#[ lol she just watch kunikida and others talking like a judging cat ]
talesofmuses · 5 years
Lumina finally came back to the busy city, Yokohama. Different dimension, different time, but she have been here before. She was equipped with necessities, her own credentials, provided by the Gatekeepers Organization. After settling down few boxes inside her apartment, she took a break by going outside to the balcony. She take a look on the city while standing there, observing the life beneath. While her stares become out of focus, her mind drifted.
“...Mom. It feels like you are here. It feels like I’m coming home to a nonexistent family.” 
Lumina shook her head in effort to get rid of the negative feeling then went inside to get her coat. Maybe walking around the city for a while would make her feel happy. She let herself walk aimlessly throughout the streets and then she stops when she saw a familiar building. 
The Detective Agency building, and the cafe beneath it. It has been a while! 
It feels like a childhood memories! She went straight to the cafe and looked around with a smile. She went to the bar and ordered herself a latte before she looked back when she heard a familiar voice. Is that.. Kunikida and his colleagues..?
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She wondered.. If he remember her at all? It has been few weeks after their last mission together. She sat quietly, taking small glances of the occupied table while waiting for her order to come.
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