#[ support ]: lachesis
fluxrspar · 18 days
[Champagne ] - Imported from the western shores of the Adrestrian Empire, the school purchases 70 bottles of this stuff well in advanced for this day alone. The bartenders are under strict orders not to offer any student more than one glass.
The lioness didn't know what the Fluorspar general liked, but knew that she owed it to her to at least make a courtesy visit at the ball. It was difficult for Lachesis to think of what to say to the lady knight, though. They had shared few and far conversations, but the princess did respect her as a knight. It was hard to dislike her.
"Lady Selena," Lachesis began, after weaving her way through the crowds to find her. There she was, in an emerald gown, sitting on the sidelines. "It is a pleasure to see you. How do you like the ball? We rarely get the chance to talk but I do quite enjoy your company."
Social events are exhausting, Selena finds, though that is nothing new to her experience. Whether she was a child amongst children, a teen amidst peers, a knight alongside soldiers—large gatherings of people unfamiliar are draining. It is in that fatigue that the Fluorspar takes a seat at the side, using the moment to rejuvenate herself. (The night would be a long one, but that did not make it unconquerable.)
Lachesis finds her at rest, though perhaps Selena should stop being surprised. Time and time again, they seemed to cross paths, ever since the realm of moons past. She is a familiar face, one much welcome in the midst of all that is new. Selena knows social gatherings, dances and people—but it is always easier in the company of an ally.
(An ally, for Lachesis deserves more than Selena’s friendship.)
“Lady Lachesis,” she smiles back, because deserving or otherwise, she wants Lachesis’ friendship. “It is good to see you as well.”
“It is quite a bit, but I’m enjoying myself.” The music, the decorations—all of it is beautiful. “Everyone has worked so hard to put this together, and you can see their efforts shining through.” 
‘I do quite enjoy your company.’
Selena cannot imagine why. (In every encounter, she remembers her misspeech—the bluntness, the inelegance, the lack of care—and though Lachesis has said she’s been forgiven, the Fluorspar is not so quick to forget.)
Perhaps that is just one of Lachesis’ charms.
“I also… Ah!” (A thought then strikes the Fluorspar, reaching for her string of pearls—)
“Are you collecting these, Lady Lachesis?” (The brooches, she means, though it can easily be understood.) “If so, you may have mine.” No need to exchange.
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livingrief · 2 months
a flower can't bloom without light
The day had come to an end early. Finn wanted nothing more than to retire to his room and rest. Although once there, a familiar figure waited before his door. Lachesis. He waited and watched for a moment. Had she been eating? Had she slept? Well, he may as well announce his presence.
“Lachesis,” Finn started. The look on her face was expectant, yet somehow content. It was a much better look than last time. It occurred to him to ask what she wanted, but perhaps that was crude. She was his wife, after all.
“Let’s go inside.” The door opened to a rather meager and scarcely lived-in room, but it was not a space Lachesis had not seen before. Still, a lady deserved better. A small table sat by the window. Finn invited her to sit down and waited for her to speak. He could always choose cruel words, but he was tired of seeing her sad. Tired of being ruthless.
Lachesis sat down across from him, seeming to hold a package of some sort. “This is for you,” she said. “I wanted to repay you for the food and drink you gave me.”
Oh that. But why would she bother repaying me?
“Ah that,” Finn nodded curtly. “But you don’t need to give me anything in repayment.”
“Please, just take it.” Her eyes lowered as she handed him the gift.
Finn took it, as if waiting for the order to open it. When was the last time someone bought him something? And from Lachesis… His hand brushed across the surface of the gift wrap. 
But then Lachesis began speaking again, before he could gather his thoughts. “I admit it was strange to me that you did not kick me out of your room that one night, but it was even stranger when you brought me food. I always assumed you hated me, detested me to the core of your being.”
What? What is she saying?
“What an evil woman I am….What a tragedy it is that you had to wed me…” 
Finn could not hear anymore. He pulled one of Lachesis’ hands into his own, voice dripping with desperation. “Lachesis, you have it all wrong….How could I hate you? When did I say I hated you”
“It is not something you have to say with words!” 
It is then that Finn looked into her brown eyes and saw grief. Tears falling out and tears that he caused. So caught up in his own politics that he…
“But I did it for you…..” his voice nearly faltered.
“Nothing good would come of being near a person like me,” Finn uttered. “You were better off like that, I thought.”
His thoughts stirred in all sorts of directions. Had he strayed? But Lachesis did not let go of his hand. Instead, her voice drew more softly. “Finn,” she mustered, “despite how you changed, I never stopped loving you. I never wanted to be apart,” the sorrow in her voice was undeniable.
Any sort of response escaped him. Finn was reminded of how often he pushed her away without a thought. It’s better this way. Don’t come near me. I might hurt you. You deserve better.  But she still loved him….
“Lachesis…” She was still the same woman that he loved, the same proud princess who captured his heart all those years ago. But so much had changed. Was he still allowed to love her? He looked back up to her face, the tears that ran down and stained such beauty.  Knowing he was the cause of such sorrow was unbearable. How could he do this to her?
Please, smile again.
Finn did the only thing he could think of - pulling Lachesis into a hug. “I’m sorry,” he muttered. “I’m sorry, Lachesis, I’m sorry.”
It wouldn’t be good enough to mend what he had broken or to soothe her heart for now - he could still hear her cries - but he tried. The knight held her tightly for what felt like forever. 
But he hadn’t answered her question, had he? 
Maybe, with some more time….
Later, she would fall asleep in his room and it would be okay. Morning would come by Lachesis’ side and it was just a little brighter. 
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adalrikr · 3 months
There he is! The young boy who showed such miraculous skill with magic. She simply had to have a word with him! Where was he from? Where did he study? Things such as that could be interesting. But more than that, what did he fight for?
Lachesis found him in the medical tent. "Hello there, Erk," she said, approaching from the back. "I wanted to have a word with you after the battle. Have you gotten all patched up?"
"I know I said it before but your skill surely is impressive! Do you have a teacher or a school where you hail from? I'd love to learn more about what drives you."
"Ah, but first," Lachesis pauses, laughing. "I suppose I should introduce myself formally. I am Lachesis of Nordion."
"I hope that we can continue to work together, Erk."
"I'm not injured," Erk says, in lieu of anything actually meaningful. He glances at the woman before him, his ally from their battle. Was it weird for him to think that she reminded him a bit of Lady Louise? Not in personality or stature in battle, but if he had caught a glimpse of her back without warning in the midst of the monastery, perhaps for a second he would have mistaken her for his adopted mother and ran into her arms without second guessing it.
He blushes at her compliment, wishing again that he had his tome to hide his embarrassment behind. His skill wasn't impressive at all, not compared to the very master she wished to know about.
"My..." He trails off for a moment, staring at the ground. He still couldn't say it. What he truly wished to call the only family he had ever known, "... My guardian, Lord Pent taught me magic. He is... far better than I am. If you wish to learn anything, I am not the source you need to be going to."
He kicks dirt with the toe of his boot, frowning softly at the ground like it had offended him somehow. He lifts violet eyes to meet the woman's, with a nod of respect to her as she introduces herself. He offers in return: "Erk Reglay."
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hresvelged · 10 months
(o・・o)/ (:D)
When you think of the Blue Lions professor, you recall her aura and the way she holds herself. You can easily visualize your brief conversation together at the ball— The way she appeared to read the face you so carefully craft. It unsettles you when others can swiftly tear apart the image you must present of yourself. The stoic, cold face. Unreadable and distanced.
Even so, her intents appeared to be of sympathy for your well-being. You don't know her well enough to put your trust in her to confirm that. You can recognize an eloquently spoken person when you see one, each word strung together with thought and precision. Observant, understanding of one's surroundings.
You are not particularly close to her, but you have not gone out of your way to change that. You have yet to seek after her tutelage— Not when you have much to learn under your own house's banner. Perhaps in the future, should time allow.
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anankelotus · 1 year
a hesitant kiss
kissies! (still accepting)
He stares at Lachesis, her blond hair twinkling dazzingly in the sunlight. A sunlight that he was unused to being able to see. And in the light of that sun, she truly does seem radiant. He has not been in the habit of seeing people as beautiful recently, and his heart flutters seeing her bask in the summer sun.
His hand is resting on her cheek gently before he can stop himself, a quick and shy kiss place to her lips. He had hesistated for far too long before, and he could not lose someone so dear to him again.
"You truly are beautiful, Lady Lachesis."
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melusinezephyr · 1 year
a kiss between enemies who should be fighting 
kissies! (accepting)
Zephia knows they are meant to be fighting, drenched in blood on opposites of the battlefield, but Lachesis is the type of woman who looks stunning while fighting. Elegant and poised, long sunflower hair flowing behind her as she slices her way through those who are meant to be on Zephia's side.
It thrills her, to fall so deeply for a woman who can prove her own strength. She hums softly in delight, her own sword dropping from her grasp as she is spellbound by the dazzling beauty before her.
Her stride across the field is quick, desperate, and she cannot wait another moment before the other woman in her arms, so tiny compared to Zephia.
She captures Lachesis' lips easily, not caring for what the other soldiers around them are to think. How could she ever want to be enemies after seeing someone so stunning and gorgeous in action? She wouldn't dare to disgrace the other's pride like that. It simply would not to do to fight a moment longer.
"You have captivated me, Lady Lachesis. Consider me a defect from my own side from this point onward. I wish for nothing but to be by your side now."
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foreversnightmare · 1 year
a gentle kiss to ask forgiveness
She tends to lash out at anyone. Her patience runs so thin that she never thinks before speaking. This was one of those moments- but it seems Freyja has happened to cross the line. Lachesis seems more upset than she initially thought and in that second it seems Freyja felt bad.
The taller woman walks over to the blonde "Im... I'm sorry- it seems I struck a sensitive subject." It seems she isn't the only one who avoids speaking about their brother. She too would react this way if anyone spoke badly about Freyr.
She bends down and parts the other's bangs, planting a kiss on Lachisis' forehead. Freyja does not say anything else, leaving the area soon after.
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laslow · 11 months
[WATER BALLOONS] - our muses get into a water balloon fight
“You can dance, but can you dodge?” She would assume so, but they’ll find out as soon as she lets her blue balloon loose like a sweet-sailing arrow. “Need a head start?”
Beach Episode AU! (Still accepting!)
The time: high noon. (Or close enough.) The place: a perfectly sunny beach. The weapons: water balloons.
Laslow weighs his own neon-green balloon in his palm, automatically shifting onto the balls of his feet in preparation, toes curling into the sand. "You're sweet to offer, my darling! And a-one, a-two--" He darts away with a wink and a spray of sand, laughing heartily.
Other beachgoers stare at him either in concern or gentle amusement as he runs past. He spares a glance over his shoulder, just in time to see a blue balloon sailing directly for him. Nimbly, he jumps sideways, nearly stumbling into a sprinting toddler. "Sorry, little man!" Laslow says with an apologetic smile.
The balloon lands with a muted thud, surprisingly still intact. "Nice try, buttercup! Best round out of three?" He shouts to Lachesis, scooping up her balloon in one smooth motion.
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constancevonnuvelle · 2 years
Dragon Tales
With @lionheartedsunflower
Continued from here
How she was? That was not at all what Constance had expected to be asked, and she had been more than ready to wave off the healing in favor of whatever other plan they could come up with, but as she began to gather her response in her mind, her eyes suddenly widened in realization. “I… I’m fine?” It’s true. She feels fine. Her gaze darted to the sky in mild panic and confusion. The dragon’s rampage was over. The clouds were gone. 
How is she still here? That shouldn’t be possible. It shouldn’t be her. It’s never her. And yet it is? “What…?” Then everything clicked in her mind. It’s the story book. This isn’t the real world. Just an illusion spell. Of course… Why would it be anything else?
Constance laughs halfheartedly, her moment of hope reduced to nothing but disappointment, coupled with the embarrassment following her quiet outburst. She still manages a genuine smile of amusement at the ‘Great’ comment. “Yes, of course. I am fine. The wind was simply knocked out of my lunges for a mere moment. Nothing that I am unable to handle.”
Constance takes a moment to observe the environment around them. Only the area around the initial landing point seems to be damaged as far as she can tell, but it’s damaged enough to call for complete reconstruction. The screaming has mostly stopped, but the disarray of the people was still plain to see. 
“It is rather… disturbing that all of this was the result of a mere child. If I am to offer my own opinion, I believe it best to find the parents as soon as possible, if any can be found. They may attempt to attack in search of their child, and I fear the destruction of said attack will be… not as contained. Making a bit of conversation may indeed be the best starting point.”
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blaydiud · 2 years
❰❰ MEDIC ❱❱ sender bandages receiver’s wounds
"I promise that I will be more careful next time..." It wasn't like Dimitri actively sought getting injured- that was foolish and dangerous, but it was a solid fact that the prince was rather clumsy in casting magic and oftentimes managed to injure himself with his own spells. A misfire, an accidental overload, a stray spark, the list would go on and on.
The Thoron he had been trying to get right had been especially nasty, adding a slew of burns to his arm. Dimitri wanted to shrug it off and perhaps visit the infirmary later, but Lachesis had been far more swift. "Really, I would rather injure myself with a spell than to have to injure someone else. Besides, I am fine, really."
Yet no matter how much he tried to slip away, she didn't allow him to leave, resulting in the prince eventually giving in and allowing her to fully heal his wounds. "Okay, I shall stay then. It is just that you do not need to waste your time healing me, but if you insist...thank you for your kindness, Lachesis."
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odsfinest · 2 years
[ tea ] - the sender and receiver enjoy some tea time in the courtyard
Shannan had never known any of the Agustrian's that fought with Sigurd well. Hearing tales about Eldigan the Lionheart, and having heard Nanna speak on her mother, there was this unfulfilled feeling inside. One that wished he could speak to either Ares or Nanna, to comfort them and give stories about their parents. Yet the opportunity never presented itself.
And as much as Shannan preferred any other drink to tea, this seemed like the perfect way to connect with one of those people.
This does help alleviate any worries the man might've had, though. Those rumors circulating the girl back in Jugdral, it was nice to see there was more to Lachesis than just that. Quick to bite with a sharp wit, she was already more entertaining than he initially thought her to be. Like Larcei, in a way.
Sipping what he can only describe as 'leaf juice,' at least the sugar masks the bitter taste. It could've been worse. It could've been worse. It could've been worse. This tastes fine.
"—You know I'd never heard anything positive about Chagall. I'm surprised someone such as yourself comes from the same kingdom as him," he comments, as the conversation prior had just been talk of Agustria and its neighbors.
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nohrslittleflower · 2 years
🌸 - to place a flower crown on your muse’s head .
Misc action memes (OPEN!)
The greenhouse is nice and all, but when walking in Elise felt rather… underwhelmed. Everything else was so colorful and pretty! Not that this place wasn’t, but… it was so big and green. Not small and rainbow! She can’t work under these conditions! 
She didn’t search very hard before giving up, since she noticed another person in the greenhouse with her. Might as well ask for help instead of wasting her time. Not that she needs help! She could do this alone if she wanted to! She’s independent! She’s just… delegating tasks! That’s what Xander says when he sends people to do stuff for the kingdom, right? Yeah. Delegating.
“Hello! I’m Elise!” Elise is shouting her introduction with a wave and large smile as she jogs over to her (hopefully) new friend. “Do you know where the flowers are?” Apparently, they weren’t all that far, and with a quick bow of thanks she was sprinting towards them at full speed. She hummed a happy little tune she learned when she was super little as she picked as many flowers as she could carry for everyone she wanted to.
“Hmm… Corrin… Leo… The guy that showed me the way to my dorm… That other guy that showed me the way to the dining hall… My new teachers… Who else…? Oh!” She smiled brightly as she grabbed a few more flowers, leaving the ones she currently picked in little organized piles next to the flower patch with a lot less flowers than before. It’s probably fine.
Elise skipped over to the girl from before, holding out the flowers in her outstretched hand. “Here you go! Thanks for the directions!” She beamed brightly, hoping with all her heart that her gift would be enjoyed, but far too busy to stick around much longer. She’s gotta deliver the rest of them! She turned back to her flowers, scooping them up into her arms the best she could (not without a couple casualties), until she was disrupted by something settling atop her head. 
Reaching to feel whatever it was in confusion, her hand found the familiar petals of flowers, and when she turned her head her eyes found the familiar face of the flower finder helper. A flower crown? From her? She giggled happily. 
“Hey, no fair! Now I gotta make you one too to say thanks! Wait here for a sec, hehe.”
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fluxrspar · 2 months
[ 𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲 ] : sender is apologising for appearing cold.
"Please do not take it to heart," Lachesis starts. "Our last encounter did not smooth over so well, but I would not wish that soil our relations for the future." Lachesis' eyes flicker across Selena's figure. "You are a wonderful knight."
for you i would (still accepting)
Selena does not know what she expects when Lachesis approaches her. The Fluorspar has no right to understanding, no entitlement to forgiveness—the fellow knight could scorn her forever, and Selena would know it is just.
Instead, it is Lachesis who apologizes—though it should only be Selena, the one who committed the slight to begin—and she is taken aback, quietly. Eyes widen just the slightest, words forming and dissipating just as quickly in the moments that pass.
“I…” Then a nod, acknowledging– accepting Lachesis’ words, however undeserving Selena may be.
“Thank you.” Unspoken: I am glad. (A smile graces her face.)
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livingrief · 2 months
permission to love you
Morning filtered through the blinds in a stretch of gold, illuminating a slumbering goddess. Finn’s eyes flickered open. That’s right. Lachesis had been staying over for the past few nights. Nothing had transpired between the two of them - merely the sharing of a bed and a room. Still, Finn didn’t see it in himself to tell her his feelings. It still felt surreal that she was here. A hand reached out to touch, to test if the woman next to him was in fact, tangible.
Lids opened and Lachesis was staring back at him as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Instantly, he pulled back his hand. 
But Lachesis seemed to have other things on mind, for she scooted over the distance in between them, settling herself right next to him. He could merely reach out; she was right there and incredibly warm. 
“You still haven’t really told me how you feel.”
Instantly, the knight stiffened up. Anything, literally anything other than talking about his feelings would be preferable. Perhaps Lachesis could sense it.
The Nordion reached her hand down to cup his cheek. It was a surprisingly tender gesture. Finn still had to remind himself that she had said she loved him. But it was hard to swallow. Her fingers, though calloused, were warm.
“Finn, I don’t know what you’ve been through while I’ve been gone….but I know you’ve always been hard on yourself. Please, if anything, just be honest with me.” She pauses, and Finn wonders what is going through her mind. “I want to be your wife but I refuse to be a charity case or a source of pity. If you don’t want me, then properly reject me.”
Before he can reply, the hand is retracted. Finn is stunned, dazed in the light of her frustration, but he know he can’t afford it. Time is short. 
Instead, he sits up. “Lachesis, you were never a charity case.” Why can’t she understand? Why does he have to spell it out? “When you disappeared, I grieved for so long. I don’t think I ever stopped.”
Lachesis sits up to meet his gaze. She is unrelenting, will pursue his perplexing statements to the end. “But I’m right here, Finn. I’m right here. Don’t you see that?” She takes his hand in her own, rubbing the back with her thumb. 
Dark blue eyes rise to see her. It is indeed Lachesis, but….
“But how can I be allowed to love you?” he asks, as if it should be so clear. “It is my fault you disappeared. All of this is my fault. I don’t deserve you.”
There. He dropped the ball. Surely, she will leave after that and these warm few days will leave like a hazy dream that happened years ago.
But when he looks up, Lachesis has tears in her eyes. Drats, he’s done it again. Always making her cry. This is why he’s so horrible. She pulls his hand to her face. It’s such a gentle gesture that he’s startled; he’s expecting the opposite.
“Finn,” she starts, “how many times do I have to say not to blame yourself? What happened that day is not your fault alone. I made decisions as well…..”
“Please don’t say you don’t deserve me. You’re my husband and I want you.”
Her hand finally lowers, but she holds his nonetheless. It seems all I do is make her cry.
Finn swallows. No one has so openly asked for him since they first wed. Still, Lachesis is here. She’s right there.
“....am I allowed to love you?” he asks, voice shaking just the slightest bit.
“Yes. Never question it.”
He pulls the lioness into his arms more tightly than he can manage. Lachesis. Lachesis. Lachesis. Is he allowed to? Breath hitches as their faces part for the slightest. Lips find each other of their own volition and crush against each other. With every breath, every touch, every taste, Finn finds Lachesis again. Lachesis. And she comes back for him, wrapping her arms around him as well and meeting him with just as much heated desperation as he needs. Hands thread through her golden hair, oh, how painful it is how beautiful she is, but now she’s his once more and his mouth does not need to stop.
“Lachesis,” he continues to say against her ear in shallow breath, in between kisses and worshipping her, her name a prayer in the morn.
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hresvelged · 1 year
a kiss where they’re both covered in blood
A darkened shadow could never leave. Her gloves stained themselves crimson, matching the pooling colors of a horizon's sunset. The battle had not been an easy one— Thieves swarmed the area, leaving no room for escape. Their only choice was to fight and to prevail. With the might of their powers combined, the two had been able to stand victorious.
All the battle cries, metal, and running of boots had come to a halt in the end. Silence at last. Edelgard looked towards Lachesis with a furrowed brow, allowing the blade of her axe to run against the unwelcoming sand.
"Are you alright?" She took a step closer towards the other girl, hands straight at her sides. She was hesitant to remove her gloves for a plethora of reasons, none of which she felt like entertaining. Lachesis was strong with dignity embedded into each word. She wondered, then, what she might think of their situation. Her lips drew into a line, shoulders tensed. "I commend you for your efforts." Edelgard placed a small peck atop her own index finger, aware of all her hands have seen and been through. Within that very same motion, she pressed it atop Lachesis's shoulder— A sign of gratitude.
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firelles · 1 year
@lionheartedsunflower sent:
Tea: Just what it says on the tin! There’s a wide variety of herbs, berries, fruits, and other flavors, brewed in a way that requires the leaves to be scooped out afterwards. Mmm nature
“Ah, a fellow tea aficionado~! Let us try this blend together ~~~~ I wonder if mice might brew it differently.”
( 𝑳𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝑾𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑹 ! )
"I imagine they very well might. An unconventional act for an unsuspecting species." She smiles politely towards Lachesis, pouring both herself and her newest companion a cup of tea. From first impressions alone, she appears to be well-mannered and respectable. Furthermore, she is not one to decline someone who shares interests with herself.
Using one hand, she gently places the cup in front of the other girl. With the other, she extends it to offer a polite handshake in greeting. "I am delighted to join you for a tea session. I am Princess Céline of Firene." As their hands meet and the flowers bloom, she is sure she will never tire of the sight. Strange as this all is, the flowers are not counted amongst those numbers. "What sort of teas are your favorites?"
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