#[ ic ] overclocks
mastcrmarksman · 2 months
🏹🎯 ⸻ one liner starter call ⸻ @overclocks
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❝ Like do I have a choice in this? or is this a you kidnapping me situation? ❞
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moved-to-lastavenged · 3 months
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❝ I could do that ⸻ ❞
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❝ But why would I want him to do that? ❞
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musezieren · 4 months
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Gale's eyes darted over the drawings, behind the formerly sleeping and now dead gnoll. Artistic like magic runes in his tomes and on the magic scrolls. And at the same time impossible to grasp for him. Brows furrowed in annoyance. It was like he was trying to catch water with a sieve. Facing his own inability, he moved on to think of an illusion, and like a flame had been lit his eyes started to brighten up and with an excited smile he turned to @overclocks . "Anthony!" he exclaimed, luckily most Goblins were dead already, which allowed him to not just whisper. Hurried steps led him to the artificer, and with the excitement of a child who had found some new toy he led him to the drawings. " It looks interesting... and I thought a tinkerer like you might understand it... Maybe we can find more of it?" the wizard rambled. Magic was maybe his main interest in study. But Anthony had his own interests and skills, and Gale basked in that passion, and enjoyed feeding it as much as teaching about his love for magic.
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kojiscorner · 1 month
“There isn’t a way things should be. There’s just what happens, and what we do. ” @ aaron
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There's a wisdom to the words that Aaron isn't particularly fond of but finds he can't deny. "Then we oughta do our best. This," He gestures out at the vast wasteland that stretches on around them, "-ain't our best."
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writteninscarlet · 5 months
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Her bright laughter bubbled up inside her, almost escaping before she bit her bottom and held it back. Wanda’s bright smile remained firmly in place as she embraced Tony, more than happy to hug him. In fact, she needed the hug (did Tony? she wasn’t sure). “It’s not that odd, is it? Maybe I simply missed you.”
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“I don’t always have to need something from you. You know, I tend to just like you for being you.” A pause as she leant back a little (but did not remove her hands from around him) and mused, with a teasing spark in her eyes, “Maybe a grilled cheese?” Hopeful eyes looked at him before the joking spark returned and she moved in to rest against him once again. “Honestly, it’s just been a long week and I’ve had a lot of work. And even longer since I’ve been in the city or seen anyone. So make the most of it. Do you think just anyone gets a hug from me?” It really had been a long week. From normal jobs to fighting alongside Jennifer Kale, to fighting a witch hunter. It was tough.
free hugs with wanda ;; @overclocks
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bothsidesofaquestion · 3 months
❓ 👀
Send ❓ and I’ll tell you a plot idea I’d like to explore with our muses! Remember to specify muses for multimuses! a c c e p t i n g
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::ooc:: The classic Avengers vs X-Men scenario but with a twist! Both Kurt and Tony have to team up for a bigger foe disappeared the X-Men and the Avengers sending them to another dimension.
I also have a SHIELD verse, Kurt as an agent of SHIELD could be sent to colaborate with Tony in a mission.
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dragonsfell · 3 months
“I may have had… briefly, mind you… stirrings.” @ wyll
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A moment of doubt had begun to pass his mind when Tony's hand had dug into the dead spider and pulled some flesh; that maybe his own doubts about being a leader, about being the chief decision maker of more than just himself may have been wrong given the current man they were following. That thought only furthered when h had licked the spider by some compulsion.
It was only while they sitting outside of one of the trial rooms, letting Shadowheart embark alone through these tests (something she had insisted upon) and had left them to sit, twiddle their thumbs that Wyll has to say something more. SO ABOUT THAT SPIDER ⸻
I may have had... briefly mind you... stirrings.
That is not what Wyll had been expecting for Tony to lean over and whisper. So there absolutely had been a blush to Tony's cheeks, which had merely been a jest to defuse the tension that Wyll had felt standing by. There had to be something in air, perhaps spores, around this Sharran temple that had led to such peculiar behavior.
Dare he ask what kind of stirrings, or perhaps that best be knowledge men only kept to themselves. ❝ Right, right. Stirrings. ❞ Shadowheart was taking her sweet time with this test; maybe they should go in and check on her. Anything to get out of this conversation. ❝ Erm, did it... uh.. awaken anything that you might need to have your bedroll on the other side of camp or.... ❞
Gods, he really does not want to know anything about the spider incident but now he was asking. ❝ We can stay right here, and uh, there's nothing around that corner over there. No one'll say anything to Shadowheart or judge. ❞ He absolutely was trying hardest not to. She wouldn't know and she was blessed for that. Wyll would pray to Shar himself to move that knowledge.
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izzysarchivedblogs · 11 months
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Text Message Prompts -> @overclocks is being a menace under Greer's roof -> [text]: I bought too much soap off etsy and now I don’t know what to do with it…I smell like Captain America. (@ greer - you let this demon into your house again)
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✉ [ Tony🔧/ sent, 7:37 pm ] -> what are you doing
✉ [ Tony🔧/ sent, 7:39 pm ] -> do you need kitten therapy
✉ [ Tony🔧/ sent, 7:41 pm ] -> ( attached photo of William coloring on a white tablecloth )
✉ [ Tony🔧/ sent, 7:44 pm ] -> why are you on etsy
✉ [ Tony🔧/ sent, 7:47 pm ] -> news flash you always smell like captain america
✉ [ Tony🔧/ sent, 7:49 pm ] -> that have something to do with sleeping in his bed you think?
✉ [ Tony🔧/ sent, 7:54 pm ] -> what scents did you get
✉ [ Tony🔧/ sent, 7:56 pm ] -> guess i know whats in the avengers yearly gift basket
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wildcxrds · 4 months
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He didn’t think this far ahead.
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mastcrmarksman · 1 month
@overclocks gets this because i am impatient (and have contiuned playing fo4 so don't worry i am getting more the fallout world i fucked up a bos quest via the guy i was suppose to protect died oops he walked in front of my shotgun actually on accident)
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He can't actually be certain that he wasn't still asleep in the cryo pod he had woken up in. What scattered parts of the events leading up to the big freeze had informed him that his pod hadn't been in the same place that he had left it. None of it made sense and the world outside? It all made even less and to top off this nightmare? No working hearing aids or anyone in sight besides overgrown bugs and rabid fucked up looking mutts.
The whole word is sad, but that's one of the saddest thing about. Everyone he's tried to talk to has shot him or realized he was fresh, lost, and easily believe any lies they told him. Reading lips wasn't something that came with high accuracy or left any room for understanding tone, infliction, and any other giveways someone might not be telling him the whole story. The issue was a lot of people covered their faces, so communication was strictly trading bullets or fists.
Clint's still alive, it's been roughly a month since he's worken up aand traveled far. He's still has about a much information as he woke up with; he's two hundred years out of time and shit sucked. Friends were probably long dead, still popsicles, or who knows where considering Clint found himself way off from when he went to sleep.
He's made due with living so far, started to understand the lack of law of the land. Everything's shit and caps make people talk (not that he understood a lot of people). There was this really old lady, who was fucked up looking with no nose, who says there's this pesky pest with robot moved into one of her workshops.
Her lack of defined lips made this really had to read along with lack of eyebrows, made it harder for him to make any real judgement. Clint's got not a lot to go off of but she's clocked his deafness and told him if he got rid of this pest (the robot he figures he can disable and scare off the guy) than she'd solve his whole broken hearing aid issue.
Remove the man from her workshop and Clint could start to make some real progress on figuring out everything. That's how he ends up, perched and readying up the bow he's been working on since he woke up. It's taken him a better half of this terrible month to find good wood, a good knife, and get to carving. Arrows were the next part, and now it's time to test that. All he had to do was scare the guy out and not get shot by his robot.... or the scary looking suit he has which Clint's seen a few of those around out here. Tony would've loved those.
He sees the guy exit and that's when the warning shot is nocked then loosened. An arrow flying a great distance to graze past the guy. SCARE HIM OFF, that's all he had to do and then maybe Clint can start making sense of the wasteland.
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moved-to-lastavenged · 2 months
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@overclocks is always getting into trouble (just kidding)
Eyes are fixed on the screen as she watches the security tape, this shouldn't be her job but this was one of those things that shot up the ladder. It was odd, but anything involving Stark tech required hers and Tony's knowledge.
❝ Are you sure you haven't been to your tech graveyard lately? ❞ She's on call with Tony now. That's her first guess and that he's been spooking security at their junkyard in LA without any intention. Nothing was on the tapes, nothing out of order or wait a minute...
❝ How many of... fuck, just make it out to LA. Someone's definitely tampered with secruity and moved things. ❞ So something could be missing.
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psychosomaticdeicide · 5 months
Thought about writing about trauma through the point of view of a selkie with the seal skin as a metaphor and then all my brain could supply was “YOU TOOK MY FUCKING SEAL SKIN” over and over again in jagged writing, getting more and more distressed with each line.
So like. Perhaps that needs more time to cook.
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writteninscarlet · 2 months
A nod of her head, a little hum - attention elsewhere. It wasn’t that she never listened to Tony. Absolutely she was often invested in what he said, but today she was flipping through a book and Tony had almost just been repeating himself. Well, it seemed that way to her. What a dramatic guy. “Mhm, yes. That is classic Clint behaviour…” The words were out before she realised why there was a break in speech. A question. “What—? Ah. I, no, no plans. Going home, watching a film. Having some tea. Exciting, right? In fairness, my last days off work ended up involving Gremlins. Not the movie - someone accidentally summoned actual Gremlins. So relaxing is very exciting to me. What about you? I hear Steve was trying to get a sparring partner, get some training in. You could possibly volunteer?”
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Mini Starter Call ;; @overclocks
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bothsidesofaquestion · 4 months
“Slow down! I can barely keep up with your so-called ‘walk’!” 
Walking sentence starters | accepting
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Kurt is not a speedster however, his agility and speed are completely inhuman.
Moving around in fours like some kind of animal is something quite 'normal' to him... Walking, maybe trottling, perhaps running... Jumping around, certainly climbing up poles, trees, walls like a ghecko on any surface, quick quick he goes and sometimes he forgets others can't keep up with him.
And Tony Stark reminds him he is one of these others.
"Ach, sorry." He stops, he might be walking too fast for the man to keep up. The blue mutant stands up straight in both legs and looks back at Mr. Stark.
"I didn't notice I was walking too fast."
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( externally: haha (new media I consumed) was really cool internally: brain overheating as I overthink literally every detail )
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izzysarchivedblogs · 10 months
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@overclocks has a flying friend now // (starter call here + still accepting)
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Red and gold whizzes by out in the cold nothingness of space. SOMETHING EXCITING! The singularity flies after the metal man and she recognizes him. A FRIEND! He starts spinning out of control. OH NO! Rushing forward, she reaches for the left foot and trying to slow him down. If worst comes to worst, she can always catch him with her stomach.
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〞CAREFUL! CAROL FRIEND!〝 Singularity shouts, finally about to grab hold and stop Iron Man from spinning out into nothingness. Voice a little strained as she catches him. 〞GOT YOU.〝 Now they were stagnant kept in place by the singularity's own force. 〞WHY SPINNING? YOU OKAY?〝 Questions asked still holding on him by the thruster boot.
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