#[ it’s not .ty bc I’m an idiot yay ]
bruisedconscience · 3 years
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Pump Up the Volume - Irving & Garret (deadmxnsparty)
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Me appreciating you for Fanfic Writers’ Appreciation Day, but a day late, because I do everything late. Anyway... yay!
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Firstly, before we proceed to the list: I will have forgotten people, and for that I am so sorry (not in any way intentional)- I will come back and update if I spot someone I’ve missed. Secondly, for fic authors who weren’t tagged on Fic Writers’ Day, please keep doing what you’re doing! Putting your writing out there takes courage and I’m super proud of you. I’m so pleased we have your unique voice in the fandom, and I appreciate you.
Secondly, if you know an author who perhaps didn’t get as much love as they deserve (and don’t be afraid to self-hype) please send me an ask with a) their/your handle b) which fandom they/you write for (to be relevant to my page pls keep this to SW, Oscar, Pedro, MCU) c) why people should check them/you out and, if you like, which fic to start with, and I’ll do a shout-out.
Finally, if you aren’t a writer yet but you want to be, I believe in you! Please take the plunge! My inbox is always open to any aspiring writers who need encouragement to make that first post or start that first fic. I’ve been in your position, and believe me I’m in your corner. Happy to be your hype girl.
Reccing authors in Star Wars / Oscar / Pedro fandoms:
@okay-hotshot / Celeste is the loveliest human ever. She had me hooked from her first fic, which broke then healed my heart, and I’m so proud of her writing journey so far! Check her page out for Oscar character fics and the most magical, creative, immersive, touching, original Llewyn fic you could dream up: Wait for me.
@mandoplease where do I even start? Becca oozes talent and absolutely floors me every single time. The first fic I read was: The City Lights Can Wait (Santi x reader) and I was just blown away by the writing prowess. Gorgeous prose, mind blowing metaphors and descriptions. A personal fave is the Santi/Frankie threesome fic: Moving Day, but Fight Night also needs a mention. Check her out for Triple Frontier / Narcos / Star Wars characters.
@mylifeliterally Ok, Emma is an absolute gem of a human. Funny, welcoming and so supportive of other writers. Oh, and can be counted on for thots. I often rec the positively artful Triple Frontier gangbang fic (and now series) Team Building Exercise, but don’t overlook her other fics- I especially love: Just for Tonight, a two-part Santi fic. The Triple Frontier Queen, she is slowly dragging everyone into a pit of yearning along with her for every single one of those boys and we’re not even mad. Her writing is flawless and I cannot get enough. P.s. she has a refridgerator husband.
@tintinwrites I’ve already gushed at Caitlin today so I’ll keep it brief. Queen of Poe, and also branching out and excelling with everything she touches in Pedro fandoms too. I think I’ve read near everything on her masterlist and there are no wrong choices, but to pick out only a couple, which is a hard task, imma rec Forbidden Fruit and Fifty Ways to Kiss someone for Po, and Nothing Could be Finer for reader x Frankie x Santi. 
@woakiees again, gushed at Hadley already so I’ll try and keep it chill here. Queen of angst and darkness, and of First Order Poe. Also love that she’s writing for Santi and Din now too. Caitlin says it best when she describes Hadley’s writing as like something from 1843 with a modern twist. Such a unique voice. Imma recommend Sanctified and So ruthless, Darling for Poe.
@iamthe-shadow-on-the-wall Abby! The range! You know I remind you on a bi-monthly basis how much Lonely Nights (Poe x reader) broke my heart and here we go again. You can do it all- fluffy, slow burn series (Call it what you want), heartbreaking angst and smut- your Blue Jones mob boss AU, Darkest Little Paradise? Wowzers. Plus, you’re a sweetie and I love when we scream at each other. 
@darksideofclarke Clarke does so much for us all and just keeps giving. From the Sinful Sunday events to the incredible Follower Celebration, to setting up a whole side blog to extend the character takeovers?! Blessed with content! And Clarke’s fics?! Exquisite, and such a choice of characters from the Oscar fandom. I particularly love Now and Forevermore (Orestes); Bulletproof (Santi); Humbled (Blue); and ‘Til Death Do They Part (Mikael) but I could easily go on. Clarke you’re so talented. And you are a lovely human to boot!
@bluebellhairpin Nemo, you are a joy, and I won’t gush at you too much bc I already did that today, but I love what you’re putting out. You write for so many fandoms, which is so impressive, and you’re a fellow Poe hoe. I adore your series Fight or Flight, Rider, but you have so many cute one-shots and blurbs too e.g. Poe Dameron is an Idiot! Your audios give me life as well.
@spider-starry Carrie is so much fun and has been branching out a lot in her writing recently, which is great to see! I love Carrie’s 100 letter project in particular, for various Oscar characters, as well as this smutty Nathan NSFW Alphabet, which had me all in a tizz.
@aellynera (tag me in your stuff pls?) I love your drunk text series for Santi and Nathan and your Itsy Bitsy Spider headcanons made me howl! I’m so excited to see what you put out next! And I love that you also love Nathan :D
@anetteaneta already gushed at you today so I’ll keep it brief, but I’m so happy you’re sharing your writing! I loved your Sherlock series for Santi so much! And OMG wait, I didn’t see you’d written for Nathan until just now. Must catch-up. (Please tag me in any Oscar stuff you put out?)
@veuliee2 I need to catch-up on a lot of your fics to be fair (please tag me in stuff?) but you write Orestes so wonderfully and with so much heart that it blows me away (New Constellations). So few fics on him on this site and yours are a pleasure. Plus, you’re an all round lovely person! :o)
@thirsty-flygirl I don’t think you believe how good you are which makes me very sad to be honest. Because you’re amazing. You write Poe so spot on, so warm and goofy and a lovable sexy dumbass. Perfect. Your writing and dialogue makes me smile / laugh and you can somehow make it hot and soft all at once. I love your series Idiots in particular. (Please tag me in more of your stuff though as I worry I miss things you put out?). You’re great and I love having you here.
@twomoonstwosuns​ I really need to catch-up on your Poe series, Back to You but I really enjoyed the chapters I’ve read! (Please tag me in future Poe stuff?) You’re a star! 
@absurdthirst I’m newish in the Pedro fandoms so still getting to grips with it, but have loved what I’ve seen so far and look forward to delving deeper (and there’s plenty to get stuck into!)!Most recently read the Ezra fic Healing which was beautifully and sensitively written (cw: for prior assault).
@damerondjarin Taylor is multi-talented and blesses us, tbh, with GIFs and writing. She’s currently in tumblr jail, but I strongly advise you check out all her stuff. I came for Santi fics and they did not disappoint (I can’t link to it but the latest Santi fic killed me and was a wonderul take on the “there’s only one bed” trope.
@damndamer0n you have a gift, Ty. I’m in awe and I don’t know how you do what you do. Your way with words is really something special. I bow. Gonna recommend Just Friends for Poe because this is such a warm and immersive (and hot) fic and so in character. But honestly all your stuff is perfect. I’ve read things for characters I’ve never heard of before because of you and have loved each and every one. (Like, really, what are your secrets, tell us?). Also gonna shout-out to your Ezra fic, Sunlight, beacuse the world-building and mood-building was lovely. Really memorable!
@mssr-cellophane I found your work recently through FinnPoe week and your glorious take on the The Jacket prompt (links to A03). Looking forward to reading more of your stuff (please feel free to tag me!) and surprised by how much I vibe with all your posts haha. Happy to follow you! :)
@yougottakeeponkeepinon AMANDA? Where do I begin and how do I stop? You’re such an important part of this site for me. I think you’re wonderful as a person and I love your writing too. Miscommunication (First Order! Poe) is off the scale brilliant, and then you blew me away with your latest Santi fic, Eavesdropping, but honestly, I’ve never read anything of yours I didn’t love, from goofy Poe to soft soft Llewyn (I love Away from the Sun). I WANNA YELL AT YOU YOU’RE JUST THE BEST.
@poesflygirl Nat is a ball of energy and that comes across in her writing. Nat, you write with such verve and energy and defo have a unique voice. You write the angstiest angst and fluffiest fluff and you also write action and dialogue so well. Your fics have a ton of unexpected turns and are unpredictable, and you have loads of unique ideas which are really fresh and different to read. You don’t seem to believe how good you are, which makes me sad tbqh. I love when I see a tag pop up and get to read something new from you! In particular love your Poe series, You and Paging a Heart, and these Poe one-shots: Just another Benduday Night and Truth or Dare.
@starryeyedstories NOVA. You are pure sunshine. You spread so much positivity and you’re the loveliest human. Your are the Queen of softness and fluff and for comforting and beautifully written fics. Your series, Across the Hall,has taken us all on such a wonderful journey and I don’t want it to ever end. It’s like my happy place! Each chapter is practically a hug with words. Your Din one-shot All of Me is so romantic as well!
@softpedropascal I’m newish in Pedro fandoms but softpedropascal writes wonderfully for Frankie. The dedication to the character is evident, and characterisation wonderful- I can’t wait to read more: Masterlist
@rzrcrst okay, you may know rzrcrst for Pedro fics (which are wonderful) but she also recently started writing for Tony Stark and I’m so happy! 😀🧡 (Fun fact- her url is also the reason I couldn’t spell Razor Crest properly when I finally started writing for Din). She’s currently taking a well-earned tumblr break but fics are still up on Ao3- linked in profile.
@writefasttalkevenfaster​ Please tag me in any of your Star Wars stuff as I swear I keep missing things and I don’t mean to! Masterlist
@galaxy-of-stories​ Maddie, I keep missing things you post but you’re lovely and your writing is awesome. I love your Poe series Over and Over and I think I’ve just spotted a new chapter to catch-up on so lucky me! :D
@who-talks-first Billie, my lovely friend! You’re wonderful to have around on this hellsite. Your dedication to supporting writers in these fandoms is unparelled and you’re an absolute sweatheart, as well as super fun to chat to and thirst with. You have certainly made my experience on this site so much better! And also, your writing? Excuse me? So good. Your Poe fic, The Torture of Small Talk With Someone You Used to Love? Sublime! And the Poe, Naked, Dripping, Locked? So funny! You definitely have a unique style and your writing can be simultaneously edgy, poetic, and moving. ILY!
@xxidontwikeitxx Hope you don’t mind being included, as you haven’t posted your work, but you ARE a writer, and I’m so happy you’ve recently started creating! Again, hope you don’t mind me saying, but I had the pleasure of reading your Marcus Pike blurb, and it’s was so soft and lovely. I really hope - when/if you’re comfortable- you decide share your work, and if not, I hope you keep enjoying the process! Would leave to read more from you in the future!
@shakespeareanwannabe is writing such a heartfelt Santi x OC story (find it here) with sublime characterisation of both Santi and Frankie, AS WELL AS seriously well-rounded and compelling OCs / supporting cast. This series is a key contributor for me falling down a Frankie rabbit role, and my First Dates fic likely wouldn’t exist without it! So excited for more!
Also shoutout to @ollypopp @milleniumvalcon @justrunamok @yourbucky084 who are delightful beings and whose writing I need to catch-up on!I look forward to it!
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princiere · 5 years
2,3, and 4 for the indepth ask!
ty ;v;
I sent u an ask too but my internet's shit rn i hope it went through hfjdhg
also I'm putting this under a read more bc holy shit I wrote a lot,,
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2) How long did it take your FO to trust you enough to let their guard down around you? Was it an instant thing, or did they have to work towards it? And if they had to work, do you remember the moment that things changed? Describe that moment.
Oh it definitely took a good six months before he started treating me like a close friend. Why it took so long was mostly due to us meeting just as his Phantom Thieves business started to kick off, so we didn't have much time to hang out. Plus, given said business kicking off, Akira felt...a little untrusting of anyone outside the group, worried that maybe I knew more than I was letting on and trying to get under his skin in an attempt to sabotage everything.
It wasn't until I left to do online school about 7 months into our friendship that Akira realized that...I can't be trying to sabotage him if I'm not around as often as I was before. Plus, he's asked me about the Phantom Thieves before and what I thought of them, and given that I was supportive of them but not curious (or technologically savvy) enough to try to look for information on who they actually were, he figured he could trust me as a close friend finally
I could definitely notice his shift in terms of how he treated me, as well. He'd text to come over more often, and it was the start of when he'd hold my hand in crowds. He also became extremely curious in my schoolwork online, and insisted that I can ask him for help if I wanted it.
unfortunately I was still telling myself that he was straight at the time and he was,, admittedly still too deep in denial abt the idea of dating me to even consider it until a fuckin year and a half later hgjfhg
3) None of us are perfect, what are your favourite imperfections your FO has, and what would they say yours are? Do they compliment one another, or work against one another? Do you ever discuss this between you?
Akira's a smartass, but also kinda dense hgjfhg
This kind of combination usually leads to the issue of him making a smartass remark, but he doesn't phrase it in a way that I can tell when he's just messing with me. He's also a bit stubborn and still hasn't quite set up a self-care routine for himself, meaning that, if given the chance, he will work himself to exhaustion.
Akira would have to say that my imperfections would be that I can lose focus and forget things easily (ADHD gang), and that I've also got a small case of being stubborn, but mine's aimed more at myself. I strive to do my "best", which in my head is much more than I'm actually capable of, so when I inevitably don't meet my standards, I immediately begin to beat myself up (another issue he'll admit I have).
For the most part, we're able to work around our issues. Akira reminds me of things I said I'd do, which in turn reminds him to take a break and care for himself now that he's aware of his current condition before it's too late. The main issue it causes between us is when he makes a smartass comment, but I interpret it as sincere and immediately assume he thinks I'm stupid as fuck
Thankfully, we're good at reading each other, so we're able to tell when the other's not doing okay and we'll talk it out if possible. If not, some good old comfort usually does the trick.
4) Angst is rarely absent from relationships. What has been the hardest moment you’ve faced together, and how did you overcome it?
We haven't been dating for long, so I'll give two scenes: one before and after dating.
When we were still friends, our relationship at the time was definitely tested when I'd talk about my boyfriend that I had up until mid-2018. It was falling apart, so I'd seek comfort from Akira after every dispute I'd have with him. I was being treated like an idiot, and Akira always insisted he go have a word with him, but I never let him do so. It wasn't until after the breakup that everything felt okay again, but I couldn't help but feel surprised.
"You still wanna hang out with me?"
"...Yes? Why do you ask?"
"I dunno, just... I usually just end up by myself after a breakup. I've gone through a lot of friend groups because they all leave when the relationship's done."
Akira then learns more about how I've been treated for most of my life, and to say he's pissed is an understatement. We've talked it out, and he's come to terms with it, knowing he can only help shape the future.
As for the most difficult moment after we started dating, well...there's two instances I can think of.
The first one involves dealing with Akira's unresolved trauma. I've kinda already written a lil fic for that scenario over on my AO3 if anyone's interested (account name is princiere). To put it simply, it involves a lot of patience and a lot of crying from Akira, but thankfully we've worked it out and he's more willing to allow himself to be vulnerable around me now.
The second one involves dealing with my unresolved trauma! Yay, trauma for everyone! 
I plan on making a fic of this too, but it basically involves us having (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) for the first time together and I just,, start crying because Akira's so respecting of my boundaries and patient with me. He already knows about the emotionally abusive relationship I was in during junior high at this point, and how I was pressured into having s*x when I wasn't ready, so I was terrified of ever doing it again with another person. It takes a good amount of talking and praising, and a lot of asking and making sure I'm certain that I'm okay before doing damn near anything, but my first time with Akira ends well 🥰🥰
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undrafted things 3/?
hey guys. guess what time it is? that’s right, it’s time for julie to ramble on and on and on about undrafted. again. even though nobody asked for it. woo. here we go. 
okay we’re gonna start off with some fotch love bc baby boy is just like sweetest guy in town, like he’s literally on the bench, giving maz this pep talk but in like a super down to earth way, like “being drafted doesn’t mean everythings gonna work out” “not getting drafted doesn’t mean you won’t do great things” like it’s precious. 
and then he’s like “i wrecked my arm and had to give up my pro ball careers but then i met the most beautiful woman ever and i married her” and it’s just like !!! how are you so precious!?
tree going up to bat the first time and doing the fucking sign of the cross with a handful of dirt, i laughed my ass off holy shit
the boys just striking out so fast it hurts.
“son of a biscuit” i swear to god that line right there means fotch has small children, try to change my mind
vinnie out in the field being a total cutie, one of the few times it isn’t patrick catching the ball out there, just so fucking proud of himself, i love this boy so gd much
our first time with pat up to bat. that immediate rage when he strikes out and just flings the bat as hard as he can at the dugout. little rage monster.
and then you’ve got vinnie, who’s dumb ass is just giggling - yeah, he’s fucking giggling - with each and every strike. 
garvey on the sidelines giving tips until david reminds him that baby boy ain’t playing. like garvey wants to be a team captain/coach/whatever so bad.
the entire BSB debate gives me life and was the greatest scene ever omg. like this is the content i’m here for. a bunch of baseball idiots, sitting in the dugout and screaming at each other about 90s boy bands. thank you so much for that scene.
“BENCH BETS ARE OVER AGAIN FOR THE SECOND AND FINAL TIME!” ryan polacco is the biggest fucking drama queen and honestly it gives me life.
also i love the justin timberlake vs. nick carter commentary considering at this point, joe had done movies with both of them. 
that goddamn laugh from vinnie when garvey gets snapped at by maz, like this boy is such a fucking dummy, i love him but god he’s an idiot.
when ty gets the hit that gets maz home and polacco does that adorable little “yay for ty” cheer. so precious.
patrick meltdown #2.
between his complete freak out (i NEED to know if the bat breaking was intentional or accidental. I NEED TO KNOW.) to the face dells makes during the freak out to the way vinnie tries to get him to chill out in the outfield.
“you all right there murray? a little murray worry? you all right there little buddy? want to have a little catch? nice fun times?”
vinnie’s a fucking idiot but he’s my fucking idiot and i will protect him till the day i die. 
“how much you wanna bet murray kills someone before the end of the game?”
murray vs. zapata *dingding*
this whole scene was like emotional whiplash. like one minute it’s fucking comedy gold with some of the shit he’s saying.
“YOU THROW LIKE A BITCH AND YOU BAT A .250!” “patrick relax!” “SHUT THE FUCK UP DAD” “that’s my boy” (major shout out to brian for being an adorable dad on the sidelines)
and then it just goes and breaks my goddamn heart with pat’s entire speech about how maz deserved to make and how upsetting it was and how polacco wasted his talent and how pat knows he sucks at baseball and they’re all sad and it’s like the one time vinnie isn’t all happy and goofy and it’s just such an intense scene all of a sudden and it hurts.
“it’s bullshit this whole fucking world is bullshit nobody gets what they deserve good or bad.” such a good fucking line.
annnnnnnd on that note, i’m gonna end it here. shoutout to @browneyedfloozy for continuing to be an actual saint and put up with me and encourage me, these posts are all your fault and i mean that in the best possible way.
and if you guys ever want to talk undrafted, just hit me up.
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