#hopefully that’s alright!
constancevonnuvelle · 2 years
Dragon Tales
With @lionheartedsunflower
Continued from here
How she was? That was not at all what Constance had expected to be asked, and she had been more than ready to wave off the healing in favor of whatever other plan they could come up with, but as she began to gather her response in her mind, her eyes suddenly widened in realization. “I… I’m fine?” It’s true. She feels fine. Her gaze darted to the sky in mild panic and confusion. The dragon’s rampage was over. The clouds were gone. 
How is she still here? That shouldn’t be possible. It shouldn’t be her. It’s never her. And yet it is? “What…?” Then everything clicked in her mind. It’s the story book. This isn’t the real world. Just an illusion spell. Of course… Why would it be anything else?
Constance laughs halfheartedly, her moment of hope reduced to nothing but disappointment, coupled with the embarrassment following her quiet outburst. She still manages a genuine smile of amusement at the ‘Great’ comment. “Yes, of course. I am fine. The wind was simply knocked out of my lunges for a mere moment. Nothing that I am unable to handle.”
Constance takes a moment to observe the environment around them. Only the area around the initial landing point seems to be damaged as far as she can tell, but it’s damaged enough to call for complete reconstruction. The screaming has mostly stopped, but the disarray of the people was still plain to see. 
“It is rather… disturbing that all of this was the result of a mere child. If I am to offer my own opinion, I believe it best to find the parents as soon as possible, if any can be found. They may attempt to attack in search of their child, and I fear the destruction of said attack will be… not as contained. Making a bit of conversation may indeed be the best starting point.”
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ahhrenata · 11 months
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Steve tries to stay quiet while he gets ready for work, but Eddie hears him. He keeps his eyes closed and just listens- to Steve grumbling to himself when his hair doesn’t sit quite right, who starts to hum and whisper some catchy song. Eddie turns his sleepy gaze onto Steve as he shuffles around their room- watching quietly as he slips on his clothes, his shoes, a simple chain with Eddie’s ring around his neck. A warm, affectionate smile breaks across his face. Before he leaves, Steve glances at what he expects to be a sleeping Eddie, but instead, he’s met with a rasped, ‘Hey.’ Eddie sits himself up, stretches his arm across Steve’s side of the bed, and reaches, fingers wiggling. Steve crosses the room to cradle his face.
Their foreheads press, noses bump, and Steve brushes his fingers across scars and dimples.
He breathes a quiet,
‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.’
Eddie huffs a tired laugh,
‘You know I never mind.’
Because, yeah.
Every morning Steve tries to stay quiet while he gets ready for work, but Eddie always hears him.
( another one from the poll | WIP )
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samwise1548 · 8 months
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I was reading a lot of "Jon turns into a cat" fics recently and realized that no one has given Martin the opportunity to take feline form yet! So I'm granting him the privilege myself :)
[ID: Four sequential drawings of Martin Blackwood from the Magnus Archives. Martin is a fat white man with short ginger hair, round glasses, and wearing a sweater.
Image 1) Martin reaches for a purple book sat on a surface in front of him. Curiously, he says "What's this?"
Image 2) The book cover is visible to the viewer now, where it was cut off from the frame in the previous drawing. On it is some text that reads "Nine Miserable Lives" where the first word is written in blocky text, and the last word is written in a white, cursive font. There is also an image of a cat in the cover. It is tall and glaring at the viewer. Martin, offscreen comments "Cute cat."
Image 3) A full landscape shot showing a bit of the archives stacks in the background. Up front, Martin stands next to a desk and has the cat book now open in his hands. He exclaims "Oh, wait. This has Leitner's name in it!"
Image 4) The same image, except where Martin was once standing there is now a fluffy, orange cat revealed behind a puff of smoke. The cat seems shocked.
\End ID]
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itsnotpickle · 1 year
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prank gone wrong (horrifying) (police called) anyway, no plot only them being silly goofy pretend Vash just wanted to be annoying for two seconds and distract ww from his melancholy smoking time 
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attleboy · 5 months
it was gonna happen eventually... it's pomni maiming time
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as an artist you gotta cover your favs in blood at least once or twice. especially if they have a bear trap for a mouth :)
anyway uhhh not "canon" to the rest of my pomni art per se, i'm just playing around... i doubt regular red blood would even exist in the circus but that's a talk for another day
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sanae-kochiyas · 5 months
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hughmanbean · 6 days
High Queen Danny is super bored. Like. Lots of things to do but those things are boring bored.
Fright Knight mentioned a certain area he liked to frequent for fear, Gotham City. Lady Gotham was apparently very giving when it came to trading negative emotions and curses. Frighty held up a few weird looking cards, new curses he was able to acquire from her.
She explained that her own Dark Knight collected curses like stickers as he went, and she harvested the most from him.
Danny, perhaps, needs something decorative. A nice little distraction. Something interesting, with cute (by Danny's scale, maybe) actions. Something he could relate to in some way. Something... new.
Lady Gotham's Dark Knight has a little troupe of his own. Eclectic, paranoid, brilliant, and somewhat dysfunctional. Bird themed, too!
The High Queen's children Princess Dani and Prince Dan have an Idea. Vlad, unfortunately, remembers he has custody for the day.
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plulp · 8 months
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halcyon-autumn · 8 months
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Wheel of Time s2 Finale + Reductress Headlines
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the-holy-ghosted · 8 months
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congrats 2 henry peglar for being the only bitch confirmed as to be Fucking That Old Man
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mildarka · 1 day
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Or something, or just Geno if you can
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they're chilling
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spittyfishy · 26 days
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Camp Cretaceous screen shot redraws! I originally had a bunch more of these I wanted to do (and in fact I’ve posted one of these ones on its own already) and although I haven’t had the time to do the rest I’ve been getting sooo excited for Chaos Theory that I decided to just post the ones I did have done!
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manstrans · 7 months
you know how it's possible to be taught a phobia as a kid by the adults around you and phobias can be passed down this way? like, if your parents are deathly afraid of spiders, then you can inherit that by learning it from them? and now seeing a spider can be a traumatic event when it otherwise wouldn't have been?
I think western society has developed a cultural phobia around sex and nudity and stuff. like, obviously, I have no doubt this has been said before. but I have to say that to get to my main point here... is sexuality inherently traumatizing? or do you just have a phobia? is seeing someone in a pup mask or in a harness inherently traumatizing? or is it triggering your learned phobia, and that's what the source of the unpleasantness really is?
like, I get it, I used to have extreme arachnophobia and couldn't even look at pictures of spiders without getting extremely afraid. but I also worked on that phobia, am still working on that phobia. now I get excited to see lots of different types of spiders! I still get squeamish about certain types, even in photos still, but I've put lots of work into it and have gotten better
basically, phobias can be a source of trauma that isn't the fault of the subject of the phobia, and if you have a phobia of something you have to put in the work to get more comfortable with it instead of expecting it to disappear entirely
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seo-changbinnies · 7 months
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felix - lalalala ending fairies ✨🧚‍♂️⚡️
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humming-fly · 1 year
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Who better to trust with a secret than a known liar?
anyways my apologies to b99 and happy countdown to the magolor bullying simulator release later this month! 
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 94
Danny has no clue what he’s just agreed to but Ellie seems happy about it, so it can’t be too bad. Ellie is honestly surprised but more than a little touched her template-dad gave her permission to let her new clone-union-totally-not-a-revolution use his lair as a home base. Now she just needs to help Klarion figure out how to make those portal-bracelets for each of them…
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