#[ born from the love of a mother // sloth (2003) ]
phntasmgoria-moved · 7 months
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missmudpie · 4 years
Name Ten Films That Have, For Whatever Reason, Stuck With You
@millennialfangirl tagged me, and this was harder than I thought and I might have gone over the ten.  Also, tumblr is being tumblr and not cooperating with gifs, so only the first film has one.  Here they are, in chronological order:
Casablanca, 1942
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Look, Casablanca is the best film ever made.  Is it my favorite?  No, but it’s the best, much better than Citizen Kane, which is often heralded as the pinnacle of cinema but is about a rich old white guy who loves his sled.
Here’s looking at you, kid.  Of all the Gin joints.  Round up the usual suspects!  I’m shocked - shocked!- to find that gambling is going on in here (Your winnings, sir.). This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.  As Time Goes By.  Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman and a supporting cast to die for.  Renault throwing away the bottle of Vichy water.
I could go on, but here’s why Casablanca has stuck with me: It’s one of my Dad’s favorite movies, too.  When I think of Casablanca, I think of him.  One Christmas (I can’t remember if I was in high school or college), the old timey theater in town played Casablanca.  I got us tickets as his Christmas present.  It is one of my favorite movie-going experiences (more on that below).
Star Wars, 1977
When I was little, we used to go to my maternal grandparents’ house every Tuesday, and I would watch Star Wars.  I was probably waaaaay too young - there’s audio of me playing out Star Wars with my My Little Ponies and I was like, three.  On my college essay, I wrote about how Return of the Jedi was my first movie (true story, I was six months old and slept through the whole thing, because apparently taking your sleeping infant to the movies is something parents did in the ‘80s).
Star Wars is where I learned about the Hero’s Journey.  About princesses and rebellions and wizards and flying spaceships.  I devoured the Timothy Zahn books and Young Jedi Knights series.  And yes, I’m a little down on it all after Episode IX - but I still love it.  It has impacted me in so many ways.  I know my life would be the poorer for not having seen it.
Raiders of the Lost Ark, 1981
If Princess Leia was the first damsel I saw who get herself out of distress, Marian Ravenwood was the one who solidified the idea that women were perfectly capable of getting into and out of trouble themselves, thank you very much.  Then there’s Harrison Ford in being Peak Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones - Intelligent, clever, brave-bordering-on-reckless.  Who wouldn’t want to go on far-flung adventures to find hidden treasure, and maybe punch some Nazis while you’re at it?
The Goonies, 1985
Speaking of far-flung adventures, how about going on one in your hometown?  Booby-traps, pirates, Italian gangsters, Sloth, hidden treasure - it’s every kid’s playtime fantasy come magically to life.  I still want to go down those tunnel slides and shoot out into a hidden lagoon.  They just don’t make movies like this any more - fun, family movies that don’t dumb down the action or characterization for kids, that’s a ride for both kids and parents alike.  This was the first movie I showed my kids during quarantine.
The Princess Bride, 1987
Inconceivable.  The Six Fingered Man.  Death cannot stop truly love.  Only mostly dead.  Have fun storming the castle!  Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya.  You killed my father.  Prepare to die.  ROUSes.
This is a perfect movie.  It is.  It is lightning in a bottle and it should never, ever be remade (those were just rumors, right?).  This is romance and humor and suspense and two of the best swordfights in cinematic history (fight me on this.  No, really, fight me.  I took fencing in college because of this movie), all wrapped up in the sweetest Happily Ever After.  I love it so much.
Jurassic Park, 1993
I’ve told this story before, but here it is again.  In the summer of 1993, I was 10 and my sisters were 8 and just turned 6, and we convinced our parents that we were for sure old enough to see Jurassic Park - a book my mother had read and thus knew what level of horror to expect.  It did not go well.  I ended up burying my head in my dad’s chest; my youngest sister was in my mom’s lap; and my middle sister, with no where left to go, ended up under the seat in front of her.
Now, it’s the movie we quote (Hold on to your butts).  When my youngest had jello recently, I told him to hold it up and look scared, then texted the picture around.  We all knew immediately what I meant.  The DVDs are given as gifts and then immediately stolen.  My youngest sister can recite the entire movie.  I can’t wait to scare my sons with it.
The Shawshank Redemption, 1994
I don’t remember this movie when it came out; I remember it was this movie I hadn’t really heard of at the Oscars, where it won none.  Not until I was much older did I realize what a travesty that was.  I first watched this on a pep band bus trip in college - not the time or place to truly appreciate it.  Months later, I rented it (remember renting movies?) and fell in love with it.
This is a beautiful movie about friendship and hope and finding light in the darkness.  It’s always on TV, and I will always stop and watch at least a few minutes of it.  The ending - the last half hour, really - is pure cinematic poetry, but noting beats Red’s monologue as he travels to find Andy on that Mexican beach.
That Thing You Do!, 1996
This movie is Capital-D-Delightful.  Just thinking about it makes me smile.  This is the movie that tipped me from Tom Hanks Fan to I Love Tom Hanks and Need Him to Be My Best Friend.  He WROTE and DIRECTED this gem of a movie.  The talent.  The song is legitimately catchy, the characters are Wonder-ful (see what I did there?), and it’s all in Day-Glo ‘60s color.  I love this movie and make no apologies.
Toy Story 2, 1999
Speaking of Tom Hanks, this is my favorite Toy Story.  Look, the first is a technological marvel, but Woody is an ass throughout most of the film.  The fourth is it’s own thing, and the third is really, really good and I ugly sob at the end, but it’s also got a lot going on there.  But the second - oh the second is beautiful in its simplicity.  In addition to all of Andy’s toys, we get Jesse and Bullseye and even Stinky Pete.  It’s an ode to friendship and love and the realization that life, for toys and people, eventually ends, and we have to appreciate every moment we have now.  It is my favorite Toy Story.
Finding Nemo, 2003
I don’t know if it’s my favorite Pixar film, though.  It depends on the day, but most of the time that distinction goes to Finding Nemo.  I first saw it when I was twenty, a decade before my first kid was born, but it has greatly influenced how I parent.  The conversation between Dory and Marlin in the whale, the idea that keeping anything from happening to your kid cuts both ways, the leap of faith, the mantra of “just keep swimming,” the notion that your kids don’t just want, but need to have independence - it’s all there, in Pixar’s stunning ocean animation.  I get choked up just thinking about it.  “Now go have an adventure!”
Honorable Mentions:
Forrest Gump, 1994
I loved this movie.  I love Tom Hanks in this movie.  I would watch it in snippets during college, while I ate dinner or lunch or just needed a quick study break.  But it’s been years since I last saw it, and I wonder if it still holds up.  It’s a Boomer movie made when the Boomers were - basically, just a little older than we old Millennials are now.  It’s American history in the last half of the twentieth century, but the big events - Vietnam, Civil Rights, even AIDS - are filtered through the lens of a straight white man who kinda wanders into history but doesn’t really get why the moments are historic.  I feel like it’s a film I appreciated at a certain time, but wouldn’t love as much now.
Avengers: Endgame, 2019
There just hasn’t been enough time for this movie to make the list.  Ask about it again in ten years.  Although, to be honest, I haven’t seen the whole thing since I saw it in theaters, and I fear it won’t live up.  It was the best movie-going experience I’ve ever had.  The crowd was so into it, and the last battle had everyone, me included, screaming at the screen.  Part of what makes Endgame so special to me is that, among the three big franchises that ended last year (Avengers, Star Wars, Game of Thrones), this one actually stuck the landing.  And yes, I could argue that Steve Rogers’ end doesn’t actual make any sense and deprives Peggy Carter of her agency - but in the emotional moment of the film, it worked.  That portal scene is the culmination of twenty-plus films, and I still can’t believe it works as well as it does.
Thanks again for this! I second tagging @lerayon for this.  I feel like I’m kinda cold-calling mutuals from our Arrow days, so no pressure.  But I’d love to hear what @machawicket @dust2dust34 @dettiot @theshipsfirstmate​ have on their lists.
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fantasyninja26 · 7 years
2003 VS Brotherhood
A user @theishvalanalchemist has commenced an 2003 VS Brotherhood debate in the style of an Old VS New from Nostalgia Critic. Now I thoroughly enjoy these videos and Nostalgia Critic is one of my favorite Youtubers so I’m pretty excited for this. I have been writing fanfictions for both Fullmetal Alchemist versions for years now, rewatching both versions constantly, looking at multiple arguments on both sides and I’ve been pretty neutral on this seemingly age old argument. So I’ll share my views, I will keep them fairly open as I personally have no stance on which side wins this. Though I have not thought of the two varying versions in these categories, I will actually be looking at this from an analytical stand point and then talk about which series I personally prefer. I will be excluding the movies and focusing solely on the episodic series. I will also ignore the manga as an argument because frankly I think the ‘2003 anime doesn’t follow the manga’ argument doesn’t benefit Brotherhood at all. So without further ado, here is the Old VS New for FMA.
1: Leads (Ed, Al, and Roy). I personally like both of them a lot, but the things I pay attention to the most is the personal struggles which Ed, Al, and Roy face. The reason being is that enjoy seeing how the events and hardships impact the characters in the long run. For Brotherhood’s case my favorite is how Roy handles Hughes’ death and the direction that specific event takes him. This event is such a long and arduous struggle for him and it impacts every single thing he has done from brutally killing Lust to torturing Envy. For Ed and Al they carry the guilt they feel for Nina with them for the whole story and it’s mentioned throughout. Examples being when Ed and Al were fighting Scar to lure out the Homunculi and past the conclusion. Now with 2003, beginning with Roy. 2003 mainly focuses on the Ishavalan (or Ishbalan) War and the long term effects it’s placed on Roy. The struggles he faces are beyond too real for any person who has fought in a war. He constantly shown in a place of guilt from killing Winry’s parents and aiding in a genocide and how it’s changed his life. For a while he became an alcoholic, tried to crack the code of Human Transmutation, and has talked about (and shown) thoughts of suicide. The things Roy is going through seems more natural andreal. For the Elric Brothers I will discuss their mother being the embodiment of Sloth. Ed has a natural big brother instinct to protect Al from being hurt by this and he tries to hide the topic every time Al brings it up. Al on the other hand wants to just talk with his brother about Sloth. The events surrounding Sloth really bring out some sides of Ed and Al that are really quite interesting when they go along with the other major plot points. For a couple of episodes there’s this hostility between Ed and Al which is partially caused by the issue with Sloth. Ed is rational and sees Sloth for what she really is, but Al is emotional and feels like there’s something more to this. The differing emotions are then put aside so that they can correct their mistakes. Both versions are very similar so I really have to pay attention to some details. But in order for Roy to be more believable he has to have that war trauma that just isn’t there in Brotherhood. And for Ed and Al they were more convincing as brothers, they actually argue more in 2003, Ed guilt towards what happened to Al is explored far more, and the conflict between Sloth and the two really proved that despite differences they can still work together like brothers. So my vote goes to 2003.
2: Villains (Dante VS Father). This time I’m gonna start with 2003’s, Dante. It took a while for her to be set at the major villain of the story and she was very interesting to watch in the early stages of her appearance. Her backstory with Hohenheim is actually very fascinating and seems like a very classic villain backstory. The conflicts she faces of going from body to body does make her efforts more crucial considering that her life is on the line. But what I really like is that the more she transfers the faster she rots, which actually parallels with her humanity washing away. So by the end of the series she’s taking form in a human body but she’s lost so much of what makes her human is that she also inhuman as well. It makes the encounter with Ed more creepy especially when Ed tells her that she’s still human but she just responds with ‘Not anymore.’ But now that I mention Ed, I must bring up a flaw that I do see (and this isn’t that Edward Elric fangirl side of me peering its head) which is why does she suddenly want to be loved by Ed? That is something I really don’t understand and it almost shows up out of nowhere. But for now let’s move on to Father. Again has a very nice background with Hohenheim that ties together very well with the story and he’s introduced at the right time and with the right atmosphere. The way he creates the Homunculi as parts of himself is really compelling. As each homunculus represents his sins it really shows how humans are really not born pure, that every living thing is sinned. All the sins are tied together, if you have one you have them all. This also shows that he is just like the thing he despises the most, human. However when you take the backstory and Homunculi you have a generic villain who just hates humans because he’s all powerful and mighty. It’s something that feels new but is somehow the same as every other villain we see now. For these two, they’re both enjoyable villains but the intrigue of Dante when you take away backstory and henchmen is still there. My second vote goes to 2003.
3: Leading Ladies (Winry and Riza). Starting with 2003 we really don’t have too much to work with these two, and that’s where the problem begins. I actually really don’t remember some of the stuff Riza does in 2003, other than take in Black Hayate. Winry on the other hand I really think about how she got Ed’s watch stolen because he cheated during an arm wrestling match. With having a childhood friend in the military, she would probably know that could get Ed into some serious trouble. Overall I feel like Riza and Winry are just there in 2003 and the most feminine power lies in other female characters. In Brotherhood, it’s more shown how they aspired one another early on in the series from the ear rings to the long hair. Also they both have moments where their hardships are shown without making them helpless characters. An example for Riza being when she’s telling Ed about the horrors of Ishval and how they have shaped her into the woman she is. She is shown as woman who wanted to help people but is forced to participate in genocide, but as a sniper she has to look at every life she takes and it’s something she lives with. With Winry the moment that resonates with me would have to be the small events after the first encounter with Scar. After learning the identity to her parents’ killer she gets a phone call from Rush Valley of her customers asking for her to return. As we have seen in both versions of FMA, losing limbs and replacing them with automail is not an easy feat. By helping these people she has become this beacon of hope for them, someone who has returned what they have lost and without her they wouldn’t have that. There is honestly a lot of great moments for these two but these are ones I feel like aren’t talked about enough and it’s gives them a nice look into their impact. This vote goes to Brotherhood.
4: Side Characters. For this I’m going to limit to only the characters who show up in both versions of FMA. These characters include Hughes, Lust, Envy, and Scar. First with Hughes, the lovable dad who is in love with his family. We do get more of Hughes in 2003, for about twenty episodes before he really kicks the bucket. After that he’s only mentioned when Sheska is looking into his murder. The death of Hughes in 2003 is more impactful for the audience than it is to the story. Hughes is around for 10 episodes in Brotherhood before he is killed which really doesn’t give the audience too much time to get attached even when he is put into almost every episode until then. But as I mentioned before, his death is the reason behind every move Roy makes. Also Hughes’ reason to die did end up playing a huge part in the story, showing that his death was more impactful for the story. Its a matter of what your cup of tea is. Moving onto Lust, once more she is around far longer in 2003 than in Brotherhood. In Brotherhood she’s the first homunculus to die by the hands of one of our heroes but that’s really about it. She just does what Father tells her to do and then she dies by Roy’s hands which furthers his goals. She’s a generic baddy in Brotherhood who does everything without question and then dies. But in 2003, Lust experiences and sees things that ends with her greatly questioning her own past and what’s in store for her. She vocalizes her desire to be human only to reveal during her death that she wanted to be human so she could die. Unlike Dante, Lust is inhuman while being human at the same time really. Naturally as humans we question what will happen after we die and we always want to know more, and Lust is a really good example of someone who has these very human thoughts while not being human herself. Now I’m not judging this based on her humanistic qualities but I’m judging this more on how her character is impacted by the story and how her character changes throughout. She remains on one note in Brotherhood but in 2003 she has many highs and lows that are brought into light as the story progresses. Now with Envy in 2003, he’s this ball of rage who constantly wants to make Ed feel horrible and always wants him in a rough spot. The reason being for a while is kinda unknown so the audience assumes that it’s just because he’s just a bad guy. But when it’s revealed he was Hohenheim of Light’s (or HoL for short) son and then was brought back with Human Transmutation when he died only to be abandoned by HoL. He feels this resentment and since he can’t find HoL he takes out on Ed specifically. If he really feels this resentment, why is he only taking it out on Ed? Shouldn’t he be trying to make Al miserable too? Also he keeps saying he doesn’t remember what his real form was until suddenly he just remembers it. How did he remember it? Did he forget where he came from too? And if he did why is that motive there? He keeps saying that he wants Ed to suffer for being Hohenheim’s son but why? These are just the questions that come up when his motive is really revealed along with his true form. Now with Brotherhood he doesn’t have that motive, he just doesn’t like humans. But it’s his last moment that really matters, when Ed exposes what he really feels, jealously and resentment towards humans. It kinda mirrors how Lust functioned in 2003, feeling these human emotions while not being human himself. When people get jealous there’s this natural anger and resentment and he shows this beautifully in Brotherhood while still being completely despicable. Now finally we talk about Scar. Scar is a vengeful character and rightfully so, his homeland was ravaged and destroyed and he did lose his brother in the heat of the war. In 2003 the moments between Al, Ed, and Scar are pretty nice and it helps them progress in the story they’re in. But outside of that I feel like Scar really doesn’t get much of that development by himself. He gets it around other characters but it’s never enough to make him question what he’s doing. I feel as if he’s a character who is just on one note the whole time and he doesn’t really grow from his experiences. Now with Brotherhood we do see his growth and how he sets his revenge aside to stop Father’s plans. But a moment I wanted to talk about in specific which would be when he’s fighting Bradley/Wrath. This moment alone is mirroring Scar’s inner struggles that are present throughout the story. That fight to either take revenge or work to make things right without shedding more blood. That’s what I see when he fight Wrath and that is huge. Unfortunately we don’t see that from Scar in 2003. So with Hughes going either way, Lust on 2003, and Envy and Scar on Brotherhood, I’m giving it to Brotherhood. The vote goes to Brotherhood
5: Action Scenes. Starting with Brotherhood you can feel this tension in some of the fights especially near the end where everything matters and any character can die. For example you feel some fear when Roy is brutally torturing Envy, you feel excitement when everyone is fighting against Father, etc. But this is all in the end of the series, it’s a big conclusion to a big series and you don’t get enough of those fights in the beginning. Also a lot of the fights just happen and they aren’t really brought up again and they leave little to no impact on the characters. Sure there’s some in Brotherhood but it’s not every fight when it’s all over both fighters come out different. A prime example of this is when Ed is fighting Greed in Dublith. In Brotherhood they fight and it’s to save Al but really Ed doesn’t leave as a different person and the only thing that changes with Greed is that he fights Wrath and dies at the end of the day. Meanwhile in 2003 the first part of the fight Greed says that Ed has to violate one of his strict policies in order to win against the Homunculi, which is not to kill; and when Greed dies by Ed’s hands, Ed comes out as a different person. His reaction, how he feels after it is absolutely heartbreaking. But he knows that he has to take that step in order to really put an end to all the chaos and his morals are further challenged. That’s what a fight in this world is all about. It challenges the characters and their morals, makes them sacrifice so much, it helps them grow both as a fighter and a human and it changes them for either the better or for the worst. This point goes to 2003.
6: Story. This one is really difficult to look at since both stories are mostly similar. Of course these two versions are different and that’s where the backlash comes from, 2003 doesn’t stick with the manga while Brotherhood does. But I want to keep that argument out of this discussion and focus on the story in the episodes alone. Both stories really hold up on their own and they’re nicely crafted. Brotherhood is more story based but it’s not well paced especially in the beginning. They pack in about the twenty episodes of material from 2003 onto 10 episodes because the creators assumed you’ve seen the 2003 first. This results in moments like Nina and Hughes to be less of an impact on the audience even though they both still cause a lot of pain. After that, the story is decently paced and it flows very nicely. It doesn’t focus entirely on the Elrics which gives other characters a moment to shine. Its overall a very coherent and easy to follow. For 2003, I can follow the story nicely and it’s paced beautifully, giving the audience a chance to take every moment in and gives a lot of room for the characters to grow. The events with Nina was two episodes long and you had the chance to know Hughes as being smart, witty, wise, and lovable all at the same time before he died. It gives the characters to grow and develop in the environment they’re placed in while only having ten less episodes than Brotherhood. I don’t think there are many flaws with the 2003 story until the very end which will be discussed in the ending category. The fillers that are given fall into the category of being funny or being helpful towards a character’s development. The filler with Roy’s group is an example of something funny going on in the middle of the story and brings some light after being a witness to some troubling events and it’s enjoyable to watch Roy’s team function and the adventures they endure. An episode with character development would have to be the episode with Lust and Lujion which kicks off some really stellar character development for her. Those qualities of Lust that I praised before begin to appear and they are a huge part of her character from that point on. There’s really nothing wrong with filler episodes as long as they have a purpose and they makes sense and in 2003’s case they do.  These two stories may be very different but the way they function is almost identical giving room for characters to grow, giving other characters the spotlight, all while still being coherent. This point goes to both 2003 and Brotherhood.
7: Ending. As we reach the conclusion of the series that’s when the final problems are resolved and the questions that the audience has is either answered or left for interpretation. As I mentioned before there are some problems within the ending of 2003 which is why I didn’t discuss them in the story section. But the ending though it may be darker really leaves some unanswered questions. Some of the questions related to Ed and Al isn’t answered until CoS and when you take away that movie those unanswered questions are undeniable and they are huge. The ending lacks satisfaction but it nicely leaves An overwhelming sense of hope that Ed and Al reunite in the end. The ending of Brotherhood is dragged out for a long while, it has been prepared for several episodes, and it didn’t disappoint. It gave us a very nice amount of fights, a nice resolve to Ed and Al’s conflict that makes sense during the first viewing, and gave us a satisfactory ending. It really didn't leave too many questions behind and it's a nice resolve to such a grand story. A lot of people feel such great excitement when the fight when Ed begins to beat Father with his bare hands, such happiness when Ed and Al leave the gate together, and feel relief when Ed is shown in one of the happiest moments when he proposes to Winry. It allows for the characters to have such a great ending that doesn't leave any loose ends and it assures that after the hardships the characters face they could still stand and live a fulfilling life. This final vote goes to Brotherhood.
So this Good VS New for me ended with a tie which may sound really lame, but I'm actually satisfied with the end result and I would like for you guys to hear me out. Both of these versions have some highs and some lows, what one show lacks the other makes up for. We shouldn't be arguing over which one is better and putting on a pedestal because one follows the manga. Individually both versions are great on their own, the stories are great, the characters are great, and both of them are classics. There's no need for a competition, these two are awesome by themselves and by avoiding one of these stories you're just missing out on a great adventure with the characters that we all enjoy to watch.
With that this concludes my analysis on the 2003 VS Brotherhood and I'm sorry it was so long but I really worked hard on this and I'm so proud of it even when it ended with a tie. At least I can say that I've written the equivalent of an essay over my favorite show. Thank you for reading this and that is all.
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Live Fast Vintage Mount Rainier National Park T Shirt Washington Bear Vintage Ms Warrior Unbreakable T-shirt Multiple Sclerosis Awareness MTV Sunset Logo My Bowling Excuses T-Shirt Funny Bowling Gift T-Shirt My Broom Broke So Now I Drive A Jeep Funny Witch Halloween T-Shirt My Broomstick Runs On Vodka Funny Drinking Halloween T-Shirt My Brother Has Back Firefighter T Shirt Thin Red Sister Gift My Daddy’s wings were ready hoodie, in memory of my Daddy My Daughter Multiple Myeloma Awareness Shirt MY FAVORITE BASEBALL GRANDPA FATHER’S DAY AMERICAN FLAG TSHI My Favorite People Call Me Coach T-Shirt Coaching Gift Shirt My favorite sister gave me this shirt T-Shirt My Favorite Softball Player Calls Me Granny T Shirt My Girlfriend is Psychotic T-shirt – Funny T-Shirt My God vs My Enemies T-Shirt | My God Versus My Enemies Top My husband has an awesome wife My Lifeguard Walks On Water Shirt Christian Fashion Gift My Llama Ate My Homework Alpaca Animal Kid Back To School Pullover Hoodie my story isnt over yet shirt mental health awareness My Students Are My Why Shirt Inspirational Teacher Gift T-Shirt My Wife Has An Awesome Husband Funny Witty Sarcastic Gift T-Shirt My Wife Rocks Stylish Rock Trophy Wife Guitar Design T-Shirt Namaste Shirt Girl Yoga Pose with Chakra Gift for Yoga Lover Tank Top Nana Claus Matching Family Group Christmas X-mas Gift Pullover Hoodie Nancy Drew: What Would Nancy Drew Do? 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Octagram tee. The Venture Bros. 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