#[ i love inko midoriya and i wouldnt mind writing her
pclxrity · 5 years
lovingly looks at the many pictures of izuku she has in her wallet~
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collisiondiscourse · 4 years
i have decided i am now going to blow up your inbox bc i csn i’m sorry codi focnnf
b u t!! anyway i’m going to rambling abt my new dad for all au [whixh was the au i sent you that ask abt]
alrighty so all might is now midoriya’s dad. that’s a thing. i like to think that inko and toshinori were high school sweethearts who broke up after graduation but met again when all might was called to recuse some hostages and inko was one of them!! anywho all might recuses her, they go on a coffee date, realize they’re still in love and start again
they get married and have izuku, who keeps inko’s maiden name [midoriya is now inko’s maiden name bc i do what i want]. he’s the cutest baby who has inko’s green hair, but has one blue and one green eye! [these are /important/] inko and all might talk abt maybe giving izuku all for one when he’s older, but they decide against it bc they don’t know if he’ll have a quirk or not
spoiler!! bitch baby has a quirk!! he gets a quirk that’s so much different than inko’s quirk and !!! ahhh!!! the basic explanation is that all might’s all of one genes mixed and then “corrupt” inko’s like 3 generation quirk-having genes or smth and izu has a very, very complex quirk now. it’s called astron, and astron allows him to fucking astral project into the center of the university and shit chxnc
astron works two different ways: using his blue eye he can project other people into his own personal astral plane and do whatever he wants. while the person’s physical body is still where it was, their mind is in the astral plane. if he uses his green eye, he can project himself to his astral plane and fuck around without consequences!!
[there’s an untold third ability of astron using both of his eyes, but izuku tried doing that when he first got his quirk and immediately fell into a coma for like a month? it was bad and his mind couldn’t handle the stress and dipped lol]
ANYWAY, izuku grows up with a bomb ass quirk and still has his kacchan with him thru his childhood so things are a lot different than canon? the wonder duo are little shitheads together and i love them, they wreck havoc and i love them
i have more ideas for this story but this is all i have for now, codi this is so long i’m sorry i’m blowing up ur inbox 🥺😭
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me opening my askbox and seeing the length of this au: holy shit
me reading the actual whole au: HOLY SHIT
(serious writing/plot below - blood and vomit mention)
oh god and now im imagining deku like. being this extremely feral and annoying lil shit whos extremely powerful and now bakugous got someone on his level so hes a lot more humble as hes growing up but also him and deku are the?? BESTEST OF FRIENDS. and i imagine when bakugou is being a little shit deku just. astral projects him out of his body for a while and apologizes to whoever kacchan yelled at LMFAO---bakugou comes back to his body and is all like “....fucks sake stop doing that”
AND THEN omfgkjfds imagine morally grey deku who does whatever he can to win?? he knew he wouldnt get into UAs hero course fair and square (all might offered him a recommendation but he declined because he wanted to get there on his own with kacchan) because robots didnt have souls he could astral project so he practices his quirks limits like YEARS prior and he tells bakugou about it but never rlly shows him but on the day of the entrance exam?
he shows up. everything goes as normal and he finishes the written exams and then moves on to the practical exam (still seperated from kacchan like in canon) and like. Every one goes dashing forward and deku doesnt really try to beat anyone. He waits until theyre all in the center engaging with robots when he walks to the center of the room.
and he sees the zero pointer in the distance.
“THE ZERO-POINTER’S HERE!” He yells and points at the gigantic mech heading their way. All at once everyone’s heads whip up to catch sight of the robot, enraptured by its sheer size and power. 
As they all look to one direction, Deku makes eye contact with them and smiles.
All at once, every single participant in the area goes limp. Astron throws their souls into the astral plane with little fanfare and everyone watches in awe and annoyance as their bodies uselessly crumple to the ground from the outside. The green-haired boy is suddenly given free reigns of the arena and they seethe as one by one he deactivates or disables robots that were once under their purview.
(What some of the smarter ones notice however, is the way he seems to be leaving some stray 3 pointers untouched... almost as if he was doing the calculations in his head as he goes... on how to ensure the number one spot while others can still score points...?)
One by one however, they start struggling and reaching to reconnect with their bodies. Their gleaming bright souls bob up and down with frenzied energy and Deku feels it. He feels it like itches on his skin and goosebumps that turn into hills that dance up and down his back. He feels it like he feels his limit reaching.
Its still around 10 minutes though before he actually loses control and everyone comes back to their bodies. His quirk times out and almost like its angry, the astral plane takes his body in exchange for the dozens he kept in there. He gets sucked through and passes out while everyone else runs and destroys the remaining bots. It doesn’t matter though, because he knows he’s racked up enough points to stay on top. He lets himself rest and observes the blue-haired tall guy with engines who contemplates carrying Deku’s body to safety.
Until, he sees her.
Just under some rubble and very close to getting crushed by the Zero-Pointer’s foot, Deku spots a brown-haired young girl that he recalls has some kind of floating quirk. He sees as everyone runs past her, prioritizing their own safety instead of hers.
He makes a decision.
Quickly--recklessly, a familiar gruff voice says in his ear--he forces himself back into his body and looks around. He runs to the girl and attempts to dig her out from the rubble before she gets crushed. The robot comes ever closer.
Using the little strength and flexibility he’s learnt from years of sparring with Kacchan, Deku abandons her in favor of climbing up the broken concrete and metal to meet the robot’s visor. He knows he won’t save her by digging her out of there, but by god is he gonna let her get injured without a fight. These robots weren’t designed to kill, but they were designed to destroy.
Focus. Focus and listen to what’s around you, Izu-kun.
The world around him reduces to tunnel-vision and suddenly Deku is face to face with the Zero-Pointer. It stops, as if calculating how to discard of Deku without hurting him severely with its own strength.
Everything has life in it. You only need to focus and look for it.
Izuku Midoriya looks at the robot.
In a whirlwind of blue and green, he reaches inside of himself and searches for life. Cold steel and hard-wired code meet his gaze and he plunges even deeper. 
Then all at once, everything in his visions snaps into sudden clarity, like he’s never seen before. He feels everything. Sees Everything. Smells, tastes, hears--and he hears how the metal beneath him bends and groans. He feels how it winces and shudders. He sees it as it opens its maw and its visor bends in a facsimile of eyes, pleading him as if asking how?
The robot beneath him comes to life and stumbles back.
Quickly, he scrambles to the nearest ledge which happens to be a broken support beam. Distantly, he thinks he feels his arm being sliced open on the edge of it and the warmth of blood streaming down his side as he nearly falls. 
“HEY! YOU WITH THE ENGINES!” He hoarsely screams to the still remaining, slack-jawed contestants. “I CAN’T KEEP THE ZERO POINTER DOWN FOR LONG! GO HELP THE GIRL AND TAKE HER TO SAFETY NOW!”
With a sudden burst of energy, the fellow participants start taking others out from the rubble while the blue-haired boy helps the brunette he was protecting earlier. As he watches them clear the rubble to drag her out, he feels a pang.
Who am I? a lost voice calls out. It’s raspy and almost-robotic sounding and only he can hear it. Where am I? What am I?
And Deku’s vision flickers.
In and out, he sees flashes through eyes that aren’t his. He hears voices that are simultaneously faraway and way too close for comfort. The world tugs at the sides of his perspective and a strain is pulling at the back of his head tearing his brain to shreds. He doesn’t know what he’s focusing or straining on, except that its working and keeping the zero-pointer down.
He grits his teeth. “Hurry the hell up! i can’t do this any longer--”
Bursts of pain appear behind his mismatched eyes and he wants to scream so bad and if he were looking any clearer he’d see the way that the zero-pointer thrashes on the ground in time with the pounding on his skull. Bile crawls up the back of his throat and Deku screams.
Izuku lets go and his vision goes black.
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yellowbluemoonshine · 5 years
BNHA Foils
I would like to talk about parallels between the characters like if this hadnt happen to him, he would be someone like him. I will just give a few examples about it. But i didnt write too much details so maybe, in the future i can fix it or write better. Well. Lets start.
a-) Darker Foils:
I noticed something about darker foil and that darker foil is not villain foil. its different.
1-) Bakugou and Endeavour:
Ok. Between these characters, who are the darker one?
These characters have a lot of commons between them. Both of them wanted to be top heroes, they were both ambitious and violence. They both are kind of hero who care about winning, valued invidual strength more than saving victims.
Endeavour couldnt reach his dream to become No. 1 hero and cause of it, he was blinded by his ambition that he ruined/abused his family.
Bakugou is a spoiled kid who abused/bullied (whatever you called) his quirkless classmate. He is still a young kid and unlike Endeavour, he had a chance to change, before becoming someone like him.
Point is Bakugou would become Endeavour, if he hadnt have a chance to change. Endeavour is there to show that what kind of person Bakugou could’ve become, if he doesnt change.
Now, are they completely same? No. I think Bakugou wasnt just lucky about have a chance to change but he was also lucky about a lot of things.
Bakugou was praised his entire life. Thats why he became Bakugou, he was born with strong quirk that allows him to do whatever he wants but Endeavour worked hard for his place. His quirk wasnt perfect or he wasnt praised like Bakugou was. I am not saying that Bakugou didnt work hard or something. Of course he also worked hard but he was luckier than Endeavour about this cause Endeavour suffered cause of his quirk and other things.
Not just this, also Bakugou faced the fact that he cant continue like this, before Endeavour did. Bakugou learnt what happenned to Shouto or he had Allmight and Aizawa and most importantly Deku was there, besides by him but for Endeavour, probably he hasnt these kind of things before.
Shortly, what i am saying is;
Endeavour is not the darkest version of Bakugou. Endeavour is Bakugou s future, if he doesnt change. (Well, he is changing. Thats why his future will be different probably.) But also, Endeavour is unluckier version of Bakugou.
2-) Kouta and Koutaro:
Koutaro was Kouta s future, if Deku wasnt there for him. Thats why, its not “darkest” or “villain” foil, its DARKER foil.
They also have parallels. Kouta s parents were heroes and they died cause of it. Kouta was too young to understand this case cause he felt like his parents left him. his parent chose other people over him. Thats was what he thought, until Deku came.
About Koutaro, he is also just like Kota. He lost his parents cause of “hero jobs” and they both were traumatized by it. He was young too but like i said before, Koutaro was unluckier compared to Kouta. He hadnt have an aunt besides him and Nana was abandoned him, unlike Kouta s parents who had no idea they will die that day. ( Maybe Nana  knew that too but in Koutaro s mind, its different.) And not just that, Koutaro had a foster family and who knows what happenned to him. So basically Kota s conditions was way better, compared to Koutaro s case.
3-) Eri and Shigaraki:
They both accidently killed their father. They both believed that they are only exist to destruction. They were both manipulated by villain father figure who only sees them as a tools but the only difference between Eri and Shigaraki wasnt just the fact that Eri was saved;
but also, the way of they were manipulated was different. Eri was meant to be only tool, someone who cant do anything, helpless by Overhaul. Overhaul gave her fear while Shigaraki was meant to be villain who has to destroy things even when his abuser All For One wasnt around.
Eri was victim and she knew that. Thats why, she tried to escape and thats how she met with Mirio and Deku. But Shigaraki has no idea that he is victim. The way of All For One manipulated him made him think that he is not a victim but someone who only exist to destruction. Eri was luckier compared to Shigaraki.
Shigaraki was Eri s future, if she wasnt saved by Deku and Mirio but point is Eri s darker foil Shigaraki isnt completely same as her. Shigaraki watched his family s death completely brutally but about Eri, it was just his father s disappearance. Of course, its also terrifrying too but there is a big difference between watching disintegration of your family and your father s suddenly disappearance .
Shortly, about darker foils:
Even if they werent saved or hadnt have a chance to change; Bakugou wouldnt become Endeavour, Kouta wouldnt become Koutaro, Eri wouldnt become Shigaraki. Not because they are better person, the reason is they were already LUCKIER, compared to their darker foils. Their life conditions were way better than their darker foils and also they were saved thats why fortunately they didnt become their darker foils but also let me remind this; the only difference between them is basically luck.
b-) Darkest/Villain/Parallel Foils:
In bnha, there are two sides of hero society. Light side, dark side. About “villain foils”, i didnt mean to say “evil version” of characters. More like, character s having different kind of life version.
1-) Midoriya and Shigaraki:
Midoriya is from light side of hero society. He is kind kid who wants to become a hero only to help them. Pure heroic hearth. Same as Tenko (Shigaraki.)
Midoriya and Tenko s origins are same but in the end, one of them become a hero, one of them become a villain. What happenned to Midoriya that hadnt happen to Shigaraki or What didnt happen to Midoriya that happen to Shigaraki.
It’s not just about meeting with Allmight or All For One.
If Deku hadnt met Allmight, it doesnt mean that he would become a villain. Deku had a mother like lovely Inko besides him. Deku grown up and met with other people. Even though he was quirkless and was abused/bullied, he wasnt completely outsider of hero society. He was still part of light side of hero society. Maybe his dream to become a hero wouldnt come true but that wouldnt turn Deku to villain.
In Shigaraki s case, he was abused by his father and watched disintegration of his family when he was just 5. He was ignored by people who could’ve helped him. Even if it wasnt Allmight, there was just one person to save him, he would be ok. But then All For One came and manipulated and abused him his entire life. Shigaraki didnt go to school like Deku did. He was completely  outsider of hero society and only person who “save him” taught he has to kill, if he doesnt want to suffer, his entire life. And a lot of/ countless tragic things happenned to Shigaraki. Its completely different.
So basically only difference is they were just born in different sides of hero society. Deku could’ve become someone like Shigaraki while Shigaraki could’ve become someone like Deku. If same tragic things happenned to Deku, Deku would become Shigaraki. If all these tragic things didnt happen to Shigaraki, he would become Deku.
Shigaraki isnt Deku s future cause their entire lives were different but their hearth, the kind of person they were meant to be is same. Shigaraki is probably Deku s darkest foil but it doesnt mean that Shigaraki is irredeemable cause people dont become completely different person, just because something bad happenned to them. What makes us, us is the choices we made when choices are given to us. And Shigaraki always chose to care about people around him when choices are given to him. He is still same person. He is not the evil version of Deku. Shigaraki is just Deku who has a completely tragic life.
(Well, of course there are some diversities between them but thats not the point here. Point is they are same kind of person, similar people. I think parallel characters are there to show that what kind of person this character would become, if circumtances changed. To turn a kind person like Deku to a villain, you have to give him all tragic things including maniputive father figure but still, in the end you cant destroy his true self (a person s true self). In the end, he is just who he is, even when he was broken. Well, its actually very harder than its seems though.)
2-) Uraraka and Toga:
Unlike Deku, Uraraka didnt become a hero cause of justice. She became a hero for more selfish reasons. She was coming from a poor family that support her no matter what. She hadnt got a siblings and she became a hero to support her lovely family.
Unlike Shigaraki, Toga didnt become a villain cause of the unfair hero society. She became a villain for her selfish reasons. She was coming from a rich family that rejected all she has. She had a siblings and in the end, she became a villain to abandon her family, to run away from her old life.
Uraraka and Toga could become each others. If Uraraka was born with a weird quirk like Toga had and if her family was like Toga s family, then Uraraka would also be just like Toga. Same for Toga. If she wasnt born with that kind of quirk and only her parents were supportive just like Uraraka s, Toga probably would be just like Uraraka. I am not sure that we can say “Toga is Uraraka s darkest foil” maybe if more tragic things happenned to her, she would be darker. So basically not “darkest foil” but something like “same character, different lifes” cause the parallels between them is undeniably there.
Toga isnt Uraraka s future cause their entire lives were different but the kind of person they were meant to be is same. They both also supportive characters for main characters.
Uraraka started to change after meeting Deku. She started to becoming a true hero too. Same for Toga. After meeting Shigaraki, Toga started to being less self centered and she is also becoming someone who fights against to unfair society.
So shortly about parallel foils;
its like “same character, different lives” so again the difference between them is luck.
I wanted to talk about the difference between darker foils and villain/darkest foils. There might be different kind of foils though. But for now, thats it. Also i wanted to explain with a little more detailed version cause some people keep saying “they are just villains, they are irredemable” or other things but if you look at these details, i think its unfair to think like that and i dont think its true. Well, i just wanted to explain this subject.
(Thanks for reading it. Sorry for bad english. I hope, i explained it well. ^^.)
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