#[ and altho she'd rarely admit it that's true ]
dolgelo · 6 years
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♕ ♕SPILL  MITSURU’S  SECRETS||  accepting  ||  @orgiia  
👻- For something that scares or disturbs them, but they refuse to tell anyone
[ already replied to these here ! ]
🏹- For a talent they wish they had
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that was a funny one. no one would have probably believed her if she was to speak the truth of her mind; the skill she did lack, for how absurd it did sound like, had proved itself to be a rather popular matter of discussion - capable of igniting discourses or push them to one funny or even painfully uninspiring end. but that was the charm it had !  nothing else seemed to matter, besides maybe gossip, for fellow girls and classmates Mitsuru had the chance to meet and see; after all, what could teens her own age divulged into, if not playful banter. 
         «  Honestly, is it childish to think I’d have found useful the talent of a quick tongue ?  Iori is a good example of that, he always has the right answer for all occasions; and I mean funny ones, while humor remains one subjective matter. I wish I could make people feel as light-hearted and happier as he, Akihiko or our Leader too can, at times.  »
📒- For a secret journal/diary they keep (Bonus: Share an entry from it!)
[ funny story, i’m currently translating the official fanbook of the various version of persona, where the characters all seem to have a IC recorder they use to record what they did that day AND a private blog they use, either publicly or for SEES members only. so yea, Mitsuru keeps a diary !  and… i guess under the read more i’ll copy one of the official, true Kirijo diary extract ahah, from when Mitsuru returns home after the film festival ]  
30TH AUGUST 2009:
“ Eternal love… although they sacrificed all they had for love, the two movie protagonists decided to marry each other anyway. Yes, that boy and girl. Their lives will continue on after they’ve gotten married, they’ll move in together but all their past dreams will be impossible to achieve anymore. A wedding is nothing more than a contract between two different parties. But for others, it is to be considered a new starting point. And your life spent together, although never eternal, will be blessed by true neverending love… but perhaps I’m being way too idealistic, right? If I were to be born into a different family, like Takeba or Yamagishi, what would have I thought about all this? … fufu~ until the day I get married, I can only hypothesize how it will be for me. Well, tomorrow is the last day of vacation we can use to relax. Let’s enjoy it. ”
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