#[ he wants to retire but he will have duty call him and he'll sigh and go because
marinehero-a · 2 years
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     Keeps thinkin ab revolutionary garp
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munsonsduchess · 2 years
Calling all Monsters
summary: steve needs a favour and eddie has just the car to pull it off w/c: 2,487 warnings: mentions of drugs, swearing, mentions of underage drinking a/n: there was no way i was forgetting these two when it came to halloween, i had initially planned something else out but then this wonderful fic got published and i couldn't not tie everything in, you should 110% read that fic it’s amazing and @pillow-titties is incredible
if you like this fic why not consider reblogging it so others can enjoy it too?
this is part seven of the god and goddess of hellfire, the rest can be found on my masterlist
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(moodboard by me)
You'd been having what could quite honestly be described as a morning from hell. Eddie had gone to work early that morning which was fine, he worked some Saturday's now they'd let him do more as a tattoo apprentice than clean up the other guys stations or go for coffee. 
No the morning from hell was all thanks to one Rosemary Munson who had apparently taken such offense to her breakfast that it had ended up on the walls, the floor, the counter tops, really anywhere oatmeal could land when thrown around by a cranky one and half year old,
"Rose you're killing me baby, please can you just try the oatmeal? I promise it isn't gonna bite you" you'd tried just about everything and were indeed very close to wondering how you were going to blackmail or bribe your daughter into eating her breakfast when the door rang.
Scooping up Rose so she didn't cause any more mayhem in your kitchen you answered the door and were incredibly relieved to find out that it wasn't someone who wanted to make another noise complaint about you and Eddie but instead Steve Harrington,
"Sorry, was this a bad time?" 
"No worse than any other, come in" you stood aside to let the younger man into the house, "just be careful, there's oatmeal everywhere" 
Steve gave you a sympathetic smile, there was probably oatmeal in your hair too come to think of it. 
"You guys are going through it huh?" Steve asked, 
"We've been in our feelings all morning and those feelings revolve explicitly around oatmeal, which I'd like to point out we had no problems with yesterday" you sighed, "but how can we help you Steve. I'm sure you're not here to listen to my woes"
You gestured Steve into the living room which was significantly cleaner than the kitchen, less chance of anything falling on him or getting stuck in that otherwise perfect hair,
"Uh yeah I was gonna ask Eddie a favour" Steve started, "is he here?" 
"Nope he's at work today. They're actually letting him tattoo some oranges these days" you laughed, "but I'm sure he'll say yes to whatever it is" 
"Yeah but if you guys have your hands full with Rose it's fine" 
"It'll be fine, either Eddie can do whatever it is by himself or i'll ask Joyce if she can babysit, I'd ask my mom but she and my dad are in … Palo Alto I think. My dad got one of those RVs when he retired and they've been touring the country loving life" 
"Well actually that kinda ties into what I was gonna ask. Apparently there's some Halloween party the kids got invited to and they need a ride. Joyce is working, Nancy's mom is taking Holly trick or treating and Hop's on duty. Joyce said she could pick them up and they're all gonna stay in that new place they got downtown but yeah"
"Don't they usually ask you for rides?" you asked, there was hardly an event that took place where the gaggle of teens didn't ask or rather just assume Steve would be their ride,
"Yeah but uh I've got plans with Nicole" Steve explained, his ears going pink as he rubbed the back of his neck,
"Aw Stevie, do you feel embarrassed about your Halloween plans?" you teased, "are you doing something naughty?" 
"It's not like that!" Steve jumped to explain himself, "we were just gonna watch a movie" 
"I'm pretty sure Eddie and I were 'just gonna watch a movie' and then nine months later - "you bounced Rose on your lap for good measure.
Steve was pink from head to toe as he stammered out a response but you finally took pity on the poor boy, "I'm joking Steve, of course we'll drive the rugrats around" 
"Really? You guys didn't have plans?" 
"Well if nobody can babysit then nah we don't have any plans. We'll take them to the party, but a couple of them are gonna have to squeeze in, the Impala isn't big enough for eight exactly so Wheeler can just sit in the trunk" 
It wasn't as though you had anything against Mike Wheeler exactly but there was something about the boy that just rubbed you the wrong way. He was a snarky little asshole but then so was Max and you adored her. 
"I'm sure he'll be fine" Steve and Mike had their own rift, mostly because Steve had dated Nancy back in the day when all this Upside Down Nonsense had first started, "do you need any help when I'm here? It's fall break so I've got time" 
"Are you offering because you feel guilty for coming by mid tantrum?" you grinned, "because as you can see Miss Rose has very much stopped once you arrived" 
"You're here alone and oatmeal is a bitch to get out of anything once it dries" Steve said, his ears going pink again at your teasing, 
"Well if that's the case, why don't you take Rose to the bath and I'll clean up the kitchen. If you do a good job I'll even let you have a brownie to take home. I made them yesterday" 
"Uh thanks? I didn't know you baked" Steve furrowed his brow, you'd never been the domestic type so this was surprising,
"They're fun brownies Steve. Who do you think you're talking to?" 
"Yeah that makes more sense. Thought I was in the twilight zone for a second"
"You're hilarious. Now go wash my daughter, she's gross and I need five minutes of alone time" 
»»————- ♔ ————-««
When Eddie came home that evening you recounted Steve's visit and how you'd agreed to take the kids to the halloween party,
"They can all just squash together in the backseat or I can shove Mike into the trunk" 
"What about Halloween in Indy? I thought we were gonna go?" 
"Unless you wanna bring Rose or try and find a babysitter in this town it's not happening babe" 
"But I thought you were asking Joyce?" 
"She's working, I mean we could ask Wayne but would he be able to get the night off at this short notice?" 
"Nah probably not" Eddie sighed, "oh well, it looks like we're the responsible people"
"God did you ever think it would be us?" you laughed, "married with a baby and being asked to be the responsible adults on Halloween?" 
"Never. I mean how responsible are we really?" Eddie laughed leaning in to blow a raspberry on Rose's cheek, "I mean we've got our happy little accident right here" 
"Eddie! You can't call her an accident!" you swatted his arm, "you'll give her a complex!" 
"Awh but she's my favourite little accident!" Eddie cooed, lifting a giggling Rose from your arms, "aren't cha sweetie?" 
"Edward Munson, what did I literally just say?" 
Eddie just laughed and bounced Rose around the kitchen singing something nonsensical to her. You sighed, what were you gonna do with this man?
»»————- ♔ ————-««
In preparation for being the designated responsible adults for the evening you'd gone by Melvad's to see Joyce about taking the kids home again and to get a little costume for Rose,
"If you can't get away Eddie and Me are more than happy to pick them back up" you'd said as she rang you through, and used her employee discount for your items no matter how many times you told her she shouldn't,
"Don't worry honey, I finish up here around nine so I'll be fine to pick them up. Will and El won't stop talking about the party, they're so excited" 
"That's so sweet. I mean I know they're sixteen and all but it's kind of adorable that they're this excited for a high school party" 
"I used to be so worried about Will, that he would have a hard time at school but I'm so glad he has such good friends you know?" 
You nodded. You knew Eddie had all but taken Will under his wing when the Hopper Byers family had returned to Hawkins after Vecna and the earthquake. The young boy had orchestrated an entire D&D game to keep Eddie occupied in the hospital while he was recovering and you knew for sure Eddie saw himself in the younger Byers.
You bid goodbye to Joyce and promised to call by the house with Rose another day so she could see how her granddaughter was growing. Joyce had unofficially adopted Eddie when she'd returned to town and met him for the first time and Wayne seemed more than happy with the arrangement. 
»»————- ♔ ————-««
The night of the party you had dressed Rose up in the little pumpkin costume you'd gotten for her, you'd been expecting another fit like the oatmeal but surprisingly she was more than excited to wear her costume. Probably helped by how much Eddie had hyped her up for wearing it the days prior. 
While you and Eddie weren't going to the Halloween event in the city you'd been planning you still wore your costumes albeit slightly modified. Eddie had still donned the puffy sleeved shirt and plastic fangs and you'd still worn yours but had decided to forego the wig that you'd bought and just wear your own hair down and your longest black dress. 
Max was first to be picked up since she and her Mom had moved out of the trailer park shortly after you and Eddie had and into another of the empty houses left abandoned by people who'd given up on Hawkins once and for all.
She slid into the front seat next to you and Rose and made a fuss over the baby in her pumpkin costume,
"You guys make really cool vampires" she'd said, "Sorry you're missing your grown up halloween or whatever because Steve wants to bang his girlfriend" 
"Well he does most of the running around after you little shits so he's allowed to want a night off to bang his girlfriend" you'd replied easily, "moms need time off too" 
The boys had decided on a group costume but El and Max weren't participating and were doing something of their own which you expected would make more sense when you picked El up. 
After Max you picked up Dustin who complained loudly about how Max got to sit in the front and next to Rose,
"It's because I'm the favourite Dusty Bun" Max shot back, "too bad, sucks to be you"
"Hey! That's not fair! I'm Eddie's favourite right?" Dustin looked at Eddie who opened his mouth but shut it again with an audible click, "betrayal! I can't believe this! I better still be Steve's favorite!"
"Oh that's a given" you laughed, "you're always gonna be his favourite child" 
Dustin seemed placated by this and settled back in his seat, for all of five minutes before he began to complain about the music and wanting to see his sister better. 
After picking up Dustin you swung by Lucas' and the group costume slowly came together. Of course these little nerds would choose Star Wars, you didn't even know why you were surprised. 
After Lucas it was Mike who was as snarky as ever and wouldn't stop complaining about Steve bailing on them which you shut down very quickly. Using the same argument you'd used with Max that Steve was entitled to one night off from being the personal chauffeur to a group of nerdy teenagers.
You finally swung by the Byers' place last. Jonathan waved from the front door as El and Will came running out, you figured he probably couldn't drive anywhere cause Joyce needed the car and envied his night alone just a little,
"Alright, Lucas, Mike you're gonna have to budge up to let the Wonder Twins in. Anyone complains they're sitting in the trunk!"
"Why are you giving orders? This isn't even your car!" Mike shot back,
"Careful Young Wheeler" Eddie chastised, "you might be in the throes of puberty and in thrall to your hormones but you will always address Lady Munson with respect" 
"Whatever" he pouted before making sure there was indeed enough room for El and WIll. When you turned around to get a good look at El you couldn't help but laugh, in her white blouse and blue jeans no one would know what she was supposed to be dressed as but the slash in the sleeve of her blouse and the fake blood pouring down her arm paired with the overalls Max was wearing and no doubt the infamous Michael Meyers mask she had stuffed somewhere would inform everyone what their costume was supposed to be.
You loved these kids. 
»»————- ♔ ————-««
When you and Eddie reached the house the party was held in it seemed as though the festivities were in full swing and the kids were clambering over each other to get out of the car,
"Hey!" Eddie yelled out the driver's side window, "Ground rules! If you drink do not lose sight of your cup, if you can't be sure if you set your drink down then forget it that's not your drink anymore, stick together, watch out for each other and if anyone offers you anything - " 
"Just say no" the kids chorused as one, probably having it shoved down their throats at school. Thanks Nancy Reagan,
"Yeah because it's probably substandard product and you don't know where they got it from since Rick doesn't sell to teeangers anymore and Eddie doesn't sell at all" you added, "now go on, get" 
The kids didn't need telling twice and they all ran for the house, the music blaring out of the sound system someone's parents probably paid a fortune for. As you and Eddie made the drive back home you couldn't help but wonder, 
"Do you miss it?" 
"Miss what?" 
"Going to parties, being the guy with the good supply, making more money in an hour than you do in eight at the studio?" 
Eddie thought about it for a minute. It was a dangerous way to earn a living and he'd been cautioned more times than he probably should have been by Hopper, probably because the older man knew Wayne and Eddie's old man and wanted Eddie to at least have a shot at a decent life, but at the same time he was the man of the hour and that was it. Come Monday morning back at school he was Eddie "the freak" again, shoved into lockers by the basketball team, berated by the football team, scorned by cheerleaders and well everyone else by proxy,
"Nah. Why would I miss that when I've got all I want right here?" he smiled broadly, his nose scrunching up and leaving a little crease in the middle,
"Sap" you laughed reaching over to kiss him briefly before he had to turn his eyes back to the road,
"You love me" 
"You're lucky I do" 
"Don't I know it?"
Taglist: @shenanigans-and-imagines @jobean12-blog @eddiesmutson @prettyboyeddiemunson @hellfireeddie6 @that-lame-ghoul9000 @xbreezymeadowsx @ches-86 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @anxiousstark @ruinedbythehobbit @winnifredburkleismyhero @boomhauer @eddiemvnsonss
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abysscronica · 2 years
Mudblood pt.2 [One Piece Hogwarts!AU]
Most of the students couldn't sleep at all, that night.
When they took their first step in, Momonosuke and the other newbies looked uneasy at the dark underwater atmosphere of the dungeon.
«You'll get used to it.» you smiled at him and Sugar «The sound of water is actually quite relaxing, and a lot of interesting things appear beyond the windows. You'll see.»
Still stunned by the scoop of the Triwizard Tournament, Slytherin common room stayed crowded till late night, but you could bet the situation wasn't different in the other Houses.
Sensing the environment was about to heat up, Charlotte Katakuri sent the youngest students in their dorms. He had been Slytherin's prefect since you joined, but this year he was the Head Boy of the school.
«Those hot-headed Gryffindors are probably screaming and jumping around in excitement.» Perona huffed, claiming an armchair in the corner of the room.
«Who do you think will put the name in the Goblet of Fire?» Ginrummy asked, sitting on an arm.
You took the closest armchair. You girls wisely avoided the places nearby the fire, since they were considered the alpha positions and, well, Slytherin had quite a problem with those. Let's say Slytherin had a problem with red-haired alphas, being Eustass Kid and Vinsmoke Ichiji both self-proclaimed leader of their year. The last thing you wanted was getting in a fight for the leadership with those two.
«Well, Luffy, Ace and Sabo from Gryffindor are an easy guess.» you started «And I would be surprised if Sanji and Zoro didn't try as well.»
«Ugh. They're all really annoying.»
«What about the girls? The tall man said a guy and a gal for each House will be selected.»
You shrugged.
«I have no idea. Maybe Carrot?»
Perona frowned.
«Who's Carrot?»
«The rabbit girl.»
«Oh yeah.»
«I just hope the Goblet won't choose Edward.» Gin sighed.
Your expression widened with horror.
«I didn't think about it! No, we cannot be represented by that beast!»
After a while, Ginrummy reached her best friend Mikita and the two of them soon retired in the girls' bedroom.
«What's your problem, you shitty Vinsmoke?»
You buried your head in the chair's back.
«Oh please, no.»
Ichiji e Kid had started another of their fights, probably about who had more rights to put his name in the Goblet of Fire.
«A filthy mudblood like you shouldn't even be allowed to approach the Goblet!» Niji hissed beside his brother. Yonji sneered at Kid.
The scowl on the taller redhead deepened ad his expression became ice.
«You didn't just call me mudblood.»
«But that's what you are!» Yonji chimed «You're blood is dirty like the asshole of a Gryffind–»
The green-haired Vinsmoke was hit by the spell on his forehead, immediately going down. This caused Ichiji and Niji to reach for their wands, and for Killer, Heat and Wire to jump by Kid's side, ready to fight.
You jolted toward Perona, throwing you both behind the armchair while at the same time you extracted your wand.
Luckily, Katakuri was the fastest and casted a barrier between the two groups.
«Stop acting like children.» he ordered from the entrance of the gallery that leaded to the male dorms «We're all Slytherin here. It's our duty to stick together and support whoever will be chosen.»
The redheads grit their teeth at his words but, amazingly, didn't protest. Relying on the House pride was always a guarantee, and Katakuri knew that.
«I swear I love that Charlotte dude.» you sighed in relief, getting back to your seat.
Perona did the same.
«I hope he'll be the one who runs for us.»
Ichiji and Kid exchanged a murderous glare, then each one of them turned in the opposite direction. Yonji was left on the floor.
«Hey, troublemaker.»
The hiss behind your back made you shiver. Perona, in front of you, widened her eyes and you knew nothing good was coming.
You slowly rotated to meet Cracker's sharp eyes.
«Charlotte. How can I help you?»
«Oh, there is something.» he viciously smiled, crossing his arms on his muscular chest. You blinked, confused.
Cracker leaned over until your gazes were only inches from one another.
«Don't put your name in the Goblet of Fire.» he commanded.
You frowned.
«You heard me. Smoothie is the female champion of Slytherin. No one can compete with her. So save yourself some troubles and don't go anywhere near the Goblet.»
«I wasn't planning to.» you hissed back «You may have just made me change my mind.»
He narrowed his eyes.
«Excuse me?»
«Is there any problem?»
You suddenly felt another imposing figure to your side.
«Killer!» Perona gasped.
The student put himself between you and Cracker.
«I believe your brother just said we should stick together no matter what.»
The Charlotte faced Killer.
«Don't give me your shit, mudblood. You know Smoothie is the best choice for the House.»
«This is a matter for the Goblet of Fire. And, personally, I think Y/n could perfectly represent the House.»
Your cheeks heated up at Killer's statement.
Cracker lifted his eyebrows.
«Well, she's not as mudblood as you, that's for sure.»
The blond tensed his fists, but once again, Katakuri stepped in.
«Brother Cracker.» he called lowly, but it was enough to restrain the other Charlotte.
The purple-haired guy glared at Killer, then at you.
«This is not over.» he whispered before walking away.
You let out a small sigh of relief.
«Thanks Killer.» you smiled «You didn't have to do it, though. I have no intention of signing up for this madness.»
«You don't?» he shrugged «I think you should.»
«Whaaat? C'mon, Cracker might be an asshole, but he's right. Smoothie is the best witch we have.»
«She didn't cause half the troubles you did in your first year.»
«I'm pretty sure this is an asset.»
He chuckled.
«As you prefer, Y/n. But think about it. Goodnight, girls.»
Killer lazily waved at you before heading to the male dorm.
«You know, I can see why Cracker felt the need to threaten you.» Perona commented.
You turned to her, confused.
«The need? I guess he just thought I was going to enlist.»
She shook her head.
«Don't think so. Think about it, Y/n: what is it that you do when you have spare time?»
You huffed.
«Mostly, I try to take a nap.»
«Exactly!» she clapped her hands «And what does usually happen next?»
«Something tries to eat me. Or explodes. Or both, in one occasion.»
She smiled.
«Y/n, if you put your name in the Goblet of Fire there is absolutely no chance it won't choose you.»
You stare at her in horror. Perona was right!
«But this is not a problem!» you uttered, standing a little too fast «Because I'm not gonna! And now I'm going to sleep, so tomorrow I can get up, start the classes and have an absolutely normal and boring year at Hogwarts! Goodnight!»
You stiffly turned and marched towards the female dorm.
Perona rolled her eyes.
«I'm pretty sure that won't be the case.»
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