#tjlc is canon
ubi-goes-uwu · 1 month
i’d really like to know how people in 1893 took to Holmes ending his note to Watson in TFP with: “Believe me to be, my dear Watson, very sincerely yours.”
because, like…. how could this possibly be interpreted as anything other than an admission of love?
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winterdaphne2 · 1 month
okay so I'm re-reading the original ACD Sherlock Holmes stories for the first time in years, and I have to talk about "The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor." Holmes takes a case that centers around a couple who live a rough, dangerous life together and fall in love, but then have to part because of reasons beyond their control. The husband goes off on his own to complete a task that will allow him to return to his beloved, but then gets captured. He escapes and tries to return to his wife, but by that point she's believed him dead for more than a year. He follows her to London, only to find out that she's about to marry someone else. But now here's the real kicker: when he approaches her and she catches sight of him and realizes that he's still alive, she immediately decides to leave her new fiancé for her first, true love.
Also, Holmes doesn't think the wife did anything wrong by leaving her new lover for her first husband.
Ugh. It's like Moftiss truly just lifted this plotline and embedded it into TRF and TEH, but obviously with John making the opposite decision from the wife in the ACD story.
The story literally ends with Holmes saying to Watson that they should "thank our stars that we are never likely to find ourselves in the same position." (Holmes is talking about the position of the second man whom the wife left, but still.) That hurt.
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johnlockissess · 8 months
Sherlock & Co. you’re the only one who can heal the fandom . i know it’s tough it’s a big responsibility you can do it you just gotta do it pal make it right by the gods let the gays kiss
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mary-johnlocked · 1 year
Johnlock in :
the case of Charles Augustus Malvetron
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indeed , it was a date , it is intresting to note ACD's choice of words ( apart from the unrequired descriptions of physical touch ) when he said "appear to be two theater-goers" , this phrase might sound innocent from a modern perspective , but we shall always put things in their cultural and historical context
back in the 19th century England , homosexuals were oppressed and marginalized by the society and harshly judged by the victorians strict moral codes and rigid view on masculinity , they had to come up with their own dressing codes , their own code words, their own sense of dressing and other cultural markers that emerged
commun places they meet in private , ect which made it like a sort of underground subculture
their favorite places to meet are , theaters and musical halls , and turkish baths ( we'll talk about Sherlock's fondness for turkish baths with Watson another time )
-we record that our two love birds had many , many "theater-dates" so to speak ,
~here's an exemple from: "the adventure of the red circle"
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~another exemple from: "The Adventure of the Retired Colourman"
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~and another one , from: "The Adventure of the Red Headed League"
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back to the case of charles augustus malvetron , i had to take this detour in order to point at ACD's precise choice of words , he never says anything without meaning it , for the sake of whats following
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the sexual innuendo is strongly present in the last paragraph ^^
so see ya for the next subtext analysis :D
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i havent followed the manga in several months and im not interested in catching up again but has bakugo un-died yet. has deku saved him yet with the power of gay love. or is he still getting open heart surgery. has this boy been getting open heart surgery for the past 8 months.
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sandinthepipes · 5 months
Hey god, do you remember when I said I liked slow burns? I was lying, please let those boy fuck nasty 10 minutes after meeting
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anne-adler · 6 months
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Source: Decoding the Subtext by Nekosmuse
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warlenys · 2 years
there’s gonna be a point in the future where having sherlock and john be in love is the standard for adaptations and it being platonic the outlier
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buckingham-ashtray · 1 year
Johnlock Headcanon: Alternate timeline, What-If
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I've never seen this or read about this so if someone else has already covered this canon (very likely) please forgive me for the repetition.
Bare with me (this is not going to be pleasant (apologies
What if, what if in another timeline of an alternate universe, on January the 29th, 2010, John Watson decided to commit suicide making it look like a murder so as to put an end to his meaningless suffering of existence…
And Sherlock Holmes was to ‘investigate’ this with the MET.
(hypothetically speaking John didn't simply put his illegal firearm in his mouth and bang
So Sherlock either carries on with his John-less life and dies of old age, or becomes the fifth victim the next day of the awful cabbie‘s pill because there's no John to fire his gun.
Just. No. NO.
In a way they still met, right? They are meant to meet each other in every universe, every timeline, no matter the circumstance.
So they still cross paths here. Just.
(bit not good
(VERY bit not good
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hellobitches990 · 1 year
" A message will not arrive"
One shot :- holmes x watson
Sherlock Holmes has been in hiding for months.
His fake death allowed him to disappear into the shadows and out of reach of his worst enemies
"Jim Moriarty"
But it also meant that he was separated from the one person who was always there for him,
his dear doctor and partner, Dr. John Watson.
As days turn into weeks and weeks into months,
Holmes finds himself increasingly overwhelmed by his loneliness and longing for his friend and his first and only love.
He longed for Watson's warm, comfortable company
Where he understood him from a mere look, and his unique intelligence,
And his unwavering loyalty.
He missed their conversations and adventures together.
one evening, As he sat alone in his lair,
Holmes decided to drop his guard and send a letter to Watson.
He knew it was risky, but he couldn't bear the thought of never communicating with a fellow of his age again.
Or even explain things to him
In the letter, he poured out all his heart's content,
Tell him how much he loved him and how much he misses him now, and how much he regrets the pain he caused him.
How he longs to see him
And embrace him in his arms again.
When he finished writing the letter,
Holmes was suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of despair...
He knew his enemies were still there,
and that his return would endanger Watson again.
He couldn't bear the thought of putting his partner in danger, not after everything he'd already been through.
With a heavy heart and trembling hands,
Holmes tore up the letter, ripping his heart out with it
And he threw it aside.
He buried his face in his palms and wept.
Tears flowed from his eyes until it soaked his shirt
He cried - for the first time in his life - until he felt his lungs running out of air
The idea that he might never see him again hurt him
The pain in his heart was a constant reminder of the love he had lost, and the tears were a testament to his grief and the pain of his separation from Watson.
Hours later, as he lay in his bed,
Holmes knew he had made the right decision,
But that brought him little relief.
He always loved Watson,
and always misses him, always feeling the pain of their separation.
But he also knew that his love for Watson would keep him going strong, even in the darkest of times,
And he knows that one day, somehow,
They will reunite again.
He swore then that he would never allow any creature to separate him from Watson's side again
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Brb just saw someone correctly point out that jlockers don’t like Mary/Molly/Irene because they’re a threat to their ship, and a jlocker responded with “as if you guys don’t hate John for the same reason.”
Like…. bestie.
John isn’t a threat to any ships, because there’s 0% chance of him and Sherlock ever being together. John loved Mary. You can debate whether Sherlock loved Molly or Irene. But it is an absolute fact that, in c a n o n, Sherlock and John are not interested in each other. You guys aren’t a threat to us.
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ubi-goes-uwu · 1 month
never forget that Watson likened Holmes to a witch in Scandal
(“You would certainly have been burned, had you lived a few centuries ago”)
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winterdaphne2 · 24 days
Musings on Johnlock and Moftisson's Use of Dialogue from ACD Canon
I recently finished rereading the original ACD Sherlock Holmes stories, and I had a lot of fun spotting places where the BBC Sherlock writers lifted dialogue directly from the original canon and incorporated it into the show. For example, this exchange between Sherlock and Moriarty during the pool scene in TGG…
Moriarty: I would try to convince you, but everything I have to say has already crossed your mind. Sherlock: Probably my answer has crossed yours.
…comes from Holmes and Moriarty’s first meeting in “The Adventure of the Final Problem,” with only very slight modifications.
Moriarty: All that I have to say has already crossed your mind. Holmes: Then possibly my answer has crossed yours.
Another one of my favorites might be when Sherlock says “Sorry, I never could resist a touch of drama” to Mary in the Leinster Gardens scene in HLV. This line comes from “The Adventure of the Naval Treaty,” where Holmes shocks his client by revealing the missing treaty from under a serving dish and then says “…Watson here will tell you that I never can resist a touch of the dramatic.” (The Sherlock writers liked this one so much that they gave it a callback in TAB. In the church scene, Sherlock strikes a gong to catch the women’s attention and then says “Sorry, I could never resist a gong, or a touch of the dramatic.”)
There are lots of other examples!
What really caught my eye during my reread, though, were places where it seemed like the show writers lifted lines from the ACD stories, but then changed them in some way or incorporated them into the show in ways that changed their meanings or significance. I think there are a few places where they did this and perhaps made the dialogue more…Johnlocky.
There are four passages in particular that I’m thinking about. I would love to hear your thoughts on these!
 “Oscillation on the pavement always means there’s a love affair.” In TSOT, Sherlock says this to John as John looks out the window of the 221B sitting room and watches a potential client trying to make up her mind about whether to come in.
Sherlock: She’s a client. She’s boring. I’ve seen those symptoms before. Oscillation on the pavement always means there’s a love affair.
This comes from the ACD story “A Case of Identity”:
Holmes: “I have seen those symptoms before. Oscillation upon the pavement always means an affaire de cœur.”
The literal situation in the original story is very similar; Holmes is looking out the window of the sitting room and watching a potential client try to make up her mind about whether to come in. In the show, however, this line is much more significant than just an observation about a client. As many of us have recognized, in the show there’s some very important subtext going on because this is a reference to John’s oscillation on the pavement in TEH, when John came to visit Sherlock after their disastrous reunion but hesitated outside the door.
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(gifs from @afishlearningpoetry, here)
So in the show, because the writers also included John’s oscillation on the pavement in the previous episode, this line becomes much more important. The text of the line itself is pretty much the same as in the original story and appears in a very similar immediate context, but the show writers changed the broader context to modify its meaning and significance. Now it’s about Sherlock and John and full of Johnlock subtext.
I also think the fact that we’re talking about a love affair is significant. This tells us that John feels torn between Mary and Sherlock after Sherlock’s return in TEH and he’s not really sure what to do about it. I wonder if this might be a clue that John was already thinking about cheating on Mary with Sherlock in TEH—we saw that he was prepared to do this a few months later during the stag night in TSOT. Read another way, perhaps the reference to an “affair” here indicates that John is already cheating on Sherlock by being with Mary, because the real love story in this show is always the one between Sherlock and John. Just a thought.
When they lifted this line from “A Case of Identity,” the show writers also changed the French phrase “affaire de cœur” to the English phrase “love affair.” I’m not a French speaker, but I think “affaire de cœur” might have the same meaning in French that “love affair” has in English—it’s not just referring to an “affair of the heart,” as in something to do with love, but to an actual affair. But please, if there are any French speakers reading this, I would love to hear what you think! If this phrase does have a different connotation in French, that could be really interesting.
“…he has many fine qualities of his own that he has overlooked in his obsession with me.” There are at least two lines from Sherlock’s best man speech that seem to have been inspired by the original stories, but changed slightly. Here’s the first one.
Sherlock: If I burden myself with a little help-mate during my adventures, it is not out of sentiment or caprice—it is that he has many fine qualities of his own that he has overlooked in his obsession with me.
This comes from “The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier,” one of only two stories in the original canon narrated by Holmes instead of Watson. In the original story, Holmes writes this:
Holmes: Speaking of my old friend and biographer, I would take this opportunity to remark that if I burden myself with a companion in my various little inquiries it is not done out of sentiment or caprice, but it is that Watson has some remarkable characteristics of his own, to which in his modesty he has given small attention amid his exaggerated estimates of my own performances.
Sherlock’s line in TSOT is a bit harsher towards John than what Holmes writes in the original story, but it comes in the section of the speech where Sherlock is purposely trying to make himself look like a jerk. Sherlock is deliberately self-deprecating right after this, explaining that “…if I didn’t understand I was being asked to be best man, it is because I never expected to be anybody’s best friend. Certainly not the best friend of the bravest and kindest and wisest human being I have ever had the good fortune of knowing.” So perhaps we shouldn’t take Sherlock too seriously when reading this line in particular.
Even so, it seems notable to me that the show writers changed the end of the quote and specifically chose to have Sherlock use the word “obsession” to describe John’s attitude towards him. That word isn’t in the passage from the ACD story, so I feel like the writers must have put it there for a reason. To me, “obsession” feels like much stronger language that what Holmes wrote and is more suggestive of love or infatuation than of a platonic relationship.
Moreover, I wonder if Sherlock’s use of the word “obsession” here is also meant to give us a clue as to how Sherlock sees John’s feelings towards him at this point in the narrative. Personally, I think Sherlock has known or suspected that John is in love with him ever since he overheard John and Irene’s conversation at Battersea in ASIB. But I also think that by the time we get to S3 (and especially to HLV) Sherlock and John have both come to believe that their love for each other is destructive and dangerous. (I could write a much longer meta about this, and might do so at some point.) So to me, perhaps Moftisson using the word “obsession” here is meant to indicate that Sherlock believes John’s love for him is unhealthy, or that John doesn’t see him clearly. It’s a very sad thought. But then again, I might be reading too much into this, because after all, this is the part of the speech that Sherlock later tells us to dismiss by revealing that he purposely meant to make himself look bad here.
Although actually that’s still pretty sad, because Sherlock is basically saying that he doesn’t deserve John. So I guess either way, Moftisson took what was actually a pretty sweet and complementary thing that Holmes said about Watson in the original canon and made it part of the evidence that Sherlock is feeling quite down on himself by this point in the narrative of the show.
“…but then, you know, he’s a romantic.” In the best man speech, we also get this line from Sherlock when he’s talking about John’s blog and how John writes up their cases.
Sherlock: Of course, he does tend to romanticize things a bit, but then, you know, he’s a romantic.
In the original ACD stories, Holmes often critiques Watson’s writing style and how he presents their cases in his stories for the Strand and other magazines. One of the first instances of this takes place in The Sign of Four, where Holmes critiques Watson’s write-up of A Study in Scarlet.
Holmes: I glanced over it. Honestly, I cannot congratulate you upon it. Detection is, or ought to be, an exact science, and should be treated in the same cold and unemotional manner. You have attempted to tinge it with romanticism, which produces much the same effect as if you worked a love-story or an elopement into the fifth proposition of Euclid. Watson: But the romance was there. I could not tamper with the facts. Holmes: Some facts should be suppressed, or, at least, a just sense of proportion should be observed in treating them. The only point in the case which deserved mention was the curious analytical reasoning from effects to causes, by which I succeeded in unravelling it. Watson [narrating to the reader]: I was annoyed at this criticism of a work which had been specially designed to please him. I confess, too, that I was irritated by the egotism which seemed to demand that every line of my pamphlet should be devoted to his own special doings.
We could probably have a whole separate conversation about the queer subtext in this passage, but I’ll try to stick to the aspects of this that I think are particularly relevant here. First, Holmes specifically uses the word “romanticism,” basically saying what Sherlock said in the show when he said that John tends to “romanticize” their cases. So this is pretty similar! But what I think is different is that in the passage from The Sign of Four, Holmes is criticizing Watson’s writing in a negative fashion, is actively pointing out areas for improvement, and seems a bit peeved, or at least not wholly impressed. Watson certainly takes it that way, since he writes that he was “annoyed at this criticism of a work which had been specially designed to please him.”
In contrast, Moftisson softened Sherlock’s comments significantly for the best man speech. He’s not actually picking a bone with John like Holmes is in the original canon. Sherlock is still saying that John is “a romantic” who “romanticizes” their cases together, but he doesn’t mean it in a bad way!
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(gif from thejohnlocked, here)
And now here’s the sad part, because this is BBC Sherlock, after all. When Sherlock says this, his voice drops in pitch a bit and sounds sadder, more subdued. He also looks down, avoiding eye contact with John. So the way this line appears in the show, it’s about Sherlock acknowledging that John is a romantic in the context of John marrying someone else. Sherlock knows that side of John isn’t directed solely or mostly at him anymore.
“Your life is not your own. Keep your hands off it.” In TLD, Sherlock says this to Faith after he realizes that she’s seriously thinking about committing suicide.
Sherlock: “Taking your own life.” Interesting expression. Taking it from who? Oh, once it’s over, it’s not you who’ll miss it. Your own death is something that happens to everybody else. Your life is not your own. Keep your hands off it.
This comes from “The Adventure of the Veiled Lodger,” where Holmes also encounters a woman who has a plan to commit suicide and talks her out of it. Moffat wrote TLD, and he took these two sentences in particular straight from the original story with no wording changes:
Holmes: Your life is not your own. Keep your hands off it.
There’s not much that I like about S4, but I do think this is one place where the writers actually improved on a line from the original canon and used it very effectively in the show. In this scene from TLD, it’s so clear that Sherlock is talking about his own fake suicide. His small speech to Faith demonstrates that he feels deep, genuine regret over his actions on the rooftop that day because of what his fake death did to John.
In the original canon, “The Veiled Lodger” is set in 1896 (see here), so it takes place after Holmes’s fake death at the Reichenbach Falls in 1891 and his return to London in 1894. The dialogue that surrounds the two sentences that Moffat pulled is more about the minor character than about Holmes, though, so although it’s possible that Holmes was thinking of his own fake death when he said them, it’s not as obvious as it is in the show.
In TLD, Sherlock first says “Your life is not your own. Keep your hands off it,” to Faith as she’s leaving 221B, similarly to how Holmes says this to the minor character at the end of their interview in “The Veiled Lodger.” But Moffat decided to have Sherlock say these lines again later on when they’re by the water, and in that scene he added this part to Sherlock’s dialogue, which isn’t in the original story and makes it clear what Sherlock is really talking about:
Sherlock: “Taking your own life.” Interesting expression. Taking it from who? Oh, once it’s over, it’s not you who’ll miss it. Your own death is something that happens to everybody else.
If we accept S4 as the official ending of the show, then Sherlock’s fake suicide in TRF is the crucial turning point in Sherlock and John’s love story. It is the terrible event that they are never able to recover from, and it sets in motion all of the pain that follows after. (This is also something I could write a much longer meta about.) So having Sherlock express such deep regret over it in TLD was actually a very powerful move on Moffat’s part. So yeah, that’s at least one good writing choice in S4. (*Screams*)
Anyway, this is what’s been on my mind recently, and I would love to hear what you think in the reblogs and replies! Thank you for reading 😊
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It’s so nuts to watch people getting deeply upset over characters making mistakes and hurting each other and making long posts like, “It was bad on purpose!!!” What purpose? What are you talking about? Your OTP kissed on the mouth in an unambiguously romantic way and you think it’s bad because this middle season didn’t end with happily ever after? Conflict drives storytelling and it’s been confirmed Gaiman wants a s3! It’s not over. The inability to handle basic storytelling after you got what you wanted is 😑
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mary-johnlocked · 1 year
Johnlock in :
the adventure of the two stain
in this case we note that ACD hint at Watson's appreciation for men , and openness to admire beauty and elegance with his artist's eye regardless of the gender , which is , back in his time , quite unusual
while he never missed emphasizing on his deeper fascination and admiration with/of Sherlock's wonderful eyes
he often refers to them as keen eyes , grey eyes , wonderful eyes , ect
(or his hands , and long legs , and sinewy neck )
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Ah ! the famous " the fair sex is your department " ;)
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still in the adventure of the two stain , Watson's so called marriage approaches whilst Holmes sneakily and so subtily trying to infect his mind with suspicions , and trying to make him doubt his choice
why ? well it could be because of his geniune concern with his best friends hasty choice ,
or the more plausible hypothesis is because he wanted to keep him to himself , Holmes displays his possessivity toward Watson throughout the canons shamelessly , and likes using possessive pronouns " my boy , my watson , my friend , my boswell , ect "
moreover he knew the real motive behind watson's marriage and its not out of love , thats for sure , he knew he was trying to get in line with their societal expectations because of watson's high sense of morality and conscientiousness , remember that being a bachelor , living with another bachelor of the same sex , it wasn't very well perceived in Victorian society , and it may rise a fair amount of questions , and Watson, knowing his temper would be damned before judged badly by people , as opposed to Holmes who dont care about how people judge his style de vie .
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aerialworms · 2 years
hello dear mutual! I have a question. I'm no longer in the fandom but I like watching from the sidelines. there was a poll asking if destiel will still be made canon and my question is: how. isn't the prequel planned about the parents? I would love an explanation cause I don't understand. thank you so much!!
Hello there friend!! I'm happy to explain, I love rambling about this batshit show so much!
So yes, the prequel is about the parents, but I'm not sure how much you know about it so here's a little primer: from what I've seen, it's actually Dean telling the story of how his parents met and fell in love, presumably while he's up in Heaven post-finale (y'know, where Cas is also supposed to be). Jensen and his wife Daneel are executive producing, and the prequel is being showrun by Robbie Thompson, known for writing such episodes as Goodbye Stranger (the crypt scene my beloved!!!!!!), Meta Fiction ("What makes a story work? Is it the plot, the characters, the text? The subtext?"), and Fan Fiction (the musical ep! With Sam teasing Dean about destiel!). So from the get-go everyone was like 👀 because Robbie has always been a destiel-positive writer! Plus, apparently, Daneel's favourite character is Cas, so it would make sense for them to bring Cas back if they (and Misha) wanted!
Please bear in mind that I haven't actually watched any of the prequel, i've just been living vicariously through my dash. People who have actually watched it/know more than me please feel free to add on/correct me!
So, to my knowledge, the reasons people are thinking they might make Destiel canon in the prequel are (in no particular order):
a) A few weeks ago there was an episode that had Gabriel (as played by Richard Speight Jr) as the MOTW and also had a background cameo from Rob Benedict in a very bad wig (unclear if that was Chuck or not), and there have been quotes from (i think) Robbie saying that they're only having cameos from OG SPN actors if it's relevant to the story they want to tell (and since the Rob cameo was not explained or plot-relevant people are thinking they're possibly going to do a Chuck won scenario? It could turn out that he was never actually defeated in 15.19 and now Dean has to show up to fight him again (and get Cas back?? maybe??))
b) In that same episode, there was a scene where Mary and John look at a picture of some dude who'd given them a clue or talked to John or something - it was Dean! So he's alive again, briefly, in the 70s. Could be time travel, could be he's escaped from Heaven. So if Dean is around in the show, whether just as narrator or as a character in the story, he has the potential to go rogue and look for Cas, or be telling the story to Cas up in Heaven. In either case, there is the potential for canon destiel, if they (Jensen, Daneel, Robbie, Misha, etc.) decide they want to do that.
c) Jensen has said various things at cons recently which are kinda 👀, including that he'd have been happy to keep going on SPN for another 6 years, and, most recently (this weekend), which I think sparked the poll you were talking about - that if Dean and Cas reunited Dean would say "Hey, can we talk about that goodbye a little bit?" and then joked that nah, it would be more like "hey, buddy, good to see you, old pal" but THEN said "I don't know, maybe we'll get to see that, that would be interesting" (Here's a gifset of him saying that if you're interested)
Also this:
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[ID: Tweet from Toni @JensFloofHair.
Misha: I mean, you have the Impala.
Damn right, nothing stopping them!!
#JIB11 /End ID]
It's no secret that Jensen Did Not like the finale, apparently Eric Kripke had to talk him into it and he still makes salty jokes about it even now. Add the fact that he got someone else to film the confession for him because he wanted to have a record of it, and has said they cut out key parts of his performance in that scene (which is why the editing of it is so janky). So it's possible that he intended for there to be actual reciprocation in that scene and, well, now he's got the reins. He could do it if he wanted!!!
d) The prequel finale - airing next Tuesday, Jack help us - is titled "Hey, that's no way to say goodbye". Which was already kinda 👀 before the con this weekend, but combined with Jensen saying Dean would say "can we talk about that goodbye a little bit?" is um. Look I don't wanna get my hopes up. But also........ 👀👀👀
I think the prevailing theories at the moment (from what I've seen on my dash) are that either:
a) They're baiting us to keep interest in the prequel (I trust Robbie but I don't really trust Jensen, so this seems likely)
b) They really are gonna bring Cas back, either as him being the one Dean is telling this story to up in Heaven, or using that Rob Benedict cameo to retcon the finale and make the show about breaking free of Chuck's control for realsies this time (which hopefully means Cas actually showing up and not being explained away in one line like the finale)
Like I said, I don't wanna get my hopes up because I don't quite trust Jensen. But. Given Robbie Thompson showrunning and Daneel loving Cas and Jensen dropping all these maybe-maybe-not hints. If they DID make destiel canon. I would not be surprised.
Well maybe a little bit but in an "I can't believe I was right" way.
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