devil's Foot", and includes spoilers for that episode. It languished in my files for years, and yesterday it was Callicat49's lovely user icon that inspired me to finally finish it. The title's from my favorite piece of e.e. cummings. - I’ve yet to read this one since I haven’t read The Devil’s Foot yet.
Silver Gaze by daisynorbury. 4837 words, Teen.  "It wasn’t the future I’d imagined as a young man, but what of it? Holmes often seemed to think me immovably conventional, and a month ago I might have accepted that judgement without comment, but it seems now that I am not so old that I can’t adapt, and not so staid that I can’t heed the call of love, even if its voice rings deeper than I dreamed."
Floriography Lessons by Waid. 1091 words, Not Rated. Now that they are in a "romantic relationship", Watson subjects Holmes to the intricacies of Victorian courtship. Holmes learns about the Language of Flowers, among other things
The Language of Flowers by fleetwood_mouse. 11k, Teen.  A case leaves Watson wondering about a series of strange messages he received years ago, when he believed Holmes to be dead. - Ingenious and lovely (You need an ao3 account for this one).
It seems I tend to favour short and general-rated fics. Anyway, enjoy.
@alwaysanoriginal @norburylibrary @skulls-and-tea @sidealonq @data-plays-viola @worriesconstantly @spaceolddirty @atikiology @isitandwonder
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usuallynotusual · 7 years
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the tweet
link to send in questions
A lot of people were looking forward to asking some very, um, important questions at Sherlocked USA (May 26-28, 2017). As it turns out, they’ll now only be taking questions before the event. (basically, that means they’ll very easily be able to avoid questions about queerbaiting, Johnlock, plotholes, misogyny etc, and later be able to brag about how much everyone loved s4)
On the plus side, you can send questions even if you aren’t attending the event. There’s no guarantee that our questions will get answers, but the effect matters. Try to word them as politely and cryptically as possible, and it’s probably best to steer clear of words like ‘queerbaiting’, ‘Johnlock’, ‘this shit sucked, where the hell is John Watson’ etc. Ask about specific things, like the inspiration behind their adaption of the Garridebs (for example, this very lovely post by @kimbiablue here ) 
Do take a look at the topics of each talk. They even have a specific one for TSoT. 
Tagging people who might be interested. Feel free to add stuff or just signal boost!
@alwaysanoriginal @snycock @kimbiablue @inevitably-johnlocked @the-7-percent-solution @love-in-mind-palace @teaandqueerbaiting @skulls-and-tea @marcelock @worriesconstantly @m0riartysbitch @thenerdyfan @ifyouarelookingforbabynames @one-thousand-splendid-stars @swimmingfeelsinajohnlockianpool @alexxphoenix42 @isitandwonder @sherlock-overflow-error @tjlcisthenewsexy @beejohnlocked
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