#[ incoming transmission; ask meme ]
c-aptainslog · 5 months
tag rehaul tag rehaul
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halfxspider · 1 year
@xenjoyedthat asked: “I won’t let you go through something like that again.” [ late to the party but uuuuh 👀👀 ] / Protective sentence starters.
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Miguel didn't respond, his gaze was distant, likely running back through the memories of when everything had gone wrong. He wasn't sure why he kept watching them as it only left him feeling bitter and empty.
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Swiping away the recording he pulled up what he had been working on before he felt the urge to watch that clip back and finally spoke. "And I'll make sure no one else has to." No one should have to go through what he had and he was going to make sure they didn't.
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ask-the-guardian-core · 11 months
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aethergate · 1 year
They're a ten but they are afraid of ice (you know who this is for)
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"I mean - everyone has their own phobias, right - ? It's not that bad - ! But I.. suppose that's a valid criticism. I understand if you like ice and snow that much! I won't feel offended."
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acid-green-exo · 2 years
[ tag dump ]
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existenno-crisis · 2 years
Acorn, Bay leaf, Quince, Oleander
Acorn: What would your character do if they lived forever?
She...very well may do that. Nobody knows for sure, except maybe Wally, and he's not telling. It's a scary subject for Jhia, who doesn't particularly enjoy the idea of doing what she does - all that death and destruction that is the Tenno way of life - forever. Maybe she'll settle down, maybe she'll look into learning some science the way she originally intended, as a normal human 14-year-old way back in the Orokin era. Or maybe she'll keep fighting. What else is she really good for, after all?
Bay leaf: What gives your character strength?
Friends, primarily. Jhia is worse at fighting alone than most Tenno - she makes a great support class, including carrying less experienced Tenno through relatively difficult objectives, but falters and gets bogged down without someone to watch her six. Naramons were never great at DPS. Speaking of Naramon, and its combat philosophy of Know the Enemy which Jhia follows to a T, Jhia's other greatest strength is her mind. In a situation when she can plan and prepare every aspect of the engagement, from building kit to studying the arena to lining up headshots, she's much more effective than she would be otherwise, sometimes to a startling degree. Also, she's psychic, which kinda speaks for itself.
Quince: One temptation your character has had.
Not knowing about her own nature prior to Second Dream, and her origins prior to War Within, messed Jhia up. Like, kind of a lot. She interacts with "baby Tenno" a fair amount and she's always tempted to just tell them that they're Void-empowered children sleeping safe on Lua, even though that kind of infodump might mess them up worse than figuring it out in their own due time. Jhia hates putting them through the kind of confusion and powerlessness she herself felt early on, for their own good or not.
Oleander: What’s one thing your character should beware of?
Her bad self-deprecation habit. An underconfident fighter can be just as prone to mistakes as an overconfident one, and even aside from that, Jhia's emotions are...no longer entirely her own business. Either she needs to learn to control them, or she needs to learn to keep them to herself, or she needs to shape up before her self-effacing attitude and hair-trigger gloominess make her lose friends or worse.
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neversith · 2 years
(For the insult the loved ones meme. Because I love your writing and I don’t agree with this ) padme is a disgrace to politics. She’s just a pretty face and that shows with her relationship with a Jedi.
insult ani's loved ones ( if you dare... )
"A disgrace to politics? Most senators should strive to be more like Senator Amidala." Padme isn't the only senator he likes. There is also Senator Organa, who he sees as a friend. So, that is why he says most.
He is very close to becoming violent, having already been in a terrible mood due to a mood swing he is trying to get under control. He pauses when he hears the last sentence, blue eyes narrowing. The urge to ne violent rises.
"She isn't married to a Jedi. I would suggest forgetting you ever heard that rumor."
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sparksliberated · 1 year
tag dump !
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powderedshards · 1 year
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evanescentide · 2 years
; [ tags post, part one! ]
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c-aptainslog · 1 year
tag dump:
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halfxspider · 8 months
“I’m not stepping aside until you back up.”
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"You need to get out of the way, I'm not asking again."
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primordial-arcane · 2 years
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Tag & tag descriptions below.
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★┃❝ Outgoing transmission ❞┃(Inbox call)
A quick way to get me to interact with you through your asks. Be it sending you a meme, a random ask from my mind, etc. Basically a little “interact with me” call out.
★┃❝ There’s fire in my veins ❞┃(Dash commentary)
Basically just commenting on stuff and/or interacting with others.
★┃❝ Battle ready ❞┃(Dash games)
Basically random fun stuff.
★┃❝ Signal incoming ❞┃(Ask queue)
Where all the ask pages will be. Whether they’re memes, prompts, etc.
★┃❝ Secure transmission ❞┃(Asks)
All asks that aren’t by anonymous people will be under this tag.
★┃❝ Unsecure transmission ❞┃(Anonymous asks)
All asks by anonymous people will be under this tag.
★┃❝ Transmission accepted ❞┃(Answered asks)
All asks that I answer will be under this tag. This is basically the overarching tag for all asks.
★┃❝ Incoming transmission ❞┃(Memes)
Where all the memes pages will be. Meme “storage” basically.
★┃❝ Intercepted transmission ❞┃(Meme replies)
For every meme I answer will be under this tag.
★┃❝ Here goes nothing ❞┃(Open memes)
For memes that are still open and accepting asks from.
★┃❝ The end is near ❞┃(Closed memes)
This meme is currently closed for the time being or all the memes on this page have been used/asked.
★┃❝ The shimmer of stars across the ocean ❞┃(Prompts)
All the prompt & starter pages will be put under this tag.
★┃❝ Of stardust and moonlight ❞┃(Prompt responses)
All my answers to the prompt/starter memes will be under this tag.
★┃❝ Oh there’s no need to get jealous ❞┃(Open prompts)
All prompt & starter pages that are currently open and accepting asks from.
★┃❝ My eyes are only for you ❞┃(Closed prompts)
All prompt & starter pages under this tag are currently closed or all the prompts from that page have been answered.
★┃❝ Guess you’re gonna have to hold on tight ❞┃(RP threads)
All of my rp threads replies will be “saved” under this tag.
★┃❝ Follow the map in the stars ❞┃(Open starters)
Rp thread starters that are open to anyone. So anyone can reply to them.
★┃❝ Lost in the field of time ❞┃(Closed starters)
Rp thread starters that are for a specific person. So only that person can reply to it. No one else can.
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aethergate · 9 months
tag dump 1 theres gonna be like 4 of these
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gunsblazin · 2 years
Tag dump:
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existenno-crisis · 2 years
azalea, daffodil, oak leaves
Azalea: Who does your character wish would take better care of themselves?
Her entire family, bar none. Especially Ordis the chronic downplayer of his own sapience, Glace the frequent perpetrator of 48+ hour stints awake without a rest, and Kepler, who literally sets herself on fire and doesn't notice sometimes (at least post-New War).
Daffodil: Has your character ever had unrequited love for someone? Have they ever loved someone but held it in for any reason?
Jhia, with her nervous disposition (and some amount of rejection sensitivity), dislikes rocking the boat with her sibs, especially on emotionally-charged subjects...like the Lotus, for instance. Kep in particular was pissed at Natah for a long time; Jhia could never really bring herself to articulate that she didn't feel the same way, that she still managed to love - like a surrogate mother, almost - a person who'd lied so much and then betrayed her for the worst dickhead in the Origin System. It's something she should...maybe discuss at some point, but since when were extremely traumatized, and overpowered, eldritch teenagers good at talking about their feelings?
Oak leaves: Describe a victory your character is proud of.
Few things get Jhia angrier than powerful assholes (usually Orokin assholes) targeting civilians for some horrible fate. There are things worse than death in her world - she's experienced some of them, and she's not going to let anyone else who can't defend themself do the same without a fight. As such, she holds a deep-seated hatred for Nihil, self-styled judge, jury, and executioner of the dated and tyrannical Orokin legal system, and remembers her (eventual) ass-kicking of him as one of her proudest moments. It did take her multiple attempts - Taiyo the Wisp got stuck in the Glassmaker's Weave for a little while, and Jhia sure wasn't proud of herself at the time - but when she's having a bad day and feels even more like a predatory monster than usual, she can at least look at Nihil in his stupid bottle (relegated to the Helminth room) and know she's done something good.
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