#[ it's been a while since i've tried to find new mutuals/longer while since i've done crossovers so we be taking it slow.... as a treat
valved · 1 year
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I do have personal headcanon's for BLU team / how it differs / how it connects to MVM and might talk ab or add some to roster in future,,,,, still testing things out here
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tiredassmage · 5 months
more bg blorbo posting!
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longer time blog friends may recall something of rhyst as my jedi knight from swtor, but he also has an older sister, rhiannon! and true to form, trying to get their looks right in bg3 was a hell i spent like three hours slogging through for each of them because despite how long i've had them as ocs, they're probably one of the bigger mysteries to me as far as appearance. [which i think, case in point, rhyst has gone ginger since the last time i've posted about him. dyed ginger at least as far as swtor edition is concerned, but ginger nonetheless!]
i've been back and forth on the details of these siblings... pretty much since i decided that they were siblings. and rhyst always gives me interesting conundrums because he's technically cut out of the same cloth as tyr is and a lot of that, thematically, still likes to show up and leave me feeling like a wet dog in flooding road pothole during a storm. that also meant for a while that him and tyr shared some similarities in appearance, too, and while i've decided my brain might explode if i tried to address that in the galaxy far, far away, i thought i could have a bit more fun with complicating everything in their fantasy land adventures, lol!
so! rhyst i have made as an oath of ancients paladin, and in my heart a paladin of tyr [i'll address that in two seconds, i promise, lol]. i've been lazy on downloading the deities mod i'm pretty sure exists for paladins bc i'm not ready to get into his playthrough for real yet [or rather, the latest one. considering he has seen. a few attempts already in bg. i swear, this man and not knowing what he really looks like driving me absolutely batty], but i might yet. anyway, that's not particularly important. he's the younger of the siblings by a year or two and is generally like a really, really happy to see you labrador. rhyst is kind of a burning idealist and kind-hearted. he's ready to look for the best in just about anyone, or at least acknowledge that, if circumstances had been different, people he winds up crossing blades with may have seen differently. he's fond of stories of heroes and i'd say he's... the kind of still young enough where he hasn't had his ideals and drives of "why can't we all just get along" thoroughly tested yet; the world hasn't had a chance to jade him.
rhiannon is a light domain cleric of kelemvor and sometimes the one that's a little bit more ready to start swingin' of the siblings. [though if you put them both in the same room, they can mutually come to a conclusion that bashing things is the correct way to resolve a problem, and will do so with gusto.] while both of them can hold fairly rigid to their sense of right and wrong, i think rhiannon has had a teensy bit more practical world experience and was the bolder traveler of the two of them.
and with harper heritage, both of them firmly stand by doing what needs to be done.
both are born and raised in baldur's gate, primarily by their mother, a city druid. what they know of their father is mostly stories, but rhiannon might've met him once or twice.
so, the reason i mentioned tyr [the oc] in all of this, lol, is bc i keep making bg-edition of his family group bigger, lol.
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the man, the myth, the legend, etc etc. tyr who i've realized i should probably start calling oliver in baldur's gate to steal a leaf out of one of his covers bc for all the 'finding new paths in life' after spending his first couple of decades working as an assassin, going by the name of the in-universe god of justice is maybe a bit more sacrilegious than i'd diagnose him with. not that the man is particularly faithful to authority and the divine, exactly, but he's also not looking to pick a fight with the god of justice. a few others, maybe more so, but that's getting ahead of ourselves.
so before oliver sort of settled down for good and moved out of the city, he did spend a little time with the harpers, and that kids, is how i met your mother. [badumtsh!] (whom i still have to name. rip)
it's a relatively short relationship i imagine, compared to the fact that oliver's now married with two other daughters (one biological and one adopted), but also pretty amicably ended. i think rhyst and rhiannon's mother wasn't quite interested in keeping up with the likes of the harpers anymore and was a bit more ready to settle in, where oliver still saw work to do [and involvements to atone for, which is perhaps deserving of a post of it's own because gods know him and alucren have. (gestures) Things going on between them].
so, ~unfortunately for dear mum, rhiannon and rhyst sort of inherited the harper's bug, and a nose that wouldn't leave a layman's "well enough" alone. rhiannon seeks to lay to rest the undead i think partly inspired by dear old dad's previous connections as an assassin, and rhyst pursued the path of a paladin inspired by heroic tales and talk of honor and following codes and oaths taken.
undecided just how involved in the plot i'll get them, but i do think it'd be a lil fun to at least have one version of events where there's a kinda silly family reunion to the tune the likes of "of course you'd be in the middle of all of this. how can we help?" [oliver and jaheira shaking hands and sighing over wrangling strong-willed kids]
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hauntedelation · 3 years
𝐓𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐖𝐒!𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭: 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠
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𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 — Bucky was never told what Netflix and Chill meant.
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 — Black Female Reader x Bucky Barnes
𝐀/𝐍 — It’s been a while since I’ve seen the films Bucky is in. I watched some clips from the new show and fell in love with how he was presented. I hope that he and Sam don’t sound too ooc. This is a bulleted format, something that I've thought about lately w/ TFATWS!Bucky.
A friend of mine (here's their Tumblr! Thanks Vic <3) was expanding on this with me last night and their additions are marked in bold. No beta, really, I apologize for any errors! 
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 — 2.1k
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 — minor descriptions of smut, Buck’s got a praise kink, unspecified age difference (the man is 106 y’all), fluff, warm feelings and anxiety, Sam is his literal wingman.
Here is a link back to my masterlist, please enjoy!
Bucky Barnes meets you on a dating app. And of course, Sam had done a large part in helping him set it up. The man’s profile appeared a little different. There were nicely taken photos, but many he didn’t smile much in.
You were drawn, despite his rigid nature. You figure it was something about the energy put out. But you had no real explanation. 
Upon meeting, and after much encouragement on Sam’s part (including his therapist), Bucky realizes that he can’t outright explain everything to you. At least, not so soon.
Those words are a full stop on his tongue, and he found a way to change his story into something that isn’t a total lie. He wasn’t sure when he would be comfortable.
All that mattered was that with you he had all the time he needed.
He remembers stiffening one day when you reached out to gently touch his left hand, you were lost in speaking about your day then.
Knowing he can’t feel a thing, he was inaudible when he watched your thumb brush over his gloved fingers.
You appeared completely perceptive as if all you needed to do was look at him. There hadn’t been once where you pressed him on any topic.
The message he tried to put out is more than well-received. He is reserved, distant, but he inches just close enough for you to spend longer dates with him.
Close enough to where he learns to text you, starting out rather confusing for him. Eventually, the man calls, preferring to hear your voice.
In the beginning, you had the idea that he intended for both of you to take your time. So, you treated this bond as a friendship during the first few months.
You would coax him out of his own head, gradually showing him your favorite things and asking him about his. You noted a fair amount about Barnes.
His excuse (lie) to you of why he hasn’t seen any films or other media seemingly ever, was that his lifestyle kept him busy.
You didn’t question him when most of his music choices were from the forties. He remembers you complimenting him, “I like it, Buck. Your taste seems to be for the more meaningful things. You’re like an old soul.”
He found himself smiling at you, adoration spilling into his lungs watching you look over his favorite books, Billie Holiday playing on the speaker.
Around you, he could feel his nerves stand on end but it was not as if he was overwhelmed.
He was losing himself in you, everything about you who you were, and what made you happy. He tried to hold all of that back and keep it to himself. What if she found it was too much?
The man didn’t want to ruin what he had begun building with you. Unknowingly, Buck didn’t see that the feelings were very much mutual.
So you show him things he may have missed, you watch his reactions. You couldn’t get enough of the softness in his eyes when he finds something he likes, or his pensive reflections on another piece of media.
One day, nearly a year after meeting you, Bucky brings you up casually in a conversation with Sam.
He sits back, using a rag to wipe at his hands and he thinks back to the time he spoke to you last.
You mentioned something about “Netflix” and he thinks he’s heard it before only he wasn’t quite sure what it was. Not ready to admit he didn’t, he agreed to the proposition.
Buck had recalled how you seemed to coyly play with a loose string on your shirt, your body language open.
“She’s showing me what ah…Netflix is the next time that I see her. Isn’t it a television channel?”
Sam stops tightening a bolt on a screw and he sets the tool down. His brows pinch together for a split second however Bucky witnesses a simper grow over his face.
“Man...you do know what that means right?” Sam tilts his head and leans against an object when he looks at him. The man had a twinkle in his eye.
Bucky frowns at Sam, he doesn’t particularly like the way Sam says that, but he says no. 
His friend shakes his head and breaks it down for him, “Bucky, you’re going to get some ass.”
Bucky’s face hardens straight away. He counters, “Don’t talk about her like that–” The younger man peers down at that vibranium hand clenching around the dirty rag, and he sighs.
Sam has to hold in a laugh. That’s not what he was insinuating.
Eventually, Bucky gets it. He tries to wrap his head around the idea, but in a way, it made sense to him. Buck remembers back to those nights at the drive-in, a pretty girl on his arm with fire in her eyes.
He’s thinking about it with you, how you would look at him, touch him or what you would sound like. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel dizzy. You had him on clouds even during the occasions he would kiss you.
He knows he’s rusty. And, even though you seemed to understand, it had to have been far longer than he realized since he’s felt all of that. Much longer since he could comprehend that degree of touch. He’s been deprived.
Anxiety fogs his mind, thinking about “what if” or any possible negatives.
Sam remains there for him, he places a hand on his shoulder and looks him in the eye closely, “Just be real with her. From what you’ve told me about her, she will be understanding.”
What follows has to be one of the most embarrassing trips to the drugstore that he’s ever taken, Sam insisting that he was present just to give Bucky advice.
Really the man was looking to tease light-heartedly. How couldn’t he be happy for his friend?
Inside, Buck isn’t entirely calm. He mentally prepares for meeting you once again, speaking with his therapist hesitantly.
‘Do you feel ready for her to see you, James? Intimacy is trust, and the experience can be a lot of not thought over tenderly.’
Buck waited a long time, allowing the woman’s words to sleep into his mind before he placidly said his answer.
He finds himself at your house the next day, dressed in his normal dark clothing. His dog tags hung under his shirt, bushing against his pounding heart.
You invite him in with the most beguiling outfit the man had ever seen. Under your shorts, your tank top, more of your smooth skin had been exposed to him. He felt like a leper for taking you all in.
Soon you catch him staring midway through a movie, those blue eyes soaking you up. You carefully made a move.
Your soft hands glided over his body, focusing on his hair, his chest, stomach. Bucky’s eyes fluttered shut the lower you went.
He pulled you over him, letting your thighs surround his being and his erection press against your heat.
It took a long time for Bucky to convince himself to remove his shirt. You had already worked yourself down to almost nothing, your breasts exposed to him and pressing so close to his body.
He gazed up at you and knew that all wanted was to feel you.
The scar tissue embedded in his shoulder rubbed against the fabric uncomfortably. He shifted, and he could feel your hands start to wander under the hem of his shirt.
“Wait-Wait, Doll, hold on—“ Bucky pants.
Your angelic face contorted to somewhat cautious, aware. “What’s wrong?” His hands settled on your hips, held you there to him.
“Nothing, nothing. I just…I haven’t exactly…done this in a few decades,” he professed.
Your dark eyes flash with something unreadable within, a perplexing look or maybe amusement. Within a few seconds, he feels you lax against him, untangling your fingers from his hair.
He swears you had to be reflecting on how crazy he sounded. Why did he say a few decades?
“Oh…so you…don’t want this?”
Buck’s hands fall on your thighs perched over his. You’d begun to place more distance between you both, following his uncertainty.
However, when your body moved away, your hips dragged against his, against him. He breathed out a curse and shook his head.
“No, no! I mean—yes! I mean—Fuck, I want this, I want you, Doll…I’m just sayin’ that…I might not be any…y’know, good.”
You find it difficult to believe, but your hand reached up to cradle his stubbly cheek. You let his arms pull you closer to him, placing short kisses on his mouth. “I understand. I’ve got you, don’t worry.”
When you worked him up to where he couldn’t take it anymore, where he was pulling that shirt over his head before any realization.
The air in your home prickled his exposed skin, and he looked away once your eyes fell to his shoulder.
He was sure he was close to passing out then, everything building and the dark feelings surrounding his arm not aiding. Bucky was frozen.
Yet as the seconds ticked on by, your face was amorous. You didn’t try to touch the mangled bunches of tissue or ask any questions about it.
You brushed your palms against his chest and guided him back into the couch. Your full lips left trails all over his neck and jaw.
He watched you pause, how you met his eye before placing feather-light kisses where his body met his arm. You moved over the whirring metal, shutting your eyes as the coolness of its surface felt pleasant on your lips.
Buck's heart pounded against his ribcage, almost painfully and he swore that you could hear it. He held in the surge of emotions that entered his body after beholding that.
“You’re so handsome, Buck. I can’t believe I was lucky enough to meet you." Your breath warmed over his skin as you whispered to him. “Look how wet you’ve got me.’
The man’s cheeks flushed and surely the color bled down his neck. You let him take a deep breath into his lungs, but then your words continued. Every syllable blanketed him.
“Are you alright with...moving forward?”
He fights himself to not answer too eagerly.
Bucky doesn’t return home until the next morning. He found it difficult to pull away from you after a long night.
He knew that he had to, he cursed to himself recalling that he told Sam he would be back before the end of the night.
There is a glow to Bucky that you had never seen before that early morning. The man had been up all night with you, falling asleep for a few short hours before he woke again and repeated everything.
He felt drunk in bliss, overcome with everything that was you. And you felt it, in his bones, watching it drip off his body. 
You couldn’t help your shy smile when you saw the relaxed expression on his face. You said to him, “Feel free to call me when you want to hang out again. I…really enjoyed my time with you.”
He graciously accepted, kissing you lazily at your front doorstep before he dragged himself away.
Bucky knew he was in for it the moment he unlocked the door and there Sam was cooking breakfast in the kitchen.
He bit back a grimace when Sam turned around, eyes taking in the man’s current state.
His hair was a mess, clothes wrinkled, and a warm aura surrounding his body. Bucky feigned a nonchalant expression on his face, sometimes clenching his jaw to avoid all eye contact.
Sam turned the fire on the stove-top down and crossed his arms over his chest, examining his old friend playfully.
“I can’t believe it, man.”
Buck went to the other side of the kitchen looking for a glass, he filled the cup with water and took a few sips. “What do you mean, Samuel?”
His hand rubbed at his stubbled cheek and Sam laughed heartily. “Told you that you were gonna get some ass.”
Bucky had gone to say something but was caught up in his words. 
“Sam I—" His face burned dark crimson.
He shook his head and quickly excused himself for a shower, ignoring Sam's exuberant voice as he sauntered down the hall.
His friend returned to cooking. The smirk on his face was not going to leave anytime soon.
Sam knew he would ask Buck after his shower when the man was planning on introducing you.
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 — @missyellowbirdie @emyearns @brandycranby  (Tagged who I thought would be interested)
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intothehawkseyes · 3 years
The Dancer in the Moonlight - Dracule Mihawk x Female OC/Reader (N.S.F.W)
hello, it's been 84 years... but i'm here to update this fanfic uwu
warnings: alcohol
word count: 3k
ao3, spirit (português)
if you are a new reader, you can find the first chapter here and welcome, i hope you enjoy it! to the older readers, i hope you forgive me for the late update and keep interested :( but the next chapter will be coming up sooner than this one and will be nsfw!
but, have a good read, and comments are greatly welcome and sorry for any mistake!!! <3
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A legend was heard over the seas and on land about an event that changed the lunar cycle of an entire island. According to what was said, on a night of strong storm, a woman goes into labor at sea, alone, in a small sailing boat. Right after the first baby cry, the waves stop and the moon that lit up behind dense clouds begins to make room for the biggest star. Astonished, the island's inhabitants watch the postpartum woman return safely with the baby in her arms, while trying to understand how someone could survive in a small boat in the middle of a storm at sea, as they have never witnessed such a phenomenon. In addition to the miraculous birth, they also saw the sun entering the moon's front, leaving them even more open-mouthed. The most emotional ones say that the eclipse happened because the baby would be the “Heir of the Moon”, and the Sun was the first guest to visit her at her birth. And even within the legend, from that moment on, the location of the island simply disappeared from all compasses, preventing people from going after the truth, thus putting the child's safety at risk, as it was graced by a strange power coming from the Moon, and could attract a lot of malicious people. However, with the passage of time, the legend fell into the oblivion of adults and became just a story for children.
Even though there is no evidence as to the veracity of the correlation with the legendary island, as it is no more than a fictional story, there is actually an island named Gesshoku¹, which is well known for producing the best wines, and many believe that this one island is the same one present in the story and the speculation comes from the suggestive name that surrounds the natural satellite – so present in the legend – and the fact that it does not appear in any compass.
However, although it seemed complicated to go there, it is not difficult to find pirates who have visited Gesshoku Island, and it is said to be located on the edge of the Grand Line, at a point where the ocean waters are treacherous, making many vessels diverted to the Calm Belt, making the adventure extremely dangerous.
Regardless of what is real or fiction, whether there is any heir to the Moon with strange powers or not, I went to Gesshoku Island just for the wine.
Contrary to all the rumors surrounding arriving on the island at the risk of being thrown to a stationary place and loaded with kings of the seas, my trip was smooth, and I got there without any harm.
The first thing I noticed upon arriving was the hospitality of the locals. Everyone always with smiles on their faces ready to welcome each foreigner who docked their boats and ships in the port. With me it was no different, something that was not always the case as I was usually received by crossed and contemptuous looks. Still, I left my boat moored in a strategic, remote corner, always on the lookout in case something went wrong along the way.
I went there with the script already decided. First I would look for an inn to stay in, and leave my little luggage and soon after I would go to a winery to learn more about wine making and only then would I go out in search of information about the place and its customs. However, the energy of the island, which I hadn't identified right away, meant that plans were all put aside so that fate would define each visitor's itinerary. I was no exception.
The first sign that my itinerary was not going to work was when all the inns and hotels were full, I only got a place very far from the central area, which made me frustrated, but the room was clean, spacious and quiet, so I stayed right there. The second sign was that the wineries were closed due to a pest that had spread to almost all the vines, resulting in a considerable reduction in the production of wines.
Maybe I should have checked out of the inn at that moment, but I insisted, because the trip, although calm, had been long and I wouldn't waste money and time like that.
Resigned, I stopped in front of a bar and for a quick glance I saw a rather presentable cellar. I entered. And it was in this bar that I would come to know the lady of my life and the one responsible for my misfortune, even if she wasn't aware of it at that point.
I was just sipping the wine, alert enough not to be caught off guard, but not enough to pay attention to the unrestrained in and out of the bar. I just wanted to relax and enjoy the moment of peace presented to myself after so many setbacks. However, my peace was shaken when, in a fraction of a second, and in the rare glances I gave the establishment's door, my eyes caught the figure of a woman who entered the place. She would be just another random customer that would leave my mind the instant she was no longer within sight of my eyes if it weren't for her imposing way of carrying herself. Something about her made my eyes nab at her image, maybe it was the elegant way of tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, or the almost sensual way of crossing her legs – quite attractive, by the way –, and straightening her posture as she sat in the front chair at the counter after ordering.
It was involuntary the way I followed her every gesture with my eyes. I can't explain it, but I just couldn't take my eyes off that woman. She chatted amiably with the bartender, like good old friends, and my curiosity and desire to get closer to her only grew as she tilted her head back to laugh at something the man had said to her. She was unusually different from other women, who carried themselves in a restrained manner, always hiding their mouths with their hands when they laughed. But that stranger didn't seem to care what others might say, she acted spontaneously, in such a way that it would be impossible not to notice her. Despite the flashy aura emanating from her, I seemed to be the only one affected there. I reined in my instincts and turned my attention to my wine, which no longer tasted so good, still intrigued that I had been so uneasy in the presence of this strange lady.
Though I tried not to look at her too much, I still wasn't able to contain the urge to take a few furtive glances in the direction she was sitting and talking to the attendant, condemning me for acting like a fool because she didn't seem to have the same interest in me, since she hadn't even looked at where I was, as her friend had sometimes done.
But to my surprise, before I could leave my seat to settle my bill, she was quicker to get up, still looking at the bartender, and pointing to a bottle of wine that was in a prominent place, which was one of those that should be opened on very special occasions. Which seemed to be the case with her, since she said out loud – too loud – that this was a special night and that she wouldn't be tasting the wine alone. After that, she straightened her robes before grabbing the bottle and leaving the bar, this time holding my gaze with those unreadable eyes.
I was never a man to prioritize dating – that's not exactly the right word to describe my relationships with the opposite gender, although I kept my sex life active as much as possible. I've also never been stubborn about moving mountains to get someone. I have always been objective and valued for mutual interest. When I had the need to indulge myself sexually with a woman, I specifically went out looking for it. However, the instant that mysterious lady entered the same bar I was in, my focus completely changed. I felt an itch grow in my lower belly and a restlessness took possession of my being.
After she left the establishment with that bottle of wine, her words began to echo in my mind with an undertone of reproach to my fixation. Surely she would have a boyfriend or even be married, I figured. So I put it in the back of my mind, in a place with difficult access, and headed towards the inn to take a shower and then decide to go back to my house. This island had already brought me enough trouble and I wasn't about to face another one.
And once again something stopped my plans.
Along the way, I heard the voices of three children whispering to each other, as if they were deciding who would approach someone. When I get angry and turn around to tell the three of them to shut up, my eyes lock on the tiny figure of a girl of about nine or ten years old, and I completely forget the reprimand for being amazed at the child's stark resemblance to the woman from the bar.
"Hello you!!" she says in a small voice, forcing a sympathetic smile. “Today there's going to be a festival here, can you attend…?”, she tried to formulate sentences while nervously gesturing with her hands, which were holding a crumpled piece of paper. “Here! It's tonight, don't go away because there will be good wine!” she said before throwing the crumpled paper near my feet, which I assumed was so I could pick it up and read it, and run off with the other two boys who were with her. In the distance I could hear them questioning what their sister had seen in a man so terrifying that he had made her fall in love.
I would have ignored the paper if I hadn't overheard such a conversation. So I picked it up and stuffed it into my pocket and headed to the inn, this time succeeding in my goal.
After my shower, I rested in the lounging chair while reading a book I had picked up in the small library of the inn where I talked about the island. A curious thing was the value they placed on their customs and pride in their local culture.
Although focused on reading, my mind diverged on how interesting was the existing variety of children's books about the child "Heir of the Moon" in all ways, illustrated, in comic book form, short stories, lullabies and etc., which made me wonder if Gesshoku Island couldn't really be home to such a legend.
But that aside, I finished reading the book and intended to take it back to the library. The piece of paper given to me by the child earlier fell with a photo of one of my overcoat pockets as soon as I picked it up. This time I paid attention to it. It was a pamphlet about the festival and information, no biggie. However, the possibility that that woman was there crossed my mind, and this idea only intensified when I noticed that the photo that had fallen next to the brochure, which I deduced had been purposely placed there, was of a young woman with unreadable eyes, the same ones that met mine at the bar.
Maybe a festival wasn't such a bad thing. I was there for the distraction, after all. With that in mind, I gained the inn hallway and headed toward the library.
When the sun was already fading over the horizon, from the window of the room I was staying in, I could see a crowd taking on an increasingly voluminous shape. The winemakers were already preparing to open the best wines from their respective cellars to offer their customers and also juices for those who were not old enough to drink alcoholic beverages.
The festival took place once a year, from what I've read about the island's culture, and there was no specific day, just so that any obstacles would not prevent the event from happening – such as the last one in which a plague spread through the winery –, and so that the strangers present would not return home without knowing the most valuable thing the island could offer.
I stayed on the porch just as an observer, I wasn't in the mood to face that crowd of people, although I wanted to taste a good wine, I knew that place was exceptional for that. So I preferred to wait patiently for the right time and also when the excitement of the beginning of the party calmed down a little. Furthermore, the best wines would be the last to be opened, as it was a way of holding as many people as possible.
Between glances at the movement below, I caught the moment when the three children from earlier appeared in the crowd. With the same energy, but much more excited. Even though I was a considerable distance away, I could see them passing each booth to look at the treats while a young woman approached them to pay for what they ordered. And the lady was the same one from the bar, as I thought.
And that was my cue for me to enjoy the festival too.
Lucky for me, people were too busy enjoying the festivities and entertaining the festival's attractions. I was one more among so many people, and so I went unnoticed by any enemies who were there. With this feeling of tranquility, I was also able to enjoy it in my own way, in a more remote location.
After a while there, I was able to feel much more at ease. The island's atmosphere and energy were welcoming and made anyone feel at home. Maybe it was the way the locals treated the outsiders, with a lot of sympathy and smiles, or maybe it was the wine I had drunk but any irritation caused by the adversities throughout the day seemed to have completely disappeared and I tasted of a tranquility that only then I felt when I was in my house.
After just watching the coming and going of people, between sips of wine and another, my eyes caught the moment when a cluster of people formed around an enigmatic figure of a woman. Before I could think too hard or try to figure out her identity, the dancer began a shy, slow dance. The restrained gestures were encouraged by the small audience around her and they began to create a firmer and more precise form. The way that woman was gesturing was familiar to me, but I didn't try to remember as I wanted to watch it. I must admit that I carry a fascination with dancing with me, although I've never talked about it with anyone. It's really interesting to see how someone manages to use their body to express themselves, which was the case in the middle of the festival. The dancer in question seemed to have mastered the art of dancing and was in full control of every member of her body, as the dance had steps that only someone with a lot of training could reproduce, and these were performed with such skill that they looked as smooth as a feather. .
As I was far away, almost hidden in the dimness, the dancing woman had her back to me, so I only had a view of her back, which was covered in light, thin fabrics that reminded her of veils and that hid her body curves. But the feeling of familiarity only increased as the dance progressed to a climax, and at that moment the person turned and as if it were predestined, our eyes met and it was as if everything had cleared: it was the girl from the bar.
Even though her eyes were covered by a kind of transparent mask, I would have recognized them from yards away. And the moment she noticed my presence, her movements abruptly changed. If before they were firm and precise, now they seemed much looser and more sensual. The dance took another turn and my sanity was almost taken with it.
The dancer did not lose focus as she changed the tone of her dance, quite the contrary, the transition was made so smoothly that it was not noticeable. Still hidden in my personal space almost in darkness, my eyes followed her every movement of her hips and my mind immersed in nasty thoughts. Her silhouette wasn't well defined due to her fabrics, but that didn't stop me from tracing her in my imagination. She used her hands too, with her eyes locked on mine, gesturing as if inviting me to join her, and as soon as she changed direction, breaking our eye contact, and unpretentiously she moved and the fabrics fluttered so that I got a glimpse of her curves for milliseconds, but enough to take my breath away. She really knew what she was doing and used all her weapons to get what she wanted. I just let myself go.
However, her dancing not only caught my attention, but also some pirates present there, who began to direct her obscene words, which she didn't seem to hear, as she didn't change her way of dancing for even a second. I continued as a passive spectator, just watching the unfolding of the event, she continued the dance and I kept my attention on her, and the pirates too, until the point came that one of them dared to invade the dancer's personal space and from that what unfolded was very fast: a very loud popping noise and the power outage that lasted for less than thirty seconds, but when everything lit up again, the dancer was no longer on her stage and in her place only one purple pink smoke poured from the floor. It was a cheap trick, but it was effective because the pirates were like dizzy cockroaches trying to figure out where the woman had gone.
She had come towards me, I just felt her presence sneak past me leaving a trail of soft perfume and a touch on my hand causing a new shiver down my spine, out of the corner of my eye I saw her disappearing once and for all into the darkness.
Still a little dizzy from the alcohol, but much more sober than before, I made my way to the inn room where I would check-out.
I made the journey slowly, packed my things and took a new shower to chase away any traces of drunkenness and left the place after paying off the bill and headed towards the place where my boat was moored, not without first searching all the places in search of the woman who had disturbed my mind all day, not finding her. Resigned, I decided to leave.
I unhitched it and advanced the boat towards the ocean that would take me back home, but before I could make my way home I saw her finally. This time she was sitting on the dock, as if waiting for someone, and unlike the baggy clothes that hid her curves, she now wore a tight red dress, fully defining her voluptuous figure. Beside her was the bottle of wine she'd picked up earlier at the bar and two crystal glasses. I risked walking past her, and I didn't have to do anything to get her attention, because as soon as she looked at me and gave me a crystalline smile. Seeing her up close, she looked even more beautiful.
We didn't say anything, as if we understood each other mutely, she held out the wine and glasses to me and I picked them up and set them down in a corner of the boat and then it was time to put her there. I pulled her around the waist and now she was much closer to me and I was now able to see every detail of her face. As beautiful as the full moon that illuminated the entire island imposingly.
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books--andt · 7 years
Zenith (The Androma Saga) by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings
Hey everyone! It's been a hot minute since I've last written to you guys. I haven't read a whole lot, only 3 books so far this year, but I'm ok with that. I read for pleasure, and for myself after all!
So Zenith... If you don't know what this book is about, here's a brief synopsis... It follows our main character, Androma or Andi as she's usually called by her team of marauders. Andi and her team get caught up in a quest to save the general's son, but along the way, past relationships resurface, and a war that they didn't want to get caught up in threatens to swallow them whole.
**This review may contain some very small details of the book, which could be viewed as spoilers if you haven't yet read it**
Now... to be honest I had very (and I mean very) low expectations going into this book. If you've been with me for a while, you'll know I read one of Lindsay's books called The Murder Complex and I haaaaaaated it. I am also not the biggest fan of Sci-fi, but I'll touch on that later. Furthermore, I wasn't sure how the writing and story telling, this being Sasha's first book, would turn out combined with the bad experience I had with Lindsay's previous book. However, I'm happy to say that my expectations were exceeded!!!! I enjoyed this book a lot more than I thought I would. I wanted to know what was going to happen, and I did not see the plot twist coming.
However I do have some problems with this book. Firstly, the characters. Androma is a cut and paste version of Celaena Sardothien. This makes me really sad because I love Celaena! To me, she's the perfect amount bad ass and sensitive. She's a well rounded character. She has flaws. Andi on the other hand, is a bit... How shall I put it... One dimensional? She has this whole "I'm a fierce af warrior, I'm the Bloody Baroness and I will kill and destroy you. I want to see you die!!!" but then on the other hand she has that fake sensitive side, where she mourns the losses of those she's killed and views herself a monster. This is just kind of confusing I guess.
And Dex... he was just too cliche for me. It seemed Sasha and Lindsay were trying too hard to make him that "handsome and strong, misunderstood-hiding-secrets-lover-boy" type of character. When he and Androma had their moment halfway through the book, when they basically mutually say that they've had their time but they can no longer share a life together, I was like whaaa? Andi has found out the truth that he was keeping from her, and they obviously have some sort of feelings for each other, yet they don't want to give it a second chance?
My least favourite character was actually Gilly. Sorry, but I don't think a 12 year old cutesy-on-the-outside, but hungry-for-death-and-murder on the inside, is realistic whatsoever. I don't read many books with younger siblings or characters in them, so when I do I'm very picky. I hate when they are represented as annoying. And to me, that's how Gilly was.
One of my favourite characters was actually the AI, Alfie. I found myself lolling when he and Memory were having their little flirty moments. I hope we see more of him in the sequel, although I am a bit confused as to why he was destroyed? Like, Valen has altered DNA? So his mind controlling ability, or whatever, isn't natural then? Or was the altered DNA the Zenith thing that Nor created? So Is Valen actually not evil, and is just being controlled by Nor???? Someone explain.
I liked reading from so many different POV's. It made the pacing of the book quite fast and you got to know these 6 (there were 6 POV's) characters better. I actually liked reading into Nor and Klaren, because you didn't fully know what was going on until the end of the book. So I thought that was well done. I didn't have a favourite POV to read from. They were all pretty neutral for me.
I thought that the writing was good. I couldn't tell when it was Sasha or Lindsay writing, which was actually something I was looking for all while reading. I feel like co-authoring brings about many new challenges; what if you don't like how the other author wrote or changed something but they love it? It's great that their words and ideas flowed.
I do think however that there were some repetitive writing styles, specifically these poetic descriptions. They weren't bad in my opinion. It's just nice to see some variety.
Overall I thought this book was really heavy on cliche YA tropes. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm trash for certain tropes, but they have to be done well. Does that makes sense?
I was reading some reviews of Zenith on GoodReads and my god!!! People were being so harsh!! I understand that this book isn't amazing, but sheesh people! I read one person say they think Sasha should finish College before writing another book. Like how rude???? To any young aspiring author out there- YOU do NOT have to put your writing on hold until after you finish your education. Writers write. That's how they practise. Of course, you will learn and get better with an education, but it's not like thats your golden ticket to start writing a book.
For the most part, other reviewers agreed that Androma tried too hard to be like Celaena, but other critiques were that she was boring and one dimensional. Some said the first half of this book seemed more edited than the second half, and after pondering this I can say that I agree. However there was a lot more action in the second half, so not as much room for the fluffy poetic descriptions.
Another critique was that the book itself didn't need to be as long as it was. I definitely think there were some parts that shouldn't have been included. There were like 50 pages left when Andi and her gang went to that Ucatoria ball and I just felt like it was an odd time to be having a ball, and introducing new characters, so late into the book, and nothing was even resolved! I guess, that created the climax, and the last few chapters of the book were super short and easy to fly through. One part that, in my opinion, should have definitely been edited out, was when Andi is reunited with her mother. Firstly, her father had previously said she was ill or something, so that was confusing. Secondly, it seems that it was just put in place to show how bad of a relationship her and Andi had together. That could have easily been done with some sort of flash-back chapter. In fact, the whole family dynamic seemed really strange to me. When Andi is first reunited with her father, she has these mixed emotions, about wanting to be strong in front of him, and also wanting to crumble and be held by him. When she meets with her mother, she is so infuriated that she threatens to skin both her mother and father alive, and hang their skin like a flag from her spaceship. I mean!!! What!!!!!
Something else I need to touch on is the fact that so many people were offended that Sasha was handed this opportunity "on a silver platter". Sasha makes youtube videos in the booktube community, so obviously, she has a following and can easily get her voice out there. I have to admit, when I heard they were # 1 New York Times Bestselling Authors, I rolled my eyes. If every one of Sasha's subscribers bought her book, then of course she'd become a bestselling author! But I'm not upset about this. Sasha loves books! Her youtube channel (Abookutopia) is dedicated to that. To me, I have so much more respect for someone who's written a book from the youtube world, if they actually genuinely enjoy reading and writing. I would much rather read a book from a youtuber who makes videos around bookish topics, rather than some beauty guru or daily vlogger. So there. Get over the fact that her following probably had a big hand in getting her and Lindsay that title.
Writing is a process. And it takes time to find your voice. I think this book read too much like a knock-off Throne of Glass book. I'm kind of confused with myself because in a way, I think that's why I liked it?? LOL. I'm not a sci-fi person, but this book didn't really read like a sci-fi book. It was totally more fantasy just set in space.
I think that's all I can say for now.
3.5-4/5 Stars.
If you are getting into Fantasy/Sci-fi (that isn't super heavy on the Sci-fi lol) then I'd really recommend you read this! If you have read tons of YA fantasy and are looking for something different, well, this may not be the book for you.
Thanks so much for reading! What are your thoughts on Zenith???
- T
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captainharunanase · 8 years
When you justified with the term fanart, that you can basically do whatever you want, I agree with you. BUT the recent new stalker *cough* cozy-hovel *cough* commented more than one IR fanarts with very piss-weak comments like "you're delusional" or "not gonna happen". Not worth this person's time but keep a look out, I got the receipts and I've counted.
Very true. I have seen that particular idiot call anything IR-oriented as “delusional” but here’s the kicker–all those IR moments are legit scenes from the manga. How can any IR scene, that Kubo himself drew, be delusional? Despite how people interpret them, an IR moment is STILL an IR moment.
Long-ass post under the cut because I want my IR lovelies to enjoy the tag and not have to be bombarded with my super long semi-meta post.
Anyhoo, a few examples here just to make my point.
Ichigo went to SS to save Rukia himself–no one forced his hand. And regardless if it’s “seen” as romantic or not he still saved her AND thanked her for stopping his rain (i.e. depression). Orihime even admits Rukia changed his world and is his most important person. That’s legit there no matter how you translate it.
How is that delusional? We all read it. Saw it. Heard it from Ichigo himself. Major IR moment.
Ichigo feels down about his inner hollow and all that jazz until Rukia shows up and literally cheers him up. Doesn’t matter if it’s romantic or not. It happened. It’s there. Even Orihime is grateful to her for doing something even she could never do. That’s an IR moment.
How is that delusional? Kubo showcased it in full view. No tricks, no double-meaning. It’s right there.
Ichigo saying goodbye to Rukia at the very place he gained his powers from her when they first met. His and hers facial expressions displaying such sadness and melancholy over their farewell. How their humans friends were also sad for the both of them in seeing this happen to them.
How is that delusional? It’s right there. It’s an IR moment that Kubo took the time to draw with such great emphasis and detail there’s no way people can mistake it as anything but a semi-private sad goodbye moment between them.
And when Rukia returned at Ichigo’s lowest moment in FB Arc? Where Ichigo was in the very pinnacle of despair and desperation and fear and hopelessness? Where every single human bond (minus his dad and Uryu) he had in his life had been utterly ripped apart and distorted and used AGAINST him to show how weak and easy it was to turn on him and betrayal him? How even though Uryu and his father hadn’t betrayed him–he still DOUBTED them at first until he was reassured by them that they were on his side?
Yet the moment he saw Rukia–even with a blade stabbed through his chest FROM BEHIND–he automatically trusted her? Was fucking relieved to see her? Didn’t doubt his Shinigami friends when they appeared to aid him? Or that moment where even Byakuya, having gotten cut by Tsukishima’s blade, still was on Ichigo’s side because of his faith in him–through all of the actions Ichigo’s done for his sister and Soul Society? How Ichigo finally regained his resolve back from her, again, and literally showed Ginjou that his despair had changed into his strength through her? And the very fact Rukia would have died for Ichigo–again–when Tsukishima tried to kill him from behind? The look on his face when he saw it about to happen?
How is any of that delusional? We saw his depression after losing his powers. We saw him try to find a way to get them back. We saw him struggle with his Fullbringer so he could try getting his Shinigami powers back. We saw his human bonds break and his doubts against everyone until Rukia showed up. He didn’t question her. Kubo literally wrote “these bonds will never break” about IR. This is literally a fact from Bleach. There is no bias or twisting the truth.
Romantic, platonic, and so on does not matter here. Kubo made that moment important to the both of them and ONLY them. That is the truth. There is no asspulling or imagining it. This is literally not up for debate. It’s literally a highlight to illustrate that his bond with Rukia will never break despite the ending.
Yet Kubo not only tried to dismantle and discredit 15 years of buildup between IR through the last arc, but in trying to do so made the ending seem extremely OOC and off-putting to the majority who expected actual substance not shallow and hollow imitations of what they once loved and cared for for 15 years. I’m not talking about ships. I’m talking about the 180° character assassination and the horrendous gaping holes in his story. He had 10 more years left for Bleach. What he does instead is a 10 year jumpskip with literally no explanation of any major plotlines except Rukia being captain and some characters are around and about but who the hell knows what they’re even up to because it was wasted on ships of a future generation Bleach never once hinted on or was expected to be about all…along?
If Kubo wanted to pull a Naruto he should have actually read it because Kishimoto definitely talked nonstop about past, present, and future generations so much I’m surprised few people find THAT ending odd yet say Bleach was always supposed to end this way? Really now? I definitely know people that think that way only cared about ships and not the integrity of Bleach.
I don’t care about canon ships or if Ichigo somehow fell in “love” with Orihime 3 years later after the final arc. Same thing with Rukia to Renji. What I care about is facts and evidence supporting it.
Which there literally is none in the manga.
The only evidence that Ichigo felt for Orihime had only ever been friendship. What she felt for him was more than that–that is a no-brainer. Her feelings for him is a fact. His feelings for her? Never saw romantic proof. And I didn’t ship IR or any ship seriously until the FB arc. But even I knew, if Ichigo had to be with someone based off who he was closest to in terms of who actually understood him best–I assumed it would be Rukia. It made logical sense based off all the mutual compatibility and the semblance of how Kubo was always furthering their bonds and demonstrating their importance to each other through not only other characters but through Ichigo’s and Rukia’s actions for one another.
Even when he was trying to separate them in the end you could tell how he had to actively alienate them to even give a small glimmer of hope to make the canon ships somewhat passable. But all he did–since he never properly handled IH/RR correctly with equal mutual reciprocation from Ichigo to Orihime and Rukia to Renji–is make the majority of his audience feel dissatisfied with how strange they were acting. He had plenty of time to make those ships important but he chose not to. It wasn’t until he was getting the plug pulled that he suddenly cared about them. Yet in doing so was too little too late. He was reaching the end of his serialization and instead of closing all the loose ends and trying to end the final battle as best as he could. He chose to focus on a faulty shipping path instead of the story’s own dire need of a proper closure.
Rukia ignoring Ichigo? Renji giving him a speech to lift his spirits that he’s never done before? Tsukishima giving him powers? Rukia and Ichigo barely interacting or even acknowledging each other? So on and so forth?
That is actually also not delusional. We don’t deny it happened. It’s there. We see it. Those are moments meant to dissolve IR importance at the last second. This is Kubo stating if Bleach ends so does IR.
But it really didn’t. He never actually goes through with it.
Ichigo and Rukia still are the same when they are together. Albeit still not IC fully yet it’s undeniable that while 686 spewed some ooc talk about courage–IR still had a moment. They are still the definition of Bleach regardless how you see them as.
That is fact. That is truth. It’s there. Kubo made sure to remind us. Even with all he’s done, Kubo still had to make IR important because it started with them and now ended with them.
Lil Kaz and Lil Ichka didn’t change that even if they “inherited the love and destiny” their respective parent had for each other to them. If anything I don’t hate or blame the children for that. They are merely the byproduct of a man who has been proven to have lost Bleach’s true purpose and integrity years ago and now has nothing left to show for it.
This is not a delusion or made up. This is fact. It happened. It’s there. We all universally read the death of Bleach together. We saw how it failed to capture the essence of what made Bleach–BLEACH. The ending IS a failure. The sales project it, the Japanese fans express their displeasure, the negative reviews and reactions received are not made up or imagined, the daily fact Kubo has yet made a formal interview or even attempted to write a post-script to answer our questions is proof he no longer wants anything to do with his own work.
He was coerced to draw for his own post novels and he even stated he wanted no part in them. All talks of post Bleach is done by third parties and any small snippets of him are done by others literally quoting what he’s told them–not to us his fans. The "bonds" we see in the newest novel? He literally stated they were "never seen in the original manga." Antis say he didn't have "time" because of the cancellation but he had 15 years for IR yet no time for the "intended" ships he apparently wanted? What an asspull and last ditch effort to screw himself over.
That is definitely not delusional. Never in my years of being a part of this world of manga and video games have I ever heard of a creator taking such great lengths not to address or even talk about his work post-conclusion. Kubo is not talking and will most likely not talk about his thoughts on his direction towards the end of his series for a good while.
And to all those that actually enjoyed the ending, despite evidence to prove how much of a complete debauchery it made the characters out to be and the storyline put into utter jeopardy and disrepair, congratulations you’ve played yourselves.
You’ve literally proven not only do you not care about the foundation of what made Bleach what it used to be (the characters, the story, and even the bond between IR–honestly don’t care if you ship them or not) but also the very fact you rejoice in the thought that IR has "sunk" (uh-huh yeah sure) simply because it THREATENED your ships. You only care about how much of a hassle their bond was that you knew the only way Bleach would be great TO YOU is if IR was destroyed in every way, shape, and form. Regardless whether it was Kubo trying to ruin any potential romantic bond or even their platonic one–you are HAPPY at the thought Kubo tried to disprove them in any way you think he could.
Now that’s delusional. It actual never came to fruition or able to stop IR from being IR. Kubo literally could not be bothered to care to try and go through with even that. He tried, yes, but he took it all back at the end with his. “Thank you Ichigo and Rukia…” and his “won’t this make you cry if you’re a fan of Ichigo and Rukia?” These tidbits he insists on saying over and over are facts.
Your positive reactions of Kubo trying to disassemble IR and how you all have in turn tried to dissuade us to stop criticizing Bleach is as transparent as your blatant hate for Rukia and her importance to both Ichigo and Bleach.
The truth is you all would gladly sacrifice the whole essence of Bleach if it meant IR was never meant to be. That is literally how far you antis have gone. You all would gladly see Bleach fall than admit without IR your ships would sail worry-free.
In truth, it’s not even the real IH/RR fans that are delusional it’s the anti-IR fans that are severely misinformed and delusional.
They see any IR moment and have to assume it’s unimportant because it threatens them. They need to assume it’s only platonic and can only be seen that way because it makes it easier to then steal IR material for themselves and call it romantic for their ships. They believe in their minds that IR fans are delusional because we hated the final arc of Bleach over ships and nothing else. They wholeheartedly think we are all inherently wrong because we didn’t read Bleach “right” and we’re the delusional ones.
All of these assumptions and accusations of IR fans are ironic as fuck because there had been nothing but proof and receipts from our side proving how insecure and pathetic their attempts at garnering our attention and their need for us to validate them since August of last year.
They want us to feel threatened by this ending, by Kubo’s attempts to assassinate his own series, and by admitting somehow and in some twilight zone that their way was the true way.
Their delusions are grand I’ll give them that but their transparency and smell of desperation reeks of instability and fragility.
I have never felt threatened by IH/RR or by any ship for that matter. We all know IR is the pinnacle and definition of Bleach.
Love them, hate them, and ship them or not there is no delusion about them. When you think of Bleach they are the sum of it. They are what made Bleach great. And through them, we had many other great things and characters born from those two’s interaction that fateful night 15 years ago. That is fact. It happened. We all read it. No denying the two main characters of the story creating the very basis and foundation Bleach once stood upon proudly. Now? All we remember is the horrible ending of endless loopholes, incomplete retcon plotlines, MIA characters, OOC overturn of remaining characters, and still underdeveloped half-sided ships meant to take seriously with a finale of two small children that somehow was the conclusion needed to finish Bleach in all it’s now faded glory?
The delusions pro-ending fans take to ensure they are proven right with as little to no evidence as possible to dictate this is how we all as a collective whole must see it as is anything but delusional.
Now, if Kubo cared and catered to the ending correctly by talking about it and making interviews and just admitting the truth “yes I wanted everything to happen EXACTLY like this for x and y reasons because this and that.” Then yes we’d all would have seen it. It would have happened if he did it. We couldn’t have denied it even if we tried.
But no, we get nothing but vague “I intended it from chapter 1…” and “I only wanted the kids to meet…” the “it” in question is vague and had been never clarified so anything we assume ranging from ships to just Ichigo losing his powers and staying in the human world can be what he meant. The kids bit is also strange because while he states he wanted the kids to be a part of Bleach (how? Well not sure except from what we got in 686 obviously) but he doesn’t specify WHY he wanted the kids to meet.
As a roundabout way for IR? To illustrate the IR bond through mini IR 2.0? To show the love IR had for each other through their kids? Wanting them to go through the same trials and tribulations IR did for some sadistic twist of fate? To try and do a failed Boruto rehash? To try and save his series? To make the kids the ones to break the tragic love stories by ending up together whereas all the other romances didn’t? He didn’t specify and I honestly doubt he ever will.
Nor do I honestly care about him or his lackluster post ending bullshit.
I care about Bleach in its entirety. I care about each and every character–even the ones in the last arc. I care about the narrative and what used to be the true purpose of Bleach in Ichigo’s incompleted Hero Journey. I care immensely about the dishonor he has done to Rukia and her shinigami world. I care deeply at what he’s done to both IR and even Orihime and Renji. I care ferociously about Uryu’s mistreatment and isolation. I care strongly about Chad’s lack of importance in the end and how much disrespect Kubo has done to the rest of his characters and story.
I will always put Bleach first and IR second. Good thing they are at times one and the same when it comes to their tragic fall from grace.
Give me true mutual 100% irrefutable fact that I’m wrong about both Bleach and IR and maybe MAYBE I’ll reconsider my analysis and interpretation of this major work I’ve literally been a part of since the very beginning 15 years ago when I was a preteen. Tell me, my understanding was always wrong when I didn’t even fully ship IR because I believed with my whole being that IR is just IR any way they wanted to be for Bleach didn’t need ships to make it great so long as IR’s bond pulled through.
Tell IR fans how delusional we are when the jokes on you antis on how shallow you have been proven to care about Bleach where even tons of non-shippers like I used to be can see through your bullshit and has since joined sides with the anti-ending fans as well as IR fans on criticizing the fuck out of this shamble of what used to be a great top 3-tier manga.
So yes, Anon-san that anti fool can crosstag and complain and whine about how the majority of the Bleach fandom is “delusional” and “salty” and etc.
Doesn’t change the fact that the majority of the fandom is pissed and will always be outraged and feel betrayed over the disaster that Bleach has become and no amount of bitching insignificant, incompetent, disrespectful crosstagging little shits will ever find the validation they so desperately crave from the majority that will forever loathe both them and the ending Bleach never deserved.
But thanks for keeping track of their actions, it’s great to know how much they prove their own stupidity while we continue to simply bask in all of Bleach–both good and bad parts.
Sorry for the long length. But it’s just irksome to see assholes like that one pretend to care about Bleach and call us fake fans.
How delusional can they be, amirite? Guess we’ll just have to keep our epic-ness at full blast per usual to spite them since they just can’t help getting their arses roasted every time they try to use their emotional opinions as facts while we just drown them with contextual evidence as truth and just sip our deliciously hot scathing tea in the aftermath.
Because I do love me some tea after a good roast. Don’t you? Good bitter pity and disgruntle pettiness from their end is always great in my cup after washing my hands of their tears.
Oh, no I just realized I might have offended crosstaggers with my “delusions” of grandeur!!! *fake gasp*
Oh wait!!
I also just realized I don’t fucking care. Whoops~
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