#[ now nnoitra is not happy xDD ]
despairforme · 1 year
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      I exist too yanno!!
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arrancxr · 3 years
Hi, thank you for answering my Aizen ask it shows me a very humanistic side to him which is awesome cuz i tended to really not like him in the past as well.
As for Grimmjow, I just wanted to know your opinion on his character, and i wanted to know like what would he be like if he grew to have interest in reader? how would he change? XDD I always found Grimmjow to be very badass yet kinda complicated cuz he seems to have his own set of moral standards and can even be pretty helpful sometimes. the fics i read mainly categorize him as 'that one flashy smug bad boy archetype' , and i've always wondered if there are other lines of interpretation for him too!
Yeah, “that one flashy smug bad boy archetype” is seriously not how I see him. XD Grimmjow has way more depth than that. 
With general characterization, to start, one issue I see a lot of is people characterizing him and Nnoitra very similarly, with Grimmjow just being the “good and also sexy” version of the violent aggressive asshole type. I’ve talked about it before, but there are big differences between them. 
Grimmjow fights because he wants to be strong and because he wants to survive. And those things go hand in hand. Grimmjow is aggressive and violent because for Hollows, that’s how you stay alive. He finds enjoyment and takes pride in battle because he’s showing that he’s there, he’s alive. and he won’t go down easily, no matter what the world he’s in throws at him. Grimmjow is an incredibly determined person who’s set his ultimate goal as living, and for Hollows, living means killing anything that wants to kill you first. 
And while Grimmjow is indeed impulsive and often reckless, he’s not stupid. He knows his limits, and while he does like to test them, he’s no fool. It takes some level of strategy and rational thinking to survive for as long as he has, after all, and that ties into the next point— when Grimmjow cares about someone, he’s protective. Even though it’s extremely reluctant (as attachments for this man tend to be), he really does love his Fraccion. Just the fact that he stuck with them until the end shows a massive amount of care from a Hollow perspective, and although he could never let himself show it, there’s no doubt that he mourned their deaths more than he wants to admit. 
The reality is that Grimmjow’s not so much “flashy and smug” as he is a survivor who wants to flaunt his success. He wants to prove to the world that he exists and that he’s going to keep living with all he has. What can be seen as smugness is pride in his power and his accomplishments, and what’s seen as a “bad boy” nature is the roughness and aggression that comes from surviving in a place like Hueco Mundo for as long as he did. 
Now, to detail how Grimmjow would behave if he came to care about a Reader character... 
The number one thing you can be sure of is that he’s protective. As mentioned before, Grimmjow wants to see the people he loves safe. He’s not smothering or coddling, but he has a strong desire to lead and protect those who he knows rely on him. With you, he’s something like a clingy cat. Once he gets used to the foreign thing that is affection, he wants more of it. Feeling some semblance of peace and security is all-new, as is having someone close to him who he doesn’t have to be strong around. Being able to let himself be weak and needy and tired is a shock, but it’s one that he needs. 
Grimmjow is also quite affectionate. He’s better at showing physical affection than he is using words or softer, more human means. It’s easier for him to cuddle up next to you and show how much he cares by burying his face against your throat and not even thinking of digging his teeth in. You’re soft and small and weak, and yet, you have so much power over him that he hardly knows what to do with it. He wants to see you happy— and even more so, pleased with him. When the person he adores takes pride in his power and ability to protect, Grimmjow is at his happiest. It gives him a sense of security to have a stable relationship where he’s both taken care of and able to do the same. He mellows out a lot around you (although only around you), coming to understand that it’s okay to let his guard down with someone who won’t hurt him for it. 
Lastly, unlike popular opinion, Grimmjow would be very gentle with a lover or close friend. He’s not very good at gentle, but he’s trying, and he wants to learn. He wants to be able to give the same soft things to you that you’ve given to him. He wants to be an equal partner to you and adapt to this new way of living the same as he did the first time. He trusts you above all else.
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