#[ event: cryptmas/christmas ]
stonexcxld-archived · 2 years
🌿 -Adrien (chaoticxgays) There was no accident here lol
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Send 🌿 to accidentally get caught under the mistletoe with my muse. || @chaoticxgays || [ Accepting ]
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mentioned: @muralmxse
This time for the howliday occasion, Deuce had to be smart and plan ahead to 'borrow' Adrien to get away from the mansion. He knows that his blonde kitten wants to spend Cryptmas with his father, but he had nothing to do BEFORE then...
And Frankie decided to host a Cryptmas eve party at her house this year. Needless to say it was an electrifying event... and not just because Heath got a jolt drinking the bolt punch.
Deuce was having a good time, though waiting to share his gifts in private with Adrien. He looked so happy socializing with the other monsters. Even Cleo was civil enough. He strolled over after leaving his convo with Clawd, wrapping an arm around him. Before he could ask, a strange plant began to sprout over them and several other couples at the party.
Looking down and seeing not only the devious look Adrien gave, along with a wiggle of his eyebrows, but the paws on his chest and him leaning against him gave him the 'subtle' hint. Deuce could take it before he gently caressed Adrien's cheek and leaned to give a tender yet very lingering kiss which would leave the blonde breathless. After a minute, before he could turn it into a makeout session, the gorgon pulled away with some of his snakes gently licking Adrien's cheek.
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      ❝ You're gonna have to wait till later for more But for now, Merry Cryptmas babe. ❞
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13xwishes · 4 years
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// A Cryptmas present to Gigi, from Catty ( @cxttynoir​​ ) 🧞‍♀️🎄
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The bottle was bigger than the genie expected and came in with a double inside. Gigi grinned as she had spotted this brand in the maul the other day and though she was peculiar about particular smells, the pink djinn fell in a spell over this perfume.
In gratitude, she wrapped her arms around the black cat responsible before planting a kiss on the cheek and lips of her beloved.
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     ❝ Thank you, thank you very much kitten. Merry Cryptmas to you as well. ❞
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13xwishes · 5 years
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winter & holiday sentence starters || accepting
 @strcngered​ wished:  ❝ last minute gift shopping is an art, and you’re not ready for it. ❞ Draculaura @ Gigi !!
She didn’t need to be told twice. Going to the maul on the EVE of Christmas eve was not an experience Gigi was willing to go through again!
So many crowds... all pushing and running towards stores in sales... ... she almost couldn’t breathe when she lost Draculaura a moment when they got to Meowcys.
So imagine the genie’s relief when she was pulled out of Furlington and finally had a minute to catch a break at the food court.
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       ❝ Please tell me we have acquired everything. ❞
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stonexcxld-archived · 3 years
Adrien is gonna be cheeky and hold a mistletoe over his head to force Deuce's hand and kiss the blond. Not that he assumed it'd take much convincing ever. At least he was enjoying Christmas more often now.
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Cryptmas Mistletoe || @chaoticxgays || Stoned Cataclysm
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Deuce couldn't help but chuckled when the blonde tried to be sneaky and hold a mistletoe over his head. As close as he could anyway as Deuce was just a few inches taller. He merely shook his head as the nest tried to nip at the holly leaf. Deuce leaned down and gave a kiss to Adrien's puckered lips in a warm yet sensual kiss.
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❝ Merry Cryptmas, you cheeky little chat. ❞
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13xwishes · 4 years
Viperine had a bright smile on her face, still in awe of the gift her ghoul had given. She really hoped they would have the best time of their unlives in their honeymoon. Of course, she did have her own presents too, and with a kiss on Whisp’s cheek, she handed her beloved genie two present packages.
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❝ I really think these will look gore-geous in you! I love to see you wearing something new! Merry Cryptmas, Mitjanit, and I hope to have a great time at our trip! ❞ ( @snakesandmakeup​ )
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      ❝ I’m pretty sure we’ll have a a GREAT time. These are lovely, Vipey and I’ll  make sure to wear these at the beach on our honeymoon. ❞
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13xwishes · 5 years
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For @goddamnmuses​  || Spider Under the Mistletoe [ X ]
Gigi looked up as well with a small blush, but gave Peter a shy smile with a tilt to the head at the suggestion.
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       ❝ If YOU want to, Peter.       Don’t worry. I don’t bite~ ❞
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13xwishes · 5 years
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*♡ ˙ ˖ ✧・゚ —  holiday ask meme  !  —  ・゚✧ ˖ ˙ ♡ * 
 @snakesandmakeup​ wished: 🎄 ( Whisp ) ||  Accepting
send  🎄 for  our  muses  to  decorate  the  christmas  tree  together .
      ❝ Alright, here we go. ❞
Whisp made sure to levitate her lover carefully, lifting her higher to decorate her very big tree (which of course according to Clawdia, they just HAD to have). Making sure Vipey was steady, Whisp continued the conversation based on her curiosity.
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      ❝ So let me get this right: This is a holiday for where everyone, humans and monsters, celebrate  all together with treats, parties and gifts all around? ❞
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13xwishes · 6 years
On the eve of the holidays, the young wock set a gift outside the purple djinn’s dorm. Inside the box lay a navy blue and purple scarf as well as a note attached ti a half painted blue rose. “Happy Holidays my dearest muse, Here in this box is a little gift for you. Something keep you warm for this holiday. All the best - MJW”
Christmas / Cryptmas Wishes 🎄
🌟 Your Wish Is Our Command || @snxckersnxckisms  W i s h e s 🌟
It was around late in the evening when Whisp would return to her dorm to fetch the gifts she hid for her family… then would spot one left for her by the door.
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Picking the gift up, a rare smile appeared on her face when she read the note. The clock behind her chimed midnight as Christmas Day came once more and the winter breeze could be heard outside the night.
Gently opening the gift, the lavender djinn couldn’t help but think it wasn’t a more perfect time to wear the gift.
She retrieved the rest of her gifts in a back and locked up her dorm room within the next hour, carrying the bag and travelled through the winter night with the bootiful blue and purple scarf on her neck and the rose tucked carefully under her hair before disappearing in a flash of purple smoke.
A very Merry Christmas it shall be.
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13xwishes · 6 years
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“ A very special lamp for a very special genie - this one projects stars and planets onto your walls and ceiling, bringing the night sky into your own home!
I also saw this set of makeup brushes and necklace charms that made me think of you.
A Scary Cryptmas and a Happy Boo Year’s to you,
My wish-come-true.
With love, Catty~ xoxo ”
🌟   M e r r y  C r y p t m a s   ||   @cxttynoir  ☀️ ☓ 😸  🌟
The genie eyes lit up as she watched the lamp light up her room in the night with stars, moons and planets in brilliant colored lights! Such a wonderful and miraculous gift to receive!
The brushes were also beautiful and Gigi would be sure to use them. The aquamarine pendant to match her eyes and with the lamp charm next to it was very adorable. Gigi placed the necklace on before raveling in the gifts she received.
Her kitten was so thoughtful. Gigi only hoped Catty enjoyed her gifts she gave as much as the sun genie was enjoying hers!
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      ❝ Thank you, Kitten            Merry Cryptmas. ❞
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13xwishes · 6 years
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“For my amazing girl” -Leon
🌟   M e r r y  C r y p t m a s   ||  @grieverspride  🦁 & ☀️  🌟
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     ❝ It’s beautiful, papa.           Thank you so much. ❞
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13xwishes · 6 years
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❝ A chair fit for my favorite reader ghoul, just missing a spot for your cuddly gorgon 😉. Happy Howlidays! 
Love, Vipey 💕❞
🌟   M e r r y  C r y p t m a s   ||  @snakesandmakeup  🌙 ☓ 🐍  🌟 
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     ❝ Well isn’t this just perfect?  Thanks, babe. I needed something  like this 💋 ❞
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13xwishes · 6 years
💋 ( Whisp )
Send 💋 to catch my muse under the mistletoe!
🌟 As You Wish || @snakesandmakeup || A c c e p t i n g 🌟
Needless to say, the Christmas party was pretty lively over in Hauntleywood Studios. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, even the moon genie herself. It was certainly the better alternative than to having spending Cryptmas Eve with Stheno.
A small shiver ran down the genie just the mention of the other gorgon.But speaking of gorgons.
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Whisp took a moment to look up before a smirk planted on her face. Noticing her ghoul not too far away, she snagged her feisty Vipey away before motioning upward. Leaving little to no room to speak much, the lavender djinn looped her arms around Viperine’s waist and pulled her into a lingering kiss.
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13xwishes · 6 years
"I know we do not know each other very well, but it felt wrong to leave you out of my usual Christmas drop offs. I would have given you something Duel Monsters related but your knowledge of the game seemed far too minimal for you to appreciate such a gift. Will this basket of homemade holiday cookies and pastries make up for it? There's gingerbread cookies, snickerdoodle and of course, plenty of sugar cookies inside. I also nicked you a jeweled hair piece since u look the type to enjoy such."
Christmas / Cryptmas Wishes 🎄
🌟 Your Wish Is Our Command ||  @adonaiis​  W i s h e s 🌟
The rose djinn turned around as she was being called from behind. To her surprised, she didn’t expect to see Atem again. But as he spoke, a warm appeared on her face before accepting the gift with gratitude and beaming smile...
... before pulling one of her own from behind her back.
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     ❝ Thank you so much.You are very sweet. And I hope you will accept this gift in return. I know it is not much, but I makethem all the time for my friends. ❞
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