#[ regrets how dragon turned out? or regrets that he cant help his son?
marinehero-a · 2 years
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     Keeps thinkin ab revolutionary garp
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heyybrittannia · 4 years
We have another BNHarem collab; theme was Summer and this one is featuring Shindou Yo. Thanks to @thisisthehardestthing for beta reading and keeping me on track with this; I couldn’t have done it without you. :D
Mountains and forest blurred into swirls of amber-tinted green and gray as your family’s car weaved through the mountain passes. Your mother, her dark hair now streaked with gray from you and your younger brother’s exploits over the years, smiled warmly at your father as they made small talk over neutral topics like the weather and the latest hero gossip from Musutafu and Tokyo. You did your best to block out the inane chatter, eyes fixed to the fast moving scenery just outside the rear passenger window. It had been a family tradition for as long as you could remember-- every summer the family would travel together to your father's ancestral home just outside Kamakura. It was a tradition that survived your parents’ failed marriage and was one of the few family gatherings you actually looked forward to. 
“I heard you got your provisional license, Y/n,” your father prodded, his hands pressed firmly to the steering wheel. “Baba’ll be glad to hear there’s going to be a hero in the main family.” Your brother Hayate nudged your ribs roughly with his elbow and pulled you from your daze to respond to your father.
“Aah, yes. I’m looking forward to telling her...again.” You kept your responses curt with your father. Things were never quite the same between the two of you since the divorce. Hayate rolled his eyes at the exchange and returned to the game on his phone. You turned your attention back to the rapidly changing scenery outside your window as your mother began humming along to the barely audible radio. You rolled down your window and inhaled deeply, wind whipping your hair as you leaned into the frame. Salt and sea washed over your senses and baptized you anew, bringing back memories of a happier time before words like “mistress” and “affair” and “alimony” were thrown around like sledgehammer blows bending and breaking the framework of your once happy little family.
“Do you think they’ll make it this year, Hiro?” your mother asked absently between songs. Your father scoffed at her question and turned into the sleepy beach town to the family estate. “It’s been so long since we’ve seen them.”
“It’s only been two summers, Kanna. Look, they’re already here.”
When your father parked the car, you noted a broad back you couldn’t quite place and an unruly mop of dark hair addressing your grinning grandmother from the courtyard. She waved her arthritis-warped hand in your direction and you felt your heart seize in your chest the moment that dark head turned to follow your Baba’s gesture.
Shindou Yo…
The moment you were parked, Yo made his way to the driveway to help your family unpack the car. While your mother greeted him warmly, you kept your gaze firmly fixed to your phone or the estate until your father handed you your suitcase. He was taller than you remembered, grander in scale-- between internships and training camps he was all muscle and sinew draped in a mint muscle tee and gray joggers. He still had that same cloying, saccharine smile, the same non-confrontational simper to his voice he'd adopt when he spoke with your mother. With your bags in hand, you brushed past him and forced yourself to remember how to breathe. Your grandmother opened her arms wide and smiled broadly at you as you entered her home. 
"Y/n, welcome home," she sighed as you dropped your belongings and embraced the withered old woman. 
"Baba, I've missed you!"
"Let me take a look at you, young lady. My, how you've grown! And you've grown your lovely hair out! Oh! Your grandfather would weep if he could see you now!" You chuckled nervously under your grandmother's praise. Your gut twisted into knots when you felt a heavy hand fall on your shoulder. Your pulse raced at the contact and heat rushed to your face as his voice resonated through you. 
"She's quite a beauty, isn't she, Saishi-sama?" Your grandmother clapped her hands together and beamed up at the boy. 
"Absolutely stunning, Yo! Ah, you should help Y/n take her things to her room." 
"I can handle my own bags, Baba. Thank you, Shindou-kun, but I--."
"I'd be a poor guest if I didn't help you out, Y/n. I insist." He offered the same, harmless smile, but you kept your stare fixed to your grandmother. He removed his hand and knelt to collect your suitcase and pulled your backpack from your hand. Your fingers brushed and for a moment you swore you felt faint. Surrendering to the confines of centuries of social niceties, you bowed to your grandmother and dismissed yourself to your room with Shindou Yo following close behind. 
The atmosphere seemed to change when you were alone with Shindou. His smile was less forced (not that it would ever look forced to the untrained eye), his shoulders more slack, tone of his voice less measured when it was just the two of you. Surrounded by your ancestor’s traditional trappings, you released the breath you didn’t realize you were holding until Shindou slid the rice paper door closed behind him and gently dropped your bags to the tatami floor. His light russet eyes raked over your frame like you were a prize to be won. His tongue peeked from between his lips as he drank you in, arms crossed casually over his toned chest.
“You filled out since the last time I saw you, Y/n.”
There it was-- the real Shindou Yo; underneath it all he was the same slimy, two-faced asshole who nearly cost you your provisional hero license two years ago.
“You’ve got a lot of nerve coming here. Congrats. You’ve fooled Baba into thinking you’re husband material or whatever,” you growled, every nerve ending burning with adrenaline. He smirked and canted his head in mock ignorance, leaning his shoulder against an ancient, solid cedar chest of drawers.
“Oh, come on, sweetheart. You aren’t still sore about the provisional licensing exam?”
“How could I not, Shindou?!” you spat. “You nearly cost me two years of work and for what? To prove to your stupid little girlfriend that you’re hot shit or something?!”
That struck a nerve. His features darkened as he drew closer. He looked dangerous bearing down on your slight frame, eyes blown with thinly veiled fury and something else you couldn’t quite place. “Don’t. You. Dare.”
You weren’t finished or unnerved. “Dare what, Shindou? You think after two years of you not showing your face or not even bothering to apologize for the way you nearly screwed me out of my dream for a girl that I wouldn’t be mad?” You shook your head and pointed a neatly manicured finger into his solid chest. “We’re long past mad, asshole.”
“Stop,” he growled, clenching his fists as you leaned into him, your eyes practically alight with long-simmering rage just threatening to boil over. He inhaled sharply as your fingers curled around his shirt, your own fist trembling into the fabric.
“You might have Baba and Mom fooled, but I see you for what you really are,” you dug on. Shindou flexed under your grip and exhaled sharply through his nose. You could practically feel the low vibrations threatening to gain momentum under his skin. It was your turn to size him up and rake your eyes over his tall build. His adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as you drew closer, rising on your tiptoes to meet him at eye-level. With your flushed cheeks and the contempt boiling over through your eyes to him you were a vision-- a dragon to be tamed; part of him wasn’t sure if he should be turned on or meet your fury with his own.
“Stop,” he repeated, his voice lower with that familiar note of finality. “Before we say something we regret.” He brought his hands to your wrist and you felt the low rumble of his quirk reverberate into your bones. 
His fingertips were rough, worn to leather by his internship before summer break. The combined sensation against the soft skin of your inner wrist and the gentle vibrations slowly brought you back. Your eyes met his and he clenched his jaw at the hurt that came after the anger ebbed away. Instinctively, he leaned in and locked his lips on yours, dragging the tip of his tongue along the curve of your bottom lip to beg both permission and forgiveness. He called to you and your body answered, lips parting just to sneak your own taste of him. You matched his kiss with your own and found yourself melting into him as if he could keep you from evaporating away.
You pulled away first, but he kept your wrist in his grasp. As if sensing your growing anxiety, he began rubbing small, soothing circles along the swath of skin in his hold, never tearing his eyes from yours. He watched as you withdrew back into yourself, sinking back to your heels as he loosened his grip, just barely holding on. Your chest heaved as you sighed through your nose. You dragged your tongue along your lips and let out the softest whimper as you tore your arm away from him and turned your back to the aspiring hero.
“...you should go, Shindou. I’m sure Nakagame wants to know you arrived in one piece.”
Shindou reluctantly took his leave from your room, leaving you to vivisect your emotions one at a time in solitude. 
History bound your families together since the age of the shogunate. Shindou serving Saishi as devoted daimyo evolved as the country's political landscape shifted away from feuding warlords. The families grew into business partners, even cousins as members married into lesser branches of the extended Saishi family. As a son of the main Shindou family, Yo and his father were ever present for most family gatherings. You always suspected your grandparents hoped that one day the two main families would be united by your eventual marriage, but human nature and poor timing always thwarted their plans. As the oldest grandchild, it fell on your shoulders to become the new head of the family. Coupled with the pressures of your hero academia, your head throbbed with every stressor-- you didn't need old feelings for the boy you spent summer after summer resurfacing, especially not after he nearly ripped away your dream and your heart with both hands.
Morning came too soon for you to forget the kiss he stole. You stretched the sleep from your limbs and rolled from your down futon to the cool tatami mats. With a yawn you finally rose from the floor and strode to the cedar chest of drawers to select your outfit for the morning. The more awake you became the harder it was to concentrate on selecting the most appropriate garb for your first morning back on the family estate. Ever the stickler for tradition, the first family breakfast was a long, drawn out affair and Baba Saishi expected her clan to be dressed in traditional kimono. You scratched your head and scrunched your nose at the thought of all those heavy layers of ornate silk in the summer heat, and you wished you could forget bothering one of your grandmother's attendants to help with tying that cumbersome obi. You tossed your hair over your shoulders and selected something your late grandfather would have approved of and pulled his slate gray haori from its wooden mannequin. With daylight just breaking, you decided it best to continue your training-- vacation or no, a hero's work is never done, especially when that hero is still a trainee. Presentable for the day, you padded quietly from your room and past Shindou's to escape to the estate's central courtyard where you would train your quirk and body with your grandfather before he passed away. 
In a way, your annual homecoming wasn't official until you stepped foot in the courtyard at the heart of the sprawling estate. The attendants and groundskeepers kept in your grandmother's employ had already set up your targets and quiver in anticipation for your arrival. The barest hint of a smile ghosted over your features as you pulled your hair back into a low ponytail. Practiced hands strung your hankyu and once you plucked the bowstring and felt it's low thrumming note vibrate through the bamboo you felt at home again. You nocked your first arrow of the morning and felt your breath slow. The world slowed to a quiet crawl when you activated your quirk. Precision your grandfather called it. Your ability allowed you to make adjustments to your body chemistry to enhance everything from reaction time to stamina, even how quickly you could process and formulate information as long as you could concentrate. You took another slow, deep breath and held it in feeling the oxygen feed your muscles as you drew the bowstring tight to your cheek. With a slow exhale you released your arrow and quickly nocked a second before waiting for the first to hit its mark. The second became the third and the third into the fourth and so on until the sun crested above the peaked roof of the estate. Sunlight warmed you through and for a moment you could forget about Shindou or the thinly veiled tension between you. All you needed was your bow and a full quiver to find complete serenity. When you ran out of arrows, the groundskeeper brought another, bowing his head and smiling knowingly. 
You kept your rhythm until you heard the housekeeper scramble to prepare the dining hall to your grandmother's strict specifications. 
Inhale…Nock...Exhale and release…
When Shindou finally woke, the sunlight filtered through the silk screen he swore he broke four summers back after a spirited game of Go turned wrestling match with Hayate. He turned a bleary eye to the window and groaned, rubbing his face and dragging the same massive hand through his messy bedhead. Rising to a casual sitting position, he took in the sounds of the morning at the Saishi estate. It was different than the morning prior when he and his family had arrived. There was one sound he couldn't place. He rose to his feet and followed the rhythmic sound of shuffling and the dull thud that followed until he made it to the heart of the estate. Hand shielding his eyes, his mouth hung slightly open when he caught sight of you in your hakama and gi, string arm free from the restraint of your top revealing a trace of black tank-top underneath. The sliver of skin that glistened in the midmorning light as you drew back what had to have been the hundredth arrow drew him in, but the controlled focus in your eyes, the quiet power you commanded with your stance kept him there. With every arrow you shot he felt himself fall just a little more in over his head. When your fifth quiver was empty, you relaxed your stance and surveyed your handiwork-- every arrow hit its intended mark. You held your bow at your side and gave another stretch, rising up to your toes and relaxing yourself back down to your heels. You finally looked over in his direction and froze, your zen morning turning tumultuous with one glance at his too-perfect face. He waved sweetly, again putting on his never ending show for the staff, but you quickly turned away and retreated into the dim halls and lacquered opulence of your ancestral home. As if dazed by your response, or maybe it was witnessing such mastery and control over your quirk, he took a moment to process and react to your icy reception. 
"Ah, Y/n, so good of you to join us!" 
"Good morning, Baba."
"I trust you slept well? Ah, how I wish you wouldn't train before breakfast, Y/n."
"An empty stomach helps me practice, Baba," you sighed, taking a seat on the floor next to your brother. You raised a brow at the empty seat across from you. "Who else are we waiting for?" 
"Sorry I'm late, Saishi-sama!" You had to bite back a groan. He siddled across from you and flashed you another smile. "My alarm didn't go off," he bowed his head in apology and your grandmother waved him off with a grin. "You know, Y/n, we should train together sometime. Maybe have a rematch," he grinned and shoveled rice into his mouth. You had to remind yourself to slow your breathing, keep the facade going if only to keep the peace. Expression neutral, you sipped on your cooling tea and hummed your acknowledgement. Hayate nudged you with his shoulder and raised a dark brow, imploring you to drop the ice princess act. You kneed him under the low table and shot him a glare, earning you an identical one in return. Goosebumps tickled the back of your neck as your brother's quirk invaded the sanctuary of your mind. 
"You need to get over it, sis."
"I'll get over it when someone figures out how to catch wind with a net, Haachan. Mind your own business."
He gave a noncommittal shrug and returned to his broth, rolling his dark eyes at your stubbornness. Baba clapped her hands together and sighed at the sight of her family quietly eating together. Few things brought the old woman such joy. As breakfast continued to drag on, she quietly rose from the long table and motioned for Yo to come to her side. Like a trained dog he answered immediately and nodded as she cupped a gnarled hand over his ear. You chewed your lip as you watched him from your periphery and scoffed when he bowed low at her departure. Hayate snickered in his seat and shot you a smarmy smirk before rising and dismissing himself with a half-hearted excuse about meeting some friends in one of the nearby towns. Shindou returned to his seat and watched as one by one the family that had gathered left. 
Once you two were alone, he rested his elbows on the table and leaned forward to close the distance between you. 
"How long are you gonna be mad at me, Y/n?"
You scoffed again, fighting the urge to curl your lips back into a sneer. "How long are you gonna continue your charade?" He reached across the table to grab your free hand and frowned when you recoiled as if he burned you. 
His smile slipped. That handsome face grew dark as you rose from the table and made your way to the door. He followed and grabbed you roughly by the arm, towering over you and blocking your path. "You can't stay mad at me forever."
Yanking your arm out of his grasp, you activated your quirk and felt the rush of adrenaline course through your veins. With a sharp breath oxygen fed your muscles. You shoved him from your path. "Watch me."
He pressed on relentlessly as you ran through the halls. You slid into a crouch and leaned into your turns as you sped to shake him from your tail. "I just want to talk!"
"Likely story!" You dove between his knees and swept him off his feet as you dashed to the driveway. Hopping to slow down on the gravel path, you paused to catch your breath. Your quirk's effect ebbed away and you felt your reflexes slow with it. Stones rattled underfoot as you ambled away from Shindou and the Saishi estate. With a cry, the driveway cracked and shifted under your feet bringing you to your hands and knees. You glanced over your shoulder, still huffing from your sprint through the maze of hallways to see Shindou crouched at the top of the drive, hands planted to the ground and his arms blurring with his seismic force. He smirked and rose to make his way to you, a light jog in his stride as you scrambled to your feet. "Stay away from me!"
"Not until you listen, sweetheart." 
You gagged at the pet name and tossed your hair from your neck. "There's nothing you can say that will change my mind about you, Shindou Yo. You can't kiss your way out of this one."
He blanched at your callousness and glared on. "Well, you can't keep running away from your problems!" 
"YOU'RE MY PROBLEM, ASSHOLE!! God, I don't know how Nakagame deals with your bullshit!"
He reached out and grabbed you by the jaw, his whole hand wrapped painfully around the bone with fingertips digging in just hard enough to remind you of his strength. "Stop bringing Tatami up like that changes things. You can't keep running away, Y/n. Face it…" He drew you in again and inhaled the sweat and sandalwood from your skin. His eyes flickered across your fine, high cheekbones and plush lips. "You're in love with me, Y/n. You're just too proud to admit it."
"You're in love with me…" Your pupils dilated as his words echoed through to your marrow. Breath hitching in your chest, you jerked your head back from his hold only for him to jerk you back with a flick of his wrist. He was too close, too distracting. Heat crept up your collarbones and stained your cheeks brilliant scarlet as he drank in your distress. Trembling, you slammed your forearm down into his wrist with all the force you could muster, but he held fast without so much as a grunt. 
"You'll have to do better than that, sweetheart. Admit it and I'll let you go." He drew his disgustingly perfect face that much closer to yours, nose barely brushing against your own and smirked. It was a cruel, almost sadistic expression but something kept it soft in his eyes. He loosened his hold on your jaw and you could feel bruises throb under his fingertips. Bile rose into your throat as he bore down on you, watching and waiting for you to make the next move. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue, Y/n?" 
Finally you jerked your head out of his grasp and ran your own fingertips along the bruises he left along the bone. "I'll admit nothing until you apologize, prick." 
He sighed and stood with his hands on his hips. "Fine, I'm sorry. There? Happy?" He was so flippant in his delivery you weren't sure if your blood was pounding in your ears because you wanted him or if it was your rage bubbling to the surface again. With a toss of your hair you pushed away from him and growled under your breath. Retreating further down the destroyed driveway, you struggled to get a handle on your emotions. Your anger was a lead weight in your stomach, blurring with another emotion that left your insides fluttering over the thought of being close enough to taste the prospective hero. His eyes lingered on your family's crest emblazoned in silver on your back as you disappeared from view. With a groan he ran his fingers through his dark curls, annoyance and shame coloring his exasperated sigh. 
"What a mess…"
 "What were you two thinking?!" Baba Saishi's voice berated you and the Shindou boy as you three sat cloistered in her study. "I don't know what has gotten into the two of you but you best figure it out. Y/n, I expected better from you." 
You looked straight ahead and kept your breathing slow and measured, your only tell the rhythmic flexing and curling of your fingers into your palms in your lap. Shindou side-eyed your controlled reaction and pouted at your grandmother. 
"Saishi-sama, I--" 
"Hold your tongue, child." Her words were icicles, each syllable sharp enough to cut him back down. He stared at the old woman, slack jawed and lacking any of his usual charm or calculated grace. "I can ignore a spirited spat, but property damage is inexcusable. I fully expect the both of you to repair what was destroyed in your lover's quarrel-- am I clear?!" 
"Yes, Baba," you whispered, lowing your head in a deep nod. If you were incensed he couldn't tell from your slow, easy breathing and the eerily calm expression resting placidly on your highborn features. His eyes lingered on the faint bruises he'd left along your fine jaw and slumped back into his seat, your grandmother picking up on the subtle way his eyes softened when he looked at you. 
"Yo, do you understand?"
"Yes, Saishi-sama." 
"You begin at daybreak. I expect the driveway to be fully repaired by sundown. No quirks, Yo." The three of you rose as your family's matriarch dismissed herself from the study and retired to her room leaving you alone with Shindou once again. 
"Love how she has to single me out for using my quirk," he sighed. You kept your gaze just above the mahogany desk and relaxed your shoulders enough for him to tell that you were shaking. "Guess this means we're stuck spending tomorrow together." Without sparing him a parting glance you shuffled from the room as quietly as you could manage, knowing fully that he would try to follow you again. 
You made an attempt to close the door to your sanctuary, but caught his bare foot in the jam. He pushed through and leaned down to catch your eyes, but was met with your back once again. 
"Look, I messed up, but really, Y/n, you can't stay mad at me forever." 
Silence. It cut through him deeper than Saishi's shrill chastising. Your mask, the carefully constructed mirage of the dutiful granddaughter, the future head of the family began to slip again. You couldn't afford to let him see you cry, not after he hurt you so deeply the second time. 
You closed your eyes and let out a barely audible whimper. Behind your eyelids you could see them together, pulled into an empty sidestreet tangled together so intimately it ripped open the same festering ulcer on your heart each time you relived it. You could hear her breathless gasp. You could see the dim glow of street lamps bounce off her platinum hair. It was an ache you couldn't place, something so fervent that it consumed you every time he crossed your line of sight. 
"Y/n, are...are you okay?" 
"Get out."
He approached you the way most would approach a wounded animal- hesitant, careful. Groping a hand out to rest on your thin shoulder you flinched away from his touch. 
"I said get out, Shindou. Before we do something you'll regret." He paused before withdrawing, contemplating your words as he burned a hole through your shoulder blades with the intensity of his stare. 
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow...night." When he finally withdrew you curled in on yourself and let out a shuddering sigh. Your limbs felt heavy, leadened by only the second day of your vacation. How were going to survive three more weeks of this? 
On the opposite side of the sliding door, Shindou hesitated to return to his room. There was a nagging in the back of his mind that told him you needed him despite you pushing him away so vehemently. He couldn't figure it out. Two years was plenty of time for you to get over his pragmatic approach to the provisional licensing exam. It didn't make sense. He had known you all his life and he had never known you to let your emotions take the wheel so freely before. The teakwood door frame felt cool against his back as he slid down the wall to sit by your door. Morning would come too soon, but he knew that you wouldn't be able to sleep. There was a restlessness in your actions that he would be stupid and blind to ignore. 
His phone lit up in the pocket of his sweatpants. He heard the vibration before he felt it, and he didn't need to look to know who was chatting him up at such an odd hour. Shindou pulled the device from his pocket, russet eyes dancing along each line. 
T - You have to tell her. She deserves to know that much, Yo. 
He didn't bother responding, instead opting to lock the screen and rest the back of his dark head against the frame. He knew she was right, but he didn't see how it would make much of a difference. His eyelids grew heavy, sleep beginning to sink its claws into his body and pull him into the undertow. Thoughts of your quiet, confident smile, the glisten of your skin glowing in the mid-morning light, how soft and inviting your lips were when they met his own lulled him into relaxation. He could remember when your eyes lit up with something warmer than the cold fury you met him with this year. He almost missed how you would look at him like he hung the moon, not that he would ever admit it. Despite the door between you he felt whole galaxies of distance keeping you from him.
"I'll be here," he murmured to no one in particular, pulling his knees to his chest. "Whether you're ready to face me or not." 
Your mind was made up; by day's end you were going to murder Shindou Yo. Of course you would have to fix his mistake and clean up his mess in 104°F heat. "No quirks!" Your grandmother's mandate to repair her driveway the old fashioned way was proving to be difficult given you were hauling stone and shoveling gravel for most of the morning. The sun bore down oppressively, instantly making your work feel that much harder. It was bad enough you had to work together with Shindou. He didn't seem to be faring any better given the heat. His long abandoned t-shirt hung on a low branch of the maple tree you two would race to climb to the top in your primary school years. 
At least the view isn't bad… He panted in the summer heat and flashed you a cocksure grin when he caught you gawking after he dumped another shovel full of gravel a few feet away. 
"Like what you see, princess?" You shook your head and wrinkled your nose at him, too hot to be bothered or distracted by his stupid grin or washboard abs. 
"Let's just get this over with." 
He wiped his brow and pushed his hair back with the same calloused hand. "I'm with you there. We should be at the beach on a day like today."
"As if I'd go to Yuigahama with you." 
His grin fell, expression now somber. "It could be fun. Like old times."
"'Like old times,'" you mocked, packing down another gravel-filled pothole. "Now you care about history. Typical."
"Listen, I really think we need to address the elephant in the room here. You're still pissed about the exam…"
"THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M UPSET OVER!" Whether it was the heat or your long-simmering frustration coming to a head it didn't matter. You threw your shovel down and closed the distance between you with long, impetuous strides. "The stunt you pulled then was lower than low, Shindou, but to take it a step further and take advantage of my emotions?! I thought you were better than that, but clearly I was wrong." He swallowed hard and backed away slowly until his back was against the tree his shirt hung from. "You're just another upstart, glory-stealing douchebag!" 
He held his hands up defensively as you closed in, jabbing your finger into his chest with that same righteous fury that captivated and terrified him from your first playdate. "Hey, hey, you're right to be angry about that."
That gave you pause. You took a sharp breath in and stared like he sprouted wings or a tail. "Di...did you just tell me I'm right?" 
He nodded and relaxed against the tree bark. "Turns out you can be right about a lot."
"Clearly I made a mistake in thinking I could trust you." 
Hurt flickered briefly across his face, gone as quickly as it came. For the smallest of moments you felt yourself feel sorry for causing him that ache. Snapping back once the moment passed, you stepped away from him and returned to your work. There was still at least another fifty feet of driveway to fill and it wasn't going to finish itself. Shindou's eyes followed the curve of your ass as you huffed and picked up your shovel. With your back turned, he crept behind you and leaned in to whisper into your ear. 
"Tell me how to make it up to you. All of it. Consider me your humble servant, Y/n."
The overwhelming urge to grab him by the throat and throttle the boy into oblivion surfaced long enough for you to turn around and meet him, nose to nose, eye to eye. For once he looked genuine, almost heartfelt in his proposition. For the first time in years you could see the real Yo smiling at you; the old Yo you would spend whole summers clinging to and training with, the Yo you could see yourself falling for again. There was just one problem...
"What about Nakagame?" 
It was his turn to stop and stare. "What does she have to do with any of this..?"
You licked your lips and pulled away. "You're the one who wanted me to admit that I'm in love with you." 
Finally it clicked. The missing piece to the puzzle that was your fractured relationship fell into Shindou's lap. How could you not know?
"It's complicated, Y/n."
Disappointment was a bitter pill to choke down. You took a couple steps backwards and repeated the sentiment with a grimace. "It's complicated…okay, Shindou." You turned back around and shook your head. 
"Y/n, wait!" 
"Let me know when it's not quite so complicated. I've got shit to do, Shindou." 
"We aren't together anymore!" he shouted at your retreating frame. He would have said anything to get you to come back to him and look at him without that angst eating you alive. You froze, the weight of his words lingering. 
"We aren't together anymore," he repeated, taking your hand in his. "Haven't been for about six months now. We still talk some, but…"
"Why didn't you think to tell me this?" 
"I thought you already knew...and I thought you were still sore about the exam thing." 
You shook your head and looked up into the cloudless sky. "We still have work to do. We aren't done with this though, Yo."
His smile could have rivaled the sun hearing his name roll off your tongue. "We can finish this no problem." He knelt down with a wink and focused his quirk on generating fine vibrations into the gravel he piled sporadically along the path. It had packed the holes and rifts just enough that you could stamp them down. Taking a second to admire his handiwork, you chuckled and shook your head. "What?"
"Baba said no quirks." 
"I think we suffered through this long enough, yeah?" 
"For once I think we can agree on something." 
It had been a week since your forced labor to fix Shindou's overzealous mistake in the driveway. A week had passed since he had a loose understanding behind your standoffish behavior, but despite finally seeing that he hurt you he couldn't quite figure out why. Maybe it was that he didn't see how it could matter, or that he just couldn't relate. In any case, even the household staff could see how the tension between you had changed into something painfully awkward. While they would never say anything to you about clearing the air and being direct, your younger sibling had no qualms calling you out on your bullshit. 
"Oi, sis."
You looked up from your paperback novel and chewed the inside of your cheek. Hayate picked the book out of your hands and hit you gently over the head with it. 
"You gonna talk to him or are you gonna keep subjecting the rest of the house to this?"
"I don't know what you're talking abo-"
"You're moping, Y/n. Talk to him. You know as well as I do that he's cunning, but cunning isn't smart. Spell it out for him and move on."
You pouted and tore your book out of his hand. "He said they aren't together anymore, Haachan."
Hayate nodded and took a seat beside you, leaning on your shoulder with a sigh. "Doesn't change how he led you on when they were, sis. He doesn't get that. Most narcissists don't." You chuckled at his insight. When did your little brother grow up? 
"So...how do we get the narcissist to see beyond himself, Mr. Insight?"
"Short of doing the same to him, I think you need to get him alone. Meet him at his level since he can't meet you at yours." He paused only to hear you snort. "What?"
"Am I interrupting sibling time or something?"
You and Hayate turned in unison to the intruding voice only to see Shindou Yo standing sheepishly in the doorway. Words failed you as your brother rose and patted your shoulder. Chills ran up your spine as Hayate used his quirk on you with a grin. 
"Good luck, sis."
Shindou looked at you, his amber gaze weighing down on you from your seat on the floor. He waited for an answer he'd never get, your words lost in the lump in your throat. Wordlessly he gestured to the seat beside you, as if asking for permission to invade your personal space again. You nodded once and scooted a few inches away from his bent knee as he settled in. Thunder rolled in the distance. Petrichor permeated the atmosphere as rain blew in with the coming storm from the south. From your seat on the porch looking into the zen rock garden you sighed so softly Shindou might have missed it if he wasn't watching your frame move with every breath. 
"So...I was thinking we should talk."
"Shindou, there isn't much to talk about. You chose her. You knew how I feel about you and used my feelings to your advantage. You decided I didn't need to know about you and Nakagame, but still felt the need to string me along until I found out about her. I...I felt betrayed, Shindou. I still do."
Rain cut through the silence that hung delicately between the two of you. He inched closer, barely brushing your bare thigh with the back of his hand. 
"You knew how I feel about you…"
 You bristled at his touch, defenses springing into action. He ran the back of his hand along the line of your leg, lips pressed into a hard line as he fixated on your words. "I...I underestimated the strength of your heart," he murmured. "You still passed. Spectacularly at that, Y/n."
Your chuckle was hollow as thunder cut through the shared space and rain continued to patter on the heavy basalt boulders in the yard. "You lack honor, Shindou." 
"Yet you're still in love with me."
The lump in your throat returned and with it burning shame. Your head nodded before you could stop it. His rough fingertips brushed your hair behind your ear and lingered against your neck, gently tracing the curve of it where it joined with your shoulder. 
"It's okay…"
"How?" you choked out, darting away from his touch. The smooth, polished wood beneath your knees felt cool, familiar as you pushed away. Every fiber screamed at you to get away, to hide. He wouldn't be allowed to hurt you again if he couldn't reach you. "I...I can't do this anymore, Shindou." He grabbed your hand when you pushed off the floor to disappear back into the labyrinth of ancient gold and lacquered finery. 
"Don't run away from your problem."
Tears, hot and unforgiving welled in your eyes and threatened to run angry rivers of salt down your face. "Let me go," you croaked, wrenching your hand free. You couldn't meet his eyes as you turned away and stumbled into the rain. 
"Never," he huffed, following you into the rock garden. "I'm your problem. It's always been me...just like it's always been you."
"Stop!" you shrieked holding your hands over your ears. "You don't mean that, so just stop it!" 
He rounded on you and pulled your hands from your ears, his grip on your wrists firm. Tears mingled with the rain as you struggled against him. "Look at me, Y/n. It's always been you. Stubborn, feisty, brilliant you." A shuddering gasp pulled you closer to him, your eyes meeting the dark honey of his irises. "When you cut me out after our first internships, I thought I could move on. Tatami was there, but it was always you. I...I'm sorry."
Something in you snapped; sobs wracked through your chest and curled you into his chest. He rested his chin on the crown of your head, his strong arms wrapping around your shivering frame. He whispered gentle words of admiration, words of innocent love, so many words you felt undone by them. Was he always so sincere? As you buried your nose into his clean, white tee you sniffled. 
"You're the literal worst, Yo," you hiccupped. He grinned against your soaked hair and nodded. 
"I'll own that."
You looked up, rain continuing to fall and provide the soothing soundtrack to your moment. "Yo," you sniffled. He looked down at you with a boyish grin. 
Tentatively, you rose slightly on tiptoes and brushed against his lips with your own. He was spice and petrichor, warm and solid against your gentle kiss. His eyes widened for the briefest of moments in surprise and soon he softened into your kiss, opening himself fully to your wordless act of forgiveness. He curled his fingers in your soaked hair, cradling your head as you clung to him, breathing him in hungrily. Lightning cracked the sky when your teeth dragged along his lower lip. His low groan mingled with the thunder that followed close behind. His grip tightened and you dragged your nails roughly into his shoulders. Fervently he trailed kisses along your neck and sunk his teeth into your shoulder, desperate to hear your voice call his name again.  
"Yo…" you hissed, his tongue laving over the bite mark he was sure would bruise. His lips brushed against the yellowing bruises, his fingerprints along your jaw. With lust-darkened eyes, he gazed down at your kiss-bruised lips and smirked. 
"Yes, princess?"
"I love you."
"I know," he grinned, expression softened by your long-awaited declaration. "I've always known." 
You pouted and jabbed him in the ribs. "Way to ruin the moment, asshole. You really are the worst." 
The rain began to let up, clouds parting just enough for the sun to peek out. His chuckling bubbled up from his chest, the gentle rumbling luring your own giggle out. He pressed his lips against your forehead and smiled warmly down at you. 
+Two summers later+
"I had hoped this day would come," your grandmother grinned knowingly at the two of you. Yo held your hand in his, suddenly making you feel that much smaller in your grandmother's study. You were a child staring wide-eyed at the retired armor glistening in the lamp light again. He gave your hand a quick squeeze and brought you back to the conversation. "Glad you finally came to your senses."
"Saishi-sama, I want to prove I'm worthy," Shindou sighed. Part of you wanted to roll your eyes at his act. You knew he already felt worthy of your hand. "Of the family," he continued. 
"The Shindou have served our family faithfully for generations. I see no reason why you wouldn't be, Yo." 
It was your turn to squeeze his hand and lure him out, the real him. "Be straight with Baba, Yo." Your grandmother's grin widened as he let his mask slip, his expression sharper and colder than he would let the old woman see under normal circumstances.  
Your grandmother's cackle broke the tension and startled Yo. "Like my permission matters, boy. You've been canoodling with my granddaughter all over the estate since you’ve arrived. Can't keep your hands off each other," she hummed, her eyes lingering on you and your darkening flush. "But I can appreciate young love give the setting is right.”
Yo tapped his foot impatiently. "May I, Saishi-sama?"
She waved him off with a dismissive wave of her gnarled hand. "Ask Y/n. Your future head doesn't need permission." 
You smiled knowingly and waited for him to put the pieces together. His eyes grew wide when he realized what he was asking, the future implications of his entanglement with you finally dawning on him. You squeezed his hand and waited. 
"Well, Yo?"
He fumbled over his words, spluttering and stumbling like a novice lover and not the man you had been dating for the past two years and fighting with since childhood. The confidence he exuded evaporated under the sharp gray eyes of your grandmother as she slid a small black box across the red lacquer and gold dragon inlay of her desk to the Shindou boy. 
"Would you like to go to Yuigahama with me this afternoon?" he finally blurted. His ears burned crimson as you and your grandmother exchanged grins. He squeezed your hand and pouted at you, eyes silently pleading for you to cut him a break. 
"I'd love to."
He exhaled, earning a brow raise and amused chuckle from you. Did he even realize he was holding his breath? Someone as calculating as he should have the awareness of self to know what his own body was doing, but standing between you and your grandmother he seemed to second guess every twitch and gesture. Your grandmother dismissed herself, slinking down the corridor to fuss over flower arrangements. Her absence didn’t ease the frenetic energy bounding off his skin. You stopped him with a brush of your fingertips along his forearm and pursed your lips together.
“What’s wrong?” His eyes were molten amber when they darted up and down your body, searching everywhere but your own eyes. He mumbled out a half-dazed response you couldn’t make out. “You’re acting weird. It’s not like you.”
“Just get ready, Y/n. I’ll meet you out front.” He let his fingertips linger against your palm, as if he could memorize the latitude and longitude of your life if he held on just a second longer. Reluctantly, you pulled away first to pack your tote bag and change for the afternoon.
You couldn’t remember the last time you felt so bright, so incredibly light you could float away if the breeze hit you just so. Wind whipped your hair behind you as Shindou sped through the mountain pass to the beach you two used to frequent when you were younger. Salt and sand brought you back from your reverie. Shindou parked the jeep and began unpacking your blankets and the cooler the house cook carefully packed away for you two. As he kept himself busy, you were sliding out of your shorts and pulling your t-shirt over your head. The sand’s heat bit into your soles as you darted from the blanket and into the beckoning waves. He turned his head at the sound of your giggling and furrowed his dark brows at your absence.
Beneath the waves past the breakers the world was quiet. Rhythmic. Purposeful. On your back, you bobbed and floated with the waves as they cradled you back to shore. Yuigahama had a way of bringing you closer to what you needed.
Sparkling blue met a dove-gray afternoon where the ocean met the sky. Brushstrokes from a careful hand, you inhaled deeply and appreciated the different calm it lulled you into. You rolled back over onto your belly and left your calm behind. Shindou was wading into the shallows, furiously searching the waves for any trace of you. You swam up to him when the water reached his sculpted waist. His arms circled around your waist and pulled you into him. Familiar spice and petrichor bled into the sand and salt of your surroundings, lulling you into a zen you had yet to find alone.
“Don’t disappear on me like that,” he growled, eyes sharp like polished tigers eyes. Despite the hard glare coloring his features his voice was almost gentle. He held you delicately, fingers ghosting along the curve of your back. “Hate to lose you, especially today of all days.”
You blinked the sun out of your eyes and wrinkled your nose at his comment. “You sure you’re okay, Yo?” He grinned down at you and leaned in, his breath fanning over the shell of your ear. 
“Never better. I have you, don’t I?” 
He carried you back to the scorching sands and laid you out on the beach blanket. You took turns feeding each other bento until your hand brushed an all too familiar box at the bottom of your basket. Heart in your throat, you wordlessly asked Shindou if it was what you thought it was. The only reply was his sly smile as he finished his salmon roe. “Surprise, princess.” 
Shakily you lifted the small plush box out of the basket and felt your breath hitch in your chest. The world was spinning too fast for you to keep up. “Yo...I don’t...what?”
He gently pried the small box from your hands and opened it, watching your shock transform into tearful joy at the sight of your family’s heirloom pearl ring; the dragon of the fine gold band wrapping delicately around the precious gem glinted in the afternoon sun. 
“I’ve always been your problem. It took me a while to catch up, but I think I want something more permanent. Y/n, princess, would you-” 
“Yes.” Breathlessly, you crashed into him like a wave beating the stones to sand. “Yes,” you whispered into his waiting mouth, tongue tracing along his teeth. He answered with a low groan and the same sly grin. 
Summers at your grandmother’s had a way of giving your life a chance to reset, to course correct. Kamakura had a way of bringing you closer to what you needed to move forward and come out renewed and bolstered for the bite of winter. It was a tradition you remembered fondly, and one you would keep for generations to come. 
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laws-hat-headcanons · 5 years
I hear you love one mochi man, so how about a scenario, where Katakuri found big bad injured dragon on one of island around the Tottland, and trying to help it? He talks about his family, his problems and feelings while check it injures, and dragon not trying to attack him. And after some tome of recovering he find not dragon, but a beautiful woman, who was from ancient dragon clan, that can turn into a human. And he fall in love with her in one sight? P.S: She tall like him.😊
Hi @horosan ! Thanks for the ask sweetie and of course I love Katakuri!! This one was a little hard for me because I dont really see Katakuri as an overly talkative type, especially to a creature he thinks probably cant understand him so it feels a bit stunted to me.... Still, I tried and I hope you like it all the same!!!
Katakuri saves a dragon shape shifter
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 When Katakuri gets sent to one of the most distant islands in the Tottoland archipelago to investigate sightings of some vicious and dangerous beast, he is not prepared for what he finds.
The island, too small and far from Whole Cake Island to have it's own Minister or even that large of a population, is a wreck. The buildings of the small town are burned in places, crumbling in others and the forested area that took up most of the island is not faring much better. Trees have been uprooted, there has been more fire and as he examines the damage he can see that something very large has crashed its way through the foliage.
With the warnings of the townsfolk following him, Katakuri makes his way through the forest, following the path of most destruction to try and locate the beast that caused it. It doesn't take him long.
He finds his quarry not long after and for a few moments he just stares, his trident hanging loose in his hand.
Before him is a dragon – bigger than him, bigger even than Mama, bigger than half the buildings in the village he has just left. He knew such creatures existed, knew even of some Devils Fruitusers with the ability to become such ancient beasts – Kaido, Mama's rival, was one – but never had he actually seen one.
Katakuri approached cautiously, walking a large circle around the creature to observe it. He could see straight away that it was injured, a large bolt had taken it through the wing, and another through it's back leg – probably the work of Tottolands defences.
He knew he could make short work of the creature in this state. Katakuri twirled Mogura in his hand, deciding on the best place to strike to end the beast with the least pain.
Perhaps sensing his intentions the dragon turned it's head and looked at him, it's eyes the colour of molten glass and filled with such sadness, such pain and intelligence that Katakuri stilled, his own eyes unable to tear away.
Katakuri approached cautiously, receiving a warning growl from the dragon that reverberates through his chest when he gets too close.
“My orders were to kill you,” Katakuri says, his voice low. The dragon stops it's growling, almost as if it were listening. “Are to kill you,” He amends, “But..”
He stops near the head of the dragon, watching those incredible intelligent eyes. The dragon doesn't blink, and Katakuri can see his own reflection in the glowing red orbs.
“But I think I would regret it, if I did,” Katakuri admits, feeling a fool for even bothering to explain himself to the creature. But the sound of his voice seems to calm it, allowing him to get close enough to inspect the injuries.
Keeping the dragon distracted he quietly tells it of his own monster ish tendencies and the ridicule he suffered because of it, and slowly, gently, he tries to remove the bolt from the dragons wing. The dragon thrashes it's tail and roars loud enough to make Katakuri's head pound.
“I'm trying to help you,” He tells the dragon, loudly– louder than he has spoken in a long time, too used to having everyone hang on his every word as their cool older brother. And again it calms at his voice.
Katakuri explains to the dragon about his siblings, and he tries not to flinch when he drags the bolt from the wing and the dragon's teeth snap closed mere centimetres from his face. He is the second son of Big Mom and he will not allow himself to be afraid, even of something with bigger teeth than his.
So he moves to the dragons leg and it takes all his strength to pull the metal spike from the dragons thigh. Katakuri finds himself panting with the effort. He uses his powers to restrain the dragon while he works, unable to pay attention to what he is doing and the frantically snappy jaws of the creature at the same time.
He keeps up a stream of conversation, even though at this point he doesn't think it is helping at all – or even being heard. Then finally, finally he frees the bolt from the dragon and stumbles away, releasing his hold on the creature as he does so.
The dragon lets out a roar, either of pain or triumph at being free, and as Katakuri watches, it starts to change.
The tattooed man takes a step back, his mouth slack, his eyes fixed on the form in front of him, no longer a dragon.
Instead there is a woman, beautiful in the way that a wildfire is beautiful, with the same molten glass eyes as the dragon. Her skin is the colour of (Skin Colour) and her hair a vibrant (Hair Colour) and she is naked and bleeding and Katakuri tears his gaze away, a blush rising on his cheeks.
He hears the sound of her bare feet walking across the ground towards him, her gait uneven, he hears the quiet rustle of leaves and the drip, drip, drip of blood.
Katakuri keeps his eyes down, so he sees when she stops before him. One leg smooth and the other red with blood and rent flesh. He turns his head to the side to avoid his gaze sliding up those legs.
“You were supposed to kill me,” She says, her voice light and flowing. “You had orders to do so.”
Katakuri says nothing, his eyes trained on the tree line until a hand touches his face and draws him round so that their eyes meet. Such captivating eyes.
“You called yourself a monster, before,” The dragon woman continues, smiling to reveal a set of sharp incisors. Katakuri feels his face heat – at his embarrassment at having been so free withhis words or at her touch, he isn't sure- and it radiates all over his body. “But you saved me, you showed me mercy against your orders. Even though you thought me just a beast.”
“You are no beast,” Katakuri manages, unable to look away.
“And you are no monster.” She tells him.
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damn-stark · 5 years
Lost Dragon Ch.20
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A/N- I try to add as much extra content for the character so that’s why I can’t finish the whole episodes in one chapter.
Episode- 8x01, 8x02
Warning- none
Pairing- Podrick Payne.
I felt the heat of forges as I walked closer to them. The heat radiating from them felt great against my skin after being out in the cold. I stepped down and saw men at work their faces all covered in grime from working hard to get as much dragon glass weapons as they could before the big battle. I looked around from on top of the steps to try and find Gendry in between the crowd of men. It took me a minute to find him but I found in a corner working hard on weapons. Gendry looks up at me when he notices me standing across from him and he stops what he’s doing.
“I finished it.” He says as goes back and gets my spear that I asked him to make for me. He tosses it to me and I catch and twirl it around in my hands. It has two blades on each end of it and it feels light as I twirl it around in my hands.
“Thank you Gendry, it’s amazing.” I brush my fingers on the blades. He smiles.
“I still wonder why you need a spear when you have to two Valeryian steel daggers.” He said confused as he crossed his arms across his chest.
“They’re short weapons. I need a long one, I have my sword but that’s useless in this battle. And it’s also very helpful to have more then just daggers.” He nods. “So on how many weapons are you skilled at? Because it seems like you’re skilled in a lot of them.”
“I’m good with daggers, swords and Spears.”
“How about a hammer?” He asks as if almost taunting me or trying to prove something. I knew he peferred to train with a hammer then a sword. When we were on the boat on our way here I helped him train. And if I do have to admit he was quite good with it but still needed help with some moves.
“Nope I’m not skilled with a hammer but I can still knock you on your ass.” I say with a smirk he chuckles in response.
“Gendry! He’s here.” A man yelled.
“We’ll talk later.” I tell him as I leave letting him deal with The hound who was probably here to pick up a weapon.
“Alright I’ll see ya.”
With Podrick being bust elsewhere and no meetings taking place I didn’t have much to do. I didn’t really like to spend much time alone in the courtyard. I didn’t really enjoy the looks I would get every time someone passed by me.
I walk across the courtyard and go walk up to my chambers that I was assigned to. While on my way there I run into Daenerys and Jorah walking out from what seemed to be a library. Daenerys tells Jorah something that I didn’t hear but he as I walk up to them he leaves and bows his head when he passes by me.
“Meeting?” I ask her.
“Not quite I was in the library talking to the man who saved Jorahs life.” She responded as started walking.
“How did that go?” I ask as I notice that she doesn’t like that happy.
“Not well.... he’s a Tarly, he was son to Randyll Tarly.” I sighed and my shoulders tensed up. What she had done to his family was horrible and even if it was something she had to. I still couldn’t help but feel guilty. I should of tried to do more. They didn’t both have to die. Especially not the way they died. I didn’t say much about it. Because their wasn’t anything else to say about the matter. Just another person that hated us now.
We walked in silence not really finding any words to say after that. The silence cut short when Missandei joined us. We went into Daenerys chambers to continue talking.
“The people here don’t really like us.” I say as I get a cup of wine from the table.
“I’ve also noticed that. When Greyworm and I were riding on the horses on our way here we got all sorts of looks and none of them were kind.” Missandei said as she sat on a chair by the table that was close to the fire.
“Yeah I also received looks when we were on our way and also when I was down in the courtyard and out front.” I said joining her by the table.
“It’s going to take them a while to get used to all of us. But we cant hide and avoid them we have to try and get their respect. All of us.” Daenerys told us turning her attention from the flames to us.
“You’re right.” I say as I take a drink of my wine. We stay a quiet for a moment until Daenerys breaks.
“So Visenya you and that man that you were with today who is he?” Daenerys asked with her eyebrow raised and a smile growing on her lips. I just smiled and looked down at my wine.
“What about him?”
“You both seemed close.”
“Yeah I like him.” I say as as tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and feel a blush creep onto my cheeks.
“That’s good does he like you?” She asked curiously.
“He does..... but if I got to admit I’m scared.” I said the smile fading away.
“Of what?” Missandei asked this time.
“Of doing else with him.... of getting to attached.... we know what’s coming and if anything were to happen It would hurt me more.” I say with a shaky voice. I feel as tears threaten to fall. It’s been such little time and I already cared a lot for him. I don’t want to lose him too.
“Maybe you’re right not to get to close but if you don’t then you’ll regret it later.” Daenerys told me.
“Yes it is like you said to me once, take advantage of it because we might not have tomorrow.” Missandei said. I couldn’t help but smile. She rembered what I had told her in Meereen. Maybe they were both right. Maybe it is my turn my selfish and take advantage of what I have now.
“When I was a child my brother would tell me a bedtime story about the man who murdered our father, who stabbed him in the back and cut his throat who sat down on the iron throne and watched as his blood poured onto the floor, and how you sat their upon the iron throne watching as my brothers family, my nieces family got slaughtered. He told me other stories as well, about all the things we would do to that man once we took back the seven kingdoms and had him in our grasp. Your sister pledged to send her army north.” Daenerys told the man. The one and only Kingslayer. Jaime Lannister. I’ve seen him before at the wedding and at the trail by combat. I disliked this man but not as much as Daenerys did. It was said that he respected my father yet if he did then he would’ve of tried to do something to save my father’s family that was slaughtered at the orders of his father.
“ she did.” Jaime responded.
“I don’t see an army, I see one man with one hand it appears your sister lied to me.” Daenerys told him with venom lacing through her voice.
“She lied to me as well, she never had any intention of sending her army north she has Euron Greyjoy’s fleet and 20,000 fresh troops, the Golden company from Essos bought and paid for. Even if we defeat dead she’ll have enough to destroy the survivors.” He spoke. I sent Tyrion a glare. I was right we should have never trusted Cersei and her promise. I told him but he didn’t choose to listen.
“We?” Daenerys questioned him.
“I promised to fight for the living I intend to keep that promise.” He answered back.
“Your grace I know my brother.”
“Like you knew your sister?” Daenerys inturrpted Tyrion while she also sent him a glare.
“He came here alone knowing full well how he’d be recieved why would he do that if he weren’t telling the truth.” Tyrion tried to reason with Daenerys. He loved his brother and I get that he doesn’t want him to get killed but why should we trust him.
“He trust his little brother to defend him right to the moment he skits mine and my nieces throat.” Daenerys spat.
“She’s right right why should we trust a man who killed a king who he promised to protect.” I said. His eyes shifted to look at me.
“I respected your father and I looked up to him that’s—“
“Yeah I’ve heard that, you say you respect him yet you let his family. My family. Get slaughtered like they were just wild animals.” I said with anger. Before he had the chance to say anything Sansa spoke.
“You’re both right, we can’t trust him. He attacked my father in the streets he tried to destroy my house and my family same as he did yours.” Sansa said.
“At the time I didn’t know that my father had given the orders to kill your family Princess because If I did I would’ve tried to stop it. And Lady Stark if you want me to apologize for what I did then I won’t. We were at war everything I did, I did for my house and my family I’d do it all again.” Jaime defended himself his eyes shifting from me to Sansa.
“The things we do for love.” Bran spoke up gaining the attention from all of us.
“So why have you abandoned your family now?” I asked as I turned my attention back to the accused.
“Because this goes beyond loyality, this is about survival.”
In some ways it’s true what he said. What we’re going to fight is about survival. We need to fight them or else theyll take over and kill us all. It was still hard to trust him. Even if the Lady Knight vouched for him and Sansa approved let him live because of it, it was still going to be hard to completely trust him.
Once the trial was over I stayed behind and followed Daenerys out. She wasn’t happy at all on how things turned out and she definitely not happy on the news that Cersei lied.
“Visenya was right we should have never trusted Cersei. Either you knew she was lying and let me believe otherwise, or you didn’t know at all which makes you either a traitor or a fool.” Daenerys told Tyrion the Anger clearly heard in her voice.
“I was a fool.” Tyrion responded.
“Not for the first time.” Daenerys spat. “Cersei still sits on the throne if you can’t help me take it back. I’ll find another hand who can.”Daenerys told him before she stormed off.
“I suspect one of you will be wearing this before this is all over.” Tyrion said. I just glared at him and didn’t say a word as I walked passed by him.
I was right that day at the Dragonpit. We should have never trusted Cersei Lannister. The only Lannister I trusted was Tyrion and after this I’m finding it hard to trust him. I was not as mad as Daenerys but I was mad. I was just mad that he didn’t listen.
I walked out and tried to clear my head. I just let my feet take me anywhere just to clear my head.
I made it out the courtyard and out to where people were working and training for the big battle. I let my eyes wonder around to try and search for Podrick. And it seemed that he had noticed me first. As I walked over to him, he got pushed down by the guy he was training with. I couldn’t help but smile after he got pushed down because he was distracted.
After the talk last night with Missandei and Daenerys I wasn’t hesitant or scared no more. I wanted to get close to him. Because we might not have tomorrow.
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akaluan · 6 years
Dragon Quincy AU Part 2
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | ????
((And so it continues taking over my life.))
Erich hovered just beyond the wards he’d found, head canted to the side and eyes narrowed; whoever lived here on the edge of Seireitei had quite an impressive schema. If he could manage to slip /through/ those defenses, he would have a relatively safe place to hide and heal the young Quincy.
He closed his eyes to get a clearer image of the schema, then began to carefully weave an opening with his mana, inserting himself into the protections. The moment he had a gap, he folded his wings and dropped, settling on the ground near a few trees.
Erich lifted his head and scanned the area, noting the house in the distance. He couldn’t sense anyone within the wards, however; it seemed as if he was alone for the moment.
(Good. Time to take advantage of that breathing room.)
Setting the boy on the ground, Erich glanced around once more, then let his draconic form shimmer and fade away, replaced by his more compact, anthropomorphic war-form. Another thought brought up a mage-shield around them for added protection.
“Let’s see what we have here,” Erich murmured, crouching next to the sleeping boy and resting a paw on the boy’s chest. He reached out with his senses, checking the extent of the damage, and breathed a sigh of relief; he’d reached the boy in time, it wasn’t yet too late to easily heal.
Erich set to work, spinning out thin threads of mingled reiatsu and mana that sank into the boy’s body. He ignored the signs of damage and strain; time and care would heal those wounds, and he was no healer to urge it along. Instead, he focused on what he /could/ handle: the block beginning to form around the boy’s soul. Allowed to harden, it would cut him off from all but the barest traces of power until his body was strong enough to wear away the block.
And even then, Erich had known Quincy who never quite recovered their strength. Never regained — or /gained/ — their ability to transform.
(He’d carefully looked away when they put on the glove once more. Said nothing when they never came back.)
(Sometimes, being Clan Head meant knowing when he could do nothing to help.)
He would not allow that fate to befall this young Quincy. Would not allow the boy to potentially lose his heritage like that.
Erich brought his strength to bear and the forming block shattered like glass under his power. His mana dissolved the fragments before they could spread to cause problems, then settled around the boy’s soul in turn. A block, but a kinder one. One Erich set to slowly dissolved over the next few days, as the boy’s body healed from the strain put upon it.
He swept his power through the boy’s body once more, checking to be sure there was nothing /else/ that stood out. But beyond signs of stress and intense training, everything seemed fine.
Relieved, Erich pulled his senses back and straightened up, tail swaying contentedly. He’d need to double check in a few days, but he doubted the boy would lose his powers or his heritage.
“Incredible,” a voice breathed.
Erich darted to his feet, wings mantled and lips curling back in a snarl. “Shinigami,” he growled.
A man stood just beyond his shield, wearing the traditional Shinigami garb and with a blade at his hip. His long white hair hung free in a blatant sign of danger; only the skilled could afford such long hair, much less to keep it unbound. Even his mate Alexis had kept her human locks bound in a braid whenever she fought as a human.
The man raised his hands in faux surrender and took a single step back. “Peace, Great One. I mean neither you nor the boy harm.”
Erich growled and snapped his jaws closed on empty air, the blatant threat winning him another retreating step from the Shinigami. “Then go.”
“Please, at least hear me out, Great One,” the man said, tone gentle. “I am Ukitake Jyuushiro, the owner of these lands, and the Captain of the Shinigami who is to be executed. Who /they/—” he indicated the unconscious boy at Erich’s feet, then flicked a hand towards Seireitei— “are trying to rescue.”
He narrowed his eyes and cocked his head, examining the Shinigami more closely. He couldn’t scent any fear from the man, nor the odd pile of scents that humans — and Shinigami — tended to smell of while lying. “What does that matter?” he asked, though he suspected he knew.
(He knew how it was, to have his hands bound by rules and regulations. To have to work within a system that restricted his actions and punished him for a truth that he knew but others would not accept.)
“They are doing what I cannot,” Ukitake admitted easily enough. “And until just now, the invasion was chaotic but not /deadly/—”
Erich growled and let tongues of blue-white flame spill between his sharp teeth. Ukitake’s eyes widened and he took another step back, the first acrid traces of fear leaking into his scent.
“That monster earned his death,” Erich rumbled, rustling his wings and digging his hind-claws into the ground. “He threatened /mine/, a /hatchling/ too young to change without aid. A hatchling I found in his war-form!”
Ukitake swallowed and visibly gathered himself. There was a sick understanding in his eyes; he knew what Erich meant, understood the weight of what had happened.
Understood Erich’s restraint.
(Understood how thin a line Ukitake was walking, speaking with a Dragon who had not completely Destroyed that which had threatened a claimed hatchling.)
“He’s your son, then?” Ukitake asked, then frowned in puzzlement when Erich shook his head. “I… see. But he’s yours— so the others..?”
“His,” Erich said. He let his flames die and his wings relax, then tipped his muzzle into the air and scented, searching for other hidden Shinigami. Not that they could easily reach him through the barrier that remained around him, but he’d rather not be surprised.
Ukitake appeared to be alone, though.
(Foolish Shinigami.)
(Foolish or confident, and both as dangerous as the other.)
“I’m clearly missing something,” Ukitake murmured.
Erich snorted. “You are.” He wasn’t about to get into the nuances of hoarding with a Shinigami. “Is it so strange that a Dragon might care for those who are /not/ Dragons?”
“Ah, no, no, that’s not what I meant to imply, I’m sorry.” Ukitake smiled sheepishly at him, then inclined his head in a shallow bow. “Please, forgive any insult I may have given, Great One.”
“Tch.” Erich folded his wings and gave himself a shake, ridding his body of the tightness that had begun to settle. “You never gave a clear answer, Shinigami. What is it you want?”
“I want to help you,” he answered.
Erich blinked slowly. Canted his head. Examined the Shinigami.
He must have heard wrong.
(But this was more serious than a bloodthirsty hatchling, wasn’t it? Ukitake couldn’t just aim his problem at his enemies and pray, could he.)
(His problem was entirely different.)
“You… want to help,” Erich repeated slowly. “Invaders and two Dragons, and you… want to help.”
“A collection of youths and an elder trying to protect them,” Ukitake corrected gently. “And beyond that, there is something… wrong about what is happening. It’s too quick, the verdict too strict— I cannot allow this to continue, but I need help.”
“Then gather your help amongst your kind, Shinigami.” Erich shot the man an unimpressed look. “You and your insular people have cast aside all attempts at alliances before, and yet you expect me to ignore that history now that /you/ have a need?”
Ukitake winced and looked away. “I know,” he murmured with regret, scent shading towards shame-exhaustion-unhappiness. “I’m not… asking for much. Just… let me aid you. The youths are trying to rescue Rukia because they care for her. Let me help you — them — towards that goal.” He took a breath and looked back at Erich, shoulders squared and a stubborn edge to his stance. “I can’t ask more than a few Shinigami for aid. The more who know, the more likely it is that we’ll /all/ suffer, and I refuse to be the cause of that.”
“At the price of your subordinate?” Erich prodded.
“I will save her /alone/ if I must.”
Erich narrowed his eyes and let an unhappy rumble build in his chest. The idea of working with a Shinigami was unthinkable. He was a Dragon, his people hunted down and slaughtered for the crime of /being/ Dragons, from Elders down to newborns. No mercy. No quarter.
And here was a Shinigami, one of his people’s killers, asking to help? Asking him to /work with him/? For a goal the Shinigami wanted and Erich could not care less about?
(But the boy’s hoard did, and thus the boy did as well.)
(He would not see the boy or his hoard in pain if he could help it.)
He snapped angrily at the air, instincts and gut reaction at war with the Human strategy pounded into his head. He wanted to say /no/, to declare that he and the others could do this without aid. Yet the war he’d lived through said otherwise; it was always better to have a man on the inside. To have intel and supplies and /aid/ from a native, even if that aid was potentially suspect.
So long as he kept his head, the chances of an ambush or betrayal were slim.
(Ukitake smelled like the officers he used to know, resolved and determined to follow through.)
“Fine,” he spat, tail lashing the air in his fury. “But if you betray me — betray /us/ — I will not stop at simply killing you, Shinigami.”
“I understand,” Ukitake said, inclining his head. “Thank you for giving me this chance, Great One.”
“Tch, don’t thank me yet,” Erich muttered. “And stop calling me that. It means something specific to my kind and I don’t qualify. If you must call me something, you may use Rerugen.”
“Thank you, Rerugen-san. Is there anything..?”
He grimaced and tilted his head to examine the boy at his feet, hoping that they hadn’t woken him from his rest just yet. The boy needed sleep more than anything else, and he also didn’t need to witness Erich’s fury any more than he already had. “Food, if you can. And perhaps blankets.”
Ukitake nodded in agreement. “I’ll bring those out to you in a moment.”
Erich watched the Shinigami dart off, then carefully settled into a crouch at the boy’s side. He would give the man a chance.
(But only one.)
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crusty-the-snowman · 6 years
How to train your dragon au Humans: Michael Jake Chloe Jenna Christine Dragons Rich - flame whipper Jeremy: night fury Mr.Heere: also nightfury fight me The squip: blue death (haha like red death) Brooke: Nadder? Changewing? Take this while I'm playing my How To Train Your Dragon Game SO Michael works as a blacksmith And so do his moms, Its kind of a family thing for them Michael, Jake, Jenna, Chloe and Christine are in training to learn how to slay dragons But theyre bad at working as a group, and on their own Christine and Jake tend to be spacey and were awful at keeping an eye on the dragons And Michael really just knows how to make weapons, not so much use them The people who stood the best chance were Jenna who honestly jyst likes studying dragons so she knows a lot about them And Chloe whos very good with weapons But those two couldnt work together very well. Mr.Reyes is dissapointed in his latest students. Michaels moms assured him its okay and if he can still be a blacksmith Its somewhat assuring, but not quite for Michael personally Jake would say his parents were dissapointed in him but they were taken by dragons, It wouldve made him a chief, but because hes so young Chloe parents were put in charge until Jakes old enough During a dragon raid one night Michael tried to shoot a Night Fury only to find himself horrifically missing and dissapointed in himself During said raid a couple dragons even go out of their cages A couple days later Michael went to gather wood only to find Night Fury scales Upon following them he found a A Night Fury with its legs wrapped up in a net in an odd way like it got itself tangled Michael with nothing else he can do with it, started to try and check out this strange dragon and document it the best he could. Only upon trying to look at its legs, unwrapped it just enough for the dragon to get away and found it didnt try to kill him. Because it was getting late Michael had to go home. The next day he went to retrieve the rope (he realized it could still be used) and noticed there were tracks assumedly from the Night Fury, but they looked bigger than he remembered Long story short Michael followed the tracks and finds the Night Fury. It doesnt appear injured but it appears VERY clumsy and occupied with a pond its trying to catch fish in. But Michael with a lack of planning for this to happen decides to start writing in a notebook the things he notices about the Night Fury from a distance. When he gets home he beings the rope back and lets his moms know he found it, (which theyre very proud of him for doing) So Michael starts leaving to study this Night Fury more, thinking he could be like the botanists that wrote the book of dragons and be really good at this. His moms are mainly happy hes found taking walks to be a sort of nice hobby He also notes Jake leaving late at night often as Michael comes back around the same time and maybe because hes really gay for Jake (this is relevant) After one very long day thats turning into night Michael realises something that he can't find an explanation for while watching this night fury hes dubbed Jeremy 1. Jeremy can't seem to hunt for himself but he seems well fed 2. Jeremy definitely doesnt match the size of the tracks he followed to him that seem to still match the shape of his foot Because he's stayed out so late though Michael gets his answer Theres the sound of a thud outside of the tunnel and in a panic he scrambles all the way inside the cave just barely out of the way to see another larger Night Fury to come in that definitely better matches the tracks he follwed The size difference suggests and same species suggests maybe this Jeremys dad. Which seems confirmed when he finds this is the the one who seems to be feeding Jeremy And it makes a lot more sense now Michael shot the net and missed hitting the Night Fury he was aiming for, but Jeremy was the one who ended up tangled up in it. For now Michael intends to leave but trying to go towards the tunnel doesnt go well when he drops his notebook Because of this in a matter of minutes hes stuck in place with a large Night Furry towering over him and huffing Michaels pretty sure this is it for him and closes his eyes regretting his life choices Until this Night Fury sneezed and proceeded to puke a fish on him like it puked fish up for Jeremy. And its clear he was just sniffing Michael and seemed to see him as a not a threat (unbeknownst to Michael its partially because Michaels been collecting NightFury scales that Jeremys been shedding and led to him smelling like him) Its also noteable Jeremy didn't take notice of Michael until his dad moved towards him. And as jeremys dad was getting Jeremys attention instead of making any noise he would manage to touch jeremy first to get his attention And until this point jeremy never took notice of Michael before when he he'd dropped things so appeared Jeremy had hearing problems which possibly had affected Jeremys abilty to hunt With this Michael came home very late and ended up having to tell his moms the truth who were very worried about him Surprisingly they werent mad considering they let Michael talk and explain how Jeremy and his dad didnt attack him and Jeremys dad even tried to feed him. Michaels moms thought this was interesting because nobody known anything about Night Furys before and Michael has the scales to prove it. They promise not to tell because Michael and his moms also know Chloes parents wouldnt be as understanding and if they heard Michael suddenly befriended dragons For now Michael keeps going alone to visit Jeremy who hes now found is quite friendly and even stops caring when Michael doesnt vary the scales with that makes him smell like a Night Fury If anything Jeremy gets excited the moment he can smell Michael and even starts saving food for when Michael shows up. (Though Michael just pretends to eat it and later bring it back to feed Jeremys dad) Over time it seems like Michaels been improving at the academy for (understanding) and "defeating" dragons, though Jake just seems better at dodging and being ignored by them Over time Michael even gets the idea to see if Jeremy can fly since hes yet to see it and one night hangs out to wait for Jeremys dad to also show up It's becomes apparent by comparison Jeremy has a weirdly formed tail wing which with a lack of hearing might mean Jeremy has some birth defects  [que some of Michael getting help from his moms to make a prosthetic similar to the movie] Michael then waits till Jeremys dad returns in hopes to fly with him and that way he can also count on him to teach Jeremy to fly assuming Jeremy hasnt been able to prior The first attempt is rough as Jeremy finds Michael cannot hold on if theyre flying upside down, but Mr.Heere is big enough he manages to grab Michael by the back of his shirt and carry Jeremy to the ground very carefully The next couple attemps was Michael and Jeremy learning to work together to fly and jeremy being taught to fly by jers dad who just so happy his son and the weird small fleshy dragon he's befriended are able to fly with him together Also in this time (maybe also because flying was way fun and Michael felt like he could do anything if he could help Jeremy fly) Michael finds the courage to ask out Jake and happen to run into him when Jakes returning home in the dead of night. Jake seems very frantic in getting inside which makes Michael very worried until he hears a squawk but not a bird type squawk And Jake panics and asks Michael to promise he wont tell anyone about what hes doing if Jake let's him inside Michaels says yes and next thing he knows Jake has pulled him into a kiss for a moment before pulling him inside One of the dragons that had escaped to academy during a raid was a red and light blue Flamewhipper, a dragon resembling a gecko and used to constantly drop its tail and paralyze people making fighting it hard Well, Michael thought it escaped like everyone else until suddenly said dragon has crawled down from the ceiling to try and eat fish and a plant called ceriman Jake seems to have in his backpack. Jake named this dragon Rich and admits during the raid he'd taken the time to free Rich feeling like the dragons weren't bad and they were essentially tormenting the dragons in there. However Rich ended up following Jake to his house. Possibly because Jakes house is warm compared to outside and Rich is very fond of crawling in and laying on Jakes jacket So every night since, Jakes been feeding Rich who has yet to leave on his own and seems to be particularly fond of Jake himself to the point Jake has been sharing a bed with him Which now explains why dragons lately have been ignoring Jake as he shells like another dragon Michael doesnt give specifics but says he has a similar situation occuring that his moms know about and decides to stay over with how late it is Rich steals part of Jakes bed Michael also offers for his moms to help Jake feed Rich but Jake declines saying hes worried Rich might not be fond of many people Later that night Jake also apologizes for kissing Michael saying he's been crushing on him for awhile and only did it because he was greatful Michael wasn't going to tell anyone Jakes explanation for his actions is a big gay mood for Michael Michael also asks if he can kiss Jake again Jake says yes and they kiss for a moment until Rich squawks at them because Jake stopped petting him The next day Jake is introduced to Jeremy who thinks Jake is another small fleshy dragon and tries to play with him also sniffs him heavily because he smells Rich and "where is other dragon??!! I can smell him but hes not on this fleshy dragon?!??" Michael explains Jeremy cant hear and has dad that typically feeds him, he also cant fly which is what Michael helps him do with his prosthetic sort of tail Jeremy pukes fish on Jake and Michael tells him he typically feeds it to Jeremys dad later at night Michael also tells Jake hes welcome to come by to visit jeremy and his dad as long as Michael's there too incase Jeremys dad acts differemt towards Jake smelling like a different dragon Jake also asks if Michael and his moms could help make him a saddel like Jeremy has but for Rich Part 1 bc it wont let me post more on this
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