pilyarquitect · 4 years
War for Genius - 25-Reunited at last… wait what?
Hello everyone! I’ve the new chapter here! Right now we’re returning to the point where the plane crashed so… yeah, you know what it means, right? Time to find out how will the family do to rescue Huey. Also, in this chapter you’ll get the answer to a long way question made. How did the alarm be turned on. I hope you’ll like the answer. Anyways, I hope I’ll like the chapter 😉
As always, I’d like to thank Empro-8 for helping me editing this story. Honestly, without her help this wouldn’t be as good as it is, so thank you very much Empro-8 you’re amazing!
Welp, I’ll stop talking and let you read the chapter, enjoy it! 😉
When the plane crashed, he thought they were all going to die before even seeing Huey. He should have known that something like this would happen with Launchpad McQuack at the controls. Oh, how different it was to fly when it was his sister who was piloting! She was indeed a real pilot. Avoiding storms that could destroy the plane, doing aerobatics with such mastery that you felt no risk of losing your life, but, above all, she landed so smoothly that you hardly noticed that you had done so.
McQuack instead, seemed to be the opposite. If he saw a storm, instead of avoiding it, he would fly directly towards it. His aerobatic skills were conspicuous by its absence.  And each landing, if it could even be called that, was carried out with the almost certain probability of breaking one or more body parts.
To be honest, he didn't understand why Uncle Scrooge allowed the kids to fly with him.  More than that, he didn't understand how his Uncle Scrooge would… well, actually, he could expect anything from his uncle, even hiring the worst pilot in history for the sake of being cheap. 
Anyway, this wasn’t the time to complain about it. They were there to fulfill a mission. He couldn’t let a new reason for discussion with his uncle distract him from the important task at hand.
Getting up from where he had fallen when the plane crashed, Donald's first thought was to check how the children were and see if they had been hurt:
"Are you all okay?"
"Yes, we’re fine Uncle Donald." Dewey replied being the first of the children to get up. Louie soon followed his example and stood up saying:
"Yes, I think this landing has been a fairly smooth landing, considering the ones we’ve experienced so far."
Donald’s eyes widened in surprise at those words and before he could hold back, exclaimed:
His uncle, who was also sitting up, hastened to calm his upset nephew by saying:
"Donald, don't be upset. Now’s not the time."
The sailor-dressed duck glared at his uncle for a few moments. But soon his features softened and trying to breathe calmly, he said:
"Right, right… so what we have to do-"
Dewey suddenly cut him off saying excitedly:
"What we have to do is burst through the doors showing fear and kick Beaks-"
Again, Donald's eyes widened in horror as he listened to his nephew's plan. No! If they did that, Beaks would quickly find out and run away, probably taking Huey with him before they could find them. What Dewey was proposing wasn’t an option. Donald cut the boy off and said instead:
"No! If that parrot discovers that we are going after him, he could either escape or use Huey against us. We’ve got to be smarter.”
Beakley nodded and looking at Scrooge said:
"I agree with Donald, we cannot simply attack, we must figure out a plan."
The superhero who had come with them, approached the rest of the group and joined the conversation:
"I agree with that, from what I saw, before discovering the children on board and before 'landing', this building here is very similar… rather identical to the Waddle building in Duckburg, so if I'm right, this can be very useful to us.”
And with that said, from the inside of his suit he took out a paper of considerable dimensions. How could he fit it in there? Gizmoduck unfolded that paper and it turned out to be…
"Is this a map of the building?" Webby asked, and Dewey added:
"Where did you get it?"
Looking at the two children, Gizmoduck replied in a slightly embarrassed voice:
"I got it when I was still working for Beaks, before… well, you know."
"Yeah, yeah, we got it. Now let's focus on what's important." Louie said, and honestly, Donald wasn't surprised that he was the one to say that. He knew the youngest of the triplets was one of the most practical children he had ever met. He didn’t say it out of father's pride, but because it was the truth.
The robotic superhero nodded and unfolded the map for all to see. After a brief inspection, Beakley finally straightened up saying:
"From what I see the building has only two exits. it isn’t a very good design, actually."
Webby also got up and looking at Scrooge's housekeeper, asked her puzzled:
"Why not granny?"
The spy woman looked at her granddaughter and answered:
"Strategically speaking, if they were attacked, they would be quickly cornered if the attackers managed to control both exits. Those in the interior would have no escape. Unless, they had a secret exit that doesn’t appear on this map. But I doubt that that is the case.”
Donald frowned and determinedly said:
"That is precisely what we’ll do."
"How? What do you suggest we do lad?” Scrooge asked, arching an eyebrow. Donald looked at him determinate and then explained:
"We’ll divide into two groups and attack the building from both sides. Doing it in that way, Beaks won’t be able to escape and we’ll have a better chance of rescuing Huey."
His uncle Scrooge seemed to agree with the idea because he smiled slightly and crossing his arms said:
"Perfect lad. How should we divide?"
Before Donald could answer the question, Dewey spoke instead:
"I guess now you’ll say that we stay here, won’t you?"
Donald looked at his nephew, and Webby and with a soft smile. He replied to the adults’ great surprise:
"No, actually I think the best thing is for you kids to come too. As for the way to divide, I think the best thing would be for one group to be formed by Uncle Scrooge, Gizmoduck, and Webby and the second group will be formed by Beakley, the boys, and myself.”
Immediately after say that, Launchpad spoke for the first time since landing. He asked:
"And what do I do, Mr. D.?"
Donald looked at him with wide eyes. Honestly… he had forgotten about the pilot. But, on the other hand, there was a mission that only McQuack could carry out. Donald said:
"Launchpad, I think the best thing would be for you to stay watching over the plane and have it ready for when we return with Huey."
Out of the corner of his eye, the sailor-dressed duck saw Beakley smile and, while folding his arms, said:
"Well thought Donald."
Donald turned to her and answered honestly:
"Thank you."
Then he looked at the others and speaking in a determined voice, said:
"Now if we all agree, let's go for Huey!"
"YES!" they all cheered raising their fists.
Entering the building had been easy. There weren’t guards, nor closed doors, which made their work much easier. It seemed they had stolen some good luck from Gladstone. In Donald’s group, Beakley had decided to take the lead, given his experience in combat. Donald took the decision to put himself in the rear, so that the boys would be protected by both adults.
Beakley was very determined to prevent them from being discovered. She constantly signaled to others by telling them where there were cameras and where they had to go to avoid being caught. It almost seemed she had a sixth sense for detecting cameras. It was amazing!
As they advanced, Donald was constantly looking at his boys, just to make sure they were there and they hadn't… disappeared, too. The sailor-dressed duck knew perfectly well Huey's kidnapping had been planned and executed only against him. But despite knowing it, he could still feel in his heart, the constant fear of losing his other boys, and wasn’t willing to allow that happen again. Not on his guard.
Donald was so deep in thought that he almost jumped when after turning a corner, roughly halfway down the hall, a door opened, revealing Graves was coming out of it. The hawk was surprised to see the intruders there, a few meters from him. He quickly overcame his surprise and faced them.
Beakley had stopped protectively in front of everyone, while Donald ran ahead of his nephews so they were both protected by two adults. Donald wasn’t willing to allow the bird in front of them to harm his boys.
With a smirk on his face, Graves suddenly said:
"Wow, what a surprise. You must be that boy's family."
Donald growled dangerously. His patience was at that moment a very thin line that could be snapped at any moment. To make things worse, the petulant attitude that this… muscular bird showed, did nothing to contain what little patience the adult duck still had. Taking a step forward, Donald said harshly:
"Where's my nephew?! I know it was you who kidnapped him!”
 The hawk put a puzzled face at first, like he didn't know what they were talking about, or maybe… maybe he didn't understand what Donald had just asked him… probably the latter. After a few moments, the hawk smiled again and replied:
"Where is he? To be honest, I don’t know. Although I doubt there’s much left of him to rescue."
"What do you mean by that?" asked the adult duck with a mixture of horror and fury in his voice. It wasn’t necessary to look at his other nephews to know that they were most likely feeling the same way he was feeling with what the hawk had just said.
Widening his smile, Graves continued:
"That boy is truly pathetic. Trying for days to cling to the hope someone would come to rescue him at any moment."
Then he laughed out loud and added:
"It was fun to gradually destroy that hope and turn it into fear and hatred towards his family."
Donald narrowed his eyes and speaking in a dangerous voice began to ask:
"How dare you…?"
"We did our best to find our brother, we were… we are very worried for him." said Dewey, stepping forward.
The hawk stared at the children – at his boys – and after giving a snort of amusement, he said:
"Do my ears betray me? You are worried for him? Don't make me laugh, you had a lot of time to find him, and you didn't even know how to do it. Or maybe… you didn't want to do it.”
That was it. That hawk had just signed his death sentence. Donald felt his body tremble with fury, his clenched hands were clenched even tighter, and he knew it wasn't long before there was an explosion. Beakley turned to him and began to say:
"He’s trying to make us mad, Donald, we have to be smarter than him, also, at first glance it seems that this hawk is an expert fighter, I think it would be better if you let me-"
Too late
"AQWQWAUQWQHNAUHQWOOANHGAUGHUKKKAHFAU!" The sailor-clad duck suddenly screamed, and instantly adopted his classic fighting stance (maybe he should patent it). After a few small jumps, Donald charged straight for the hawk, who probably didn't expect someone of such a smaller size to start literally spinning around him at full speed, punching him in the head, pulling his beak, kicking him here and there incessantly… and not giving him time to fight back.
In the midst of his fight, he could hear Beakley start to say:
"Wow, I guess Falcon…"
"Didn't take into account Uncle Donald's legendary fury." Dewey finished.
Although he couldn't see it, he imagined Louie had his hands in his sweatshirt’s pockets while saying:
"Yes… I almost feel sorry for him."
Beakley and Dewey should’ve looked at him, because shortly after saying that, Louie added:
"What? Just almost."
During his fight, Donald struck Graves hard. The hawk stumbled backwards, hitting the wall and falling unconscious to the ground. Everything would have been great if it wasn't for hitting the wall, Falcon collided right into a control panel, hitting just one button that triggered a loud and noisy alarm.
Oh phooey
His infamous bad luck had struck again.
"Oh, oh, this isn’t good." said Dewey covering his ears, something the others had also done. That alarm would surely set Beaks in motion, Donald looked at the others and said alarmedly:
"Let's hurry up! We’ve got to find Huey!” 
And without wasting time they all started running down the corridors, knowing that it was absurd to kept a low profile. Donald didn't know how long they had actually been running, seconds? Minutes? It was difficult to determine with his heart beating a thousand times an hour in fear of how his nephew would be when they finally found him. Suddenly, as he ran, a screaming voice suddenly reached his ears:
"That's a lie! Huey would never want to be with you!”
That was Webby's voice! It didn't sound far. Did that mean they had found Huey? The idea that they could have found his nephew urged him to run faster. And apparently, he wasn't the only one who believed it. The other members of his group were soon running as fast as he was.
Donald took the lead this time. The mere thought of seeing his missing nephew again, made him quicken his pace and become increasingly separated from Beakley and the children. The sailor-dressed duck turned a corner and, in the distance, he could see Huey. The poor boy had one hand on his head and another on his chest, both clenched tightly, as if he felt pain in both places.
Looking at him a little more closely, the adult duck saw that his nephew was breathing very fast, it seemed like… as if… he was having a panic attack! No! He had to calm him down as soon as possible! Suddenly, the red-dressed duckling fell to his knees.
No, no, no, no!
"HUEY!" shouted Donald, speeding up his run. His nephew needed him! He needed him now!
The older triplet then fell to the ground. Donald saw how his eyes looked at him momentarily and there seemed to be a spark of recognition in them. Huey had seen him! Almost instantly afterward, his eyelids closed and the boy seemed unconscious. What had happened to his nephew to end up in that state? Donald sped up even more if that was possible. He had to get to his nephew, check how he was doing- he had to make sure his boy was fine!
Everything else disappeared around Donald. The only thing the sailor-dressed duck could see was the unconscious figure of his nephew on the ground. The adult duck was almost there. He had almost reached his boy! Just by extending his arm he could-
A pair of gray feathered hands suddenly entered his field of vision surrounding Huey's small body. The appearance of those unexpected limbs made Donald stop short. Especially when he realized that his nephew was being lifted off the ground easily, as if he weighed nothing. In fact, from his appearance, Huey's weight it must be much less than would correspond to a child his age. What kind of monster deprived a growing age boy of food? The poor duckling seemed to be practically in his bones… well, maybe saying that was an exaggeration. But really Huey was much thinner than he should be and was close to looking like he was going to starve.
Seeing his nephew like that, Donald had one clear thing. Beaks was going to pay for everything he had done to Huey, that was a promise!
Donald shook his head; this wasn’t the time to think about what he would do to Beaks. The priority at those moments was to get that parrot to release Huey. Looking up to see the brain behind the kidnapping of his nephew, behind all the pain, suffering and despair the boy had suffered during his imprisonment.
There, before his eyes was Mark Beaks with one of his arms surrounding Huey's abdomen while, with his free hand, he was holding a mobile phone near the unconscious duckling's head. The gray parrot looked at them all with evident fury and suddenly screamed:
"Not one more step if you don't want the boy to die!"
Okay, I think someone said it was Graves who activated the alarm. To this person, yes, that was the right answer, but I think no one expected Graves activated it by accident after being had hit like he was by Donald. Did you like it? Was it funny? I thought that by adding a little bit of humor in the story would help a little to everyone’s mind.
Okay, after say that, I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I also would like to thank to all the people who’d read this story, the ones who commented, those who reblogged it and: @mysteriouswriter72 @elianemariane17 @araminakilla20 @hakuneki07 @i-cant-find-any-creative-name @gizmovi @some-dum-wizard-bitch @infamousquack  @margaretnobbs @alphatheplant @sugerheart @squackcrowquack @nsbfenro @marshmeadow12 @ohgeeeznotagain @constellations1 @isabellanajera @you-big-palooka @deathcat003 @dragonsareawesome123 @via15 @wellshit333 @ninjawarrior100 @your-salty-dorito @rowan-npg @thesuperepicawesomefireninja @duckworth-is-love @worldsbesteagle @shaz231 @cherriesandpoison @softlemonboi @rosebu-uds @mulaneysnl @ihavenonamehalp @drummergirl231 @narnour-momo-007 @via15 @trash-queen-fahey @gamerfansims389 @lesbianz4glomgoldje @jessie-00 @maclove54north @northofanvi @maditheanimaniacuwu @gabrielpainterfest-blog @Variousfandompage @whiteeyesandtina @official-toebeans @r6sedust @gabrielpainterfest
And if I’ve forgot someone, I’m sorry
See you in the next chapter 😉
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Let There be Peace on Earth - World of Color
For @crazy-fangirl-10 and @alliterative-albatross who both asked for Drake and Negaduck moments similar to last year's "Auld Lang Syne" chapter. I hope you like this one and that it holds up to its predecessor! 
Standing on the roof of the cabin — though how anyone could call this place a cabin was beyond him; damn McDuck and his inflated sense of normalcy — Negaduck surveyed the surrounding tree line. There was no sign of F.O.W.L. anywhere. There hadn't been since he'd sent the survivors back to the Negaverse with his Foursome losers and Steelbeak. Negaduck still wasn't sure to make of Steelbeak; he'd always played the field, but now it seemed that he'd found a side where he was gonna set up camp. Negaduck just had to make sure his loyalties were in the right place once he got back home.
For now, Negaduck walked past the plastic reindeer and Santa in his sleigh to the roof of the carriage house, eyes sweeping the area for any other disturbances.
He was fairly confident that the night would be quiet, that the threats were gone, but he wasn't going to take any chances. If he hadn't taken the chance and come here when he'd overheard some wayward Eggmen talking about a cabin retreat while out in patrol in the Negaverse, he wouldn't have known about the F.O.W.L. attack. Gosalyn, Darkwing, McDuck, Launchpad would've have had to fight F.O.W.L. on their own. And Negaduck wasn't confident that they would've been able to keep the agency at bay. He shuddered to think of what might have happened if he hadn't been there. Gosalyn called him over-protective, and it was a relief that he was. No one was gonna touch his girl. Or ruin her Christmas.
Hopefully this hadn't. His being here. This whole F.O.W.L. battle. He'd wanted to keep the fight small, to allow Gosalyn and her family time to enjoy their day without interruption.
But since when had things gone his way?
At least now he could ensure nothing else would disturb them tonight. F.O.W.L. was gone — at least, they looked to be — and Negaduck would stay on patrol the rest of the night. Just in case.
"I can hear you brooding from here," came Gosalyn's voice. Negaduck turned to see her standing on the roof of the main house, bundled in a coat, hat, and mittens. She smiled when he looked over.
"Get back inside," he said, walking over to her so he wouldn't have to raise his voice. There were others in the cabin and he didn't want to call attention to himself.
"I wanted to thank you," she said. "For keeping us safe."
"You're welcome," he said, crossing from the carriage house to the main house to stand beside her. "Now, go inside."
Gosalyn studied him. "They're gone, you know. F.O.W.L.. They won't be coming back here tonight."
"Yes, we're a great team and you're a strong fighter and I'm proud of you." He gently took hold of her elbow and guided her back to the window that served as the entry point to the roof from the main house. "Go inside—"
"We're safe, though. Why are you sending me away?"
He gripped her elbow and faced her. "I'm not— I wouldn't send you away."
"You would if I was in danger."
"There's nothing," he soothed, pushing her bangs out of her eyes. "No threats, no danger."
"Then sit with me," she said, grabbing his arm and tugging him to the edge of the roof.
"No, Gos—"
"You just said there was no danger." She brushed some snow away before sitting down, her legs dangling off the edge.
"And I need to make sure it stays that way."
"Come on, sit next to me."
"It's Christmas Eve," he said around a sigh. "You should be with your family."
Gosalyn smiled up at him. "I am."
The very breath was stolen straight out of Negaduck's lungs.
He was family?
He was family?
Holding out a mittened hand, Gosalyn asked, "Please sit with me."
He'd always been powerless to resist her.
Gripping her hand in his, he settled on the roof, his feet hanging over the side. Gosalyn scooted closer so they were pressed together shoulder to shoulder. They were facing the front yard, alight in all variations of Christmas decorations.
All was still. And Gosalyn helped to warm him, sitting as close as she was.
"You were saying something about being proud of me?" she asked, glancing at him with a mischievous smile on her beak.
Negaduck rolled his eyes and she laughed.
"Kidding aside, we've beaten F.O.W.L. how many times now? And they still can't beat us." She nudged him lightly. "We do make a good team."
"Cant argue that," Negaduck said. He looked at her. "You really are a strong fighter."
Gosalyn ducked her head, smiling shyly.
He reached out a hand, slipping his fingers under her chin to turn her face towards his. "And I am proud of you. Not just of your heroism, but of you as a person. You're very impressive, Baby Girl, and I wouldn't change a thing about you."
Gosalyn smiled and leaned into his chest, arms circling around his waist. Negaduck wrapped an arm around her, head resting atop hers.
The comfortable silence was broken a few minutes later when a voice asked, "Can I join you two?"
Negaduck sent a scowl over his shoulder at Max, whose head was poking out of the window.
Gosalyn looked at Negaduck, studying his expression. "Only if you want him to, Papa Wolf," she said quietly. And he knew she meant it. She'd give Max some excuse if he gave her the word.
Oh, what the hell?
It was Christmas.
He sent Max a sharp nod and the young man climbed through the window. Gosalyn sent Negaduck a smile before Max sat on her other side, handing her one of the steaming mugs he'd carried out with him.
"Didn't you bring enough for the whole class?" Negaduck sneered.
Max cradled his mug in both hands. "Mr. Mallard has yours."
"He what?" Negaduck turned to see Darkwing sitting beside him before holding out a mug. "Max and Gos like peppermint schnapps in theirs, so I made yours myself," he murmured. Just loud enough for them to hear. "There's no alcohol in yours."
Stunned into silence, Negaduck took the drink, which turned out to be hot chocolate.
"Merry Christmas to ya!" Goofy said with a huge grin as he sat next to Max.
"Nice to see you again, Negaduck." Launchpad sat beside Darkwing.
Still unable to think of any words, Negaduck glanced at Gosalyn, who just smiled and shrugged before drinking her hot chocolate. Not knowing what else to do, he took a sip, the rich taste and smooth texture rolling over his tongue pleasantly before he swallowed, the drink warming him all the way down.
There were worse ways to spend Christmas Eve.
Definitely less awkward ways.
But the silence was, amazingly, comfortable.
Everyone seemed content to sit and watch the lights in the yard below or gaze at the stars twinkling above. Gosalyn was leaning against Max, which Negaduck understood. He did. They were in love or whatever. He was fine.
Glancing over at Darkwing at on point made him nearly smile because his counterpart was glaring at the young couple with as much resentment as Negaduck was sure was reflected in his own expression.
The silence was peaceful and Negaduck was really starting to sink into it when the front door opened and out spilled the rest of the household. The triplets, Scrooge McDuck, Scrooge's nephew and his girlfriend, and two colorful strangers. They all delved into the snow, piling the powder on top of itself and shaping it into snowmen.
Negaduck was a heartbeat away from tossing his mug at Darkwing and taking off into the forest — he wasn't sure how Scrooge would take a super villain sitting with his house guests on the roof of his cabin drinking hot chocolate — when Scrooge McDuck himself looked up and locked gazes with him.
Negaduck stilled.
Like a damn deer in the headlights.
Just letting the tycoon take what he wanted.
After a few heart-pounding moments, Scrooge smiled and tipped his hat before turning to help Louie with his snowman.
Negaduck released his breath in a sigh, feeling like he'd just passed some kind of test, and downed the rest of his hot chocolate in one swallow, the burning awakening his senses.
"Is this right, mija?" One of the tropical birds asked, looking up to the roof.
Gosalyn smiled. "Pack it more tightly together and it'll stay better." She leaned out of the circle of Max's arms to explain to Negaduck, "That's Panchito. He and José," she pointed to the other stranger, "are friends of Donald's."
"I am surprised you are not also banned from building snowmen," said the one who went by José, grinning up at Gosalyn as he smoothed the edges of his snowman.
"There's not gonna be a snowman fight," the red triplet said, piling more snow onto his and Panchito's snowman while Panchito took Gosalyn's advice and packed it in tightly. "She can build as many snowmen as she wants."
"Why'd you ban her?" asked Negaduck, his protectiveness rearing up. "She too good or something?"
"She's much too good," said the blue triplet. "And Huey's a sore loser."
"Am not!"
"You totally are!" said the green triplet as he carved a design into the snowman's face.
"Listen, you want to go up against an opponent who is your equal, right?" the red triplet argued. "That way you're evenly matched and the competition becomes more fun. Cause it's up in the air and is anybody's game. That's interesting."
"We get it," called Max. "You aren't Gos's equal. I'm sure I can find someone more on your level, like an elementary school kid."
Everyone laughed as the red triplet scowled. Negaduck glanced at Max, hating the kid a little less.
The group in the yard continued to build their snowmen, chatting amicably with one another. The rooftop occupants sat in comfortable silence, finishing their mugs of hot chocolate.
Darkwing shifted beside him, pulling out something from his pocket. He handed Negaduck the Flashquack. "It has a homing device," he said. "Put in the coordinates here," he pointed to a small panel underneath the device, "and it'll return to you."
Negaduck took it and nodded his understanding before pocketing it himself.
"Thanks for calling me in," Darkwing said.
"I didn't want to," sneered Negaduck. "I know Christmas is for family. But F.O.W.L. had pulled out all the stops, so. The Flashquack it was."
"You don't need to put that Gos is in danger for me to answer the call."
Negaduck glanced at Darkwing, who met his gaze before continuing, "I meant it when I said I'd help you. Gosalyn or not, I'll answer."
Negaduck swallowed and glanced down at his mug which he was gripping hard in his fingers. He gave a sharp nod before allowing his gaze to wander down to the village of snowmen being constructed in the yard down below.
The cold eventually sent everyone inside, Goofy, Darkwing, and Launchpad wishing Negaduck a merry Christmas before heading back. Max took Negduck's mug and sent him a grin. "Have a good night. Thanks for keeping us safe from F.O.W.L.."
Negaduck nodded and the boy disappeared through the window, leaving Gosalyn and Negduck alone.
Unwinding the scarf from around her neck, Gosalyn reached out to secure it around Negaduck's throat. "Don't stay out here too much longer."
"Just gonna make sure the woods are clear."
"Then you'll go home?"
Negaduck hesitated and Gosalyn sighed. "Well, at least find someplace warm to stay tonight." She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Merry Christmas, Papa Wolf."
Negaduck caressed her cheek and pressed his forehead to hers. "Merry Christmas, Baby Girl."
She stood and gave him a stern look. "Remember. Not too long."
He saluted and she went inside.
Sitting on the roof of for only a moment longer, to savor the quiet and decorations and warmth that was curling pleasantly within, Negaduck got to his feet and repelled down the back of the house, starting his last patrol for the evening.
Negaduck was thorough, going through the trees on all sides of the cabin and checking behind every rock, bush, and snowdrift.
And if he happened to end his reconnaissance in the front yard where he was able to see all the decorations adorning the cabin, well. That was okay.
"You fight well," came a voice to his left. He turned, Glock halfway out when he saw Scrooge McDuck standing beside him also admiring the decorations.
Negaduck faced the cabin, pushing his weapon back into his pocket. But he kept his fingers curled around the handle. Just in case.
Clearing his throat, Negaduck said, "You're not so bad yourself. For an old man."
Scrooge chuckled. "Old perhaps, but thoroughly experienced."
A breeze swirled through the yard, its harsh chill cutting Negaduck to his core.
Scrooge pulled his coat more securely around himself. "Ye should not be out here in this cold."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm going."
"Ye misunderstand me, lad," said Scrooge, turning to face him.
Lad? Was that payback for the "old man" jab from earlier?
"There's a vacant room on the ground floor, which is ideal for a quick getaway if one is needed." Scrooge glanced back at the cabin. "There's a bathroom next to it as well. Both are under the staircase so they're isolated. Something to consider."
"Why? Because it's Christmas?" Negaduck sneered. He hated charity for the sake of the holiday. People needed help all the days of the year, not just the 31 in December.
"Because ye kept us safe," Scrooge said, eyeing Negaduck over his spectacles. "And I hear ye keep Gosalyn out o' trouble to the best of your abilities no matter the time o' year. That alone earns ya a stay. The girl's a bit o' a whirlwind."
Negaduck bit back a chuckle and uncurled his fingers from his pistol. "Wouldn't want her any other way."
"Nor I." Scrooge tapped his cane on the ground. "I'll wish ye a good night, lad. The room's open if ye want it."
Negaduck wasn't sure what possessed him to do it, but before he could stop himself, he'd blurted out, "Merry Christmas, sir."
Scrooge smiled. "The same to ye." He went back into the carriage house and closed the door with a soft snap.
Negaduck stood there until another gust of wind spurred him into movement.
The front door was unlocked.
He made sure to turn the deadbolt behind him before walking past the Christmas tree to find the open room.
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yourduckverse · 6 years
Do Ducktales characters have their particular nemesis?
It struck me this morning that some DT17 characters were given their own archs with some of the series villains in a way that give the impression of some of those having a particular feud with them. Especially in the context of the triplets, who used to always be a group, now that they were given their own fields it seems some of the series' villains, despite antagonizing the whole family, interact with some members specifically.
For example it seems to me that Mark Beaks is primarily a Huey villain. He was the main antagonist in two of the five episodes that had a particular Huey prominence.
Yes, in “Infernal Internship”, both Huey and Dewey took the main lead. However it was Huey who idolized Beaks, and the discovery of his fraud had a much larger impact on him. Dewey was mostly there bc it seemed cool.
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Dewey and Beaks would clash again in B.U.D.D.Y, but once again, it was mostly a Launchpad/Fenton episode, and Dewey was mostly there to fill in the mandatory triplet quota and cheer for LP. In "Who is Gizmoduck?" Huey is the only one who goes on to fiercely protest against Beaks, while his brothers did not seem to care. It is also the only episode in which Dewey was limited to a non-speaking cameo. Granted, Beaks antagonized Fenton the same amount of times he antagonized Huey, but Fenton is not really a Main Cast character. My point is, out of the McDuck family, Huey is the one who is always put against Mark Beaks. Another, minor, example is how, after "Day of the Only Child!" Big Time Beagle seems to have a particular resent towards Huey, probably because of how easily his brothers turned on him for the triplet.
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In fact, “Day of the Only Child!” is one of the best episodes to highlight how each triplet could have their particular enemies. in that episode, we are introduced to Doofus, who is, in his turn, somewhat obsessed with Louie, and in many ways an evil counterpart to him. 
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Doofus was pretty much remodeled to rival Louie, and they have an interesting relationship. I dont even have to mention how tumblr already begun to ship them.
Another prime example of the Louie Villain was the bigfoot Tenderfeet. While he is pretty much confirmed not to recurr, it was fun to see Louie battle against another conman, and while Huey’s ethics and Dewey’s lack of planning would be no match for the bigfoot, a villain like Tenderfeet was perfectly cut out for Louie,who got to show his ability in outsmarting him.
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Gladstone is in a bit muddy waters. While he is not a proper villain in DT17, he doesn’t hesitate in crossing his family twice in the same episode, so while he is someone Louie admires, he’s also something of a bad example, and Louie notices that. I wouldn’t say Gladstone is a villain to Louie (if a villain at all). He’s more of a non-aligned, gray morality character. That being said, he was originally introducted as a villain, (Not unlike Scrooge) and has been ocasionally rivaling Donald in the comics for decades
Dewey has been considered by the fandom to be the true “protagonist” of Season 1, and with so much prominence, he had no need to be put into battle against a character brought up for that purpose. Mostly motivated by the search for his mom or the seek for Scrooge’s attention, even Magica wasn’t a concern for him until the finale.
One exception to this, however, has got to be Don Karnage.
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Much like Doofus is to Louie, Don Karnage is a great mirror of Dewey turned evil. He’s self-centered, attention-greedy and cares more about being dramatic than about treasure. Not at all unlike the little middle child. In fact, in Sky Pirates, Dewey loses his crew for the exact same reason Don Karnage did before him, that is, because he also couldn’t stand sharing the spotlight. While Don Karnage is more of an annoyance to the rest of the family, he is a serious antagonist to Dewey, exactly because they are so similar.
The air theme is also an interesting paralell when compared to more positive influences for Dewey, in this case Launchpad and arguably Della, also aviators. In fact, when it comes to the triplets, their Positive influences often paralell negative ones, such as Fenton and Beaks for Huey with the tech theme, and Scrooge and Gladstone with the money/work ethic theme.
Finally, while Magica was the main villain of the season, and mainly looking after Scrooge, i think it’s safe to say that Webby has all the reason to hate her with a particular passion. Magica deceived everyone, but she played with the most fragile parts of Webby’s heart. Webby’s confront with Magica in the finale is in no way an overstatement, considering how this girl, (who let’s not forget was not used to have her weak spots exposed) had everything she ever wanted for one moment only to see Magica take all of it away in the next. With the Lena issue being, at the very least, fairly unresolved, it’s not far-fetched to say Webby still has things to settle with Magica, even if the others simply let her walk away.
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ankkalinna · 7 years
Friendship, Family, and That Weird Friend of Uncle Scrooge’s We’re Not Supposed to Really Talk About
Word Count: 1500
Pairing: Flinty/Scrooge
Rating: totally SFW
When Donald looked back, he wondered if he should have figured something out sooner. Maybe it had been going on for years before that day? He had no idea and couldn't really just ask.
And it only became more obvious later, even if no one still actually talked about it. At some point you could definitely guess. Make some assumptions. But the first time Donald had definitely realized something was up was at his 35th birthday on Grandma's farm when Scrooge brought a friend with him.
Donald scanned the room full of people. At this stage of the party everyone had moved into their little groups, the kids especially. Daisy was chatting with Grandma Duck, Fethry was explaining something to Gladstone-
It seemed like everyone had agreed to just ignore Flintheart Glomgold who was sitting in a corner in the most uncomfortable-looking chair in the room, glumly eating strawberry cake. In fact Donald was fairly sure he hadn't said a word to anyone after the nod and 'hello' he had given to stunned Donald after walking in after Scrooge. Scrooge himself had seemingly completely ignored his existence, and was at the moment filling his plate with cupcakes at the table.
Donald walked up to him.
”Uncle Scrooge?”
Scrooge looked up. ”Hm?”
”So, um... Why.”
Scrooge turned back towards the table. ”Why what?”
”Why is Glomgold here?”
Scrooge stuffed his bill full of cupcakes and shrugged.
Determined to not let him off the hook so easily Donald stood there while he chewed. Just as he swallowed and was about to walk away to get more cupcakes, Donald asked again.
”Is this some kind of a... Business... thing..?”
Granted he had no idea how that'd explain the fact Glomgold had been apparently invited to his birthday party. But it was as likely a guess as any really.
”Grandma has really outdone herself this time, these blueberry cakes are wonderful.”
”Thanks. I made those,” Donald said. ”Also they're chocolate.”
”Same thing really, now if you excuse me-”
Donald let him wander off. Something was definitely up! He had expected Scrooge to tell him he could invite whoever he wanted. Or to at least try to make up an excuse, instead of... nothing.
Donald glanced at the corner where Glomgold had sat down. He had apparently been eating that piece of cake for at least half an hour, mostly pushing the last tiny piece around with his spoon.
Donald took a plate of cupcakes and walked across the room.
He ignored the angry glare effortlessly.
”Good evening. Would you want some?”
Free food seemed to be tempting enough and he reached to take two.
”Yes,” after some hesitation he added: ”thank you.”
”Chocolate cupcakes. Got the recipe from my Grandma, she used to make these when I was a kid.”
Donald stood there, determined to find out something. And it was up to him to be a good host wasn't it?
”If you're standing here waiting for a gift, the one Scrooge gave you was from both of us.”
”Oh, so instead of the usual six supermarket donuts past their sell-by date Uncle Scrooge got me three this year? The three rutabaga-creme ones were from you.”
”Did you want something? Donald, was it?”
Donald stared at him. Glomgold knew full well who he was. Was he trying to pretend he didn't remember all those times they had met? Although presumably bringing up the times he had pointed a gun at him might have had brought the mood down a little...
Donald gave him his biggest smile. Well if he was planning to pretend they were strangers, fine. ”Yes, Donald Duck. I think you know my uncle? Scrooge McDuck.”
”Erm, yes. I believe we've met.” Glomgold looked around, looking nervous for a fraction of a second before glaring at Donald again.
”Nice party,” he mumbled before stuffing his bill with cupcakes.
Donald wasn't sure if anyone had asked Scrooge about it later. After the party Scrooge, Glomgold and Donald had all gotten in Donald's car and he had driven them first to Glomgold's Duckburg office and then after dropping Glomgold off, taken Scrooge to the Money Bin. The trip had been silent, but at least sort of familiar, even if 'an awkward trip together after Glomgold tried to get us killed for the whole adventure' wasn't quite the same as 'an awkward trip together after Glomgold had been grumpily eating cake in a corner very pointedly not socializing for the whole party'.
Donald wasn't sure if it was an improvement.
But now Donald started paying attention to the two. And he did notice a change in their interaction.
It had become far colder.
Donald was used to having to drag the two apart, and listen to them throw childish insults at each other, but now whenever they happened to meet Glomgold at an auction or a similar event, his interaction with Scrooge was far more distant. Less heated. Outright polite.
Which in itself was enough to make Donald uneasy. But it was none of his business and this was better anyway. He had always been mostly embarrassed by their scuffles.
But sometimes there was something else. Something Donald couldn't quite put his finger on...
He probably had on some level suspected. But it wasn't until that day that Donald was certain.
He had been summoned by nightly wailing once again, and hurried to Scrooge's bin. It had been a while actually. Donald had almost gotten used to getting a good night's uncleless sleep. He opened the door to the bedroom. And almost collided with Glomgold.
Glomgold in a nightgown.
”Um,” was all Donald could say.
”He's fine!” Glomgold said, almost defensively.
”I AM NOT!” came from the bed.
Glomgold glared at Donald. ”Why are you here?”
Donald stumbled, confused at the implication it was him who was out of place here. ”I just... Came to see if Uncle Scrooge was okay-”
”Of course he is okay! He is just being a whiny baby!” Flinty pulled his jacket over his nightgown.
”Lies!” Scrooge yelled. ”Donald, I just got word, I lost my feather duster monopoly!”
”I see.” Donald eyed the bedroom. It had been a while since he had been there but there were signs everywhere that it had been shared by two people for a while now. Donald stared at the two pillows on Scrooge's bed. Maybe he was still asleep?
”Did I complain when you outbid me in the auction for the Duckinn hotel chain?” Glomgold asked while pulling his spats on.
”Yes!” Scrooge threw a pillow at him. ”Yes you did! You heartless wanna-be tycoon!”
Glomgold caught the pillow. ”Not this much! But did I expect anything better from a has-been beggar? No!”
With a slam of the door he was gone.
Donald stood middle of the room. ”So, um... F-featherdusters?”
Of course, again, no one mentioned the incident afterwards. Probably for the best. Donald wondered if everyone knew. Little by little it was almost starting to feel like an open secret, even if no one really made any uncomfortable assumptions about the exact nature of their relationship.
Donald certainly didn't.
But Flintheart kept showing up at family gatherings, and everyone just collectively made the decision to refer to him as 'Uncle Scrooge's friend' and leave it at that.
And both of them were getting on in years anyway so it was just to be expected they'd be less and less active and go on treasure hunts less and less and clash over things far more rarely...
It was fine. It really was.
And yet Donald was bothered by it.
He watched the two sit together at the Huey's Dewey's and Louie's High-school graduation ceremony. They were talking about something, Donald couldn't quite hear what. And that bothered him too. Why Glomgold of all people? Well, presumably they were a good match....At least they were both equally impossible. Miserly. Ridiculous. But Flintheart was still not someone Donald would have ever guessed Scrooge would... like.
Donald admitted to himself, he hadn't seen it coming. And even once he had he hadn't done anything about it. Not that he should have done anything. Probably. But still! Uncle Scrooge could have done better, surely?
He watched his uncle eplain something to Flintheart with a smile on his face.
He should have done more, Donald decided. But maybe he was just feeling a bit left out. Which was ridiculous. Obviously. Scrooge was an adult. Him feeling the same way about this as when his nephews had started to date was ridiculous!
And it wasn't like he had tried to separate them (even if the thought had occurred to him).
But he hadn't been exactly helpful either (not that he would have known what to do anyway).
With some guilt Donald realized he hadn't exactly invited Flintheart here. No one ever did, he just showed up with Scrooge.
Maybe next time he should.
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kodomokira-blog · 7 years
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pilyarquitect · 4 years
Hello everyone! I’ve the new chapter here! Right now we’re returning to the point where the plane crashed so… yeah, you know what it means, right? Time to find out how will the family do to rescue Huey. Also, in this chapter you’ll get the answer to a long way question made. How did the alarm be turned on. I hope you’ll like the answer. Anyways, I hope I’ll like the chapter 😉
As always, I’d like to thank Empro-8 for helping me editing this story. Honestly, without her help this wouldn’t be as good as it is, so thank you very much Empro-8 you’re amazing!
Welp, I’ll stop talking and let you read the chapter, enjoy it! 😉
25.-Reunited at last… wait what?
When the plane crashed, he thought they were all going to die before even seeing Huey. He should have known that something like this would happen with Launchpad McQuack at the controls. Oh, how different it was to fly when it was his sister who was piloting! She was indeed a real pilot. Avoiding storms that could destroy the plane, doing aerobatics with such mastery that you felt no risk of losing your life, but, above all, she landed so smoothly that you hardly noticed that you had done so.
McQuack instead, seemed to be the opposite. If he saw a storm, instead of avoiding it, he would fly directly towards it. His aerobatic skills were conspicuous by its absence.  And each landing, if it could even be called that, was carried out with the almost certain probability of breaking one or more body parts.
To be honest, he didn't understand why Uncle Scrooge allowed the kids to fly with him.  More than that, he didn't understand how his Uncle Scrooge would… well, actually, he could expect anything from his uncle, even hiring the worst pilot in history for the sake of being cheap. 
Anyway, this wasn’t the time to complain about it. They were there to fulfill a mission. He couldn’t let a new reason for discussion with his uncle distract him from the important task at hand.
Getting up from where he had fallen when the plane crashed, Donald's first thought was to check how the children were and see if they had been hurt:
"Are you all okay?"
"Yes, we’re fine Uncle Donald." Dewey replied being the first of the children to get up. Louie soon followed his example and stood up saying:
"Yes, I think this landing has been a fairly smooth landing, considering the ones we’ve experienced so far."
Donald’s eyes widened in surprise at those words and before he could hold back, exclaimed:
His uncle, who was also sitting up, hastened to calm his upset nephew by saying:
"Donald, don't be upset. Now’s not the time."
The sailor-dressed duck glared at his uncle for a few moments. But soon his features softened and trying to breathe calmly, he said:
"Right, right… so what we have to do-"
Dewey suddenly cut him off saying excitedly:
"What we have to do is burst through the doors showing fear and kick Beaks-"
Again, Donald's eyes widened in horror as he listened to his nephew's plan. No! If they did that, Beaks would quickly find out and run away, probably taking Huey with him before they could find them. What Dewey was proposing wasn’t an option. Donald cut the boy off and said instead:
"No! If that parrot discovers that we are going after him, he could either escape or use Huey against us. We’ve got to be smarter.”
Beakley nodded and looking at Scrooge said:
"I agree with Donald, we cannot simply attack, we must figure out a plan."
The superhero who had come with them, approached the rest of the group and joined the conversation:
"I agree with that, from what I saw, before discovering the children on board and before 'landing', this building here is very similar… rather identical to the Waddle building in Duckburg, so if I'm right, this can be very useful to us.”
And with that said, from the inside of his suit he took out a paper of considerable dimensions. How could he fit it in there? Gizmoduck unfolded that paper and it turned out to be…
"Is this a map of the building?" Webby asked, and Dewey added:
"Where did you get it?"
Looking at the two children, Gizmoduck replied in a slightly embarrassed voice:
"I got it when I was still working for Beaks, before… well, you know."
"Yeah, yeah, we got it. Now let's focus on what's important." Louie said, and honestly, Donald wasn't surprised that he was the one to say that. He knew the youngest of the triplets was one of the most practical children he had ever met. He didn’t say it out of father's pride, but because it was the truth.
The robotic superhero nodded and unfolded the map for all to see. After a brief inspection, Beakley finally straightened up saying:
"From what I see the building has only two exits. it isn’t a very good design, actually."
Webby also got up and looking at Scrooge's housekeeper, asked her puzzled:
"Why not granny?"
The spy woman looked at her granddaughter and answered:
"Strategically speaking, if they were attacked, they would be quickly cornered if the attackers managed to control both exits. Those in the interior would have no escape. Unless, they had a secret exit that doesn’t appear on this map. But I doubt that that is the case.”
Donald frowned and determinedly said:
"That is precisely what we’ll do."
"How? What do you suggest we do lad?” Scrooge asked, arching an eyebrow. Donald looked at him determinate and then explained:
"We’ll divide into two groups and attack the building from both sides. Doing it in that way, Beaks won’t be able to escape and we’ll have a better chance of rescuing Huey."
His uncle Scrooge seemed to agree with the idea because he smiled slightly and crossing his arms said:
"Perfect lad. How should we divide?"
Before Donald could answer the question, Dewey spoke instead:
"I guess now you’ll say that we stay here, won’t you?"
Donald looked at his nephew, and Webby and with a soft smile. He replied to the adults’ great surprise:
"No, actually I think the best thing is for you kids to come too. As for the way to divide, I think the best thing would be for one group to be formed by Uncle Scrooge, Gizmoduck, and Webby and the second group will be formed by Beakley, the boys, and myself.”
Immediately after say that, Launchpad spoke for the first time since landing. He asked:
"And what do I do, Mr. D.?"
Donald looked at him with wide eyes. Honestly… he had forgotten about the pilot. But, on the other hand, there was a mission that only McQuack could carry out. Donald said:
"Launchpad, I think the best thing would be for you to stay watching over the plane and have it ready for when we return with Huey."
Out of the corner of his eye, the sailor-dressed duck saw Beakley smile and, while folding his arms, said:
"Well thought Donald."
Donald turned to her and answered honestly:
"Thank you."
Then he looked at the others and speaking in a determined voice, said:
"Now if we all agree, let's go for Huey!"
"YES!" they all cheered raising their fists.
Entering the building had been easy. There weren’t guards, nor closed doors, which made their work much easier. It seemed they had stolen some good luck from Gladstone. In Donald’s group, Beakley had decided to take the lead, given his experience in combat. Donald took the decision to put himself in the rear, so that the boys would be protected by both adults.
Beakley was very determined to prevent them from being discovered. She constantly signaled to others by telling them where there were cameras and where they had to go to avoid being caught. It almost seemed she had a sixth sense for detecting cameras. It was amazing!
As they advanced, Donald was constantly looking at his boys, just to make sure they were there and they hadn't… disappeared, too. The sailor-dressed duck knew perfectly well Huey's kidnapping had been planned and executed only against him. But despite knowing it, he could still feel in his heart, the constant fear of losing his other boys, and wasn’t willing to allow that happen again. Not on his guard.
Donald was so deep in thought that he almost jumped when after turning a corner, roughly halfway down the hall, a door opened, revealing Graves was coming out of it. The hawk was surprised to see the intruders there, a few meters from him. He quickly overcame his surprise and faced them.
Beakley had stopped protectively in front of everyone, while Donald ran ahead of his nephews so they were both protected by two adults. Donald wasn’t willing to allow the bird in front of them to harm his boys.
With a smirk on his face, Graves suddenly said:
"Wow, what a surprise. You must be that boy's family."
Donald growled dangerously. His patience was at that moment a very thin line that could be snapped at any moment. To make things worse, the petulant attitude that this… muscular bird showed, did nothing to contain what little patience the adult duck still had. Taking a step forward, Donald said harshly:
"Where's my nephew?! I know it was you who kidnapped him!”
The hawk put a puzzled face at first, like he didn't know what they were talking about, or maybe… maybe he didn't understand what Donald had just asked him… probably the latter. After a few moments, the hawk smiled again and replied:
"Where is he? To be honest, I don’t know. Although I doubt there’s much left of him to rescue."
"What do you mean by that?" asked the adult duck with a mixture of horror and fury in his voice. It wasn’t necessary to look at his other nephews to know that they were most likely feeling the same way he was feeling with what the hawk had just said.
Widening his smile, Graves continued:
"That boy is truly pathetic. Trying for days to cling to the hope someone would come to rescue him at any moment."
Then he laughed out loud and added:
"It was fun to gradually destroy that hope and turn it into fear and hatred towards his family."
Donald narrowed his eyes and speaking in a dangerous voice began to ask:
"How dare you…?"
"We did our best to find our brother, we were… we are very worried for him." said Dewey, stepping forward.
The hawk stared at the children – at his boys – and after giving a snort of amusement, he said:
"Do my ears betray me? You are worried for him? Don't make me laugh, you had a lot of time to find him, and you didn't even know how to do it. Or maybe… you didn't want to do it.”
That was it. That hawk had just signed his death sentence. Donald felt his body tremble with fury, his clenched hands were clenched even tighter, and he knew it wasn't long before there was an explosion. Beakley turned to him and began to say:
"He’s trying to make us mad, Donald, we have to be smarter than him, also, at first glance it seems that this hawk is an expert fighter, I think it would be better if you let me-"
Too late
"AQWQWAUQWQHNAUHQWOOANHGAUGHUKKKAHFAU!" The sailor-clad duck suddenly screamed, and instantly adopted his classic fighting stance (maybe he should patent it). After a few small jumps, Donald charged straight for the hawk, who probably didn't expect someone of such a smaller size to start literally spinning around him at full speed, punching him in the head, pulling his beak, kicking him here and there incessantly… and not giving him time to fight back.
In the midst of his fight, he could hear Beakley start to say:
"Wow, I guess Falcon…"
"Didn't take into account Uncle Donald's legendary fury." Dewey finished.
Although he couldn't see it, he imagined Louie had his hands in his sweatshirt’s pockets while saying:
"Yes… I almost feel sorry for him."
Beakley and Dewey should’ve looked at him, because shortly after saying that, Louie added:
"What? Just almost."
During his fight, Donald struck Graves hard. The hawk stumbled backwards, hitting the wall and falling unconscious to the ground. Everything would have been great if it wasn't for hitting the wall, Falcon collided right into a control panel, hitting just one button that triggered a loud and noisy alarm.
Oh phooey
His infamous bad luck had struck again.
"Oh, oh, this isn’t good." said Dewey covering his ears, something the others had also done. That alarm would surely set Beaks in motion, Donald looked at the others and said alarmedly:
"Let's hurry up! We’ve got to find Huey!” 
And without wasting time they all started running down the corridors, knowing that it was absurd to kept a low profile. Donald didn't know how long they had actually been running, seconds? Minutes? It was difficult to determine with his heart beating a thousand times an hour in fear of how his nephew would be when they finally found him. Suddenly, as he ran, a screaming voice suddenly reached his ears:
"That's a lie! Huey would never want to be with you!”
That was Webby's voice! It didn't sound far. Did that mean they had found Huey? The idea that they could have found his nephew urged him to run faster. And apparently, he wasn't the only one who believed it. The other members of his group were soon running as fast as he was.
Donald took the lead this time. The mere thought of seeing his missing nephew again, made him quicken his pace and become increasingly separated from Beakley and the children. The sailor-dressed duck turned a corner and, in the distance, he could see Huey. The poor boy had one hand on his head and another on his chest, both clenched tightly, as if he felt pain in both places.
Looking at him a little more closely, the adult duck saw that his nephew was breathing very fast, it seemed like… as if… he was having a panic attack! No! He had to calm him down as soon as possible! Suddenly, the red-dressed duckling fell to his knees.
No, no, no, no!
"HUEY!" shouted Donald, speeding up his run. His nephew needed him! He needed him now!
The older triplet then fell to the ground. Donald saw how his eyes looked at him momentarily and there seemed to be a spark of recognition in them. Huey had seen him! Almost instantly afterward, his eyelids closed and the boy seemed unconscious. What had happened to his nephew to end up in that state? Donald sped up even more if that was possible. He had to get to his nephew, check how he was doing- he had to make sure his boy was fine!
Everything else disappeared around Donald. The only thing the sailor-dressed duck could see was the unconscious figure of his nephew on the ground. The adult duck was almost there. He had almost reached his boy! Just by extending his arm he could-
A pair of gray feathered hands suddenly entered his field of vision surrounding Huey's small body. The appearance of those unexpected limbs made Donald stop short. Especially when he realized that his nephew was being lifted off the ground easily, as if he weighed nothing. In fact, from his appearance, Huey's weight it must be much less than would correspond to a child his age. What kind of monster deprived a growing age boy of food? The poor duckling seemed to be practically in his bones… well, maybe saying that was an exaggeration. But really Huey was much thinner than he should be and was close to looking like he was going to starve.
Seeing his nephew like that, Donald had one clear thing. Beaks was going to pay for everything he had done to Huey, that was a promise!
Donald shook his head; this wasn’t the time to think about what he would do to Beaks. The priority at those moments was to get that parrot to release Huey. Looking up to see the brain behind the kidnapping of his nephew, behind all the pain, suffering and despair the boy had suffered during his imprisonment.
There, before his eyes was Mark Beaks with one of his arms surrounding Huey's abdomen while, with his free hand, he was holding a mobile phone near the unconscious duckling's head. The gray parrot looked at them all with evident fury and suddenly screamed:
"Not one more step if you don't want the boy to die!"
Okay, I think someone said it was Graves who activated the alarm. To this person, yes, that was the right answer, but I think no one expected Graves activated it by accident after being had hit like he was by Donald. Did you like it? Was it funny? I thought that by adding a little bit of humor in the story would help a little to everyone’s mind.
Okay, after say that, I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I also would like to thank to all the people who’d read this story, the ones who commented, those who reblogged it and: @mysteriouswriter72 @elianemariane17 @araminakilla20 @hakuneki07 @i-cant-find-any-creative-name @gizmovi @some-dum-wizard-bitch @infamousquack  @margaretnobbs @alphatheplant @sugerheart @squackcrowquack @nsbfenro @marshmeadow12 @ohgeeeznotagain @constellations1 @isabellanajera @you-big-palooka @deathcat003 @dragonsareawesome123 @via15 @wellshit333 @ninjawarrior100 @your-salty-dorito @rowan-npg @thesuperepicawesomefireninja @duckworth-is-love @worldsbesteagle @shaz231 @cherriesandpoison @softlemonboi @rosebu-uds @mulaneysnl @ihavenonamehalp @drummergirl231 @narnour-momo-007 @via15 @trash-queen-fahey @gamerfansims389 @lesbianz4glomgoldje @jessie-00 @maclove54north @northofanvi @maditheanimaniacuwu @gabrielpainterfest-blog @Variousfandompage @whiteeyesandtina @official-toebeans @r6sedust @gabrielpainterfest
And if I’ve forgot someone, I’m sorry
See you in the next chapter 😉
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