#[ event: the pokevirus ]
my-pokejournal · 1 year
Im going to make this blog to talk about my pokemon tcg journey
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to keep this as nice as i can, lets start out simple. my first pokemon tournament was in peoria illinois, and i've got the pokevirus for these events. i play the tcg, and for about a year now at that. i took this picture at fort wayne, the second event i went to, and now my third event will be NAIC. the 22-23 event year has been amazing, and i've started to make a lot of friends. i've had my ups and downs at each regionals, each time i didn't make a day two i felt very upset but i kept playing till the last round. I like to think that shows my ability to power through my upset proves my love to this mental sport. ill update soon, and post about my NAIC event!
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littlekidprincess-a · 5 years
uh oh! it’s mun’s birthday! yknow what that means? event time!~ there have been 2 posts posted already relating to the event, but now, people are able to participate! so then...
welcome to the pokevirus event, a cross-region pokepocalypse, starting off in galar! warning other regions: you aint safe yet!
this event has been organized to be, in total, over the span of a month, and has been in the works for a full month!
this event begins today, march 5th, and will end on april 3rd: a whole 30 days of the pokepocalypse!
anyone is free to participate, though i will drop some warnings!
this event may have potentially triggering topics. if you’re uncomfortable with things like body horror, gore, or experimentation, then maybe this isn’t the event for you. if you don’t mind/you’re not going to be a major player in those kinds of triggers, then don’t worry!
for all things related to the event, feel free to join the discord server HERE! please only join if you’re going to be participating throughout the month! the link is set to never expire, so don’t worry if you can’t join right away.
the last 3 days into april are going to be spent on cure related and event ending posts, so don’t worry about a lack of participation on those last few days!
in the server, it explains more of what to do and what to expect throughout the event, so it’s very recommended for you to join if you can!
have fun causing havoc! if you have any questions, feel free to send asks to this blog, or put them in the questions channel in the server!
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gmaxsweetness · 5 years
Milo’s still sat by the side of the water as the day fades into late afternoon. He hasn’t taken his hand out of the water, finding the cool numbness relaxing
As the sun moves in the sky, though, he finds himself turning a little, moving to face it more. It’s rejuvenating like nothing else; more than sleep, more than food.
Perhaps he should find that odder than he does.
A few wild Pokemon come up to him, but they scatter as soon as he turns to face them; only Grass- and Normal-types linger for more than a couple of seconds before turning tail. He doesn’t pay them much mind, simply offering them a small smile, a shadow of his usual sunshine grin. Maybe a wave, if they stay long enough for him to raise his hand.
You need to conserve your energy. You’ve been out of the sun most of today.
It’s as the sun sets that he hears heavy footfalls approaching his spot. He’d brush it off as another wild Pokemon, but the cadence isn’t quite right to not be human. That said, he’s never met a person with such thundering footsteps before.
Out of curiosity, he looks up.
The figure in the distance is far away, their silhouette unfamiliar at first, and he’s unable to distinguish where its legs are. As it approaches though, its build becomes more recognisable, though some features -- a tail? -- keep total realisation from setting in.
The glint of light on blue shades and through platinum blond hair is what’s enough to make him stand, pulling his hand out of the water and waving, trying to catch the figure’s attention.
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deepsea-guardian · 5 years
Lucas had attempted to enter Wyndon Research Center as a researcher himself-- proof of him being a Professor seemed enough, until they asked about contact with contaminated Pokemon. The sharp twitch of his hands, the way his eyes stared forwards, piercing as if looking through them, a thousand transmissions in his head, unsilenced, the stretch of information directly at his fingertips-- his head tilted sharply, and one of his arms detaches for a moment, a meter or so away-- and immediately, he’s admitted into the Research Center... under quarantine.
For an hour or so, Lucas is happy to sit inside the cell, observing his own behaviour, and the behaviour of others nearby-- he can hear the recordings the other researchers are making, and a small chuckle comes from his throat. It’s like they don’t even realize he can do this. He knows the way to open his own cell... and he might just use that information...
When he stands up against the wall-- the front of his cell-- there’s a distinct twitch to his arm, and while he blinks...
Suddenly, he’s on the other side of the wall, back outside of his cell.
“Uh oh! Containment breach!” he giggles to himself-- uncharacteristically. “Looks like you’ve got a piece of loose code!”
Doesn’t it just feel freeing to play pranks on a larger scale? It feels amazing, to Lucas.
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gigekitanzan · 5 years
He can't risk being seen like this. As much as he'd attempted to go about his day-- regular workout sessions, eating, looking after his Pokemon-- something is wrong, and he can't just ignore it. His Tyranitar is missing, he has a Tyranitar's tail, and all his Pokemon seem to want nothing to do with him.
Gordie periodically flicks through news channels on the telly, hoping somewhat for an answer to a question he's barely even sure if he can ask. What happened to Tyrannus? What happened to my Pokemon? Was that Snom the reason all this has happened?
He can't really stay in Chirchester, or keep up appearances, when his whole thing is fucked. He's found that he can't run very fast, or get much airtime, thanks to the tail he now has. And... he's found he's more capable of shattering things easily. While trying to calm himself down, Gordie had grabbed a mug and it had shattered in his hands, as if he'd exerted way too much force into it. This just wasn't right.
He pulls his Rotom Phone from his pocket, and the Pokemon seems to pause for a moment before letting Gordie do as he means to-- sending a message to Melony.
Reciever: 🍉-y
>>Gordizan: take my shifts im not well
He almost places his phone back in his pocket, but... Melony's still my mum. I should warn her...
Reciever: 🍉-y
>>Gordizan: don't pick up pokemon when you can't see their eyes. snom bit me.
He has to get out of Chirchester before morning. Somewhere else-- far from here, far from people-- will be much safer. While he fills his old challenger bag with things he'll need, he misses a message back from Melony.
More than two.
>>🍉-y: Gordon, are you alright? Are your Pokemon safe? Did they get bitten as well? >>🍉-y: Don't be stubborn; tell the Pokecenter you've been bitten. This isn't something to keep to yourself. >>🍉-y: They're all over the news, Pokemon biting and hurting Trainers, with catastrophic results. >>🍉-y: As much as we don't talk, Gordie, I want you to be safe. >>🍉-y: I don't want you to be another casualty to some incurable disease. >>🍉-y: Gordie. Please tell me you're safe.
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dexentries · 5 years
   ...How long has he been sleeping?
   Eyes open-- Hayden blinks hard, something was crackling, waking him from slumber as he tried to collect his thoughts-- it was crackling, but it was too quiet at the same time.
   He looks to the blanket next to him, and it takes a moment for him to realise that it was empty.
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    ❝ ...Bean..? ❞ Voice croaked, and the boy has to swallow for a moment-- dear Arceus, his throat was killing him.
   He pulls himself up, looking around the tent-- just him. Only Hayden, and the boy reaches up to rub his face--
   --Only to cringe once the crackle of electricity acts up, it doesn’t hurt-- and Hayden figures then that something was a little off, he paps his cheeks-- once, twice, the crackling emerges once more and he couldn’t help but feel a little confused.
    ❝ What th’-- ❞ Hands feel around him-- and he then feels something strangely familiar-- he yanks, and he jumps when he feels the pain from it.
   He looks over his shoulder and almost yells when he sees the Pikachu tail connected to him, and his other hand begins to comb through his hair-- eyes going alarmingly wide as he feels ears that shouldn’t be there.
   ❝ Something’s-- something’s not--! ❞ He takes a sharp breathe, shoulders hunching as he begins to delve into panic-- and then a warm feeling erupts in his chest, he took a moment, closing his eyes, before he opened them once more.
   ❝ You’re here, aren’t you? ❞ He asked quietly, eyebrows furrowing, ❝ How did this..? I-- ❞
   Did it have something to do with the Pokemon in the area? The biting..? He screwed his eyes shut, heaving for a moment, what if--
   What if he can infect others by biting, in this situation? He... he doesn’t want that. If whatever this was can go from Pokemon to Pokemon, and then from Pokemon to human... there’s a chance it can spread from human to human.
   Hayden automatically began digging for the muzzle in his stuff. He wasn’t going to risk this.
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deepsea-guardian · 5 years
Lucas doesn’t think his arm’s been attached to his body for the last two days. It’s just been... on the other side of the room, moving as he makes it, but not... not attached to him. It makes a lot of things very difficult to do, and that includes reporting what he’s found out about the disease.
It’s not much, however, so why’s it even affecting him? It makes pranking people harder too-- except for the fact his arm clips through the wall. Whoever’s in the cell next to him must be having a Wailmer of a time seeing a severed arm slip through their wall, flex a bit, before disappearing.
If Lucas focuses hard enough, he can send out his own radio waves. That’s something fun he’s found. He might do that.
He pauses for just a moment... before letting out a large burst of waves, meshed together from thousands of transmissions stored somewhere in his head. What does it say? Who can even hear him?
“I am a thousand miles from HOME and comfort. I will find my FUN through the world which touched me, KNIFE SHARP, meeting bread-soft edges. I bled a thou-thou-thousand times and became a hundred-thousand SHARDS, piecework of the PLATES of the Arcurian. I DID not die. I do not die.”
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littlekidprincess-a · 5 years
* | " this is taylen spay reporting to you live from the containment lab in wyndon. we have reports that yet another case has been confirmed for the infection. one of the strongest opponents theyve seen, the teams located in this lab have managed to contain a pokemon trainer infected by the virus, who has become fused with a hatterene. "
the camera cuts to a shaky footage from within the glimwood tangle, hidden behind a tree. the camera pokes out, as a figure stomps across the ground. it looks just like a normal trainer, but its arms seem like hatterene tendrils. in its back there is a gaping hole, a black liquid oozing from it onto the ground. the person behind the camera gasps, and it freezes. 
slowly, very slowly, it turns its head... its bright purple eyes glare into the camera, and from its back comes a tendril like a hatterene's, covered in the black ooze. the figure turns toward the person, and lets out an earsplitting screech before the camera is knocked away from the person, its screen cracking in the process as it spirals into a tree, and lands on its root, pointing to the figure and the person. 
the person tries to run, only for the ooze covered tendril to clamp around their leg. it seems to tighten, and a crack echoes through the tangle. the person shrieks in pain, and begins to sob, their wailing continuing as they claw against the ground, while the tendril drags them back. the being screams again, its mouth seeming to tear its face as the footage cuts out, the cracks on the camera worsening before it does so. 
* | " while the camera person did not survive, the screams of them and the shrieking of the infected alerted our forces, and it was contained within this lab. authorities state this is the strongest case they have come across so far. “
* | “ what goes on inside is top secret, unfortunately, so we may not show you where it is contained, but-- " 
glass shatters behind her. the steel door window behind the newscaster was broken, and an ooze covered tendril slinked through. it went to grab her, but fell short. 
 * | " oh dear arceus RUN! " 
 she screamed. the camera points down to the ground, watching the cameraman's feet as they run with taylen, and the show cuts to commercial.
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gmaxsweetness · 5 years
The sun is high and bright in the sky by the time he wakes up. Despite its position in the shade, his little tent feels more like a greenhouse than anything else. Still half-asleep, he fumbles for the tent zipper, letting daylight and cool, crisp air flood in.
Milo props himself up on one elbow, eyelids slowly unsticking from each other. He blinks a few times, idly scratches his neck, recollection not coming to him for a moment or two --
-- until he sits bolt upright, looking around with wide eyes.
Gossi isn’t in the tent.
He’s not outside it, either, or anywhere within a few feet of it, as Milo discovers when he stumbles out of his tent in a panic. His neck’s itching something fierce, and he can feel little bumps under the skin, like a weird rash. As he searches, he keeps scratching, and scratching, and scratching, and even though his mum always said never to scratch an itch he can’t stop doing it.
He only stops when his fingers come away wet. 
Startled at how easily his skin broke, he looks at his hand, expecting to see red and smell iron. The only blood he finds, though, is shot in little rivulets through a clear, yellow-tinted substance. He taps his fingers together, experimentally. Quick-drying, but tacky. Almost like --
-- almost like sap.
The thought is sobering, quieting, and he’s not entirely sure how he should react to it. Instead of just wiping his hand on the grass -- something inside him tells him that’s a bad idea -- he decides to walk down to the lake to clean off the not-quite-blood.
As he sits on the lake shore and watches the sun dance on the water, his hands cooling as he washes them, he silently fights the urge to look at his reflection.
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gigekitanzan · 5 years
He’ll be honest, the sound of his feet against the ground is a lot... louder than he remembers. Reasonably, of course-- he is half Tyranitar, he thinks-- and the world around him feels a lot sharper, a lot more defined, just-- more. As if a thousand things he’d left unseen were coming to light. Steamdrift Way seems to glitter in the moonlight, the ruins of Route Eight invitingly cool, as if somewhere he could stay, distanced from everything he could harm. Far away from anyone he could hurt.
He continues onwards, however. His ultimate goal is somewhere in the Wild Area-- Giant’s Mirror? Or the Lake of Outrage? No, far too close to Hammerlocke. Maybe Giant’s Cap, or the Stony Wilderness? Maybe if I pressed myself by the walls of Motostoke. No one would find me there, right?
Shit. I have to go through Hammerlocke to reach the Wild Area. Someone’s gonna notice this.
Gordie stops on Route Seven, cowering away from the light that might show people what he is. How’s he gonna get past Hammerlocke? Quiet as he can be-- which isn’t particularly quiet, considering his tail is scraping the floor, and he weighs a ton now-- he glances around the Route--
--the train tracks! I could jump down to them and head out into the Wild Area from there!
“Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” He whispers to himself, before leaping off the bridge.
When he lands, it doesn’t hurt too badly. What he doesn’t notice is how the tracks bent under his weight-- and as he runs off towards the Wild Area, thoughts of everything he’d been doing before leaving completely disappear from his mind.
He doesn’t feel the need to check his Rotom-Phone at all. He has to get out, be free--
--become a wild Pokemon get away from civilization, for their sake.
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deepsea-guardian · 5 years
Wyndon City Research Center. Dedicated currently to studying the virus infecting Pokemon and people, and causing--
The voice in Lucas’ head fizzles out, much like a radio losing signal. He’s face down in a rented out bed-- where he’d been staying while studying the situation. Am I in Galar, still? I feel like I’ve just woken from Darkrai’s nightmares...
He pushes himself up into a somewhat sitting position, taking note of how his body feels. It’s not... incorrect, per se, but something, fundamentally, feels... wrong.
His fingers twitch. Lucas pays it no mind, and stands up. Quietly, he makes his way across to the kettle in the room, and he attempts to lift it to refill it with water for a coffee--
Lucas’ fingers seem to phase right through the handle.
Oh great. Oh great. This is another distortion hallucination. I’m not anywhere. I’m still in a nightmare.
--the exact source of the virus is unknown, as no Patient Zero has been discovered. The Wyndon Research Center is looking into a cure for the virus, so informa--
What the hell is that? He hasn’t turned a radio on, and it feels like it’s coming from his--
From his head.
Please remain calm while a cure is being searched for. Do not venture out on your own volition, do not put yourself in harms way, avoid encounters with infected Pokemon--
Lucas puts a hand up to his head, and for a moment, the voice is clear.
--Do not bring your own team out of their Pokeballs. The moment one of them becomes infected, you will be placed into quarantine. I will repeat. Do not bring your Pokemon from their Pokeballs.
He glances at the Pokeballs on his belt. Zazzle’s is still open on the desk.
His fingers twitch. So does his leg. When he glances down, his leg isn’t there. It’s three meters away from him, by the bed he just got up from. Then, it’s back with him again.
Lucas almost wants to throw up.
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deepsea-guardian · 5 years
Zazzle isn’t... anywhere. It’s as if they’ve deleted themselves from reality-- and all because Lucas attempted to restore a former backup. It’s not as if he hasn’t done that before-- and Zazz has never reacted that drastically to it. Something must be wrong.
Maybe it’s the infection. Maybe that virus mutated so quickly, it infected Zazzle?
He doesn’t want to think about it. He put his own Pokemon in danger, and he’s paying the price for it. How would the infection be able to so quickly change his Porygon-Z, to the point that they could regain complete control of their body despite being paralyzed? How did it work that fast?
Am I in danger? Is Zazzle still alive?
Lucas constantly finds himself watching his back. If he doesn’t, he’s afraid he might be jumped by his own Pokemon.
Stay calm, Diamond. Stay calm. You are calm, collected. Everything will work out.
Something touches his neck.
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gmaxsweetness · 5 years
“Dad,” he says, pushing open the front door, “there’s summat up with one of the Wooloo.”
His father looks up from the book he’s reading, mostly unconcerned and a little irritated. “You sure about that? I checked over ‘em yesterday, and they all seemed fine enough?”
Milo frowns. “I’m sure, Dad. It was just... standin’ there in the field, dribbling a lot, not moving, just swayin’ side to side a bit. ‘S probably still there now, actually.”
His dad says nothing, just raises his eyebrows, though he doesn’t return his attention to his book.
“It’s-- it’s not normal, Dad, I know it. It’s sick, or got some kind of parasite, or summat like that, I dunno the specifics, but -- it’s not right.” His tone’s becoming almost pleading with concern. “Its eyes were white, Dad. Milk-white. That’s not normal.”
At that, his dad closes his book with a quiet snap. “White eyes?” he asks, and his tone of voice tells Milo that there’s something more going on here. Something he hasn’t known about, something he should’ve been paying more attention to.
Milo nods.
His father lets out a sigh and stands up, folding his reading glasses and placing them into his pocket. “I’ll call the Pokemon Centre. You go back out there and check there aren’t any parasites on it, alright? Make sure it doesn’t bite you, Zacien knows what’s up with it.”
Still more than a little worried, Milo grabs a pair of protective gloves from one of the coat hooks by the door and heads back outside.
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gigekitanzan · 5 years
Oh wow, his head hurts a lot. Somehow, his whole body feels a lot heavier than it’s supposed to, and lifting one hand to his forehead, just to check his temperature, feels like a giant’s task. It’s almost like exhaustion’s just caught back up with him, even though he... thinks he’s been asleep for the past few hours? Honestly, he can’t remember much. All he knows is that his head hurts, and he feels heavy.
When he manages to drag himself to his mirror, Gordie takes a confusing look at himself. His mouth hangs open-- and four disturbingly sharp looking teeth appear to be where his... regular canines should be. A small touch to one of them reveals they’re as sharp as they look, but no blood comes from his finger. Instead, it just looks as if it were a pinprick into something much thicker-- like a hide of sorts.
That’s... weird. he doesn’t think much of it, though-- maybe his hands are just calloused as hell from all the freerunning? It’s not like he bleeds easily anyway. Gordie turns away from the mirror, and--
He pauses for a moment, shaking his head at the noise. What the hell was that? A quick glance back doesn’t give him any idea, so he turns around again. Nothing. He steps back a little, before trying to turn away again.
No sound this time. Is it something he’s doing? Gordie looks over his shoulder a little more carefully this time, and what he sees is--
A large green tail, which is firmly attached to him.
It almost looks like Tyrannus’...
Gordie quickly checks over the Pokeballs he has. Calamity’s at the back as normal-- no need to pull him out, since he’s too big to fit in the house-- Dexter, Silt’s empty Pokeball, since he was out beforehand, Henge, they’re all in their right places. When he aims to open Tyrannus’ Pokeball, nothing comes out.
Silt’s sat on his bed, cowering away from him.
“Sil? Sil-- I’m okay, it’s me! It’s Gordie, you know me.” when Gordie approaches him, he cowers back more, almost to the point he’s back inside his shell. “Silty, it’s me.”
Gordie’s face falls. What is this? Where’s Tyrannus-- and why do I have his tail?
Zacian’s blade, his head hurts. “Silt-- it’s me...” his hand returns to his forehead-- what’s happening? What’s happening? Where am I? Where’s-- and Gordie falls forward, unconscious.
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littlekidprincess-a · 5 years
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* | “ this is taylen spay, reporting live from just outside of wedgehurst station. “ 
* | “ we’re getting reports here that a wild pokemon has been captured and contained, and is currently being transported to the wyndon research lab for testing. ”
* | “ eye witnesses state for several days now, a farmer in postwick was reported taking one of his wooloo to the wedgehurst pokemon research lab, and frequenting the pokemon center for healing by the nurse. the nurse states the pokemon appeared to have a rare ailment that she wasn’t quite sure how to fix. ”
* | “ the nurse states while her devices were able to heal the pokemon of its moves, and quiet down its illness, it was a constant reappearance that she, unfortunately, could not fix. ”
* | “ as of this morning, said owner of the wooloo has been labelled in critical condition after an apparent attack within his home by the wooloo. a home nearby confessed hearing what sounded like stomping, and a loud scream from within the house of the owner. afterwards, authorities were called. ”
* | “ police state the owner had locked himself in a closet, while the wooloo continued to tackle the door. it was unable to break, but the pokemon had to be restrained upon capture, as it tried to tackle and bite one of the officers. ”
* | “ authorities say the situation is under control, and will release the results of the testing once completed. ”
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littlekidprincess-a · 5 years
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* | “ woah- ”
soleana forces big cat to a stop as they come across something in the ground. her eyes narrow, pupils dilating with interest as she slid off the large pokemon’s back.
her feet hit the ground and she knelt down, but still kept her knees off the ground.
is that... blood?
it isn’t a normal color for blood... it’s black, mixed with something blue, and sparkling. only a few droplets were still on the surface, most of it having sunk into the dry dirt, fading into it.
what could this...
she pulls her pokedex out of her pocket, sliding it open and letting the scanner roll over the sight before her. as if it’ll do something... she wants to trust that it will.
eventually, something does happen. the pokedex lights up, showing the dex entry for hatterene, now detailing biological information on the pokemon, including a close up image of its blood and type. blue and sparkling...
why is there hatterene blood here..? and is that black substance actually blood?
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