#(( hc ;; ʰᵒʷ ᵗʰᵉ ᵖʳᶤᶰᶜᵉˢˢ ᵇᵉᶜᵃᵐᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᵉᵐᵖʳᵉˢˢ ))
dolgelo · 5 years
🍕 = What is your muse’s usual pizza order? Do they order any drinks, sides, or desserts to go with it? 🛑  = What is one of your muse’s pet-peeves?  🔆  = Out of your muse’s group of friends, who do they find the most attractive? Would they ever ask them out?
♕ ♕MUSE  QUESTIONS||  accepting  
🍕 = What is your muse’s usual pizza order? Do they order any drinks, sides, or desserts to go with it?
[ bold of you to think she knows what that is or has ever tasted some ahaha !  as your local pizza expert though, I am absolutely sure she would just stick with the very simplest kind – IF she ever gets to experience such heaven on earth. someone take her there… ] 
🛑  = What is one of your muse’s pet-peeves?
[ probably the belittling of women and girls, no matter the circumstances. it truly makes her blood boil and it was a nice addition in the female scenario, how she makes sure to remind the rest of the group that having a woman as a leader should and has to be the same as having a man occupying the same role. she was Leader of SEES for some years, then she gets back the title for Shadows Ops and her own Group, she can’t tolerate that type of behaviour and prejudices. it gets her blood boiling.
Mitsuru would prefer people complaining, for example, or saying she isn’t a good leader for mere capabilities, judgment and way of carrying on her work and purpose than receiving the same treatment and justify it with “you’re a woman, so of course you’d fail”. she’s there to prove it wrong by just existing, sometimes, and I love her for it.  ] 
🔆  = Out of your muse’s group of friends, who do they find the most attractive? Would they ever ask them out?
[ she’s not prone to see one’s beauty as a first thing, at least not before one’s intellectual abilities and skills ahaha like her social link and preferences do show. but Mitsuru is a beautiful girl herself, she’s considered as much. she says, in the official novel, just how much care and time she puts in her physical appearance and beauty  ( mainly to prove that one girl can be strong and clever and beautiful at the same time, she seems to have some doubts about her own femininity )  –  so while not one top priority she seeks out in people, she can appreciate neat and attractive company. 
out of SEES, I guess she’d find attractive boys like Akihiko, maybe girls like Yukari. Yukari simply due to her charm  ( and that would make MC one candidate too, if the charm stat is maxed out )  - she gets to be a model in Arena, so her beauty is not to be discussed. everyone in SEES would call her cute, beautiful etc etc. Akihiko too, he’s called attractive by half the school, and I think she would really admire the care he puts on his body too !  they are really similar in that regard, while they mostly kept doing it, in the past, for very different reasons. being so close, she’d have no problems asking him to go out... unless. it’s somewhat romantic. but they are the slowest slow burn, so no problems !  ]  
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dolgelo · 5 years
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[ Mitsuru’s idea of romance is a deeply inaccurate one, despite what she may say or try to convince you to believe - at least till Arena, which is to be taken into considerations for the mere fact that no traces of romance or mentions of it are present there. her Social Link is definitely rushed at some parts, I guess starting from Rank 7-8 onwards. and while full of flaws and with the whole fiancé matter be tossed off in a matter of days  ( consider you can begin interactions really really late in game, even with your Academics maxed out you will probably end her SLink some days before the final Boss ) , it still gives the impression Mitsuru really has no objective idea of how romance works.
even though the choice of making her datable only if you have your stat of Academics maxed out was most likely made for gameplay/challenge reasons alone, it still reflects the idea of touching an almost perfect level of knowledge -- which Mitsuru admits she finds attractive and worthy of her time. she’s student council president, Gekkoukan’s golden girl and irradiates an aura of utter intimidation and respect -- so much that Akihiko’s fan club keeps their distance too, when needed. combine it with her very picky tastes, her sense of rigidity and her lack of time, and you get almost the impossible picture to replicate, in reality. which person could ever meet all the requirements and still be a peer of her ?
Mitsuru has grown up with little to no true realistic images of love around her, and while not too uncommon, it could have had a toll on her psyche - especially if you pile up the duty of a Kirijo and the next successor as CEO of her family company to that too. her parents didn’t marry for love but fell for one another with time, but her mom left when she was still too young. aside from that, she says she used to read romance novels, classic ones, but that was the extent of it. the first time she speaks of romance in-game is when she is seen searching for books of that kind in the library, and can’t understand why the idea of marriage seems to ‘annihilate’ romance and is barely told in books and novels. 
“I’m not very good at romantic relationships. I have no spare time to devote to another.”
“Marriage is a social construct and must be carefully thought out. There are fewer books about marriage and family life than romance ones. Is marriage worth the sacrifice?”
“Wherever I run, the road will lead to regret. [...] I have put forth many times more effort because I am a woman, and what has it brought me? Marriage to a complete stranger, having my name and group stripped from me, expected to conceive a heir...”
Mitsuru distinguishes love from marriage and can’t seem to link the two concepts at the time of Rank 7; coming from the representation of the Empress Arcana, meant to represent family, nurturing, and even marriage, it gets even more powerful. she is certain that no love could be ever involved in her case or in most marriages in the long run, and that that one feeling can be instead found easily in the more, for her, frivolous, simpler dating aspect -- one she was never granted, in her teen years, the privilege of experiencing, because of her betrothed.
yet she is described as a fan of romantic and adventurous stories, she is seen extremely lovable and caring in that little time she actually does show it for the protagonist. I think she’d be happy too at the protag being in love, genuinely so and deeply too - har em route doesn’t exist in this house, with someone else  ( or akihiko too, whenever I feel masochistic and and you fancy some pain and “what’s this feeling?? funny bc we’re friends right ? right?” scenarios SIGH, which can be applied to mitsuru too - but perhaps when much older than her p3 self AAAA ). i think her main issue, in p3 times, with it is that she’s more in love with the concept of love than actually having true sentiments of passion. 
that is also why I think, to change her perspective, she would need and prefer someone way more down to earth; while she’s mostly immersed in her novels, caged concepts and so on, the simplest and even sometimes most common aspect of romance, fights too, could really open her eyes on how the world does seem to go. her Persona goes from an unconquerable Amazon who finds her demise for love, to a powerful Queen and mother (for artemisia of caria) / goddess of freedom, nature and womanhood (for artemis) and that must also be taken into consideration ] 
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dolgelo · 5 years
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Expensive cologne for important occasions she must attend, but she prefers more delicate and subtle scents, especially flowery ones. Her favourite scents are rose and jasmine. She can often smell of treated leather due to some pieces of clothes, like her motorcycle jacket or part of her Shadow Ops uniform, made of that very material, but she doesn’t like it. 
Daily, she just loves feeling perfectly clean at all times and places; plus, considering her training sessions, fencing one included, and the recurring battles against Shadows, it’s also more than comprehensible. And so, especially after said battles (and it matters not if she had bathed/showered before already), she just feels the urge to get under a long, relaxing and hot shower again once home, before sleep. Most of her shower beauty products, body creams, lotions and oils are made of biological components and often smell like roses too - making the air of the bathroom often assume that very pleasant scent after she has used it. While at the dorm, showers were more practical, Mitsuru still prefers taking baths - she finds them more peaceful. After her bath/shower, the next hours or so are strictly dedicated to the care, conditioning and curling of her long hair, making her end her routing pretty late at night when she has to go out for Tartarus explorations. Her sponge is usually pink, as well as her towels. That’s a cute detail. 
No, nothing at all. Yet, as a very young child, many family members insisted in vain she got her earlobes pierced to wear jewellery and earrings, but she refused to let anything prick her, arriving at the brink of tears at times due to her phobia of needles and of literally anything that could even remotely look like one. To the present days, her ears are still untouched.
Embracing or touching her own waist/hips, slightly, when crossing her arms, but she often doesn’t even realize that. When nervous, she often wiggles her legs when sitting and is known for tapping either her index finger to a surface or heel to the ground when worried about something or someone. Another yet cuter quirk is her flipping her long hair when they get too in the way of her visage of chest.  
During her dormitory stay, she had to wear PJs, and actually has many of them to choose from each night after her routine shower. Those are mostly very informal, and not something she would usually wear at home, though, but they were necessary for the sake of peaceful and normal cohabitation. In fact, she collects pieces of night lingerie she probably rarely uses to sleep - but for her own pleasure first and foremost, naturally once a tad older and out of Iwatodai dormitory. Cuter and more revealing nightdresses amaze her terribly ever since Yukari gifted her one as a joke but no one knows it but her and her maids, probably, so she often opts for soft, frilly and less crazy mini nightdresses and slips... or directly her underwear if comfortable enough. 
Blouses! She wears them since she was but a child, but growing up she got into them head over heels. Of course, not simple ones, but coming from the most expensive and exclusive stylists and fashion brands. You name it, she probably commissioned one frilly, blinding white blouse from them. She finds them comfortable and reminds her of her school uniform too. Plus, she thinks white suits her. The softer and more decorated the blouses are, the happier Mitsuru is!
Fetal position but she moves a bit in her sleep, and often finds herself sleeping on her stomach, her arms hugging, or under, the pillow.
Her hands are quite delicate, her fingers pale and long. On normal circumstances, if you were to hold it, you’d see how her palm is much warmer than her fingers, which present usually a colder temperature. Despite not wearing rings or jewels on her fingers, she puts great care in her hands, on their looks and on how they feel to the touch. She always carries a scented cream to hydrate and moisturize them, if she needs to. Her fingernails are never too short, nor too long, and always painted of either red or pale pink, manicured with extreme precision and care by either Mitsuru herself or her staff of beauticians. She has a small callus or two on her right hand due to her grip on her sword or her pen. 
A weird mix between peppermint and cherry, which are components of her favorite chopstick as well. Unless she ate chocolate. Then she just tastes like the best chocolate cake you will ever get, whipped cream and all. It’s in contrast with her usual flower scents, because her taste would definitely lean more on the fruity side of things though. Sweet nonetheless. She’d taste like you have just been granted access through the gates of heaven.
TAGGED BY: i saw  @lucenumbra ‘s and i feel in love so i HAD TO TAGGING: take this if you waaant
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dolgelo · 5 years
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NAME:  Mitsuru Kirijo NICKNAME:  Senpai, President of student council, Miss/Milady, Imperious Queen Of Executions and also “Mitchan” by Teddie in PQ. GENDER:  Female. ROMANTIC/SEXUAL ORIENTATION:  Demiromantic & demisexual. While I think she’s leaning on boys considering her Social Link and words, I doubt she’d ever think of commitments of that kind without having a solid bond with the other party before. PREFERRED PET NAMES:  She really doesn’t care much for nicknames and such but she generally does not like most of them. The Imperious-Queen-Of-Executions and Mitchan have shown her actively not liking them. If she is especially close to the other party involved and the nickname does not comprehend execution jokes, she may close an eye or two. May or may not have grown fond of the idea Akihiko would have called her “princess” back in middle school days when he didn’t still call her by her first name just to tease her. 
RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Canon-ly speaking she’s “sitting alone on her icy throne” – if we must take Arena games for accurate. I usually portray her confused and crushing relatively hard depending on the partner and the situation, but that’s not too different from the reality coming out of her Social Link interactions. Mitsuru speaks of a very important person in her life during the Arena ending, which may be a hint at a past relationship with the Protagonist or the fiancé drama she went through. The spicy tension between her and Akihiko as adults is fun to write. FAVORITE CANON SHIP:  She has no canon ships, my friends. No one does in Persona but Junpei and Chidori. The hints at my favs tho... the hints hidden in books... cowards... FAVORITE NON-CANON SHIP:  I am a proud Akimitsu ambassador until my dying day, I just love them too much. And if you’d let me do this, I would talk about them nonstop for days. The fact p3 and its spinoffs, novels, books and other merchandise made this ship walk on the thin line between canon and not are also fueling my soul so much you guys, you need to know it. So I’m really not sure whether the place for this ship is in this section, actually.
OPINION ON TRUE LOVE:  Growing up I feel Mitsuru came to think that it’s something almost unattainable, that there’s not such a thing as that unless you search for it in novels and romance books. The idea of finding a perfect partner is rather alien to her after all she had to endure, yet also mainly for mere lack of time and patience; secondly, her heritage and family name don’t make things easier for her on that front - which makes her pretty melancholic when it comes to love and descriptions of it. Still, she remains definitely the romantic type. True love may be as fortuitous as finding a precious gem somewhere -- hard but not impossible. She is not searching actively for that but, also due to her Arcana-based traits, is comparable to a great blessing and stroke of gratuitous luck. OPINION ON LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT:  That’s even worse than true love for her. She’d consider it something more keen to a mere infatuation - typical of youngsters or of people with no interests in deepening a bond beforehand. Since she never experienced it, Mitsuru bases the phenomenon on a hormonal illusion / physical appearance and beauty taking heed of one’s mind and nothing more. Well, she’s more of a brain-type anyway and always will remain so... but with age, she might come to understand what triggers “love at first sight” slightly more, and maybe to excuse it even. She falls in love just with people she know she can trust and that mentally would be able to challenge her own skills and... yeah, kids, max your Academics. HOW ‘ROMANTIC’ ARE THEY?:  Mitsuru can be too romantic at times-- a fact that deeply embarrasses the girl. For the longest time, she’s been reading romance novels of all ages and times, developing one idealistic version of the sentiment behind it and the dynamics two lovers have, according to classic literature. It’s a wrong impression but that’s all she was allowed to know of, I guess. I often repeat that she kinda feels in love with the idea of being in love, and being loved back, more than the idea of sharing her life and intimacy with a person so close to her -- she’s not experienced and she has her own thoughts, but that doesn’t mean it won’t change as time passes.
IDEAL PHYSICAL TRAITS:  Well, Mitsuru is a pro-fencer and is extremely dedicated to physical appearance and beauty. She’d love someone who puts great care in that, it’d mirror a part of her she holds very dearly, so it’s easy to imagined it. IDEAL PERSONALITY TRAITS:  Definitely intelligence and positive academic curiosity. It all fascinates her, with the possibility of being committed with someone as dedicated to studies as she is. Again, study harder, kids, and Mitsuru might notice you. UNATTRACTIVE PHYSICAL TRAITS:  Not actually physical but it is definitely not a personality trait. It’s headcanon time: I have always thought Mitsuru would have, BUT ONLY during her teen years, not have minded much someone smoking  ( perhaps with her fiancé also smoking too, eh, we don’t really know much ). She wouldn’t have minded not because she’s a rebel^TM, nor because she’d smoke herself -- quite the contrary, instead. Having developed a sort of “Electra complex” for her father  ( unfortunately confirmed by the books too ),  and being her father a smoker too, I hc’d she wouldn’t have been bothered by this trait, in a partner, simply because it would have reminded her of Takeharu. BUT. But. But. Actually, with years, the indifference faded away and she does not want someone actively smoking next to her – it is also a big unhealthy habit, and again, Mitsuru being an athlete would really care about it too. UNATTRACTIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS:  Basically all that her fiancé proves to be when scolding her for hesitating before a date: being arrogant, a liar, someone way too domineering - for the wrong reasons - and controlling, and so on.
DO THEY HAVE A TYPE?  Yes, she does and you can’t deny it. AVERAGE RELATIONSHIP LENGTH:  Oh no, she has zero true experiences, because the fiancé arrangement is just a source of angst for her - something she did not choose for herself but simply accepted to go through for the well-being of her Group. She never saw herself into it due to his “asshole-ry” but she’s not the type who’d be down for small adventures or quite insignificant flirts. She commits, one way or another. So be warned. Red cranes only have a partner, jan... PREFERRED NON-SEXUAL INTIMACY:  Probably intimate, soft touching, stroking or playing with her hair  /  the other’s hair. Do you know how much care she puts on the beauty of her hair ?  Mitsuru letting someone else touch her curls would be a sign of complete trust and love. She’s not too fond of hugs or frequent contact per se unless she gets used to them, which may require time.  COMMITMENT LEVEL:  As I said before, she’d give all she can for her partner, and with no reserves. Almost to extreme levels, ahah. Her trust and love have to be conquered through tears and sweat. She will haunt your dreams and never forgive you if you don’t do the same for her and still proclaim yourself to be her second half. She’s not spoiled or anything - she’s definitely not a primadonna too. but she wants love and romance to be true if really pursued, all of it, 100%, and if you’re sure of it as she is, then why are you even bothering ?  She’s Mitsuru hecking Kirijo, my dudes.  OPINION ON PUBLIC AFFECTION:  Did someone order a flustered Mitsuru saying nonsense out of sheer frustration ?  If said public signs of affection are almost hidden, too-subtle-for-you or happening in not crowded spaces -- or simply at home, when no one can see her, then perhaps she may close an eye or two. She’s not as bold as that. Stroking of hands, very gentle hand-holding... that is alright, but kisses or anything more than that is seriously borderline for her... unless it’s somewhere closed and private where no one can see you.   PAST RELATIONSHIPS:  Well, Mitsuru ended the marriage agreement before it was too late like a true boss, so don’t test her, she’ll make you cry. Aside from that, nothing relevant as I said before – mc’s relationship with her might have happened but has never been confirmed and the fact it ends right a couple of days before Nyx will always irk me ahahah 
TAGGED:  stolen oleh TAGGING:  @sabazio  @enshijou  @aragakisan  and whoever
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dolgelo · 5 years
For mothers day, a question: how is Mitsuru's relationship with her mother?
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[ OOO thank you so much for this question, kind anon !  you are enabling one big book here ahaha, but let’s see, i may need to add one read more if things get a bit out of hand but yea !  this is an interesting subject… 
it’s canon information at this point, just what kind of woman Hanae Kirijo is. considering how motherly Mitsuru happens to be, once she had enough room and time to cultivate such bonds and getting to know her friends, one’s first thought could be that her own mother figure had happened to be one extremely kind and sometimes strict, present parental figure. it is not that correct though: we know for certain Hanae is extremely ill and she was forced to leave the Kirijo household when Mitsuru was still a baby/child to get treated overseas - returning home once in a while for important occasions. 
it is unclear when she left Mitsuru and Takeharu exactly, but I guess some math is in order and could help us, haha. Mitsuru is born of May 1991. Persona 1, whose antagonist’s story is bound to Kirijo and Mitsuru’s grandfather’s  ( we can say he was one of the biggest influences behind Kouetsu’s Kirijo’s nihilism and search for the Plumes of Dusk )  happened in the autumn (?) of year 1996; Mitsuru was 5. plus, Persona 2  ( and by that time Kouetsu was conducting already Persona experiments on children and on Shadows, Mitsuru was a victim as well )  happened just a bunch of months prior to Kouetsu’s violent death in the lab explosions in Port Island. in the CD DRAMA where Hanae stars, she sees Mitsuru in a mourning kimono and tells her daughter that  “kimonos have started to look good on you”; it implies she must have seen her way younger daughter wearing traditional clothes once, and that might not have been something not as elegant as what we might have imagined - perhaps due to the young age of such recurrences. after all, the Kirijo family seems tied to very old fashioned traditions, it made me think the episodes Hanae could have been referring to might have been ceremonies of good fortunes for children, of ShichiGoSan. that would mean Hanae was around when Mitsuru might have been three, but not anymore when she was older than five.
it means that, effectively, Mitsuru really had not much time to bond firmly with her own mom. she mentions, in the same CD DRAMA, of how her little rebel, smaller self would go out of her way to bring her mother and father some fruits as gifts, from the garden trees at her mansion, but that was it. I have no doubts that Hanae remained a very important figure in her growth, though. she is shown as a very kind and affectionate woman, despite the frequent memory losses and tiredness she presents. she loves Mitsuru dearly, and frequently mentions how important she is for her. I have no doubts this kind of strong love is returned fully. one could say Mitsuru is much like a mother figure to her friends also thanks to this too. the dream and desire of being raised more thoroughly by her mom might have influenced her behavior in a way she wouldn’t be able to even admit.
moreover, Mitsuru really looks up to her mother for the marriage issue. she mentioned in her Social Link how she intended, at first, to follow her parents’ path in marriage, behaving their same way and accepting an arranged agreement, that would have seen her being wife to a man she barely knew for political strategies. Hanae confesses to Mitsuru the same happened to her but that, at the same time, Takeharu “was the only one I have ever loved.”  inside her heart, I’m sure Mitsuru hoped to be maybe as lucky as her mother and father. which definitely isn’t the case with her fiancé. in the same scene, though, Hanae gives her courage, saying she “can find her special person at any given time” and that she wants to know of this special person as soon as she can, in a way also encouraging her to perhaps… look further. I’m sure Hanae would approve everything that could make Mitsuru happy, a marriage of love included ! 
Hanae swears of trying and take care of the mansion in Mitsuru’s absence, once Takaharu dies. despite college keeping her busy for the time being, I see Mitsuru trying to spend as much time as she can with her mom. ill or not, Mitsuru is already so close to her, that could only make the relationship grow even stronger than before. reading together, conversing while drinking a good cup of tea. they happen to be very similar - in appearance and in character. loving and caring to represent a sort of guide… it’s a beautiful, solid bond. and I’m sure it will shape Mitsuru’s personality even as an adult. 
one funny note is that Hanae is against her daughter driving the motorcycle though, I guess in fear she could get hurt - and not due to that being not a very lady-like activity. she is, still, aware of the experiments Mitsuru underwent as a kid, of the Dark Hour and of Personae while still being surprised when subjected to such phenomena, a clear hint that she left before Mitsuru was chosen as a test subject but that she was kept informed of her child’s status and health, one way or another. from Takeharu, I suspect, who was against the procedures and tortures as well. in the same CD DRAMA we see her almost intentioned in wearing the Dark Hour Ring and following Mitsuru through the cursed hour, but Mitsuru intervenes and tells her it would only make her feel sicker. she does it anyway which is surprising to everyone, Kikuno and Mitsuru included, even though it debilitates her more than her illness does already. ]
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dolgelo · 5 years
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Ascendent:  Aries
Sun:  Taurus
Moon:  Aquarius
The personality is set amidst the backdrop of excelling. You want to make an impact on the world and project yourself with intense energy and primal power.
PROS:  adventurous, pioneering, competitive, confident, strong leadership qualities, straight forward, contagious enthusiasm, warm, generous CONS:  attention getting, need for recognition, quick tempered, impulsive, rash behavior, selfish, accident prone
You are of the earth and firmly set on the physical plane, whether basking in the garden of earthly delights or out conquering the world. Here is both the sensualist and purposeful achiever. You live your life through the immediacy of the five senses. There is a love of all things beautiful so the desire for pleasure and acquisition is strong. 
As much as green is the color of springtime and continual renewal, you are not comfortable with change. Rather, you have great reserves of strength in order to acquire or preserve what you value. An ingrained determination counteracts a lazy or passive streak. Diligent and persistent, you plod along usually in a traditional or conservative way until you reach your goal.
PROS:  consistent, dependable, patient, sensitive, sensible, warm, loving, artistic, physically capable CONS:  overindulgent, jealous, possessive, stubborn, superficial, resentful, greedy, inflexible, entitled
Independent Heart:
At the center of the personality is a cool detachment. Dark Blue is fiercely independent and loyal.
PROS:  innovative, smart, determined, original CONS:  stubborn, distant, unsympathetic
Tagged by: i stole this ahahah Tagging: @aragakisan  @deathbanchou  @sabazio  @lucenumbra
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dolgelo · 5 years
TAGGED BY :  @memorir
TAGGING :  @lucenumbra  @aragakisan  and whoever !
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RUNNING SPEED   —   8 / 10.
LIFTING STRENGTH   —   7 / 10.
JUMPING ABILITY   —   9 / 10.
STEALTH ABILITY   —   7 / 10.
PAIN TOLERANCE   —   8 / 10.
SWIMMING SPEED   —   6 / 10.
DANCING ABILITY   —   9 / 10.
GENERAL REFLEXES   —   10 / 10.
ARTISTIC ABILITY   —   4 / 10.
MUSICAL PROWESS   —   6 / 10.
COMEDIC ABILITY   —   1 / 10.
COMEDIC TIMING   —   1 / 10.
EXTROVERSION   —   2 / 10.
MORAL COMPASS   —   8 / 10.
EMPATHY   —   10 / 10.
COPING ABILITY   —    2 / 10.
LEVEL OF DENIAL   —    5 / 10
PROTECTOR COMPLEX   —   10 / 10.
DAMSEL COMPLEX   —   2  / 10.
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dolgelo · 6 years
                                       ✨ greek loves.
COME & FIND OUT. Repost, do not reblog! Put down whatever info applies the most.
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All nomos types are organized around duty and the impetus that humans should care for one another in a conscientious way. Nomos types are forward-thinking and responsible lovers who see our commitment to each other not just as "duties" or "obligations," but as opportunities to deepen our own moral stature and cultivate a sense of belonging as well. Nomos types understand that humanity is a social and cooperative species and that very few things of importance can be accomplished by one person setting out for themselves. Consequently, they care especially deeply about the life and values of communities, their friends and social circles, and they often see opportunities for how everyone can be made to work together within them. Nomos types are dependable and trustworthy lovers who believe that (in love as well as in life) just rewards come to those who care not just about themselves, but for their community as a whole. As for good nomos, it must be said that uniting a concern for the affairs of others with selflessness and a genuine humility is no mean feat. All too often, individuals who pay such close attention to the affairs of others as nomos lovers do have hidden, self-serving agendas, such as prying or meddling for the sake of entertaining themselves, acting moralistically or sanctimoniously in order to feel better about themselves, or using the information they glean from their "concern" for others as gossip to elevate their standing within the community.
However, good nomos lovers manage to stay clear of these pitfalls and instead take a sincere and altruistic interest in others. When other people are going through times of trouble, the good nomos lover takes no joy in their misfortune, but understands the gravity of their plight and provides a deeply rooted sense of reassurance. Good nomos lovers listen and involve themselves in the affairs of others responsibly and humbly. They espouse a level-headed practical wisdom in a non-judgmental manner - one that gives the other person a surer and more sensible perspective on their problems. In this way, good nomos lovers are the quiet enablers of our world; people who, through their own counsel and wisdom, gently empower others to learn and grow as they rise to face the challenges before them. Good nomos lovers are not exacting, but realize that they will very likely never receive the same amount of selfless attention from others as they themselves give. They live by the creed that though the needs of friends and loved ones are insatiable, those of us who have the capacity must nevertheless do our best to tend to them and to serve as dutiful guardians, diplomats, and dependable down-to-earth presences to others.
Famous Greeks who have Eros:  Pericles, Xenophon
Your ideal partner is someone who has Agape.  
tagged by:  no one, i stole tagging: idk,  @sabazio   @crossxskulled   @kikunosaikawa  and whoever
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dolgelo · 6 years
character stats !   (  bold all that apply. ) TAGGED BY: i think i just stole this one.
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financial:  WEALTHY / moderate / poor / in poverty medical:  FIT / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non - applicable class or caste:  UPPER / middle / lower education:  QUALIFIED in arena verse / unqualified / STUDYING / other criminal record:  yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / NO
children:  has a child or children / HAS NO CHILDREN / wants children / verse dependent relationship with family:  close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / HAS NO SIBLINGS / siblings are deceased affiliation:  orphaned / adopted / disowned / RAISED BY BIRTH PARENT (S) / not applicable
extroverted / INTROVERTED / in between   ( she was way more extroverted as a child, she’d have often disobeyed her family servants and wandered alone during formal parties or recurrences; another example is seen when she approached the child Kikuno for the first time, in the hospital she was staying at. around the time the experiments on her and Penthesilea started, a while before her grandfather passed in the lad explosion, he personality matured and almost shifted to a much introverted type ) disorganized / ORGANIZED / in between close-minded / open-minded / IN BETWEEN  CALM / anxious / in between disagreeable / AGREEABLE / in between CAUTIOUS / reckless / in between PATIENT / impatient / in between outspoken / reserved / IN BETWEEN LEADER / follower / in between   ( Mitsuru has been literally educated to cover the role of leader, with the idea of her being the only heir of Kirijo. to support this side of her character, too, the fact she was called Leader of the original S.E.E.S. for a couple of active years while being barely more than a child and that, after high school, she founded Shadow Ops and appointed herself its leader and prime fighter in the front line, against Shadows. ) EMPATHETIC / unempathetic / in between optimistic / pessimistic / IN BETWEEN  traditional / modern / IN BETWEEN   ( while Mitsuru is definitely a traditional type of girl, due to her strict and sheltered upbringing that made her view concept as family and pride as something to protect at all costs, it is still true she is designed to lead the Kirijo Group, perhaps the most known organization in Japan for what concerns electronics and everyday’s devices such as radio, tvs and even cellphones. she’s right in between of those two different realities, so to say. ) HARD-WORKING / lazy / in between  CULTURED / uncultured / in between LOYAL / disloyal / in between FAITHFUL / unfaithful / in between
faith :  monotheist / polytheist / ATHEIST / agnostic / it’s complicated   ( it kinda is complicated. she is seen attending shinto cerimonies for her father’s funeral the best possible way, and in the stage play, though, she admits to Akihiko of having barely thought of praying seriously toward god. still, it is what she does the night before Nyx, in the temple. it must be remembered her grandfather, who had a tremendous influence on her psyche when she was but a child, was essentially in love with nihilism and his research - together with Mitsuru’s clueless cooperation, could have affected her thought ) belief in an afterlife :  YES / no / don’t know / don’t care   ( she’d like to, simply for her father ) belief in reincarnation :  yes / no / DON’T KNOW / don’t care philosophical :  YES / no / sometimes   ( she has literally seen her soul personified HAHAHA that’s be the least for her to start questioning life, death and the universe as we know it more than simply under a scientific lens )
combat skills :  EXCELLENT / good / moderate / poor / none   literacy skills :  EXCELLENT / good / moderate / poor / none  artistic skills :  excellent / GOOD / moderate / poor / none technical skills :  excellent / good / MODERATE / poor / none  cooking skills :  excellent / good / moderate / poor / NONE 
drinking alcohol :  never / SOMETIMES / frequently / to excess smoking :  NEVER / sometimes / frequently / to excess other narcotics :  NEVER / sometimes / frequently / to excess medicinal drugs :  never / SOMETIMES / frequently / to excess   ( if the drugs she could have possibly been taking as a child during the Persona experiments - not to mention Plumes of Dusk - aren’t enough, I always imagined her having little but sometimes recurrent problems sleeping after something tragic had just happened - or before Full moons. ) indulgent food :  never / sometimes / FREQUENTLY / to excess   ( she imports sachertorte directly from europe, don’t understimate her when it comes to good and expensive comfort food )  
tagged by:  @deathbanchou tagging: whoever wants to
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dolgelo · 6 years
What Kind Of Love Are You?
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Your Result: STORGE (Companionate Love)
Your romantic relationship is often based on friendship, shared values, goals and compatibility. You are somewhat of a mixture of the pragma type lover and the agape type. To you, a person’s physical attractiveness does not rank high on your priority list. You have relationships that tend to last for a long time. You value commitment, companionship and loyalty in a relationship a lot and to you, compared to passion and excitement. You are someone who is stable and dependable. You do not seek out lots of excitement and have a high degree of trust with a partner.
Tagged by: i stole this yay
Tagging:  HMM whoever is reading this, say i tagged you, i like this test
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dolgelo · 6 years
🏹 👻📒
♕ ♕SPILL  MITSURU’S  SECRETS||  accepting  ||  @orgiia  
👻- For something that scares or disturbs them, but they refuse to tell anyone
[ already replied to these here ! ]
🏹- For a talent they wish they had
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that was a funny one. no one would have probably believed her if she was to speak the truth of her mind; the skill she did lack, for how absurd it did sound like, had proved itself to be a rather popular matter of discussion - capable of igniting discourses or push them to one funny or even painfully uninspiring end. but that was the charm it had !  nothing else seemed to matter, besides maybe gossip, for fellow girls and classmates Mitsuru had the chance to meet and see; after all, what could teens her own age divulged into, if not playful banter. 
         «  Honestly, is it childish to think I’d have found useful the talent of a quick tongue ?  Iori is a good example of that, he always has the right answer for all occasions; and I mean funny ones, while humor remains one subjective matter. I wish I could make people feel as light-hearted and happier as he, Akihiko or our Leader too can, at times.  »
📒- For a secret journal/diary they keep (Bonus: Share an entry from it!)
[ funny story, i’m currently translating the official fanbook of the various version of persona, where the characters all seem to have a IC recorder they use to record what they did that day AND a private blog they use, either publicly or for SEES members only. so yea, Mitsuru keeps a diary !  and… i guess under the read more i’ll copy one of the official, true Kirijo diary extract ahah, from when Mitsuru returns home after the film festival ]  
30TH AUGUST 2009:
“ Eternal love… although they sacrificed all they had for love, the two movie protagonists decided to marry each other anyway. Yes, that boy and girl. Their lives will continue on after they’ve gotten married, they’ll move in together but all their past dreams will be impossible to achieve anymore. A wedding is nothing more than a contract between two different parties. But for others, it is to be considered a new starting point. And your life spent together, although never eternal, will be blessed by true neverending love… but perhaps I’m being way too idealistic, right? If I were to be born into a different family, like Takeba or Yamagishi, what would have I thought about all this? … fufu~ until the day I get married, I can only hypothesize how it will be for me. Well, tomorrow is the last day of vacation we can use to relax. Let’s enjoy it. ”
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dolgelo · 6 years
your friends won’t probably believe you at first when they find out, so you’ll get to see their reaction at the news. who the heck wouldn’t or didn’t dream of dating her at least once ?  don’t lie to yourself, friend.
she’ll personally care of your appearance so that you’ll always look presentable and proper, just in order for whatever occasion or recurrence.
that being said, she’ll be always properly-looking and beautiful, she’ll always smell great and so sweetly and it’s perfect. she is. she’s stunning 24/7, bright as the sun.
powerful woman who won’t be treated poorly or as an object by your side means you also acquire a personal fighter, you can sleep easy when night comes... mostly. she’s not a princess huh not a cutie girlfriend ohno.
you’ll be one of the very few privileged people who’ll witness her becoming a blushing mess. worth gold.
mere material aspect, but Kirijo is synonymous with wealth. basically you also acquire a maid staff at your service too and a personal family stylist as well.
motherly mitsuru just for you.
she will care for your academic career just to assure you the best possible future, now it gets only amplified. she’ll want you to succeed in what you are pursuing and will never stop supporting and aiding you whenever you’re in that specific need.
she’d surprise you with little but elegant dinners and presents on special, private occasions because she’s like that and would want anything to go smoothly. she’s also a romantic at heart so you can expect a lot <3
to see her more relaxed than she’ll ever appear anywhere else.
Yakushima. wow.
you’ll get to experience how warm and compassionate she can be, while everyone just thinks you are together with the ice queen, frigid business CEO. rude :/ you win it all though, they’re just fools.
you can see her practice fencing everyday... i wish it was me.
expensive gifts and expensive food.
no executions if you see her with no clothes. it’s a progress.
motorcycle trips whenever you both desire. she’s pretty adventurous so things like that being proposed would get her so so happy, especially if to be shared.
Mitsuru. she’s Mitsuru Kirijo.
constant danger, for her and your life if things do settle down in the couple. the Group didn’t use to be the most honest one back when her grandfather was in charge and police forces still don’t trust her. Mitsuru in Arena has canon bodyguards escorting her mostly everywhere, all women, all armed in case something would happen to their mistress. she too is shown being able to handle real guns well. so, you’re in for one hell of a ride. not to count the dangers she’d still be in with fighting stronger and stronger shadows.
she’d hardly start physical contact, especially when still not used to it. so it means one has to be patient and help/guide her, she knows very little about contact in general, not to mention romantic kinds. you must be ready for awkwardness, especially at first. once she gets more comfortable though, this con is going away !
same for most things we’d call normal and that she never experienced. losing your patience because, say, she remains in awe inside a cinema will gain you a slap across the face.
dating her means absolute committment.
‘‘holding hand is already so embarrassing i could die... but kissing... oh, no sorry, i wasn’t thinking anything perverse, i swear !  ’’  ( Mitsuru, PQ, wedding scene ); yeah, good luck.
events you won’t care about but that she has to attend with you because of her job.
Persona secrets to keep -- unless you are part of Shadow Operatives as well.
you’ll be subjected to Mitsuru’s jealousy fits when needed... she is extremeeeeely jealous and would rarely forgive some ‘’’’’’errors’’’’’’. if you want to stay with her, you must behave... who wouldn’t though, omg, do you have a death wish...
be ready for gazes of jealousy from other Rich MenTM shooting right at you.
maid stuff can’t only be a positive side yknow......
loss of your surname if wedding is in the air.
general VIP problems and expectations for the heiress of Kirijo you must respect too.  
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dolgelo · 6 years
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[ thinking about it... you know the scene where, in Mitsuru’s social link, the fiancé starts insulting Takeharu right in front of her and protag, saying how happy she should feel now that he’s dead and cannot be there anymore to guide her so she now must  - theoretically -  give her whole self to the men of the Group because, eeeehhh a woman in charge???  and to him of course, since the wedding date was supposed to come earlier than expected, now that the Group had no real chief ?? yea all that mess. that just makes her feel so miserable and shameful before she literally snaps at him in the middle of the Mall and breaks the marriage contract right into his face.
what if he was resentful towards him ??  because either that, or he’s too stupid to think she’d approve and say Takeharu would be better off dead than anything else. what if Takeharu genuinely didn’t want him as her main suitor but was somehow forced to agree with the Group ?  he was CEO but Mitsuru states it’s not just him, and from the very beginning we’re led to think it’s a real round-table full of seemingly awful, old men that  1) don’t trust her or Takeharu that much, probably due to Koetsu’s past influence;  2) don’t want a girl so young in charge without a husband guiding her and thus chaining her, “stripping her away of her name and purpose”;  3) have to agree on major decisions, especially when the CEO is no more, like the wedding date or the chosen suitor himself, given it’d be a marriage of convenience. 
mitsuru’s mom, for instance, in the CD drama seems way looser on the matter than anyone else - encouraging her daughter to actually pursue any true feeling she might have. and she got to marry Takeharu through an arranged marriage, a very happy one as Mitsuru says -- yet still one. we don’t know what her father felt about it, while we know he wanted the best for Mitsuru regardless, especially in order to keep her away from Persona business as much as he could... so it might be he was against the decision and this influenced how the suitor did see him, and consequentially, Mitsuru too. i doubt she would have accepted him or anyone else she felt she would have never loved, to be her husband... but it’s interesting to consider what role did her father play in all that, aside from the one who needed to actually give her away ]
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dolgelo · 7 years
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[ it’s HC TIME. that aaaa i’ve missed. it’s been a while since the last one i posted here. 
we all know Mitsuru got her persona between the years 1999 and 2000. although I’m definitely more convinced it’d be the latter, given that she is seen wearing pretty summerish clothes and her grandfather died in the middle of september 1999 for the explosion of the lab; meaning he couldn’t accompany takeharu & co. inside of Tartarus since it still didn’t exist by then. so, yes, she awakens to her Potential naturally, despite the experiments conducted on her, years prior the event, and she defeats a Shadows by the entrance that tried to attack her father.
and since it is now known and kinda obvious that Persona do have a huge impact on people, some official books saying even they’re the voice of their consciousness and that their own thoughts are received into the User’s mind as if they were speaking to them like normal people would, Penthesilea too did the same, especially during the awakening process. think about it by recalling the scenes of p-5 ones. not to mention the first awakening seems to be, in all cases a pretty tiring if not physically dangerous event. just duplicate it all, given Mitsuru was just a child back then.
and the VOICE. i hc it had her mother’s tone and volume. Penthesilea was a young amazon girl, so there wouldn’t be any problems. for how i see it - and always did, the impact which the concept of family and love both have on Mitsuru is the greatest thing. not to mention the core of her assigned arcana tarot as well. her mother was estranged for various reasons when she was even younger than the child awakening to Penthesilea. as much as her el.ectra complex would allow her to feel about Hanae, her mother, Mitsuru loves her a lot. misses her the most. her own motherly side, which is renewed and definitely appreciated by anyone that ever saw it, is nothing more of the self-desire for it, of the idealization of the perfect one her mother never could give her and that she, overall, never received herself. mother is god to a child, let me use this quote right here. mitsuru is no different.
on the other hand, our Penthesilea can be quite talkative ( especially because Mitsuru is seen evoking her even outside the dark hour, in the real world, her presence and dominance over her psyche are strong ), but never a bother. it’s the little voice suggesting her what to do or not inside her head, at times and guiding her when using her support and navigator weak skills. she doesn’t mind it  -  the sensation, because of the voice, can be quite soothing, when Mitsuru isn’t angry of course. the familiarity with her “true self” also made controlling the Persona easier - thus explaining her strength.  with Artemisia, things don’t change a lot either. the only big difference is the frequency of the episodes in which Mitsuru can “feel” her voice, and the increased power and control. even her is able to be evoked on normal circumstances  ( kyoto bath and execution, anyone? )  and instead of being the chatty type, is more composed and serious, adverting Mitsuru of any dangers or perils around her. both Penthesilea and Artemisia though are able to locate potential Persona Users. it’s probably thanks to those that Mitsuru can not only feel the aura one has around them but wheter or not they are able to summon a Persona; probably how she even individuated Akihiko to recruit him back in middle school. thank you @ Personae. ]    
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