pclxrity · 5 years
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                                                     our destiny 
                                             laid out in front of us
                                           what will we make of it?
        indie my hero academia multimuse / formally pclxrity / temp dash only
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pclxrity · 5 years
;; hey guys. im sorry, but im going to step away from this blog for a little bit - i might archive this blog and remake it. I havent been able to find any motivation to write, which sucks because you're all so much fun to write with. ill let you know. ill be around on discord if you want to chat ! have a great day, ❤ andy
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pclxrity · 5 years
Send me an “I follow you because:”
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pclxrity · 5 years
sonic ‘06 fandub starters
“ am I doing this right? ”
“ you can’t kill anybody! especially not me! ”
“ i’m so proud of you ”
“ I haven’t seen you since… the incident ”
“ we need to go, NOW ”
“ what happened to your mouth? ”
“ in your future, it looks like you’ll kiss seven (girls/guys). how lucky for you! ”
“ google maps said denny’s would be just around this corner.”
“ …and then we ate it. ”
“ hey gamers! ”
“ sorry, I thought I heard a cat ”
“ this is the worst. this is the actual worst. ”
“ why don’t you tell me your incredibly complicated backstory, in an interesting, long winded monologue? complete with visuals! ”
“ i’m going to pluck you up, melt you down, and make a fucking necklace!”
“ hey don’t take me anywhere - AW FUCK ”
“ just listen to me, like, for once ”
“ yep, I can kill ya! ”
“ my braincell: destroyed ”
“ bruh, I wouldn’t be asking if I wasn’t interested ”
“ that felt great…”
“ you can either die, die, or… ” 
“ I leave for five minutes and this happens?! ”
“ you are so far below me you lowly little trash can man ”
“ how many times are you going to run? I’ve captured you 17 different times! ”
“ you WHAT? ”
“ i’m almost proud of you ”
“ oh, wait… i have hands? ”
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pclxrity · 5 years
shouto never questioning a thing endeavor said because hes so good and his father praises him is honestly terrifying. hes going to become endeavor, the next big hero who doesnt care about anything if its weak and not worth his time. he wont have friends or positive influences in his life. he'll say hes a hero but really hes just as bad as enji.
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pclxrity · 5 years
@rewindruled​ replied: a baby broccoli !
“ my darling broccoli boy~“
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pclxrity · 5 years
lovingly looks at the many pictures of izuku she has in her wallet~
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pclxrity · 5 years
“ itsuuu! ”
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backpack tossed aside in favor of throwing arms open to give his brother a hug. it’d only been a week but settling in without itsuki ended up being harder than he’d thought - thankfully, he’d been guaranteed at least one weekend day back home with his mom and brother !
“ thanks ! i won’t forget this time, i promise ! ”
twin!zuku sc // @pclxrity
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 “izu! you– erm, y’lef’ your um, schoo– school book he-here lass’- lass’ week’nd!”
he had the book on izuku’s old desk, all tidied and organized, generally untouched since izuku last visited. it was… lonely and quiet since his brother had to move into the dorms. itsuki wished he had that opportunity. it almost made him mad–and yet…. 
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pclxrity · 5 years
you won’t get anywhere with an attitude like that.
shouto feigned ignorance in the face of their father’s favoritism - he’d always excelled and his brother never met the mark. he’d been as desperate for a ‘ job well done ’ and took it in stride. remarks of ‘ you’ll get it next time, keep trying ‘ became fewer and far between. he knew this. and yet... he wasn’t sure he wanted to share something that had been almost exclusively his own.
it wasn’t fair. but they’d learned, together, that life wasn’t fair, either.
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“ you’re not going to give up before we even get in, are you? ” kept his head low, gaze focused on his brother’s face. every day, it seemed, he sounded more like their father.
eyes wandered over the pages thrust into his hands. practical, a little flashy for his taste, but they weren’t out of the realm of possibility. of course, father would make the final decision.
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“ they’re fine. ”
handed them back without a second thought. he had something else on his mind - UA would be accepting new students in the coming weeks and they were expected to not only get in, but excel. dreams would be coming true ( theirs or their father’s? he didn’t know. ) 
“ ko… are you… ” he hesitated, “ ready? ”
a new chapter of their lives - it wouldn’t be easy but it paved the road to heroism.
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pclxrity · 5 years
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voice gentle and familiar roused him from the unexpected slumber.  brows furrowed - the first sensation an unpleasant one - a dull ache in the back of his head, trying to piece together what must have happened.
eyelids fluttered, head turned to the side slightly towards his classmate.
“ midoriya...? ” the hospital again? it had been serious, then. silently grateful, though, for his friend’s presence - it put him at ease, at the very least. “ ...what happened? ”
The Betrayal
Izuku smiled softly as he watched his sleeping classmate in the hospital bed. Todoroki had been out for the past day and looked to be sleeping peacefully. 
While Izuku thought himself to be a patient man, waiting for Todoroki to wake up was definitely testing his limits. He moved up the side of the bed and reached out a gloved hand to gently cup the side of his classmate’s face. “Todoroki-kun~” he cooed. “Time to wake up~” 
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pclxrity · 5 years
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✩  Rising Heroes  ✩
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pclxrity · 5 years
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hes sick. and grumpy. but like hell is he going to let that stop him from exceeding today.
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pclxrity · 5 years
current blog list
@pclxrity - multimuse, you’re here now ! low activity !
@divideline - highly canon divergent tenko shimura ! moderate activity !
@dreamteammemes - roleplay meme blog run by me and a few of my friends ! we post every so often and you’re free to request something !
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pclxrity · 5 years
“ you could count on five or six heroes… or just one. ”
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“ I don’t need children. they disappoint me. ”
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pclxrity · 5 years
“ indeed! ”
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providing their classmates make sensible movies choices! last week’s ‘ vampire vixens from venus ’ permanently ensured that mineta would never make the decision ( without a second opinion, of course ).
“ midoriya informed me that he had one in mind from his childhood. it sounded promising ! ”
folding the list neatly and putting it into his pocket for safe keeping, striding down the street at her side.
@pclxrity continued
“ ah ! uraraka ! ”
a grin and a quick good morning - their daily routine - except today they had a goal ! after gathering a comprehensive list of classmate’s snack preferences, they’d been tasked to make a supermarket trip.
“ are you ready? ” adjusting his glasses and thumbing towards the door. surely this trip wouldn’t end in shenanigans ! that never happened to class 1-A.
“ bring a raincoat, if you need one ! there is nothing worse than walking home in wet clothes!”
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“yep! i’m all ready to go!” ochako said enthusiastically. she almost always went on supermarket runs with someone from the class because her quirk made it so much easier to get large quantities of supplies at once. and tonight they were having a class movie night! i should be so much fun!
after quickly grabbing her raincoat from one of the pegs near the front door ochako gave iida a thumbs up and they started their walk towards the store. “are you excited for tonight? i wonder what they’ll pick for a movie.”
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pclxrity · 5 years
eleven pm, front door opens. he’s late to dinner again - fuyumi has fallen asleep with her head on the table, waiting. everything is cold, and he isn’t hungry anyway. today’s success droning on the television that had been left on - number one hero saves child and puts the fugitive responsible behind bars for good. ironic.
the last break in hadn’t crossed his mind in awhile, held firm the belief that his cowardly eldest wouldn’t dare step foot if he weren’t welcome, knowing that if he did he it would be his last costly mistake.
some children never learn, no matter how many times it’s beaten into them.
the door to the training room is open. his daughter avoids it if she can help it - the maids only enter after a session has left it in ruin. so he’s come back. how could they birth such a fool.
it’s thrown open the rest of the way and he sees the boy - after all of this time, reduced to that. unrecognizable, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. enji looks down at dabi, as though he’s nothing more than a bug ruining a nice lunch.
“ your mother raised a fool, ” no child of his, though commendable that the sheep willingly lead itself to the slaughter, “ did you really come all the way here with the hopes that you could defeat me, boy? ”
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pclxrity · 5 years
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So warm and cuddly my heart just…. 💓💓💓!!!
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