#[ event muse: newscaster taylen ]
littlekidprincess-a · 5 years
* | " this is taylen spay reporting to you live from the containment lab in wyndon. we have reports that yet another case has been confirmed for the infection. one of the strongest opponents theyve seen, the teams located in this lab have managed to contain a pokemon trainer infected by the virus, who has become fused with a hatterene. "
the camera cuts to a shaky footage from within the glimwood tangle, hidden behind a tree. the camera pokes out, as a figure stomps across the ground. it looks just like a normal trainer, but its arms seem like hatterene tendrils. in its back there is a gaping hole, a black liquid oozing from it onto the ground. the person behind the camera gasps, and it freezes. 
slowly, very slowly, it turns its head... its bright purple eyes glare into the camera, and from its back comes a tendril like a hatterene's, covered in the black ooze. the figure turns toward the person, and lets out an earsplitting screech before the camera is knocked away from the person, its screen cracking in the process as it spirals into a tree, and lands on its root, pointing to the figure and the person. 
the person tries to run, only for the ooze covered tendril to clamp around their leg. it seems to tighten, and a crack echoes through the tangle. the person shrieks in pain, and begins to sob, their wailing continuing as they claw against the ground, while the tendril drags them back. the being screams again, its mouth seeming to tear its face as the footage cuts out, the cracks on the camera worsening before it does so. 
* | " while the camera person did not survive, the screams of them and the shrieking of the infected alerted our forces, and it was contained within this lab. authorities state this is the strongest case they have come across so far. “
* | “ what goes on inside is top secret, unfortunately, so we may not show you where it is contained, but-- " 
glass shatters behind her. the steel door window behind the newscaster was broken, and an ooze covered tendril slinked through. it went to grab her, but fell short. 
 * | " oh dear arceus RUN! " 
 she screamed. the camera points down to the ground, watching the cameraman's feet as they run with taylen, and the show cuts to commercial.
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littlekidprincess-a · 5 years
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* | “ this is taylen spay, reporting live from just outside of wedgehurst station. “ 
* | “ we’re getting reports here that a wild pokemon has been captured and contained, and is currently being transported to the wyndon research lab for testing. ”
* | “ eye witnesses state for several days now, a farmer in postwick was reported taking one of his wooloo to the wedgehurst pokemon research lab, and frequenting the pokemon center for healing by the nurse. the nurse states the pokemon appeared to have a rare ailment that she wasn’t quite sure how to fix. ”
* | “ the nurse states while her devices were able to heal the pokemon of its moves, and quiet down its illness, it was a constant reappearance that she, unfortunately, could not fix. ”
* | “ as of this morning, said owner of the wooloo has been labelled in critical condition after an apparent attack within his home by the wooloo. a home nearby confessed hearing what sounded like stomping, and a loud scream from within the house of the owner. afterwards, authorities were called. ”
* | “ police state the owner had locked himself in a closet, while the wooloo continued to tackle the door. it was unable to break, but the pokemon had to be restrained upon capture, as it tried to tackle and bite one of the officers. ”
* | “ authorities say the situation is under control, and will release the results of the testing once completed. ”
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littlekidprincess-a · 5 years
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* | “ this is newscaster taylen reporting to you from the wyndon news station. ”
* | “ authorities have authorized a complete lockdown of galar as a whole; all flying taxi trips have been delayed and cancelled, any ships or planes going in or out of the region have been turned away, and a curfew is heavily encouraged. ”
* | “ as of this morning, we have reports that the farmer and infected wooloo of the previous pokemon attack have both gone missing from containment at the hospital and the wyndon research lab. eye witnesses claim to have spotted the two ‘fused’ together on the outskirts of the city, but were unable to confirm where it was going, or if it was actually the individuals in question. ”
* | “ as of this afternoon, it has become heavily encouraged that people only leave their homes if it is an emergency. forces will be patrolling each city in the region, including the wild areas, to find infected individuals and pokemon for testing and cure research. it is heavily recommended that individuals who already report feeling sick, or have any other illness, should be rushed to a hospital as quickly as possible to be put under quarantine. in this scenario, no matter how long the disease has affected someone, you need to be safe, and you need to be quarantined. ”
* | “ infected individuals should be neutralized if already ‘fused’ with a pokemon, or show signs of extreme aggression, and fatigue. ”
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littlekidprincess-a · 5 years
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* | “ this is taylen spay reporting live from the wyndon news station. ”
* | “ this morning, terror broke loose at the wyndon research lab. just yesterday, a wooloo had been restrained and captured, brought to this lab for testing for an apparent virus that it had caught. where from, the source has currently not yet been disclosed. ”
* | “ the wooloo broke free, and mauled one of the scientists, causing a lockdown at the facility. authorities report that the wooloo escaped containment, but was not able to leave the building. the scientist in question has been put into quarantine, out of fear of the virus spreading. the wooloo at the current moment appears to still be on the run, and the facility is working on keeping it contained, unsure what could happen if this situation continues. ”
* | “ in other news, a farmer that had been the owner of the wooloo has been found in a comatose condition. he appears to twitch and shake as he rests, as doctors have reported, and fear that the virus the wooloo had contracted was spread onto the individual. ”
* | “ a simple name has been given to this virus; the pokevirus. it currently appears to only affect pokemon, but as mentioned previously, authorities and doctors alike are in fear of a potential cross species transfer due to injuries suffered by uninfected individuals, caused by infected pokemon. ”
* | “ authorities say the best course of action to protect yourself and your pokemon is to stop the use of physical pokemon moves, and to stay inside. it is said that physical moves that can cause grave injury are the ones they are most concerned about, specifically moves having to use the mouth, or ones that require claws or sharp horns. the current moves banned from use include the following. “
the screen lists the following moves:
scratch, bite, brutal swing, bug bite, cross poison, crunch, dragon claw, drill peck, peck, false swipe, fire fang, fury attack, fury cutter, fury swipes, ice fang, lick, pluck, poison fang, psychic fangs, smart strike, super fang, thunder fang, x-scissor, tackle
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